WTF? Vast majority of New York State Counties Don't open for Voting Until Noon on Tuesday, April 19th

Yesterday, by pure happenstance, while checking to see that my county had not changed my registration information from Democrat to Independent (yeah, since Arizona I've been paranoid about such stuff) I discovered something that shocked me. The polls where I live will only be open from 12 Noon until 9 PM, making it difficult for many people who work swing shifts to vote.

I checked to see if this was a statewide phenomenon, or limited to the cheapskates on my own local Board of Elections. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that outside of New York City and the counties of Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, Rockland, Orange, Putnam and Erie, where the polls will open at 6 in the morning, every other county in New York does not open for voting until Noon. Nassau, Suffolk, Westchester, Rockland, Orange, and Putnam counties are all essentially suburbs of New York City. Erie County, which includes Buffalo, is the only outlier in the bunch.

Every other county in New York state will open their polls for voting in the primary six hours later. If you think this doesn't matter, think again. Many poor and lower middle class folks work swing shifts, which will make it much more difficult for them to vote in this critical election. If you think that seems unwarranted and unfair, and smacks of potential voter suppression, well join the crowd.

I called the New York State's official Board of Elections information number, (518) 474-6336, and was basically given the runaround. The woman who answered the phone was nice enough, but she had no answer as to why only the voters in Buffalo and NYC - and its six downstate suburban neighbors - are blessed with SIX more hours in which to vote, compared to everyone else in New York State. She took my name and phone number, and promised that someone with "more knowledge of the reasons why some voters are more equal than others" would call me, but I suspect it will be a cold day in hell before I hear back from them.

Until I learned of this, to my mind, effort to suppress the votes in counties in which millions of people live (yes, Virginia, New York City and its burbs do not equal all of New York state, not by by a long shot), I had no idea that the polling hours would be so restricted across much of the state next Tuesday.

To give you an idea, the total population of the New York state is roughly 20 million people. Of that number, about 12.25 million (2012 estimates) live in the counties listed above where voters get 6 extra hours to vote on Tuesday, April 19th. The means roughly 8 million people reside in the counties where we cannot vote from 6:00 AM until Noon on Tuesday, unlike those more privileged New Yorkers, most of whom live in or around New York City.

This change in voting hours has not been actively publicized to the electorate by the government of New York State or, as far as I know, by the local county board of elections where voting hours have been cut by six hours. I only learned of it by sheer accident.

Now, some may claim there is nothing nefarious going on here. Maybe there is traditionally lower turnout in all these other countries, so that it makes sense to keep the polls open longer in only a lucky few, and cut the hours for everyone else to cast their ballot for the candidate of their choice come Tuesday. Well, to that I can only say this: bullshit.

Last November, Rochester, New York and Monroe county held its local elections for judges, the school board, the county executive, city council and the county legislature. Turnout for such off year elections is always lower than almost any elections we hold around here, because most people only vote when national candidates who spend lot's of money advertising show up. Guess when the polls opened just a few months ago?

Polling hours

All polls will be open from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Tuesday.

If you're not sure where to vote, you can find your polling place at or if you live outside Monroe County.

That's right. In an election where turnout was dismal, at only 28% of registered voters, Monroe County still had the polls open for the full traditional hours of 6 o'clock in the morning until 9:00 o'clock at night. Yet, in a presidential primary election in which interest is extremely high in both the Republican and Democratic parties, as demonstrated in a large surge of new registrations, suddenly voting hours are being cut a critical six hours for almost all of us unlucky duckies who live outside New York City and its environs.

This in a year when voter turnout across the country has rivaled that of 2008. So don't give me any song and dance that cutting the voting hours for millions of registered voters doesn't matter.

If you are a New Yorker who lives in a county where your voting hours have been slashed, please call the New York State Board of Elections at (518) 474-6336 to demand that the polls open at 6:00 am as is traditionally the case in every election in New York State. Call your local board of elections, too. You can find their website here at this link and clicking on your county shown on the map displayed there.

Regardless of what happens, and regardless of which candidate you support, we need to get the word out to the people who live in these New York counties that their hours to vote are not what they likely expect, and we need to demand that New York State and the local boards of election do the right thing and allow everyone who lives in New York the same right to vote within the same hours - between 6:00 AM and 9:00 PM - as those who live in or near New York City .

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detroitmechworks's picture

seem to benefit HRC?

