The Weekly Watch
Health is Wealth

“It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.”
― Mahatma Gandhi
TPTB are planning to use health concerns to grab ever more power, so we'll start by looking at the UN's pandemic treaty. Also on the table are foods and lifestyles that hurt and can improve our personal health. In both cases a profit driven "sick care" is the root of the problem.
In addition to human health, we'll also dive into the health of societies, nations, and the economy.

The Pandemic made obvious the failure of of the US and global health system. The profit driven health industry focuses on the bottom line, NOT people's health outcomes. The WHO made glaring error after error, from slow walking the elimination of flights into and out of China, thereby accelerating the spread of COVID around the globe, to demanding ineffectual mask and vaccine mandates. and requiring lockdowns which did more harm than good. Not a very good track record.
This is the same Gates funded WHO which is current writing and editing a global Pandemic Treaty which positions the WHO as the sole body to determine the "rules" which all nations MUST follow.
Building a new pandemic industry
The World Health Organization (WHO) and its Member States, in concert with other international institutions, is proposing, and currently negotiating, two instruments to address pandemics and widely manage aspects of global public health. Both will significantly expand the international bureaucracy that has grown over the past decade to prepare for, or respond to, pandemics, with particular emphasis on development and use of vaccines.
This bureaucracy would be answerable to the WHO, an organization that in turn is increasingly answerable, through funding and political influence, from private individuals, corporations and the large authoritarian States.
These proposed rules and structures, if adopted, would fundamentally change international public health, moving the center of gravity from common endemic diseases to relatively rare outbreaks of new pathogens, and building an industry around it that will potentially be self-perpetuating.
In the process, it will increase external involvement in areas of decision-making that in most constitutional democracies are the purview of elected governments answerable to their population.
This has potential to be a boon for Big Pharma and their investors who have done so well out of the last two years, concentrating private wealth whilst increasing national indebtedness and reversing prior progress on poverty reduction.
Sounds scary to me. No questions nor discussion allowed just as with COVID-19...
TPTB are already working toward the next Plandemic. No wonder they're rushing through this pandemic treaty. Grab power quick!
It's STARTING! The NEXT Pandemic is here & children are the target says Bill Gates (17 min)
The UK government has begun testing for asymptomatic bird flu. Two people who worked in poultry farms have tested positive. The government says that bird flu contamination can come from “the nose and throat from breathing in material on the affected farm or can be true infection. It can be difficult to distinguish these in people who have no symptoms.”
There is no evidence that there has been human-to-human contamination. This has some people feeling pretty nervous about another asymptomatic pandemic, understandably so. It also feels a bit uncomfortable when coupled with news like this: vaccine makers recently said that they are prepping bird flu shots for humans, "just in case." Now children's hospitals around the world say that they are preparing for the next pandemic, also "just in case." What are we in for here?
Who defines truth? (5 min) Byram Bridle.
Entire post COVID summit press conference here with MP's, Dr. Malone, and Byram Bridle.
So to answer who defines truth, according to the new pandemic treaty, it is the WHO.
John Campbell looks at the new edits in the document which increase the WHO's ability to dictate actions to nation states. (14 min)
Notes available under the clip.
At least in the UK there are a couple of MP's which are questioning the WHO treaty. Will it be rubber stamped anyway?
M.P Andrew Bridgen comments. (18 min)
Analysis by Mr. Danny Kruger M.P. (16 min)
Why this concern for health? Well, we have a global case of excess deaths. The story is largely absent from MSM exposure. Somehow TPTB don't find it important.
'Brits are dying in their tens of thousands - and we don't really have any idea why'
Tens of thousands more Brits died than usual from May to December 2022, excluding Covid as a cause of death, raising serious questions as to why so many died.
John Campbell discusses the UK data. (15 min)
The UK is just an example. The excess deaths are a global phenomenon.
