Welcome to Saturday's Potluck -

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”
Pablo Picasso
Technological innovation is one of the driving factors of our ever changing modern world. It is one of the dynamics of which countries become world leaders and which have remained as economic backwaters.
The current chip ban by the United States is being compared to a Declaration of War.
Does the U.S. Chip Ban on China Amount to a Declaration of War in the Computer Age? Counter Punch October 31, 2022
While it might work in the short run in slowing down the Chinese advances, the cost to the U.S. semiconductor industry of losing China—its biggest market—will have significant consequences in the long run. In the process, the semiconductor industries of Taiwan and South Korea and equipment manufacturers in Japan and the European Union are likely to become collateral damage. It reminds us again of what former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger once said: “It may be dangerous to be America’s enemy, but to be America’s friend is fatal.”
The specific sanctions imposed by the United States include:+ Advanced logic chips required for artificial intelligence and high-performance computing
+ Equipment for 16nm logic and other advanced chips such as FinFET and Gate-All-Around
+ The latest generations of memory chips: NAND with 128 layers or more and DRAM with 18nm half-pitch
Specific equipment bans in the rules go even further, including many older technologies as well. For example, one commentator pointed out that the prohibition of tools is so broad that it includes technologies used by IBM in the late 1990s.
The sanctions also encompass any company that uses U.S. technology or products in its supply chain. This is a provision in the U.S. laws: any company that ‘touches’ the United States while manufacturing its products is automatically brought under the U.S. sanctions regime. It is a unilateral extension of the United States’ national legal jurisdiction and can be used to punish and crush any entity—a company or any other institution—that is directly or indirectly linked to the United States. These sanctions are designed to completely decouple the supply chain of the United States and its allies—the European Union and East Asian countries—from China.
US godfather makes a chip offer you can’t understand Asia Time Nov 5, 2022
A baffled group of chip industry experts, in a symposium discussion published November 4 by the ChinaTalk newsletter, tried and failed to explain Washington’s new export curbs on chip tech to China.
A close reading of the Commerce Department’s specifications shows ignorance about the technologies involved and confusion – if not duplicity – about the ban’s implications for China’s military. The experts’ group concluded that the new policy was rushed into effect in panic mode, without weighing its civilian or military implications.
The new export controls “will restrict the People’s Republic of China’s ability to both purchase and manufacture certain high-end chips used in military applications,” the Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security wrote October 7.
That makes no sense, according to the experts, who included Jay Goldberg of Digits to Dollars, Doug O’Laughlin of Fabricated Knowledge, ChinaTalk’s Jordan Schneider and Martin Chorzempa of the Peterson Institute for International Economics. At the laboratory level, they observed, China can make enough advanced chips to power its key weapons systems.
In fact, China has had missiles that can destroy US aircraft carriers hundreds of miles from its coast since 2015, as Office of Net Assessment Director Andrew Marshall told me at the time.The 5-nanometer chips that contain 57 billion transistors in Apple’s latest incarnation are powering 5G handsets and Big Data/AI applications, but the computer that guided Apollo 11 to the moon had just 36,000 transistors. Military systems use older chips that China makes at home, according to a 2022 RAND Corporation report.
But if China requires the most advanced 5nm chips for AI-driven military applications – for example, drone swarms controlled by a 5G broadband network and guided by artificial intelligence – China can make enough of them, although at high cost.
The US ban won’t affect weapons systems, but it will delay China’s rollout of autonomous vehicles, data centers and other civilian applications.
The shoddiness of the Commerce Department’s technical specifications and the exclusion of US industry from the policy loop suggests a sudden onset of panic in the Biden administration over China’s technological advancement.In January 2020, by contrast, the Pentagon overruled a Commerce Department plan to block exports of chip technology to just one Chinese company, namely Huawei, because US chip equipment firms would “lose a key source of revenue, depriving them of money for research and development needed to maintain a technological edge,” the Wall Street Journal reported at the time.
The Biden administration has made sure that the industry wouldn’t have the opportunity to object.
