The Weekly Watch

War IS the US Business Model

Open Thread Image.jpg

War with Russia in the Ukraine Proxy war, a likely War in SW Asia with Iran, War with China over Taiwan, War on US citizens using a variety of techniques, an economic War on the EU, countless coups and conflicts in Latin America, Africa, and Asia, Sanction wars with any country which refuses to submit to US dictats a war, there a war, everywhere a war,war. I heard Lockhead-Martin stock is up 58% this year alone. This country has come a long way down the road from the initial goal of being an agricultural and trading nation. We morphed into authoritarian warmongering bullies somewhere along the way.


Things are not going well in Ukraine. The Kursk incursion is nearly wiped out, and Russia is advancing quickly across the Donbas. 'elensky has been zooming around Europe hat in hand and is now demanding nukes or NATO membership. The Duran discusses the situation...
Nukes on the brain, Zelensky demands NATO boots on the ground (35 min)
Larry Johnson wonders if Ukraine can survive till election day.
Larry Johnson : Can Ukraine Survive Until Election Day?
But what about the North Koreans? Looks like US misinformation/propaganda...
Ukraine - Threat Of North Korean Soldiers Is Based on U.S. Info Campaign

BREAKING STUPIDITY: Ukraine shows a North Korean POW! The problem is he speaks Ukrainian, LMAO.
They explain it, that Koreans live close to the border with russia so they learn Russian, ok ... sure but he speaks UKRAINIAN ... LMAO
They took some student from Kiev or something and forced him to do this video!
He recites the Ukrainian poem "Love Ukraine" by Volodymyr Sosiura in Ukrainian and has very good pronunciation. No way he just learned it in 10 minutes, not humanly possible.

And one more from the Duran : U.S. phases out project Ukraine (27 min)

However, with rising tensions in SW Asia, Ukraine is falling off the agenda, as Israel does it's best to drag the US into a war with Iran.

Scott Ritter and others have been all over YouTube saying the IDF is losing the war with Hamas, the Houthis, and Hezbollah. They may be losing but they continue the Gaza Genocide, striking hospitals, schools, refugee camps and other civilian targets. Now they are targeting civilians in Lebanon.
Gabor Mate: ‘It’s like we’re watching Auschwitz on TikTok’

(72 min)

Wednesday's death of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar RIP Yahya Sinwar

This Mass Atrocity Is Made Possible By The Systematic Dehumanization Of Palestinians

Oxfam reports that Israeli forces killed four water engineers and workers on their way to repair water infrastructure in Gaza.
“Despite prior coordination with Israeli authorities their clearly-marked vehicle was bombed,” Oxfam says.
It’s gotten to the point where the only advantage to sharing your coordinates with the IDF as an aid worker in Gaza is that it will allow the historical records to show that they knew exactly what they were doing when they used those coordinates to kill you.
Israeli forces found and killed Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar by accident while they were just randomly destroying parts of Gaza, and then they methodically targeted and killed four water engineers on purpose. These two facts alone tell you everything you need to know about what Israel is really doing in Gaza.

Caitlin Johnstone

Israel is LOSING: Iran, Hezbollah & Yemen Demolish IDF in Long War w/ Prof. Mohammad Marandi

(20 min) Prof. Seyed Mohammad Marandi comments on the growing fears that a long regional war will be the end of Israel. In this video, Prof. Marandi breaks down the fronts of this war and how it spells doom for the Netanyahu regime.

Alastair Crooke : Is Israel America’s Tool or Boss? (35 min)

'Israel Isn't Safe:' Sinwar Hit Triggers Hezbollah, Iran & Yemen's REVENGE | Col. Lawrence Wilkerson

(24 min) Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson joins the program to discuss the HUGE implications of Yayha Sinwar's demise and what it says about Israel's overall strategy in the Middle East. Wilkerson breaks down his years of experience working with the Israelis to expose the fatal consequences of this move that are not seen by the naked eye in this must watch video.

Larry C. Johnson | Israel's DESPERATE Gamble: Begging for a CRUSHING Defeat from Iran & Hezbollah?

