The Weekly Watch

We Have Met the Terrorists
and They Are US!

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After 9/11 we declared a war on terror which became a war OF terror as we destroyed nation after nation. Today we are supporting genocide and starvation as we continue to conduct coups around the world. Last week it was Bangladesh because we want their island in the Bay of Bengal for a military base. In Venezuela we refuse to recognize the President and pretend the president is the puppet of our choosing. We use NGO's like NED to foment trouble and destabilize any non-compliant country by paying protesters in Bangladesh, Hong Kong, Georgia, and of course in Ukraine. These foreign interventions have boomeranged back to the US with violence and murder in our communities. Our Dogma caught our Karma, and now we are paying the price.


Jeff Brown lays out the US modus operandi well in the first 10-20 minutes using Bangladesh as an example.

Jeff J. Brown: NATO's Epic Fail on EVERY Front – Why They're Completely CLUELESS!
I like his descriptor of the US as Globocop.

Scott Ritter describes the US as - ONE BIG WAR MACHINE

(58 min)

Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate discuss The Grayzone's investigative report exposing the political conflict eating the National Endowment for Democracy from within, and how a previous Grayzone report triggered the public relations disaster for the US government's de facto regime change arm.

(10 min) Grayzone investigation causes 'biggest PR fiasco in history' for US regime change front

When Presidents Kill (Andrew Napolitano)
“Terrorist” cannot be a standard for extrajudicial murder because it is subjective. To King George III, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were terrorists. To the poor folks in Libya and Syria, to the popularly elected governments toppled by CIA-inspired violence in Iran in 1953 and in Ukraine in 2014, to the innocents tortured by the CIA at black sites around the world, the CIA is a terrorist organization. The presidential use of drones to kill persons overseas began in 2002 with Bush-ordered targeted killings. It continued under President Barack Obama – who even killed Americans overseas. The rules for killing were made up by each president. They were relaxed under President Donald Trump, who gave CIA senior personnel and military commanders the authority to kill without his express approval for each killing. Trump’s folks infamously murdered an Iranian general and his companions on their way to lunch with Iraqi generals to negotiate peace between the two countries.
The Biden administration quietly took back the Trump grants of authority so that today only the president can authorize targeted killing. Yet, there is no moral, constitutional or legal authority for these killings. But presidents of both political parties do it anyway.

All the conflicts are interconnected. They come home to roost and certainly have in the UK.
LoKey describes the events in the UK and their protest leader Tony Robinson.

Lowkey EXPOSES Tommy Robinson’s Links to Israel (8 min)

As we disrupt countries around the world we have created a massive migration mess.
Alex Krainer discusses migration and more...

Alex Krainer: Russia and China’s Secret Plan to OUTSMART NATO (50 min)

I caught a couple of good interviews with Pepe.

Pepe Escobar: Scott Ritter, Israel Losing, Russia Losing its Patience (59 min)
Pepe's article, The BRICS weigh in on Palestine
also, A BRICS Trio Is Staring Down Israel (Pepe Escobar)

...and with the Judge...
Pepe Escobar : Will China Help the Palestinians? (28 min)

Alastair Crooke has interesting insights into the Middle East.

Alastair Crooke : Is Middle East War Inevitable? (32 min)
Alastair was also on with the Duran in an 80 minute conversation
War is Inevitable - Alastair Crooke, Alexander Mercouris & Glenn Diesen

Prof. Jeffrey Sachs: Can Diplomacy Bring Middle East Peace?

Jeffrey is more hopeful than me. He still thinks there can be a two state solution. I find Alastair more realistic.

Larry has been sitting in for Daniel Davis this week. He had a great conversation with Chas Freeman.

Amb Chas Freeman: The RIGHT way to Negotiate - w/China, Iran, Russia (56 min)

As US empire declines, BRICS+ continue to rise.

Richard D. Wolff & Michael Hudson: US Empire's Decline & Massive Economic Shifts! (1 hr)

I'm sure you've heard about Ukraine's sortie into Russia. Larry discusses the situation.