Remember Huawei the Chinese company working on 5G technology Trump first targeted during an uptick in our trade war. Biden has continued adding restrictions to negatively impact their business. The company exited smart phones and narrowed its focus on 5G use for industry.
Midea, China Mobile, and Huawei worked together to complete a fully-connected 5G smart factory for washing machines. The factory has the capability to fabricate a laundry machine every 15 secs.
Huawei’s industrial 5G takes off Asia Time Nov 2, 2022
In short, Huawei is becoming considerably more sophisticated than the 5G smartphone and network equipment maker that incurred the wrath of Donald Trump.
This sophistication was on display at the company’s 13th annual Global Mobile Broadband Forum, which was held in Bangkok on October 25 and 26. The event gathered “mobile network carriers, vertical industry leaders, and ecosystem partners from around the world to discuss how to make 5G a commercial success, as well as other high-priority industry topics like green development, intelligence, and 5G evolution.” It was co-hosted by mobile industry associations GSMA and GTI.
The Day 1 keynote address, delivered by Rotating Chairman Ken Hu, pointed out that while consumer services still generate the largest share of telecom revenue, “B2B 5G applications are also becoming a new engine for carrier revenue growth, producing considerable value in industries like oil and gas, manufacturing, and transportation.”
“These applications are not only innovative – they’re generating real commercial value for carriers. In 2021, for example, Chinese carriers brought in over CNY3.4 billion (roughly USD500 million) in new revenue from more than 3,000 industrial 5G projects. What’s more, these projects also generated 10 times that amount from related data and integrated ICT services.”
“With large bandwidth and low latency, 5G can be integrated with cloud [computing] and AI to provide entirely new services for consumers and businesses alike … presenting an opportunity for carriers to go beyond connectivity and move into cloud services and system integration.”
On Day 2 of the Forum, Executive Director David Wang spoke about 5.5G, which he called “The foundation of the future.” 5.5G is an upgraded version of 5G that should prove particularly useful for industrial applications.“The next milestone we must hit on the path to the intelligent world,” he said, “is 5.5G. 5.5G will deliver 10 Gbit/s experiences, support hundreds of billions of connections, and help us achieve native intelligence.”
According to Wang, 5.5G has made great progress over the past two years: “and three things have become clear:
“First, the standardization of 5.5G has been initiated and is right on track, making it more than just a vision.
“Second, the industry has made breakthroughs in key technologies for 5.5G, and ultra-large bandwidth and ELAA [Enhanced Licensed Assistance Access] can now deliver 10 Gbit/s experience.
“Third, the industry has a clear vision for the IoT landscape.
“Looking ahead, our task is to tackle these five new areas – standards, spectrum, products, ecosystems, and applications. That, he noted, will require the promotion of technological research; the development of 5.5G networks, devices, and chips; and cooperation “to build a thriving 5.5G ecosystem.”
He did not mention an ecosystem safe from attempted sabotage by the US government, but the Forum was an optimistic, technology-oriented event.
In conclusion, Wang said, “As our standards, spectrum, products, and ecosystem mature, 5.5G will become a reality, allowing even more applications to emerge. Multi-sensory interactions will transform the way we communicate. Intelligently connected vehicles are set to become a third mobile space and see wide adoption, while intelligent connections across industries will lead to the dissolution of information silos, driving industrial upgrade.
“A new generation of innovative applications is now emerging, and our vision for the intelligent world is becoming clearer. That’s why all industry players need to work together towards the exploration and creation of these applications.”
What is on your mind today?

So if you wonder how a society can exist without jobs
we'll find out - the Chinese will get there about a generation before us.
On to Biden since 1973
“Eli” — Arlo Guthrie — a song about “lying flat”?
Just add about seven or eleven more thumbs please !
The playground bully routine by the US via
Chamber of Commerce against 5G tech is very silly. While the rest of the world is
developing newer and better tech, US only wants to bring the others down to their
warring and sanctioning level. So they make up some BS excuse that 5G endangers
domestic aircraft. Trying scare tactics. The playbook only seems to have a couple pages.
Some things go without saying ..
Thanks for the essay!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Good morning...
