The Weekly Watch

Another Half a Year Gone...

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Time's fun when you're having flies...or something like that. No doubt time seemingly passes faster and faster as the years click by. I bet Julian's time is about to speed up...spending time with his family instead of sitting in a maximum security prison...for committing journalism and truth telling. The conflicts around the world continue with US provocation. The USD continues to be at risk, and many banks are on the verge of bankruptcy. Let's dive into these stories and more below the fold.

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I'm wishing Julian and his family peace and restoration!

Free as a Bird — by Mr. Fish

Julian Assange: free at last, but guilty of practicing journalism (Pepe Escobar)

The United States Government (USG) – under the “rules-based international order” – has de facto ruled that Julian Assange is guilty of practicing journalism. ...
Julian was forced to suffer an unspeakably vicious Via Crucis because he dared to expose USG war crimes; the inner workings of the U.S. military in their rolling thunder War Of Terror (italics mine) in Afghanistan and Iraq; and – Holy of Holies – he dared to release emails showing the Democratic National Committee (DNC) colluded with the notorious warmongering Harpy Hillary Clinton.
Julian was subjected to relentless psychological torture, and nearly crucified for publishing facts that should always remain invisible to public opinion. That’s what top-notch journalism is all about.
The whole drama teaches the whole planet everything one needs to know about the absolute control of the Hegemon over pathetic UK and EU.

I hope Julian can rest and recover without being hassled.

You Saved Julian Assange (Chris Hedges)

The dark machinery of empire, whose mendacity and savagery Julian Assange exposed to the world, spent 14 years trying to destroy him. They cut him off from his funding, canceling his bank accounts and credit cards. They invented bogus allegations of sexual assault to get him extradited to Sweden, where he would then be shipped to the U.S. They trapped him in the Ecuadorean Embassy in London for seven years after he was given political asylum and Ecuadorian citizenship by refusing him safe passage to Heathrow Airport. They orchestrated a change of government in Ecuador that saw him stripped of his asylum, harassed and humiliated by a pliant embassy staff. They contracted the Spanish security firm UC global in the embassy to record all his conversations, including those with his attorneys. The CIA discussed kidnapping or assassinating him. They arranged for London’s Metropolitan Police to raid the embassy – sovereign territory of Ecuador – and seize him.
They held him for five years in the high security HM Prison Belmarsh, often in solitary confinement. And all the while they carried out a judicial farce in the British courts where due process was ignored so an Australian citizen, whose publication was not based in the U.S. and who, like all journalists, received documents from whistleblowers, could be charged under the Espionage Act. They tried over and over and over to destroy him. They failed. But Julian was not released because the courts defended the rule of law and exonerated a man who had not committed a crime. He was not released because the Biden White House and the intelligence community have a conscience. He was not released because the news organizations that published his revelations and then threw him under the bus, carrying out a vicious smear campaign, pressured the U.S. government.
He was released — granted a plea deal with the U.S. Justice Department, according to court documents — in spite of these institutions. He was released because day after day, week after week, year after year, hundreds of thousands of people around the globe mobilized to decry the imprisonment of the most important journalist of our generation. Without this mobilization, Julian would not be free.

The US is blind to it's own hypocrisy.

Assange Agreed to Destroy Unpublished Classified Material (Lauria)
The 23-page plea deal between Julian Assange and the United States government that freed Assange this week contains a provision that he agree to return or destroy all unpublished U.S. material still in WikiLeaks‘ possession. The agreement says on Page 29: “Before his plea is entered in Court, the Defendant shall take all action within his control to cause the return to the United States or the destruction of any such unpublished information in his possession, custody, or control, or that of WikiLeaks or any affiliate of WikiLeaks. The Defendant further agrees that, if the forgoing obligation requires him to instruct the editor(s) of WikiLeaks to destroy any such information or otherwise cause it to be destroyed, he shall provide the United States (or cause to be provided to the United States) a sworn affidavit confirming the instruction he provided and that, he will, in good faith, seek to facilitate compliance with that instruction prior to sentencing.”
Asked about it at a press conference in Parliament House in Canberra on Thursday, Barry Pollack, Assange’s U.S. lawyer who negotiated the plea deal, dismissed the significance of the agreement to destroy the materials. He said: “You’d have to ask the United States government why they insisted on including that clause. The materials we are talking about are now more than a decade old. I don’t know to what extent any still existed or what possible value they might have, certainly no national security value. In fact, the United States court in Saipan yesterday conceded, and the judge found that there is no evidence that any harm has befallen any individual anywhere in the world as a result of Mr. Assange’s publications. That being said, they did insist that he issue an instruction to the editor of WikiLeaks to destroy any materials they might have that were not published and Julian has complied with that provision and issued that instruction.”

What the Assange saga says about the state of the American empire
Nice summary of Julian's case.