Ukraine Incursion: Can They Really Hold Russian Territory? Larry Johnson host (23 min)

Biden’s Incriminating Admission Of US Involvement In Offensive On Russia
“..there is reliable reporting that the enemy infantry is made up of NATO special forces from the United States, Britain, France, and Poland alongside the NeoNazis of Ukraine..”
“This is as close to World War Three taking place as it can get..”

So What Really Happened In Kursk? (Pepe Escobar)
The sources, cautiously, seem to converge on a very serious possibility: “There seems to have been a breakdown in intel; they do not seem to have noticed the accumulation of troops at the Kursk border”.
Another analyst though has offered a way more specific scenario, according to which a hawkish military faction, spread across the Ministry of Defense and the intel apparatus – and antagonistic to the new Minister of Defense Belousov, an economist – let the Ukrainian invasion proceed with two objectives in mind: set a trap for Kiev’s top enemy commanders and troops, who were diverted from the – collapsing – Donbass front; and put extra pressure on Putin to finally go for the head of the snake and finish off the war.

Kiev had been planning an incursion-style attack on Russia such as the one underway in Kursk Region for some time, NBC has reported, citing an unnamed senior adviser to the Ukrainian government. On August 6, Ukraine launched its largest attack on internationally recognized Russian territory since the outbreak of the conflict in February 2022. The advance into Kursk Region was swiftly halted by Russia’s military, but Ukrainian troops still hold a number of settlements in the border area. According to the adviser, whose comments were shared by the US broadcaster in an article on Friday, the idea of an incursion into Russia has been “on the table for more than a year” in Kiev. The goal of the operation was to divert Russian attention from other parts of the front line, especially from Donbass, where Moscow’s forces have been steadily advancing since the start of the year, he said.

Then there's the Nord Stream fable of Gilligan and the Skipper too...
Western Governments Sell Farfetched Nord Stream Tale to Wary Public (Sp.)
German officials revealed a surprising break in the case this week, claiming a Ukrainian diving instructor known as Volodymyr Zhuravlev was responsible for the pipeline’s sabotage.

Too bad they didn't read Sy Hersh article.

Nord Stream 2 bombing is in the headlines again, with a recent report which appears to come from Kiev claiming that it was the Ukrainians all along who were behind it. The claims, which have been denied by Zelensky naturally, are preposterous as they are ill-timed. But what’s really behind this latest fake news story? In a nutshell, Joe Biden needs to clean up his backyard to help Kamala Harris get elected and in Ukraine there is quite a bit of tidying up which needs doing – not only for Ukraine itself to sustain relations with a new administration in Washington but also for America’s relations with Germany and the EU. And so a fable has been invented which both tidies up any loose ends between Washington and Germany – as the U.S. bombing the pipelines creates unease and tensions between the Biden administration and that of Scholz’s – as well as helping the Ukrainians and Harris.

Alex discusses the story in the first few minutes of this clip...

the whole clip is 35 min

Talk about Terrorists...
Ukraine Preparing ‘Dirty Nuke’ Attack
Ukrainian forces have begun preparations to target nuclear waste storage sites at a Russian power plant with radioactive warheads and to then blame Moscow, according to intelligence received by Russia. Kiev’s forces have already struck the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), Europe’s largest, and started a fire at one of the cooling towers, while accusing Russia of bombing itself. “Sources on the other side report that the [Ukrainians] are preparing a nuclear false flag – an explosion of a dirty atomic bomb,” military journalist Marat Khairullin said Friday on his Telegram channel. “They plan to strike the storage sites of spent nuclear fuel of a nuclear power plant.” The special warheads intended for the attack have already been delivered to the Vostochny Mining and Processing plant in Zhovti Vody, in Ukraine’s Dnepropetrovsk Region, according to Khairullin.

ME bases.jpeg

It has been a week of waiting...waiting for Iran's retaliatory strike against Israel.

