Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - August 5, 2023

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”
Pablo Picasso

The wide variety of personal knowledge and experience shared in the diaries and comments at C99 has enriched my understanding of events shaping our present. Seven years ago if asked if Kennedy assassination or Vietnam had much direct influence on my life - would have said no.

I was too young to remember the assassination, had no older siblings to worry about a draft and Vietnam had ended prior to entering high school, so no worry about friends being sent to war and too recent for history class. My Dad completed a full 8 years in the National Guard to avoid the possibility to being called up and deployed to Asia by 1964. It was a nonissue.

Sometimes the complexities of events becomes clearer after reflecting on them periodically as one gains in life experience and age. Unknown blank spots in memory start to fill-in.

Unfortunately, The slow creep of activities in Asia fundamentally changing our nation appears to be happening again.


Never have figured out which powerbase keeps pushing Chris Christie into national office. He was the first modern political executive to use fear of an infectious medical condition to enforce a quarantine on an American citizen. The 2014 Ebola quarantine of nurse, Kaci Hickox, was foreshadowing of actions later of nationwide actions.

He is very careful with his words and interview with Judge Napolitano touched a some subjects that could turn into disturbing paths for our country. Including comparing dissatisfaction with Biden similar to the Carter popularity leading to the opportunity of electing Reagan.

A couple of responses I am especially concerned with are partially transcribed.

25:53 min - Christie: You Honor this is one where I think you and I disagree when I have heard you think about it before. I think this is a proxy war by China in Ukraine. I think the stakes are much bigger than Ukraine. The Chinese are funding this war by Russia, They are coordinating with the Ukrainians to supply Russia with the most sophisticated weapons.

And I think it is a pay me now or pay me later situation for the United States. If we are not willing to show the Chinese and the Russians for that matter, but particularly the Chinese that we are willing to stand up. And someone like President Xi goes to Russia before the war and says there are no limits to Chinese support of Russia. Well I think we have a bigger fight to win here Judge, And I am concerned about what the Pentagon has had to say, but I am more concerned with what President Xi had to say. I think we need to fight that fight.
When asked about sending US troops to Ukraine: - First Ukrainians do not want them. Secondly we need to be very careful on how we choose where to put American lives at risk. And I would not do that in Ukraine at this time. Supplying them with the hardware they need to fight there fight themselves and to make it a fair fight against the Russians. And finally putting American men and women on the ground the ah (unintelligible).

Then lets him do his campaign shtick for the Libertarian part of his audience.

Where Chris Christie wants to take America - Election 2024 (Special Interview) (31:54 begins at 20:09)


Some background history on United States One China Policy and the Taiwan independence movement. The independence movement was in existence prior to Nixon and Kissinger changing recognition of Chinese nation being represented by Peoples Republic of China in international affairs.

John J. Tkacik, Jr. On Taiwan: Nixon: “What In Hell is the Taiwan Independence Movement?” Taipei Times Jun 26, 2023

Historians know all this because the Nixon Library has a tape recording of Nixon and Kissinger as they bantered about Taiwan’s unsettled status and the ultra-secret “assurances” they gave to Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai (周恩來) in Beijing. Nixon knew well that Premier Zhou had pressed Kissinger on the “Taiwan Independence Movement” [TIM] at least nine times during his July and October visits to Beijing.
Nixon thought again, “… the other thing … I didn’t see anything in the State Department papers indicating that we ought to support the Taiwan Independence Movement.” After some to-and-fro, Kissinger allowed that perhaps Secretary of State William Rogers and his staff raised it the night before the Shanghai Communique was issued, but it was never raised “in the preparatory papers they gave us, never!”

To himself, Kissinger must have recalled the moment that Nixon’s most trusted confidant — trusted even more than Kissinger — Treasury Secretary John Connally, blasted him over his draft Taiwan language in the Shanghai Communique. Connally said bluntly “You’ve sold out.” He said the phrase “Taiwan is a province of China” to Americans “meant we were turning over Taiwan to China right then and there.” When Kissinger tried to explain the language to Connally, Connally warned “you never have a chance to explain these things after all hell has broken loose.” Kissinger changed the wording.

On the tape, Nixon and Kissinger reassured each other “our private understanding is that we won’t encourage it, we didn’t say we will oppose it either. We didn’t say we will discourage it either. We didn’t say we’d oppose it. We said we will give it no support. And that’s been our position.”

