The Weekly Watch
The Demise of Western Democracy?

We've known the US is an oligarchy not a democratic republic from the Princeton Study..."analyses suggest that majorities of the American public actually have little influence over the policies our government adopts." That's old news. The issues today revolve around the blatant hypocrisy of so called democratic countries canceling elections that will see nationalists win office as in Romania where it was actually the opposition party NOT Russia which was interfering., The refusal to step down after defeat as was the case in Georgia and France. The rigging of elections by controlling who has access to the ballot box as was the case in Moldavia. The attempt to eliminate the AdF party in Germany. There was an attempted military coup in S. Korea, and this week the police attempt to arrest the impeached president was thwarted by his personal military guards. And of course all the usual Western tricks of coups and color revolutions as in Bangladesh. Not to mention the US/UK/Israeli support of HTS and other terrorist groups to conduct the coup in Syria on their behalf. I ask what democracy and rule of law does NATOstan support. Looks to me like authoritarian dictatorship rather than democracy.

Let's start with an upbeat message from Alex Krainer, who thinks there is a new awareness growing in the west about the corruption of the leadership and lack of effort to help citizens.
(61 min) Alex Krainer: Syria's Chaos to Spread - Trump's America and Putin's Power Play in Ukraine

In the US we brought in the new year with suspicious twin truck attacks in New Orleans and Las Vegas and more....
In fact, 7 Attacks in 3 Days | Violent Incidents Across U.S. Cities: New Orleans, Vegas, NYC
The United States has faced a harrowing start to 2025, marked by a series of violent incidents and alarming events over the New Year weekend. From New Orleans to Las Vegas, New York City, California, and South Carolina, the nation has been rocked by car attacks, shootings, bomb scares, accidents, and plane crashes. Amidst these incidents, there is growing suspicion that the attacks in Las Vegas and New Orleans may be linked due to similarities in the backgrounds of the suspects. President-elect Donald Trump has publicly criticized President Biden's administration for these events, attributing them to perceived failures in border security and rising radicalism. Watch the video above for details.
In the first few minutes Larry Johnson discusses the oddities of these Truck attacks.
The entire 57 min is worthwhile and he circles back to the US terror events later in the clip.
Alex adds some details of a bizarre reporter's visit to the N.O. truck terrorist apartment.
One of the weirdest things about this case is the fact that a virulent Israel apologist named Jenny Taer was apparently allowed by the FBI to walk through Jabbar’s home and shoot footage for a New York Post report despite it being a crime scene in an active investigation. There Taer shows viewers Jabbar’s “bomb-making station”, along with multiple Qurans and Islamic literature. In her report the camera conspicuously pauses on a keffiyeh, a traditional Arab headdress which has become associated with support for Palestinian liberation.
Putting the FBI in charge of this investigation is like putting the fox in charge of guarding the hen house.
Vegas & New Orleans Attackers Were BOTH U.S. Military From Fort Bragg!! (31 min)
January 1, 2025 witnessed two separate attacks, one in New Orleans and the other in Las Vegas, that authorities say bear hallmarks of terrorism. Both attackers — Shamsud Din-Jabbar who drove a truck into a group of New Orleans revelers, and Matthew Livelsberger who reportedly detonated a Cybertruck outside the Trump hotel in Las Vegas — have backgrounds in the U.S. military. Perhaps even more suspicious, the two men were stationed at Ft. Bragg in North Carolina at the same time.
Jimmy and Kurt Metzger discuss allegations of ISIS and Al Qaeda involvement in the attacks, and remind viewers about just who was responsible for helping launch these terrorist groups.
Meanwhile as Biden sends even more arms and money to Ukraine this week, homelessness is up 30%
30% INCREASE In Homelessness Since 2023 While Economy Grows!?! (25 min)
The number of homeless in the United States has grown by a third during the Biden years despite steady economic growth since the end of the pandemic. So how did this happen? Why did a rising tide not only fail to lift all boats, but now threatens to drown an even greater number of Americans living on the margins -- and under bridges, on sidewalks and in their cars?
Jimmy speaks with Food Not Bombs founder Keith McHenry about the history of homelessness, why the problem remains so entrenched in the U.S. and why purported attempts to solve it have failed so spectacularly.
Biden & Make-Believe Democracy
Only in the world of political make-believe we inhabit in the West would The Wall Street Journal’s account of Biden’s years-long cognitive decline, and its concealment by his officials, count as a scoop. And only in a world in which the billionaire-owned media alone constructs and polices what counts as reality would the WSJ be able to run this story without also being expected to consider what it signifies about America’s professed democracy. The emperor, we are now told, was naked all along. How did it take more than four years for the fearless, tenacious billionaire-owned media to notice? The WSJ reports that even back in 2021 Biden had what his officials described as “bad days” when his mind worked so poorly he had to be kept away from senior Congresspeople and his own cabinet colleagues. So insulated was he that he rarely met even with key figures directing White House policy, such as the secretaries of State, Defense and the Treasury.
