The Weekly Watch
Happy Mother's Day!

I think it is a good idea to appreciate those who gave us life and nurtured us in our youth, at least I hope your Mom nurtured you. Today I want to look at the birth of new ideas from new tools of control to new economic alliances to active and brewing conflicts. It has been another busy news cycle this week, so lets get to the stories...

The Mother of all Agendas...
It seems to me (and I'm curious if you see things similarly) that there is a cabal of WEF global leaders running most of the countries of the collective west, who have more loyalty toward the Great Reset agenda than they do the countries they rule. On the agenda is:
- the confiscation of farms, control of the food supply, and elimination of animal production.
- the establishment of a WHO pandemic dictate to control other nations.
- the use of climate, much like COVID, to control peoples' behavior
- the creation of CBDC in order to control your bank account and money.
- the division of like minded people by using identity wedge issues.
- the control of media (including the internet) to shape public opinion.
- the elimination and canceling of anyone who objects to the agenda.
BEYOND THE RESET - Animated Short Film (24 min)
A 3D animated short film about not too distant but a dystopian future. It speculates on the potential consequences of the infamous Great Reset, medical tyranny, woke culture, and green agenda. Everything, that World Economic Forum (WEF) is planning for us.
The Great Reset Initiative is an economic recovery plan drawn up by the World Economic Forum in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The project was launched in June 2020, with a video featuring the then Prince of Wales Charles released to mark its launch.
The Birth of Competing Currencies...
Whitney Webb has been doing the deep dive on the this agenda. In this interview she looks primarily at the roll out of CBDC...
Whitney Webb discusses failing banks funneling toward JP Morgan and how CBDCs are leading to a transhumanist future.
3:06 - launch
6:00 - Banks failing and consolidating
12:51 - Story of Jamie Dimon
20:27 - Reexamining 2008
24:59 - CBDCs, biometrics and control
34:00 - JP Morgan, Wexner and Crown
38:48 - WSJ callout
44:25 - Noam Chomsky
48:44 - Are people waking up?
1:01:05 - Satan and transhumanism
1:16:07 - Google and Disney
1:22:01 - Whitney's talk at Bitcoin Miami
1:25:51 - Nobody's saving you
1:29:38 - Wrapping up
They warn that more than 2,000 US banks “are potentially insolvent”
The bankruptcies of Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank and First Republic Bank and the recent fall in PacWest shares are just the tip of the iceberg, with more than half of US lenders suffering from the liquidity crisis. Nearly half of the 4,800 US banks are potentially insolvent because their capital reserves have run out, says a group of banking experts, cited by The Telegraph.
The following is a ranking of all banks in the United States in terms of "Derivatives". This comparison is based on data reported on 2022-12-31.
Rank Derivatives Bank Name
- $53,221,165,000,000 Goldman Sachs Bank USA
- $50,031,374,000,000 JPMorgan Chase Bank
- $47,243,934,000,000 Citibank
- $19,709,297,000,000 Bank of America
- $12,363,506,000,000 Wells Fargo Bank
- $2,351,476,000,000 State Street Bank and Trust Company
- $1,326,011,362,000 HSBC Bank USA
- $1,160,557,000,000 The Bank of New York Mellon
- $913,813,934,000 U.S. Bank
- $592,469,808,000 PNC Bank
Gregory Mannarino explains (11 min)
Why The Fed Wants You to Have a Mental Breakdown (25 min)
E.B. Tucker details how the Fed's actions are weighing on consumers. “You don’t tell the builder what kind of house you want. They tell you what kind of house we’re gonna get,” he says, highlighting that folks end up living in a space that may be massive but not necessarily the one they enjoy living in. “The builders have succeeded in doing this for probably 40 years now because people had access to cheaper and cheaper money... [but] you’re much better off being in a space that works with your mood and enhances your life," he says. Tucker also explains that in terms of de-dollarization, there’s a shift going on in the global markets. “We have to be aware that the U.S. is losing standing,” he concludes.
Banks Will Be Shut Off (25 min)
Experts are talking about how the banking crisis is going to escalate out of control very quickly. They are going to limit the withdrawals from banks.
Economist Michael Hudson responds to the misleading arguments against de-dollarization that New York Times columnist Paul Krugman made in his attempt to defend US hegemony and the dollar system.
...start with the article that Paul Krugman published in April, called “International Money Madness Strikes Again“. He has this very dismissive tone in this, saying that it’s “madness”.
And essentially in this article, he creates a straw man, where he says that if you think that the dominance of the US dollar is in decline, that you think that there’s going to be hyperinflation in the United States.
He refers to these people as “Weimarists”, referring to Weimar Germany, where there was hyperinflation in the 1920s.
So he essentially says that if you don’t believe that the US dollar will stay dominant, you believe that it’s going to become toilet paper. It’s a straw man argument.
