What's next?

13 users have voted.


1, another provocation if there's any left.
2, a blatant false flag.
Unless the British jump the gun. (like I think Theresa May tried to do in 2015)
3, if the Ukrainians last long enough to test the Abrams tank and the f-16 deploy to Europe and
4, if Russia still doesn't get the idea nuke Moscow.
This will happen in about May 2024 or when the Ukrainians collapse.

11 users have voted.

On to Biden since 1973

@doh1304 Not clear what is next since Russia is reconfiguring the global architecture into a multipolar world.

It takes a while to defeat NATO and the US in Ukraine. Since US is not agreement capable, the situation will be settled on the battlefield.

I spend far too much time on moonofalaba.org which has excellent coverage.

Pepe Escobar continues to show the US and the G7 continue to screw up and thus hasten their decline.

16 users have voted.
usefewersyllables's picture

the Ukrainians will pointlessly continue to try to attack Russian soil, as they have today. They'll whine and beg for more support when they get their asses kicked. Then, we'll give the Ukranians F-16s, which they can't fly or maintain, so we'll have to fly and maintain them for them. What happens next is either a) the Russians splash a couple of them, or b) they utterly destroy the base(s) from which they are flying. They have already said straight-out that they will do this. Uniformed regular-duty American servicemen and women will then die in numbers too large to ignore. So we'll send more. And more, and more, because we are incapable of backing down or negotiating.

I'd expect the Russians to then start prophylactically destroying tanker, intelligence-gathering, and transport aircraft as they cross into the contested airspace. And at that point, it'll be open war (declared or not). At some point, somebody will push a button that you can't unpush. And that'll be that, within about 20 minutes. Afterwards, it'll be quiet for a long time.

It's a pity, but I no longer believe that this entirely-avoidable outcome is avoidable. I can't believe that our "leaders" are working so tirelessly to make it so.

12 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.

Pluto's Republic's picture

....what this means.

Russia is already sick of killing Ukranians. It is utterly pointless to kill proxies, and they are repulsed at the way Ukranianj lives are being wasted by the West; disgusted by the way Ukrainian troops have been infested and used as human shields by the Nazis being targeted by the Russians.

In the case of Crimea, the Russians would surely bypass the powerless Proxies in Ukraine and aim their supersonic missiles at the psychopathic maniacs who are trying to start WWIII. From the Russian point-of-view, there is no future on earth where Crimea is not under the protection of Russia. It's a doomsday situation.


NATO’s Nazi Beginnings: How the West implemented Hitler’s goals

Who gave NATO the right to rule the world? This author elucidates how the
Western elite, many of whom were Hitler supporters, rescued a vast number of
Nazi hierarchy and placed them in positions to continue the many decades
long fight against Russia. The One Percent of the time and the One Percent
of today have sent millions to their deaths in formulating and enacting
Winston Churchill’s 1918 pledge to "strangle at its birth" the Bolshevik
menace. Total control of the so-called mainstream media has furthered that
odious task.

It is not hyperbole to describe Washington and its Western satellites as the Fourth Reich.

The ad hoc wartime alliance between the Soviet Union, the United States, Britain and other Western allies would promptly give way to the Cold War, even as the ashes of the most destructive war in history were still smoldering. It is staggering to contemplate the deviousness here. The origins of the Cold War in 1945 and of today’s confrontation in Ukraine can be traced to the secret relations between the Americans and British and the Nazi Reich at World War Two’s end.

Declassified American archives, among other sources, attest to the recruitment of tens of thousands of Nazis, SS officers and their murderous collaborators by the United States and Britain. The largely unspoken objective was to redeploy the remnants of the Third Reich’s war machine against the Soviet Union.

Ukrainian fascists who had actively participated in the Nazi Final Solution killing millions of Slavic people were recruited by the Western powers to fight a proxy war behind Soviet lines. Mass murderers like Stepan Bandera and Mykola Lebed were protected by the American and British intelligence agencies to continue their nefarious work. Former Nazi spy chief Major General Reinhard Gehlen was assigned to coordinate Ukrainian and Baltic Nazi guerrillas to wage a covert war against the Soviet Union. These are but a few names in a whole clandestine army of agents and paramilitaries deployed by the West across Europe in the decades following World War Two. Many of them were trained in the United States for their commando, terrorist missions to sabotage Soviet societies.

The conflict in Ukraine is but a battlefield in a bigger war between the U.S.-led NATO military axis and Russia. The world, as Putin noted, is at another historic juncture of existential implications for the future of the planet and life on Earth.

Vladimir Putin declares war on the Straussians

At dawn on February 24, Russian forces entered Ukraine en masse. According to President Vladimir Putin, who was speaking on television at the time, this special operation was the beginning of his country’s response to “those who aspire to world domination” and who are advancing NATO’s infrastructure at the gates. from his country.