A new analysis shows that, compared to similarly high-income European countries, the US continues to have substantially higher death rates at all but the oldest ages, resulting in more "excess deaths," and this gap widened during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Aseem has been one of my health heroes...This 45 min conversation triggered this essay.
Aseem's advice to patients and doctors...
So we must do our own health homework. Just as we've been misled about the pandemic, we're being misled about diet. For example the idea that a sugary cereal is "Heart Health" is a lie plain and simple. Those labels can be purchased with donations. Another example is the recommendation to use vegetable and seed oils.
Dr. Chris Knobbe - 'Diseases of Civilization: Are Seed Oil Excesses the Unifying Mechanism?'
Dr. Knobbe’s research efforts and revolutionary hypothesis for the nutritional basis of AMD have resulted in a published scientific paper, a book – Ancestral Dietary Strategy to Prevent and Treat Macular Degeneration – a website,, and a second book currently in the making. Knobbe’s current research focuses substantially on omega-6 seed oil consumption as a major unifying driver of the chronic degenerative diseases of civilization, including AMD.
More from a longer conversation with Chris with Ken Berry
Nina Teicholz with the background story, 'Vegetable Oils: The Unknown Story' (36 min)
These oils are in your commercial salad dressings, mayonnaise, cereals, crackers, chips, margarine, and almost all processed foods.
So what to do? Make your own dressing with olive oil, use butter (everything's better with butter), save bacon grease (my Mom kept a can by the stove for just that purpose, and now I do the same). Coconut oil is safe at high heat, and avocado oil is another healthy option.
The cheapest health hack which very few doctors know about nor advise is fasting. Fasting is the quickest way to reset your metabolic health to my mind. Two good sources for tips and tricks, as well as examples of patient outcomes are Jason Fung and Mindy Pelz. Both are practicing MD's.
Why do you think fasting is not a common recommendation? Well, there's no profit in it...No prescription kick back, plus patients improve and need less care. It really is easier than it sounds, especially once you get your metabolic health adjusted.
There's a seven year study which concludes high vitamin D levels improves health. Dr John explains (15 min). Daily oral dosing of vitamin D3 using 5000 TO 50,000 international units a day in long-term hospitalized patients, Daily oral intake of vitamin D3 ranging from 5000 IU/d to 60,000 IU/d for several years was well tolerated and safe in both our patients and staff. Notes at the link.
Friends are also important for our overall health. Even though we're only e-friends, these C99 relationships affect us. I know I sure felt better when we heard from eyo this week. So nice to know despite health challenges she still with us. Hooray for you, eyo!
Let's look at the health of the US and global economy...

Economic Health
Raising the debt limit is the crisis of the moment...
What to expect as the US continues with debt ceiling negotiations
Republican lawmakers continue to insist on cuts to social programmes as US debt default looms on the horizon.
Some pols are calling for a default, including Donald Trump. (3 min)
House, Senate Republicans join hands on debt ceiling talks (1 min)
(17 May 2023) House and Senate Republicans joined together outside the U.S. Capitol to show solidarity in talks over raising the debt ceiling.
Negotiations FAIL! U.S. Debt Default Looms, World Urgently Accelerates De-Dollarization. (8 min)
May 10th, the threat of a US debt default and economic crisis, along with further tightening credit conditions, had a negative impact on the US dollar and US bonds. At the same time, data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics showed that the Consumer Price Index rose by 4.9% year-on-year in April, slightly lower than expected (and the previous value), and continued to slow down for the tenth consecutive month. This data reduced the probability of the Federal Reserve raising interest rates by 25 basis points in June from 20.1% to 14.2%. The market immediately responded, with the US dollar index falling more than 30 points in the short term, spot gold rising about $15 in the short term, and the yield on the 10-year US Treasury bond plummeting 58 basis points to 3.464%.
Well-known investor Jim Rogers believes that under the pressure of the huge debt problem of over $30 trillion, the US financial market is facing a more serious threat than the 2008 financial crisis.
