The Weekly Watch
Is it 1984?

TPTB are now prosecuting wrong thought and "unacceptable" speech. Four members of the Africa Socialist Party have been indicted for spreading Russian other words, they are speaking out against the Ukraine proxy war. What about the first amendment? Tucker did a short piece (4 min) about it. Aaron and Katie interview a member of the party.
Then there's the guy who has been convicted with a prison term for posting an anti-Hillary meme. That's why I suggest we've arrived in 1984.
The book is set in 1984 in Oceania, one of three perpetually warring totalitarian states (the other two are Eurasia and Eastasia). Oceania is governed by the all-controlling Party, which has brainwashed the population into unthinking obedience to its leader, Big Brother. The Party has created a propagandistic language known as Newspeak, which is designed to limit free thought and promote the Party’s doctrines. Its words include doublethink (belief in contradictory ideas simultaneously), which is reflected in the Party’s slogans: “War is peace,” “Freedom is slavery,” and “Ignorance is strength.” The Party maintains control through the Thought Police and continual surveillance.
The media machine rounds out the 1984 theme broadcasting five minutes of Russia hate and another five minutes of China hate on the regular. As a result we miss seeing the real enemy, the big brother of the deep state.
Katie and John Pilger discuss propaganda and its power...John Pilger On "Unrelenting" Propaganda (1 hour)
TPTB are adding another control tool to their box of nefarious tricks, centralized digital currency.
Discussion of so-called “digital currency” has been proliferating among a range of countries around the globe, nowhere more avidly than in the European Union. And there’s no more avid advocate in the EU than European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde, who raves about the greater “control” digital currency will give elites over the masses while relishing the prospect of anyone who spends more than 1,000 Euro being thrown in jail.
Pepe Escobar and Gonzalo have an interesting conversation about how the BRICS+ plan to develop a currency exchange. According to their conversation, the idea is to develop a basket of commodities, say an ounce of gold, a barrel of oil, a bushel of wheat, and so on. All currencies would float against the basket of commodities and provide a means of fair currency trade. Previously I had thought the Yuan would just replace the USD, but this method keeps any one country from having the world reserve currency and the power that bestows.
Pepe was also on Danny Haiphong's show this week.
Pepe Escobar: Russia has DEFEATED the Neocon Agenda Despite Ukraine Crisis (20 min)
Can China Save America From Collapse | The Duran | Cyrus Janssen & Reporterfy
As long as the US economy is based on war, I think we're doomed to failure. US hegemony is over, whether we realize it or not. Most of the world has stepped away from US domination. I continue to be shocked by the way the EU is willing to die as the US lap dog.
The MSM continues to suppress the Hunter Biden laptop story. It came out this week that Blicky was behind the false narrative of the laptop as Russia disinformation.
Ex-CIA Mike Morell reveals, Blinken behind 'Intel officials Russia disinfo' letter
News Blackout in Effect...The Michael Morell story is disposed of by press janitors
Matt Taibbi
It transpires that the infamous incident before the 2020 election in which 50 former intelligence officials signed an open letter declared a New York Post expose about Hunter Biden’s laptop to have the “classic earmarks of a Russian information operation” was instigated at the behest of the Joe Biden campaign. This at least is the allegation in a letter to Secretary of State Anthony Blinken released by Jim Jordan, chair of the House Judiciary Committee, and Subcommittee on the Weaponization of Government.
In that letter, which is not easy to find, you’ll see three snippets of dialogue from questioning of Morell, who appears to have organized the open letter. In the first snippet, he explains that the idea originated with a call from Blinken, then of the Biden campaign, and that absent that call, Morell wouldn’t have done what he did
The Biden Campaign's Deep State Conspiracy To Discredit The Hunter Biden Laptop
Matt calls this the 'Sovietization' of Amerika a metaphor that I'm not particularly comfortable with as Soviet bureaucrats used to claim with some justification that their efforts to control information was in the people's interest. Anyway arguing over history rarely does anything more than cement the debaters to their particular position but Morell's corruption is too recent to be considered history given that Biden is hoping to run again.
