The Weekly Watch
The Bully's Stick is Flaccid

I think we are close to the top of the sanction escalator of economic control, you know the modern day siege we use against countries which won't do our bidding. The USD is quickly being supplanted with 100+ countries de-dollarizing and trading in their own currencies. Lula, while in China this week, questioned the use of dollars. The BRICS+ are establishing their own bank with Former Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff at its head. It will take time for the system to unwind, but there's a new alliance building across the world of countries who see through the hypocrisy of US superiority with the world's largest prison population, homeless filled urban areas, student debt at 1.75 trillion, and medical bills as the number one cause of bankruptcies.
(8 min)
100+ nations to simultaneously pull out of the dollar system?
I've cued the clip to the dedollarizing discussion, the previous portion talks about how these dealers buy and move gold and silver. The clip goes on another worthwhile 40 minutes.
The two precious metals informers explore the dynamic expansion of BRICS and SCO nations as they continuously form new relationships, united in a common goal of economic betterment away from the US dollar hegemony.
Michael Hudson: The END of the Dollar is Here as Russia and China Offer Viable Alternative
Economist Michael Hudson explains how the US has used the dollar as a weapon to dominate other countries, leaving Russia and China no choice but to construct an alternative currency system. (20 min)
How China Is Breaking The Colonial Effects Of Western Lending
Michael Hudson summarizes the consequences: Well obviously, the one thing the characterizes the new global World Majority order is a mixed economy where other countries will do what China has done. They will make money and land, meaning housing, and employment into public rights and public utilities instead of commodifying them and privatizing them and financializing them as has occurred in the West.
So we’re really talking about, in order to move away from the dollar-NATO-sphere, we’re not really talking about just one national currency or another.
It’s not going to be a question of the Chinese yuan and the Russian ruble and other currencies replacing the dollar. It’s a whole different economic system. That’s the one thing that is not permitted in the mainstream media to discuss. They’re still on the “There Is No Alternative” Margaret Thatcher slogan, instead of talking about: What is the alternative going to be? Because obviously things cannot last the way they are now.
Why are nations flocking to the RMB/yuan? Look at what China has accomplished.
40 years ago China was a poor agrarian economy, today it is the second largest economy in the world and a world leader in many of the most advanced technologies in the world. How did China make this transformation? Let's break it down in the mini documentary about the rise of China and how China became a superpower.
Why Latin America Chose China | The USA lost in its own Backyard (10 min)
Discover why Latin America chose China in this in-depth look at the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and its powerful impact on the region. Dive into the transformative infrastructure projects and the new era of development and connectivity they bring. Explore the Digital Silk Road, a groundbreaking initiative that is bridging the digital gap and revolutionizing the tech landscape in Latin America. Learn about the renewable energy revolution spurred by the BRI and how it's powering a more sustainable future. This video also delves into the significant socioeconomic effects of these collaborations, improving lives across Latin America. Finally, take a peek into the future and see what lies ahead for the China-Latin America partnership. Don't miss this comprehensive analysis of the BRI's role in reshaping Latin American economies and societies, unveiling the true impact of this monumental collaboration. Join us on this exciting journey through the world of the Belt and Road Initiative!
Scott Ritter: Russia and China Have CHANGED EVERYTHING, OBLITERATE US Hegemony (20 min)
Scott Ritter analyzes the huge changes occurring worldwide, led by Russia and China's leadership in pursuit of peace and multipolarity.
Brian Berletic: Saudi Arabia SHOCKS the US, Joins China in Building Multipolar World (25 min)
Brian Berletic and Danny Haiphong discuss the HUGE implications of Saudi Arabia taking steps to join China in forging peace in the Middle East.
