open thread_56.jpg

And the rain continues.
We haven't had a break in months. The ground is so saturated a tank couldn't get through. The worms are coming to the surface and drowning. I threw out some popcorn for them to hang on to but forgot they don't have hands to grab hold.
A landslide has closed the northbound I-5 at Woodland, Washington and southbound was closed around Salem due to a serious accident due to inclement weather.
We're drowning here damnit!
I'm considering moving the grow lamps into the house to get some vitamin D.
All kidding aside, this is beginning to look like last years weather pattern all over again.
I hope this isn't the new normal.
I'd considered forming rice paddies and growing rice, but I don't think it's warm enough here at this latitude. But a cranberry bog would work real nice.
And it would make a great barrier against marauding tanks too.
So, like the Russians and Ukrainians, I'm waiting for the rain to stop and the mud to dry.
If it never stops raining at least the war will be over. Right?
The thread is open, what's going on?

13 users have voted.


QMS's picture

Hey, if the Chinese built working irrigation systems 2500 years ago, why can't the
self-considered greatest empire figure out ways to move water to the place it is
needed from the areas with too much? We can somehow move oil around from
field to refinery to ship to EU (gas too) with pipelines. I would think a similar
process could be used for water. (clean-out the pipes first with round-up).


thanks for the OT!

12 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

enhydra lutris's picture


ditto the Maya et. al. Probabbly because they hadn't paved or privatized everything.

be well and have a good one

9 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

earthling1's picture

@enhydra lutris
built miles and miles of canals that doubled as fish weirs and irrigation.
It could be done if we didn't have a bloated military budget to maintain.
Thanks for stopping by.

9 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

earthling1's picture

we can't move fresh water from the Great Lakes to the plains states.
Wind and solar power could power the pumps. Pump it directly into the Ogallala aquifer.

10 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

Lily O Lady's picture


idea of moving surplus water is a much better idea.

8 users have voted.

"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

The Liberal Moonbat's picture

6 users have voted.

In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

earthling1's picture

@The Liberal Moonbat of Biden's new troll Army funded by the taxpayers? Is it the sixth branch, following the Space Force, The Troll Force? Or just old school Ministry of Propaganda?
The Atlantic Council honorable mention was a hint.
Thanks for the link.

9 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

@The Liberal Moonbat as long as it stays inside its fenced yard. If some subjects start to look too threatening, they are restricted, either directly or by distractions and misdirections.

The same thing has been going on for the last 15 years or so but with the introduction of AI and easily forged fake logins their task has been made more effective. The human requirement (lord don't make me use the resource word) has been reduced quite a bit. It takes a very astute human to see anomalies that show a machine-generated entry. Ie, a little clue that indicates that a less astute human defined the AI parameters. But that's a different topic.

Anyone who volunteers to moderate or host a forum catches a lot of crap. Way more that anyone who has the temerity to voice a contrary opinion and they must be cherished in this battle. They are bearing the brunt of the slings and arrows. This BTW shows just one more social institution that is desperately needed.... One that is law based, real laws. Good luck with that.

Hang in there, please. What was that line from Jeremiah that Will Geer quoted about the strength of our enemy? Look for the anomaly.

Something wicked this way comes.

(on edit) OMFG, when I reread the comment I realized that I had reversed my intent in the paragraph above. I am most sincerely sorry... most sincerely.

5 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

IM Doc

I will nominate this article from this AM for a Guillotine Watch posting.

I had to check the date on it twice to make certain this was not some kind of April Fools Joke.

The under the headline blurb – “Compost has become a staple of cocktail-party conversations.’ You can get manure from eucalyptus-eating goats and even a blend from Princess Diana’s childhood home.”

Let me get this right. We have these same people importing “poo blends” from Diana’s childhood home – likely burning lots of oil on planes for transport who tell the regular Joe they should get rid of their cars. I would guess from the article this is pretty expensive stuff and likely they send their servants driving by 2 or 3 homeless shelters or encampments to pick this up.