Morell can make no such claim his move was outta self interest, he hoped to be appointed CIA director in a Biden presidency.
Biden Told CIA To Lie About Hunter Biden Laptop!
When Joe Biden accused Donald Trump during a 2020 Presidential debate about spreading Russian propaganda over Biden’s son Hunter’s alleged laptop, the Democratic nominee was lying — and he knew it. That’s because he and his campaign had personally solicited members of the intelligence community to write a letter calling the laptop a Russian disinformation campaign, which the letter’s authors did because, as former CIA head Mike Morell explained, they wanted Biden to win.
Guest host Aaron Maté and Comedian Kurt Metzger speak with Revolutionary Blackout Network’s Nick Cruse about this bombshell story exposing Biden’s outright lies.
I find it interesting how MSM instead of looking a contents of Hillary's emails, or the contents of Hunter's laptop, focuses on how Russia leaked it...which is untrue in both cases. As John Pilger said in the interview on propaganda, omission is one of its greatest tools...think how they covered Sy Hersch' Nord Stream story...oh yeah, they didn't. Worse yet, they are censoring him for his wrong thought.
There’s a lot happening in the life of the empire, so we’re doing another multi-story article to wrap it all up. Today we’re discussing four stories:
- Facebook is censoring multiple articles by Seymour Hersh.
- Weapons industry-funded think tank helps Congress discover that Taiwan needs way more weapons.
- The New York Times really, really doesn’t like RFK Jr.
- Twitter drops its “state-affiliated media” and “government-funded media” labels.
Perhaps even worse than 1984, TPTB are making a grab for our food. The Dutch farmers continue protesting as their country is a test case (how often is that story covered?).
What is the power of food? Vandana Shiva, author and activist, reminds us that the potential power of food can only be unlocked by us and that once this power is unleashed, great change will follow; indeed, she tells us that “growing your own food is a revolutionary act.”
Summits, workshops, and schools occur across the nation and world.
How did we get in this mess? A large part of the answer is incompetent western leadership across the board. Gonzalo suggest only sheep dogs are allowed to rise into leadership positions where they lack the thinking skills to be competent.
Western Leadership Miscalculations Gonzalo (15 min)
and here's a series of article proving his point...
Matt Taibbi: House Democrats Have Lost Their Minds
I learned yesterday Virgin Islands Delegate and Ranking Member of the House Subcommittee on the Weaponization of Government Stacey Plaskett is threatening me with prison, over her own error.
Western ‘experts’ thought they would destroy Russia’s economy. They failed.
Did they learn anything? You got to be kidding, they're doubling down.
G7 Allies Consider Outright Ban Of All Exports To Russia
The only excuse for this insanity is arrogance and incompetence.
Berlin decides to expel Russian diplomats en masse, Moscow to mirror that decision Western diplomacy has become, "I'm taking my toys and going home".

I played for a music buddy's memorial service yesterday. He was a couple of years younger than me when he died of brain cancer. Tuesday, my Mom turns 92. She had an older brother who died of scarlet fever when she was about six years old. Life can be fickle, and that's one reason to treasure every day. At any rate, the cycle of life has been on my mind this week.
The life of empires is similar. They come and go. US empire is dying, but I think it won't be dignified nor pretty with the incompetent leadership class having temper tantrums. I find solace in nature and and it's cycles. I feel much more a part of the Earth's biosphere than I do a member of a dying empire. Growing food keeps me in tune with the changes of season and the rhythms of the sun and weather.
I do think we're caught in a 1984 world gone awry. Winston (the main character) tried but wasn't able to escape the system. I feel luckier than him having a holler to hold up in and ride out the collapse. Most people don't have a vision of Alabama as having mountains, but we do. My friend's funeral was at their place way back in a holler near a formation called the Walls of Jericho. This is a beautiful corner of Alabama, and you have to appreciate the things of value around you to be happy. We returned to our place afterwards to a field of lyre leaf sage, daisies, and Senecio in bloom .. not only lucky to be alive, but lucky to live here.