Russia And Iran JUST ANNOUNCED A NEW RAILWAY Shipping Route That Will Destroy All US & EU Sanctions! (10 min)
Russia and Iran are building a new transcontinental railway trade route stretching from the eastern edge of Europe to the Indian Ocean, a 3,000–kilometer passage that’s beyond the reach of any foreign intervention. And for the first time ever, fuel-by-rail exports have been launched to Iran after the West banned seaborne imports of fuels from Russia over Putin’s invasion of Ukraine,
The two countries are spending billions of dollars to speed up delivery of cargoes along rivers and railways linked by the Caspian Sea. Ship–tracking data compiled by Bloomberg show dozens of Russian and Iranian vessels—including some that are subject to sanctions—already plying the route.
It’s an example of how great–power competition is rapidly reshaping trade networks in a world economy that looks set to fragment into rival blocs. Russia and Iran, under tremendous pressure from sanctions, are turning toward each other, and they’re both looking eastward, too. The goal is to shield commercial links from Western interference and build new ones with the giant and fast–growing economies of Asia.
This is about establishing sanctions–proof supply chains all the way through. The emerging trade corridor would allow Russia and Iran to shave thousands of kilometers off existing routes. At its northern end is the Sea of Azov, which is bracketed by the Crimean Peninsula, Ukraine’s southeastern coast—including the Russian–occupied port of Mariupol—and the mouth of the River Don.
OMG, as the new alliance builds, peace is breaking out!
When CIA Director William Burns found out that longtime U.S. ally Saudi Arabia was negotiating peace deals with traditional regional rivals like Syria and Iran, he flew directly to Riyadh to express his displeasure. Like a child left behind while everyone else goes out for ice cream, Burns whined to the Saudi leaders that the U.S. felt blindsided by these deals. And it's easy to see why -- peace is not nearly as good for business when you're in the business of making war (which the United States is). Jimmy and Kurt speak with CODEPINK founder Medea Benjamin about the very real danger of peace breaking out in the Middle East.
In contrast, it is pretty easy to see why other countries no longer buy into the western narrative.
The Empire of Chaos Trying to Sow More Chaos (10 min)
SCOTT RITTER: NATO Can't do Anything (18 min)
What is the military tactic in Ukraine that the media won't explain to us? Don't worry, we've got former U.N. weapons inspector Scott Ritter on the show to explain how Ukraine is on the ropes, no matter what Ukraine or NATO does.
The big news on Ukraine this week was the pentagon leak revealing lies about how well the war is going. The official narrative is attempting to pin the leak on a kid who did NOT have access to the material. It is reminiscent of their story of Gillian and the crew blowing up Nord Stream. I thought Larry Johnson had the best analysis. Pentagon Doc Leaks - Why? (25 min)
Larry Johnson and Ray McGovern, Discussing The Leaks (2 hours)
War, Peace and Bitcoin with Col. Douglas Macgregor (46 min)
Douglas Macgregor is a decorated combat veteran, author, and a defense and foreign policy consultant. In 2004, Colonel Macgregor retired from the Army after 28 years of service. In 2020, the President appointed Macgregor to serve as Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Defense, a post he held until President Trump left office. He holds an MA in comparative politics and a PhD in international relations from the University of Virginia.
Meanwhile back at the ranch, the US government has plans to attack its own citizens with both surveillance and currency control.
The Restrict Act! Totalitarianism is Good For You (10 min)
The so called TikTok bill doesn't even mention TikTok. This bill will give TPTB even more sweeping surveillance power.
The Disinformation Hoax of the Century (20 min)
“Something monstrous is taking shape in America,” warns journalist Jacob Siegel in an article at Tablet:
Formally, it exhibits the synergy of state and corporate power in service of a tribal zeal that is the hallmark of fascism… A state organized on the principle that it exists to protect the sovereign rights of individuals is being replaced by a digital leviathan that wields power through opaque algorithms and the manipulation of digital swarms.
America is ruled by a regime of censorship whose aim “is not to censor or to oppress, but to rule. That’s why the authorities can never be labeled as guilty of disinformation.” What is disinformation? It’s “whatever they say it is.” But, Siegel argues, “if the underlying philosophy of the war against disinformation can be expressed in a single claim, it is this: You cannot be trusted with your own mind.”