Meanwhile, my family and I scrape up manure by the wheelbarrows full in August and use it on all of our plants – yielding all kinds of food. Hard and back-breaking work. But good for my kids souls. This article is a bit of an insult to all of us who DO INDEED DO THIS in a planet-saving manner and are trying our best to pass on the techniques to the next generation.

This really must be a joke – I just cannot believe it. I cannot believe the hare-brained jackasses that we call elites.

It’s paywalled, but if true it once again shows how the elites are asking us to sacrifice everything while they hold themselves above anything they ask of us.

I just got informed that my secondary water is getting a meter to monitor my use. This is going to cost the city a pretty penny to install them on thousands of homes. We little people only use about 12% of the water used in the state while we have the Facebook data center using billions of water daily as well as other big businesses and of course foreign countries growing alfalfa and other heavy water using crops to send back to their countries. And even though we are being asked to conserve more on water non of it will make its way back to the GSL which is why we’re asked to conserve in the first place! The big water companies bribed the legislature not to do it just yet…. Gotta wonder how much money they make with whatever deals they have with the big water users. Grrr and lots of quiet bitching. Sam thinks I’m mad at her when I let loose with a string of profanity..

We’re gonna go take a look at the lake from the island today. Heh just a week ago I was looking out the window to see how much snow we got…the snow and cold is just a memory now. Almost 80 today. No snow left in the valley.

11 users have voted.

Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.

earthling1's picture

Is Gucci gonna get in on it? What's next, patented blends?
I have suspected for awhile now that the GSL holds vast amounts of lithium deposits being held as strategic reserves. Do you have any info on that?
Draining the lake would benefit easier mining, would it not?
Thanks for the post.

10 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

snoopydawg's picture


But who knows if that’s why the government here has just watched as the lake has been drying up? 20 years into the drought and they have finally decided to do something about it. Not find ways to refill it, but to throw money into studying it and the consequences if it’s gone. We the people sacrificed green lawns last year because they said it’s what needs to be done to save it only for the legislature to bow to special interests. People were rightfully pissed and said they would water as much as they want and now we see the monitors coming out. The poisonous dust isn’t just unhealthy for humans, but it also gets on the snow and causes it to melt quicker. No bother the corporate ski resorts will just make snow with recycled waste water. Gives a new meaning to yellow snow doesn’t it?

The Club of Rome and The
Origins of Agenda 2030

In searching for the new enemy to unite us, The Club of Rome came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages,
famine and the like would fit the bill.

Pictured on the graphic is Henry F-ing Kissinger. There have been talks about the elite privatizating water for some time and it looks to me that is what is happening. Plus the Henry said something about controlling the food supply and over 100 food plants have burned up. Funny how there is a new disaster daily in the last couple of years. Boy I hate being paranoid…but.


8 users have voted.

Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.

soryang's picture

....really has me concerned. The local run off ponds had been drying up for the last several weeks in unusually dry weather. There were some heavy rains yesterday and the ponds filled somewhat. I have this unfounded notion, that this unusually dry weather may presage storms later in the summer. So I should be getting back in home in time for that. Along, this line I saw an interesting youtube where someone, apparently a real estate agent, or broker of some kind, was reviewing the Florida residential real estate market, and advising people contemplating a move here, to move somewhere else. The number of storms, the sky high insurance rates, etc., the high costs of rebuilding etc., make Florida the wrong place to live. I would have posted it here, but the guy is trying to sell his services, so I passed on that. He said other southern states only had a fraction of the weather damage to homes that Florida had, and recommended moving to South Caroline in terms of economical retirement living.

The BBC seems to have the most detailed, although still hearsay, information on the leaked classified "wiretap" report that involves the South Korean presidential office. I've watched several South Korean videos on this last night and this morning including the grilling of the South Korean defense minister on this subject before a committee in National Assembly.

Although the general story is that many of the leaked classified documents appeared on Discord or other social media up to months ago, the BBC report says the conversation reported between Yoon's NSA and Foreign Policy Secretary took place March 1 (of this year). The article fails to mention that both of the senior advisors were sacked by Yoon in March.

...Last year, South Korea agreed it would sell artillery shells to the US to replenish its stocks, but insisted the US had to keep the shells for itself and not send them on to Kyiv.