The WSJ hasn’t suddenly found out things it didn’t know before. The reason it is coming clean now – as are White House staffers – is that President Biden is almost out the door. The truth is no longer a serious threat to the Washington power system. There will be more revelations about Biden’s incapacity – maybe contained in a future book by Bob Woodward – after his presidency has become a distant memory. When it is safe for the full story to be told. When the lies are no longer important. But more significant than the media deceptions are the fact that much of the public fell for them, not once but over and over again: day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. Why? Because far too many of us are in the grip of the West’s propaganda system. We believe that the billionaire-owned media is to be trusted, that it serves the public good, not private wealth.
What was obvious to most that Biden had lost his mental ability as he lost his way on stage, lost his temper yelling at people, and would suddenly become "Dark Brandon".
Biden Awards Hillary Clinton, George Soros Presidential Medal of Freedom
With just over two weeks left to go in his administration, President Biden has been taking a series of last minute measures to try to ‘Trump-proof’ his legacy and put a spoke in his successor’s wheels. But some of his actions seem designed solely to trigger his opponents. Joe Biden has apparently decided to give one final giant middle finger to detractors on his way out the door, awarding the Presidential Medal of Freedom to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, hedge fund shark-turned ‘philanthropist’ George Soros and a slew of celebrities and activists.
My hope is we can get through the next couple of week without Biden, Blinkey, and Sullivan bombing Iran as they have planned.
Another absolutely freakish story in the news today is the revelation from Axios that in recent weeks, White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan presented President Biden with options for bombing Iranian nuclear facilities.
Seems the US has mired itself in foreign interventions and has no time for protecting its own citizens. Or perhaps this was another inside job controlled by the FBI. We use the same arrogance and militarization domestically as well as in our foreign dealings.
EXPOSED: Truth about NATO and Russia | Scott Horton Interview (82 min)
Author Scott Horton joins former CIA analyst Larry Johnson to discuss the following issues:
How the US helped provoke the Ukraine war
How the West broke its promises to Russia not to expand NATO
US support for Islamist groups in the Middle East
Ukraine asymmetric war, nihilism elevated to statecraft The Duran (32 min)
The video discusses revelations about Ukraine's losing war status, known by US officials since April 2023. It covers the shift to asymmetric warfare (ie terrorism)) against Russia, continued aid to Ukraine despite its losses, and potential motivations behind these decisions.
Why throw good money after bad? Cause it is a grift coming back into your pocket?
Last Ditch Media Sanctions From The West Against Russia
What almost no Americans understand though, which is largely the fault of mainstream media, is that these military spending sprees are really all about feeding a dual-purpose racket which really has nothing to do with the actual war in Ukraine, which everyone now admits Russia is winning.
On one hand, it is of course pumping hundreds of millions of dollars into the 5 main arms manufacturers in the U.S. in a move which could arguably be called illegal state aid; on the other hand the kit which is sent to Ukraine from the U.S. – and the UK – is mainly being sold on a number of black markets, with only about 30 percent or thereabouts actually reaching Ukrainian troops. My own investigation has proved that the Zelensky cabal are selling off the heavy equipment like armoured personal carriers (APCs) and lorry loads of American made assault rifles to dealers in the international arms bizarre of Libya – where Middle Eastern terrorists, or their affiliates in the Sahel buy it at bargain prices. And Trump certainly understands the racket and will want to stop it. Dropping the mother of all bombshells on the Biden legacy by scrapping the sanctions and blocking any more aid would be an effective way to do that.
There's plenty of kick back to US politicians too. Ukraine has a large lobby after all.
Zelensky Sells UKRAINE to BlackRock
Ukraine’s sovereignty is gone …
Debt trap.
Zelensky sold 17 million hectares of agricultural land to Monsanto, Dupont, and Cargill. Yes… you read it well… 17 million hectares to GM0/chemical companies.
Scott Ritter
— Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil (@ivan_8848) January 5, 2025
(9 min from Scott Ritter)
The chaos in western Asia continues unabated...
Col. Larry Wilkerson: Israel's Path to Self-Destruction: A Nation at Crossroads (50 min)
Europe on the Ropes?
Meanwhile the EU has shot itself in the foot by refusing Russian gas. I suspect the UK/EU/US told 'elensky to shut down the pipeline thinking it would hurt Russia.