European leaders escalate war rhetoric with Iran (20 min)

The State of Iran’s Retaliation, Israel’s Attacks and U.S. Involvement w/ Kevork Almassian (20 min)
Biden is claiming "We are closer than we've ever been" to a deal, after two days of ceasefire talks in Qatar. He is hoping, as he expressed earlier this week, that if Israel and Hamas can come to an agreement, it will save Israel from facing retaliation from Iran for the assassination of Palestinian diplomat and Hamas political chief, Ismail Haniyeh.
Political commentator and Founder of Syriana Analysis, Kevork Almassian, noted that while there are still countless questions as to how and when Iran will respond, there are also questions as to whether a deal can be made. After all, Israel still claims its end goal is to destroy the same group it's negotiating with.

George Galloway: Israel Has DESTROYED Itself as Yemen, Iran, Lebanon Prepare for War

(27 min) George Galloway came on the show to discuss the situation in the Middle East and how the growing opposition to Israel's war spells doom for Netanyahu and the regime. This conversation took place last month but is just as prescient as Yemen's Red Sea blockage continues and Iran, Lebanon prepare for broader regional war.

The Height of Summer...


The crepe myrtles are having a good year as are the mammoth sunflowers. Last week I suggested if WWIII didn't break out, we would get back to the garden. Those who follow the WW may remember Jim Kovaleski, the migrant farmer from both Florida and Maine. Well he's turning over the Florida farm and moving permanently to Maine.
The Next Generation of Freedom House Farm is Un-Folding; New Farm Name Announced! (30 min)
Urban Farmer, Jim Kovaleski is passing the torch to Tanner Johnson as the new owner of the property. It is truly bittersweet that Jim is leaving to Maine permanently, but it's a beautiful story how this land will have a new beginning. Jim and Tanner walk the Land and discuss the changes and Tanner's farming style!

Farmer Jim Kovaleski Leaves a Legacy Behind in FL... (17 min)

Jim Kovaleski: Market Farming Series

Jim has been a pivotal role model of ours since 2011, not long after we first began to grow food. We can truly say that he was a big catalyst for change in our lives & we owe the foundation of our success to Jim's influence. Now it is your turn to spend a week with Jim, at your own pleasure.
In this playlist, we share some of the invaluable video footage we got with Jim, while spending a week visiting with him in Maine during his summer market season. We offer these special highlights as our gift to the growing community who are working together to create an even better grass roots food movement.

Jim is a master gardener, and I've learned several helpful tricks from him. Hope you've had a good gardening season. It is time to start thinking about fall planting. Gardening is a year round hobby in this part of the world.

Well once again there were many topics I didn't cover. The political circus here in the US, the developing conflict with China, and the increase in censorship, just to mention a few. There's always next week to delve into those stories. In the meantime I hope your internet story surfing goes as well as this ride...

I hope you'll share some of your stories and insights below. Have a great Sunday!

17 users have voted.


Lookout's picture

...from the Duran.

Bangladesh coup. US challenges India (16 min)

The war machine is on automatic.

9 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Cassiodorus's picture

in a recent diary at C99%. In related news, it appears that my work on C99% is being censored on Facebook when I repost links to it. The censorbot flashes "spam" and deletes my posts when I link to a diary I've written.

11 users have voted.

"I don’t know anyone who has seen the images who would not have strong feelings about what has happened, much less those who have relatives who have died and been killed." - Kamala Harris

Lookout's picture


The Zuckman does care about communication...but the control of communication... according to his deep state masters as Taibbi revealed in the Twitter files.

I'm happily faceless, but have friends who rely on the platform to keep in touch with family and friends. Each to their own, but email or a website is more reliable, to my mind.

Alastair is a treasure as you suggest. There's a reason the facebag/deepstate doesn't want people to hear his analysis.

Persevere and be well!

11 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Cassiodorus's picture

@Lookout There are some really dedicated people out there who have been educated in the ways of the Man Behind the Curtain -- unfortunately, they reside on Facebook, and they need to be somehow pulled off.

8 users have voted.

