The Weekly Watch

Pawns in the Great Geopolitical Game

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Demented, arrogant, and ignorant western leaders are out of their depth and in over their heads. They are embroiled in so many conflicts they don't know if they're coming or going. Like Brer Rabbit's encounter with the tar baby we are entrapped in a morass of multiple wars of our own making. The empire's collapse looms large.


The great game once referred to the UK - Russia competition. Today, at least to me, it refers to the western globalist facing off against the BRICS+ and the global south. The west is so desperate to cling to the failing hegemony that they are sinking with their empire. To my mind very few understand the game better than Pepe Escobar. I'm featuring this entire 1.8 hour interview because I found it insightful throughout.

Journalist and geopolitical analyst Pepe Escobar ( on Telegram) joins to discuss the latest in the cauldron of war brewing in the Middle East, the chaos plaguing Ukraine, and what it means for the future of the multipolar world.
Here's an excerpt from the video Neocons LAUNCH Wider Middle East War on Iran and the US will Lose (23 min) if that conflict is of primary interest.
The first 30 min they discuss current events. In the next 30 min the focus is on the failure of the west. At about the hour mark the conversation shifts to the promise of BRICS+, and at about 80 min they focus on China. I find it amusing that Pepe refers to Biden as 'the crash test dummy', and also appreciated his description of China's view of the west as barbarians.
(SOE featured several of Pepe's article in yesterday's OT)


Why is the west failing? Perhaps because our population is sick, fat, and under educated. I think this condition of the US people is purposeful and designed for profit. Big food sells addictive processed unhealthy food to people told it is heart healthy and nutritious. They become over weight and are told by big pharma just keep eating that junk and take our $20,000/year once a week shot...for the rest of your life. Big Pharma Is Fooling You Again, and You Don't Even Know It is a 40 min discussion with Tucker Carlson and Calley Means focused on Ozempic. Sadly he never answers Tucker question about what we should do for weigh loss. My thought, eat real food, limit carbohydrates, don't be afraid of healthy fats (like butter and lard), and practice (at least) intermittent fasting.

As if all our foreign wars are not enough, now we've got a war with Texas?


The world may be a disaster these days, but the White House is a bigger disaster. Can you name the White House chief of staff? Betcha can’t. Know why? He never, ever comes out and speaks to that mob in the press room. He might have to answer some difficult questions, such as: if the president’s brain is switched off more than half the time, who decides what to do with that ‘nuclear football’ they carry around with him. Is it. . . you? By the way, the chief of staff’s name is Jeff Zients. Ever heard of him? Of course not. [..] The question then: should “Joe Biden” just go ahead and nuke Texas? “JB” is thinking: What good is the place with that Putin wannabe running it? Buncha cattle and those ridiculous hats! The official head-gear of white supremacy! Probably millions of them down there, clutching their beloved guns! I’ve got news for you. Wanna play hardball? We’ve got F-16s.

In the US, a convoy of truckers, calling themselves “God’s Army,” is preparing to embark on a journey from several locations across the Lower 48 to the southern border as tensions soar between Texas and the Biden administration. Meanwhile across the Atlantic, farmers are bearing down on Europe’s capitals – from Bucharest to Warsaw to Brussels – venting frustrations about climate policies. These social instabilities are breaking out ahead of key European and US elections this year. The organizers of the “Take Our Border Back” convoy are “calling all active & retired law enforcement and military, Veterans, Mama Bears, elected officials, business owners, ranchers, truckers, bikers, media and LAW ABIDING, freedom-loving Americans” to “assemble in honor of our US Constitution and Bill of Rights” at the southern border, in protest against the federal government’s inability to secure the border, according to the convoy’s website.


More than truckers are arriving. Florida sends troops to stop migrant ‘invasion’
Around 1,000 national guardsmen will help Texas fortify the US-Mexico border

How China and the UN are Fueling the Invasion of America (1 hour)
Bret Weinstein traveled to the Darien Gap to understand who's behind the invasion of our country. His conclusion: “it's not a friendly migration.” He sits down with Tucker Carlson to explain. I'm beginning to hear many people blaming this migration on China. I don't think so, but there is something very suspicious about it all.

“Remember about a month ago, I put out a video saying that when many of these illegals are getting processed or people claiming asylum, they're getting a cell phone. They're getting a plane ticket across this country, and then even getting gift cards. Some of them even getting cash. Well, the media went to work really fast to try to debunk me and say that I was putting out false information. Verify, said it was false information.

Well, this is just one of the reports we've seen recently. Now the UN is saying that they were handing out up to $1,600,000,000 through NGOs to illegal immigrants for things like gift cards and cash. Gift cards like this. We find these all over on the other side of the border and on our side of the border, and we find them with the folks that we pull over and stop that have come into this country illegally. So once again, I'm here to remind you that the information that the mainstream media feeds you is what's false.”