On the same day, the White House and Congress resumed negotiations to avoid a months-long debt crisis that would be the first default in US history. However, the negotiations lasted less than an hour, with significant differences between the two sides and no progress made.
The US House and Senate have indicated that they will continue negotiations in the coming week, but both sides have not shown any willingness to compromise. Even with more time for negotiations, it may not be possible to reach a permanent debt ceiling solution. Both sides emphasized that the US has never defaulted and will not do so in the future. The White House stated that it does not rule out the possibility of invoking the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution to declare the debt ceiling unconstitutional.
US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has warned that failing to raise the federal debt ceiling could have dire consequences, including the possibility of a constitutional crisis, as well as economic and financial disasters.
Without the ability to borrow more money, the US federal government could risk running out of cash. To avoid the possibility of default, Yellen has suggested that unprecedented measures may need to be taken.
Some members of Congress have proposed minting a $1 trillion coin that could be deposited into the Federal Reserve and used to pay off debts owed to countries like China. However, Yellen has rejected this plan, causing concern among Wall Street markets about potential bank turmoil and high interest rates.
"It Begins..." (8 min)
Jim Rickards warns about what's going on. He explains that the actions of the Fed will lead to a market downturn and trigger an economic recession. He emphasizes his belief that the Fed lacks a clear understanding of the situation and is making bad decisions.
Jim Rickards is an economist, lawyer, and investment banker with 40 years of experience in the capital markets on Wall Street. He is also a NY Times bestselling author and has written various book on topics like currencies, supply chains, surging inflation, monetary system, financial crisis, and precious metals. Rickard has advised various clients including government directorates and institutional investors.
This is a Heart Attack in the Global Financial System (8 min)
Jim Rickards issues a critical warning, emphasizing that we have never seen this event before. He explains that you need to prepare for what's coming next. Rickards expects that the stock market will experience a catastrophic crash due to the Fed's excessive tightening measures which will also lead to a severe recession.
Long form interview with Jim here.
Global Economic Collapse: The Banking Crisis Is Just Getting Started 45 min
With the US economy in decline, other countries are de-dollarizing. Now it is the ASEAN nations.
De-dollarisation: 10 ASEAN countries agree to ditch the US Dollar (1.7 min)
What I find most insane is the waste of US wealth fighting and funding senseless, endless wars.
Sy Hersh has a new piece suggesting there a possibility Ukraine will be forced to negotiate.
Ukraine's neighbors push for Zelensky to pursue peace as millions of displaced people flow into Europe
That sounds hopeful...
Col Douglas Macgregor Straight Calls - Ukraine news today and in-depth discussion of current geopolitical events in the United States of America. Colonel Douglas Macgregor's Ukraine Russia war update, Russian offensive, Ukraine counter offensive, Ukraine latest news, Ukraine war news, Ukraine war video footage, Ukraine Russia news, Russia Ukraine war update and Ukraine war 2023. (40 min)
Meanwhile 'elensky is once again traveling, this time to the Arab Summit and the G7.
The Duran explains (38 min)
The Health of Western Society...
Europe is committing suicide.
Betting on Technology over Fossil Energy - Alastair Crooke former British diplomat (24 min)
This is a project of the elite. The ordinary people object to this course.
Macron’s democracy: repression and austerity (18 min)
Jeremy Loffredo reports from Paris for The Grayzone, covering the national uprising against French President Emmanuel Macron's plans to impose neoliberal austerity measures through unpopular pension reforms. Hear from the protest rank-and-file as they describe repression at the hands of militarized police, arbitrary jailing, and their fight against the billionaire president's aggressive rollback of economic rights.
It's not like it is any better in the US...
American Psychosis - Chris Hedges on the US empire of narcissism and psychopathy (15 min)
It's obvious, logical, natural, even mathematical that our civilization is going to collapse, that we have overshot the sustainable carrying capacity of the earth and ecosystem that supports us. But people are fed false hope, false positives and magical faiths which extract your agency and distract you from your presence. Held captive by apathy, afraid of your own shadow.