I hope your spring (or fall) is unfolding and you are able to get out and appreciate the beauty and wonders of nature. I look forward to your stories, ideas, and comments below!

have succeeded in infantilizing, dumbifying, and carefully angering us at one another, to prevent us from all simultaneously noticing that the water is indeed beginning to boil. We’ve been carefully trained since birth to never leave the country (because the world is such a dangerous place, after all), and we are cheerfully delighted to stay in what has now become the most dangerous place of them all. Fuk yeah say I, as I reload and chamber a round, chunk chunk.
I’m now more determined than ever to go expat before I die, if I can. There is a huge part of the world that is far more civilized than we are, even if the man on the teevee keeps telling us how horrible it all is outside our protective womb of Brawndo, Kardashians, and American Idol.
The fact is that we’ve never been very good at this freedom and democracy thing, certainly not good enough to try to export it. And we’re sure as hell not doing it correctly right now- worse than ever in my life, for sure. We are meant to stay here and happily defend our right to boil whilst polishing our participation trophies. Sorry if that has caused any inconvenience….
In the early ‘80s, we used to do a protest tune (written by our guitarist) that nobody remembers, with the following lines in it:
I did not expect it to come true.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
We thought about relocation...
...but there's no way we can replace our homestead nor our decades of work improving soil, forests, and so on.
We love Mexico and if we were to relocate we would consider someplace like the region around the multicultural city of San Cristobal de las Casas.
Thanks for coming by and best of luck exploring your escape route!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
We no longer
own anything other than a couple old cars, two old dogs and an older cat, and our lives, so there’s now literally nothing stopping us. It may indeed be time to do this before we have to do so as refugees.
No smiley.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
Hedges speaks to your comment
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The new FDR my left buttock
But shitlibs are saying that Biden has exceeded their expectations and that he is the best president of their lifetime. Good lord, just last year they were bitching about how democrats didn’t pass any of those things. What the F happens to their brains? They know he didn’t do any of them and that he was responsible for some of the worst bills ever passed before he got the nomination.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
To my mind he is the worst president... my lifetime ...which is saying a lot considering his predecessors.
However, he is emblematic of the state of empire...doddering and demented.
The Falsie lies are becoming better known...
Fauci Lied, People Died - Dr .Fauci caught lying to Congress
Elon Musk triggered a social media firestorm on Sunday after suggesting that US Covid-19 czar Dr. Anthony Fauci should be investigated and prosecuted for allegedly lying under oath about the funding of research at a Wuhan lab in China.
Sen. Ted Cruz demanded prosecution for Dr. Anthony Fauci, telling conservative activists Thursday that the nation’s most prominent public health expert lied about COVID-19′s origin and “destroyed” lives by encouraging closure of schools and businesses and prodding Americans to wear masks and get vaccinated.
“He led policies that destroyed peoples’ lives, that hurt tens of millions of kids across this country and destroyed businesses,” Cruz said at the Conservative Political Action Conference. “He elevated politics over science and medicine. … He told millions of Americans lies — willingly, knowingly, glibly.”
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
As if
Ted himself hasn’t told any lies, willingly and glibly? The cognitive dissonance is strong with this one…
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
I'm no Cancun Cruz fan...
..but interestingly he wasn't the focus in the clip despite the description which I posted.
However, I will say I'm no purist. If we (or anyone else) agree to an anti-war approach, regardless of their other positions, I'm in their corner on the war issue.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I’m no purist,
either. If any given politician mouths enough anti war platitudes, I won’t oppose them.
Of course, I won’t support them, either, because I’ll know that they are lying. But I’ll certainly appreciate the sentiment: a lying sack of shit who says nice things is at least shit in a nice sack.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
I'm with you on that...