I continue to puzzle over the rationale for all this purposeful migration. Some suggest it is to lift falling dim votes. That seems possible in the long run, but unless there's illegal voting by these noncitizens, that can't be the short term answer.
Perhaps it is designed to simply create chaos to make everyone easier to control using new draconian laws? You know divide and conquer, a typical western strategy.
Durbin suggests it is an opportunity to enroll more soldiers into our shrinking armed services.
Still others think it is about keeping labor cheap and workers oppressed.
Maybe it is a combination of all of the above. I would be interested in your hypothesis in the comments below.

Elon opts for option number one...

Elon Musk: Biden’s strategy is very simple: 1. Get as many illegals in the country as possible. 2. Legalize them to create a permanent majority – a one-party state. That is why they are encouraging so much illegal immigration. Simple, yet effective.

Most people in America don’t know that the census is based on a simple headcount of people (including illegals) *not* just citizens. This shifts political power and money to states and Congressional districts with the highest number of illegals.

Screenshot 2024-02-04 at 06-12-47 Debt Rattle February 4 2024 - The Automatic Earth.png

All across Europe farmers are protesting their government over regulation and punishment of farmers...


Polish Farmers Announce Full Blockade of Poland-Ukraine Border on February 9

The growing farmer demonstrations in the EU show no signs of abating soon, as farmers in Poland join the fray to register their distaste of the 27-member bloc's agricultural policies.
Polish farmers plan a complete blockade of the Poland-Ukraine border crossing, including highways, during an industrial action on February 9 to lambast the EU's agricultural policy, according to the Solidarity trade union.

It seems the western leaders are tone deaf.
Von der Leyen celebrates ‘a great day for Europe’ as farmers trash Brussels

“Agreement! The European Council delivered on our priorities. Supporting Ukraine…. A good day for Europe,” tweeted unelected European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen on Thursday, as EU farmers “high-fived” her by throwing eggs, lighting fires and dumping manure in Brussels, where a reported 1,300 tractors had gathered in protest.

TPTB do not care about the people, only their agenda.

February 3, 2024

Russell and Tucker in a very interesting conversation focusing on media, censorship and control...

The Western Asian Debacle
Israel ignoring UN court order – South Africa

Pretoria’s foreign minister says hundreds of civilians have been killed in the besieged Gaza since last week’s ruling
The ICJ ruled on January 26 that Israel must take all necessary precautions to prevent genocide and destruction in the Palestinian territories. While the court stopped short of demanding a ceasefire, it did order West Jerusalem to punish members of its military who commit genocide, as well as government officials who advocate for massacre.
In response, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu described the World Court’s decision as “outrageous” and declared that no Israeli soldiers would be brought before the International Criminal Court (ICC).

What international law?

(4.5 min)

If you wanted to starve and displace Palestinians you would go after the UNRWA.
Palestinian refugees registered with the UNRWA have a *right of return* to Gaza if they’re displaced.
Over 6 million Palestinians are registered with the UNRWA.
If this organisation collapses… NO Palestinian will have the right to return to their homeland.
Do you now understand why they are trying to destroy the UNRWA…?
The following countries have cut funding so far: Australia, Austria, Britain, Canada, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Italy, Japan, Romania, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and the United States.
Mr. Avi Shlaim, an Israeli historian:
“It’s not a coincidence that the attacks on #UNRWA. Israel is trying to discredit the International Court of Justice after the ICJ ruling. That’s the whole story.

Chris Hedges: The Silence of the Damned
Our leading humanitarian and civic institutions, including major medical institutions, refuse to denounce Israel’s genocide in Gaza. This exposes their hypocrisy and complicity.

Biden’s Justification For Hitting Iran ‘Would Justify Russian Attacks on NATO’
“You’re hearing from congressmen and senators saying ‘but we need to hit Iran for supplying the Houthis and Hamas and Hezbollah,” Maloof explained. “Well, does Russia then have a right to hit US and NATO allies, as a result of supplying weapons to Ukraine to battle Russians?”


Is there any doubt the US is playing a losing hand?

What about our other war in Ukraine?
Talk about losing.
Scott Ritter asks Is Zaluzhny Getting Ready to Take Down Zelensky?
No doubt there is chaos and palace intrigue in Kiev. The Duran also weighs in on the topic. (20 min)

Ukraine is desperate and trying to hang on until the November election.
Ukraine Coerces Mass-Conscripts Unfit for Military Service - PoW

They did get some good news from the EU after Orban caved to EU threats against Hungary's economy.
European Union (EU) member states have agreed on a €50 billion ($54 billion) support package for Ukraine over four years, overcoming Hungary’s resistance. But where will the EU get that money?

We'll see if TPTB can stretch this out till November. Looks doubtful to me.

