So there was this conference call

I gather its host Mark Helperin is a ConservaDem journalist. It lasted an hour. It was about the Biden snafu. I gather they're Democratic Party-leaning journalists. Apparently the video itself has been made private. So nobody can see it. Nonetheless, I saw it. It was kind of fun watching the participants panic.

Here are some initial thoughts:

1) Mark Warner, the Senator from Virginia, is going to organize a bunch of prominent Democrats to try to persuade Joe Biden to drop out.

2) If Joe Biden drops out, the nomination will be Kamala Harris' for the taking, or at least that's what Halperin thinks. And she wants it, and it will be the easiest choice. There will, however, be a lot of pushback against Harris as a nominee. Of course, nobody wants to mention the words "village idiot."

3) It's hard to say if anyone other than Harris (or RFK Jr., who is persona non grata with the elites) will want to run against Trump on such short notice. If you were Newsom or Whitmer, you'd probably want to keep your powder dry until 2027. The scene is really toxic, and it's that way by design.

4) Helperin mentions offhand that he things the odds are against the Democrats winning this year.

5) They do all this circumlocution to avoid saying that Biden has dementia. A year, at least, of living in a fantasy world in which Joe Biden is imagined to be competent should have persuaded them that admitting reality is a productive thing to do. They've been through all this time and experience and they're maybe halfway there.

6) Here's a question: since nobody wants to have Harris as a boss, who would want to be her VP candidate?

7) We're getting a Republican landslide. I've posted this before, but it's appropriate here: Regime Media Utters the Un-Utterable. There's still a lot of denial in the media, the public, the political class, and elsewhere about how stupid Biden and the Dem leadership have actually been. So all this speculation about "if the Democrats had any common sense they'd..." is of no consequence. They are stupid and full of hubris, they won't listen, and (as the so-called primaries showed) you will obey them if you want to be part of their high-school clique.

If you asked this bunch what the Democrats are running on, all you'd get is Trump derangement syndrome. That's all they've got. It's not a winning recipe.

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Cassiodorus's picture

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"The expansion of Israel and its proxies is an absolute fundamental necessity for the United States." - Tim Walz

janis b's picture


Among other things, B articulates very well the significance of the inconsistencies in RFK jr’s positions, and how detrimental it is to the whole of his position. I have hoped that this election would initiate, for real, the beginning of a future third party. Maybe it’s still possible? And maybe Briahna should put her money where her mouth is and participate in the dnc rally?

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Cassiodorus's picture

@janis b And thank you. So far, what we've mostly heard is "progressives" who tell us "omigod we gotta support the Democrats." Meanwhile the actual Democrats, having gotten everyone in the Party to support Joe Biden, are freaking out because they've now discovered, after a year of futility, that they can no longer hide Joe Biden's dementia. What a great strategy! What we need, of course, is a search for a better way.

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"The expansion of Israel and its proxies is an absolute fundamental necessity for the United States." - Tim Walz

janis b's picture


and its potential solution. The rally seems like a good place to start. I hope that the impetus grows. It’s sort of like what Bernie started, and with some luck others can eventually finish. It seems to me, that for it to have any possible success, taking the money out of campaigning must be a part.

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The Liberal Moonbat's picture

Quote within-quote:


"Resistance OR QAnon"...that's it.

No mention of the fact that this has totally FUBAR'd any coherent definition of the "Left/Right" binary; OPENLY TRIPPING OVER the fact that BOTH SIDES sincerely believe themselves to be anti-Establishment, that that is a weird look for self-described "wealthy elites" (I mean, I grew up in Silicon Valley, I WAS the grain of truth in that, but these come-latelies don't get it) AND that the whole "right-wing conspiracy theorist" meme is a veritable matryoshka-doll of beyond-Orwellian linguistic contradictions and historical betrayals.

No mention, no room for the possibility, of present company. Forget "politically correct", that's not enough anymore - now we're in the realm of "politically POSSIBLE"!

I first noticed that, BTW, when I saw a political cartoon contrasting the reaction of the stereotypical Red-State voter to Kolin Caepernick or whatever that football-player's name was ("UNPATRIOT!"), and Congressional-floor-scuffing "QShaman" guy ("PATRIOT!"); we can't even begin to talk about QAnon and Jan 6 both being rather obvious psyops (nor the possibility of "Black Lives Matter" being driven by erroneous and devolutionary premises, e.g. ), but even if one takes the McNarrative at its word, STILL no acknowledgement at all of, nor room to acknowledge, the fact that there are probably a lot of Americans inclined to view BOTH FIGURES as heroic.

Look up the term "onticide", and you will get results...of the Intersectional Critical Theory variety, unintentionally proving their own point by committing it against others. There's a reason victim-culture isn't normally a thing; it's STUPID. It's a perfect backbiting cancer to scour the stage of ANY alternative to (at best!) literally-Hitler.

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In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!