Michael responds-
It’s not a straw man argument; it’s deliberate ignorance. You have to really have tunnel vision and not understand the most basic economic history to make the misrepresentations that Krugman said.And if I hadn’t met him, and I didn’t know how really stupid he is as a person, I would think he’s deliberately lying, but I have met him and he really is that stupid.
Video here (35 min) or read the transcript linked above.
BRICS New Development Bank breaks away from the US dollar’s dominance
In a bold move to take on the US-dominated World Bank, the BRICS New Development Bank will now issue loans in local currencies.
The BRICS, representing around one-fifth of the world’s economy, has emerged as a powerful new voice alternative to Western domination.
The sanctions against Russia have exposed the danger of over-dependence on the US dollar in international trade.
My understanding is a BRICS commodity based exchange or currency will be finalized in August at the meeting in S. Africa.
Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa Plan To Introduce Plans For A New Innovative Currency
War (and Peace) Around the World...
Let's start with Taiwan...
Hang on! US Threatens to BOMB Taiwan if China invades, SERIOUSLY! (15 min)
It's a typical "if I can't have you, no one can" situation between Taiwan and semiconductors for the U.S. They say that if China gets its hands on the Taiwan semiconductor industry, they would consider bombing those factories. And these are how we treat our friends? Sure puts the Nord Stream Pipeline bombing into perspective, doesn't it?
The Brink Of WAR WWIII | George Galloway (50 min)
China's approach to the conflict in Ukraine may be driven by a desire to maintain good relations with both Russia and the West. China has economic and strategic ties with both sides, and it may not want to take sides in a conflict that could potentially escalate into a wider international conflict. Overall, while China has not played a major role in trying to end the war in Ukraine or prevent a third world war, its stance of neutrality and emphasis on diplomacy may contribute to a peaceful resolution of the conflict.
In recent years, the ongoing conflict in Ukraine has been a major source of tension and violence in the region. However, China has recently emerged as a surprising new player in the conflict resolution process, offering diplomatic and economic support to help end the war in Ukraine.
China's involvement in Ukraine has largely been motivated by its desire to promote regional stability and protect its own economic interests. As a major global power and a key player in the region, China has the resources and influence to help mediate a peaceful resolution to the conflict. In recent years, Chinese officials have been actively engaged in talks with both the Ukrainian government and separatist groups, offering support and assistance in a number of areas.
North Korea Truth & Lies: Challenging the Propaganda, w/ Ju-Hyun Park (49 min)
In the U.S. we’re taught that North Korea is a horrible backwards dictatorship where every person is captive to an evil regime run by a mad man who has an inexplicable hatred of the U.S., freedom and democracy – and is always on the edge of launching a nuclear missile to destroy the world. This, we’re told, is the reason we have to isolate the country and occupy South Korea with thousands of U.S. soldiers. The purpose of such a simplistic narrative is to prevent Americans from getting curious about what’s really happening there. Why is North Korea so closed off? What's the relevant history of that region? Why did the U.S. go to war there in the 1950s? What were the consequences? Why is Korea split into two? And is the country really as evil as the mainstream portrays?
To help break it all down, Rania Khalek was joined by Ju-Hyun Park, a member of Nodutdol for Korean Community Development, an anti-imperialist organization of Koreans in the U.S. struggling for Korean reunification and national liberation.
The coup against Imran Khan
(first 10 min)
Civil War in Pakistan? Imran Khan freed but still held by police, journalists banned (19 min)
Pakistan is on the verge of civil war following a U.S. backed coup. At this hour protesters have pushed passed the country’s official military residence and taken over an air base. Nearly 1,000 people have been arrested and at least 50 people have been killed according to the PTI political party.On Tuesday, former Prime Minister Imran Khan was arrested after warning that the military was trying to assassinate him to stop him from campaigning. He was beaten up and dragged out of the courtroom by paramilitary forces. This prompted massive protests from his supporters. Today the Supreme Court ruled his arrest illegal and demanded he go free but sources say the military are ignoring those requests. The government called in the army to quell the protests and have used Internet jammers to stop protestors from using social media to communicate. Khan has been campaigning for re-election and is widely expected to win. He was ousted from office last year after a US-backed parliamentary coup.
Pakistan’s Power Struggle, w/ Junaid Ahmad (34 min)
Last April, Pakistan’s Imran Khan was ousted as Prime Minister, which he blamed on an American-backed coup due to his non-aligned foreign policy. His removal has been followed by political instability that continues to roil the country with some of the largest protests in Pakistan’s history, both in support of him but also in opposition to the traditional ruling elites. The current government has responded by cracking down on Khan and his supporters, and preventing new elections.
To help us understand what happened and what we can expect, Rania Khalek was joined by Junaid Ahmad – Professor of Religion, Law, and Global Politics and Director of the Center for the Study of Islam and Decoloniality in Islamabad, Pakistan.
At least it seems some peace in breaking out in the Arab world...