Another media lie, it wasn't Russia, Ukraine cut off the EU gas supply from Russia...
Here's the straight scoop from Lena Petrova...
(8 min) This is a problem bound to deepen as:
1) Norway major gas turbine is faulty due to overload for some time (probably a month) and
2) Qatar will stop exporting LNG to EU, due to some strange new EU regulations.
Uncle Sam and Banderite Bandits Destroy Europe
The upshot is that all major Russian natural gas supply lines to Europe have now been terminated. The only one remaining is Turk Stream which runs under the Black Sea to Turkey. But it mainly supplies Balkan countries that are not in the EU. In the space of two years, Russia has gone from being the major supplier of EU gas imports (over 40 percent) to being a minor source. The big winner of the phenomenal market disruption is the United States, whose exports of liquefied natural gas to the EU have tripled. Another winner is Norway, which is not an EU member. Other sources of gas for Europe are Azerbaijan and Algeria. However, the unprecedented extra costs to Europe for this enormous rearrangement in its energy trade are encumbering the EU economies, industries and households with crippling burdens.
I continue to be stunned how the political leadership cares so little for its people. Let them be cold.
‘No More Electricity, No More Aid’: Fico Declares War on Ukraine’s Gas Sabotage
Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico slams Ukraine’s alleged sabotage of gas transit, threatening retaliation that could cut critical aid and electricity supplies to Ukrainian citizens in Slovakia. With a €500M loss at stake, Fico vows to reduce support for Ukraine, challenging Zelensky's actions and signaling a shift in Slovakian foreign policy.
Adding to the brewing energy crisis are all the upcoming elections in the EU looking to bring in what they label as "Far Right Parties". As in France where other parties unite to deprive the winning parties from taking control of government. Remember Le Pen won the election in France but since it isn't a majority, Macron united the losing factions to maintain a tenuous hold on power. Austria is in the process of trying the same technique but has not yet managed to pull it off.
The UK elections are fishy too.
(3 min) "Opposition leaders warn that Suffolk County Council is ‘using devolution plans to avoid local elections’" Suffolk News

It also looks like Trump Plans to Get Tough on the UK (5 min)
Explosive revelations emerge as Donald Trump prepares to confront the United Kingdom in an unprecedented diplomatic showdown. This explosive investigation uncovers the deep-rooted tensions surrounding Tommy Robinson's controversial imprisonment and international legal battles. Elon Musk's strategic intervention has sparked a global discourse challenging UK judicial processes, with Republican senators rallying behind a complex narrative of free speech and political accountability. Trump's potential diplomatic pressure threatens to reshape transatlantic relations, exposing critical fault lines in international legal and political systems. Witness an unfolding geopolitical drama that could redefine diplomatic engagement between long-standing allies.
Did you catch Alex' Clown World of the Year Awards?
(a well spent 85 min) Clown World of the Year Awards - 2024
Let's finish up with a last thought from Caity...
Capitalism isn’t the status quo because it’s the best system, it’s the status quo because it’s the easiest system to consolidate power around at this point in history. There’s enough convergence of interests at high levels for disparate factions to back the current model.
That can all change on a dime once the pitchforks and guillotines come out. Real power lies in the hands of the masses, and once enough of us get fed up with the status quo there won’t be anyone dumb enough to stand against us. And from there, creating a better system and a better world becomes very possible.
My thought is that we better be developing some self reliance skills and materials as we move forward into an uncertain future. Here's wishing us all a happy, healthy, productive New Year. And speaking of health, remember that's another area where we are being manipulated.
Breakfast is a
— Fred’s Farm | Herbs (@FredsFarm247) January 5, 2025
(45 sec) We regularly eat bacon and eggs but almost always postpone breakfast until after 11 AM.
As Jack explains, chickens and pigs can be raised on small holdings, and bacon and eggs became a staple
Jack Hargreaves delves into the resourceful practices of rural life in the past, focusing on the importance of pigs and chickens in providing essential protein. Learn how families made the most of what they had, from feeding pigs with household waste to the traditional methods of butchering a pig once killed to feed the family. Jack shares fascinating insights into the old ways of farming, including the significance of bacon and eggs in English cuisine.
This nostalgic journey highlights the ingenuity and resilience of country folk in times gone by.
The second half is the pig butchering which some of you might prefer to skip.
I look forward to your thoughts and stories below!

Good morning C99'ers
It would appear the demise of the empire is
keeping apace. Wonder if the 'average citizen'
is aware of this state of affairs?
Thank you for laying it all out. Exposure is good
for the intellectually curious.
question everything
Good morning...
At least we'll have something interesting to observe.
