Open Thread - 2/2/24 - TGIF Stuff 'n' Things

As I compose this, an agreement for a Gazan conflict ceasefire is in the works. By the time this gets published, I hope to celebrate its' having come to fruition.

Well, my travel in the future might take on a very different path. We have been exploring Texas, going to concert venues, staying in interesting, often historic locales. The fun part is renting a vacation home or cottage, rather than a hotel. And now, this must be giving hotel chains an axe to grind, or cities want more income from permits, and so forth. I saw this tonight, got a chill down my spine at the mention of "The Hill Country", an area we visit 3 or 4 times a year. To give a comparison, a 50 year old Super 8 by Wyndham in downtown Fredericksburg, Texas, might cost $300 per night. A small cottage 12 miles away might cost $135 per night.

Tonight, I watched this 3 minute video:

If it is happening here, it will catch fire and be everywhere. Expect hotels (formerly motels, which do not seem to exist anymore) to raise prices accordingly, unless Air B&B, Vrbo, and the like, hire some lobbyists and make some donations to the targeted politicians, because that is how our government rocks, baby!

All of us remember better days than these we are barely enduring. With Biden deciding to bomb, bomb, bomb everybody in the ME (in his feeble mind with no supporting evidence) that he connects to Iran, we will look back on them fondly, and with such sadness.

In local politics, a Justice of the Peace doesn't want an individual to be in the race for that precinct's constable. He put out a trespass warning for the individual that entry onto the county precinct building would lead to an arrest. Well, a precinct constable is the assigned bailiff to the Justice of the Peace. Court hearings will be chaotic if the individual wins the race.

I think locals are taking a cue from the prosecutions going on against opposing party individuals at the national level. Graft, corruption, abuse of the political and electoral processes are getting more blatant, more common.

I wish us all the best of luck. I think this song should be our song, a song of just being there for each other. Never feel you are alone. If you are here, you are not. I think it will be in my OTs henceforth and so on, blah blah blah...

This Open Thread is an opportunity for you to drop in a comment on anything.

C99ers, let 'er rip!

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

QMS's picture

The state has mandated each town to offer "affordable housing" within their
jurisdictions. Unfortunately, our little town has only come up with one example
in the 10 years the laws have been on the books. Affordable housing is not
available. Zoning restrictions are getting more restrictive by the year.

The last cannon fired by the state is passing a moratorium to prevent home
owners from putting 'mother-in-law' type additions on existing dwellings.
There is an uproar by the townies to this one and pushback has been fierce.

What is more affordable than having your elderly parents move in along side
the house where you can help them out?

We also have a new group dealing with the demographics side of this issue.
We are a rural community with a large percentage of farmland, donated and bought by the Agricultural Trust in many cases. The problem is there is a shortage of young
families to work the land and tend the livestock. Because they can not afford to
live here.

I have suggested changing the zoning rules to allow the building of combined
barn / living quarters as a solution. Of course the old white upper crust folks do
not want to see these changes to their surrounding pristine pastures.

Ah well, we must adapt to build a stronger community.

Thanks for the TGIF!

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

@QMS Who decides what "affordable" means?
We recently stayed in a wing of a home that had a bathroom, bedroom, kitchenette, and a small seating area. It was 5 minutes from the TX A&M campus, used frequently by people coming for events and evaluating the lay of the land when enrolling in school. I admire the family that put their property to profitable use. Everyone not controlled by a property owner's association ought to be able to enjoy the use of their damn property as long as they are not creating a nuisance.
A client is tangling with the county over his plan to build 4 or 5 studio apartments on his ranch, a 120 acre horse ranch outside any city limit or subdivision. The permits to build were denied because in the opinion of the inspector, the apartments would turn into a slum area. No committee, no vote, just one man's opinion on how many dwellings could be allowed, and what they had to look like.
I would like to drive the inspector around, show him what slums look like.
So sorry the ranches and farms can't be worked by some young folks. That is a shame to let them go fallow.
How's your hand, friend?

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Lookout's picture

Looks like a nice day here. Headed to 60F. Got some help coming this AM to work with us cleaning up around the pond. I've almost got the bottom mowed, now that deer season is over and the turkeys have not started to nest.

I'm all for a ceasefire...I just wish it was permanent.

Israel agreed to the ceasefire proposal and we have initial positive confirmation from Hamas,” a spokesman for the Qatari Foreign Ministry said on Thursday evening, according to Al Jazeera. “We are awaiting their response,” the spokesman added.