Syria Welcomed Back Into Arab League & U.S. FLIPS OUT
For more than a decade Syria under President Bashar al-Assad has been ostracized by most other Arab nations and excluded from the Arab League. But now that’s changed and Syria has been invited to re-join — a move that has left the United States apoplectic. But it seems that other member states don’t much care what the U.S. wants as they demonstrate an increasing willingness to thumb their noses at the globe’s declining superpower.
Syria Deals HUGE Blow to US Hegemony Thanks to China
Syria is back in the Arab League, indicating an end to a more than decade-long war. Danny Haiphong reacts to The Duran's take on the significance of the situation.
Oops, not so fast.
US Lawmakers Introduce Bill to Combat Syria Normalization
The bill would prohibit the US from normalizing with Assad and expand sanctions on Syria to target countries that are normalizing
As SOE covered yesterday, this is election day in Turkey, as well as Thailand.
In both countries the U.S. would like to see the current opposition win.
Regime Change Watch
"Polls in both countries seem to be between all over the place and tight but my hunch is that the incumbents have a good chance to win.
If the results are to the favor of the current governments the U.S. may well use its well honed color revolution schemes to change the outcomes."
Doug Macgregor was on RFK's podcast this week (30 min)
Colonel Douglas Macgregor discusses the war in Ukraine with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on May 6, 2023.
Russia celebrated Victory Day on May 9. Putin spoke about the current situation and proxy war in Ukraine with the US/NATO.
Here's an excerpt...
We take pride in the unconquered courageous generation of the victors, we are proud of being their successors, and it is our duty to preserve the memory of those who defeated Nazism and entrusted us with being vigilant and doing everything to thwart the horror of another global war.
Therefore, despite all controversies in international relations, Russia has always advocated the establishment of an equal and indivisible security system which is critically needed for the entire international community.
Last December we proposed signing a treaty on security guarantees. Russia urged the West to hold an honest dialogue in search for meaningful and compromising solutions, and to take account of each other’s interests. All in vain. NATO countries did not want to heed us, which means they had totally different plans. And we saw it.
Another punitive operation in Donbass, an invasion of our historic lands, including Crimea, was openly in the making. Kiev declared that it could attain nuclear weapons. The NATO bloc launched an active military build-up on the territories adjacent to us.
Thus, an absolutely unacceptable threat to us was steadily being created right on our borders. There was every indication that a clash with neo-Nazis and Banderites backed by the United States and their minions was unavoidable.
Let me repeat, we saw the military infrastructure being built up, hundreds of foreign advisors starting work, and regular supplies of cutting-edge weaponry being delivered from NATO countries. The threat grew every day.
Russia launched a pre-emptive strike at the aggression. It was a forced, timely and the only correct decision. A decision by a sovereign, strong and independent country.
The United States began claiming their exceptionalism, particularly after the collapse of the Soviet Union, thus denigrating not just the entire world but also their satellites, who have to pretend not to see anything, and to obediently put up with it.
But we are a different country. Russia has a different character. We will never give up our love for our Motherland, our faith and traditional values, our ancestors’ customs and respect for all peoples and cultures.
Meanwhile, the West seems to be set to cancel these millennia-old values. Such moral degradation underlies the cynical falsifications of World War II history, escalating Russophobia, praising traitors, mocking their victims’ memory and crossing out the courage of those who won the Victory through suffering.
We are aware that US veterans who wanted to come to the parade in Moscow were actually forbidden to do so. But I want them to know: We are proud of your deeds and your contribution to our common Victory.
We honour all soldiers of the allied armies – the Americans, the English, the French, Resistance fighters, brave soldiers and partisans in China – all those who defeated Nazism and militarism.
TPTB would be wise to listen to Putin. Unfortunately wisdom isn't their strong point.
Mike Jones watched the V-day parade...
Mike has been banned for another two weeks. Can't allow too much truth out about the conflict.
Scott Ritter is in Russia this month too.
Scott Ritter Extra Ep. 67: Ask the Inspector (Live from Yekaterinburg)
What about the Ukraine pentagon paper release?
DOJ & Ukraine - Where's the Truth? Larry Johnson fmr CIA (22 min)
FBI presents leaker's captured paint gun weapons as assault weapons.
Alex summarizes the leading geopolitical stories yesterday.
Borrell trashes China. Baerbock warns SA. Storm Shadow hits Lugansk. Elensky, Eurovision lies
What about the US Domestic Front?
Biden and RFK polling neck and neck
Just one percent separates Robert F. Kennedy Jr and President Joe Biden amongst the American public, according to a new Rasmussen Reports poll quizzing likely voters over their Democratic primary preference. The data also reveals that one in five Democrats would prefer a Trump-Kennedy ticket over Biden-Harris.
Rasmussen Reports asked likely U.S. voters, “If the candidates for the 2024 Democratic presidential nomination were Joe Biden, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and Marianne Williamson, which candidate would you vote for?”
Respondents were split between Kennedy Jr. and Biden, with Kennedy Jr. receiving 35 percent and Joe Biden, already polling at historic lows as of May 2023, receiving just 36 percent. The third option, Marianna Williamson, received only six percent.