I've not yet watched this but it sounds interesting...

The Secret Rulers Of The World - The Satanic Shadowy Elite (48 min)

It's hard to believe this was broadcast on Channel 4 in the UK, twenty two years ago. Featuring Alex Jones, David Icke, G. Edward Griffin and others.

So there's much more news to discuss, but it is time to wrap up this edition of the weekly watch. I hope you'll add stories you caught which I didn't cover. Perhaps you have insights on some of the stories that were included. Either way I hope you'll chime in with a comment below.
I hope you're having a great weekend!

16 users have voted.


Lookout's picture

I find myself once again in agreement with Caity...
Get out of the middle east. Just get the fuck out. Stop backing a genocide in Gaza, stop murdering people to shore up domination of world resources, and leave. Leave before you unleash something far worse than the nightmare you’ve already inflicted upon our species.

She had several good statements in her recent piece: Never Before Has The Empire Been So Exposed:

The Iraqi government says 16 people were killed in the latest round of US airstrikes in Iraq, including civilians. You might think 16 deaths as payback for three Americans killed by Iraqi militants would be more than enough, but you would be wrong. There will be many more.

Step 1: See the most horrific thing you can possibly imagine on your social media feed.

Step 2: Israel supporters show up to explain why the thing you just saw is actually fine and normal and should probably happen more.

Step 3: Repeat Steps 1 through 3, every day, for months.

Israel has been the sole perpetrator of atrocities since October 7, so they keep “discovering” new atrocities Hamas perpetrated on October 7 to make it look less one-sided. Oh look they beheaded babies on October 7! Oh look there were mass rapes on October 7! Oh look UNRWA was involved in October 7! Etc.

Well you get the idea.

Looks like rain here today, but we could use it. Hope your weather is good where ever you are.

11 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture

Hey, good morning! With the cold north wind we are somewhere in the teens.
Still have plenty of cord wood to reduce the chill factor.

Nuland in Kiev, Tucker in Moscow. Biden out to lunch. EU going broke to bail
out Ukraine, Bibi eating babies for breakfast and the MIC enjoying record profits.
And congress declaring war on their constituents. Can't make this stuff up.

Thanks for amalgamating the haberdashery of geopolitical plight. The crazy thing
is the 'collective west' is earnestly attempting to fail faster and harder by the day.

Not in my name Sad

12 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Lookout's picture


down the slide into the swamp?

Hope you stay warm. Friday marked mid winter, so the end is in sight.

Take care and be warm!

9 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Cassiodorus's picture

On a related topic, has everyone here noticed the complete disintegration of the so-called "political spectrum"? The so-called "Left" in America supports those mythical Ukrainian "freedom fighters," while the so-called "Far Right" supports peace with Russia.

Once upon a time there was a lot of teeth-gnashing, centered upon the writing of George Lakoff, about why the so-called "Right" was winning the debates even though the so-called "Left" was smarter. Well, today the so-called "Right" really has the so-called "Left's" number, and so for instance you have Larry Johnson:

In that regard, let me suggest, here, a different depiction of what used to be called the political spectrum.


"My billionaires are the Good Guys; your billionaires are the Bad Guys."

Toward this end, we're going to need labels for everyone. There are, after all, still different political positions. My recommendation would be to call everyone with a political opinion a "pseudo-conservative." This makes it clear that different political positions, though they definitely exist, do not matter, because America is really only a pseudo-democracy.

I was thinking that Baskin-Robbins should branch out into politics. The new franchises will be called "31 flavors of politics." For those who don't remember, Baskin-Robbins franchises used to be called 31 flavors, meaning 31 flavors of ice cream. At any rate, in the ice-creamery of politics, one chooses a flavor of rhetoric, and then marries that flavor to the sold-out politician of one's choice in the same way in which one goes to an ice cream parlor and gets a bunch of dairy and sugar, not really the best things for one's diet.

10 users have voted.

"The only thing more dangerous than the 3 decade old right-wing agenda repackaged as (Project) 2025 is the illusion that the Democrats can protect you from it." - Richard Moser

QMS's picture


Love this giraffe ..^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1753863250427715898|twgr^b7b8ea8564ff21b0470a98750257af6155129afb|twcon^s1_c10&ref_url=

6 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Lookout's picture

The right, left, conservative, liberal labels mean anything anymore.
People that adhere to the label concept often are wed to their personal idea and identity as one of them. When the MSM calls Pelosi a liberal, communist, or radical...the meaning is meaningless. That's one of Orwell's 1984 tenants.

Many are suggesting using globalist idealist and nationalist realists. I've long felt labels are problematic.

To me it is issue by issue. Are you against the Gaza genocide, or war in Ukraine, or the Federal reserve, or... No one checks all the boxes so we ally issue by issue to my mind.