Moscow rules apply. This is enemy action.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Alphalop's picture

This right here is why I feel that if we cannot wrestle back control of the Democratic party from the Center Right brigade that holds it we really should start exploring the feasibility of forming a new party.

There are a lot of independents out there that are just looking for a party to believe in as evidenced by Sander's groundswell of support.

If our party is going to engage in GOP style voter suppression tactics I am failing to see why I should be loyal to it. Garbage like this are amongst the many reasons I left the GOP years ago...

I am not a party loyalist. If I was, I would still be a damned Republican, lol!

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

riverlover's picture

the truncated voting hours for primaries involving national or State stuff. I went one year, mid-morning, and no one was there. I recognized then that there was overt voter suppression happening in Upstate. Whoever set this up did it on purpose. Ask BoE when this ruling was applied. Figure out what was happening then. They thought we couldn't get the buggies hitched and on the road before noon?

End result: Upstate votes are supposed to count less in state primary elections. Our entire democratic process is a sham. Bottom to top.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

riverlover's picture

I am meeting with MoveOn4Bernie people on Sunday for phone-banking. Must remember to let upstate people know that polling places are open from noon to nine!

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Steven D's picture

The Sanders campaign needs to be on this ASAP. The Sanders' campaign Regional Press Secretary i spoke to had no idea this was the case.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

In NM, our polls are open from 7:00am - 7:00pm. Having worked the polls for several years, I can attest that that's a really long day. And those hours don't include the half hour to hour before the polls open, for setup. And the at least two hours after the polls close to tally, clean up, and deliver all the paperwork to the Bureau of Elections. Depending on how efficient the BoE is, one could wait an hour in line to have their work checked and get dismissed. A. very. long. day. Add three more hours to that, and it probably limits the number people willing to subject themselves to that.

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I worked the 1996 primary -- had to arrive at the polling place at about 6am to have time to set up the booths and sort out the ballots (in those days there were separate ballots for every political party, and we had a lot of them). Didn't get home till about midnight by the time we finished the tally and got the ballots to the designated drop-off spot (Santa Clara County was good about setting up drop-offs in various parts of the county so inspectors wouldn't have to all converge on San Jose). And the pay was abysmal, and probably not much better. That's why most of the people you see working the polls are retired folks without families to care for -- I was between temp assignments at the time so could take a day to help out.

I'd love it if we could go with a complete vote-by-mail system, with designated drop-off points (city hall, libraries) for voters who wait till the last minute to make up their minds or who don't trust the US Snail. It's worked in Oregon and I believe also Washington State.

Polls closed till noon also hurts families with children -- many parents will drop the kids off at school or daycare then stop and vote on their way into work, as after work you've got a bigger time crunch picking up the kids, getting home and getting dinner on the table, then who wants to go back out to vote once you're home and settled?

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Phuq Yew's picture

As a long-time resident of Oregon, I was there when the voting system changed from At-The-Poll Voting to Voting By Mail.

It was interesting and is still one of Oregon's greatest success stories (first to recycle and to have bottle deposit; among first states before ADA to provide telecommunications access to deaf and other disabled Oregon citizens; one of cleanest state governments; etc. etc.).

Voting by mail is hard to disfranchise as all can participate at home. My county has a drop off point - in front of election offices, but then again, I do not live in Eugene, Salem or Portland.

Yes, Virginia, Washington State has gone with Vote-By-Mail full time a couple of years ago. Smile

Unfortunately, Oregon primary election is even more closed than a extremely nervous virgin at a porn shoot. So, I had to register as a Democrat so that I may Feel the Bern more properly...

0 users have voted. affiliations in order to vote for Bernie in Oregon. Registering or changing party affiliation may be done at or by a mail-in paper registration form. If using the form, it must be postmarked by the April 26th.

Go Bernie.

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Steven D's picture

they have enough for this election.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

gulfgal98's picture

every state should offer vote by mail. Oregon has had it for a long time and they routinely have among the highest participation in the country. Vote by mail is much more cost effective and has proven in analyses to be no more open to voter fraud than regular elections.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Funny how every single break in this election goes the same way.

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type of thing. The tell to me is that voting for judges, etc polls are open the normal hours. You're right to think this is fishy, it stinks to high heaven.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

Steven D's picture

specifically for this election, but it is wrong and grossly unfair to voters who do not live in NYC or its burbs.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

detroitmechworks's picture

We're just winking and laughing hysterically at the idea that it's a complete coincidence...

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

lunachickie's picture

Go casually drop a diary on GOS; don't mention subterfuge, don't mention shenanigans, just note the link you found, and you wanted to put the word out, period.

