-Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 2-18-2023

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”
Pablo Picasso
As the flood of breaking news reports, opinions on the sources of the news and suggestions on how to interpret the news I have started to rate the stories on Kubler-Ross Model of five stages of grief. Is the presenter or policy maker at step 1 - denial, step 2 - anger, step 3 - bargaining, step 4 - depression or the final step - acceptance on events related to special military operations in Ukraine?
US led Nato and Russia are making contingencies for a multiyear conflict. These events could easily last 2 to 3 years and then on to China - if the push to peace does not become overwhelming.
Franscesco Sisci is one of three opinion writers for Asia Times whose articles remain featured on the main page of the Asia times until he writes another one. His viewpoints reminds me of times when continental European Aristocrats ruled the world and UK & US were financial upstarts in need of guidance.
The price Europe must pay to end the Ukraine war
Asia Times February 17, 2023
The only way “Old Europe” has to retain its clout is to stop its hesitations, decisively help Ukraine win its war quickly and then find a future settlement for Russia fitting into a new Eurasian balance. Without this, France and Germany could pay a long-term high price.
Ukraine has already politically won the war, and it will thus be a major political force in future European power balances, possibly helping to offset the traditional French-German center of gravity.In this situation, the longer the war goes on, the higher Ukraine’s price for its peace, and the higher the price “old Europe” will be asked to pay for the future reconstruction of Ukraine and future continental political settlements.
Conversely, the sooner Ukraine wins the war, with the support of “old Europe,” the lower its price will be in economic and political terms. Old Europe should move in to end the war soon and stop the useless bloodshed.
A clear settlement of the war would also help China rethink its general political approach. By dragging on an unwinnable war, Moscow may lead Beijing to believe that a harsh confrontation with the US could pay certain dividends.In fact, it may have unfathomable global effects as tensions with America are building up, inflated not only by Chinese balloons floating above the United States.
Chinese government does not seem to be intimidated by US major defensive contractors in their country.
Raytheon, Lockheed take a balloon war hit in China
Asia Times February 18, 2023
China’s Ministry of Commerce on Thursday (February 16) said it had added the two US defense contractors to its “unreliable entities list” as they sold arms to Taiwan. It said the measures were also aimed at retaliating against the US for its moves to take down a Chinese balloon and sanction six Chinese firms earlier this month.
It was the fourth time the Chinese government sanctioned the two firms, following previous moves in 2019, 2020 and 2022. China said the two companies had to pay fines equivalent to twice the amount of their arms sales to Taiwan in recent years within 15 days.
“Although Raytheon Technologies said it did not have any businesses in China, it merged with the United Technologies Corporation (UTC) a few years ago, which has many Chinese projects,” a columnist wrote in an article published by China’s Defense Times on Friday.“From China’s perspective, none of the UTC products are non-replaceable,” said the columnist.
He said he believed the two firms would not ignore the order for the fines, which might amount to 99 billion yuan (US$14.4 billion), due to their robust involvement in China’s markets and strong need to buy Chinese rare earths.
Update on Rage Against the War Machine.
A few more Sister Rallies have been added across the United States and one in Munich. At the moment Austin, Texas will hold the last Sister Rally on the 23rd. Oregon had an event listed for Friday. Did not find a news report regarding event.
Video from Oregon event (3:35 min)
Yes - official gear is still being sold on the website. But amount donated to the cause has been reduced to profits, not all proceeds as indicated on the website last week.
In the past 6 months the United States has been associated with the largest release of methane and dioxin into the atmosphere. Methane a contributor to climate change and dioxin is a known carcinogen. Plus appear to be shooting down weather balloons. Life has become satirical tragedy. (Fortunately I have the farm to keep me grounded and busy.)
Consortium News Live: SSE3 Sy Hersh: American Sabotage (1:13 min)
This weeks Judging Freedom Interviews (both have been posted in earlier diaries this week and you may have already viewed them)
Scott Ritter weekly interview with Judge Napolitano Feb 17, 2023 (28:29 min)
Col Doug Macgregor weekly interview with Judge Napolitano Feb 15, 2023 (30:17 min)
What is on your mind today?
edit - add video link

We here in Germany follow the speeches
given by the american delegation at the https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/02/18/russia-ukraine-war-lates...