Jimmy often asks about movement purity tests. As an example Scott was denied a speaking spot at "Rage against the War" rally because some of his views were unacceptable to the organizers.

I've been listening to Larry on Dima's show this morning. Thanks for dropping the clip and the ice cream analogy.

10 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Cassiodorus's picture

@Lookout came from the seating chart of the French National Assembly, which took over after the regime of Louis XVI declared its bankruptcy during the bread riots, at the beginning of the French Revolution. The "Left' sat on the left and championed the common people, which in practice meant the bourgeoisie, and the "Right" sat on the right and championed the old order.

Well, today, there is no old order -- or, more precisely, there is an old order, and anyone with an opinion that matters belongs to it or is one of its clients. As for ideology, the ideologies that matter are the ones promoted, well, especially by CPAC, but also by AIPAC and generally by any sort of ideological lobbying group. All of these groups promote different forms of what I am calling pseudo-conservatism -- it's really a form of utopianism. Larry Johnson, in the video above, is a utopian like everyone else, and the militarized state he has in mind, with national service mandates, closed borders and such, is a utopia in which the ruling class were real nationalists and not merely a bunch of scammers. America fields armies and fights wars to promote the business interests that own its political classes, except for the one time in which the future of the US was actually at stake -- World War II -- and even that would be debatable. The contrary argument is that the Soviets saved the world from the Nazi threat, and had things well in hand when the US joined in on the mop-up operation so they could grab stuff out of the charred wreckage of the Nazi regime.

But this is all a footnote. The trick is to imagine a utopian political position which isn't pseudo-conservative, which doesn't promote a nostalgia for some past era in which everything was great as a veneer by which the Universal Political Position can be disguised.

globalist idealist and nationalist realists

A contrary case could also be made that the globalists are the realists, since globalism was actually achieved.

4 users have voted.

"The only thing more dangerous than the 3 decade old right-wing agenda repackaged as (Project) 2025 is the illusion that the Democrats can protect you from it." - Richard Moser

Dawn's Meta's picture

From your weekly column I've gained so many good sources of information and positive approaches to farming especially Regenerative Agriculture.

We have the bones of the pasture system throughout France but can't see much if any movement to berm and swale, frequent herd (troupeau) movement of pastured cows, pigs chickens and others. We can order online bio meats now. This is better than for example Charolais beef, which are all around us.

Your links to Alex and Alexander, The Duran have been very helpful and uplifting in the ability to get sane news with sometimes wry humour.

The Bret Weinstein interview with Tucker Carlson about the Darien Gap was enlightening and frightening at the same time. Using that lense on Chinese infiltration may make to most sense of what we are seeing.

The hollowing out of American infrastructure, culture education and whatever, seems purposeful and directed. My own home town of Portland, Oregon is one place the detioration can be plainly seen.

One part of the hypothesis could be that the US and the rest of the West are the highest per capita carbon emitters on the planet (excepting possibly some small Mid East states). Maybe to take things down several notches we destroy these populations.

Bret also mentions the infiltration of Chinese single males blending into the Central and South American diaspora as a way of getting a foreign army into the US without firing a shot.

Bret refers to a conversation which he had about his visit to Panama with Chris Martensen. I would love to see it, but have not yet found it. He says they connect dots which scared them.

The farmers in France have shut off major Autoroutes into Paris - The Siege of Paris - for several days already. It's hard to get the news even locally. Most of us are with the farmers.

The irony of this set of protests across Europe by farmers is that they are now fighting for Monsanto: want access to fossil-fuel based fertilizers cut off by sanctions of Russia; want to use pesticides and herbicides which they fought against until a couple of years ago; want requirements for keeping hedgerows, and a small percent of fallow land to promote diversity dropped; want subsidies for diesel kept; want taxes on fuels dropped. This is only a partial list.

How can the farmers move to regenerative agriculture when the daily pressures on them makes their lives unsustainable. Goodwill toward small farms would have to be in place in government to make the right things happen e.g. three year bridges from conventional practices to moving troupeau around frequently to revitalize the terrain.

I found the Tucker Carlson interview with Russel Brand so very uplifting especially the last twenty minutes.

Here is an update on the guy in Southern Oregon/Northern California who got burned out last Fall but had some regenerative practices in place:

Thank you so much for all you do.

10 users have voted.

A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.

Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.

Lookout's picture

@Dawn's Meta

I've been wondering about your experience in France. I'm sorry to hear the demands are for more corporate Ag practices. Sound much like the mistaken view of most doctors too. In both cases they are trained by corporate interests. I look back on my own education in Ag school...maximize yields to maximize profits.

We still plan to go stay at White Oak Pastures for a few days, but have not carved out the time as of yet.