Let's see, how well did those Russian sanctions work out? I bet the China sanctions will backfire too.
“the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”
Thanks for the OT. We're expecting a shower this afternoon.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Yet another economically suicidal policy
From the quote box article from Asia Times:
Personally, I have run out of patience with the stupidity explanation for the current regime of sanctions for supposedly geopolitical "strategy" toward the supposed goal of more power for America. Just as refusing to buy Russian energy has the only practcal effect of harming our supposed allies in Europe, this refusal to sell lucrative items to China is utterly irrational and a contradiction of the previously sacrosanct neoliberal doctrine of globalized trade.
Nixon and Kissinger opened trade with the erstwhile communist world half a century ago with great results from a capitalist perspective. Now that both countries have adopted capitalism, our government is claiming to try to bankrupt them to keep them from bothering adjacent countries, harming our own economy far more than either target.
There must be another goal than the stated one. If you want to establish unified global technocracy, the first step is destroy the American Empire. OF course, this is just a crazy conspiracy theory -- the people running America - Biden and his team -- are just nit wits.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
@fire with fire
which is, once again total BS.
The US economic model is to stifle competition. Which can not work in a multi economic
framework. The dumb-think that is the Wall Street great streak in the toilet of world's
sharing of resources is almost too stupid to contemplate. Yeah, the backers of of the US
domination is the 'greatest military in the world', but people don't willingly eat bombs. If this
empire thinks it will dominate by erasing Russia and China, they have another think coming.
Try thinking rationally. What are the choices?
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
We will read about the next big thing in the papers.
It might well, unbeknownst to us, already by there, some tiny item, a one or two column inch ad or bit of filler buried ever so deep in the back pages, near the bottom of one, in WaPo or the NYT or even some college paper. But who still reads the papers?
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
wowser man
some super powerful players in that translation piece
thanks beau coup for that install!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
My Pleasure n/t
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Going out on a limb with advanced technology
Imagine all those who have grown up with digital devices and their “convienences”; electronically controlled autos, GPS, ‘smart’ dishwashers, cell phones, refrigerators, furnaces & etc wake up one morning and none of these devices are working. Credit cards also stop working and you rush to the bank (if you can find it without GPS) and find they can’t give you any cash because they have no paper backups of your bank account. The world comes to a screeching halt. Full Stop.
The Russians claim to have a weapon that, with a single high altitude explosion, will disable electronics that are not ‘hardened’ sufficiently to withstand an extreme electromagnetic pulse, over most of North America. The acronym is HEMP but has no relationship to smokables.
Let’s hope the recent trend in military provocations and escalations does not ‘bring it on!”
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Interesting you should bring up the pulse
This will be the reaction to the next stupid US aggression.
Have to say we have a comeuppance coming our way.
This would be the method. All the baby nukes on the Rus
borders may kill many people, but to kill the US empire logistics
will be a major kick in the crotch. Bye bye power structure.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Just recently US explicitly INCLUDED a nuclear first strike
against Russia as an option in “extreme conditions”, whatever that means. Hopefully this statement does not include US/Ukraine imminent defeat on the ‘conventional’ battlefield.
[my bold] Link
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Well that sucks, but not surprising
the US regime is desperate to come out victorious from their shady war thing.
Threats will not work with Putin. Doesn't stop them from trying though.
If the US empire thinks blowing off nuclear bombs will defeat the Rus, they have
another think coming. It is most assuredly the quickest way to end the war (what
war?) and end the future of mankind. If this just a dick measurement exercise, then
Biden, Scholz, Zelensky and Ursula von der Leyen are competing to prove who is dotty
enough to ruin civilization.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
N. Korea...
Thought to have one or two of those (or similar) on satellites.
They have a couple with polar orbits that pass over the US daily -
seems they were able to hire Russian talent in the EMP and missile tech
area in the early 90's...
Not like you need pinpoint accuracy with something like that. And the more wired
we get, the greater the vulnerability.
"If you have a right to respect, then other people don't have a right to an opinion."
- Thomas Sowell
Remember remember the 5th of November!!