The proposed ceasefire will be implemented in three stages, according to a Hamas statement shared with Reuters earlier this week. The first phase would see fighting stop for 40 days as Hamas hands over the female civilians, children, and elderly people it is still holding captive. During this time, large-scale deliveries of food and medicine into Gaza would resume.

The following stages would see Hamas turn over captive Israeli soldiers and the bodies of Israeli troops, in exchange for further aid deliveries and the freeing of Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails.

“Military operations on both sides will stop during the three stages,” the militants said, adding that the number of Palestinian prisoners freed would be open to negotiation.

The proposal falls short of the full Israeli withdrawal from Gaza that Hamas initially demanded. As a step toward ending the war, however, it also threatens Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s plan to keep fighting until Israel achieves “total victory” over the militants, as he has promised on multiple occasions.

I hope in the meantime we don't bumble our way into a wider war...other than our conflict with the Houthis. I must admit to admiring the way they ignore US 'might is right', and keep on blocking US, UK, and Israeli ships.

At least we have an interesting film to watch...


Arg...I think it is a pirate movie.

Have a great weekend, and thanks for the OT!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout We have a guy cutting down trees and clearing fence lines to work off legal fees he could not pay.
He is an arborist, so this was my plan.
Several large trees are just too close to the house. This coming hurricane season is expected to be a busy one.
That reminds me, any suggestions for a generator? We are doing a bit of research.
Take care, friend!

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

QMS's picture

@on the cusp

have had good luck with the Generac varieties

the one I use now is good for the whole house and barns without fancy wiring

this is a similar model, about $1050.


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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

@QMS TV commercials!
When we travel, we watch some tv. That is the only exposure we get to cable tv. Seems Generac has a slick ad campaign that features elderly people. Maybe they anticipate the only crowd watching the Inspire channel, which features old tv and movie westerns, isn't a draw for younger folks.
Anyhoo, I felt they were roping and corralling we oldsters into some expensive gadget for our own well-being. The ads before or after them were Medicare Advantage ads. Maybe on other cable channels that appeal to young folks, their ads feature young actors.
I thank you for the tip. One we had been thinking about cost $2800, more or less. We need to keep a freezer going. Ours is full of pretty high quality meats.
Speaking of meat, the plan to grill some rib eyes for dinner got postponed. It's gonna rain and storm tonight and in the morning.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

QMS's picture

@on the cusp

they are pretty good machines
the 6500 watt I have is probably overkill,
but the 220 VAC feature was key to running the well

If you are only concerned about one or two appliances
a 3500 watt would be more than enough
lighter and quieter

may even get by with a suitcase type 2000 watt for that

I use this out on the moorings when the boat doesn't have a genset
and have a need to run power tools, won't break your back

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

@QMS you can die of heat stroke in your home. I doubt most of the people on this site can even imagine this. I have been through some very tough hurricane times in my life, since we are close to the coast.
Fridge, freezer, a/c, internet. Lights can be optional. I have lanterns.
My brother had a big gen, hooked it up at my house, but he let a neighbor borrow it, and it hasn't worked since. No good deed goes unpunished. Truly.
Dear One is playing an album to get him through cooking dinner. How about this?

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture


I don’t know what brand I have on my trailer but it’s pretty big and there’s no way I can move it. I really should have checked around more before I bought it, but alas hindsight. I do want one for the house. But we rarely lose power even in big storms.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

"Israel and Hammas open talks to decide who gets to break the ceasefire."

A while ago there was a fad of renting an AIRB&B and holding a huge "trash the whole damn neighborhood!" party.
Study: San Franciaco has more illegal inlaw apartments than Starbucks and McDonald's combined, has yet to find a single inlaw.

And most likely:
Biden breaks ceasefire.

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On to Biden since 1973

QMS's picture


you can't have in-laws when all you got are outlaws
Brandon breaks everything he touches

3 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

@doh1304 I am a fan of gallows humor. What else can we do in times like these?
Have a great weekend!

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

the ongoing Genocide in Gaza but also elsewhere.

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@humphrey if he wanted a wider war?
At least the US is savvy enough to get assistance from Israel on who to kill and where the targets are located. Israel is the go to place for getting top notch murder info.
Have yourself some fun this weekend!

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

The rest of the tweet is the kicker:

Even under the pretext of death, Zelensky will not stop stealing.

It makes me wonder if The Big Guy continued to get his 10% ?

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@humphrey The truth sounds like The Babylon Bee!
I hope you have some fun stuff lined up for the weekend!

5 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981