Tucker Carlson Exposes ‘Monstrous’ Injustice in Julian Assange Case
"Anybody who knows anything about that case and believes that Assange should still be in prison is your enemy, by the way, and the enemy of human freedom and flourishing."
Carlson didn't hold back, calling it "monstrous" that Assange spent twelve years locked away for exposing other people's crimes.
"Typically, the guy who discovers the crime doesn’t go to jail. It's the guy who commits the crime that goes to jail, and that's been inverted in his case."
Assange was never charged with a crime in Great Britain, yet he was nearly tortured to death in Belmarsh prison for over five years.
"In the free world, we don’t hold people who haven’t been charged with a crime," which Carlson described as a glaring "abuse of human rights."
"I kept thinking, like, when is Australia gonna send a warship up the Thames to get their guy back?" he wondered. "I mean, what is that?"
Now, the world is anxiously awaiting Julian Assange's first interview. I have a strong feeling it's going to be with Tucker Carlson. What do you think?

Pepe had several interviews this week...
most focusing on Russia's response to the Crimean beach bombing.
He was on with the Judge: Pepe Escobar : Putin’s Next Moves (31 min)
and Nima's Dialogue Works: Russia is Losing its Patience and it could be Devastating for NATO (54 min)
But perhaps most interesting was Pepe's conversation with Alexander Dugin (57 min)

Alexander Dugin and Pepe Escobar join 24 June 2024

The Judge and Nima are two of the busiest YouTubers around...
The Judge's interviews, other than Pepe's, this week (each about 30 min):
Alastair Crooke: Putin Reshaping the American Mood
Ray McGovern : Mossad in the Pentagon?
Larry Johnson : US Wasting Its Missiles
Kyle Anzalone : Anti-War Wrap
Scott Ritter : Putin Outfoxes Blinken
Prof. Jeffrey Sachs : Netanyahu’s Troubles

Lt Col. Karen Kwiatkowski #Assange is FREE! - Mossad in the Pentagon

Matt Hoh : Assange To Be Set FREE!
Aaron Maté: Who Sabotaged the Istanbul Deal?
Anya Parampil : Julian Assange and Truth
Amb. Craig Murray : Stop the Genocide!
Dr. Gilbert Doctorow : Russian Retaliation!

Phil Giraldi : Boots On The Ground Fraud
COL. Douglas Macgregor : #Ukraine Nearing the End! #Netanyahu Desperate!
MAX Blumenthal : Israeli Meddling in US Politics.
Prof. John Mearsheimer : Israel’s Deep Troubles
Col. Lawrence Wilkerson: Israel/Ukraine Wrap
INTEL Roundtable w/ Johnson & McGovern : Weekly Intel Wrap

Nima on Dialogue Works interviews many of the same people in a longer (typically one hour) format:
He had three interviews with Ray this week on various topics...
Is Peace in Ukraine in Sight? - Is Netanyahu Destroying Israel? | Ray McGovern
Middle East is Undergoing Major Changes as Netanyahu's Significant Failures Emerge | Ray McGovern
Heading Towards Devastating Escalations Between Russia and NATO? | Ray McGovern
Russia Humiliates NATO in Conventional War | Andrei Martyanov
Putin and China Ready to Crush NATO - Israel is Facing Colossal Failure | Jeff J. Brown
Russia is Not Bluffing, and NATO's Gamble Would Blow Up the Bases in the EU | Col. Daniel L. Davis
Russia's Next Move - Israel Has Lost Hands Down | Chas Freeman
How deep is the cooperation between Russia and China to destroy NATO strategy | Dmitry Orlov
Why the West Hates Russia - Netanyahu is Furious | MIT Prof. Ted Postol
Julian Assange is FREE- NATO Lost its Mind - Who's in Control? Biden or Netanyahu | Matthew Hoh
Is Russia Going to Crush Ukraine? - This Could Put an End to Israel | Col. Jacques Baud
Putin's Response to Terrorist Attacks - Israel's Growing Problems | Col. Larry Wilkerson
Israel is Losing Significantly, and It's Only Getting Worse | Richard D. Wolff
Russia is Fully Prepared for the Worst-Case Scenario to Crush NATO | Mark Sleboda
Blowing Up Peace Plans Can Get Us All KILLED | Jeffrey Sachs
and two with Larry Johnson-
Putin's Devastating Horizontal Escalation - Israel Will Lose If Fights Hezbollah
Russia is Ready to Respond to NATO with Crushing Force

Between the Judge and Nima it is almost more than you can absorb in a week.

Biden's Disastrous Debate
No surprise here. Did anyone expect otherwise?
Trump's new 95 second ad...

(1.5 painful minutes)

My favorite response comes from Glenn Greenwald, and though I disagree with his rejection of Biden's replacement, I found his analysis very good.

DEBATE REACTION: Biden's Undeniable Decline on Display; Dems in Panic (31 mins)

Tucker had an interesting take too...

(8 min)

None the less, the delusion apparently continues...
US President Joe Biden will not drop out of the 2024 election race despite his poor performance during Thursday’s first presidential debate with Donald Trump, campaign spokesperson Seth Schuster has announced. Following the debate, in which Biden was largely panned, even by fellow Democrats, many in the party suggested that the president should be replaced on the November 5 ballot. In a text message seen by The Hill, Schuster is apparently attempting to reassure the president’s supporters that he will continue his efforts to be reelected. “Of course he’s not dropping out,” the campaign spokesperson wrote. Another member of the president’s team told Politico that Biden will stay in the race because he is “the only person who has ever beaten Donald Trump. He will do it again.”
My comment is, We'll see.