Chris is a realist. He lays it out without pulling punches. It is better to face our condition.
To my mind the big news this week are the revelations of the corrupt nature of the FBI in both the weaponization of government hearing and the Durham report.
Russiagate Was A Hoax! Says Justice Dept’s Durham Report (30 min)
John Durham has issued his report on the Russiagate investigation, and the results are scathing, despite what many mainstream media outlets would have you believe. Durham found no evidence supporting allegations of collusion between Donald Trump and Russia, but rather that the FBI broke the law in pursuing the case and that the entire Russia-Trump connection was ginned up by the Clinton campaign in 2016. Jimmy and Kurt Metzger talk to Aaron Maté about the ongoing Russiagate hoax that won’t die no matter how many times and ways it’s debunked.
FBI Whistleblowers Speak Out (30 min)
FBI whistleblowers share their opening statements to the House Weaponization of the Federal Government Committee. Pretty damning!
It ain't just the FBI that's corrupt. The same applies to most three letter agencies...
(2 min)
Full interview here. (25 min)

The quality of our lives depends on feeling well. There are lifestyle options to maximize our health. To my mind one of the most powerful health hacks is fasting. Simply altering our diet can can often eliminate the need for pharma drugs. There are advocates for plant based to carnivore diets, do your homework and select the diet that works for you. If I was to suggest rules, I would recommend eliminating processed foods (currently 60% of the US diet), minimize sugar, and avoid seed oils. Eating home grown local foods can also improve our health. Growing some of your own food is even better.
We all find solace in different activities. I play music, and I garden. Both are excellent ways to stay sane in an insane world.
Here's yesterday's harvest...

Summer crops grow as spring crops are ready for harvest.

These are bonus cabbage regrowing from last fall's cabbage stem.

Smiley asked about the espalier apples, well here they are along with the muscadine trellace.

I look forward as always to your ideas, thoughts, and stories in the comments below!

Thanks for the healthy dose of our options
Being that May is mental health month, thought to include this theory.
As with many aspects of the human body, there are many self healing
mechanisms in place -- including within the mind.
With the proliferation of "smart" phones, some of the positive feedback
loops in a natural mind are being minimized. A mass psychosis does not
lend itself to constructive brain activity and awareness.
Could be just my imagination, but I don't see technology as the next
'wonder drug' working to our benefit.
Also, Aseem's advice is very good. Just tried educating my health care
provider along the same lines last week.
Happy music and gardening LO!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Thanks for the visit!
Hope y'all are warming up a bit. Mental health is a real issue in these propagandized times.
Dale Bredeson has been curing alzheimers with diet and lifestyle. I would suggest avoiding it by eating healthy to begin with...don't wait.
Take care and be well!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
amerikkka is a totally corrupt mafia like organization
The now meaningless G-7 took place ove the weekend and while
the collective GDP of the G-7 is meant to be over 50 times that of
Russia all of it's weapons fail in Ukraine, while Russia's work
99% flawlessly. Corruption from top to bottom of DC/MIC/SV/CIA
keep amerikka and it's industries in the shitter. WS making all
corporations send their manufacturing oversea's so their quarterly
EPS beat the projection by $0.01 ever quarter was a farce to the
fact that we have "free markets"
How does Russia with sanctions left and right continue to embarrass
the collective west in every which way possible? From lower inflation
to greater growth to no homeless, no one without healthcare, education,
one wonders how amerikan propaganda still survives. My guess is that it's
a small bubble that actually believes what is spewed out by state propaganda.
If only one question could be asked of our politicians I think this would
be the one. "Why if you care so much about the health of us ordinary people
then why do we not have the same universal healthcare that clowngress does?"
Like with farmers throughout Europe their, tptb, coming to take em away
EDIT: adding pic
EDIT: California goes off the rails as well
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Throwing some truth bombs there brother!