"I don’t know anyone who has seen the images who would not have strong feelings about what has happened, much less those who have relatives who have died and been killed." - Kamala Harris

soryang's picture


Someone I know was running for a state legislative office. didn't like his politics, the first dem running for office in a republican white controlled rural area experienced in denying blacks representation at the state level. simply suspended his account for the duration of the campaign with no explanation. I've never been on, so I don't know what principles if any govern their censorship program. I was told it's completely arbitrary. Whatever the F they want.

8 users have voted.

語必忠信 行必正直

Lookout's picture


Your identity is the fee. Same with X/Twitter.

I saw some FL friends this weekend. The Tallahassee folks talked about the tornadoes in spring, and another near Lake City got 9+" of rain in a day. Evidently there's still flooding.

Hope all is well in your corner!

9 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

soryang's picture


...the tropical weatherman on youtube for the Eastern Atlantic/ Caribbean/ Gulf of Mexico, says there is presently no imminent hazard of tropical storm/hurricane for about 9 days. He won't be able to project any for about 9-10 days. This is great news for us here. I also heard another meteorologist geek on youtube a couple of days ago say, that it was too early to change the high activity season forecast for tropical storms, but if some more activity doesn't materialize before early September it will be necessary to lower the estimated number of storms. From what Mr. Weatherman said I think we might get some activity by the end of the month.

5 users have voted.

語必忠信 行必正直

Lookout's picture

....LIAR! or so goes the joke.

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

could you be wrong so often and not get fired?

6 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


...or may be representatives and senators?

Thanks for the laugh!

9 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

overdrive. Previously they helped to elect a near vegetable now they are working on a new candidate who could be compared to a laughing hyena.

11 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


Selected, not elected. My question is whose Joy is it? Deep state, DNC elites?

There's been some pretty funny clips...
She's running on her record -

Did you hear that Tulsi is helping Trump prepare for his debate?

Thanks for the X post!

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

lotlizard's picture


2 users have voted.
soryang's picture

It's short and to the point. The US desire to dominate the world with big stick type diplomacy exceeds its industrial capacity by far. Shipbuilding is just one of the dimensions of a multidimensional shortcomings related to potential defense industrial output. There are also human resource deficiencies. I recall in this respect TSMC complaints about an inadequate work force to build new semiconductor facilities in the US. The deficiencies in the workforce were reported as numbers of workers available, the inadequate education/training of those individuals and poor work ethic compared to what managers in Asian TSMC facilities are accustomed to. The latter discrepancy in expectations was referred to as "cultural differences."

I liked this article in Hankyoreh about the open rift in consensus politics in South Korea opened up by the "new right politics" (read pro-Japan extreme right wing revisionism) of President Yoon Seok-yeol and his extremist political appointments.

I particularly like the quote in the image, "A people who forget their history, have no future."

I watched a CGTN video yesterday which alluded to the current Taiwan political leadership, the DPP, forgetting their history in a somewhat similar manner to South Korea. I don't find this aspect of Taiwan's history, as a Japanese colony and it's legacy on current Taiwan issues, being adequately explored in English language media. In the past, I found that on the one hand, the narrative is that Japan treated Taiwan better than Korea or the Chinese mainland, and that their rule was "welcomed." Accordingly, there is no resentment of Japanese influence or interference in Taiwan's "democratic politics," just as the US is viewed positively. I'm not sure to what extent this is true. On the other hand, even analysts that I tend to favor, either neglect this topic, or fail to document the impact of the Japanese colonial era on Taiwan adequately. I won't post the CGN video because while allegations of colonial legacy ties of DPP leadership to Japan are made, they are not sufficiently documented. I think if one examines the educational background and personal history of some DPP leadership the ties to Oxford, or US elite educational institutions and other ties to the US are apparent.

Now that Kishida has indicated his "unexpected" intention to step down, I'd like to point out that some of the potential candidates or power brokers are Nippon Kaigi members. This association is far right nationalist in orientation, yet some of the political figures that fall into this category are usually described as "moderates," like Kishida, who is also Nippon Kaigi. This includes Shigeru Ishiba, a potential candidate for prime minister in LDP, who has been described as a "moderate" as well in widely disseminated English language accounts. This is nonsense. Ishiba favors militarization of Japan, having advocated "preemptive strike" strategy for Japan in the past, arming Japan with long range cruise missiles, and preparing Japan if necessary to build nuclear weapons, all because of "increased threats in the region."