Democrats must admit that US President Joe Biden is no longer capable of resoundingly defeating Donald Trump on Election Day in November and that is why they must find a more suitable candidate to replace him, The New York Times editorial board wrote on Friday. The appeal came a day after Biden delivered what many described as a disastrous performance against Trump during the live presidential debate in Atlanta, Georgia.

Kamala to Be ‘Leapfrogged’ in Quest to Find Biden Replacement
“President Biden had a very bad night. The worst part was that he reinforced the narrative about him, of being kind of this doddering old man who didn’t know where he was, couldn’t complete a sentence, kind of got lost midway through sentences, those sorts of things.” The post-debate analysis, even on left-leaning MSNBC, focused heavily on finding a potential replacement for Biden, with the choices of Harris and California Governor Gavin Newsom being floated on the air. Patillo described Biden’s performance as “Just an old man dying in front of us,” saying that “It got uncomfortable for people watching.”
There's still talk of the $hill replacing Biden. Talk about disaster waiting to happen.

MoA claims the replacement strategy has failed...
The DNC Campaign To Oust Biden Has Failed

The debate about Joe's candidacy continues. However, some are calling for his removal from office...
Biden Should Be Removed As President – US House Speaker (RT)
“It’s not just political. It’s not just the Democratic Party. It’s the entire country. We have a serious problem here, because we have a president who, by all appearances, is not up to the task,” he said. Johnson said Biden’s administration could force him to step down by invoking the 25th Amendment – which states that the vice president and cabinet members can vote to declare the president “unable to discharge the powers and the duties of his office,” making the VP the acting head of state. If the commander-in-chief refuses to comply, the final decision on the issue would be made by Congress. The amendment has never been used in US history. “There are a lot of people asking about the 25th Amendment, invoking the 25th Amendment right now because this is an alarming situation,” the House speaker stressed.


Another Failed Bolivia

The Duran discusses the Bolivia coup failure (13 min)

... of the BRICS and to establish relations with Russia. In addition, Bolivia has almost a quarter of the world's lithium reserves - a very valuable fossil that the US wants to seize, Lidovskoy noted.
"There has already been an attempted coup in Bolivia in 2019. It was successful, unfortunately quite bloody, when fascists came to power. However, the elections were won by the socialists and they began to build a policy that would put Bolivia on the path of development towards a multipolar world," the expert noted.
The US attempt to stage a coup failed not only because of the lessons Bolivia learned from the past. Arce was able to rally the population around him when he came out to the demonstrators, he explained.

Israel, the Gaza Genocide, and possible Lebanon Invasion....
(see nima's and the Judge's clps above for more discussion)
Israeli Plan To Prevent A Palestinian State (Sahiounie)
While the world watches the genocide in Gaza, there is another war on the Palestinian people in the Occupied West Bank. On June 9, the New York Times (NYT) reported that Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich outlined, in a speech to Jewish extremists, a plan by the Israeli government led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to annex the Occupied Territories of the West Bank.
Not every Jew is a Zionist, and not every Zionist is a Jew. For example, after October 7, U.S. President Joe Biden said he was a Zionist, while being a Christian. Zionism is a political movement, hiding behind a religion. Similarly, Al Qaeda and ISIS are political movements, hiding behind a religion. Using the word Zionist as a label of identification is not antisemitic, because Zionism is not limited only to Jews. The modern movement of Zionism began in the late 1800s, and refers to Zion as an acronym for Jerusalem. Jewish settlers in the West Bank see their illegal occupation there as a demonstration of Zionism. Those who oppose Zionism are not being anti-Semitic. They simply oppose a political position of the Israeli government, just as they may oppose a political position of the Japanese government on an issue.
The official name of Israel is “The Jewish State of Israel”. Some have offered that there is the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, and also similarly of Iran. So why do people complain about the religious nature of Israel? Israel denies the human rights and civil rights of non-Jewish people in Israel and Palestine, and has been classified as an Apartheid state by the UN and human rights groups. Tallie Ben Daniel, the managing director of Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), which sees Zionism as a movement whose aim “is to deny the rights of Palestinians and the humanity of Palestinians.” “For us, we want to be clear: the form of Zionism that has survived and has power now is an expansionist, right-wing, genocidal form,” Ben Daniel said. “The people in power in Israel right now … want to annihilate the Palestinians and get all the land for Jews, and there is no thought there could be coexistence,” said Ben Daniel.

Iran Threatens Israel With ‘Obliterating War’ If It Attacks Lebanon (ZH)
Iran’s mission to the United Nations has put Israel and the world on notice, saying that if Israel launches an all-out war against Hezbollah in Lebanon the whole region will burn. A Friday statement from Iran’s ambassador warned the UN that any “full-scale military aggression” in Lebanon against Hezbollah will mean that “an obliterating war will ensue.” The Iranian statement continued by emphasizing that “all options, including the full involvement of all resistance fronts, are on the table” in a statement posted to X. By “resistance fronts” Tehran means the militias it supports in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen will also ramp up their military activities. On a few occasions, Iraqi Shia militias have launched missiles and drones against southern Israel, as have the Houthis, with limited effect.
Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has acknowledged this week that a “seven front war” could open up, in reference to all of Iran’s proxies across the region.