I see politics as a lost cause. In the case of RFK,Jr, if he can raise the issues (like war and social control) to the people, I'm all for him. But the thought he might win and put the ship of state upright, I have my doubts to say the least. First of all it won't be allowed by TPTB, and secondly the system is so toxic no one can crash through the propaganda. I guess I put faith in Bernie and got burnt, so I'm hesitant to believe anyone can speak truth in this system. We'll see.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Whenever an "outsider" gets in
(Carter 1976-1980, Trump 2016-2020), the Establishment closes ranks against them and prevents them from doing anything that might rock their boat.
This is NOT going to change until the whole system changes (if it ever does).
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I think you're correct...
Which means it isn't going to change? Seems to me. Loss of the dollar's power may provide a soft landing in the world, but not the US.
Good to "see" you.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
by Bernie. Exactly that.
If Kennedy looks as if he might actually make a difference, I have no doubt whatsoever that he’ll fall afoul of some unforeseeable incident (at the hands of a foreign national, of course) at some campaign stop. The CIA loves to kill Kennedys, and they won’t miss this chance for the trifecta.
I wish him the very best, but I honestly do not see him surviving the campaign, since he’s already said that he’d like to shut them down. That won’t be allowed to happen.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
Oops forgot about UN power grabs...
The pandemic proved the way which people can be scared and manipulated using their health as the pawn. TPTB aren't going to let go of this power grab...
What is the proposed WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty?
WHO Member States agree to develop zero draft of legally binding pandemic accord in early 2023
On a positive note...perhaps we'll avoid a China WWIII.
Did the Neocons Save the World from the Thucydides Trap?
The last third of the article makes the argument. The first 2/3 provides the background and history.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Not yet
In spite of creating the worst possible geopolitical circumstances for pursuing a war with China, they still think of themselves as holding the winning hand in any potential conflict with China. That hand includes what they have convinced themselves is the technologically superior and more powerful armed forces. This belief indicates that they have learned absolutely nothing in the conflict with Russia in Ukraine.
I could go through some of the illusory advantages the US thinks it has in a war with China, that it doesn't have in the ground war in Eastern Europe. The principal advantage that US leadership thinks it has, is that its an offshore war that they envison, where they cut off Chinese maritime lines of communication, destroy their navy, and engage in "shock and awe" type destruction of major Chinese cities and cultural features from offshore, thereby forcing the Chinese to surrender or collapse. The US also believes that they are militarily the most technologically advanced country in the world. In some respects this is true, but not all. Any attacks on Chinese cities will be met with the destruction of US bases in East Asia, Southeast Asia etc. At a minimum there will be no sanctuary in Japan or elsewhere in the theater for US forces to operate from with impunity. They will be at risk the entire time.
In other words the infrastructure upon which the US expects to conduct its destruction of China from offshore will be largely unavailable. Some bases may survive in Australia, and the Philippines, even Hawaii but they will suffer from remoteness from the battle theater. With access to Russian fuels, and other natural resources, available to China from the interior of Asia, the Chinese staying power will outlast the US.
The whole US concept of war with China underestimates China's strategic depth, and organizational skills, in the same way that Japan did during its campaigns in China during WWII.
So this would be in keeping with what I consider to be the "now or never" trap. While Japan understood itself to be a rising power, it acted out of a sense of desperation to gain a continental empire or forever be locked in the status of a second place power. The same holds true for Germany in WWII, it's not so much that they were a rising power, as that they foresaw, that they could never compete with the continental powers, the US and the Soviet Union, unless they launched a war to seize Europe in its entirety. The plan proved overly ambitious.
I just don't think the US thinks of itself as number two yet, as if that potential condition is going to occur at some future date as Admirals and Generals are found of saying. So military planners think they have this window to act. US leadership still thinks going to war with China is a viable option.
I enjoyed reading the UNZ article. Thanks so much LO.