Since 2016, the US has pumped out Orwellian programs like the Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act and Nina Jankowicz’s (Scary Poppins) Disinformation Governance Board, claiming that protecting citizens from state spying was jeopardizing national security. The US was losing “influence warfare.”
The entire interview (42 min) in which Siegel weighs in on the Twitter Files, discusses the significance of Hunter Biden’s laptop story, and pushes back against the claim that they didn’t reveal any censorship.
This week John Cambell and Suneel Dhan discuss the narrative control they experienced during COVID. (46 min)
Discussion with physician Dr. Suneel Dhand. We discuss information reliability; is the information we receive influenced by external vested interest?
"You Need To Know What They Are Planning"- Jim Rickards (8 min) CBDC is the goal.

It was another busy news cycle this week. I didn't cover all the stories. I hope you'll add some in the comments below. I hope your spring is unfolding nicely and you're able to enjoy it. The Dogwoods finally lost their blooms as Spring marches on toward Summer. Have a great Sunday!

Happy Orthodox Easter
Mike reports Ukraine fired missiles at the midnight Easter procession in Donetsk. (15 min)
Ukraine Shells Donetsk Cathedral Easter Night. 160 NATO Officers Killed In Kinzhal Strike.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
‘Imperial Washington’, The New Global Menace –
Good article by David Stockman
No surprise, but a nice piece.
MacGregor on Ukraine...Ukraine Spells Doom for Western Hegemony (22 min)
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Why are the propagandists crowing about a "spring offensive"?
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
It is an operation of distraction... keep the grift going. That's what this war is, a cash register.
you could substitute Jill and Joe in the photo as well.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
It's a pretty lame grift then.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
Well Hunter and other relatives of the dims...
...Kerry's and Paylowsee's, Got a million a year for a no show oil board position in Ukraine. Ukraine was the number one donor to the Clinton foundation to the tune of multimillions...not such a trivial grift.
I've wondered about those oil board positions, did the Biden family gain some ownership of the Ukrainian pipelines? If so, blowing up Nord Stream plays into the grift too.
Not so lame after all.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Yay! Lots of money!
I didn't do it") while screwing Europe, pissing off the Two-Thirds World and destroying dollar hegemony. "Let's support one kleptocratic oligarchy against another in the name of... okay, where were we?" What happens when it's exposed to the world that Ukraine has been cast in ruins because they couldn't be bothered to sue for peace (while Zelenskyy runs off to some island paradise) and they're asked for an explanation? Certainly there were less destructive and less transparent scams to pull in the world -- but it had to be THIS one.
Tell me how much it's worth when the coming hyperinflation destroys its value. Just also, generally, about the Administration's failure to cover up its role in destroying the Nord Stream pipeline (""To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
Think Ukraine is bad, wait till the China operation cranks up
this nation is being run by self serving idiots.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I like this summation
Brings back the old propaganda line pushed after the Patriot Act passed...
If you have done nothing wrong, then you have nothing to hide, or some such.
This was when we were all deemed to be potential terrorists.
Thanks for all the good links LO!
The spring has sprung here. Taking an unusual pause before jumping into summer.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Thought crimes...
...must be policed!
The contrast between approaches of the west and the new alliance are glaring...destruction vs construction. On we go...perhaps the dollar will weaken quickly enough to avoid WWIII.
Enjoy the spring!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Not sure if my thoughts are now under house arrest
or on indefinite probation The mind jailers are not forthcoming with the details.
Either way, I still enjoy the free thinking expressed here!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
People branded as a 'Recidivist Thought Crime Offender'
The sleeping giant stirs?
Japan’s Official Security Assistance: The Sleeping Giant Stirs?
