Open Thread - 09-30-22 - Useless Parasitic Eaters

It didn't have to be this way.
All wars are banker wars. Especially this one that threatens to consume us all. We stand on the threshold of annihilation by parasite, those that will suck the homonine corpus dry.
That bank statement. That's your life. That is your worth, digits on paper. Digits that represent the totality of your life's work. What we've been taught, what we structure our lives upon is reflected in that bank statement. The Man wants your life. Is it not obvious by now. You are a slave, by different means, yet still a slave. To the monied class.
This war is shaping up to be the mother of all banker wars. Its cause is the rich man's desire to continue feeding on the sweat and toil of your existence. They, the useless parasitic eater class, have gorged themselves for so long at your expense that they are willing to gamble it all away, all for the sake of their opulence.
Let us not forget what has gotten us to this point. Greed and power. Those that have brought us to the brink will not let go. They, that have caused the financial and geopolitical mess we find ourselves in want you to sacrifice everything so they can continue their rapacious ways.

Don't kid yourself, this showdown in Europe was caused not by you. It's the monied class that have brought us to this point. Now they want to fight to your last breath to maintain their place in the sun, so they can continue their stratagem of largess. They seem to be willing to kill us all in the name of their god, the almighty dollar.
Imagine what could be done with the billions that have been funneled into that gyre of greed and avarice in that land of world wars. We could have pulled all our bases and troops home saving untold outlays. We could fit every house with solar panels. We could revitalize the manufacturing sector. There is much that could be done with those billions to improve the lot of each and every one of us. Instead, we use it to walk on the bones of victims past. Victims that were sacrificed at the altar of capital.
The Wurlitzer is in full voice, to convince us that "We must win". Win what? Oh, I know what they mean, to win the right for the monied class to continue the pecuniary process of bleeding our carcasses dry. If we "win" we may all die. The psychological manipulation has been so effective that a large segment of humanity is cheering for it's own demise. For the sake of the monied class. They, that have caused this to happen are willing to kill us all for the continuation of their hallowed position at the top of the heap of bones. Our bones.
It didn't have to be this way.

Good morning Free Rangers...
one redeeming factor in this conflict in Ukraine is the spammers have slowed way down. The vast majority of spam accounts that have registered here are from Russia. That activity has diminished greatly. I figure it's probably due to conscription.
Which brings me to another point. The Wurlitzer is citing the large number of Russians leaving the country to avoid the draft. True or not I don't slight anyone who wishes not to become cannon fodder, no matter which side they may die for.
Vault 7/Julian Assange
revealed what state terrorists
can do on the tubesRussian spammers might not be
At this point I’m a bit of a fatalist w/regards the douchebags in charge
keeping a handle on this one
With apologies to douchebags everywhere Else
folks say we’re circling the drain I contend
we is IN the drain headed for
the treatment plant or an open dump
Take your pick
look left look right
THAT’S what you’ll have to work with
good luck
thanks johnny
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
To this date...
with over seven and a half years that c99 has been in existence, I've deleted 61,761 spam accounts. Mostly Russian. They're not shy about using Russian suffixes. I also see they're IP address when they register, it's fairly easy to determine where they're from.
One aspect of this conflict we don't hear about: The Space Force. What do they have up their sleeves with that. Lasers? Russia has a space force as well. I mean, what the military fuck. Where and when does it all end?
Hi there, JTC
Great that you played CCR for us today. I blasted it loud, twice.
Felling all right now.
Ready for Pharrel's Happy. "Happiness is the truth."
My brain damage seems to be healing. Music is key.
Good afternoon VG...
glad you're feeling better!
new one for me
military Profits are the only thing keeping the fantasy TV dreamworld going, as far as I can tell.
Useless Eaters
Don't you know that President Joe is going to cure hunger for us useless eaters. As someone who has gone to the food bank before, I have never seen so much unhealthy food given away. Mostly starch. Spaghetti, Mac and Cheese, and White Rice.
Instead of raising food stamps and giving every child a free lunch, stuff which actually works, these companies would rather give away excess food. I did get a $17.00 steak not too long ago. Something I would have never bought. And yes, it was good.
I think...
President Joe would rather us all be dead, much like his head.