List of members of Nippon Kaigi

Coming full circle, it's notable that Japan and South Korea both have respectable industrial bases and world class shipbuilding capabilities. South Korean heavy arms manufacturing exports are earning a international reputation for cost effectiveness. Whether these can or will be integrated into a US led "Asian NATO," remains to be seen. Ship maintenance in the two countries is seen as a means to free up limited US shipyard capability for new construction. Same for Australia in AUKUS for submarines.

Whatever floats your boat, as they say.

Thanks for all the news analysis and updates Lookout! I'll be watching the videos today when I get an opportunity.

(edit typo)

11 users have voted.

語必忠信 行必正直

@soryang In the case of TSMC one article I read claimed that because TSMC was taking US government grants they had to abide by employment rules set up by various agencies. In particular there were DEI related quotas. It wasn't a matter of qualified candidates but the numbers demanded by the government didn't exist in the workforce. Something like 10% of construction workers are women, but the government demanded much higher percentage of hires for female construction workforce.

Not sure what backroom decisions were made or forced to be made to have TSMC to build advanced fabs in the United States. Looks like another Nord Stream scenario. USA false flag destroys fabs in Taiwan with result that US controls advanced node manufacturing on its own territory.

8 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


The last generation of tradesmen and tradeswomen are fading fast. How will we reclaim our skill set?

Too bad we lost the ability to require ability.

10 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

lotlizard's picture


1 user has voted.
Lookout's picture


But giving evry kid a trophy, a ribbon, or a good grade takes away any meaning.

Thanks for the link. Hope all is well in your world!

3 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

soryang's picture


....they were talking about in culture, DEI requirements. I didn't know that. Frankly, I doubt that the technical needs of the plant can be met without additional training of the work force. They were very specific about that as i recall. They said it would take a few months to train the workers to work inside the factory.

And yes, Mr. Webster, I felt the same way on your second point. I thought it was unwise to create alternatives in the US and Japan to the TSMC production capabilities in Taiwan. I also heard that the TSMC production facilities in Taiwan if not destroyed incidental to a war over Taiwan, that the TSMC facilities in Taiwan might be destroyed intentionally to "prevent them from falling into Chinese hands." I can't remember where I heard that, but I thought this is insane, and that reshoring the TSMC production capability makes it more likely to happen.

6 users have voted.

語必忠信 行必正直

Pluto's Republic's picture


....according to my research, is that Americans cannot adapt to Taiwan's 24-hour work culture. That goes both for the construction of the factory, and for technical work inside the factory. Taiwan's chip innovation depends on workers seeing a challenge all the way through the cycles of testing and tweaking — much like the training of interns in a hospital setting. Nine, ten, twelve hour work-days is the norm. Longer for team leaders. Americans just will not, or can not, comply. The Taiwanese have taken groups of US workers to Taiwan to live, train, and work in the culture. They come back with PTSD.

The factory site is a bleak place roasting in unrelenting triple digit heat. An unprotected human will die there in three or four hours. Dozens of homeless do every day in nearby Phoenix. (I traveled there to check out the factory site, which lies several miles north of Phoenix.) Later, at sundown, we drove to a nearby foothill that rises up at the edge of flat barren desert. We looked out toward the huge construction site, which is fully lit 24-hours a day, in the sea of hot darkness. The painful heat was now rising up out of the earth. To me, it looked like an emergency landing pad for an alien star ship that would come to rescue those who dwelled below.

The opening of the factory has been quietly set back another year. But it will never open for the purpose it was built, in my opinion. It's just another Neocon war boondoggle. Everything our governing psychopaths do is doomed. I believe they will destroy the entire planet if they must to hide their failure. They will never surrender to defeat. Voting in a Federal election signifies the People's consent to Neocon rule. If 50 percent or more of the US population refused to vote because all the choices were bad for them (or because their choice was a funnel into guaranteed obsecurity), then things would have to change. The US Presidency would not be recognized anywhere in the World, including the UN.

