western leadership

The Weekly Watch

Pawns in the Great Geopolitical Game

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Demented, arrogant, and ignorant western leaders are out of their depth and in over their heads. They are embroiled in so many conflicts they don't know if they're coming or going. Like Brer Rabbit's encounter with the tar baby we are entrapped in a morass of multiple wars of our own making. The empire's collapse looms large.


The Weekly Watch

Rules, Rulers, and Ruin

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Estonian President Alar Karis said in his first address of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) in New York on Wednesday:

The Russian invasion, including the illegal occupation of Crimea and Russia's prior land grabs in Georgia and Moldova, demonstrate Russia's total disrespect of international law and the rules-based international order, and are an assault on the UN Charter, every value and principle the United Nations stands for.

Their defense minister said it more clearly...(30 sec)

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