They want us subservient to the State, just ask Bill Gates why he's purchased hundreds of thousands of farmland, why he suggest that we eat fake meat, and why he's investing in All Things Bugs.
Different story about food banks here.
Throughout my life I have experienced some brief periods of abject poverty. I have never had to go to a food bank, but I would have if they had been available.
We may all be eating damn bugs before long.
Best wishes to you.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Looney Tunes starring Elmer Fudd, Bugs Bunny, and Daffy Duck…
I guess we’re destined to be steeped in Fud(d) (fear, uncertainty and doubt), eating Bugs, while the steady drumbeat of government and corporate propaganda drives us Daffy.
I remember reading
an editorial a few years ago wherein the author described a the credit rating as “the Yuppie’s substitute for their immortal soul”.
That landed. My immortal soul (if any) and my credit rating are very much on a par these days, and my personal circle of hell will probably consist of come-ons for “better” credit cards 24/7 through every media outlet.
Oh, wait- I’m already there. What’s in your wallet?
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
I saw the other day...
where credit agencies will raise your credit rating if you pay your rent on time.
A debt economy needs debt slaves to function. What a world!
Good morning Johnny. Do Banksters and other
Useless Parasitic Criminals have a UPC code? Might it be zero, for what they contribute? Willie Sutton famously stated that he robbed banks "because that's where the money is." Seems simple enough, but how did he burn through 2 million in 40 years, of which he spent 20 in the slammer? Call those 1960 dollars, that's 20 million today, Peanuts, but a vast fortune to the working stiff.
We, the 99%, have damn little, yet, somehow we are facilitators in this enormous circle jerk. How do we break the cycle? More importantly, how do we get the vast majority to see through it and assist in its destruction. How do we do so without doing harm in the process?
Throwing the moneylenders out of the temple is self-contradicting, wouldn't work and certainly wouldn't be permitted. That fable is surely apocryphal. Using a code bomb for a bank password can't possibly work because it certainly would've been done many times already if it did, if only by script kiddies out farting around. So what the hell else is there?
Meanwhile, it's the 30th, eom, as the say, so today or monday huge numbers of us will be facilitating further, an ironic little gotcha.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
@enhydra lutris Ahhhhhh What healing
I saw what you did there...
UPC code = Useless parasitic criminals.
It will be interesting to see if that UPCs will have a social credit score when/if that is rolled out. My guess is they'll be only for the little people.
"How do we break the cycle?"
Collapse, that's probably why they want to control it.
Thanks old buddy.
Coming Monday, October 3, will be a national holiday in Germany…
The national holiday, in fact, commemorating the day the two Germanies were officially reunited, i.e. West Germany’s actually existing capitalism annexed and put an end to East Germany’s actually existing, but unloved and unlovely, form of socialism.
Thanks lotl - I think I mention it, I loaded that OT
weeks ago due to a major need to get ahead of them thru December.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
It's worse than bankers
Hedge funders and other gamblers rule the economy. There's not enough profit in manufacturing where there's competition for your type of product. Trumps business model rules, mega profits on promises, then walk away when the fantasy goes bust. The government is just a subsidiary of wall street, and we can't see it because we lived all our lives wearing capitalist goggles, seeing propaganda as truth. For the 1% the government exists to protect the assets of the wealthy, and bail them out when they lose at the craps table.
It's impossible to say we have a democracy, when no matter who is in charge the government is indifferent to the wants and needs of it's citizens.
Well said, Snode...
we manufacture war, plenty of profit in that.
We baby boomers are the first generation to be raised by television. It shows.
I often wondered why the parasites are hovering up all the US dollars when they may well soon be worthless. They take those dollars and diversify in other assets as a hedge. They know what's coming our way.
Snode's got it
I certainly feel that the cliff is much closer than we can cognitively acknowledge.
We talk about it but do we really get how insignificant and inconvenient we are unless we generate profit for them as slaves?
A little food for thought
We come from dust. We will return to dust.
That's why I don't dust. It my be someone I know.
thanks Sp.
Over how many centuries
SMH Tying to digest todays events. It ain't easy!
All this and the day is still not over yet!
Biden warns Putin US will defend 'every inch' of NATO land. HA!
wait a minute dark brandon, nato may be an occupying force, but bill gates, monsanto and
the bankers are the owners of 'very inch' of the land. Not nato. WTF, over.
Who writes these scripts?