Global political and defense leaders, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Vice President Harris, are in Munich, Germany, for a security conference focused heavily on the war in Ukraine. Harris will make public remarks later Saturday, a day after she met with French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.
I could kill the idiots who translate their speeces and one can not hear their original speeches in English.
Fuck that. Where can I find a live broadcast with the original English sound?
my search found this video
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Heh, you are an angel
I didn't try om the internet, but what got broadcasted on TV via Phoenix TV. I don't have internet facilities near my bed.
Thanks a lot.
Good Saturday morning
Seems like I'm stuck in step two on the Kubler-Ross grief scale when it comes to war.
Anger. Well past step one - denial. Not sure how to get to step three - negotiation.
War proponents in this barbaric culture do not negotiate. Ah, well.
Hope all is well on the farm!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
A truly brilliant idea
Rating the tone of US war news stories on the Kubler-Ross Model of five stages of grief.
Step 1 - denial
Step 2 - anger
Step 3 - bargaining
Step 4 - depression
Step 5 - acceptance or surrender or censorship
I think this could apply to several US news topics, including inflation and spy balloons.
Great topics and insights, as always, SOE. (Except Franscesco Sisci, for whom I have no patience.)
Good morning...
A chilly 28F this AM at a skeleton Trade Day. I did buy another tarp, and caught up with my buddies, so it was worthwhile.
Already time to start seeds...lettuce and such. Still have cabbage and collards growing. Made a cabbage soup for this evening. I'll cook some local sausage to go with it.
Getting back into the swing of things after a 3+ week trip away from home. Still have a load of laundry to finish today. Slowly catching up with the news...must admit I didn't miss it a bit.
Take care and thanks for the OT!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good morning SOE, thanks for the potluck. I really
like the idea of viewing the news reporting as well as the news items themselves on the "stages of grief" scale. After all by design or otherwise, both give me a lot of grief. Like QMS, I think I am mostly stuck on "Anger" (and not Kenneth).
So, what's on my mind?
1) emptying my mind more often and in more ways
2) fookin taxes
3) farmers' market
4) moving forward with my haiku related projects
5) Great Backyard Bird Count (also Feederwatch)
6) Household chores (meh)
7) Yard and garden chores (meh2)
8) Breakfast
9) Global environmental armeggadon
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
This war is the biggest shame the US, Russia Ukraine and Europe
participate in.
NO mercy with all those fucktards.
I’m sure it was just a coincidence that a professional crew was
at the capital on 1/6 to conveniently film the riots…right?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Sisci is out of it
...he reflects the position of London. China is sovereign. It follows its own course. China went to war in the Korean conflict, standing alone when in relative terms it was much weaker than it is now. There is no insecurity on the northern border. This is simply wishful thinking.
Thanks SOE for the Munich video. The host was an Alpha Hotel introducing Wang Yi. As usual Harris disappoints and just not up to the task.
語必忠信 行必正直
The so-called rulers of the planet make a statement so it must
be true.
Coming from a zionist war monger and a airhead.
Heh…yeah but what about Americas war crimes?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
War crimes committed by the US and Israel don't count
Just today this occurred.
I have to agree about the Asia Times
if what you were trying to say is that they are reputable from a old world perspective or any perspective I'd guess. They score very highly on the Ad Fontes ratings chart.https://adfontesmedia.com/interactive-media-bias-chart/

More neutral than most US sources, and well within that "most reliable for news" box that seems to elude so many.
Nick Kristof says about the same thing in an op ed in today's NYT but in more detail and with quotes from retired Wes Clark and anonymous administration sources. Link past the paywall. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/18/opinion/biden-should-give-ukraine-wha...
As usual it's near impossible to figure out what's going on day to day. Big Russian offensive seems not to have happened and Ukraine is still waiting on more sophisticated weapons.