Incompetence isn't just tolerated, it is required to be inducted into the leadership class. I continue to hope for economic collapse before we start WWII. Interesting times!
Nice to "see" you and appreciate the autoearth link!
Edit to add:
When it becomes obvious we're failing in our efforts to sanction unruly countries, whatta we do? Double down!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Unfortunately I believe that WWIII has started
which is a good thing. Using the WEF agenda is helping them
accomplish it imho.
Time for some homework now
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Wowzer this dude speaks for me
The video from your link
"You all are pharma fascists…"
We definitely need to hear more of this.
Watch both videos!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Try this for fun...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
He nails it 100%
that amerikkka would never do
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Biden should take the warning seriously
Putin said the same thing about the patriot missile system and soon after they arrived Putin kept his promise.
While reading a simp essay on Russia’s missiles I just kept thinking how much better it would be to take the knowledge for death and putting it towards humanity instead. The robots could make our lives easier and better, but the parasites will use them for control. Humans are really not that bright.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
TPTB should listen...
but their arrogance keeps them from doing so.
And you may well be right that WWIII has already begun. If the collective west provokes China it will indeed be WWIII. What insanity!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
After Bush lied about Iraq's WMDs you’d think more people would question the government’s reasons for war, but sadly no. The comments on this article from my local rag are so disappointing.
Are our kids learning?
I see lots of people saying that we should create a no fly zone over Ukraine to keep Russian jets from flying. I guess they think that once we show up Russia will just back off and not fly their jets wherever the hell they want to. But no I don’t think our kids are learning a damn thing anymore.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
My community has a "sound off" column.... the weekly rag where anyone can email a comment. If I had to summarize, it's "ignorance on parade".
So, you're not alone.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
What US neocon incompetence hath wrought
Selling US government debt was easy back when everyone in the world needed to hold US dollars in order to trade with each other. But now that everyone is in a rush to get away from the dollar and to switch to trading in their own currencies, US debt is no longer so attractive. For most of the world, their main trading partner is now China:
End of empire...
Perhaps a good thing? Good to "see" you this Sunday.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good to see you and your garden.
Makes me happy.
Dedollarization means that no foreign country needs to buy US Treasuries/US debt to hold as Dollar Reserves anymore.
After the US theft of billions of Dollars held as foreign reserves from Afghanistan, leaving the Afghans to starve; and the US theft of hundreds of billions of foreign reserves Dollars from Russia, hoping to cause serious economic harm to the Russian people — the reputation of the US Dollar was shattered. Harming humanity to trigger Regime change is a pet theory of neocon psychopaths, and it has never worked.
But while dedollarization is taking place, the Federal Reserve still has to sell $1.3 trillion dollars worth of Treasuries to foreign investors this year. If the Feds can't make such a sale, the US will be insolvent. Who would buy such an unsafe investment?
Personal wealth that is held in Dollars may be at risk for devaluation. Something to consider.
You're singing my song...
Makes the adage "get real" come to mind. The garden is one way I get real. I bet your CSA is going strong too.
Be well!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Hola LO, thanks for the OT & WW.
Picked a garlic yesterday, could be ready, but could maybe go a week or two more. There were some at farmers mkt yesterday, a lot of them, indicating that they are starting to get ready for harvest.
Started thinning apples, theyre about 1/2" to 3/4" diameter and mant in tight clusters.
We've had western bluebirds for about a week now, and still have one Band Tailed Pigeon hanging out. A new batch of chickadees fledged late last week and our Bewick's wrens might have just fledged yesterday or today. Finally, a rufous hummingbird just showed up.
Gotta go get a few things for dinner before all the churchgoing types hit the stores.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
The pheobes moved in here this year...
Also a nesting pair of Pileated. Saw a pileated chase a bobcat up the mountain the other day.
Lots of Tanagers (scarlet and summer), wood thrush with their beautiful song, vireo, owls, and more. Been a nice spring.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Congrats. The phoebes should keep the bugs down.