I don't think either Russia or China is motivated by this drive. China unlike the WWII examples of Japan and Germany is unlikely to be the kind of meteoric rise that perceives its own apogee and relative decline vis a vis other powers in such a way as to create a desperate movement aimed at conquest in the hope of reversing an otherwise inevitable fate. The US on the other hand has this sort of desperation. The US military empire has reached its optimal stage and is obviously going to face decline if it doesn't rout its "peer rivals." The US perceives, as a "solution," engaging in actual war in Asia at a point not too distant foreseeable future. Therefore, it is the US, the alleged "ruling power" that is desperate to do something to stave off its inevitable decline under the current circumstances. Rather than retrench and consolidate its position, adopt new priorities, and take a less coercive approach to international relations, the political trend is that it will double down on military solutions, that will only hasten its decline.
In realistic terms, China is already the ruling power. It's a fait accompli. The danger of war, is that the US unrealistically thinks they can do something about it militarily.
I have to say that I think there are significant cultural differences that determine whether and when a country, especially China, feels compelled to go to war. The Chinese are far more circumspect and restrained than the US. It is much more likely that US miscalculation and hubris will start a war with China. I've been reading some about Chinese perspectives generally. But one of the most significant specific observations is that the Chinese are optimistic about their future. An optimistic people don't really need to go to war. Time is on their side. It isn't "now or never." My observation on Japan and Germany before and during WWII was their sense of desperation, and their perception of a Darwinian situation, that drove them to war.
I know someone said it in one of the recent videos I watched, "you can be number two and still have a good life." Everything isn't a zero sum game.
語必忠信 行必正直
I meant to add this to the WW...
...but didn't remember. I thought of you when I watched it.
Is South Korea a Pawn in the US Cold War Against China? (17 min)
South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol will soon go to Washington DC, where Biden is expected to put further pressure on him to isolate China. President Yoon’s visit to Washington takes on added significance after revelations from leaked Pentagon documents highlight CIA spying on South Korea’s government. According to Ju-Hyun Park, Engagement Editor at The Real News and a member of Nodutdol for Korean Community Development, these discussions have far-reaching implications not only for South Korea but broader global politics.
I hope your move is smooth and your revamped house feels like home!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Great interview!
語必忠信 行必正直
I keep a notebook ...
to jot down all the worthwhile clips and articles for the week. However, I forgot to note that clip. Seeing your name reminded me. Glad you liked the interview!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Site is not letting me post...
'encountered an unexpected error'
Lessee if this works.
Well, that worked
but my other post doesn't (has an embedded Tweet and video - that the issue?)
Took out the Tweet embed
and replaced it with just the link to it...
That seems to work?
Embed no work...
Anyone else having this issue? Advice?
Robert Kennedy, Jr.
The link worked fine...
I'm unsure how to embed tweets. Perhaps SD or humphrey will chime in with the technique.
Most of us called out the remdesivir scam from the start...especially in view of truly effective treatments which were essentially made illegal.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
See the Fox emoji?
You have to remove all emojis from the tweet for it to post here, but it will still show up in the tweet.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Ah, the old emoji trick...
Thanks for the tip!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thank you!
'Who cares about legal?...'
'We're the Justice Department!'
Well, guess we're seeing the results of letting abuses of state power slide whenever they are directed at someone we disapprove of... those militia types, those Muslim terrorists, those white supremacists MAGA types, those...
Thanks for bringing the arrest of those 'Russian agents' to our attention. Outrageous, of course - so maybe it's time to start *acting* outraged?
Without even going back to the dawn of Cointelpro time - Waco, Ruby Ridge, FBI manufactured Muslim 'terror plots' in the 2000's, Malheur, the Whitmer 'kidnaping plot', J-6, pro-life activists... a long and sordid history of abuse that seems to have only gotten more blatant.
People really need to get that this is one of those 'hang together or hang separately' situations.
FBI whistleblower Steven Friend:
Some timely and relevant USG propaganda - brought to my attention by a favorite Substack writer:
"I got nothing against them Viet Cong. No Viet Cong ever called me nigger."
Muhammed Ali - 1966
"I got nothing against them Russians. No Russian ever called me deplorable."
Me - 2022
'Don't Be a Sucker' (1947)
this summary in the substack article was good...
...sounds like a plan!