By James Kaizuka, Apr. 11, The Diplomat
The WJS referred in the past, to US-Japan strategy as "Strangle China." I think the US and Japanese economic development and assistance efforts pale compared to those of China. The US-Japanese approach is primarily military. Early OSA efforts will be directed toward Fiji, Philippines, Malaysia, and Bangladesh according to the Diplomat article. While the news drift seems to be about the decline of US economic and diplomatic influence around the world, increasing tempo of US, Japanese, and South Korean military activity is alarming. While the escalation is said to be justified by North Korean (and Chinese) provocations, the escalation unaccompanied by diplomatic initiatives appears to be contributing to a ongoing crisis. The Yoon administration has nothing else to offer because his domestic political situation is so precarious.
Luckily this incident didn't go any further:
I recommend the AP article which is surprisingly objective or factual (for them), and describes some upcoming joint military operations by US-South Korea etc.
Oddly, the South Korean patrol vessel collided with the Chinese fishing boat. The South Korean analysts I follow, especially Kim Jong-tae, predicted something like this would happen soon, now that the South Korean neo-cons rule in the Yoon national security, and foreign policy offices. The more cautious presidential advisors were forced out in March after the artillery shell shipment discussion reported in the recently leaked US wiretap incident.
Note, that the North Korean vessel didn't return fire in the incident near the western maritime demarcation line (MDL). I'm sure Kim Jong-un doesn't want his nuclear weapons development program to be interrupted over some minor skirmish. This boundary has been disputed since the US imposed it unilaterally near the time of the armistice. The sinking of the South Korean vessel Cheonan and the Yeonpyeong bombardment by North Korea in 2010, occurred when the same people were advising then president Lee Myung-bak.
The recently reported South Korean agreement to ship 500,000 artillery shells to the US to replace the insufficient US stocks and production due to the Ukrainian war effort, will have a negative impact on South Korean national security and military readiness. This according to Kim Byung-joo, National Assembly democratic representative, and former CFC Deputy Joint Chief of Staff. Kim stated that it takes 2 to 3 years of production for the military supplier to stockpile 100,000 shells. Therefore, large stockpiles must be maintained for any potential conflict with North Korea. According to Kim, who says he discussed this directly with officials inside the Ministry of Defense, South Korea had already agreed to provide 100,000 shells to the US, and the US demanded hundreds of thousands more. The Yoon administration which is incapable of offering any resistance to US or Japanese demands caved.
"우리가 피해자인데..." 김병주 "윤석열 정권은 미국 변호사인가" 오마이TV 4.14
From editorial in Hankyoreh:
The increased threats of war, and the deteriorating economy in South Korea have led to the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family in South Korea offering a 500 dollar a month stipend to isolated and unhappy young people. This is almost unheard of from the Milton Friedman devotee Yoon Suk-yeol. But polls show that he has lost the support of the younger demographic that in conjunction with the over 60 crowd put him in office. Ironically, as part of his campaign pledges Yoon had pledged to disband the agency.
語必忠信 行必正直
The article I read about the stipend for youth
was couched in a different manner. The plan was to dislodge offspring from the
family compound, by bribing them with a one-time paltry sum. Not enough to
afford rent, food or other basics.
I've seen the birds kick the fledglings out of
the nest, but it is normal a parenting thing - not the sky police.
Thanks for the updates.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Yoon's domestic support
Hong got the ax from the PPP party leader after he appeared in a talk show format with Yoo Shi-min, a well known opposition pundit on the left, in front of an audience of young people. There were good natured jibes, joking and good will expressed between the traditional conservative Hong, and the administration critic, Yoo. Yoo had previously been targeted for a political prosecution by Yoon and his current justice minister, which ran aground, when an informer spilled some phone records incriminating a reporter basically soliciting perjury to incriminate Yoo, at Justice Minister Han's request. These stories are almost never reported in MSM in either country.
I get my South Korean news from the independent South Korean media whose presentations are uploaded on youtube. The mainstream South Korean press, and western English language sources will rarely express the sort of observations I'm making. I go to Hankyoreh, and other English language sources to find English language articles that more or less reflect what I've seen in South Korean sources. They are not going to report the most critical observations. Hankyoreh is "center left." If western English language media report truthful stories about Korea, it is usually an accident, or because they consider the subject matter of limited import.