Sowing Prosperity's "Lessons From Bluffton" is a captivating mini-documentary that takes you on an inspiring journey to the small town of Bluffton, Georgia. This film, a testament to the power of regenerative agriculture, showcases the remarkable story of renewal and prosperity through the lens of this innovative approach to farming. Led by visionary cattleman Will Harris of White Oak Pastures, "Lessons From Bluffton" delves deep into the heart of Bluffton to witness a remarkable transformation.

White Oak Pastures' regenerative farming, a beacon of hope for rural America, stands as a testament to the power of sustainable farming and how it can rejuvenate communities while providing nourishing food. In this 30-minute exploration, we see firsthand the impact of regenerative agriculture's benefits on the local economy and how they have revitalized a once-desolate community in southern Georgia. Beyond the economic resurgence, "Bluffton's revitalization story" also reflects on the deeper meaning of true wealth and prosperity as defined by the people who are at the forefront of this movement, showcased in this Will Harris and White Oak Pastures documentary.

This documentary is not just a film; it's a beacon of hope for rural America. It stands as a testament to the power of sustainable farming practices and how they can rejuvenate communities while providing nourishing food. "Lessons From Bluffton" is an eye-opening example of what can be achieved when we commit to feeding our communities through community development through agriculture.

This is just one model, but it could be replicated.

We teach by example is the clear lesson of my teaching experience. I think the same is true for health and farming. The more farms that transition to regenerative practices the more their neighbors will copy. The same with eating habits and health.

So we just have to keep on keeping on, and trust in people's good sense and desire for health and happiness.

I'm so glad you came by this week. Such a pleasure to hear from you! Hope all is well with you and yours across the pond!

11 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Dawn's Meta's picture

@Lookout I am trying to keep a list of people who are employing regenerative ag practices for more traditional farms and newer off grid and homesteading folks. My list is growing.

One more comment on the French farmers: they are keen to keep the food labeling which indicates country born or created in; country raised in; country butchered or packaged in. The French are understandably proud of their patrimoine. The EU wants to show only EU and not individual countries or states. The wine, cheese, sausage, mustard and many other food producers are terribly upset with this new requirement.

Tangentially, the dumping of Ukraine grain and other foods into the country markets of other European states is a huge issue as it undercuts prices and the rules of production may not be as stringent as in no GMO/OGM in France. It is required by the EU (not voted into governance by any European country) and forced on everyone to accept Ukraine goods at a low or non-tariffed price.

Our weather has been mostly warmer than usual, with a few brief weeks of below normal temps early in January. The birds have been singing in Spring song this week. But...cold weather returns in a week. We have had odd hatches of insects including butterflies. Too odd. Bird populations are way down, which we see at our feeders.

Currently the Atlantic is unusually quiet leading to pollution especially in cities and villages from traffic and the widespread use of wood stoves, which many Europeans must have as noone can afford the cost of electric-based systems or gas or diesel (fioul). Wood based or pellets are renewable, but many can't afford a highly efficient cleaner burning system.

Our pellet boiler is behaving better and better as we figure it out. Basically reverse engineering the beast. Warm floors are a blessing in an old stone house. The doggie and two kitties love it.

Thanks again.

7 users have voted.

A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.

Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.

Lookout's picture

@Dawn's Meta

I've yet to add a wood fired component to the system, but as propane prices climb I'm inclined to do so. We have a solar supplement but it doesn't help at night. Duh.

We prefer European wines because glyphosate (round up) is banned there. I hope some farmers want to retain those types of quality issues too.

Thanks for the visit and kind comments!

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

enhydra lutris's picture

We're back and arrived just in time for an atmospheric river with high winds. The rain has been here since we arrived but the winds are only getting serious with the projected peak winds coming later on.

As usual, a big part of our "vacations" is to willfully stay ignorant of current events, news, politics and similar phenomena, so i'm not unduly up to speed with all that sturm und drang. Instead, I spent much of yesterday just sorting all the mail that came in and going to farmers market and the regular grocery stores plus, of course, laundry, feeding the birds, and all that sort of whatnot.

be well and have a good one

9 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Lookout's picture

@enhydra lutris

I'm with you on enjoying travel without the noise of the news as well.

Good luck with sorting the homestead! Don't wash away in the Atmospheric river.

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture

I've seen the cats and dogs coming down before
but not big fruity things yet. Who'd a thunk it -
atmospheric rivers. And the Panama Canal is dry!

4 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

only one candidate, RFK Jr, has been talking about it -- -- and only one candidate has a track record of trying to curb the power and pollutive influence of Big Ag industrial farms/mass slaughterhouses.

Even the Green Party's candidate, the otherwise mostly good Jill Stein, doesn't seem to have a lot to say about regen ag, at least from what I gather from a brief google. And it would be very surprising if certain other urban-oriented, limited-scope candidates are remotely familiar with the topic.