Get it rec'listed...if one of us does it and it goes nowhere, another one of us could do another post. And so on, over the weekend. Hell, make out a schedule, we'll take shifts...

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SnappleBC's picture

... flip it around.

What do you think the odds of these hours at these locations happening if Hillary voters by and large could only make morning hours?

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard

gulfgal98's picture

poll availability should be consistent everywhere. If they cannot afford to make the hours and access equally available to all voters the same, then they need to go to vote by mail.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

NWIA's picture

I've voted in six different cities across four states but have never been prohibited from a morning vote. It's much more convenient for parents with schoolagers to vote after school dropoffs before work rather than try to squeeze a vote into the madness of the after school and work mayhem.

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There is a Democratic debate in Brooklyn tonight. Is it possible to barrage the network sponsor with this question & voter suppression in general? There have been so many disgusting examples of voter suppression & fraud during this election cycle. How in hell did Bernie win Wyoming by 12% & net less delegates than her Majesty Queen Hillary? I'm so disgusted by this whole mess. If Bernie doesn't win the nomination I'm voting for Jill Stein. I'm getting old & I'm tired of voting against Republicans. I want to vote FOR someone & it ain't her!!!

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Steven D's picture

I will be voting for Bernie on Tuesday, but being retired, my hours are flexible. A lot of other people's hours are not. [edited]

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

gulfgal98's picture

I will be voting for her Tuesday

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Steven D's picture

Don't know why it came out that way.

I will be voting for him.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

ngant17's picture

i'm keyboard-challenged myself only way i can use caps on my wireless keyboard is to lock it on and off, and i won't replace it till after the nomination.

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ngant17's picture

is that keyboard going out on you or did you really type that?

but all your other posts are spot-on. i know bernie isn't mandatory but am i missing some important logic here?

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Steven D's picture

Bad fingers. That is what happens when you only use two to type.

I edited it to be clear I am voting for Bernie.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

ZimInSeattle's picture

immediately. I sure hope Bernie's campaign can do something about it.

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"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020

Steven D's picture

to their supporters in these counties about where to go to vote and that the hours are from only Noon to 9 pm.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

lunachickie's picture

Get Sanders to do it, get it past the delay monitor for whoever is broadcasting it. When that debate is on, there will be lots of liveblogging going on, so we could flood those forums with the link Steven found ...

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FreakFlagFly's picture

Published on Apr 12, 2016

Andrew Klavan explains how the Republican and Democrat primaries REALLY work...[video:]Listen to the full podcast for free:

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lunachickie's picture

How do we do that best? Because this is bullshit.

Have we googled to see if there's a way to tell if it was ever publicized, or brought up at all, anywhere? That's a tall order of a search, but it would be good to find something we can point to and say "why the hell wasn't this broadcast LOUDLY to all"? (or something similar)

Unfuckingbelievable...we have a long weekend to get the word out...

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Steven D's picture

and said it was the law and basically I just just eat my shit sandwich and like it.

I don't care it it is the law or not, it's wrong.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

detroitmechworks's picture

Those are the rules that we just made up while you weren't paying attention. Too late making a fuss about it now.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

lunachickie's picture

Yeah, because it sounds like he doesn't want anyone to make a stink? Wink

I would just be happy getting the word out to as many New Yorkers as possible...

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Lenzabi's picture

This is why we need a federalized voter holiday, so folks can vote w/o fear of being late back to work, or that they will be fired for taking a day off to vote! State based Holidays for the Primaries too! So many like to think we are number 1, but we are so backwards in many respects!

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So long, and thanks for all the fish

Steven D's picture

perfectly. Our system has never been a model for democracy.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

who wouldn't be able to take the day off -- first responders (police, fire, EMTs), emergency room doctors/nurses, bus drivers (someone has to get people to the polls), etc. I'd rather see a loosening of restrictions on absentee balloting (especially with so many people facing long commutes to get to/from work), increase in early voting, increased use of vote by mail (which I mentioned above) and perhaps Federal standards in voting regulations (including getting rid of Voter ID requirements that basically screw poor and minority communities).

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gulfgal98's picture

and firmly believe in voting by mail. I wish our Oregon residents would chime in here because from what I have read, voting by mail has been enormously successful in Oregon.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Phuq Yew's picture

I chimed upstream on this Vote By Mail.

Yup, Vote By Mail is successful and did lead to very good participation numbers.