Over 80 UK War Planes Deployed From Cyprus To Lebanon Since 7 Oct
The UK has sent over 80 military transport planes to the Lebanese capital of Beirut since the start of Israel’s war on Gaza nine months ago, Declassified UK reported on 28 June. All the flights have gone from the UK’s massive Akrotiri airbase on the nearby island of Cyprus, long a staging post for UK bombing missions in West Asia. Declassified UK notes that the number of UK military flights to Beirut has risen dramatically in recent months. The group tracked 25 flights in April and May and 14 so far in June. Flights from the UK base take around 45 minutes to reach Beirut, which Israel has increasingly threatened to bomb in a possible full-scale war with the Lebanese resistance movement, Hezbollah. The Ministry of Defense declined to disclose the number of UK military flights to Lebanon since the start of the war on 7 October or their purpose. A defense source told Declassified UK that the flights “have been primarily for the purpose of facilitating senior military engagement” with the Lebanese army.
But it is widely assumed the planes are carrying weapons to Beirut to arm anti-Hezbollah militias. The US, UK, and Israel would presumably use these militias to attack Hezbollah from within the country in the case of an Israeli invasion from the south.


NATO's War with Russia...
(again check out the Judge's and Nima's interviews above for more discussion)

The big news this week is speculation of Russia's response to the recent attack on beach going civilians

US and NATO Accomplices Play Terror Card Against Russia (Van den Ende)
(worth the read)
Recently, two U.S. senators, Lindsey Graham and Richard Blumenthal, introduced a bill to designate Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism. “We will push for a vote, and the best thing we can do, I think, to shape the future is to label Putin as a terrorist leader, because that’s what he is,” said Graham. Graham can be compared to a (rather stupid) criminal cowboy. There are many senators with the same criminal mentality in the U.S. government. Graham is Republican, Blumenthal is a Democrat. It doesn’t matter who rules the U.S., both political parties are on the warpath and both are under the influence of the U.S. deep state (lobbies like the arms industry, military complex, etc.). Elections are a farce, just like in Europe. The U.S. together with its partners in the European Union and NATO, have instigated and prolonged all kinds of illegal wars for many years, with the reckless supply of weapons and money.

She Eats Russians For Breakfast’ (RT)
Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas has been nominated by the leaders of EU member states to become the next high representative for security and foreign policy. The politician – selected to speak for Brussels internationally and balance conflicting interests in the EU – has a reputation as an uncompromising hawk on Russia.

The EU leadership is pushing the bloc towards war with Russia, while neglecting the interests of their own people, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has claimed.


Did you hear about the Russians pranking the UK's Cameron? (3.5 min)
British Foreign Secretary David Cameron became a victim of a hoax video call. The video of David Cameron getting tricked by Russian pranksters has been released. Cameron was tricked into thinking he was speaking to a former Ukrainian president. Cameron thought he held a video call with ex-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. Cameron was dressed casually in the call that lasted around 15 minutes. In the video, Cameron was seen talking about sensitive Ukraine-related topics.

And to wrap it up today, how about a pub crawl...really a pub trot.
Jack Hargreaves Goes on a Pub Crawl for his last TV programme. (24 min)
Embedding wasn't allowed. Worth the click for a peaceful excursion.

I hope you're all having a good weekend. I look forward to your stories, insights, and comments below.

10 users have voted.


an unexpectedly strong magnetic storm
and a hurricane rapidly intensifying
immediately afterwards?

Yeah, we made that

a point was made about what
would account for decade after
decade of temperature rise?

when you Start from the end
of the coldest period in 500 years
little ice age/snow in London
(ended btw by a solar flare/Carrington Event)

then yeah, temps will tend to Climb
for a long time in one direction

and , again, I’ll make the point of what
happens to global temps when you Stop
sending particulate matter into the sky
and what’s already there, drops Out?

3-5 degree Celsius rise in temps
in 6-8 WEEKS

good luck

edit; auto-incorrect

6 users have voted.

Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

Lookout's picture

@Tall Bald and Ugly

I've always wanted to and just missed one here in Alabama a few weeks ago.

It's been hot as hell here last few days. Skipped a gathering yesterday cause it was so hot it wouldn't have been fun.

At least we're getting a bit of rain. Garden is hanging in there, and tomatoes are knocking it out.

Thanks for the magnetic news. We forget about the power of the sun.

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

I’d love to see some, so long as it’s not caused by a significant CME (Corona Magnetic Ejection).

In 1850s a significant solar ejection disabled our coast to coast telegraph system, jolting telegraph operators, even with the system’s batteries disconnected. A strike of that magnitude today would likely disable a significant number of, possibly all, of the delicate electronic chips that we have become so totally dependent on in our daily lives. The ramifications for humanity could be profound.

6 users have voted.