Who is going to talk about Yoon being an outright misogynist before his visit to the US, or that he doesn't really give a shit about ordinary people? Who fires their national security, diplomacy and foreign policy staff before or during major summits? Who will report that his corrupt ignorant wife has undue influence over his office, and recently had one of her friends with no experience appointed as protocol secretary in the presidential office? Or that a majority of people in South Korea think his wife should be investigated for corruption by a special prosecutor?
Here's one of Yoon's latest gaffes last week, it went more or less like this, "I don't care if only one percent of the public supports my foreign policy, I'm doing it anyway." He avoids press conferences, because he often says things like that when off script. The fact that this complete alpha hotel was invited to address the US Congress, is proof the US is trying to dress up a pig. In fact, that was his old nickname, the "wild pig of Seocho." His new nickname is maegookno 매국노 賣國奴 Traitor. No one reports that tens of thousands of people are in the streets every weekend carrying signs that say this. Also no one reports that he and his thugs are out drinking or at home sleeping it off, while disasters, man made and otherwise are going on, when he should be at the office.
語必忠信 行必正直
Japan's power seems to me to be holding US debt
Major foreign holders of United States treasury securities as of November 2022 (in billion U.S. dollars)
They are a shrinking island population with diminished natural resources. I wonder how they could play a major role against China.
I appreciate your links. Sounds like S. Korea can't supply enough munitions. I can't help but see insanity in stirring up shit in East Asia. We are on a ship of fools!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I would say their navy (JMSDF)
But your point LO about the financial and economic ties is well taken.
Thanks for your OT. Lookout. I get carried away and forget to say it.
語必忠信 行必正直
I heard the same about Taiwan
...serving the role of a permanent aircraft carrier. You are correct in the importance of all the US bases in Japan as well. May as well throw in the same about S. Korea. I appreciate your reporting on this region I don't know much about. I do admire their natural farmers.
I appreciate your comments and Sunday visits. I hope the new house is coming together!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I don't think I actually ever stepped foot on farmland, until I was stationed in South Korea. I'm amazed at how much food Koreans can grow on relatively small plots of land. I assume it's similar in other Asian countries from the documentaries on rural living my wife watches regularly, from Vietnam, Laos, China, etc. The traditional small private farming custom with street markets, was beginning to reemerge in North Korea, but foundered due to sanctions, climate extremes, political restrictions, covid, etc. I was very hopeful about it a few years back, but it seems to have declined and perhaps disappeared.
My father in law had a nursery, many years ago, inside the Seoul city limits, believe it or not. This is where my wife learned to grow things whether flowers, scrubs, or food. Then there are the associated food processing and cooking techniques, she learned from her mother. I'm embarrassed to say that after half a lifetime, living with Korean-Americans I haven't learned how to do these things. Spoiled.
The house is almost ready. I think the big move will be in the first week of May. Thanks for asking.
語必忠信 行必正直
We can grow food like that in the US
...if we would change our approach to local sustainable food production. You have some excellent market gardeners in your part of the world.
Jim Kovaleski's New FL Greenhouse- Tomato + Cukes Galore! (10 min)
All the best with the move! Here's one I used to sing...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Amazed at their gardens
語必忠信 行必正直
The city gives away compost...
So Jim covers his growing area every year with a dose. Even sand becomes fertile after enough time with heavy doses of compost. Here's another Fl example of a market garden. (5 min)
Good luck with your move. I know you'll be glad to be in your house.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Not all Irish found Joe & Hunter Biden’s Ireland visit edifying
Not to mention how he shoved Sunak out of the way
Plus he can't pronounce his name...
The leadership class is allied toward one another and against their own people. Astonishing really.