The dirt is beginning to be revealed about the Biden crime family...
Biden Family Received $10 Million in Payments from China, Foreign Interests: House Oversight
Republicans are digging in on over $10 million received by Biden family members from foreign actors, including previously undisclosed $1 million in Romanian-linked payments, and a ‘web’ of 20 companies created while President Joe Biden was vice president and pushing anti-corruption efforts abroad.
What would your Mother say, Joe?
America’s state media: The blackout on Biden corruption is truly ‘Pulitzer-level stuff’
This week, Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.) tried to do the impossible. After he and his colleagues presented a labyrinth of LLC shell companies and accounts used to funnel as much as $10 million to Biden family members, Donalds tried to induce the press to show some interest in the massive corruption scandal. “For those in the press, this easy pickings & Pulitzer-level stuff right here,” he pleaded.
The response was virtually immediate. Despite showing nine Biden family members allegedly receiving funds from corrupt figures in Romania, China and other countries, The New Republic quickly ran a story headlined “Republicans Finally Admit They Have No Incriminating Evidence on Joe Biden.”
Much like Hunters laptop suppression, this massive story may not see much daylight.
Then there's the debt ceiling stand off which doesn't look good for Biden.
Social Security, Medicare, federal salaries: What payments may be delayed in debt ceiling standoff
Meanwhile RFK is getting good coverage in alternative media. Here's an interview with Russell Brand and RFK
Now I want to make it clear that I don't think the political theater is an effective means of me it is theater. However, anyone who is against war and US militarism is my ally, regardless of their other views.

We are one human family. Using mitochondrial DNA we all trace back to Eve, the original mother of modern humans.
The species Homo sapiens is older than 200,000 years but - this is the hard part – ‘Eve’ is dated back to Africa about 150 to 200 thousand years ago. We know this because analysis of variation in living humans, plus the mutation rate in mitochondrial DNA, permits us to calculate when the ancestor of all living mitochondrial DNA chromosomes was alive.
Prior to ‘Eve’, there were actually still many females living, but all those lines (other than Eve’s own direct ancestor) have died out. Some will have died after a hundred, some thousands, some tens of thousands of years. Remember, for the lineage to survive to today, a female must have a fertile daughter, who in turn has a daughter over 8,000 generations.
Found: closest link to Eve, our universal ancestor

As always I look forward to your stories, ideas, and links below. Have a great Sunday!

Don't forget Julian....
John Pilger: The Betrayers of Julian Assange
John details Australia's betrayal. Back to my initial hypothesis at the top of today's piece...We have an international cabal of "western/anglo" leaders loyal to their dream of globalism and control, not the people.
EDIT to add:
I forgot to mention Trump's town hall this week where I think he exceeded expectations and handled the CNN hit job pretty well.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
First off, Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers out there
History keeps repeating itself, especially within western
civilization. I don't see how it western civilization ever
was enlightened if we keep doing the same thing over and over.
This time is different only in that it has Jewish influence
all over it....sigh
Thanks for another jam packed WW, LO.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Seem a lot like WWI in Ukraine doesn't it?
Trench warfare, artillery, lots of casualties....
Wishing for peace to break out. Thanks for the Autoearth...good stuff there.
Hope you have a good day. I'm going to try to air layer some native chestnuts this evening.
Glad you came by!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Russia doesn't need the territiory
the war of attrition rather than the collective wests
normal "shock and awe" doesn't apply here.
Peace would be nice but again the "collective west"
isn't a believer of that. Elensky rebuffs the Pope's
attempt. Burrell and VDL won't have any of it if Vlad
has any say so. China tried, nope. So why the CW thinks
it holds all the ace's is beyond normal thinking.
Back at ya and hope the chestnut project goes well. Off
soon to celebrate Mother's Day with the kids taking charge!!
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
I agree...a war of attrition
Brian of the New Atlas makes the point on the regular. So do Ritter and Macgregor.
Have a great mothers day outing!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Where is my grannies day? Thanks for the heavy
loaded Weekly watch. I will try to read it piece by piece later. Too much going on in Germany and Europe as a whole. I am so unwilling to even read or listen to anything anymore.
Have all a good Mother's or Grannie's day. I can't keep up anymore. But many many thanks for all your efforts, LO. It won't be in vain.
All the best to all of you.
Good to "see" you this Sunday!
Aging is a trip. Keeping an active mind helps weather the speed of our aging.
Take care, and Happy Granny's day!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
great stuff LO
It's a lot to digest, so I make soup instead.
Enjoy your day.
question everything
Whatta coinkydink...
We're making a soup too...mainly of left overs. Hope you enjoy your meal and day!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
What is creepy Joe up to? Your guess is as good as mine.
Even he doesn't know...
A demented puppet president seems appropriate given our current condition.
Just heard that it looks like Erdogan is headed for a first round win in Turkey.