In their conversation on 1 March, President Yoon's foreign affairs secretary Yi Mun-hui reportedly told the then National Security Advisor Kim Sung-han that the government was "mired in concerns that the US would not be the end user" of the ammunition.

They also worried that President Biden could call President Yoon directly about the issue, and that if South Korea were to change its policy on providing weapons to Ukraine, it could look as if it had been pressured by the US.

According to the document, South Korea's national security advisor, Mr Kim, then suggested they could sell shells to Poland instead, given that "getting the ammunition to Ukraine quickly was the ultimate goal of the United States".

South Korea says it is investigating the leak but has insisted that it is impossible to intercept private conversations inside its presidential office, and that this discussion could not have taken place in its private underground bunker...

Pentagon leak shows S Korea torn on sending Ukraine weapons

The Yoon Suk-yeol administration has, from the time it took office, banged the drum for “overcoming of the North Korean nuclear threat,” and has held four joint naval exercises with the US and Japan near the Korean Peninsula. However, the more recent drills have been held with no regard for timing and location.

On Feb. 22, South Korea, the US and Japan held a missile defense drill in the East Sea near Dokdo. Feb. 22 is “Takeshima Day,” a day set aside by the Japanese prefecture of Shimane to celebrate its claim that Dokdo is Japanese territory. (Takeshima is the name Japan has given to Dokdo.)...

South Korea, the US and Japan also held anti-submarine exercises with the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier on April 3-4. The three countries all released statements announcing the drill, but all countries stated the location and the purpose of the drill differently. The South Korean Ministry of Defense described the location as “the high seas south of Jeju,” while both the US Navy and the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force said it was in the “East China Sea.” The two phrases describe the same location.

It is unclear why only South Korea specified the location as “the waters south of Jeju.” It probably wanted to avoid criticism that the exercise was aimed at China rather than at North Korea. South Korea, the US and Japan held anti-submarine warfare drills to detect and destroy submarines in the waters 320 kilometers south of Jeju, in seas south of the 30th parallel north.

Neither the time nor place for Korea-US-Japan drills

AP doesn't call them military exercises but "war drills."

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — American and Filipino forces on Tuesday launched their largest combat exercises in decades in the Philippines and its waters across the disputed South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait, where Washington has repeatedly warned China over its increasingly aggressive actions.

The annual drills by the longtime treaty allies called Balikatan — Tagalog for “shoulder-to-shoulder” — will run up to April 28 and involve more than 17,600 military personnel. It will be the latest display of American firepower in Asia, as the Biden administration strengthens an arc of alliances to better counter China, including in a possible confrontation over Taiwan, an island democracy that Beijing claims as its own.

That dovetails with efforts by the Philippines under President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. to defend its territorial interests in the South China Sea, which China claims virtually in its entirety, by boosting joint military exercises with the U.S. and allowing rotating batches of American forces to stay in additional Philippine military camps under a 2014 defense pact.

“The relationships that we have, that we build into these exercises, will make us faster to respond to conflict, crisis, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief,” U.S. Marine Maj. Gen. Eric Austin said.

US, Philippines launch war drills across disputed South China Sea

Thanks for the "BS" OT earthling1!

10 users have voted.

語必忠信 行必正直

earthling1's picture

I appreciate having a source that has a finger on the pulse of the peninsula. South Korea could become a flashpoint there in the western Pacific.

7 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

enhydra lutris's picture


“overcoming of the North Korean nuclear threat,”

applied to somebody legitimately creating a deterrence in response to threatened attacks.

be well and have a good one

11 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

soryang's picture

@enhydra lutris Humphrey referred me to an excellent book on modern Korean history, several months ago. I don't have the reference handy, but one chapter recounted a litany of threats made against North Korea by high ranking US officials over the years that even surprised me.

After reading IF Stone's account of the Korean war, and one by Bruce Cummings years ago, I thought I couldn't be surprised by the descriptions of the devastation in Korea brought on by the Korean conflict, but the more I read about it, the more readily explained their reactions to military threats seem.