“ …and when we destroy nature, we diminish our capacity to sense the divine,and understand who God is, and what our own potential is and duties are as human beings.- RFK jr. 8/26/2024

Lookout's picture


solar wind interacting with Earth's magnetic field.

Maybe one day I'll get to Iceland and see some lights...
How about seeing them from a hot spring in Iceland? Sounds like fun to me.

I can at least dream about it...

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Tall Bald and Ugly
and does very much effect our weather and other potentially catastrophic planetary events. I have little understanding of the forces in play but have found a very interesting space weatherman who specializes in these big events and their approximately 6k and 12k year periodicities. Link below:

Space Weather News

8 users have voted.

“ …and when we destroy nature, we diminish our capacity to sense the divine,and understand who God is, and what our own potential is and duties are as human beings.- RFK jr. 8/26/2024

QMS's picture

Good bunch of links you have here today. Sounding like scapegoat city.
The ptb are throwing Biden, Zelensky, Macron and Sunak under the bus.
Nutty yahoo and van der leyen seem to be next up to go down. And Orban
is doing his best to gum-up the machine. Interesting times.

Having a rainy day today which is OK.

Thanks for the watch!

8 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Lookout's picture


... that interferes with their goals. Hopefully their plan will go astray!

We got an inch this weekend so far, and I'm thrilled. Much needed.

Hope all the boats are afloat!

9 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

"cadaver in the White House" is so apt. Sixty years ago it was thought that such a situation would be promptly addressed and corrected. Biden's team took out the same insurance policy as Trump's team. VP's less acceptable than a cadaver or prison inmate. The DNC is only concerned about a humiliating presidential election loss in November; otherwise, they're okay with handing the mess off to Trump, But they do recall November 1980.

7 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


When Humphrey was pulled out of the air after RFK's CIA assassination.

I also reflect on the replacement of Wallace by Truman at the DNC. How different things might be if Wallace became Prez.

sometimes Pepe calls Biden the "crash test dummy"...I find that descriptor apt as well.

Thanks for coming by today!

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

by demanding Wallace on his 1940 ticket. An inspired decision by him. (FDR did have an uncanny ability to select and push through the right person for the right job and at the right time. Possibly FDR's greatest talent. Frances Perkins was a powerhouse and remained in his administration through three terms and at great personal cost to her.) He'd been stuck with Garner for two terms -- first to get him out of the House and convincingly win the south and then an even stronger re-election. Somehow the FDR-Wallace administration didn't work. Perhaps it was too soon for a VP to be more than the guy sent to funerals or perhaps they didn't get on that well. Anyway, FDR wasn't healthy enough by 1944 to bat for his chosen successor. (Truman was a solid New Dealer, but not a progressive. That would have been sufficient if Congressional Democrats had also been solid enough.)

In '68 HHH began his campaign shortly after LBJ pulled out of the race. He focused on non-primary states where he had some clout. Plus the filing deadlines for several primaries had passed when he entered the race. Same was true for RFK. (By 1068 the GOP was more advanced in using primary elections for the nomination than the DP was.) What a disaster of a presidential election cycle! However, the sitting (and not physically heathy) sitting President chose to do the right thing -- halt the bombing and initiate peace negotiations -- and accepted that doing the right thing meant that he couldn't also successfully run for reelection.

7 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


who worked to keep Wallace on the ticket. FDR was out of it at the time. None the less TPTB installed Truman who approved both the bomb and the creation of the CIA.

LBJ did the right thing as you note.


8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

but she never made any of FDR's decisions.

"Shortly after being nominated [1940] Roosevelt told Democratic party leaders that he would not run without Wallace as his running mate." Wallace had been in FDR's cabinet since 1933; so, he knew the man he was promoting. (He loathed Garner and Garner had been working on running himself in 1940 at the age of 72 which was considered ancient back then.)

5 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

So much for her control or efforts. Truman it was.

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

TBF to Truman - the bomb was developed under FDR. Ghastly decision on the part of Truman to deploy it, but he didn't make that decision on his own. And military intel most likely manipulated how long Japan could hold out.

Truman didn't propose the monstrosity the CIA became under Ike and Allen Dulles and Truman publicly stated that. He was on the same page as JFK -- smash it into a million little pieces. Instead subsequent administrations replicated versions of it in other agencies. (heh- originally conceived of as a way to prevent another Pearl Harbor. Fifty-five years later it totally failed.)

Truman advocated for a national health care system. The AMA defeated that; so, Truman exported it to England. Say whatever one will about the NHS, it was Honored at the 2012 London Olympics.

Truman vetoed Taft-Hartley. The GOP Congress overrode his veto and subsequent Dem Congresses have never revisited, but instead complain that the labor vote is weak.

Those were New Deal biggies that factor into the widening income and wealth gap.

4 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


thanks for the history lesson!

3 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Biden and Zelensky are under the influence of drugs. The ingredients are likely quite different but the results are quite apparent.

For Biden the debate and his behavior after shows a lot.

For Zelensky his interview with a stenographer from the MSM makes it obvious that he is higher than a kite.

5 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


probably both of them.

whatta world. Thanks for the post!

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Lookout's picture

Perhaps as always?