This thing is killing thousands per week and impoverishing two large countries. I used to think the US was one of the stupidest countries for starting ridiculous wars, (Vietnam, Iraq), now it's Russia that takes the cake.
If you consider that NY times link a reliable source that
explains a lot about your thought process.
Excerpt from the start of the op-ed.
@humphrey I'm not aware of
LOL Here is one thing for starter.
Check out the source.
@humphrey Only kidding, har
Of course they could do the usual thing and have a recent day's paper in the background or the dead guy could say something about events since that time. Why deny something undeniably.
humor can be effective
if it is sincere
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Does this tickle your funny bone?
You ought to go back and look at what he said about Iraq
I seem to remember that he and others who are once again spouting bull shit about Russia lied their silly buttocks off about Saddam having WMDs. Surely that hasn’t slipped your mind? But if you need a refresher here’s Bush's golden girl and press secretary who also got up every day and lied to us. Shitlibs once despised her, but now believe everything she says. 2nd tweet.
I also posted an essay yesterday about why smart people believe dumb things that might interest you. Key point:
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
@snoopydawg kristof was
Once again you are wrong about Kristof.
An excerpt:
Why lie with a cherry pick?
Iraq War
Kristof was opposed to the Iraq war and grew further opposed as time went on. In a column published on January 28, 2003, he summarized his position writing "If we were confident that we could oust Saddam with minimal casualties and quickly establish a democratic Iraq, then that would be fine -- and such a happy scenario is conceivable. But it's a mistake to invade countries based on best-case scenarios."[44] He continued: "Frankly, it seems a bad idea to sacrifice our troops' lives -- along with billions of dollars -- in a way that may add to our vulnerability."[45]
Kristof was criticized at the time for reporting that Iraqis opposed an American invasion; Andrew Sullivan was among Kristof's critics and in 2018, on the 15th anniversary of the war, he apologized to Kristof in a tweet.[46]
In a column published on August 27, 2002, in a column titled "Wimps on Iraq," he wrote "To us the existing Iraq debate seems largely beside the point; the real issue isn't whether we want to overthrow Saddam, but what price we would have to pay to get the job done."[44] He concludes, after detailing five practical concerns about invading Iraq, "So if Mr. Bush were really addressing these concerns, weighing them and then concluding that on balance it's worth an invasion, I'd be reassured. But instead it looks as if the president, intoxicated by moral clarity, has decided that whatever the cost, whatever the risks, he will invade Iraq."[44] In the same column, he wrote, "President Bush has convinced me that there is no philosophical reason we should not overthrow the Iraqi government, given that Iraqis themselves would be better off, along with the rest of the world. But Mr. Bush has not overcome some practical concerns about an invasion."[44]
In a column titled "The Day After" in September 2002, Kristof wrote, "In one Shiite city after another, expect battles between rebels and army units, periodic calls for an Iranian-style theocracy, and perhaps a drift toward civil war. For the last few days, I've been traveling in these Shiite cities—Karbala, Najaf and Basra—and the tension in the bazaars is thicker than the dust behind the donkey carts. So before we rush into Iraq, we need to think through what we will do the morning after Saddam is toppled. Do we send in troops to try to seize the mortars and machine guns from the warring factions? Or do we run from civil war, and risk letting Iran cultivate its own puppet regime?"[47]
I don't respond to obvious fibbing and misrepresentations in replies, and put people on my "do not respond list" for a while.
@snoopydawg I couldn't find
But I read something similar lately. They discussed how it is that highly educated people, even scientists, can believe things patently untrue.
What they were saying is that the more intelligent you are, the better you are at convincing yourself that you are correct, intelligent people are also good at winning arguments, further convincing themselves.
That's why it's good to have an open mind. When people are so narrow minded that they get angry to hear another point of view, it's a bad sign. That's what happens on DK. Anyone who does not see things a certain way, on any given subject, others will work to get banned, so that they don't have to hear that viewpoint.