The key points of this video are:
•A common tactic a group lacking power uses to take control of a country is to split it into groups along wedge lines it identifies in the population (e.g., ethnic, religious, or sexual minorities) and then get each of those smaller groups to distrust each other.
•Many not in the initially targeted groups will go along with the splitting and discrimination because it makes sense and will only complain once their group is targeted (at which point it is too late for them to protect themselves).
•You have to assume anyone trying to turn segments of society against each other is not your friend and is doing it so they eventually can steal everything you have from you.
•When this happens, aggressive censorship always occurs in tandem to maintain the lies used to justify those artificial divisions.
•The people who go along with this revolutionary group (and are promised to be part of the in-group that gains power at everyone else’s expense) always inevitably suffer the same fate as the other groups they initially targeted. These individuals are frequently referred to as “useful idiots.”
Seems familiar. Thanks for he links and articles.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Bothersome amount of emojis. I removed them before posting.
Glad you posted the sucker video. I watched it on his site.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
They won’t be the last homes to slide
These types of homes dot the foothills from Ogden to Provo and on poor soil that used to be a lake. This home looks to be up the canyon from SLC. Here’s the link to the story.
Lots of homes are being built too quickly and too cheaply and in places that should never have been approved. I’ve driven by thinking "yeah good luck with that" for years.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
They do the same thing here in flood plains....
plus most new homes have vinyl siding here, and it doesn't work out well as termites are prone to build underneath the vinyl and eat the wooden structure.
Most of our old buildings have burnt, including two of the nicest historic buildings in nearby downtown Mentone...130-year-old Mentone Springs Hotel and the Hitching post. Older pine building are full of flamable resin so when they catch on fire, they're gone.
Hudson's new book sounds interesting.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Pots and pans
are outlawed in France (during protests). No more cooking during protest. That's harsh for hungry protestors
I guess this is why;
Can you wear one as a helmet?
It has gotten to the point of ridiculous. However, the house of cards seem ready to fall.
Hope all is well in your world...seems lots of rain in E. TX. We're a bit dry, but looking at rain through the upcoming week. Take care.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I know,
We're getting some rain in my area but not as much as east Tx or the Dallas area. It came at the right time to refresh the wildflowers and give the cactus blooms some inspiration. The white-brush is in full bloom and fragrance. The bees love that stuff. All in all it's been a very nice spring here. I saw one of these two times in the past couple of weeks. They are very cool.
Thanks for the OT Lookout. I want to check out Hudson's new book, it does look interesting.
We've had a nice spring here as well...
It continues to unfold, but flowers and garden are putting on a show. Lots of birds and wildlife too. Can't complain. Hope you're feeling the same.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
From this video, the commenters are basically saying
the quiet part out loud, we are at war w/Russia in ukraine
we can't let Russia win. Financing Ukraine and building it
back better is more important than helping us here
It's UFB
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Aaron does a good job filling in for Jimmy...
I enjoy his stories...which he kinda uses as jokes like Alex' clown worlds.
Thanks for the clip and the visit.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
It's against the law to represent a foreign nation without
registering as a lobbyist to do so. If the foreigners are intelligence officers and they are funneling money to people to run for political office etc, ya, that's against the law.
Of course this might all well be a conspiracy of millions of people to make some minority folks look bad or not let them tell the "truth" or put them in a FEMA camp or whatever, but I don't think so.
Declared guilty before a trial
But of course that doesn’t apply to Hunter Biden or anyone else from Biden’s family right who lobbied for both Ukraine and China because that’s just Russian propaganda just like Blinken asked those 51 intelligence agents to say so that Trump would be defeated.
Never in my life did I expect to see democrats accept whatever the corporate media tell them like we see today after years of them lying to us about wars. Nor did I expect democrats to embrace McCarthyism and deem anyone who dared question the PTB’S agenda be called a Putin lover. Take a bow.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Representing a Foreign Nation?