French elections. Elensky curse week. Biden oligarchy will decide. Orban, EU wants war with Russia

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Cassiodorus's picture

@Lookout Kallis pretends so fervently that she was oppressed by the Soviets, but really she was the daughter of an apparatchik. So yeah. Another opportunist.

9 users have voted.

"Our First Amendment stands as a major block to the ability to be able to hammer (disinformation) out of existence." - John Kerry

Lookout's picture


pretending she hates Russia, but has old family ties to the USSR. Nuland is also interesting. Gonzalo had the best expose' (almost 2 hrs)
He gets into the deep background.

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”


6 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


Alex discusses the situation in his clip today.

Kaya is obvious among them... Thanks for the X post!

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

soryang's picture

I liked this intro to Chongqing with Cyrus Janssen. Alex who lives there joins him. Cyrus coverage of the tempo of the Chinese economy currently is interesting. I didn't know anything about Chongqing either until Alex Reporterfly did a youtube on it a few months ago.

This is Sean Foo's take on Japan currently. Japan v. China exports, foreign exchange posture, etc.

Thanks for the OT Lookout, lots to go through there.

7 users have voted.

語必忠信 行必正直

Lookout's picture


I look forward to viewing the Japan clip...I know they are the #1 holder of us bonds....exceeding China's holdings.

Thanks for the clips!

Hope all is well in you corner of FL!

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

soryang's picture


It's been threatening to rain all day which spoiled my swimming plan. Otherwise, things are going well enough, thanks. We'll see what happens this week.

There is a monster hurricane in the Atlantic going west toward the Caribbean. Look's like Florida may not be hit.

6 users have voted.

語必忠信 行必正直

Lookout's picture


...but no telling the future.

It is always a gamble in the south in the summer.

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture

just because of the cause

5 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Lookout's picture


Wooden Ships - Crosby Stills Nash and Young
If you smile at me, I will understand
'Cause that is something everybody everywhere does
in the same language.

I can see by your coat, my friend,
you're from the other side,
There's just one thing I got to know,
Can you tell me please, who won?

Say, can I have some of your purple berries?
Yes, I've been eating them for six or seven weeks now, haven't got sick once.
Probably keep us both alive.

Wooden ships on the water, very free and easy,
Easy, you know the way it's supposed to be,
Silver people on the shoreline, let us be,
Talkin' 'bout very free and easy...Horror grips us as we watch you die,
All we can do is echo your anguished cries,
Stare as all human feelings die,
We are leaving - you don't need us.

Go, take your sister then, by the hand,
lead her away from this foreign land,
Far away, where we might laugh again,
We are leaving - you don't need us.
And it's a fair wind, blowin' warm,
Out of the south over my shoulder,
Guess I'll set a course and go...

Hope all is well with you and yours!

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture

wonder if the silver people on the the shoreline are the whales?

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Lookout's picture


...or at least seals? Did you read Galápagos?
The way you know we are related to the seal like creatures we become (evolve into), is they all laugh when one farts. Sounds about right.

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Le Pen’s far-right party wins first round of French elections as Macron’s gamble backfires

Marine Le Pen’s anti-immigrant National Rally led a first round of voting on Sunday in exceptionally high-stakes elections that could put France’s government in the hands of a far-right party for the first time since World War II. President Emmanuel Macron’s ruling coalition was beaten into third place by a fledgling alliance of the left as the incumbent’s gamble with a snap election backfired spectacularly.

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Lookout's picture


and the left and right have commonalities. We'll see how it plays out. For sure Macron and the WEF lose.

down with the globalist to my mind.

9 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

she/NR lose.

One thing (the only thing) I can glean from the first round voting is NR (Le Pen) and LFI (left) have a number of strong constituencies that reelected incumbents - 50% or more of the votes. That's 38 seats for NR and 33 seats for LFI. Only 2 EN (Macron) incumbent returned and only one LR (Republican - Sarkozy) incumbents, plus 2 misc right and one far right.

By way of comparison, in 2022 only five incumbents were returned in the first round - EN 1 and LFI 4. That year LR collapsed to the benefit of NR, and EN lost 30% of its seats to the benefit of LFI,

Reportedly, this year, EN didn't bother to compete in NR and LFI strongholds which makes the first round results for NR and LFI less impressive than at first glance. Seat holdings prior to the first round:

EN - 245
LFI -131
NR - 89
LR - 64
misc. left - 21
misc right & regionalists 20
misc center 4

If the center (EN) doesn't hold, where do those voters go? Back to their traditional roots: LFI and LR? Although both of those home turfs are currently weak. Difficult to postulate that they'll shift to NR. More likely that 2022 LR voters move further right and center right EN voters move to LR. Can Macron scare enough of the voters away from Le Pen one more time? Tough act this time with Macron sabre rattling for French troops to take on Russia because some political memories are very long.

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Cassiodorus's picture

10 users have voted.

"Our First Amendment stands as a major block to the ability to be able to hammer (disinformation) out of existence." - John Kerry


7 users have voted.
QMS's picture

has no expiration date

7 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Lookout's picture


...we're defeating Ukraine, Israel will whoop Hezbollah ass, and China is toast.