6 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


His blindness on the Gaza Genocide is a fatal flaw for many. He still has Robert Barnes vote last I heard.

Doesn't matter in Alabama...Trump will get my state's EC votes like it or not. How many so called swing state are up for grabs anyway? I'm thinking 5-7?

Thanks for commenting on his support of regenerative ag.

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout still has my vote even though I disagree strongly with his overall Trump take. I am not a one-issue voter ...

2 users have voted.
QMS's picture

democrat challenger (there were 2) DNC rules
turnout was a measly 4% in the South Carolina primary
that works out to about 350 people in the state supporting
geocide joe, all of them paid-for campaign workers

8 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Lookout's picture

@QMS Feb 24. Evidently Nevada's caucus is Feb 8...

My guess is Nikki is toast.

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture

obviously the 'pubs and demos' have their own vote rigging
schemes afoot but
still wan't to see RFK upset the apple cart
has he gone libertarian yet?

5 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

@QMS in talks w LP and is scheduled to speak at a LP gathering in a few days. We'll see. While he's likely to ultimately get on the ballot in all or nearly all 50 states via his own campaign's efforts, it's expensive and a major manpower lift. Being the LP guy would obviously take care of that problem, and maybe bring him some more votes, I don't know. Whether it would help him electorally in Nov or would create another set of political problems, hard to tell.

3 users have voted.
QMS's picture


good to know what's going on

1 user has voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

soryang's picture

Thanks for the WW Lookout, I especially enjoyed Pepe's discussion on China with Danny Haiphong. The impact of NATO's contribution to "containing China" will be similar to their contribution to the Ukraine War effort. Their economies will suffer, and there will be little upside for them. Europe will become even less competitive on world markets, and more dependent on the US. What is the quid pro quo? I don't see it.

On to Mr. Bolton.

Bolton warns a reelected Trump could strike ‘reckless’ deal with Pyongyang

The former White House national security adviser is considered to have played a key role in the breakdown of the 2019 summit in Hanoi

...In a newly penned foreword to his 2020 memoir, “The Room Where It Happened,” the paperback of which hit bookshelves on Tuesday, Bolton writes, “Imagine Trump’s euphoria at resuming contact with North Korea’s Kim Jong-un, about whom he famously boasted, ‘We fell in love.’”

“Trump previously almost gave away the store to Pyongyang, and he could try again early in a second term,” Bolton predicted. “A reckless deal on the North’s nuclear weapons program would further alienate Japan and South Korea, and extend China’s influence.”

Bolton also argued that while North Korea and Russia have made strategic moves, they will not prevent Trump from reaching out to Kim again, claiming, “Pyongyang’s emerging role in the Beijing-Moscow axis, including providing ammunition and weapons for Russia to use against Ukraine, will not deter Trump from getting back together with Kim.”

I'm not particularly concerned about peace breaking out in the Koreas no matter who is elected. If it's Trump, I hope he can do so without threatening nuclear "fire and fury," like he did last time, scaring the s..t of everyone in East Asia.

Bruce Cummings had an interview from last August recently published in the Asia Pacific Journal, Japan Focus. What I like about this interview is that it identifies Bolton as a key player destroying the relative progress in nuclear negotiations that placed the North Korean nuclear threat on hold for several years until 2003. Cummings also, in this excerpt identifies Kurt Campbell as proof of US bi-partisan lunacy concerning North Korea.

It's Called a Forgotten War, So People Don't Pay Attention: An Interview with Bruce Cumings

If you look at the New York Times on March 6th, 2001, Michael Gordon has a very detailed two-page analysis of the rupture of the missile deal by George W. Bush. I was at Stanford for a year at an institute and so I happened to have lunch that day with William Perry, who was a big part of the engagement with North Korea, especially in 1998 and 1999. I have great respect for Mr. Perry who has really done all he can to try and engage with North Korea and keep North Korea from having nuclear weapons—and from a nuclear war on the peninsula. He told me that everything in Michael Gordon’s article was true and that the Bush administration just destroyed that agreement, with John Bolton in the lead. That happened in 2003. Ever since, North Korea has been building up a very formidable nuclear and ICBM arsenal, and every US president, including liberals like Obama, has sent B-1 bombers to scare North Korea about dropping nuclear weapons on them. As I understand it, the American war plan has about 80 or 90 targets in North Korea to hit with nuclear weapons. If there's a war that's called genocide, it's a holocaust. Anybody sitting in Pyongyang knowing this will want the only deterrent that there is for nuclear weapons, which is your own nuclear weapons.