Thanks for the visit. I hope you're faring well as Germany is in collapse. Heard they pulled the plug on the three remaining nuclear power plants...god bye electricity, good bye industry, good bye economy. Take care and be well!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
This is how the US keeps it's thumb on the scale.
Or a least tries to do so.
Who recognizes Morocco Western Sahara?
The United States
In December the United States became the first country to formally recognize Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara, in exchange for Morocco's normalization of ties with Israel.
This leads to this.
The coup machine is alive and well...
Alex discusses the most recent attempt in Sudan in the first part of this clip...
Gonzalo lays out the color revolution cycle in his Chaos clip in the WW.
As to Assange, We can hope. His family has a new documentary out...
Trailer here.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I doubt that it will have much impact but it is a good sign.
they just want
to set an
example to Everyone else ofhow it would go with Them if they
tried to do what He’s done
whut, 10 million(?) docs dropped
not one untrue?
I think we know who the
Real journalist is
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Thanks lo for
the open thread
good stuff as usual
on a topic Not covered got a personal anecdote
to relate
a friend that the wife had known back
in the day and kept regular touch with over the years
Died Suddenly @Home last week
good physical shape
early fifties
everyone Shocked
worked for a company big enough
to have an hr department putt out
the notice to co-workers
f@ckiin’tragic really
all the way ‘round
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Excess deaths still not discussed...
Although I found several articles in the MSM
Commentary: Excess deaths in the US are rising at a shocking rate
BBC News Finally Admits COVID Vaccines Caused ‘Excess Deaths’ in 2022
Will he truth ever come out? Ask JFK.
Thanks for coming by today!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
RE about the back yard,
as in the article you link; "U.S. lost in its own backyard". It does look as if the rest of the world, and that includes the rest of the Americas, has had it with the U.S. imperialist presumptions. It's not just about the dollar but about a whole history of outrageous conduct. An article in BAR relates how a variety of organizations in the global south and elsewhere, are showing their opposition to U.S. transgressive behavior.
Thanks for the OT Lookout, your Dogwoods are beautiful. We're having an unusually wonderful spring this year thanks to a bit of rain and out-of-the-ordinary cooler weather. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods.
the US can no longer bury their shit
in 'their' back yard without the neighbors noticing the stink.
Farming countries for their resources without push back has
now become a thing of the past. Bye bye miss American pie.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
They're having trouble
, pretending this doesn't stink;I guess they think it's too big to stink.
The rot just keeps spreading, good luck trying to unsmell it.
ain't that the truth...
It is a bit cooler here, but that is the nature of spring in my area. We still have blackberry winter to go.
The tomatoes are not happy, but they'll do fine once we really warm.
Glad to "see" you today!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Sanctions, Sanctions and more Sanctions are working LOL,National%20Defence%20since%20March%202023.
How well did the Russia sanctions perform?
...the sanctions are a giant backfire. And if TPTB think those were bad, wait till they backfire against China.
Our leadership class can't seem to learn. Thanks for the tweet and link!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Afternoon, LO et. y'all. Thanks for another great OT, LO
tons of stuff here. Too bad about Sudan, many will die no matter what the outcome and in the end, years down the road, all for naught.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Africa has been challenging the US hegemony... country after country. Sounds like our (funded) military led the coup.
Sudan’s military and a powerful paramilitary force engaged in fierce fighting Saturday in the capital and elsewhere in country, dealing a new blow to hopes for a transition to democracy and raising fears of a wider conflict.
Ain't good. At least there is growing awareness of the US/IMF grift.
Hope you're having a nice day!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
"We would only kill 30 million Americans"
"I mean it sounds like a great trade off if we can kill 130 million Russians and only have to sacrifice 30 million of our own people."
Just imagine if Kennedy had lived and he had been able to break the CIA into a thousand pieces. And maybe there’s a chance that Americans wouldn’t have tolerated the endless regime changes that happened after his murder. And what could Bobby have accomplished?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
But how could we continue...
without the mafia branch of our government?