During this long intervention, he summarized the way in which NATO destroyed Yugoslavia without authorization from the Security Council of the United Nations, going as far as bombing Belgrade in 1999. Then he covered the destruction of the United States in the Middle East, Iraq, Libya and Syria. It was only after this long presentation that he announced that he had sent his troops to Ukraine with the dual mission of destroying the armed forces linked to NATO and putting an end to the neo-Nazi groups armed by the NATO.

16 users have voted.
Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
snoopydawg's picture

@Pluto's Republic

Ukraine can be traced to the secret relations between the Americans and British and the Nazi Reich at World War Two’s end.

Would Hitler ever have come to power if not for the support he got from many American corporations and probably a number of banks? How much of the German military equipment was built by Ford? Would the Germans have been able to kill so many people if Beyer hadn’t supplied the xylene gas? Or would the clocks have run on time if not for IBM?

Ukrainian fascists who had actively participated in the Nazi Final Solution killing millions of Slavic people were recruited by the Western powers to fight a proxy war behind Soviet lines. Mass murderers like Stepan Bandera and Mykola Lebed were protected by the American and British intelligence agencies to continue their nefarious work.

This is what I don’t get. Lots of the countries supporting Ukraine and its heinous Nazis fought against their scourge during WW2 and millions of men from around the world died fighting them. I wonder how many people whose grandfathers died fighting Hitler and his Nazis are currently supporting Ukraine today? For many Ukraine supporters the idea that there are real Nazis that today support Bandera's ideals is just conspiracy theory. I just read a shitlib diary on whether the site that’s full of anti war people should be supporting Ukraine now and the answer is yes because of course Russia invaded unprovoked and Putin is Hitler and wants to conquer all of Europe. The Ukrainians are only fighting to save their democracy even though Zelensky had arrested one opposition leader and banned all other parties from running for election. But of course they don’t know that because the media mouthpieces they listen to haven’t told them what Zelensky has been doing and who he actually is. Also today they are excited about the ‘Russians' who invaded the Russian border town. They actually make up plans for how Ukraine can retake Crimea, destroy the Kerch bridge and do other terrorist activities to the people there.

As to Russia gate I really thought that when the truth about it came out people would understand that it was just a huge lie and psyop created by Hillary to take people’s attention off her email problems. You didn’t think that would happen. You were right. To this day Trump colluded with Putin and Durham just released a nothing burger…how very sad.

10 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Pluto's Republic's picture


Would Hitler ever have come to power if not for the support he got from many American corporations and probably a number of banks?

Hitler was the right man at the right time with the right message. It's hard to say if he was micromanaged by Western Dollars. But after he rose to a certain populist level of influence, he was selected for the role he would play. He would have received material support and would have been influenced by agents of the Western Elite to provoke and engage with Russia.

Hitler was acting as a proxy for the Western Overlords, but he was certainly not one of the Elite. He was disposable beyond the role he played. It's exactly the same dynamic with Zelansky. He, too, will drop out of sight at some point. The governing style is top-down Fascism. But fascist regimes don't last last very long,

What people don't get is that the Western global elite don't care what happens to Ukraine. It's simply a strategic location that has already been divided up and privatized. The Biden's and the Clinton Family Foundation both got a piece of that action. The UK donating DU ammo to Ukraine to poison the land and lower the lifespan, really said it all, I thought. The West's only interest in Ukrainians is using them to weaken Russia's defense capability by engaging in continuous gun battles. We've see how upset the West gets when anyone suggests "peace talks."

It's sad, but it's clear. Most American minds have been captured by the implausible government narrative. At this point, perhaps that's for the best. What are they going to do about it? Vote?

8 users have voted.
Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
ggersh's picture

@Pluto's Republic Kissinger and Schwab who was part of the rat line. So
ya The Fourth Reich is an apt description alright.


11 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

is what it always means. The gov. lies to us, gives big dollars to the military, takes money away from programs we depend on and the prez spends all of his time polishing his foreign affairs legacy. So, screwed again.

9 users have voted.
QMS's picture

cause the financiers of congress make lotsabucks
AKA the war machine
it's what 'murica stands for after all
we (and the world) are f*cked
unless bigger powers step-up

simple as gravy on rice

8 users have voted.

truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

to the east. Destined to trounce Ukraine on the Moscow ring road next week.

Of course Ukraine is never, no way, nada, uh uh, sending troops into Russia, those are simply disgruntled Soviet, I mean Russian, citizens. Reminds me of recent times when suddenly a neighbor of Russia would find themselves with fully armed and trained citizens of their country taking up arms and magically all of the soldiers spoke Russian and no other language.

How far into Russia? And how many resources of men and material will be drawn from other areas.

Probably not the last surprise.