But their commitment ended there. The understanding with Premier Zhou did not require them to “oppose” or even “discourage” Taiwan independence; Kissinger and Nixon agreed, “if they want to secede, that’s their business.”


A couple of articles by retired Indian diplomat M. K. Bhadrakumar on shifting Asian relations.

Lessons from the Korean War
Indian Punchline July 30, 2023

The psychology of forgetting and why memory fails is a tantalizing topic in the life of individuals or nations. Cognitive psychology spawned many theories about it. The main theory, the motivated forgetting theory, is the most charming as it is easy to relate to it: people forget things in the pitiless flow of life because they either do not want to remember, and painful and disturbing memories are, thus, made unconscious and very difficult to retrieve, albeit they still remain in storage in the attic of the mind.

The United States and the Korean War (25 June 1950 – 27 July 1953) is a case in point. Succinctly put, the war ended at a juncture when a “stalemate” prevailed, which in reality meant that defeat was staring at the face of the UN forces — as happened in Afghanistan.
It is China which has the greatest stakes in resurrecting the true lessons of the Korean War. What perturbs Beijing is not only that the Washington elite have not only drawn some wrong lessons, but they are also “all targeted at China, specifically referring to the Taiwan question.”

The most notable revisionist theory has been advanced by none other than Mike Gallagher, the 40-year old former US Marine Intelligence Officer who is currently the Chairman of the House Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party, and is a trenchant critic of China’s policies on the Hill, and also an ambitious politician who is already a leading voice of the Republican right across the board
What surprised China, perhaps, was that last Wednesday, on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the Korean Armistice, Foreign Affairs magazine featured an article by Gallagher, which postulated three “lessons” that the Korean War taught the US — first, “Washington must not neglect deterrence and readiness,” and should always be prepared to fight and enhance military capabilities; second, “politics and combat are deeply intertwined”; and, third, once fighting breaks out anywhere with US involvement, “excessive self-restraint can invite further aggression.”

No doubt, these “lessons” drawn in the Beltway are manifestly targeted at China, and the timing of Gallagher’s essay in a leading public diplomacy organ of the US foreign policy establishment is not coincidental.
Anyway, there has been a paradigm shift today. Russia today has nuclear superiority over the US and its allies. Unlike during the Korean War, North Korea and China now possess nuclear weapons and missiles to deliver them. But a cardinal difference in this paradigm shift is also that neither Pyongyang nor Beijing developed nuclear weapons capabilities as part of plans to initiate a war but, instead, to deter a US attempt to destroy them. The same holds good for Russia in Ukraine.

Wheel has come full circle in Myanmar
Indian Punchline July 30, 2023 (Burma per US State Department)

If the past is any guide, the military leadership in Myanmar has either been talking to Suu Kyi behind the scenes or is hoping to re-engage her in a meaningful conversation. The fact that Thailand’s foreign minister Don Pramudwinai paid a secret visit to Nay Pyi Taw three weeks ago and met with Senior General Min Aung Hlaing and Suu Kyi in prison suggests pivotal undercurrents.
The paradox is, Western intelligence agencies are fuelling an armed rebellion against the Myanmarese generals in power from the hideouts in Thailand while also promoting a colour revolution and regime change in Thailand itself. The Myanmarese and Thai militaries traditionally kept close fraternal ties.
The Thai military is making sure that Pita Limjaroenrat, a rich playboy retreaded through Harvard University and pitchforked to the vanguard of the colour revolution in Bangkok will not get the requisite majority support in the parliament to form a government.

Pita’s electoral alliance is unravelling leaving him in limbo. The second biggest constituent of his electoral alliance, Pheu Thai party, is seeking a modus vivendi with the politico-military establishment in Bangkok (backed by the monarchy) to work out a power-sharing arrangement that nips in the bud Washington’s best-laid plans to turn Thailand into a vassal state an anti-China base — an Ukraine in Asia on China’s doorstep.

Pita had made it abundantly clear that once in power, he would do all he could to evict the generals in power in Myanmar. Indeed, the Western strategy is to turn Thailand into a staging post to destabilise the countries along China’s “soft underbelly” — Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar. Washington pinned high hopes on Pita who also possesses, curiously, the communication skills comparable to Ukraine’s Zelensky.
Perceptions changed in 1998, when the US failed to bail out Thailand during the Asian economic crisis. Thailand does not view China as a revisionist power or a military threat. Instead, Bangkok considers Beijing as the country’s largest economic partner, and an ally. Succinctly put, American and Thai strategic concerns are sharply out of alignment.
Suu Kyi’s absence worked well for the western proxies to try to usurp the democratic leadership in the country. Her return poses a dilemma for the Western powers.


More bad news for humanity from Ukraine. Am not including expanded conflict in Syria and Niger today.

During WWII food, fuel and other essential were controlled by ration coupons. At times I wonder if current inflation trends is the modern control method. Traffic on local roadways and in stores in very quiet.

U.S.-Led NATO Drowns Ukraine in a Bloodbath Stategic Culture Foundation August 4, 2023

New data this week, however, indicate the scale of losses for the NATO-backed Kiev regime to be much higher.

Satellite imagery cited by Intel Republic’s Telegram channel of newly dug cemeteries in Ukrainian territory suggests that at least 400,000 military personnel have died in battles with Russian forces. The graves presume individual bodies buried. In addition, not recorded are the countless dead who have been obliterated on battlefields or left to rot by Kiev regime commanders.

Another measure is gleaned from grim reports this week in the U.S. media that there have been 50,000 amputees among Ukrainian soldiers, according to the supply of prosthetic limbs from German manufacturers. Extrapolation from that figure of casualties corroborates the far higher estimate of war dead.
What makes this all the more criminal and despicable is that the conflict and death could have been avoided. Washington and its European NATO allies chose to ignore all appeals from Russia to negotiate a political solution to Moscow’s long-held strategic security concerns about NATO’s eastward expansion and the weaponization of the Kiev regime. Moscow’s diplomatic efforts were repudiated in December 2021, two months before hostilities escalated.

Prior to that, the weaponization of the regime went on for eight years after the CIA backed the coup in 2014 against a democratically elected president. (Which, by the way, makes a mockery of U.S. and European condemnations this week of a military coup in the West African nation of Niger. Such selective concern for legalities!)
Even more damning, the American and European leaders knew that the Ukrainian counteroffensive would not succeed. Reports in the New York Times and other outlets have coyly admitted that.

The impending disaster for NATO is colossal. This calamity makes the debacle of NATO’s defeat in Afghanistan exactly two years ago this month look like a picnic in retrospect.

President Biden is seeking reelection next year and the unavoidable fact is he has blood dripping from his hands for the barbarity in Ukraine. The epic horror – which has recklessly risked nuclear war with Russia – stands as a monumental intelligence, political, military, and moral abomination for Washington and its European vassals.
If there were any justice, Biden shouldn’t be facing the electorate soon. He and his Western minions, including household media organizations, should be facing prosecution for war crimes.




Old news with new confirmation with now public messages.

Text messages given to FBI: Chinese wanted Biden family name to help acquire U.S. energy assets Just The News August 4, 2023

“They will be the Goldmans of China,” one of Hunter Biden’s business associated boasted about the relationship with CEFC.

Text messages provided to the FBI show that a Chinese energy conglomerate that struck a controversial deal in 2017 with Hunter Biden began its pursuit of a relationship with the future first family back in late 2015 when Joe Biden was still vice president, hoping to seize on the name of one of America’s most famous political dynasties to provide cover for its ambitious plan to buy up energy assets inside the United States.
By mid-March 2016 – 10 months before Joe Biden would leave office – the discussions had advanced far enough that two of Hunter Biden's business partners, Rob Walker and Gilliar, had drafted a memo for Hunter Biden to sign and send to CEFC, according to an email on Hunter Biden’s laptop entitled “H to Zang Draft.”
Over the next two years, the Chinese energy deal would evolve into some of the most infamous moments of the Biden family scandals that were becoming publicly known from the Hunter's abandoned laptop and the reporting of news organizations ranging from The Washington Post to the New York Post. Those include:

  • Ye would meet with Hunter Biden and gift him with a 3-carat diamond mto the future first son in February 2017.
  • Joe Biden also met with CEFC officials, according to an FBI interview report of Rob Walker made public by IRS whistleblowers in their testimony to Congress
  • Emails from Bobulinski would reference a deal involving “the big guy” and a possible 10 percent share of the deal for Joe Biden.
  • Hunter Biden would send a stinging message to a CEFC executive demanding payment in summer 2017, even suggesting that his father was standing beside him as he sent the angry message.
  • Hunter Biden would set up an office in Washington DC for the venture and ask that keys be made for his father, mother and uncle as well as one of the CEFC “emissaries” from China.