Kurt Campbell, who is the leading Asia advisor to Biden, and Matthew Pottinger, who was in the Trump administration, are both hardliners, even though Kurt Campbell works for Democrats. It’s because the Democrats gave him his first job. If the Republicans had given him his first job, he'd be in a Republican administration. He came to the University of Chicago when he was out of office a number of years ago at the invitation of John Mearsheimer. There was a huge turnout, and I was sitting in the back as I got there late. In the course of his lecture, he said if there's a new war in Korea, there will be “a magnificent symphony of death in the valleys of North Korea.”

I also wanted to get these Frank Aum comments out of a recent Yonhap article-

Rising N.K. threats raise questions over U.S. policy efficacy

"Of course, the Biden administration argues that it is engaging seriously, beyond just rhetoric, by reaching out numerous times to North Korea to engage but to no avail."

Aum described the Biden administration's stance on the North as one similar to the Obama administration's second-term "pressure-based" approach that "used diplomatic isolation, economic sanctions and military deterrence measures."

"Biden is maintaining the pressure-based approach, but he is open to talks 'without preconditions,'" Aum said. "But of course, there are preconditions in Biden's approach -- i.e., denuclearization has to be on the agenda, and talks have to start at the working level to demonstrate that North Korea is serious -- and North Korea is not interested in meeting those preconditions."

"Instead of just preparing militarily, the U.S. and ROK should shift their approach so that they emphasize diplomacy," Aum said. "Right now, the alliance has a very narrow focus on deterrence and is ignoring all the diplomatic tools in their toolkit."

Kim Jong-un suffered a massive loss of face at Hanoi after being treated like crap by Trump and Bolton at Hanoi in February 2019. What is incredible is that Kim even showed up later at Panmunjom to meet Trump again. That was just another photo op for Trump. As the US and South Korea have returned to their practice (temporarily paused while President Moon was in office) of having massive military exercises with the aim of readiness to fight North Korea tonight, there is virtually no prospect of making headway on security issues on the Korean peninsula. One has to believe this is exactly what the bipartisan MICIMATT complex in the US wants.

Both the US and North Korea have pre-emptive nuclear strike doctrines. I heard one analyst point to the 2022 Nuclear Posture Review of the US to substantiate the US policy. I read the document yesterday to confirm this is true. There has been a lot of propaganda about Kim's preemptive nuclear strike doctrine in the event his regime is threatened as if the US didn't also have a pre-emptive nuclear strike policy in addition to a deterrence policy. The first I learned of this US pre-emptive nuclear weapons policy was in the early stages of the second Iraq War.

2022 National Defense Strategy of the United States Including the 2022 Nuclear Posture

Opportunistic aggression could create deterrence challenges. Should we find
ourselves in a large-scale military confrontation with a major power or regional adversary, the Joint Force will need to be postured with military capabilities – including nuclear weapons –
that can deter and defeat other actors who may seek to take advantage of this scenario to engage
in opportunistic aggression. In such circumstances, we will also need to be prepared to fully
leverage other instruments of national power and the capabilities our Allies and partners can
bring to bear. p42

Consistent with prior reviews, our nuclear strategy accounts for existing and emerging non-nuclear
threats with potential strategic effect for which nuclear weapons are necessary to deter. We
concluded that nuclear weapons are required to deter not only nuclear attack, but also a narrow
range of other high consequence, strategic-level attacks. This is a prudent approach given the current security environment and how it could further evolve. p43

Having some trouble with the spacing on the two paragraphs quoted above but that's it.

8 users have voted.

語必忠信 行必正直

Lookout's picture

As they say here, Bolton is as useful as tits on boar hog. Has he ever been right about anything? I don't remember it.

In the early 2000's we were in the UK and Trump was all over their news objecting to Scotland's windmills interfering with the views from his golf courses there. My question to them was what the hell do you care about what Trump thinks.
I guess I was proven wrong.
That story reminds me of another from Ireland in 2016 when a barkeep asked couldn't a border collie beat Trump in a presidential election. Evidently not.

As to the Korea's, it is looking to me like North Korea is moving forward militarily and economically building relations with both Russia and China. The US seems to lack an understanding of balance of power.

I hope things are pleasant in your world. A light rain here. Thanks for all the info and links!

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

is it me, or did
we lose a couple of posts?

not casting aspersions on
any bodies asparagus but
it does seem a bit
odd considering. . .

let’s hope things are
good w/Friends

thanks for the ww

3 users have voted.

Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

Lookout's picture

@Tall Bald and Ugly

and missed any missing posts. Are you caught in the vortex of the atmospheric river? Hope not. Take care!

4 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Tall Bald and Ugly
that has gone missing is the essay that snoopydawg posted Saturday night. I woke up Sunday morning and it was gone. I hope that you aren't insinuating that I took it down because I didn't, and if I didn't the only other person that could have taken it down was snoopydawg herself.

In the future I hope you think things through a little more carefully before you cast aspersions.