And you probably know by now that yet another resident chimed on this subject downstream.

Glad you vote absentee. If I understand how Vote By Mail happened in Washington, that began with open and unconditional absentee ballots through the state. When the numbers became overwhelming, the State finally shifted to full time Vote By Mail.

Here in Oregon, I think we just went straight to Vote By Mail without testing unconditional absentee ballots. Maybe because native Orygunians just do not like to tinker just when they could go big... Smile

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rezolution's picture

Mail-in ballots work great here in Washington. Talking about elections, not our primary caucuses. There are drop-off points in secure receptacles as well as of course the option to mail by Postal mail. And a phone number you can call to verify that your completed ballot has been received. And the envelope contains an optional place for you to provide your own phone number in case there is a problem with your signature.

If everyone in WA is like me they long ago have come to expect the ballot in the mail. We all know to expect it and to look for it. We can mail it in anytime up to the day of the vote, although it is recommended to mail it at least one day before voting day.

We also get a brochure which provides a list of all the candidates as well as a half-page for each candidate to state his or her case and qualifications.

I have heard no complaints from anyone about our mail-in voting - seems to work like a champ.

Additional note: our primary caucuses seem well organized but like all caucuses, I suppose, present opportunities for irregularities for those who are determined enough. This whole two-party party-run primary system country wide is fucked if you ask me. I think primaries across the country should be as officially regulated as general elections, preferably in a way that would discourage such ridiculous focus on two and only two parties.

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rezolution's picture

but could not find a way to do it without the photo of DMW's tattoo. Sorry DMW!

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Sima's picture

I am in Washington state, in a county that has had vote by mail since the early 1990s. Yea, it's amazing, ain't it? I can't remember ever voting in a booth here, ever. I moved here in 1992. Anyway, I love it. I vote in EVERY election, from little county wide tax and bond issues to presidential elections and more. I vote for the school board, the county commissioners, the guy in charge of the fire district. I vote for bonds to fix roads, to pay teachers... It WORKS. And that, folks, is why most of the country doesn't do it.

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If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so

Mark from Queens's picture

My girlfriend was just mentioning this week how weird it is that we haven't gotten one piece of mail from the BOE about our polling place, times, etc. You know, one of the ubiquitous, clunky, blue on white thick paper things that tell you in big letters There's An Election Coming Up, Here's What You Need To Know...

Been living in the same location in Astoria, Queens for about 13 years and we've always gotten them. All of a sudden this year...there's nothing?

And continuing with this, just heard somewhere (think it was TYT) that in Suffolk County 7000 voters were thrown off the Dem primary for some reason, can't remember. Will have to look into it. Anybody hear something about that?

We all know also how the deadline in NYS this yeas to switch parties was something like 6 months ago.

The whole primary season has presented a good many questions dealing with voter suppression, caucus malfeasance (remember the Des Moines Register's scathing rebuke calling the results into question because the whole process was a debacle?). The DOJ was finally pressured into looking into Arizona's apparent voter suppression, because of massive public pressure. But about this all, to what end? Is anything going to be rectified to make any difference in time to change voting results/delegate appropriation?

When I went out to Ohio for election weekend in 2008 I remember being really impressed to see the Obama team had legal staff/lawyers at the voting sites to look out for any misdeeds.

Is Bernie's team deploying legal people in NY?

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"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:


- Kurt Vonnegut

Borkrom's picture

you do not vote for a Queen. Therefore, no need to show up and vote Smile

Okay that is not funny and we (this community) and others have to fix this voter suppression effort.

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ChemBob's picture

who likely never said this except in context, i.e., he was paraphrased:

"Every generation needs a revolution."

And he wasn't thinking of Bernie's peaceful type, unfortunately, because those in control aren't likely to respond to the peaceful approach. They are stealing everything, including our elections.

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riverlover's picture

and am relieved that he's on top of this locally and putting voting hours signs with every polling place sign. w00t!! I meet him on Sunday.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Steven D's picture

I made contact with Rochester's local office and they said they have it covered too. Still, it would be nice if Bernie mentioned it at the debate.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

snoopydawg's picture

There seems to be a lot of effort going into Hillary getting the votes.
We know that Bush stole at least one election if not both. And both kerry and gore did nothing about it. Especially Gore
The elites do not want Bernie to win.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Haikukitty's picture

This article made me go check. We've both been registered for years, and have always been registered Democrat.

I realized I'd only received the ballot info for myself. Just looked him up - no record for him.

So, he won't be voting in the primary - UNLESS - I seem to remember someone saying Maryland will let you register to vote at early voting but not change affiliation, so we'll go tomorrow and see if he can get re-registered.

But - we've voted in Maryland for 20 years together, and there has never been a problem in the past. Suspicious? It is to me.

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Haikukitty's picture

I did just find his registration - and he is listed as unaffiliated. He has always been listed as a Democrat and I know because we've voted together in all the past primaries.

So, one out of two of us can't vote for Bernie in the primary.

I'm so pissed.

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OLinda's picture

Not sure where though. Here is one place: They have emails and toll free phone numbers to report problems.

Also, your Senators, Congressmen.

I would report it even if you are able to re-register.

People for the American Way was active in this kind of thing, but not sure now. I looked at their web site and saw 2012 dates.

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OLinda's picture

They are responsible for elections.

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Haikukitty's picture

If he had just been dropped, he could register, but they won't let you change affiliation at this date. So how convenient that he's suddenly unaffiliated.

I will report it, for all the good it will do.

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"A lawsuit is also brewing in New York, before the primary even happens. There, voter registration problems are so numerous that representatives with Election Justice USA will be filing a lawsuit/emergency injunction on Friday on behalf of the people whose registrations were changed. Any New Yorkers who experienced switched voter registration should send a form explaining their problems to You can find the exact form to fill out at this link or this link on Facebook, or you can fill out a form online here. Right now, only names and stories are needed, along with corroborating evidence such as screenshots of your voter registration changes. Attorneys will contact everyone affected to get signatures and affidavits later. Election Justice USA has said all information shared with them will be kept confidential. For more details, please see this link.

In addition to New York, Election Justice USA is now seeking voter registration stories from people whose registrations were mysteriously changed or purged in any state. The form to fill out for states beyond New York is posted here."

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snoopydawg's picture

At being at voting places that favored Bernie has gone unpunished. I'm sure if Jane was at Hillary's places, her supporters would be calling for an investigation.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Damnit Janet's picture

I can do this shit by mail.


The primaries are closed. Meaning you have to be registered BY APRIL 26th to vote in May as either a R or a D to vote. It sucks ass... but that's the way it is. So tell all the Indies, Greenies and whathaveyas to check to register

You can register online - we make it easy in Oregon.

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"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison

....voters should never assume anything. never assume your polling place will be the same. never assume you are registered. never assume you are registered for the correct party or non-party preference. never assume fliers are giving you the correct voting date. never assume the same polling hours, etc., etc.

i'm finding it increasingly important to KNOW the information needed to vote.

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What is the DNC establishment so afraid of? Democracy? More reasons to vote for Jill Stein if Hillary gets the nomination.

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Beware the bullshit factories.

ZimInSeattle's picture

to keep Bernie from being elected. They would prefer Trump over Bernie. So let's give them Trump.

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"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020

ZimInSeattle's picture

The comments coming in from the New York State for Bernie Sanders page are alarming. One commenter said he's been voting there for 18 years and there has always been 6am to 9pm voting time. Another commenter said that in her county there is only one polling place where there were 4 in previous elections. It would seem Hilliary's BFF Cuomo is doing her a solid. This is going to end up like AZ no doubt.

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"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020

Christine.MI's picture

I hope not!!!

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Christine.MI's picture

That was meant to be a reply to you, Zim.
I gotta go to bed now...

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truehawk's picture


Here use this.

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truehawk's picture


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truehawk's picture


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WHY THE HELL ISN'T THIS SHITLERIZATION a national issue, publicized from coast to coast?

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Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%

I've also posted THIS piece, hope it gets MANY more eyeballs!! It is FULL of evidence and information!

"A lawsuit is also brewing in New York, before the primary even happens. There, voter registration problems are so numerous that representatives with Election Justice USA will be filing a lawsuit/emergency injunction on Friday on behalf of the people whose registrations were changed. Any New Yorkers who experienced switched voter registration should send a form explaining their problems to You can find the exact form to fill out at this link or this link on Facebook, or you can fill out a form online here. Right now, only names and stories are needed, along with corroborating evidence such as screenshots of your voter registration changes. Attorneys will contact everyone affected to get signatures and affidavits later. Election Justice USA has said all information shared with them will be kept confidential. For more details, please see this link.

In addition to New York, Election Justice USA is now seeking voter registration stories from people whose registrations were mysteriously changed or purged in any state. The form to fill out for states beyond New York is posted here."

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