Delusion world...even more bizarre than clown world!

9 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

After a 5 hr drive home, then a little unpacking, I am just getting going on exploring your encyclopedia. I meant, essay. Lol!
So glad you got rain. We did not get rain this weekend as initially forecast, and from the last watering of Friday morning, until the Sunday afternoon watering, the tomatoes and peppers were on the verge of wilting away. It is that time of year when watering the garden is daily, or just forget having a garden.
I am half way into the 57 minute Pepe with the Russian political philosopher. Very interesting. Putin has thrown down the gauntlet and is getting ready for global conflict by getting together an array of allies. Some already have nukes, and soon, all of them will. Russia doesn't have many other workable options.
We caused this.
Tucker will get that first interview with Assange one day.
I gotta get back into that video, and 20 or more after that!
Thanks so much, dear friend!

8 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Lookout's picture

@on the cusp

Hey, the world is wild and we must adapt. It is what it is.

hope y'all had fun in your travels!

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

enhydra lutris's picture

but some of the apricots are ripe enough to make jam. Has to wait until tomorrow evening because I have a procedure tomorrow morning. We've been so crazy busy this month that neither of us knows which way is up and we keep forgetting things, like making sure that there is pectin in the house or screwing them up so we have to do them twice. Luckily, it is Mid-Year and we think things might slow down by august or so. At least it keeps us from watching the news.

be well and have a good one

6 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Lookout's picture

@enhydra lutris

That's the ideal anyway...

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Lookout's picture

Signing out tonight with Dr. John...

RIP Dr John

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

and was sorry to see it looked like no one watched the debate. Live it was pretty good for the first ten or fifteen minutes, especially knowing that millions of other Americans were seeing the same thing.

Trump quickly caught on that he was totally free to do and say anything he wanted, but he'd been coached to be respectful and what not. So he hammed it up with restrained faces which none the less came through on the split screen.

There's something special too about seeing it live, catching unbelievable gaffs one after another and then the resting face of some pretty serious looking elderliness which is what we call it or someone will accuse you of playing doctor.

My faves are that we beat medicare and also the segue from abortion to immigrants raping and killing. Instead of sticking to our strong issue Biden turned it right around to our weakest.

After a while it was just more of the same but the beginning was pretty good. Universal freak out amongst everyone watching. Amongst Democrats, no matter what flavor, the universal reaction during those first few minutes was "we're totally fucked" Hope I can use the F word here.

Frankly let the corporate Dems swing in the wind. I like Obama but he and his cohort are as responsible for this as any. That deal to knock out Sanders in the primaries was kind of low rent, Sanders was a good sport but I wasn't so thrilled.

DK what's left of it is pretty doggone silent. One post from Kos, I forget what he said, not Biden loyalty. Rest of the web site is some kind of rally round or something. Not sure most even have a factual opinion.

That's it, just stopping by to see how the tonjurrs are doing Not sure how to spell comrade in pinyin. Putin no doubt thrilled except he'll be dealing with a madman.

3 users have voted.
soryang's picture

@ban nock

I don't really know to say the correct pinyin pronunciation. I knew the Korean pronunciation off the top of my head, which is based on the same two characters. I don't really know if that expression is commonly used any more in South Korea. I'd have to search for that. Do North Koreans still use it?

The Tuttle's Learner's Chinese English Dictionary says the term isn't used commonly in China after the eighties, looks like their using ordinary forms of social address. In fact, they suggest current use of term has sexual orientation connotations. The edition I have is 2015. It's a great dictionary (for beginners like me).

I thought maybe I knew the Hanja based expression from watching some Kdrama or movie about the good/ bad old days. Endic.naver has the word if you type it in hangul. But I can't get it to come up when I type in the English to get the Korean translation. Instead I get ​동료 or 동무. I know this is of little practical application to anyone.

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語必忠信 行必正直

Dawn's Meta's picture

@soryang What a great podcast and to my ear the Mandarin the YT host spoke was excellent. The video you provided is just great. More of this if you have it.

I can't believe I have never heard of that city. I'm going to rewatch and try to commit the spelling to memory.

It's interesting that food is plentiful and inflation is low. The people are slim and appear happy.

When we first came to France in 2010 it was the same. Now we see very over weight people and much more Coke/Pepsi and prepared foods in shopping carts.

The good thing is that France is still a largely rural country and fresh produce at reasonable prices is local and available. We cook almost all our meals and rarely buy anything in a box. We do find canned tomatoes from France and Italy exceptional.

It shows what can happen when the average citizen/resident is secure and has good food and other needs easily met. People are not unhealthy and are relaxed and comfortable.

Macron is going to resign. He doesn't like 'cohabitation' and is openly disdainful of working with French people. Don't know anyone who likes him. He is universally despised.

Le Pen may turn out like Italie's president to be unreliable as an opposition. More centrist and WEF than anyone thought could be.

Le Pen could be very moderate compared to earlier fears. She was against Ukraine participation but lately may be swing neo whatever towards supporting them. She also used to have a good relationship with President Putin. I hope that will continue.