There's a black phoebe that hangs out around our court and drops by out place now and then. Pileateds are awesome damn birds, we get nuttal's and downy, not anywhere near their size or awesomeness.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Carolina wrens normally rule our roost...
...but the pheobe dominates this year. We enjoy them.
Take care and be well!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
We have Bewick's Wrens (and they just fledged at least some
part of a clutch). They pretty much just ignore everybody else, even the Jays, and go about their business. OTOH, I've never seen them (or anybody else) face down an Anna's hummingbird.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Well it’s much cheaper than funding social programs
From Canada
Or raising the minimum wage or taxing the rich and removing all the ways that they get around paying their fair share or cracking down on blackrock buying up houses and keeping them off the market to drive up housing prices….or. But sure let’s just let people kill themselves because they are poor!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Canada has lost it...
The Trucker protest was my first realization of their insanity.
Here's another...
Controversy Erupts as Canada Pushes Forward with CBDC Plans - Angry Reactions Flood Social Media (11 min)
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The response Canada eh had to the truckers
living in the Collective West.
In more ways then one
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
And the US...
...on Jan. 6. Thanks for the cartoon!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
A few words of wisdom.
The Duran had a nice piece up too...
Assad returns to Arab League
OMG peace is breaking out in the ME.
Thanks for the clip!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Are you horsing around?
Rode a bit as a teen, but have not ridden in many years.
All the best!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Hi, mimi
One day...
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Film discussed on George's show today....
George's full show here.
"8 Years Before" Donbass Documentary (2.1 hours)
8 Years Before is an independently-funded documentary film directed by international journalist Donald Courter and produced collaboratively with international heavyweight fighting champion Jeff Monson.
The film portrays in stark detail the long saga of suffering that the Donbass people endured at the hands of the Ukrainian military, following the 2014 Euromaidan Coup d'etat. Through primary source accounts and interviews with ordinary citizens of Donbass, human stories with a perspective never before seen in the mainstream media are brought to light. This perspective frames the current conflict in Ukraine as a continuation of the Second World War - or as the Donbass people call it, "The Great Patriotic War".
They identify with their soviet past and the legacy of their grandfathers and grandmothers who fought in the Red Army to defend their socialist system, their country, and their very right to exist. They also identify with their predecessors' struggle against the scourge of fascism that came to their lands bent on exterminating everything in its path - an enemy they feel was never entirely defeated. Instead, it has resurfaced in modern Ukraine.
Interviews with officials of the Donetsk & Lugansk People's Republics are also featured, providing viewers with an understanding of how these young government and civil administrations attempted to achieve peace for their people - amid constant bombings, an information blockade, and a life & death struggle for self-determination.
The documentary is available both in English and Russian.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The individual that writes Biden's comments as well as Biden
are delusional. They are trying to make a mountain into a molehill.
Look up!!! It's a balloon!!!
Don't look at the failing proxy war with Russia...where just like in Syria they are whooping our ass.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Are you serious?
Biden actually read that on his script thingy?
JFC, embarrassing.
Going to 'thaw' relations with China
while freezing Ukie war. Guess the yuan is
stronger than the exlensky sink hole now.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Lo, great WW, as usual!
I watched the Dr. Knobbe video. He barely mentions olive oil, and corn oil not at all. Do you have any thoughts about those?
I have visited 3 Masai Mara villages, got an education on their diet, as well as all the lifestyle and cultural practices. On one trip to Kenya, a gentleman from another tribe spoke about their diet, which was pretty much the same, and up until seed oil was introduced to them, it was typical for them to live to be 100, as is the Masai. After the seed oil, their life span dropped to 62 years.
I should do what Mom did. Keep a container of bacon fat on the kitchen counter. I do not use much oil anyway.
I have a pasta habit. How is it that Italians and Croatians aren't obese and unhealthy? How is it that Georgians and Armenian eat bread, bread, and more bread, and aren't obese and unhealthy? How is it that rice is the dominant food in Asia, and they are not obese?