In the end, the CEFC relationship fell apart as Ye was reportedly was placed under house arrest in his home country and Patrick Ho, one of the Chinese CEFC executives sent to the United States was arrested by the FBI and convicted of bribery and money laundering in the United States. Hunter Biden was never accused of wrongdoing in that case though he was paid nearly $1 million in a legal retainer to help Ho’s defense, according to documents on his laptop and federal court records.


Alastair Crooke weekly article link in Strategic Culture Foundation - The ‘Scandal Implosion’ Stratagem: Will It Work for Ukraine?

Russian Sanctions - What do You Think?... Did They Work? (28:07 min) with

At 10:19 Alistair Cokke discusses narrative Russia is weak. He attributes the beginning of the narrative to the 1760's by Louise the XV and his Polish wife. They created a story about the Russian Czar being weak. Peter theGreat wants to take over Europe. The myth continues to influence policy makers and war planners.

The livestream videos this week by Judge Napolitano channel ongoing discussions regarding current Ukraine/Russia conflict. The interviews are generally posted on Monday through Thursday if would like to view them in a more timely manner. The link opens in the LIVE column, occasionally an interview only appears in VIDEOS section.


What is on your mind today?

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soryang's picture

Fortunately I read the Punchline articles earlier. So Tkacik knows more about Taiwan policy than Kissinger? That's laughable. Also he wants to pin US policy on some obscure demarche to the UN prompted by Dubya? Dubya is the same fool who completely derailed talks with North Korea for over a decade. Now they have a stockpile of nukes and are being courted by both Russia and China. I have to say I find Tkacik's arguments both familiar and suspect. It appears he accepts the legalistic frame that the allies never promised to return Taiwan to China. His remarks about an earlier commitment in the 30s to help Taiwan gain "independence" is a reference to its colonial status as part of the Japanese Empire not a promise of sovereignty. It was taken from China as a result of the Sino-Japanese War.

Tkacik's remark that it is difficult to discern China's core interest (or redline) on Taiwan independence is absurd. This is very similar to the US deliberately ignoring the multiple warnings Russia signaled for years regarding NATO expansion into Ukraine.

Great OT Studentofearth, thanks!

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語必忠信 行必正直

Lookout's picture

It's the weekend of the world's largest yardsale. So it is one of those weekends to hang around the place. Too much traffic and commotion out in the big world.
It runs along The Lookout Mountain Parkway and the U.S. 127 Corridor from Gadsden, Alabama to Addison, Michigan, almost 700 miles.

You know, make someone else's junk your own...US culture. We went yesterday where some friends set up just to visit and check it out. Glad to be home today.

We never got the expected rain yesterday, good for the sale, but not so much the garden and young trees. However, more is expected next week and may be it'll be our turn then.

So much happening around the world from Niger to the Saudi-US so called peace summit.

Thanks for the OT, and hope everyone has a great weekend!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture


where people who are terminally ill can end their lives and how it’s moral borders have been relaxed to allow depressed people to end their lives or if life just seems to be too hard. Well America has its own program, but it’s built around doctors pressuring family members to unplug their family from ventilators or just to get them out of that bed and moved into another…just read the article. Words are hard again.

'You're not God': Doctors and patient families say HCA hospitals push hospice care

As Marisol Perez fought for her life in a Texas hospital in autumn 2021, her mother, Alma Salas, sat with her every day praying. Perez, then 42, had such a virulent case of Covid and pneumonia that doctors at St. David’s North Austin Medical Center, an HCA Healthcare facility, had put her on a ventilator and into a coma to try to save her.

Salas said she believed her daughter would pull through, but doctors and nurses at the hospital kept telling her otherwise. Over 10 days in October, less than a month after Perez entered St. David’s, Salas received repeated visits from a palliative care nurse, her hospital record shows. Every other day, Salas said, the nurse urged her to initiate end-of-life care for her daughter. Several of Perez’s doctors also pressed Salas to remove her daughter from the ventilator, she said, in visits confirmed by details from Perez’s chart.

On one occasion, six or seven doctors and nurses gathered around Perez’s bed, Salas said. "We really feel it is in the best interests of your daughter to let her go," she recalled one doctor telling her.

Salas held firm. “I don’t have the authority to take anyone’s life,” she said she told them.

A month later, St. David’s discharged Perez, her chart shows. She went on to make a full recovery.

Why? Maybe a patient’s insurance has crapped out or if the patient transfers before they die the hospital’s numbers look better. Of course this is a for profit hospital owned by a hedge fund.
Of course congress will never approve universal healthcare here because there is too much GD money for their owners to make off of us peons. The gatekeepers that deprive us of human rights, but gives themselves quality healthcare have been in office for 3-5 decades. Maybe we should have quit re-electing them long ago?

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

snoopydawg's picture


and have it delivered anonymously to anyone in the world?

Blinken is such a fcking hypocrite. Nalvany actually broke laws and while on bail he skipped the country and was thrown in prison when he returned. I could only find pro Nalvany sources for the coverage of his sentence. RT had a different take but I can’t find it.


Meanwhile America has been persecuting Julian Assange for 23 years even though he has committed no crimes. Even the one that Sweden cooked up against him. Or it just assassinates those who oppose US imperialism and have a big following. And no Russia didn’t try to kill Nalvany with the world’s most deadly poison.

6 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

QMS's picture


the longer it takes to unravel it.
The biggest liars can afford the
best lawyers, buying them time.


5 users have voted.

question everything

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snoopydawg's picture


Among other things, he said:

“What is truly concerning is the destructive role the U.S. has played to peace and stability in the world. The U.S. is the number one warmonger in the world… The U.S. accounted for about 80% of all post-World War II armed conflicts. The U.S. is also the number one violator of sovereignty and interferer in the internal affairs of other countries. According to reports, since the end of World War II, the U.S. has sought to overthrow more than 50 foreign governments, grossly interfered in the elections of at least 30 countries, and attempted to assassinate over 50 foreign leaders.”

Left out is the number of civilians that have been killed since 1945. 20-30 million and that doesn’t include the number of Ukrainians that have been dragged off the streets and sent to the front.
There seems to be a big problem with training Ukrainian pilots on the F-16…a language barrier . Good grief can you imagine how slow the training would be if someone had to translate the instructions for flying the plane? Ritter says that muscle memory is hard to overcome when previously flying one type of plane and learning to fly another. Is there anyone sane in our current government? Look for more provocations in the Black Sea after congress voted to make it a geostratigic area for America. Russia just scrambled jets to get a drone to stop advancing on its border.
As to the massive bombing of Ukraine today…Eff around and find out. They did and they are.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

I am headed out of town to do some shopping in preparation to going on a vacation starting on Friday.
When I get back, I will watch the posted videos.
Biden liked China when he was accepting their bribes. Now, not so much. That article is full of accurate, if infuriating, information.
The Ukranian bloodbath article reveals how little humans matter to TPTB. I do not think the US will ever be normal again, once this murderous war ends.
Have a great weekend!

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

enhydra lutris's picture

media. Muchly busy today. Next up is fabricating a cool dry well ventilated place to store shallots with an incoming heatwave. Not sure this is even feasible without building a makeshift indoor swamp cooler, which is not gonna happen.

It looks like the ukies have really stepped in it this time. The question for me is what targets still remain for the Rus to legitimately attack.

be well and have a good one

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

especially when they've been waging a war on their own citizens for 50 years. Absolute monarchies not high on my list either. In this upside down world I expect to read how Kim in N Korea is just a misunderstood pacifist with a yoga matt.

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snoopydawg's picture

@ban nock

especially when they've been waging a war on their own citizens for 50 9 years

Ukraine shells Donetsk with cluster munitions (Again like they have been throughout the SMO and before. I’d think that since they are so low on bombs they would use them on military targets instead of civilian ones.-sd)

Ukrainian forces have reportedly fired cluster munitions into Donetsk city, striking a private residence, a university and other civilian targets.

Four rounds of 155mm cluster bombs were fired into the center of the city on Saturday night, triggering fires in three districts, the Joint Center of Control and Coordination (JCCC) for the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) said.

The cluster munitions reportedly exploded in the air. The Donetsk University of Economics and Trade was on fire after the shelling, the Mayor of Donetsk Alexei Kulemzin said in a Telegram post. Fires also were reported in apartment buildings.

The shelling comes after at least three people were killed and ten injured by a Ukrainian bombardment on Monday. The shelling killed another civilian in a nearby town, the JCCC said.

It was illegal for Biden to send cluster bombs to Ukraine, but he did it anyway. I doubt republicans will impeach him for it like democrats impeached Trump for not sending lethal weapons to Ukraine like Obama refused to do.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.


While cluster munitions are not banned internationally, more than 120 countries – including most NATO members – have signed on to a convention prohibiting their use. The US, Ukraine and Russia are not party to that agreement.


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snoopydawg's picture


Obama takes US closer to total ban on cluster bombs

The United States has stepped closer to a total ban on the use and export of cluster bombs with the signing by Barack Obama of a new permanent law that would make it almost impossible for the US to sell the controversial weapons.

The decision was hailed by opponents of the weapons as a "major turnaround in US policy" that overrode Pentagon calls to permit their continued export.

The new legislation, tacked on to a huge budget bill, was passed earlier this week by Congress and now sets such stringent rules for the bombs' use, including a ban on sales where they might be suspected of being used where civilians are present, that it seems unlikely the US could export them again.

Under the new rules, the air and artillery-deployed weapons, which scatter hundreds of bomblets, are required to have a self-destruct failure rate of less than 1%, which few of the US cluster bombs meet, before being cleared for sale.

"This permanent export ban is a major turnaround in US policy," said Steve Goose, arms division director at Human Rights Watch, which has campaigned against cluster munitions. "It brings Washington into closer alignment with international opinion on this terrible weapon.

"The passage of this measure is yet another indication that the president should initiate a thorough review of US policy with respect to cluster munitions. If it is unacceptable for foreign militaries to use these weapons, why would it be acceptable for the US military to use them?"

That’s what Biden overruled even though it was passed by congress. And the CB sent to Ukraine have a higher rate of not exploding than 1%. Blinken and Kirby have said that it’s up to Ukraine to decide where to use the weapons we’ve sent them.

Edited to remove same material 3 times. I told y’all I’m having a bad time…but I’ve never screwed up this badly. Smile

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

snoopydawg's picture


It’s an old article that says that the deep state used the tactics against Trump. Read it decide for yourself. Remember Hillary accused him of being Putin’s puppet long before she cooked up Russia gate.

As the man who implemented the David Brock blueprint for suing the President into paralysis and his allies into bankruptcy, who helped mainstream and amplify the Russia Hoax, who drafted 10 articles of impeachment for the Democrats a full month before President Trump ever called the Ukraine President in 2018, who personally served as special counsel litigating the Ukraine impeachment, who created a template for Internet censorship of world leaders and a handbook for mass mobilizing racial justice protesters to overturn democratic election results, there is perhaps no man alive with a more decorated resume for plots against President Trump.

As a bit of a refresher to the reader it is important to emphasize that when we use the term “Color Revolution” we do not mean any general type of revolution—indeed, one of the chief advantages of the Color Revolution framework we advance is that it offers a specific and concrete heuristic by which to understand the operations against Trump beyond the accurate but more vague term “coup.” Unlike the overt, blunt, method of full scale military invasion as was the case in Iraq War, a Color Revolution employs the following strategies and tactics:

A “Color Revolution” in this context refers to a specific type of coordinated attack that the United States government has been known to deploy against foreign regimes, particularly in Eastern Europe deemed to be “authoritarian” and hostile to American interests. Rather than using a direct military intervention to effect regime change as in Iraq, Color Revolutions attack a foreign regime by contesting its electoral legitimacy, organizing mass protests and acts of civil disobedience, and leveraging media contacts to ensure favorable coverage to their agenda in the Western press

We had ‘peaceful protests' that caused billions in damages that suddenly went away once Biden was elected. There have been many heinous murders of black men during Biden’s tenure, but no big and violent protests like there were during Trump’s tenure. Funny that aye?

Both Biden and Hillary have done the same things that Trump has been indicted for, but neither one has even had a whiff of being investigated and charged. Well the Hellabitch did have a bogus investigation into her use of her private email server, but there was no way she would have ever been charged or prosecuted. Remember that blatant and in your face meeting that Bill Clinton had with Loretta Lynch the AG in charge of everyone who was ‘investigating' her and she refused to step down. And some say that Comey was going to charge her with gross negligence, but some stepped in and reduced the charges.

Biden is on tape bragging how he threatened Ukraine to fire the prosecutor who was looking into the Hunter Biden Burisma deal, but when Trump asked Zelensky about it Pelosi impeached him for it.