Thanks again for your good reporting on unseen and unheard parts of the world.

6 users have voted.

A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.

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soryang's picture

@Dawn's Meta

For the encouragement! I started out as a Francophile as a young person, and my primary interest was European politics. I studied French too, visited France, etc. Appreciate your take on the situation there, as I rely mostly on the C99 community to keep me up to date on the rest of the world and US politics. My late friend Carol S. was an avid fan of French culture although she was a US expat residing in Australia. There is a chat named after her floating about in the ether, that is named after her, that I don't frequent anymore.

It's hard for me to believe but Cyrus was raised in Florida. I've followed him for two or three years and he's really maturing as an analyst. He lived in China for ten years and his wife is ethnically Chinese. I thought his Chinese was pretty good from what I've seen of him interacting in China. I liked when his videos had Mandarin subtitles, so I could try to read them. I knew a few hundred Hanja characters and am trying to build on that.

I like Yimin Chinese videos on the internet. I'm pretty much stuck at the HSK 1 or 2 level. I like the 7 minute Chinese video series too. I really need a quiet stable environment to concentrate while studying. I judge my well being by whether I'm able to concentrate hard enough to take in at least 7 or 8 minutes of instruction, and understand it. I'm pretty much entirely dependent on other Chinese experts/translators to learn about Chinese culture, except what I infer from observing/studying Korea for about 10 years in my own haphazard style.

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語必忠信 行必正直

Dawn's Meta's picture

@soryang Our study and learning of french was greatly helped by our participation in lovely community/religious choir of 55 voices. We practiced every Friday night for two hours then retired to our British director's home for apero, wine and conversation.

Because there were only nine or ten English speakers, we being the only Americans, the rule always has been, only in French. Sometimes if we got lost our chef de chœur and host would take pity on us and occasionally translate.

Covid put an end to our regular participation in the choir. We sang incredibly beautiful stuff from Bach to Britton and Bernstein. We sang in as many voices as they were written for up to eight parts and even subparts.

Our director was so skilled at getting us to perform over our abilities and training and moving us into more and more complex works. The original choir was a sing from the hymnal bunch which he brought up over three years.

French is a romance language, but its pronunciation and dialects are very subtle. In Burgundy where we live, there are very guttural and swallowed sounds which to our untrained ears are not heard until someone tells us what we can't hear. There is also patois (old local languages like Occitan, Arpitan, Béarnaise, and many others) still spoken. We hear it in the weekly fresh markets.

One of the Tour de France commentators, Laurent, is from Burgundy (Bourgogne) and he was early on almost unintelligible. He has gotten more book French as time has gone by.

The weather has been bizzare, We live near the 45th latitude which is similar to Astoria, Oregon, Mount Saint Helens and so on. We have had daily thunderstorms and the odd tornado for over a month every afternoon and sometimes at night. It's colder and much wetter (8 inches in June) than usual. It's been difficult planting gardens although the French use the moon cycles as their guide.

When it gets warm a day or two it's zooms to 30°C so fast. Then plummets back down. I planted presoaked sweet Corn and hope to taste at least a couple before cold weather.

Farmers have been dodging rain to bring in first hay cuts. Usually cut, lay it down to dry some; then rake into rows, and dry again; then bale in plastic or store under cover. Having enough dry days for no mold or disease has been difficult.

Today Winter Wheat is being cut for the first time.

The warm damp Spring and Summer has made for lush displays of wildflowers and flowering brush and trees. Huge swathes of wonderful flowers from April onwards.

Someone here used to post videos of China's development of high speed rail which were always great to watch and learn from.

Thanks again for Chongqing and for the background. I would love to learn Mandarin and Russian.

4 users have voted.

A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.

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soryang's picture

@Dawn's Meta

...without any foundation in science or otherwise that I know of, just from kind of struggling with language for years, that a singer or musician, had a great advantage in learning a foreign language. I just watched a video the other day, a Chinese language instructor, describing the wrong way to learn Chinese, just by trying to memorize the characters. Having little or no aural skills, and growing increasingly hard of hearing, I concentrate on learning to read the language, rather than aural comprehension, because I know my personal limits. I could pretty much understand what Cyrus was saying on the bridge, but that is unusual for me, usually I can't understand at all aurally. The only reason I have any listening comprehension skill in Korean, is because I've been hearing it one way or the other for quite a few years. I did start at first by listening to music, then dramas, then news. At some point I started reading news articles, but I don't know really how productive that was. Short news presentations were best for me, with the subtitles on video, so I could stop it to look up words I didn't get. The internet allowed me to have as much exposure to Korean media as I like. That wasn't available to me not too long ago.

In any case, living in the society itself, with the combination of exposure to the arts, music, culture and just daily living, I don't think it's gets any better than what you describe! Enjoy Dawan's Meta! Thanks for sharing your wonderful experience.

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語必忠信 行必正直

@soryang When used instead of someone's name or the pronoun you, and at the beginning of a Maoist type expression people understand the reference. The sexual slang if for a gay man.

Mandarin was the first foreign language I tried to learn, I lacked any formal education in it but had the advantage of necessity. I had no choice.

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