The isolation, the sanctions, the persistent threat of military maneuvers, a state mobilized for a war for decades, the conflict never officially declared over, this is the bizarre set of circumstances that resulted in the nuclear threat from North Korea. Yoon has been advised by some cult leader that the peninsula would be unified before the end of his term, so he just follows the US "maximum pressure" policy. Yes, North Korea has combined characteristics of the old Chosun monarchy, the Japanese occupation, a Stalinist dictatorship, and the hardships of a country at war. It's tragic that South Korea's Yoon administration is totally under US and Japanese influence when it comes to North Korean policy. I think the South has to be the source of initiatives to change the dynamics.

6 users have voted.

語必忠信 行必正直

12 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

You’d think that HuffPoo would choose one of the stories to highlight, but it still chooses something that Trump said or did to be its headline. I remember when democrats and the media were glad that Trump lost so they could quit talking about him daily….

It truly is an obsession or just a way to keep shitlibs scared that he will return and become their nightly bete noir. If you want to help you can sponsor a shitlib.

Don’t forget that the walls are closing in on Trump.

11 users have voted.

Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.

earthling1's picture

Is SNL becoming relevant again? Or has their leash been let out a little bit?
Thanks for the link.

8 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.


Their editorial staff is governed more by pop culture memes than by more indepth pieces.

As a personal anecdote, I have had interactions with an apartment mgmt company (investor-based) that targets gen-Z, wokeish tenants. They throw all their marketing power to entice that demographic.

We boomers need not apply.

10 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture

forecasts, we too had some rain overnight, wetting all kinds of stuff that probably shouldn't have been wetted, but, whadeva. The vicissitudes of nature being legendary doesn't help. Meanwhile, it's bread making day here, which will keep me busy for a bit.

Weather Underground ( has a section devoted to videos which includes one entitled: Gulf Low Could Bring Localized Flooding To South, key word no doubt being "could", and one on SoCal beaches being inundated with Jelly-like critters. Flooding oriented one maybe points to SE TX and S FL.

PNW supposed to keep getting atmospheric river, congrats, earthling. This one is supposed to just miss the Bay Area and points south thereof.

So that's about it from here, I'm trying to ignore the ukies and the US aggressions for a day, and ain't much left.

be well and have a good one

10 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

10 users have voted.

guilty of.

8 users have voted.
earthling1's picture

as he strikes you.

7 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

usefewersyllables's picture

of that moisture here in CO. It is 80degF and severe clear here today, but we're supposed to get a few sprinkles and maybe some snow Friday night. We're still in big-time fire weather, with spring winds and nonexistent humidity...

I know that we should still see some good snows before Mother's Day. This run of 70s and 80s is going to get things really leafing out, so the branch-strippers will definitely earn their names this year. To all the trees in the neighborhood:

9 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.

A f'n pair of running shoes!

Ben Affleck and Matt Damon aren't the only ones paying homage to MJ.

Less than a week after the release of the movie "Air," which chronicles Nike's signing of Michael Jordan, Sotheby's announced that a pair of signed Jordan sneakers that were worn in the second half of Game 2 of the 1998 "Last Dance" NBA Finals have sold for $2,238,000 -- the highest price ever paid at auction for a pair of sneakers.

No doubt that their are plenty of other examples of excess elsewhere.

9 users have voted.
The Liberal Moonbat's picture

@humphrey Given that, this sort of thing doesn't really bother me; at least it's the rich spending their money, instead of hoarding it like an arterial clog.

As I think I've said before, it's occurred to me that "Trickle-down" might actually work if only the rich spent their money as quickly as they took it in - but they don't, they can't even imagine HOW, and what's really FUBAR is the very existence of the hedge-fund industry, which finds ways for billionaires to spend their money in ways that will leave them with MORE money. Talk about unsustainable.

4 users have voted.

In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

although I have not looked at any charts to see if it was high or low compared to previous years. It just seemed to rain, most often lightly and in short spurts, a whole lot. Made driving and outdoor activities a pain in the ass.
I hope you dry out. (Pun?)
Thanks so much for the ot, earthling1!

4 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981