In Thailand news may not be so good unless you're looking from the perspective of the US China hating deep state.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
It ain't over til its over- Yogi Berra
Edited to add the results from Thailand:
We'll see soon...
Hope Erdogan wins in the first round just to stick it in the eye of the deep state.
Thanks for the update...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
what do you mean by sticking it to the deep state?
we are drowned in live news from Turkey. unbearable I would say.
The US is conspiring to depose Erdowan
In order to install a pro-western anti-Russian regime.
Sadly it appears they (TPTB) achieved their goal in Thailand.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Erdowan is a good guy in your imagination? /nt
Better than a western shill... my mind. As an American I see things through US interference lens. Erdogan is too cozy with Putin to suit the western PTB. I'm for the people selecting their leaders without US interference, but it seems that doesn't happen anywhere. The collapse of the USD may slow and eventually stop our behavior.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Meanwhile in Ukraine….
Good grief after all the legislation that Biden has helped get passed that hurt the black community why in hell would they invite him to speak at their graduation? Reminds me how the black caucus and black members of congress have sold out their communities and advanced the white mans agenda. Then there’s Obama….
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
How can anyone support this demented puppet?
It stretches credulity. Kamala is even worse I guess is his insurance policy.
Thanks for the tweet!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I saw two descriptions under
Now, if police put out a public announcement bulletin to be on the lookout for a fugitive with those physical descriptions, what in hell would people be looking for? This is helpful in what possible way?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Division based on identity listed at the top in the Great Reset Agenda list.
I've been thinking about the BLM vs Jan 6 "riots". Were they both encouraged and manipulated to create a narrative and social division? I think it is likely, but I often wear a tin foil hat...
Hope y'all are having a good day!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
We are enjoying staying out the rain.
Nutty world. Nutty country.
I have also read the importance of sowing discord on racial lines.
It is all a plan.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
In what world should this be tolerated?
As stated no one died from the actions of the protesters during the riots that can be attributed to them, but cops killed 2-3 people who have been ignored by democrats who are selling a message. Babbit was shot by someone in government and a lady cop beat a woman protester to death. 5 people died that day and because their deaths don’t fit the narrative they have been erased. Now how many people died during the blm
riotsprotests because of the actions of the protesters and like you said billions in property damage caused by them.Then there’s this lie that democrats have told since 2017 after the white supremacists gathered when they said that Trump called people on both sides good people instead of calling out the neo Nazis. I remember him calling them out, but when I searched for it I found that the internet had been scrubbed and only the edited version were found.
They also said that he told people to inject bleach when he was talking about sunshine and vitamin d. We were subjected to 5 years of that and it’s still ongoing as we saw from the CNN town hall. The democrat’s mouthpieces in the corporate media have lied to their viewers too and unfortunately because viewers have TDS they believe everything they are told.
Oh yeah in case you think Biden has given up on his ministry of truth, he hasn’t. He is just renaming it and making it more powerful than ever. Shitlibs will believe their disinformation while calling for censorship of everyone on the right for spreading disinformation because they disagree with what they’re saying.
Watch the video….
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
What a hypocrite... he is funding actual Nazis after engineering their prominent position in Ukraine, while grabbing plenty of graft in the process.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good morning LO, et. y'all. Happy mom's day to all qualifying
persons. Thanks for the OT and for the WW as well, a great twofer.
Just trudging along here, trying to keep up with everything in the house and yard, and the US and ROW with the constant undercurrent of "What now?". Then there's always the computer and interwebs and things like "Do I really need a vpn and how much would I use it if I had it?", etc.
Working on a new all purpose flatbread dough, equal parts WW flour, all purpose flour, and starter. plus 1/2 unit (whatever it is) milk, and 1 teaspoon salt per cup of starter. In addition to flatbread and crisps/crackers, you can actually make rolls with it.
It's finally heating up here, high 80s to low 90s yesterday and 75 or so right now.
Sideshow. Some of the GQP want Bidone to take some sort of cognitive test before committing to a 2024 run, like they have any say in it. The Dems already have court precedent for the idea that they can run anybody they feel like selected in any manner they please. I mean, a lot of congresspersons wouldn't do too good on one either, or a sanity test, for that matter.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
What would a sanity test suggest if given to all pols?
My bet is...insanity!
We select for the insane...kinda sad.
Be sure to chill during the heat of the day and get out when it is cool. Advice from Alabama. Take care and be well!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The Mother of All Talk Shows on Mothers Day!
George is fun to my mind. He has good interviews.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Speculation! I don't think that this is how the depleted uranium
shells supplied by UK were intended to be used.
Russia just blew up a huge storage facility that was full of weapons that were recently sent to Ukraine and possibly including the depleted uranium ones and the long range bombs that the uk sent them. Ukraine keeps fcking arsenal and now they are finding out the consequences. And eventually NATO’s going to take one step too many over the red line and they too will find out.