C99 appears to be the only website in North America that is reporting fact-based, evidence-based news.


12 users have voted.
Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
soryang's picture

@Pluto's Republic

I had suspected something like this to be the case. I just couldn't remember the details of the report I had heard. I think your research is spot on. I'm familiar with the similar work culture in South Korea which gives rise to a lot of labor disputes.

3 users have voted.

語必忠信 行必正直

Lookout's picture

@Pluto's Republic

...about work culture and US work ethic. Losing our skilled workforce will not play out well.

Mix in migration...migrants include many skilled workers.

Sure is an interesting world to observe.

3 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Pluto's Republic I really don’t think low voter turnout would change anything, unless it was remarkably low,e.g., 20 %.
Then we might get a lot of superficial changes

5 users have voted.


9 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

Brian often harps about the regime change NED apparatus in his country, Thailand.

You sure have that right...
"A people who forget their history, have no future."

Rewriting history is a very 1984 Ministry of Truth technique. We swim in a sea of propaganda. Thanks for bringing some clarity, especially to the Korea and East Asia scene!

12 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

10 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


Man's inhumanity to man never ceases to dumbfound me.

Thanks for the X post!

9 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Pluto's Republic's picture


...can be detected on a cat scan.

7 users have voted.
Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
Lookout's picture

@Pluto's Republic
and brain damage will be denied and hidden. Just think about how Joementia was hidden by the MSM.
"He's sharp as a tack" was one quote.

Thanks for coming by today!

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

enhydra lutris's picture

videos yet. I do have some Ukie war news, from the military summary channel, that the Rus took out at least 2 Patriot systems, one with 3 launchers and accompanying radar and such, and another with at least one launcher and, presumably radar. These had seemingly been stashed awaiting the offensive and when they went to move them closer to the front they weere discovered and destroyed.

Have to hold off on fall planting in at least 1/2 of one bed pending garlic planting, so at most 1/2 of that bed for veggies, probably carrots.

be well and have a good one

8 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Lookout's picture

@enhydra lutris

...but I need to at least get some seed in the ground.

hope you find something of interest in the WW. Enjoy your Sunday!

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

I thank you for posting all these articles and videos. I spent most of the day doing laundry, first time in 3 weeks. Today, I am free to do whatever I want, which is reading and watching your stuff.
According to Accuweather, it is 93 deg., real feel of 110 deg.
No outdoor activities for me!
My current plan is to sell my goofy little sports car, and then buy a tractor. A friend in Houston has been selling used cars for many years. He will have a good marketplace with lots of customers.
After I get into the weeds of your WW, i hope to have a more substantive comment!
Your crepe myrtles are just lovely!
Thanks for the WW, dear friend!

8 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Lookout's picture

@on the cusp

I couldn't manage our place with out one, so it sounds like a good trade. I recommend a well cared for older tried and true used tractor rather than a new one...cheaper, more reliable and REPAIRABLE.

y'all have a great day!

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout There is a town about 45 minutes away that has 2 businesses selling used tractors. They have been repaired and certified, which is much better than buying from an individual and hoping for the best.

7 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Lookout's picture

@on the cusp

Plus having someone nearby for the inevitable repairs. I bought our tractor at a Ford tractor center. It was used and sitting out front. They used to do repairs and would come get it on a roll back, fix it, and deliver it back. The delivery fee at the time was $50. All that ended many years ago, and I managed to rustle up local helpers/mechanics to do repairs here in the holler. At this time the local mechanic 2 miles away will come here and help. Tractors are pretty reliable and don't need frequent repair, but when they need it, they need it.

Good tractor hunting!

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

The rest of the tweet:

All Iran has to do is bide its time and be patient, it's slowly suffocating Israel, whose only hope remains in provoking Iran into a full-scale war against U.S.

11 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


Driving the Zionists nuts wondering where and when the retribution will occur.