1 user has voted.

specifically @JtC said Not

also, there were Two
of them if I recall
at all.

since they both dealt with
a controversial subject AND
the sheer amount of gob-Shite
flying around and the Brazenness
of all the three letter organizations-

is it Really outside the realm of
possibility that a (metaphorical)
knife could be held at one’s throat
in this day and age?

not everything is
about you
I was more worried About
snoop’s situation

no offense intended and
apologies for offense Taken(?)

and people think
I’m touchy. . .

3 users have voted.

Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

ending wars.

9 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

Ukraine graft_4.jpg

Biden washing machine_0.jpg

9 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

interfere with their actions.

6 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


...if the ICJ rules against Israel, we'll all pull our money out of the relief funds. HaHaHa...(evil laugh)

I hate what our country has become. I wish we could wipe the slate clean and start over.

Thanks for the X post!

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

which of those I would be ...

Many are suggesting using globalist idealist and nationalist realists.

Maybe some combination of Globalist Realist -- int'l in outlook but realistic and cautious about overseas involvement and major power geopolitical spheres of influence -- and Nationalist Idealist -- feelings of loyalty and patriotism when we act in ways consistent with the ideals we espouse as a country.

In any case, the globalist idealists don't seem to be running the show or wielding much influence. It's been more the globalist hegemonists who've been in charge.

And it's a lot of "ists" and "isms" to keep straight. L and R is much simpler, still works 75% of the time for lazy people like me, and old habits die hard, etc.

4 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


Hey maybe that's the label! Your comment points to the whole problem with labels. I got no problem with people needing a tribe. My situation is identifying with people of a variety of tribes...issue by issue. That's just me.

4 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture

Easy to get the gist of your arguments.
Trump scares east Asia? Or bluster.

thanks soryang

4 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Cassiodorus's picture


4 users have voted.

"The only thing more dangerous than the 3 decade old right-wing agenda repackaged as (Project) 2025 is the illusion that the Democrats can protect you from it." - Richard Moser

QMS's picture

and the rest of us

2 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Lookout's picture


as the border protests are happening. There are 15 governors speaking there evidently.

Too bad the pro Palestine protests don't receive the same level of political participation.

Stay on the side to truth and justice.

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Well, grocery shopping got done this afternoon, so it is time to check out your info you shared.
I appreciate Pepe Escobar's brilliant geopolitical commentary. I never fail to learn from him.
I am going to start with that 20 yr old BBC video with Alex Jones and others.
I thought Jones was a rwnj, but watched him on a Jimmy Dore video, and realized I had mischaracterized him.
Unless the weather forecasts are really goofed, winter is gone, very short lived, and unusually cold. We have the arborist working with tree removal and fence line clearing, will have a guy move some dirt, clearing 6 or 7 acres, get us better mowing come spring and summer.
With acreage, it's always something, ain't it?
A current news headline says Biden is considering bombing inside Iran's borders, and Iran issued the US a warning about a spy submarine in their vicinity. Peace is not profitable.
Take good care, friend, and check out a good wood stove. We are possibly going that direction soon.
Thanks for your hard work in educating us!

7 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Lookout's picture

@on the cusp

Always having homestead projects is usually fun...except when it isn't. Fortunately it is fun currently. Winter has its own joys in maintenance. I love the way the woods are clean and clear... you can see the lay of the land.

Really every season has it's joys and issues. I guess that's the way of life in general.

Hope y'all have a great week!

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

is threating to sanctions settlers is having its desired impact. /S

5 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


Does a Genocidal state like Israel have a right to exist? I am anti-zionist, not anti-jew, but does this murderous self centered state have the right to exterminate the Palestinians in their country? The answer is obvious, but TPTB are owned by the Zionists. I think it spells not only the doom of Israel but also the entire western power structure. We'll see.

As always, thanks for the X posts!

9 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture


what's going on down under you

2 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Cassiodorus's picture

@Lookout First off, there's going to be a war. A big one. Everyone is spinning fantasies about rebuilding Gaza or a two-state solution or whatever. Netanyahu be like: there's nothing left except for the rubble and the ones in the tunnels. There will be no administrative structures for the dead. There will be some non-negotiable demand that Hezbollah erase itself from the face of the Earth within a certain time period. Hezbollah will unload its arsenal at some point.

What will happen next?

3 users have voted.

"The only thing more dangerous than the 3 decade old right-wing agenda repackaged as (Project) 2025 is the illusion that the Democrats can protect you from it." - Richard Moser

Lookout's picture


There are other possible outcomes. It is an election year.

Israel must answer the ICJ in two weeks...that could prove interesting.

Bottom line, we will have to wait and see.

I certainly agree the two state solution is dead.

4 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Lookout's picture

I live right on the Georgia border. My buddy sings this one, and I enjoy playing along.

Signing out with these rainy thoughts. We need both the sunshine and the rain.

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”