Anything to say about Israel’s unprovoked attack on Syria?
Funny how the world doesn’t get upset when Israel is doing genocide on the Palestinians and demolishing their homes so that Israel can build ones for their folks. Or the many, many times Israel attacks and kills people in Syria. If you aren’t outraged at Israel’s actions and unprovoked attacks on Syria, but you are outraged that Russia is defending its country from NATO’s aggression it sure seems that you are a hypocrite. One of them has a legal obligation and right to do what it’s doing while the other is committing war crimes and crimes against humanity.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I wonder why the called off the search for the other balloons?
Perhaps this is why.
HA! Another flash-in-the-pan psy-op
flushed down the toilet, er memory hole, of the gullible.
Perhaps this episode of thought control was a success?
Diversion from train bombs or Hersh bombs. Testing the
waters for current reaction times to sensational distractions.
Important for the timing of the next escapade methinks.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Speaking of psyops
There have been numerous huge fires happening around the country and the world and it doesn’t seem that any news media has even talked about it. Check out this essay on just how many chemical fires there have been along with all the food and chicken factories that have mysteriously burned up.
And lo and behold the Palestine fire department is rolling out a digital id so people can track their health data. Also the definition of CDC Changed Toxicity Info on Vinyl Chloride Days Before Derailment. Anyone heard about the train that derailed had problems 2 days before it did?
BS! The effects of it is well known and besides what is in the air right now is much worse. Dioxin.
Kinda like when they changed the definition of what a vaccine and epidemic means just before the Rona scam got rolled out.
I dunno how many incidents need to happen before it’s no longer considered conspiracy theories.
Plus more and more social websites are asking for people to send their government ID before they are allowed to set up an account. I thought that was bogus but then again lo and behold Utah wanted to do just that in order to make sites safe for kids. At this time it’s been deep sixed, but gawd’s nightgown! Utah is a very red state and republicans are supposed to be the party of less government interference and yet this almost passed. Lots of government sites already demand that people send them a video that shows proof of who you are. So yeah digital IDs are coming no matter what.
ETA more.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I have the answer, and it is obvious --
Send our thoughts and Prayers to elensky and our money to Ohio and all of the nations unhoused populations.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Somewhat related to the money sent to Zelensky.
Perhaps her speech in Munich went over like a lead balloon
(pun intended) as she is returning home steerage class.
Interior of a C-17
I've been listening to USAF F-16s flat hatting around here for the past three days. I guess they're getting the maximum mileage out of the balloon fiasco propaganda. It looks like the USAF flight demonstration team (thunderbirds). The US Navy Blue Angels were scheduled to show up for another big NASCAR event tomorrow. Will we have 12 aircraft buzzing around here? Do NASCAR and the corporate sponsors pay for this or is it just freebees?
語必忠信 行必正直
Ditto here too
Except it’s been all week and so much for the rule that they have to tone it down when flying over the city. My windows rattle now when they fly over my house.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
It's extremely noisy. I have a problem with jet noise. Usually I don't pay attention to the local events in the area.
語必忠信 行必正直
I call it noise pollution
and I get quite ornery when they keep flying over my house for hours and especially if I’m hurting. I don’t know what they are doing on the base but it sounds like they are revving engines on the jets for about 5-10 minutes including in the middle of the night. Dies down and then they do it again. No jets fly over but that gawd awful sound. Lots of people say that it’s the sound of freedom. I say it’s a waste of money and if they fly over me during my walk I flip them off and shout obscenities.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Sorry I couldn't resist the opportunity.
Just needs my walking stick.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Blinken is warning China about sending weapons to Russia
I think that’s rich when he sees no problem sending all kinds of weapons to Ukraine and making other NATO allies cough up theirs. I don’t know how these people can ignore all the heinous crimes that their country has done or thinking that their sh*t doesn’t stink. The whole world is laughing at their hypocrisy and stupidity.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Nothing to see here it is perfectly normal!
Many might have seen the short version and it was hard to
believe that it was actually real.
However I came across a longer version so it is up to you to decide its authenticity.