What a sad state we have devolved into...end of empire is good for most of the world, but not so pleasant for us. Thanks for the Tweet!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
A portion of Trump's interview with Tucker.
Nothing to worry about Biden and Blinken have everything under control. HAH!
TPTB don't hear what Trump says...humphrey is all about the picture they have painted of Trump. TDS is alive and well.
Thanks for the tweet!
Forgot to use the reply button, sorry.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Signing out for the evening...
I hope you all had a lovely day!
Bully Of The Town · The Skillet-Lickers
The Skillet-Lickers Vol. 1 (1926-1927)
I've always thought about writing another version...The Bully of the World.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
This is interesting
What many doctors were saying at the start of the pandemic And how they felt about doctors who had success with early treatments.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Some of the effective treatments AND preventatives...
Were simple and cheap. Vitamin D, iodine gargle and nasal spray, zinc and quercetin, not to mention HCQ and IVM. The news had to be suppressed to keep everyone scared and malleable, and maximize big pharma profits.
Thanks for the link!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
That’s what makes the doctors look so idiotic
They absolutely refused to consider drugs that were deemed safe or that hcq had already proven to be effective against SARS in the past and were hostile to those who said that they had gotten good results using them, but when it came time to use the mRNA shots that had never made it out of trials and there were no long term studies for safety they hopped all over them and then were hostile to everyone who even questioned whether they were safe let alone effective. He wonders how the group think turned like it did. It’s a great insight into how the message had been structured by those running the shitshow.
On his homepage he has another great essay on what happened when he questioned people who had the authority to authorize the jabs. Both are worth a full read. Wonderful writer.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Black in the Empire makes a lot of sense.
The irony is deep...
That's kinda the theme of Taibbi's Hate, Inc. The use of media to corral people into two ideological camps, both of which are warmongers.
The Nord Stream comes to mind on an investigation which the media still hasn't pursued. The kid leaking the pentagon papers 2.0 is the focus of the story, not the content of the paper which reveal blatant lies the leadship class continues to push...much like the $hill's email, focus on who revealed them not the content exposing the suppression of Bernie and other crimes.
Thanks for the tweets!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Japan’s PM unharmed after suspected attack
Japan’s PM escapes explosion unharmed after suspected attack
Man detained after what looked like a smoke bomb was thrown at Fumio Kishida just before speech
This is from an AP report, but no other details about the suspect are given-
"Police arrested 24-year-old Ryuji Nakamura on suspicion of throwing a metal tube explosive at Kishida."
I'm sure after the political repercussions of the assassination of Abe, the motives and background of the suspect will be carefully screened before release.
語必忠信 行必正直
Here is a brief video of the event.
It appears as if the briefcase carried by security opens up into some sort of a shield.
Pitiful reporting
語必忠信 行必正直
Perhaps Japan should reconsider...
supporting the US war on China? Of course this may have occurred because of some domestic issue rather than foreign policy.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Japan has similar problems
I'm tied up today. I'll watch Hosaki Yuji's full interview when I get back. Maybe other reports will be available by then.
語必忠信 行必正直
Don't get the criticism
OK, it's CNN, but what's pitiful about the reporting?
It's probably about all that's currently known about the incident - or anyway all that's being disclosed at this point.
If they had enforced such a law in the US during the 2020 riots they would have run out of rioters pretty quickly - a lot of them would just now be up for release (except Biden would no doubt have pardoned them).
“The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge”
- Daniel Boorstin
Anyone know how TMC / The Mom Cat is doing?
She had been tending the Docudharma and The Stars Hollow Gazette blogs, lo! these many years, making almost-daily posts, including “Cartnoon” featuring classic Calvin and Hobbes comic strips.
But currently, since a spate of posts re NCAA basketball a.k.a. March Madness, neither site has been updated since April 3.