Thanks for the X post!

10 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Pluto's Republic's picture

@humphrey one of the few lit bulbs in the chandelier.

Who in US public life has the nerve to speak the whole truth?

Americans will not admit to any internal problem that cannot be solved with an election. If another election can't solve the problem, then it's a conspiracy theory.

8 users have voted.
Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange

Us, Qatar and Egypt without the presence of Hamas.

CIA director Bill Burns earlier this week awarded the head of the Qatari State Security Agency, Abdullah bin Mohammed Al-Khulaifi, the "George Tenet" medal for his work on strengthening intelligence cooperation between the U.S. and Qatar, according to two sources with knowledge of the issue.

Why it matters: The ceremony at CIA headquarters earlier this week took place amid intense diplomatic efforts by the U.S. and Qatar to reach a Gaza hostage and ceasefire deal.

Burns and Al-Khulaifi are playing key roles in these efforts.
One of the main reasons for the award is Qatar's efforts to release the hostages held by Hamas in Gaza, one of the sources said.
Behind the scenes: The source said Burns gave the award to his Qatari counterpart in "appreciation of his role in maintaining national and regional security, and the exceptional support he provided to the CIA in preserving the interests and security of the U.S. and Qatar."

Another main reason for the award was the cooperation between the CIA and Qatari intelligence in counterterrorism and the ability of the Qatari State Security Agency to prevent and foil threats and attacks in the Middle East, the source said.

I would assume that similar results could be found with regards to Egypt.

5 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

I doubt it will go very far. Kinda like the Ukraine piss summit in Switzerland. But who knows....desperate people do desperate things. I sure wish those people a little peace.

thanks for the info!

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

dystopian's picture

Hi LO,

Hope all are well out there, and not melting as I am.

I wish y'all would quit settin' me off though... Wink

Re: Mr. Websters comment and your reply on lack of skilled tradesmen-woman.

I wish there were a loop playing for Dems with ol' 'aw shucks' himself, Bill Clinton saying :"we're going to become a service and technology economy now!" With glee and excitement, celebrating shipping all the manufacturing overseas, in a big part due to NAFTA. What a maroon.

We had a hundred years and often 3 generations working in various plants, of the most highly skilled factory workers in the world at one time. What country would think it would be smart to throw that away. The worst part was the say tool and die-makers. You have to think backwards, or in negative often. I made acrylic dies for a 20K (in 70's) wall sized pin routher to cut speaker holes as fast as you could slam a piece of wood in and get it out and put another in. The metal workers die making
knowledge was magic, and now cannot be replaced. It would take a generation to teach a crop of people the skills we used to come out of high school industrial arts departments with all over America. It didn't make money like sports, so it went the way of music and art classes. It just trained the next generation of great factory workers. We threw it away. For Wall St. profits. If we had not done that we would not have the national debt we do today.

Bill Clinton's legacy. He passed what the R's could not. As were most of his most disastrous actions.

Last week you mentioned you had American Goldfinches. What a beautiful bird in summer breeding plumage. We only get them in dull winter attire here. Lots of layfolk (as here) call them Wild Canary. Great bird!

We have hot panting thirsty birds here. Yesterday mysdys was spraying water and a Canyon Towhee flew in for a shower! Hummingbirds or Chickadees will often to that. Dozens of butterflies come in for sprayed about water. It is soooo parched here. The (D2) is only soil moisture for ag purposes. Bilogically we are about D5.

Thanks for the OT and great sunday paper of your WW. All that's fit to know...

happy trails all!

12 users have voted.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

Lookout's picture


We had a hundred years and often 3 generations working in various plants, of the most highly skilled factory workers in the world at one time. What country would think it would be smart to throw that away.
knowledge was magic, and now cannot be replaced. It would take a generation to teach a crop of people the skills we used to come out of high school industrial arts departments with all over America.

and we threw it all away...
Bob Dylan - I Threw It All Away

The gold finch are fun. Sunflower seed are the trick.

Stay (as) cool (as you can)! Thanks for the visit.