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Heh, no gunpowder will arrive tonight, nor need any
do so, Sunak has already been installed in office, and nothing furthere really needs to be done
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
remember the fifth of November
an English holiday
John lennon
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Don't think I've ever heard that before, thanks. n/t
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
You might enjoy this essay on the movie
I have often thought that we are experiencing the same things that V is about.
IM Doc
From your 1st video
Biden’s domestic terrorist law says that if you question the election, where Covid came from or any information that the government tells us then you are one and can be punished for it. Doctors who prescribed early treatments are having their licenses revoked. Doctors in California who don’t toe the Fauci line will have theirs revoked too and there are more stuff on the way.
If you don’t know about what’s happening with Twitter since Musk bought it and said that he wants free speech to return big pharma and other advertisers are pulling out of advertising on Twitter because it goes much further than just questioning Covid. We can’t go against the narrative that Russia is bad, Ukraine is good and of course there aren’t any Nazis in Ukraine. Mis, dis and malinformation can only come from the government and its media mouthpieces and come hell or high water that is going to be the law of the land. And guess who is behind the targeting of Twitter? Democrats of course, but who’s really running the show? People who have ties to the Clintons and the other ruling oligarch families. Keep your eye open for what you will be seeing soon. And don’t forget that Biden hasn’t given up on the ministry of truth. I’ve posted about it last Monday.
If anyone is interested I’ll provide more information.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
BTW and speaking of psyops
I’ve been seeing people saying that viruses don’t exist for some time and thought how can people seriously think that. We know that some anti virals work against Covid and other diseases. It’s funny how people can be pushed in one direction or another.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Not really, though widely accepted,
and arguably remotely possible if some person(s) had worked long and diligently enough, this isn't known to be true:
It is like saying that Moby Dick came from a random scrap of paper upon which somebody had written bahAemllaC.
The sequence that the originator of this tale based this claim was not only backwards, it was on the non-coding strand.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
FWIW, this, and my reply, probably belong in The Dose,
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Sanctions are an admission
Sanctions are an admission that capitalism doesn't work.
Just saying.
Perhaps, but that is a bit definitional. The oligarchs
consider it to be working just fine, though it is a bit too expensive and high maintenance for their liking.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Agreed Bob
diplomacy does not cut jugular veins
compromise requires an evening
sanctions are a battle lost
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Chip ban includes American electronic design software
From what I gather the ban includes advanced chips made using American software. Not sure how this will work? Will companies be forbidden from selling any and all software? Right now, three companies dominate that chip production space (design, testing, layout, etc). The Chinese will have to develop their own version of what Siemens (Mentor), Cadence, and Synopsys produce. Or they could just break the licensing schemes. But in time, they will develop their own versions if they invest in those areas of software.
The idea is that this embargo will give the US and allies time to leap frog the Chinese in various areas like AI. From what I have seen over time is that American high tech is more interested in profit margins than innovation. Bunches of them have gone on expensive stock buy-=back schemes instead of new product development, etc. Intel is behind in areas it once dominated like others must rely on government/taxpayer bailouts which lower their costs but not ability to produced newer, bigger, and better.
Well, that’s why they openly want WAR WAR WAR now
The only phase of the profit cycle where the U.S. system makes productive investments in things like societal function, scientific progress, and worker health is when it’s again time for mass-killin’ of the Other, in the service of WAR WAR WAR, (Foghorn Leghorn voice) I say, WAR WAR WAR.
South Korea "one year waiver"
Is US export ban forcing Korean chipmakers to exit from China?
Experts say Washington's ultimate goal is weakening Bejing's chip productivity, especially advanced chips
The US has a new quisling dictator in South Korea. This is best he could do for his chaebol supporters apparently. His military cooperation with the US is provoking escalating tensions with North Korea not seen since "fire and fury." The understandings reached at the Singapore summit between Trump and Kim Jong-un are now a dead letter as the US has sent strategic assets to South Korea, and a massive air exercise involving 250 US and South Korean warplanes just took place. The focus on the Ukraine war distracts from the very real possibility of war in Northeast Asia.
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