And we grow soy in the US from coast to coast for whom and for what?
I need to do better on my diet, although neither I nor my Dear One have any medical conditions, nor are either of us on any medications. We skipped the zydeco concert this afternoon in favor of doing some very physical landscaping. Today was not too sunny, had a breeze. It could be the last pleasant day of spring before the heat hell of summer comes.
Great info, and I am still picking through it.
Thanks, friend!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Aseem is a fan of the Mediterranean diet...
We go for local meats and our greens for the most part, with a dose of weekly fish.
Each to their own. Sounds like your health is going well to me. Luckily the same story here. There are better and worse cast of the genetic dice.
Thanks for reading and coming by.
Edit to add:
Can you imagine pressing oil out of corn? You can't you have to chemically extract it. Olives on the other hand can even be cold pressed into fact those olive oils are the best. My 2 cents.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Dear One has aready
Something was infused into our food that changed our health. Not to mention, Rockefeller paid every university in the country to promote use of pharmaceuticals made from oil production,make natural, homeopathic medicine practically illegal.
I just wonder about soy. What is its' basis for sucking up farm land?
Gotta go eat. I don't know is corn tortillas are bad, but at least they have no high fructose in them!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Teicholz went into detail
I can fairly easily change some cooking habits.
Thanks for the info, Lo.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I think I remember from Nina's talk...
In ancient Rome olive oil was used after bathing, and tallow, lard, etc was used for cooking.
I like butter too, but it is getting kinda pricey at $2 a stick for grass fed (pasture raised) dairy cows.
Take care and have a good week!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Labor demo in Seoul
...last week. I had wanted to post a good photo of this labor demonstration earlier, but was distracted and then couldn't find the video I had watched. Fortunately, the Joongang Ilbo English edition surprisingly had a pretty good picture and report on the demo that wasn't slanted as much as expected toward their ultra-conservative bias. The union members ignored police warnings not to overstay their permit that ended at 5pm, on the 16th. They demonstrated in front of the presidential office. The picture appears to show them assembled near Sungnyemun, before their movement toward the Yongsan presidential office.
I hope I can get this other youtube short to post. This is a large Democratic Party (the majority opposition party in South Korea) demonstration against the release of stored Fukishima reactor contaminated water into the Pacific. The assembly appears to be in the several thousands at least, and is led by Lee Jae-myung and other democratic National Assembly members. I'm not sure of the date. I'm sure the Yoon administration is trying to kill the news coverage of this and other opposition demonstrations.
Yoon committed a number of gaffes as predicted at the G7 meeting in Hiroshima. I think he was the most awkward in his summit with English Prime Minister Sunak. First he asked if the chair in front of the Korean flag was where he should sit. This because, when he went into the conference room earlier for a meeting of assembled leaders at the G7, he presumptuously picked his own seat, to the surprise of just about everyone there. Kishida escorted him to his assigned seat, next to Yoon's foreign minister, Park Jin. When meeting for his one on one with Sunak, when he asked where he was supposed to sit, Yoon spoke in "ban mal" with no honorifics, very impolite in Korean. This is how Yoon speaks to almost everyone, "Uung?" like the proverbial gangster. When Yoon was seated next to Sunak, Yoon spread his legs wide, which is his custom, and appeared to be scratching his crotch at one point. When Sunak spoke to Yoon, the latter appeared to have no idea what was being said. I wondered if he was pretending that he understood English again. Yoon read his comments to Sunak from a notebook. There was no audio to the video I saw, so I don't know what language he used. I didn't see a translator, but I could be wrong.
Kishida and his wife appear to be keeping some distance between themselves and Yoon and First Lady Kim Gon-hee.