(61 min)

Larry and Nima discuss these leaks...
Leaked US Intelligence Documents Outline Israeli Preparations to Strike Iran

The Duran : IRAN diplomacy in preparation for WAR (36 min)

Meanwhile, the neocon's dream of war with China seems possible.
The Duran : China rehearsing tight blockade of Taiwan (16 min)

China Holds Massive Military Drills After Taiwan’s President Vows to 'Resist Annexation' w/ KJ Noh

(27 min) The Chinese Military held a series of drills around the island of Taiwan this week, noting that they were meant to serve as a “stern deterrence to the separatist acts of Taiwan independence forces.” The exercises notably came days after Taiwan’s new president gave a speech, in which he vowed to “uphold the commitment to resist annexation,” and said his mission was to “stand side by side with democratic countries.”
Geopolitical Analyst KJ Noh noted that the speech from Taiwan’s president sounds like it was written in Washington, and it’s yet another reminder that while the U.S. claims to support the ‘One China Policy’ (which states that Taiwan is a part of China), that hasn’t stopped Washington from gearing up for war with Beijing, using its proxies in Taiwan.

The Economic War
People eagerly await the upcoming BRICS+ summit in Kazan to see how the new currency exchange system among members will work. Does it spell the end of USD domination?

Martin Armstrong: Will BRICS Bring Global Peace or Trigger Catastrophic Wars? (60 min)

The Duran : BRICS rise and Europe's economic decline w/ Alex Krainer

(1st 75 min)

The geoeconomic drivers of SCO-BRICS synergy

China proposes to “uphold the principle of indivisible security” as well as “build a balanced, effective and sustainable security architecture” and firmly oppose “the building of national security on the basis of insecurity of other countries”. That’s something that every member of the SCO – not to mention BRICS – subscribes to.
In a nutshell, indivisibility of security as envisaged by Russia-China amounts to the de facto application of the UN Charter. The result would be peace on a global level – and by implication the death knell to NATO.
While indivisibility of security still can’t be adopted Eurasia-wide – as the Hegemon deploys a war of terror in several fronts to undermine the emergence of a multi-nodal world – win-win cross-border connectivity keeps on rolling, from the Steppe Road to New Silk Road corridors.

Pepe Escobar

Richard D. Wolff & Michael Hudson |
How the U.S. Took Over the World: The End of International Law!
(90 min)

Alex explains the economic war on Germany and the EU by the US

Germany Merz gives Russia 24 hrs to capitulate. US/NATO reject Victory Plan. Kamala faces Baier (34 min)


The War on the People
The war on us takes many forms: censorship, food, health, lawfare, and so on.

Censorship in the US is real as we see YouTube Channels like Mark Slebota's taken down, and RT banned. The Zuckbot at Facebag is compliant to deep state censorship also. However the situation in Europe is worse...
Police Escalate Britain’s War on Independent Journalism

The raid on investigative journalist Asa Winstanley isn’t about terrorism, writes Jonathan Cook – except that of the U.K. government. It is about scaring us into staying silent on Britain’s collusion in Israel’s genocide.

TPTB want to silence any criticism.

Caitlin's take on the story.

Elon Musk says he won't be going to the UK because they might just throw him into jail over his posts. Europe does not have freedom of speech, and in the UK, they're taking criminals out of jail so they can put people in there for mean social media posts.

They also want us sick and profitable...
Our foods are addictive and are poisoning us

(6 min)

RFK thinks he can help.

2.5 min

The Republicans seem to be on board with these goals.

(80 sec)

Ironically TPTB are going after regenerative farms selling directly to the people...


Regenerative farms COULD solve so many issues of human, soil, and ecosystem health.
How Regenerative Agriculture Brings Life Back to the Land | Gabe Brown

Over his decades of farming and ranching, Gabe Brown has noticed a troubling trend: the conventional farming techniques he used were degrading the soil and ruining crops. He shares how his family farm turned things around by adopting regenerative agricultural practices — and shows how the wider food system can use these same methods to improve food quality and revitalize the land

The medical system unfortunately offers no help. Most offer a prescription and scalpel. Doctors were never educated about using diet for health. Remember how helpful they were during COVID? No, I don't either...
Trailer First Do No Pharm documentary film by Dr. Aseem Mulhotra

(2 min)

And now TPTB want to shoot those who protest. Reminds me of Kent State.