@Bring Back Civics @ban nock
Ban nock cited a document which implied
and all but directly asserted that the people in question were knowingly acting as agents of the FSB while doing what they did. That, as per their indictment, is illegal. Anything one does, no matter how innocent or otherwise legitimate becomes a crime under that bullshit usage of "agency" so he is not wrong given that he bought the argument and assertions in the cited document, which he clearly seems to have done. That makes that whole bit about goose stepping way over the top and out of line. We are, theoretically, here for civil discussion of things, not that kind of verbal attack.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
c'mon Snoops, you're attributing statements and verbiage
to the poster that he did not say. He is simply regurgitating the feebs' narrative, assertions and allegations as per the document he cited and he certainly didn't call anybody a Putin lover. He does, in fact
, like a huge percentage of the rest of the populace, but, in this instance at least, he doesn't seem to go beyond that.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I understand we have different views...
...but regardless of "sides", limiting speech is against the constitution and hurts all parties. Your speech might be targeted next.
Additionally there is the corruption of the judicial system. I suppose you think Julian should have to stand trial in the US for exposing our war crimes? You don't see the bias of raiding Trump's home and at the same time suppressing the Hunter laptop story....which is still being suppressed. Of course later Biden was discovered to be even more careless with top secret papers...many about Ukraine.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
We said it here first
First they came from Alex Jones and the people cheered because they didn’t like him. But now they have come for Matt Taibbi, but lots of people don’t like him either and so they are cheering. Eventually they will come for them and I will cheer my ass off because they didn’t think it would happen to them. It always does.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Musk took away the $hill's blue check mark...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I read a ton more of the linked item than it warranted and
never once saw any indication that the members of the APFP knowingly worked for or with the evil Russkies, only that they transmitted or forwarded ideas, videos and information in support of the Donbas Breakaway groups and the eventual intervention by Russia to stop the 8 year long genocidal ethnic cleansing of the Donbas being committed by Ukrainian elements, including notorious neo-nazi organizations. If that is acting as a foreign agent, then most of the US citizenry who participate in online discussions are guilty of acting as foreign agents, for Israel, France, The UK, Ireland, Ukraine, etc. etc.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I did read to the end and read this statement:
It’d be nice if the Russia-phobes remembered that. It’s not like what Pelosi said about Trump’s indictment!
That was how Mueller ended his investigation into Trump colluding with Russia. He never proved his guilt, but made it seem like he wasn’t innocent either. It’s why millions of people still think Trump indeed did the deed. And that the republicans are working for Putin. Goodness if they wrote what they do about Russia, but pointed it at Israel instead we’d be hearing from the Israelis and screaming anti semitism.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
That's the way I saw it too...
It is 1984, wrong thought is illegal.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
@enhydra lutris Precisely. I read it,
@enhydra lutris These are the FEC rules
Usually the folks they send from Russia are dead obvious, look like hoods, push tons of cash.
In any case we have courts and a legal process. That's how we do things.
According to the news reports and the indictment,
there ae 4 US persons charged in addition to the three Russians; they are what the fuss is about, the first amendment and all that silly shit.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Bombshell filing: 9/11 hijackers were CIA recruits
Bombshell filing: 9/11 hijackers were CIA recruits
The author, Kit is on George's live show.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Afternoon Lookout. Thanks for the OT and all the
embedded clips.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Glad you came by...
...and hope you found something of interest!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Sinclair Lewis, or whoever, was right
"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross."
This has not been found verbatim in any writings or direct quotes from Sinclair Lewis, but similar expressions have been found there and in other writings of the 1930s (and later).
It IS happening here.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Signing out with a couple of songs...
We bought some excellent strawberries from a farm on the mountain. Made me think about this one...
Strawberries are a treat this time of year in this area.
Then Fireflies - Owl City cover feat. Kent Nishimura and Toni Lindgren...a little early for fireflies here
Sleep well and have a good night...see you tomorrow.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Amid embers and ashes of a dying empire…
Thank you for the poem
Coincidentally, it is also the eve of ANZAC day
I read this poem today -
Thanks for the song and poem...
I hope all is well in your world. Looks like plenty of protests are whirling in the EU.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”