Fourth world country indeed
had a job working on a section gang for Penn Central out of high school
Constatine Curve in southern Michigan, working on the tracks.
Like the Gandy dancers of yore.
We were taught to watch for "hot boxes" as the trains slowed thru the curve.
Can't imagine a conductor going thru this slop.
Infrastructure maintenance much anymore?
Very sad to see the devolution.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Good thing Biden and democrats passed the infrastructure bill
Just imagine what the rails would look like if they hadn’t. But anyone else think that there is nothing in the bill for rails? Or much for other infrastructure?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
another tricky conglomeration of public/private
cooperation. The federal highway system is financed by public funds (so far)
the national rail systems are a hodgepodge of private funds. Amtrak being an
exception. Freight movers are owned by hedge fund types, who do not care
about infrastructure investments as much as profits. This is why the rail system
is failing in real time today. Just ask Buttigieg where priorities lie.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Biden is giving the WHO the power over every person in the country and not one of them has been told about nor asked their permission to do it. This will nullify the constitution and any rights that we even have will be gone. This is medical martial law and medical tyranny.
Hopefully the next president can remove us from this, but we the people are supposed to be the ones who gives the government the power not the government to give themselves permission to commit crimes. I’d hope that people would protest this, but since the media is not covering it not many people even know about it. Hopefully states will be able to sue the government or just pull out of it. We already fought a war on state’s rights.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
On the Sisci column
The problem is that Old Europe has been trying to decisively help Ukraine the war. By now, Europe and the US have provided in military aid about 2x to 3x the total Russian military budget. Old Europe is finding that they themselves have run out of ammo and equipment to give to Ukraine without literally dismantling their own national militaries.
Fundamentally outside the Western propaganda bubble, NATO has been proven to be a military fraud unless it is against weak to non-existent militaries or third world insurgents. The problem is that the only potent weapon the West has left are its nukes. In desperation it may turn to them.
Blinken should be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
His shrewd diplomacy is working in Ukraine, Iran, Taiwan and even North Korea.
the increasing weapons deployments...
In a hole, the Yoon government keeps digging
I picked my post's title before I saw this editorial:
[Editorial] An unprecedented arrest warrant request that will spark a political black hole
This development has already sparked fierce battles in the political world, giving rise to concerns that the people’s livelihoods will be put on the back burner
Hankyoreh Feb.17,2023
Lee Jae-myung, “You Must Ask a Fortune Teller or Prosecutor Before Making Policy Decisions, Otherwise You Will Be Sent to Prison”
By Tak Ji-young Kyunghyang Sinmoon 2.17
This is a reference to the Yoon receiving guidance from the guru Cheon Gong, the leader of a South Korean cult. The relationship is regarded as an abuse of power by Yoon and disputed. Allegedly, a witness to Cheon Gong's interference in official affairs is the former Chief of Staff of the ROK Army. This is according to an independent media source and a book author.
South Korean defence minister denies Vietnam War massacres
Minister said the court ruling dishonoured South Korean soldiers by finding them responsible for the massacre of Vietnamese villagers
Al Jazeera 2.17 (AP)
This is sort of back handed way of letting Japan off the hook for its war crimes. In any case, Yoon is an admirer of former dictator Chun Doo-won, who was in Vietnam with the White Horse division. It's a facile way to appeal to veterans and the pro-Japanese faction whose forebears benefited from Japanese collaboration during the colonial period and subsequent South Korean dictatorships.