Zelensky has had people who were going to run against him imprisoned so that he couldn’t and the deposed president of Pakistan has just been sentenced to 3 years in prison and forbidden to run for office again for 5 years. Hell we didn’t even try to overthrow Madura in Venezuela, we just said that he wasn’t president anymore and put Guido in as the president.

Trump is accused of having classified documents and has been charged for it as well as trying to destroy videos, whilst Biden has done the same and Hillary destroyed emails and devices that were under subpoenas and neither were charged. See my comment in last night’s blue’s for more details on the double standards.

I didn’t like Trump and I think he is a blaggart, but he was duly elected by the people and I think everyone should be against what they did to him.

7 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Scott Ritter | Redacted News

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@humphrey Thanks so much.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

soryang's picture

US-Japan-South Korea summit to mark strategic milestone
VOV’s correspondent in Japan - Thursday, August 3, 2023 | 18:30:01

VOVWORLD) - The summit of the US, Japanese, and South Korean leaders slated later this month will mark a “strategic shift,” US Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel said Wednesday.

The strengthening of trilateral cooperation through the summit will be one of the most significant political, diplomatic capstones and will signify a strategic shift in the region, said Emanuel.

The three leaders are expected to release two documents, namely an overarching document and a normal communique, he said, adding that both national security and economic security will be on the agenda.


Nikkei Asia referred to this as "fast paced diplomacy" on July 21. There really has been very little published here as far as I know about any negotiations at the working level which took place on July 20.

Arab News had this-

U.S., Japan, South Korea summit to mark strategic shift
Aug 2

The strengthening of trilateral cooperation through the summit “is going to be one of the most significant political, diplomatic capstones and will signify, I think, a strategic shift in the region,” Emanuel said in an interview with Jiji Press.

It will be the first dedicated meeting for the leaders of the United States, Japan, and South Korea, who have gathered only on the sidelines of international conferences.

U.S. President Joe Biden will host the three-way summit with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol at the Camp David presidential retreat near Washington on Aug. 18.

The summit will mark “the inauguration of an annual meeting by the three leaders,” Emanuel said, stressing that the Camp David session will be “historic.”


Kim Jong-tae a well known South Korean national defense expert and commentator, former Assembly member (Justice Party), had served as a staff member of the National Defense Committee of several successive National Assemblies. He anticipates military agreements to be adopted directly between Japan and South Korea including C4 - command, control, communications, and intelligence/computer integration (information sharing). Yoon is way out ahead of the South Korean public on this. I guess Biden got his pound of flesh out of Yoon for the nuclear consultative group and the nuclear armed submarine visit. I could be wrong but I don't think this information is widely publicized or known even in South Korea. It would probably only increase negative public views of Yoon and the conservative PPP (party). The real risk here is that South Korea is being reduced to an appendage of the Japan-US alliance.

I think the details of any military agreements will remain secret and cooperation will only be described in the most general terms publicly. The ramifications of detailed military cooperation agreements between South Korea and Japan would be likely to trigger unfavorable reactions not only from North Korea but probably China as well. Kim specifically described the ramifications of defense cooperation in the event of Japanese involvement in strikes on North Korea or contingencies involving Taiwan. This remains speculation at this point as Kim did not disclose any sources, but the regional geopolitical context and Rahm's bragging makes it sound very plausible. What's the hurry? Why no appeal to or discussion with the South Korean public on the fast paced "strategic shift?"

According to Kim, he thinks priorities for the agreements will be cyber warfare /security, anti submarine warfare, and missile defense. A major collateral issue will be when Japan's planned disposal of nuclear reactor cooling waste water occurs. Prior reports indicated Fukushima dumping into the sea would begin in Aug. If it occurs before Camp David, Yoon's signing on to any military agreements with Japan will look like an unbelievably humiliating capitulation to Japan, if it occurs after, Yoon will appear to be a fool, duped by Japan and Washington. Either way, he loses in terms of domestic politics. What bone if any, be could contrived to give Yoon some talking points when he returns to a hostile home audience?

[박정호의 핫스팟] 윤석열 ‘아시아의 나토화’ 주장 다시 보니... 김종대 “아무도 관심 갖지 않았던 발언의 이유 있었다” 오마이TV youtube uploaded 3 hours ago.

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語必忠信 行必正直

snoopydawg's picture


I bet half the world is thinking this same damn thing! Now what’s the number to

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Outstanding analysis.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981