Not us.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
It is mind boggling...
but it's meant to be.
Thanks for posting, humphrey.
Hi Friday people
Hi all, Hey JtC, Hope all are well!
How do you know when you are doin' alright?
Does your bank account swell when you're dreamin' at night?
Fee Waybill - The Tubes - What Do You want from Life
... well you can't have that, but if you are an American citizen...
you are entitled to... war, more war, endless wars, pointless
wars, profitable for the war makers wars, did I say more war,
a war economy, I have a herd of wars, we're givin' 'em away!,
crazed capitalism, total abuse of the people and environment,
affluenza, consumaholism and alcoholism, a TV ON in every room,
and being spied on and tracked endlessly
I saw the Tubes several times in the mid-70's, and once about 2000 or so... they were awesome nuts.
back to work for me...
be well all
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
I am so excited because a local judge whom I have no confidence can be counted on to be fair, courteous, knowledgeable, and honest, may have been caught doing some unauthorized campaigning and just may be facing some complaints, even criminal charges, filed by the District Attorney's Office. I have spent an hour or more today conferring with them, as I have been through this complaint system before, and have been sending them info, etc...We might get rid of him yet!
That is what I want out of life, in addition to love, friendships, peace, security, plentiful food for everyone, privacy, and an end forever of the dominance of the rich over every f'cking thing on the f'cking planet. I want everyone on earth to say, "No Billionaire killed me. I will die a natural death after living a wonderful life."
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
The only remainig question
is whether it will be a) a boot stamping on a human face forever, or b) a baby's arm holding an apple, and whether we'll be able to tell the difference.
I guess it comes down to a the timeframe: milliseconds or decades...
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
Well, it can end in less time it takes to blink an eyelid.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Hey d...
wow, are those features or bugs? I can't decide which one I dislike the most. I think probably war, although crazed capitalism is pretty bad too. Ah hell, I dislike them all the same.
Great tune, old buddy.
Hey, I still have their “Outside Inside” vinyl album somewhere
Transgender pioneer Alexis Arquette played a young boy in the video for “She’s a Beauty,“ the hit single from that album …
very cool stuff LL
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
One important part left out of the Associated Press tweet.
People might indeed be spending more but they are getting less for their money.
the commerce department said ..
spending was up! woohoo.
Wonder tho, is it because everything costs more?
Or that the mighty US dollar buys less?
Doesn't really matter which way you look at it.
We are grabbed by the ankles and shaken until
all the money comes out of our pockets.
Criminal capitalism is working in either case.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
My wife and I
just binge-watched documentaries about Bernie Madoff, Enron, and Lehman Brothers back to back.
The fact that anyone still has any faith whatsoever in the financial community boggles my mind.
There's something to be said for being asset-free, and not particularly greedy to start with. There will always be someone a) greedier than you, b) better at it than you, and c) sociopathic enough not to care what happens, as long as They Get Theirs. I now prefer to have nothing left to be taken from me.
Can't wait for that next broker cold-call. That is all.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
That Bernie Madoff was not just some come-from-nowhere nobody,
but that his status as former chairman of the board of NASDAQ lent his obvious Ponzi scheme an invisibility cloak as far as government and media watchdogs were concerned — should be a tipoff to the diseased state of the entire sector.
When a Federal Reserve Bank official with inside knowledge can “trade like a hedge fund kingpin” for five years and get away with it:
“All Wars Are Bankers’ Wars”
Your historic photo got me wondering who these people were. The setting of the photo reminded me of Jekyll Island GA, a place where big bankers gathered to plot our worlds’s future. In my curiosity I stumbled on a link to an article by the above title: AllWars Are Bankers’ Wars
Suffice it to say, this challenges all of the fairy tales we have been told about the ‘respectable’ bankers and exposes their outsized role in influencing the course of, if not the outright cause of, every armed conflict since the Revolutionary war to this day. It’s a multi day read for me, and a humongous ‘red pill’; more than I can wrap my head around and digest in a single day.
Perhaps the ‘unseen puppet masters who rule the world’ is not too far fetched a notion to be given serious consideration.
Had you ever heard that Russia came to the defense of the Union during our Civil War???…
[edited: tag to SP’s photo image, to which I was replying. Will also likely repost to a current OT once I have finished reading]
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963