But Zelensky said that Russia sent 2 bombs and 50 were shot down…
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
it may be that this is what happened to the uraninium arms...
Just speculation...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
This 3.5 Richter blast was “conventional”, however……..
it appears the ammunition that exploded consisted of a significant amount of depleted uranium recently provided by the UK.
More details from Simplicus The Thinker here: Nuclear Fallout? Russian Strikes Create Richter Scale Explosion in Khmelnitsky + Updates
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
There are a lot of callously evil people who
should be wearing the shame for what they said. Fauci especially because he knew that the jabs were never tested for efficacy or safety, but lied to us about both anyway.
Did any of them pause to rethink their evil rhetoric after they had gotten their jabs and got the Rona anyway?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
The only people we can blame???
Not Falsie, the WHO, the FDA, the CDC, big pharma, et al?
What blindness!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The CIA had a good day,
with coup successes in Thailand and Pakistan, and possibly Turkey. Syrian sanctions will work, amirite? Like they did with Russia and China?
In the last 10 days, only 1 was sunny. 2 days, including today, we were put under flooding roads warnings. It is expected to rain for the next 4 days, maybe 5.
It is time to watch and read some of your proffered news and commentary. Thanks for the wonderful WW.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I noticed most of TX is getting wet...
Remember last year's drought? Weather often balances out in the long run...both wet and dry and hot and cool. What to say? It is what it is when it comes to weather.
Glad to "see" you today! You brought to mind Seabiscuit this week with your OT. Y'all have a good one!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Drought last summer.
I loved the movie, "Seabiscuit".
I may take a trip up to Ky. this summer. If we go, we will go to the museum honoring great race horses.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I recommend a bourbon tour too
Dozens of working bourbon distilleries are operating in Kentucky today; the state produces 95 percent of the world's bourbon, with more than two aging barrels for every resident, at any given time. It's a $9 billion industry, and travelers can experience it firsthand with a distillery tour — or two, or three. Locations for favorites like Jim Beam and Maker's Mark are sprinkled between Louisville, Lexington and Frankfort, the Kentucky state capital, with one outlier — Green River Distilling — out west in Owensboro, Kentucky. Of course, you can pick and choose your favorite brands to visit, or you can go whole hog by following Kentucky's official Bourbon Trail, a liquid adventure across 18 distilleries lasting an estimated four days.
We've got a buddy that works at the woodland watershed for many of the distilleries.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I was actually going to say
Great suggestion. He can taste, I will drive!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
The CIA has so much blood on its hands
Click for transcript of the interview. We also know that they are involved in the bio weapons labs across the world and they aren’t looking for ways to keep us safe. The Rona scam had nothing to do with public health or safety either. Since when has our government been concerned about our health? I wonder if we can sue for universal healthcare since the bio weapons were created by the government. After all they gave it to everyone in Libby Montana after an environmental disaster.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I actually watched RFK's
I can hear Biden say, "Well, we killed a lot of folks." (But it was necessary and we meant well. Or something.)
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
caught this the other day...
made me think we need a full feature article on the CIA...
about 30 min each...
THE HISTORY OF THE CIA: The OSS and the Birth of American Intelligence [Pt. 1]
THE HISTORY OF THE CIA: Operation Sunrise and the Plan for a New Europe [pt. 2]
THE HISTORY OF THE CIA: Mafia Allies and the Beginning of the Global Drug Connection [pt. 3]
THE HISTORY OF THE CIA: The Real Cold War and the Creation of CIA [pt. 4]
Time stamps and resources provided under each clip
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Would be great to have /nt
Always a good read. The latest from SIMPLICIUS The Thinker
A brief introduction:
Russia is making progress...
...without total awe and destruction...but are given no credit.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I’m glad that I found him
I used to look forward to reading MoA and the comments there, but since it’s being overrun with trolls I’m about ready to stop reading it since simp gives such incredible updates and so often. It’s annoying to see people write the same things over and over full of propaganda nonsense that has been debunked so many times. The new trick is to pretend to be one of the long time posters and write something so out of character and obscene. I’m finding that I am spending less time there which is sad because I really enjoy b's writing.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
There is nothing to stop you from reading the actual article
from B.
With the understanding that the comment section isn't what it used to be. It is not worth the effort to wade through the what previously were inciteful additions to the main article.
ha, that's a good one
incite = to cause action

insight = reflection
combine the two
incite insight
which the media does not do
question everything
I really enjoyed
Michael Hudson's response to the Krugman article. The section you quoted above was great but Hudson wasn't finished with him. He just kept 'elaborating'...
Hudson goes on to explain what the de-dollarization is really about. It's a reaction to U.S. policy. It is an understandable instinct to defend one's own economy.
Thanks for the Weekly Watch LO. Much appreciated as always.
Hudson is insightful...
...and perhaps my favorite economist. I find him on target. Glad you liked that too!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
TSMC situation
Good coverage by Redacted.
South Korea is basically in the same position as TSMC in terms of being pushed to invest in factories in the US to the tune of billions of dollars, being told to share proprietary information with US companies, and at the same time potentially having their manufacturing supply chain and markets inside China disrupted by US trade restrictions. It looks like TSMC has joint ventures going into Japan as well.
President Yoon of South Korea, has unwisely acquiesced to all these hi tech supply chain security demands from the US. Observers have noted that tens of billions of dollars of South Korean corporate investments in the US are basically unreciprocated in economic terms on the US side, while South Korean balance of trade figures show their economy is in freefall since "laissez faire market ideologues" in charge of the administration in South Korea came to power a little over a year ago. Yoon has tried to blame everything on the prior administration while doing absolutely nothing to improve economic circumstances. Whether South Korea gets US subsidies for building in the US depends on what kind of production and marketing the Souths Korean corporations continue to pursue in China. So far its electric vehicles manufactured in the US get no subsidies because their battery components are from China. Waiver of the US China decoupling restrictions for chips manufactured by South Korea will likely end in October, which will be further bad news for the South Korean economy and the conservative party facing April 2024 elections.
Incidentally, in a recent interview Prof. Mearsheimer was asked if he thought the US would bomb TSMC in the event of a China- Taiwan war to keep it out of Chinese hands. He responded, "of course it will."
Been listening to an interview of Moon Chung-in, a long time South Korean international relations scholar, and adviser to various South Korean administrations over the years (not this one) and an important advisor to former President Moon Jae-in during his diplomatic initiatives and negotiations with North Korea at the time of the Trump administration. Prof. Moon (no relation) is probably one of the most knowledgeable people in the world on this subject. He regards the current hard line policy of South Korea's Yoon, and the US, as dangerous and potentially leading to nuclear war. He notes the current South Korean administration has no plan to prevent war, and no plan to manage crises as they develop. At the same time, the US South Korean hard line policy which Yoon has adopted, the Indo-Pacific policy, and the trilateral alliance, etc., alienates other key players in the region, China and Russia, and makes it unlikely that China will act as an intermediary with North Korea. Currently, hotlines between South Korea and North Korea, and the US and North Korea are not functional, and North Korea does not respond to calls. As far as North Korea is concerned, South Korea now has no diplomatic policy whatever which invites increased instability.
Moon Chung-in stated point blank when asked why President Moon's initiatives for a more peaceful relationship with North Korea failed, (at Hanoi) the US was the principle factor. Trump basically caved to Bolton and Pompeo and submitted to domestic political pressures. Their all or nothing approach to denuclearization had no prospect of success after what happened to Libya. Moon said he regarded North Korea's response after Hanoi as too inflexible as well but this was a secondary factor. Kim had placed too much weight on a purported personal rapport with Trump. I don't think there was any realistic possibility of Trump negotiating an agreement that allowed easing of civilian sanctions in a step by step mutual trust building approach, in a process to develop a new relationship between the US and North Korea. All other initiatives by South Korea of an economic nature were blocked by the US. Dr. Moon attributed this failure to US domestic politics and opposition within Trump's own administration. Bolton, Pompeo, neocons, and partisan domestic politics. Moon didn't mention the brainwashing in the US for generations concerning Korea.
Moon also explained for South Korea to have a more stable relationship with North Korea requires a diplomatic process, as well as military readiness. Military readiness alone does not make Korea "more peaceful," and has demonstrated no prospect in recent years of making the peninsula more secure. This assertion that hardline military policies of themselves will bring a more peaceful Korea is simply a deceptive claim of the current administration, Prof. Moon said.
Prof. Moon also said the Yoon approach to North Korea, was like that of a king, ignoring public interests. First, security. South Korea is now less secure. Second, economic well being. See above on "decoupling" and supply chain security. Third, national dignity, subservience to the larger US and Japan foreign and economic goals while disregarding South Korea's own interests (humiliating foreign policy).
Moon Chung-in's bio at wikipedia. He earned his post graduate degrees in the US but that didn't ruin his perspective. Looks like he lived here for ten years.
Thanks Lookout for the OT.
語必忠信 行必正直
Thanks for your excellent Asia analysis
I have no experience nor insight into the situation. Your perspective is of value to the entire community. Thanks.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Not at all
Listening to Moon Chung-in and some of my other favorite pundits and analysts is very rewarding to me. If I can share their views, all the more so. Moon was interviewed on OhMyTV 오마이TV on May 8. The recording of the live stream was uploaded yesterday. They have 1.49 million subscribers. So far only 37K views. It's the best news and independent commentary channel on youtube for South Korea, imo. This was the title of the program-
문정인 교수 “윤석열은 제왕적 대통령. 독선과 오만, 박정희 전두환때보다 더하다”
Moon Chung-in, "Yoon Suk-yeol, Imperial President. More righteous and arrogant than (dictators) Park Chung-hee and Chun Doo-hwan."
語必忠信 行必正直
OK, but...
