Craig Murray: The End of Pluralism in the Middle East
This is a must read in its entirety. This is everything the Director of Defense Intelligence warned about in 2012, the takeover of the Middle East by a salafist fascist death squad.
Craig Murray
The End of Pluralism in the Middle East
December 6, 2024… When the entire corporate and state media in the West puts out a unified narrative that Syrians are overjoyed to be released by HTS from the tyranny of the Assad regime – and says nothing whatsoever of the accompanying torture and execution of Shias, and destruction of Christmas decorations and icons – it ought to be obvious to everybody where this is coming from.
… Not one Sunni Muslim-led state has lifted a single finger to prevent the genocide of the Palestinians. Their leadership is using anti-Shia sectarianism to maintain popular support for a de facto alliance with Israel against the only groups – Iran, Houthi and Hezbollah – which actually did attempt to give the Palestinians practical support in resistance. And against the Syrian government which facilitated supply.
The unspoken but very real bargain is this. The Sunni powers will accept the wiping out of the entire Palestinian nation and formation of Greater Israel, in return for the annihilation of the Shia communities in Syria and Lebanon by Israel and forces backed by NATO (including Turkey).
… should Syria fall entirely to jihadist rule – which may happen fast – I do not rule out Lebanon following very quickly indeed, and being integrated into a Salafist Greater Syria.
… What this all potentially amounts to is the end of pluralism in the Levant and its replacement by supremacism. An ethno-supremacist Greater Israel and a religio-supremacist Salafist Greater Syria.
Unlike many readers, I have never been a fan of the Assad regime or blind to its human rights violations. But what it did undeniably do was maintain a pluralist state where the most amazing historical religious and community traditions – including Sunni (and many Sunni do support Assad), Shia, Alaouites, descendants of the first Christians, and speakers of Aramaic, the language of Jesus – were all able to co-exist.
The same is true of Lebanon.
What we are witnessing is the destruction of that and imposition of a Saudi-style rule. All the little cultural things that indicate pluralism – from Christmas trees to language classes to winemaking to women going unveiled – have just been destroyed in Aleppo and could be destroyed from Damascus to Beirut.
… It is the United States which is promoting the cause of religious extremism and of the end, all over the Middle East, of a societal pluralism similar to Western norms. That is of course a direct consequence of the United States being allied to both the two religio-supremacist centres of Israel and Saudi Arabia.
It is the USA which is destroying pluralism, and it is Iran and its allies which defend pluralism. I would not have seen this clearly had I not come here. But once seen, it is blindingly obvious.
Beirut 6 December 2024

Moon of Alabama cited this essay too:
It appears that pluralism is ending in more than just the Middle East. Moon of Alabama hints, of course, that pluralism will be ending soon in the United Kingdom as well. Moreover:
Romanian court annuls result of presidential election first round
They're going to keep annulling results until the people they want to win, win, I surmise. Here in the US we have duopoly, two rival dictatorships vying for power, no thoughts about what how the historians of the future will regard all of us. I don't think that future historians will imagine us as being a whole lot better than Nazis. More to the point, I don't think of this as "pluralism" so much as it is what Elvis Costello sung about forty-five years ago:
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
I've been reading
some of the comments at MoA about Craig Murray's piece, starting at the most recent comments today, and some are highly critical of Murray, advocating waiting to see how the military aspect plays out. Others are critical of Murray for being overly simplistic about the Sunni/Shia divide overall. I hope they're right.
But I'm struck by the fact that whatever the plan, it is clearly the plan of "the West" as described by the DIA in 2012.
Whatever it is --
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
I have been keeping up with Murray's
He is a historian, geopolitical analyst, has familiarity with Muslims in his own country, and is in the most informative situation, which is physical presence and personal contacts in the Middle East. I will not criticize his conclusions until I can say the same for myself.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Thanks for this as it certainly worth a full read.
The MSM is doing its part to come to the aid of the terrorists as we are seeing the emergence
of their beloved White Helmets.
The beatification of Abu Mohammed al-Jolani is underway.
DIA report article
Dan Stroul lays out the US strategy.
DIA concerns
DIA report summary points
DIA Director Michael Flynn
had concerns:
The DIA report pdf
can be downloaded at this Judicial Watch site:
Nima and Wilkerson discuss this
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
I will listen to that after
I am impressed with Wilkerson' understanding of Sunni/Shia conflicts, and, of course, his knowledge of Syria's oil, wheat, and the incessant needs of Israel.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Thank you.
That's an excellent talk by Wilkerson. While I should have, I never put Biden within the Scoop Jackson camp. Labeling him a warmonger is correct but insufficiently descriptive. Makes it much clearer why he was all in on the Iraq War which was a project of the Scoop Jackson descendants. Also never thought that sixty years on we would still be dealing with this nutbags.
These primitive religious superstitions
...held by so-called human beings proves once and for all that our species is not sentient and is doomed to self destruction. The doorway to collective consciousness and enlightenment is closed to our biologically inferior brains.
I, for one, am on the wrong planet, stuck with the wrong species. I've known this since I was a small Child. This mistake is playing out the only way it can. We are a dead end; a waste of universal consciousness.
Blinken is now dancing a jig!
The US, Israel and Turkey have come out on top. At least for the short term.
Courtesy of your so-called democracy
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
Russia sends sternly written letter
One reason why Syria has been overwhelmed so easily is because Russia has let Israel bomb Syria at will and destroyed Iranian supplies for hezzbolah and hamas. Plus Israel has killed many of the players in Syria while Russia just watched and wouldn’t let Syria use air defense systems.
I posted on this last Saturday.
Russia says that it will stand behind Assad. Time will tell…
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Sadly It is looking as if time is up
Maybe connect to the tweet below? I guess time will tell what’s happening there.
Russia went to help Syria defeat ISIS because they didn’t want them on their border…
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Stay tuned I guess. But then I was told that taking other country’s land was bad. Guess that only applies to America’s enemies?
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Aaron is such a card….
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
No shortage of misinformation but there is this!
Also too:
Eager to take advantage of the situation the (most moral army
in the world /S) Israelis enter Syria in another land grab.
This entertaining interview with Dmitry Orlov starts at 16:47 with a tour of the US-provoked conflicts in the rest of the world, describing their ultimate resolutions under Donald Trump's unique know-nothing policies. To rehash the Middle East chaos based on current limited data, start again at 00:00.
Good Sunday folks
A couple of interesting points.
Dmitry Orlov mentioned So. Korea
does not breed well in captivity. Bye bye.
Another concerning point is this 'game' represents
an opening salvo on the war against BRICS. The
western asymmetrical approach seems to be
backfiring. And Trumps tariff scheme will only
harm the US consumers.
Whadda mess. Thanks for your reporting LO!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare