U.S. "solution" to Yemen problem: foreign mercenaries

One of the few nations to actually do something to support the Palestinians has been the Houthis in Yemen. The Houthis have been suffering under a barbaric, genocidal assault by Saudi Arabia and the UAE for nearly 8 years, an assault fully supported by the U.S.
The war ground to a halt when the Saudi Arabia refused to commit significant ground forces, and the UAE, which relied strictly on mercenary armies, found they had different, sometimes conflicting agendas.
Now that the Houthis are threatening Israel, the U.S. has decided to take a page out of this failed war.

Washington is working to recruit UAE-backed mercenary groups in Yemen to “distract Sanaa” from its military operations against Israel, Al-Akhbar revealed on 8 December.

“The United States is moving to activate factions loyal to the UAE in Yemen to distract Sanaa from continuing to carry out more air and sea attacks against the Israeli entity,” the Lebanese daily reports.

According to the report, US special envoy for Yemen Tim Lenderking met with the head of the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC), Aidarous al-Zubaidi. The meeting took place in the Emirati capital Abu Dhabi.

The STC is one of three parallel governments in Yemen. The UAE backs it in support of an independent secessionist state in south Yemen...
Al-Akhbar claims that, under US directives, the UAE-backed militant groups have recently spread out across large sections of Yemen’s eastern and western coasts while also receiving arms from Washington.

Besides losing the war these mercenaries are guilty of looting.

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Houthi Missile Strikes Ship Sailing Through Red Sea, US Says.

(Bloomberg) -- A tanker in the Red Sea battled a fire after being struck by a missile launched from Houthi-controlled territory in Yemen, according to the US military.

A cruise missile struck the M/T Strinda on Monday afternoon local time as it passed through the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait, US Central Command said in a statement on X. The Strinda reported damage causing a fire onboard, but no casualties. The strait separates East Africa from the Arabian Peninsula.

The destroyer USS Mason responded to the Strinda’s distress call and is currently rendering assistance, according to Centcom.

The incident is the latest by the Iran-backed Houthi militants, who have signaled their support for Hamas in its war with Israel by launching missiles and drones at ships sailing in the region and at targets in Israel. Hamas, which attacked Israel on Oct. 7, is a designated terrorist group by the European Union and US.

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How dare other countries have aspirations different from ours. The nerve. Luckily the US was put on this earth to teach everyone a lesson. Too bad we have no 'effin idea of what we're doing. History, and the rest of the world, will not be kind to us over the consequences of our actions.

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QMS's picture

to do their dirty work. Want to harm competition in Russia? Pay the Ukraine
regime. Want to control the Mid-East (oil)? Pay Israel to destabilize the region. Want to
'contain' China? Arm Taiwan, South Korea and Japan. South America? Buy Argentina.

Most of these investments are making a mess of everywhere where they go.

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

Cassiodorus's picture

Heaps of dead bodies! Big prizes for the weapons corporations!

From December of 2020, when Joe Biden was assembling his cabinet:

Biden Defense Secretary Nominee Lloyd Austin Comes Under Fire for Industry Connections

Key paragraph:

But on Tuesday, Biden announced that he will nominate retired four-star Gen. Lloyd Austin III, once the top commander of U.S. forces in the Middle East and now a member of the board of directors at Raytheon. The company has been in the spotlight during the Trump administration in part because it supplies air-to-ground munitions for Saudi Arabia’s war in Yemen, and Austin’s role with Raytheon could be central to his confirmation fight.

More weapons! More war! More profits! More Yemen! So that's where this idea comes from.

Oh, and don't you worry about the collateral damage or the losses thus sustained or the new global regime thus created. Least of all you should worry about the status of the US dollar, since said dollars are being printed in great quantities to make all of this activity possible.

Here one recalls reading Volume 2 of Volker Ullrich's biography of Hitler, Hitler: Downfall. One of the more interesting things about this book is its repeated metaphor of Hitler the "political gambler and his all-or-nothing approach" (183). Another passage discusses in more detail the tendency Ullrich thinks he sees in Hitler:

His rigid orders to hold territory and the nonsensical attempts to turn the tide with the Battle of Kursk in 1943 and the Battle of the Bulge the following year reflected the mentality of the all-or-nothing gambler who had always played for high stakes and could never imagine folding. (626)

Granted, the neoconservatives are gambling with other people's armies here, and the stakes are much smaller than Hitler's. But the neocons seem to have at least some of the gambler mentality Ullrich attributes to Hitler.

8 users have voted.

"Our First Amendment stands as a major block to the ability to be able to hammer (disinformation) out of existence." - John Kerry

QMS's picture


Neo-con Bingo!
mixed metaphor
with a side of double entendre

5 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

soryang's picture

@Cassiodorus I think this is implicit in the clash of civilizations frame. Adam Tooze in the Wages of Destruction, referred to it as a "now or never" attitude- "the odds will only get worse later." Japan clearly had the same the attitude as Hitler's Germany. Their thinking was to go for broke. "Beat the US in a Pacific war?" Maybe we'll get lucky. Once we take over the entirety of the western Pacific and East Asia, they won't we be able to stop us. If we don't get rid of their navy now, we will fail. All or nothing. This is the underlying perspective in the US posture against China.

My point of view is that each of the US area commands feels their bailiwick is the most important in the US strategy to dominate the world. So the European command goes with this Ukraine gambit among others. Centcom emphasizes control of the Mideast, and IndoPacCom wants the conflict with China to take priority. The war industry has no problem selling as much as they can without a concern about the overall conflicting interests and lack of a coherent or workable foreign or national security policy. The inability to coordinate these different priorities as well as the fundamental erroneous assessments in each theater cause an unfolding disaster of monumental proportions. It does look like the unfolding of a world war in the making, but the masters of the universe in DC have tunnel vision. They only see their immediate interests which are destructive in nature. fwiw.

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語必忠信 行必正直

The Liberal Moonbat's picture

'Tell me you're a dying empire, WITHOUT telling me you're a dying empire'.

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In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!