Redacting Comments

The ability to edit comments was enabled from the onset of this site with the caveat that it not be abused. There has been a rash of redacting complete comments the last few days by a couple of members that is borderline abuse. If you are not comfortable with the comment you made then maybe it's best that you not make it at all. If this practice continues the edit feature will be disabled, it is making a mess of our comment threads.

Thanks for your cooperation.

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polkageist's picture

PhilJD's idea seems like a reasonable solution and JtC says its possible so that seems like the best idea.

This site has reasonable, good people on it so I doubt we will see much discipline needed. I know I'm happy to be here and really don't want to lose the edit function. Every response I've read above has been pertinent and honest. What more could we ask for?

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-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962

mimi's picture

to accept to lose that privilege, if JtC has the option to hand out that privilege to users individually. I guess, one could say, "That will teach her a lesson"... Smile

Ok, I will let it go now.

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With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge

mimi's picture

are no virtual hugs. And he is right. He is the expert.

Ok, have a hug all, JtC gets two. And if you all don't feel virtually embraced by now, don't blame me, I haven't written the darn code of the internet that makes all the virtual hugs so fake.

Please, please can you now let go of this awful subject?


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Gerrit's picture

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

mimi's picture

blue skied day outside being logged off and having never once regretted to not get "the latest new comment on this thread". Smile

But it is very nice to come back to this one from you. Makes me just happy. I-m so happy

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shaharazade's picture

throw stones mimi, not after the trouble I have caused. Were all only human as they say. Me I have not got a good filter between my brain and my mouth or fingers. I love your post's regardless of weather or not I agree with the content. One of the reasons I feel safe here is I'm not always looking over my shoulder for viscous internet trolls and crazy asshole people who will stalk and harass me. I just gave up fearing the eye balls of the system long ago as I'm sure I'm on their lists. So are millions of us. What are they gonna do come and haul some old mouthy granny off. If that does happen I'll be in good company.

I guess because were self employed and I have always been an outsider rebellious type I don't fear losing my livelihood or offending any right wingers as any of the righties I know are fully aware that I'm a loud liberal. Some puit up with me some unfriend me . So they cut me off big deal. I don't know what you redacted but I'm sure you did so for reasons that are valid to your own circumstances. Me I enjoy your posts when you let it rip. So maybe just be your wonderful self and edit out any personal stuff you do not want out there in the ether forever.

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mimi's picture

Shaharazade. I learned in this thread, how much I failed you all with my redaction bonanza as well as with my loose mouth. I have mentioned a hundred excuses in this thread, why I did it and why I feel it was worth to test the waters of how far I can go in using the redaction feature. The issue has been discussed now in the open, and the limits are set. I think that is a positive outcome for all of us, it certainly is essential to me.

I accept the limitations and nobody has to worry that I will use the redaction feature again in the way I did before.

Thanks to all, who had very kind words to me despite all of it.

In today's EB Joe had a song "Don't be angry" and when I saw that I said to myself I should stop being angry with the world surrounding me. I admit I am pretty angry often and then it shows. Now, may be you too can try to "not be angry" anymore with me. It's much better to dance like those folks in the lead song of today's EB.
It's a great place here. And I love it and many of you here.

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Crider's picture

once a comment has a reply. Maybe that might not be so easy to write code for, but it would cover the type problem but would eliminate the hanging conversation/dishonest statement part.

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Alison Wunderland's picture

Most of my comments already auto-redact by not hitting the Save button after writing, and closing the tab.

I'll try to curb my impulsive survivors in the future.

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I was under the impression that nothing I say here would ever be used against me in court and that The Grammar Police have no jurisdiction in the Comments section. None of us are going win a Pulitzer Prize here and I take comfort in the fact that if I say something really stupid, I can disappear, create a new identity, and come back as “Good Dog”. No one on the www has to know that I might really be “Bad Dog”. (Pant, pant, pant) I read posts here for news and perspective and to stimulate my thinking. I see Comments as a therapy group- an Encounter group. Anyone can get up and speak. Harmless fun.

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GreyWolf's picture

"I was under the impression that nothing I say here would ever be used against me in court and that The Grammar Police have no jurisdiction in the Comments section."

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Raggedy Ann's picture

of which I am always guilty of making. I don't always say why I edited - I will do that in the future. If you disable the edit feature, I will be sad, but I won't leave! Smile

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Gerrit's picture

is no need to fuss over content editing. We all already have the only content editing function anyone could ever need. It's called "Apology."

It's very simple. Whenever one realizes that one has said something asinine, perhaps historically asinine, even epochally asinine, one simple comments to one's own post stating the obvious: " I see that I said something asinine. I apologize." Should someone read aforesaid asininity, they would quickly see the apology and simply move on without feeling the need to be offended.

Everything I need to know I learned in kindergarten. (TY, Robert Fulghum, TY)

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

Raggedy Ann's picture

for all of my asinine comments that I continuously make because I can be an ass sometimes, although I told Raggedy Andy when we met that I was a bitch, which he said we can all be sometimes, but with fair warning, when I am a bitch and he acknowledges it I ask, "Aren't you glad I told you that up front when we met?"

Works like a charm.

Watch out for me.

I'm sorry.

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Raggedy Ann's picture

that asinine comment I just made?

Just having fun with you, JtC!!!

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

up above. You are now on my list. Biggrin

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Gerrit's picture

comes out of me all day long, not to mention all the old-person burps and farts I also produce, I sometimes apologize in rapid-fire mode! I find that if I'm always willing to apologize for having said something dumb and/or hurtful, I can speak my mind freely. No need for a content edit. Say hello to Cuz R.Andy for me. Enjoy your weekend.

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

Raggedy Ann's picture

Read you were enjoying an evening brewsky already - I'm jealous! Oh, well, gonna go have some microbeer with RAndy after work. Can't wait! Smile

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

... there have been a couple of times i thought i was in edit mode and accidentally posted a separate comment that was misplaced in the thread. i think i have just deleted that extra comment in the past but i will make a note not to do that now.

ah, okay, i think i see what might be happening. immediately after posting a comment a box below opens up for a New Comment. maybe sometimes i think i'm replying to the same thread comment but it is misplaced in the thread when i have saved it. once i realize it actually became a New Comment at the bottom of the thread and not replied to the comment i was aiming for then i have deleted that misplaced comment. that said, i honestly don't remember what i'm doing that gets my comment misplaced but will strive to be more careful and not completely delete the wayward comment.

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