10 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@dystopian So back in the day my high school had college and industry tracks. My brother took 4 years of "machine shop" where he learned to use various machines like lathes to work on metal. He became what the union classified as a master machinist. But during his lifetime those jobs went away especially around the steel industries (Germans in particular were allowed to dump steel below cost into American markets was one big factor.)

I would bet there is not one high school in America that offers anything like serious industrial arts, or even classes like repairing cars, basic carpentry, etc.

5 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


...has an apprentice welding program at the Heil truck plant next door to the high school. So there are remnants of sanity...but not many.

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

dystopian's picture

@MrWebster @MrWebster
Hi Mr. Webster.

Wow that sounds familiar... That is exactly how we were taught. Pick college prep, or IA and learn a trade. It was those evil socialist public schools of the 50's and 60's. Seems they moved the trade to trade schools that were privatized often as not.

In Huntington Bch. CA which was white middle working class, late 60's early 70's they had 4 year programs which likewise ended at a level any place in that line would hire you.

Woodshop (I took 3 yrs.), Auto tech, electricity (1 year), metal shop (1 yr.), graphic arts (printing) (3 yrs. able to run Multi 1250 Litho press, as well as hand set type, run a platen press, burn plates for litho printing,etc., became obsolete too), mechanical drawing (1 yr.) and drafting.

Worked then in real life as 'electro-mechanical assembly (teardown and repair of pay telephones), cabinet maker (custom, and speaker), and in graphic arts related work. Have not shocked myself as much as I would have, and can make working drawings as needed. And a mean bird nestbox. Smile Added a year of photo last year of high school an hour a day in the darkroom. I was learnin' how to fix cars all my life as I have had a long line of spiffy egg-beaters. Wink

We took the education out of school. Not just history, art, music, geography, but all the IA too! What evil virus took over our education system? No child left behind. and wasn't it Bill Gates' 'common core' thingie? Gettin' dumber ever since. We are bonkers!

Thanks for your comment Mr. W.!

happy trails!

8 users have voted.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

@dystopian My counselor would not let me take anything beyond one semester of wood shop and drafting. I think they were trying to move students away from industrial arts. Both classes useful and must say the older students in drafting were producing works of art.

My high school had a three tier tracking system based on how smart the school thought you were. I was originally in third track. Our requirements were different. One big difference was the dumber kids took Civics vs. Government (really sort of a big picture legal history of US). In Civics we learned the nuts and bolts of how government function. For example, who can introduce a bill into Congress. This included the various ways cities are actually organized, departments within cities, what is all the stuff going on in City Hall, county functions, etc.

When I got moved into upper tracks, took the Government course. I realized that the students in the class have absolutely no idea how government functioned at city, county, state, and federal levels. Might say the Civics course was the IA for practical government functioning. Of course, from what I can tell, no such class anymore.

I heard that in Soviet Union times, students, both male and female learned how to build a house over the course of several years.

8 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

Tom Lehrer - So Long, Mom (A Song for World War III)

(1.7 min)
and one more...

(3.5 min)

Tom was quite the song writer...
Y'all have a great week. Till next Sunday.

9 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

janis b's picture


but I guess that’s your point ; ).

Have a good and fruitful week.

3 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

@janis b

Jim's family is in Maine and he spends his summers all year. His mentor was master gardener, Eliot Coleman...another Maine farmer.

Hope all is well as your winter ends and spring begins!

3 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Cassiodorus's picture

@Lookout But maybe the Man Behind the Curtain will send Zelensky off to his Italian mansion and declare peace. Who knows?

3 users have voted.

"I don’t know anyone who has seen the images who would not have strong feelings about what has happened, much less those who have relatives who have died and been killed." - Kamala Harris

janis b's picture

Thank you for your weekly watches and timely material.

The degree of censorship in the land of the free is more than shocking.

I have watched many of your inspiring farmer Jim videos, and I'm sure he will be missed by many in Florida. I'm sure though he will continue to inspire from his new farming location. Who knows, Maine may become the new Florida, if temperatures continue to rise.

6 users have voted.