Korean impression of backdrop for the picture-
Kishida, his wife, and Yoon, with his wife, paid their repects at the memorial to Korean victims of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima at the Japanese Memorial Peace Park in Hiroshima. The Korean Hiroshima victims numbered anywhere from 20,000 to 35,000 depending on who is reporting. Another estimated 15,000 Koreans, mostly slave laborers, died in the Nagasaki nuclear attack as well. The video/ photography of the diplomatic occasion avoided the public lavatories located 10 meters from the Korean victims memorial. The Chosun Memorial used to be outside the park next to the street, before it moved sometime in late 90s in response to complaining contributors both Korean and Japanese who insisted the location be changed. According to the critical video I watched, South Korean media, didn't disclose the current location next to the public restrooms.
Thanks for the OT Lookout! Yes, health is wealth. Stay healthy is a very common Korean expression when saying goodbye or taking leave of an elder or a person who is not well. 건강하세요! Geon gang ha se yo.
Saw an osprey in the park last week, maybe it's been ten days. Interrupted an eagle killing a squirrel a few weeks ago, after I left, he apparently carried off his prey. Don't see either as often as I used to. Florida is getting too congested. The red hawk that used to frequent my small back yard, hasn't been around lately.
語必忠信 行必正直
We're headed to FL next week... white springs and the FL folk Fest which we've gone to for years. More on the event and place next week.
In the meantime, I hope you are settling into your rehabbed digs!
Thanks for the info...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Yes thanks
Before we finish fixing the house, if we ever do, I have to get it as storm ready as I can. At least it is clean, spacious (compared to that apartment) and habitable. I noticed some neighbors put their homes up for sale, which actually is quite unusual for this area. On the other hand, a number of neighbors in the immediate neighborhood are still living in trailers in their driveways. A few homes are obviously abandoned, at least for the time being. I could see why people who don't have the money or people older than we are just can't be bothered with the effort.
I don't think I ever visited White Springs. Enjoy.
語必忠信 行必正直
Signing out tonight...
Though I'm headed to Florida next week, I usually in an Alabama State of Mind
I like singing this one. My buddy used to be her banjo layer, but not on this cut.
Sleep well. Sleeping is an important aspect of our health.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
You beat me to it.
I just dropped in late to post the same Tweet.
Kim Dotcom went to the heart of the matter. The failed training of foreign troops in places like Afghanistan and Iraq. Or the betrayal of said trainees, when they open fire on their trainers. The cultural cluelessness....
I'm waiting for them to start folding up the 900+ US military bases around the world that taxpayers can't afford anymore. Or, just abandoning them and bugging out in the middle of the night.
incompetence and profit motive...
US made weapons are designed to be complicated, expensive, and break easily (requiring replacement parts and repair). The sorry military equipment is intended to be profitable rather than functional.
I hope you're right, PR, about shutting down all our bases. RFK has pledged to do so, and it's probably one reason he won't be allowed to hold office....the other being the DNC has already said they will determine who is the candidate, and won a court case in FL when DWS was caught cheating red handed. Theater only.
Thanks for the Dotcom tweet!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Sorry I missed out yesterday
Thanks Lookout, and all commenters. It's a crazy world where I decided the most radical thing I can do now is simply stay alive. And don't let the bastards get me down. I woke up this morning in my new digs. Ha ha! The mind is willing, but the body not so much.
It is just past 6am Monday morning and I am rollating back over to the old place to start the final cleanup. I left a coffee rig with the cleaning supplies, and with that and a couple of joints I'm good to go. Tra la la la FUCK CANCER. I guess Biden forgot about his moonshot announcement too. Oh well.
Later this morning I'll try to catch up on all the WW videos and links, I crap out pretty fast in the energy department as far as physical work goes. Coffee is still my friend, thank goodness!
And caucus99percent is the place where I feel at home on the internets. Thanks and a big hug to JtC for keeping it alive all these years. Right on.
Peace and Love
Right back atcha sister!
Sure is nice to "see" you on occasion. Let us know if there's anything we can do to help.
Wishing you the best!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”