(19 min)

I don't know about you, but I'll be glad when the election is over. I did check out our ballot and Jill Stein is on it, so I'll probably go cast my protest vote. I hope you're all having a good weekend. I look forward to your thoughts, stories, and ideas in the comments below. The thread is open to any and all topics...

9 users have voted.


QMS's picture

This from Caitlin is good IMO.

So please don’t make the mistake of thinking your attempts to disrupt their narrative control aren’t working. Don’t let anyone tell you your protests don’t make a difference or your dissident speech poses no threat to the powerful. If what we’re doing wasn’t working, empire managers wouldn’t be going nuts trying to stop us.

It is important to resist the warmonger narrative.

Thanks for the WW!

6 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Lookout's picture

@QMS all the senseless wars. TPTB need to know we don't like all the death and destruction, and that their propaganda machine no longer is as effective as they thought.

Chilly here, looks cold up in your neck of the woods. Stay warm!

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture

the Ukie, Israel and Taiwan misadventures. Failures.

Today is a tad bit warmer. Going out for a bike ride on
an old rail trail.


Did you get a glimpse of the comet? Only saw the tail here.

Sunday (sorta) gospel selection...


7 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Lookout's picture


...and it wasn't dramatic like some I've seen.

Enjoy your bike ride! I love my ebike here in the hills.

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

karl pearson's picture

Why aren't religious institutions organizing protests against all this war and war talk in the world? Have they been too politicized, like the other components of society? Are they just too busy asking for donations and competing against each other? Churches were active in abolishing slavery, promoting the Civil Rights movement, and ending the Vietnam War. Where are they now?

7 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

@karl pearson

The only peace church I'm aware of is the Community Church of Boston. They feature people like Chas Freeman, Max Blumenthal, and Ray McGovern. The Churches have never all been on the right page. Remember MLK's letter from the B'ham jail when he addresses the religious leaders of the city asking him to slow walk the movement.

Some religious leaders are peace activists, but I'm sorry to say, not many.

Thanks for the insightful comment.

Edit to add: with more thought, another aspect of a church response involves the Christian Zionists who believe the coming of the messiah comes about with all this Israel conflict. Additionally, one of the primary pro-Palestine voices comes from the Jewish community.

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout I think peace messages were a lot more prominent several decades ago.
Not advocates but bearers of the message.
Even the popular Christmas carols have moved away from peace, for the most part.

5 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

@Will Rogers Guthrie

from the Vietnam era shaped my life, as I suspect it influenced you...and so many in this community.

Thanks for coming by today!

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@karl pearson praying for The End Times?
Who knew it took a genocide to entice Jesus to come and take us home.

6 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

QMS's picture

@on the cusp
against war as being the answer to settling cultural
differences and overcoming human "religious" imbalance.
Hard to understand how the rapturists envision peace.

6 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Lookout's picture

@on the cusp

What is the rapture?

From my view it is similar to the Zionists view that God gave them "Greater Israel" 2600 years ago. (The chosen people and Jewish Supremacy is a myth to my mind). Both ideas living in the land of myth....not to offend any believers, but it's just I don't.

Each to their own.

3 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout @Lookout a British lawyer, came up with the End Times bs. I can't find it today, but I damn well found it several years ago in an article that he spent most of his later life in a mental facility.
His bio material today has erased that. Christian Zionists have white washed it. I suspect it would take tremendous effort to find any mention about his mental health.
It would give a lot of what is going on with the genocide a bad look, as it would made the CZs look as bat shit crazy as they truly are.

2 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Lookout's picture

@on the cusp

We don't recognize what we see.

did y'all have swept yards and trees painted white in your part of TX?
swept yard.jpg

white trees.jpg
Used to be common in Alabama, but rarely seen today.

Heard the swept yard was to spot snakes?

1 user has voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture


Shitlibs are up in arms about Dan Coats, Trump’s DNI saying that Putin has kompromat on Trump.

Good grief. Don’t they know what Epstein’s blackmail was all about? And last election cycle and especially this one Israel has come right out and openly thrown millions into elections to get rid of anyone critical of Israel and to make sure they’d get someone who would do their bidding.


But Russia!

4 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Lookout's picture

were intimately connect. His Madam, Ghislaine Maxwell, was the daughter of a known Mossad agent.

Blackmail is a deep state stock and trade.

Thanks for for dropping by!

4 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

enhydra lutris's picture

One is to pull a piece of 1/2 emt that was driven about 5+ feet into our clay soil by hand sledge years ago without tearing up surrounding planting. So far 3 methods have failed. Latest in to stand a section of 4 x 2 channel beside it, hook a come-along over it pulling on a pipe hitch around the emt. First try the hitch held, but I ran out of slack on the come along. Have slid the hitch down the pole about a foot and ready to go try again.

The news, these days, is mostly the olds, and, well, you know:

be well and have a good one

3 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Lookout's picture

@enhydra lutris my approach to pulling driven poles.

boom pole.jpg

In the garden we use a pole puller...
post puller.jpg
Good luck with the extraction!

4 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

enhydra lutris's picture


Pipe hitch held fine, but I needed to lower my purchase once, which involved untying the bowline on a bight that terminated the business end after putting mucho strain on it for quite some time. That might have been the hardest part.

be well and have a good one

3 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

QMS's picture

@enhydra lutris


funny that, coming from a sailor
you can get a good purchase this way

good luck

2 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

usefewersyllables's picture

“wholesale death” is our last remaining export product.

If only we lived in a world where there was no market for it. But we have done a very good job at creating said market over the last few decades…

4 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.

Lookout's picture


“wholesale death” is our last remaining export product.

Whatta shame!

1 user has voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture


"Had there been YouTube and Instagram and TikTok around Auschwitz, this is what we would have seen, people burning alive. And it’s beyond horrendous, it’s beyond comprehension.”

I think a lot of people knew what was happening to Jews during WW 2. Zionists Jews certainly did and that includes Zionists in America. There’s no way Germany could have covered up what they were doing. And remember alot of Americans were funding Hitler.

3 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Pluto's Republic's picture


This Mass Atrocity Is Made Possible By The Systematic Dehumanization
Of Palestinians Western Civilization.


This is the real point because after the current horror is all over (or after we run out of Palestianians), we will still be left with fake elections and a nation filled with dehumanized Americans. Our allied nations will still be filled with Dehumanized Europeans, and so forth.

What are we supposed to do with that? What are our children supposed to do with that?

We, as individuals, can find ways to do better than that for ourselves. We can find better locations, governments, and societies. But we can't find those things as a country. Too much brain damage.

The Chinese, acting with national unity and individual service to peace, have found a way to leave this world better than they found it. Western Civilization cannot do this because the West is anti-Unity — which they call 'socialism' or 'communism'. What Unity really is, is a state where All People directly benefit from the actions of their government — and not just the wealthy and the politically connected. That's Unity. That's what creates Unity. That's what our struggle is all about.

For Western Civilization, Palestine is just the beginning (win or lose). Make no mistake: The Neocons operating the US Federal Government know the truth: Palestine is a warning shot across the bow of social justice. They have no interest in stopping it.

We here should at least face that truth, as we have consistently and courageously done since at least 2015.

2 users have voted.
Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
QMS's picture

@Pluto's Republic
with our need to coexist? Disenfranchise with the ruling class
would be a start. Then make our way from there.
Just a suggestion.

1 user has voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Lookout's picture

@Pluto's Republic @Pluto's Republic

...and it sure is sad. Thanks for your insight and accurate comment.

Like the song says, "when will they ever learn?"

On July 26, 1956, the House of Representatives voted 373 to 9 to cite Pete Seeger and seven others (including playwright Arthur Miller) for contempt, as they failed to cooperate with House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) in their attempts to investigate alleged subversives and communists. Pete Seeger testified before the HUAC in 1955.

In one of Pete's darkest moments, when his personal freedom, his career, and his safety were in jeopardy, a flash of inspiration ignited this song. The song was stirred by a passage from Mikhail Sholokhov's novel "And Quie Flows the Don". Around the world the song traveled and in 1962 at a UNICEF concert in Germany, Marlene Dietrich, Academy Award-nominated German-born American actress, first performed the song in French, as "Qui peut dire ou vont les fleurs?" Shortly after she sang it in German. The song's impact in Germany just after WWII was shattering. It's universal message, "let there be peace in the world" did not get lost in its translation. To the contrary, the combination of the language, the setting, and the great lyrics has had a profound effect on people all around the world. May it have the same effect today and bring renewed awareness to all that hear it.

1 user has voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”