Thanks for coming by today!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Hola, Lookout, et. y'all. Interesting Essay Title. Western
Democracy has generally been a scarce and rare thing. Mostly monarchies slowly being more and more constrained by and on behalf of the nobles, fits of non-hereditary autocracy were interspersed with fits of actual democracy. Europe did eventually evolve parliamentary democracies, which, thanks to their multiparty nature and a history of actual revolts can give the people a material say in things, and they are, as you note being seriously undermined at the nation-state level while also being absorbed into the anti-democratic EU Borg.
The US never had more than the linguistic trappings of democracy. If you look at the Constitution, right up through the civil war amendments, you find that there are a select group of persons who shall chuse the governators. Those persons were "Electors" generally chosen as specified at the state level, initially, primarily white male property owners. There is even an Electoral collge to pick the chief executive. From whence this model and language? The late stage Holy Roman Empire had an emperor who was, technically, chsen by the Electors. Who were said Electors? Specific kings, princes, margraves and the like, heads of state of specified states. Where not royal, they wre still largely hereditary and tantamount to royalty (think of the Electors of Hanover, for example.)
Finally, there is South America, where the people have been continually fighting to become and stay free.
Democracy, historically, seems to spring up as nation-states collapse and fail and last only so long as the people can maintain sufficient power over those who would usurp their power.
GNUs - They say we're in for another Polar Vortex, so eveerybody keep your parka handy.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
What democracy is right
and as you suggest it isn't new. From my perspective it is the hypocrisy of the west which is so blatant calling western authoritarian policies democracy, and weaponizing their "Rules based order". Which translates to we make the rule that YOU must obey, but they are optional for us. For example Russia's "unprovoked invasion of Ukraine", but not a word of Israel's genocide and theft of Palestine (and Syria).
It is difficult to escape our colonial nature.
Stay warm. It's 20F lows and 40F highs all week here.
Have a great Sunday while you can!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good morning, so far!
Local weather reports say the worst of the storm and high winds and likely tornadoes will hit 3 cities and areas inside the triangle the hardest.
We are in the middle of said triangle.
The roast is in the crock pot, I am headed to town to get some fresh veggies, then will have no other option but to hunker down. Power is very likely to be lost. And this is before the sleet/snow/ice comes!
Oh, well, we have a propane stove and when all else fails, it will warm several rooms.
Take good care, those of you who will get arctified!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Looks like they've pulled the snow out of your forecast?
The chance of snow here this week is also minimal.
High winds are the concern here tonight as a squall line moves through.
Today is gray, but the sun will return tomorrow. The solar has been heating us during the day, but not today.
Enjoy your roast, and hunker down through the storm. I hope you don't lose power!
Good to "see" you today, as always.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
According to the latest forecast,
It will get down to 27 deg. tonight. I will sleep through it!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Sorry to hear that your locale is ground zero for the storm.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I have a heavy parka
Pretty sure Dear One has Eddie Bauer stuff, being the Man From the Ice and Snow. He is just a bad ass!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Attempts at government reform fueled the SK crisis
Not the internet. The US encouraged the right wing minority who opposed reform to advance its own interests.
Yesterday, the arrest warrant execution scene was broadcast live around the world.
Foreign media outlets focused on the impeached president's behavior of ignoring public authority while receiving security, and asked why the protesters were waving the American flag and what their thoughts were. (X translation)
NY Times waxes eloquently about mindless oldsters still living in the cold war past. No pay wall, what a surprise! They are a minority outnumbered by opposition supporters nationally by two to one. They also fail to mention that the security forces protecting Yoon from due process of law, are doing so unlawfully, and thereby continuing the insurrection.
How Fear and Conspiracy Theories Fuel South Korea’s Political Crisis
This isn't about youtube conspiracy theories or policing the internet NYT, this is about the vestiges of Yoon's discredited cabinet, the parties that support them, and elements of the military and police following their own political inclinations rather than the law. Yoon's supporters are hopelessly outnumbered. Their political future is dim. The ultimate legal outcome of this power struggle is really not in doubt. Thousands were demonstrating in the streets of Busan and Daegu over the weekend, in the conservative party's regional stronghold, against Yoon. At 3am in the morning, check who's still in streets demonstrating. It isn't Yoon supporters. While this was going on in Hannam Dong, near the president's residence, tens of thousands of opposition supporters were demonstrating at Gwanghwamoon plaza with the US embassy nearby, while a space nearby reserved for the holy rollers, and the taeguki type far right, were literally empty.
This is classic Yoon/ far right politics, it is devoid of reality, but a scene was created in Hannam Dong for the benefit of the western media. It's a straight up bid by the right for dictatorship, but the western media resort to both siderism bs.
Thanks for the WW Lookout!
語必忠信 行必正直
Thanks for the S. Korean update...
I find it interesting to see all the concurrent political crises. I guess it is typical of end of empire.
BTW, my sister has an upcoming position teaching in S. Korea next school year. She loved her experience teaching in Taiwan.
Hope all is well on the home front!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
That's a great experience
We visited Taiwan once a long time ago. I thought living in South Korea was a wonderful experience.
Everyone is saying that the Corruption Investigation Office for High Officials will try again to arrest Yoon early morning Seoul time before the current warrant expires. The acting president isn't cooperating by ordering the presidential security service to stand down.
語必忠信 行必正直
I read the acting president is of the same party...
...and is doing his best to back pedal the impeachment. What can you say? We live in interesting times.
And along the theme of today's WW, we are watching what little democracy that existed disappear.
Round and round we go. Take care!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Blinken will solve everything with consideration to the best
interests of
the USer the South Korean population.As mentioned in Lookout's Weekly Watch there is this image that
is enough to "gag a maggot".
Alex covered both of your comment topics today...
Beware of your gag reflex seeing the "medal of freedom?" awards. Alex take it is a Biden FU to Trump saying the old establishment is here to stay.
followed by the interview(s) with Blinken, Trump will be blamed for Ukraine. and once more Biden honors Bono, Magic, Soros
Thanks for posting both stories!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Deep Dive
posted a good video about the LV truck explosion which strongly supports your assertion that the FBI is the fox guarding the hen house:
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
That was good look at the at the curiosities
It may be a long two weeks...and then who knows what the fuck will happen.
thanks for the deep dive clip
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The umitigated gall of the Israelis is enough to blow one's mind
The Israeli army failed to defeat Hezbollah and a one sided ceasefire was invoked now we get this.
They always play the victim...
Projection is Israel's and the US MO.
So sad.
Thanks for the link!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Hi weekly watchers
Hi all, Hey LO!
Thanks for the WW and OT!
We saw 68f or so before the cold air started to arrive this afternoon. A few butterflies were out on the one Lantana with flowers still. We too are progged for 25f lows all week with from Wed night to Fri. afternoon flatlining around freezing with minor variations. Freezing rain, sleet or ice is Thurs. nite and Fri. morning.
Have had a whopping one Robin and 2 Cedar Waxwings around. The Great Horned Owls have begun duetting, so breeding season is ON for them. They start early.
Hope all are well everywhere out there!
happy trails!
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Your weather is coming this way...
Funny how you get used to the cold the more you get out. I suspect it is good for us to be cold at least during winter.
We've had the purple, house and gold finch on the feeder. Down and hairy woodpecker on the suet feeder. Pileated are resident around us, and pheobe and wren are all around the house. The coyote are hanging around howling. They move down the valley once they hang out a week or so.
Stay warm and enjoy the birds! Thanks for coming by.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Well gee whiz….
. No wonder so many birds and cows and such are getting the flu all of a sudden.
This is from 2022 during the height of the COVID scam.
Gotta wonder if Hunter Biden’s company is still neck deep in creating bio weapons.
Biden, Clinton, many democrats are involved in the Ukraine bio weapons labs and I’m sure that quite a few republicans are involved too.
And for those wondering about the 2 attacks from Fort Detrick here’s a good read on what may be going on.
Kyle has written many articles on this subject and he includes lots of links to previous articles that have links to more articles that you can spend a week following. I’ve spent most of the afternoon reading and it’s how I got to the article on bird flu gain of function.
Obama never outlawed it. He just moved it offshore. Bush the lesser built the first bio weapon lab in Ukraine. I suggest going to her homepage and reading her other articles.
Anyone working at any of the many labs we have around the world have immunity from prosecution. I don’t think it’s legal to legalize crime.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
As an aside.
Does Sam have her own email account as once again I see that she has subscribed to the link in your comment?
Yes she does
She got tired of me bitching about things I read and wanted to see for herself if I was exaggerating about how stupid humans are which I tell her on a daily basis.
Sadly she’s now saying that I’ve censored the worst things because of what she reads is so much worse.
It shouldn’t be long till she stops saying
Heh…. Haven’t told her about Trump yet. She thinks we will get a reprieve from the stupidity after Biden leaves office.
But I’ve blocked her from getting a twitter account.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Weaponized medicine...
You can't make it up. Thanks for the links I'll check that out tomorrow.
TPTB also seem to be after farm animals.
The whole scheme is sick.
Thanks again!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Signing out...see you around the site
I wish democracy was coming...
Lyrics here
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
thank you Lookout for the songs text.