“Cartnoon” posts were typically marked as “by TMC for ek hornbeck” — the latter having passed on to another plane of existence in November 2020:
Also, JackPine Radicals, the site founded by people fleeing Democratic Underground (“SV” = “Site Voldemort”) — much as this forum was founded by people fleeing That Other Place — appears to be gone for good.
Alternate platforms are being targeted...
I've not yet joined locals, but many of my favorite analysts post there.
Thanks for the news, albeit sad.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Adding to China's accomplishments
After checking a couple of those China videos I'm prepared to concede that, in addition to a whole bunch of shiny infrastructure and world-class military build up (to do what with?) that China is clearly at or very near the top of the game when it comes to slick propaganda.
Complete with an army of dupes/bots to extol how China is bringing all sorts of benefits to the world selflessly and respecting others as equals. Left out is the part about how Han Chinese regard themselves as a *lot* more equal than the other 'equals'. Not that this is exclusive to them - Japanese and Koreans tend to think similarly.
Chinese leadership does not view other countries as 'friends' but rather as adversary/enemies - either active or potentially so (kind of like Israel). Whereas we tend to regard the absence of kinetic/shooting conflict as 'peace' the PRC leadership views it as that part of ongoing war where it is pursued by non-overtly violent means.
Retired USAF Gen. Robert Spaulding covers this Chinese political/military doctrine in his recent book "War Without Rules"
Obviously, many of China's immediate neighbors have fraught historical relations (and many unresolved current issues) with it - Vietnam, Korea (note the N. Korean v. Chinese fishing boat incident), Russia, India, Japan, Taiwan... Leave it to US blundering and overreach to undermine its own position and that of countries that have or would otherwise be inclined to look to the US as some insurance against domination by their powerful neighbor.
This is especially dumb WRT US (and Japanese) policy toward Russia - for whom China is arguably its biggest threat - their land border issues are supposedly settled, but China had longstanding claims to a big whack of the Russian Far East - basically everything up to the Amur River, including Vladivostok and Khabarovsk and has long coveted the resources of Siberia.
China doesn't at all mind Russia being weakened - as long as the US and Nato don't dominate it. Russians, of course, realize this. The US should have long since normalized relations with Russia (N. Korea, Syria, Iran...) and maybe built some infrastructure ourselves instead of promoting ruinous conflicts and pissing people off with sanctions.
Follow the Red Belt and Road
Infrastructure Loans and Defaults - Oh, My!
Imperialism 2.0 or predatory lending? Or is that a distinction without a difference.
Yes, a lot of infrastructure is getting built - some of it quite sensible in the whole scheme of things. But who is really benefitting, and who is going to end up in control of it?
I think you're confusing BRI with the IMF MO
The infrastructure China is building in other countries typically remains under Chinese management and ownership...thing like port and toll roads. Both China and Russia are forgiving debts. There's a reason countries are ditching the US for China.
You, of course, are entitled to your opinion.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Censorship Industrial Complex
Is how Taibbi aptly describes the vast agglomeration of censorship and narrative control.
And as he and Schellenberger (sp?) pointed out in congressional testimony, the really disturbing bit about censorship is not as much the government pressuring companies directly, but funding nominally independent non-profits to engage in it indirectly. Not that there isn't lots of dark private money supporting the work:
Craigslist Craig Funded The Censorship-Industrial Complex To Silence Dissent
BY: Eoin Lenihan MARCH 21, 2023
Balance here:
Source - The Federalist
So how do we reconcile Parts I and II there?
BRICS is taking over abroad, but at home there's nothing to stop totalitarianism?
What's supposed to happen, do China and Russia liberate US?!?
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
The new world order...
and our economic problems may force us to focus on our own country, but not with this current crop of neocons running the show...they have no reverse gear as the Duran says.
Until we address the three letter mafia branch of our government I don't see an escape hatch. Wish I had better news.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I wouldn't call it news...
I certainly agree; the Neocons are the direct heirs to the Nazis (as explained with alarming synchronicity here: They are totally irrational and oblivious of their own origins, and need to be ended and brought to Justice.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!