1 user has voted.
snoopydawg's picture

but if they really do send the jets to Ukraine they won’t last any longer than the patriot missiles did .

There is little likelihood, therefore, the fighters will see combat over the skies of Ukraine this year.

Secondly, while the F-16 is clearly one of the best fourth-generation fighter jets in the world, its primary effectiveness is predicated on being one component in an integrated command and control battle management system of sensors. While the jet is capable of operating on its own, it is far less capable without additional acquisition assets, such as the E-3 Sentry AWACS. To date, there has been no discussion of providing this capability to Ukraine.

Third, the F-16 is not a stealth aircraft. It was first delivered to the active Air Force in 1979, and it is vulnerable to Russian air defenses, such as the S-300 and more advanced S-400 air defense systems. One of the reasons the Ukrainian Air Force has played such a minimal role in this war has been their inability to neutralize the Russian air defense networks. While the F-16 is more capable than the MiG-29s the Ukrainians have been using, it is still vulnerable to attack by Russia’s air defenses.

And the reason why Ukraine needs more jets is because Russia has destroyed most of its jets that they had before the war. This ain’t rocket science.

8 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

soryang's picture

What is the source for the excerpt, Snoopydog?

Americans and others imagine the proverbial "silver bullet" technological fix to a war they improvidently provoked. In this case, it results from misunderstanding virtually everything about military aviation/aerospace organization, logistics, training, tactics etc. It's a system, not a single aircraft.

I'm afraid there will be an expectation for American and/or NATO military personal and assets to fill the many holes in this plan. Naturally, a great concern arises about escalation. What's next? Establish a morphing NATO "no-fly zone" in Ukraine? Maybe they expect to use some kind of sanctuary in Poland or Rumania.

4 users have voted.

語必忠信 行必正直

snoopydawg's picture



I can’t find it, but it linked to this article.

But NATO had trained one of the biggest armies for 8 years and Russia made mincemeat of it in less than a year. The equipment Ukraine is getting now is basically its 3rd army since Russia already destroyed what NATO sent them after destroying the 1st one.

Funny how we’ve been told that Russia has been running low on bombs for over a year, but it’s been Zelensky who has been begging non stop for more equipment.

Also too. I’ve been reading about how Zaluzhny's position might have been given to Russia and saw this today. Not sure if it’s true or not, but further down the responses is a tweet saying that Zelensky took out other military leaders in the helicopter that was accidentally shot down.

It might explain why Zelensky is on a 2 month tour of Europe.

I think there is something to the worry that NATO will send its own troops to fly and fix the jets being sent to Ukraine. Ritter says that if a pilot has experience flying Russian jets then it’s harder for them to switch to American ones because of muscle memory and instinct. Especially when they are in a combat situation. There are probably a lot of them already there to work the Patriot missiles because they are so complicated.

All of the deaths could have been avoided if Ukraine had upheld the 2 Minsk Treaties. Or accepted the peace deal in March 2022! I posted an essay that had videos of recent graves in my essay that I posted Saturday if you missed it. It’s shocking and heartbreaking that so many lives are being wasted!

6 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

soryang's picture

@snoopydawg I saw your essay, the photos are very disturbing.

Thanks for the RS link, the article is a pretty good military assessment. I was somewhat surprised it was written by a former army officer. But he definitely knows what he's talking about. As little as 4 months training? That would be disastrous. Only 40-50 aircraft? Good luck with that.

Russian aerospace weapons tactics, especially air defense, are very advanced. It is air defense in depth. Some people call it area denial. Recent warfare appears to be headed in a direction, where it is more effective to use cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, and drones in coordinated ground attacks.

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語必忠信 行必正直

snoopydawg's picture


Russian aerospace weapons tactics, especially air defense, are very advanced. It is air defense in depth.

The neocons know that the jets will have a very short life in Ukraine because of Russia’s air superiority and they will be shot down just like the Patriot missiles were destroyed about 1 month after they arrived. But hey it’s a great deal for defense companies because they get to replace the jets with newer and more expensive ones just like all the other equipment countries have been shedding. Get rid of 80 year old stuff that has long been paid for and replace it with new stuff that won’t be delivered for decades because America no longer has the capacity to manufacture because it was sent overseas. And how insane is it to start a war with China who is responsible for the materials needed? We’re being ruled by some of the dumbest people.

6 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

snoopydawg's picture


From the WashPost article:

Much of the announced military aid to Ukraine from Western governments has been sourced from equipment that would have gone out of service any way, Watling said. “Most of what we have given is stuff we have already paid for a long time ago, and we would have had to pay to decommission it … We are now talking about a situation where we have to put money on the table because we have to invest in industrial capacity.”


One thing I wish simplicius would do is to link his sources. I think that would give him more credibility.

2 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt