Open Thread - 09-30-22 - Useless Parasitic Eaters
Submitted by JtC on Fri, 09/30/2022 - 8:01am
It didn't have to be this way.
All wars are banker wars. Especially this one that threatens to consume us all. We stand on the threshold of annihilation by parasite, those that will suck the homonine corpus dry.
That bank statement. That's your life. That is your worth, digits on paper. Digits that represent the totality of your life's work. What we've been taught, what we structure our lives upon is reflected in that bank statement. The Man wants your life. Is it not obvious by now. You are a slave, by different means, yet still a slave. To the monied class.
This war is shaping up to be the mother of all banker wars. Its cause is the rich man's desire to continue feeding on the sweat and toil of your existence. They, the useless parasitic eater class, have gorged themselves for so long at your expense that they are willing to gamble it all away, all for the sake of their opulence.
Let us not forget what has gotten us to this point. Greed and power. Those that have brought us to the brink will not let go. They, that have caused the financial and geopolitical mess we find ourselves in want you to sacrifice everything so they can continue their rapacious ways.