Just what form would reciprocation take? S. Korea, unless it's changed dramatically just recently, is highly resistant to foreign direct investment. According to this:
S. Korea ranks 139th (smallest) globally in terms of Foreign Direct Investment as % of GDP - .93%
which does place it a few points higher than Japan - .67%, 145th place.
Biden could ease up
I think the number one thing the US could do, would be to extend the waivers for EVs and South Korean chip trade with and in China. The other issue trade issues could be hashed out over time, if the markets settled down. I'll admit that I'm not an economist but I think there is a critical consensus in South Korea of this nature. Frankly it doesn't matter to me, whether Biden does this. If he doesn't do it, his puppet Yoon may go down in flames.
I see that Lee Jae-yong, the chair of Samsung Group is in the US meeting Musk and other executives from the AI and chips sector. As long as he thinks he can finesse this...maybe the other chaebol won't break ranks.
語必忠信 行必正直
And... Oh...
since we are talking about war and peace in this OT, Hudson clearly puts Krugman into the pro-warmongering column when he says;
Hudson also says this (which to me, clearly illustrates the evil of the neocons);
I could go on. Hudson makes so many excellent points. It's a must-read-article.
edited to add link
thanks for the link...
Always appreciated.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I cherry picked through the Whitney Webb
interview, and was gobsmacked at Noam Chomsky's response to the inquiry about his meetings with Epstein. "It's none of your business" was that kind of answer that absolutely makes it your business. We are talking about a child sex trafficker, ya know?
Now, add in that Chomsky said the unvaxxed should be rounded up, imprisoned, and starved to death, makes me not like his brand of liberalism.
Krugman, writing gibberish about dollar hegemony in the NYT, is another example of a former personal icon who fell from grace in my personal opinion.
I am damn glad to know who the bastards are. Two down in my estimation. How many more to go?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Whitney's depth of knowledge...
...always astounds me. She keeps lots of info her finger tips. Kinda like the folk singer who knows hundreds of songs.
I'm working through about 50 songs just to brush up for the FL folk fest. That should give me a enough to pull from for sessions and stage sets over the 4 least I hope so. Often people request song I've not sung in years. Sometimes I can pull them out, others not, but should have plenty for the festival prepared.
Still have to cook, freeze, and prep food. Hey its a festival.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Eat well! Play well!
It will be a blast!
Speaking of festivals...we will be in Luckenbach on the 27th for a day long festival of "Back to the Basics". It is touted as a return to the Waylon, Willie, Hubbard outlaw country music that really put Luckenbach on the map. Ray Wylie Hubbard will perform.
I just wonder if he will sing, "Screw You, You're Not From Texas"? Lol!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
A sea shanty
Signing out for the night with this piece from Reina del cid ...just dropped a couple of hours ago...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Something seems hinky about all the immigrants flooding the
country even before the title 42 expires. Veterans are being kicked out of their rooms to make space for immigrants being bussed across the country while tens of thousands of immigrants cross the border every week. Chicago Democrats who voted for Biden are also upset that immigrants are getting housed while they have been on waiting lists for years. People have been crossing the border ever since Biden became president and his side kick Kamala who’s in charge of the border has never visited it nor seems to be doing a damn thing about.
I know that there are a lot of reasons why people migrate from their country and a lot of it has to do with our foreign policies, but it just seems different lately. NGOs are funding some of them and of course there are the coyotes, ect. But why was it different during Trump’s tenure? Businesses say that they are desperate for workers, and there’s a lot of immigrants who are desperate for jobs…but still. Companies hire immigrants to keep wages down and they seem to get away with hiring people who aren’t here legally. Remember when one meat factory got caught doing it and only the 600 workers paid a price for it.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
A wedding party from across the country had their reservations cancelled so that the hotel could put immigrants in it instead. And just maybe there’s another transfer of money going to the rich?
I’d think that cities could negotiate rates instead of having to pay top dollar for rooms.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I had a tiff with a client
and filed to withdraw from representation.
After it was clear he would not be back in the office, my assistant disclosed he had hustled her to the point of making her uncomfortable, even a bit scared. She was alone in the office, I must have been in court.
I am coming up with code she can text to Dear One so he can come to the office and interrupt/replace her.
Crazy world out there!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
It's a weird world out there...
Take care and be safe!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
speaking of farms
"the confiscation of farms, control of the food supply, and elimination of animal production."
While Bill Gates, the Chinese, the Saudis buy up US farmland, vulture capital has had Ukraine's best-in-the world farmlands in its sights for a long time - facilitated by the World Bank, IMF, certain Color has already grabbed huge amounts, introducing industrial agriculture on steroids and sidelining local farmers:
(April 7 podcast, Al Jazeera)
BTW - we shouldn't overlook the fact that the WEF agenda also is very keen on the confiscation of *arms* - from the peasants, anyway. Please don't enable them.
excellent points...
Blackrock, I knew had been buying up Ukrainian farmland. If any of it is in the Donbass, they can kiss their investment goodbye.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”