Celebration of Japanese emperor's birthday in Seoul met with protest : 2023-02-17
Korea Times 2.17 Lee Hyo-jin
Not suprisingly, today's candlelight demostration opposing the Yoon administration characterized Yoon as a pro-Japanese traitor in addition to criticizing his administration as a dictatorship led by Yoon's prosecutors. The candlelight movement procession assembled near Namdaemun and marched to Samgachi Plaza, near the Yongsan base where the Presidential Office is located. Yoon had refused to move into the Blue House, on the advice of his wife and allegedly, the cult leader Cheon Gong. The theme of today's assembly was "Let's topple Yoon Seok-yeol." The numbers appeared significant, as police appeared to have difficulty restricting the crowd due to its size and as the day went on, it appeared they were only capable of keeping one lane of traffic open around the massive crowd. I've become accustomed to seeing large numbers of police, barricades, and/or police buses forcing the crowd to one side of main boulevards and keeping at least two lanes of traffic open in both directions. I think because of restrictions on drone flights in Seoul and lack of access to nearby high rises, high angle shots which would give a greater sense of crowd size are not available.
A couple of anti-Yoon, anti Kim Gon-hee cartoons exhibited during the demonstration below in the first image. Kim Gon-hee as Marie Antoinette giving Yoon his homework (left) and Kim Gon-hee as nanny pushing an infantile pro-Japanese Yoon.
(Images source- 빨간아재, youtube 2.18) 검사독재 역풍! "민주파괴 검찰독재 윤석열을 타도하자!" 2월 전국집중 촛불대행진 / 3시 삼각지역
語必忠信 行必正直
But South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeo is going to be rewarded
for being a US puppet so it is all worth it. /S
I understand that quite a few police are not happy with the Yoon administration. He placed them under the Minister of Interior and Public Safety, so they lost their independence as an agency. Police forces in Seoul have suffered the additional security burdens of the Presidential Office move to the MND building in Yongsan which is more difficult to secure than the Blue House and requires more personnel. The police and fire personnel were blamed with the consequent Itaewon disaster last October as a result. The only good thing is that the Interior Minister was subjected to an impeachment bill in the National Assembly and temporarily suspended from duty, but it probably won't be prosecuted zealously by the chair of Justice Committee before the court, because he is from Yoon's party.
The fact, that the conservative party bargained for, and received the chair and effective control of the justice committee early in the administration in some kind of opening session maneuvering that was deadlocked shows that someone saw this coming from miles away. Well behaved crowds didn't prevent Park Geun-hye's impeachment. It is believed that a conviction of Yoon's wife will be required first, and then a possible impeachment of Yoon himself.
I noticed in the Marie Antoinette cartoon, Yoon's wife's hairpiece is topped by the Blue House, and wads of corporate cash for Art exhibitions there. That's her business, art exhibitions. There has also been a lot of graft, in the reconstruction of the new Presidential Office, in Yongsan, and the official residence, in Hannamdong. I used to live in US government housing in Hannamdong many years ago. In the "nanny" cartoon, Yoon's wife is wearing Japanese style clothes.
語必忠信 行必正直
In Seoul, Saturday's demonstration
I wanted to post the video below even though it's entirely in Korean, (only the first seven minutes are relevant) because of the police-demonstrator confrontation that took place, and the remarkable judgement and restraint demonstrated by police, when the demonstrators resisted the police attempt to force them back behind the inner barricade line. To me, it appears that the police commander had received some sort of order to get the crowd back behind the first fence, to open up traffic lanes. When the demonstrators resisted, and a few demonstrators technically committed batteries on some officers, while getting in their faces, the police did not get violent, and relented. I'm wondering how the South Korean Presidential Office staff will react to this turn of events.
(By way of comparison) Because Jimmy Carter was in the news, Tim Shorrock posted a link to his excellent article on the Kwangju Massacre (democracy movement resisting martial law) in the Nation several years ago. The Kwangju Massacre took place during the Carter administration.
After reading that, I wanted to take a look at the June Struggle (1987) where the overthrow of Chun's dictatorship in South Korea was prompted by the deaths of two young protestors in the democracy movement of that time. There is a great picture on the wikipedia page of the huge crowd assembled on July 9, 1987, for the funeral of one of the deceased protestors.
(edited The Nation, not New Yorker)
語必忠信 行必正直
Korea appears to be a microcosm of global events
demonstrations are swelling all over ..
France, Germany, Peru, UK, Kosovo, HK
even a tiny one in DC
the natives are getting restless
thanks for your Korean perspective!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare