About the downfall of EU

While it is clear to news consumers outside of the MSM that the EU is facing a collapse, it
appears the political class are not doing much to prepare for the inevitable. How long will
the populations of these nations watch this slow motion disaster? There are sparks of
discontent flaring up here and there. But I feel there is is a storm brewing which is being
ignored by the rulers. Any ideas?

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QMS's picture

one possibility ..

The European Union is very popular with politicians, because it's very good to politicians. It was created for their benefit. It's not so good to voters, because it denies them a voice - another reason it's popular with politicians. These days, we in Europe no longer make most of our own laws. We have them handed down to us by people we haven't elected and can't remove. The people we do elect are powerless to change anything, even if they wanted to...

— Pat Condell

The EU was originally designed to function with a small number of similar countries in post-war Western Europe. Over-expansion and the incorporation of countries with very different cultures and economies means that it can no longer work.


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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

earthling1's picture

to me that the system of governance currently existing in Europe is the perfect fit for the ruling elite. Why would any of them want to destroy it?
This is an existential battle between continental elites.
Was that leaked Rand paper real or fake?

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Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

snoopydawg's picture


The points in it were probably true. Hudson has been talking about this for months. Here’s an earlier essay on it.


He writes about economics in a way that I can understand.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

QMS's picture


What with all of the associated obfuscation. My gut tells me there are morsels of truth there-in.
The PTB would feel uncomfortable with that type of information available to the commons.

The Eurocrats, instead, created a treaty the size of a New York telephone book, regulating everything. This is the problem with the European Union. They say it is about free trade, but really it’s about somebody’s arbitrary idea of “fair trade,” which amounts to regulating everything. In addition to its disastrous economic consequences, it creates misunderstandings and confusion in the mind of the average person. Brussels has become another layer of bureaucracy on top of all the national layers and local layers for the average European to deal with.


and now there is talk of Polexit due to EU fines

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QMS's picture



NATO, Schengen and Eurozone


Nations not in NATO

Bosnia and Herzegovina
San Marino
Vatican City

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

lotlizard's picture


Map needs a further little blue blob north of Albania there.

5 users have voted.

It is likely that things have gotten worse.

8 users have voted.
QMS's picture


amazing how the Swiss figure is so low (non EU and NATO)

This almost comical ..

NATO not at war with Russia – top official

Arms shipments to Ukraine do not constitute a case of military conflict with Moscow, the bloc’s senior official has said


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It might turn it's backers off with the sky high inflation rate showing that it is a lost cause.

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for me to believe that anybody in ostensible state power to have any discretion about anything of significance .Exactly who is pulling the puppet strings is a profound mystery. Random nobodies like several C99 voices saw this disaster coming as of February. I cannot prove this, but my suspicion is that stirring up popular resistance is one of the goals of the hidden puppeteers. General chaos is on the way as anybody who is paying attention can see. I do not believe that the people with enough juice to coordinate so many national governments in a dance like this do not know what will follow.

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I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.

QMS's picture

@fire with fire

Would be to enact martial law (to contain the uprisings) followed by revoking cash
(to combat runaway inflation). The strangulation of food and energy sources will
dovetail with rations and credit limits. Starving out the deplorables will solve the
immigration problem. Not a very rosy future.

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@QMS Glenn Greenwald has stated we (and including EU) are under the sway of liberal authoritarians. And they are not afraid to jail and use violence as we saw in farmer/trucker revolts. Not sure if blaming Russia with a demand for economic suicide for the sake of Ukrainian democracy is going to work. But then again, propaganda and racism against Russia might work was such movements have worked in the past in Europe.

Something is going to happen with Muslim immigrants in Europe. My impression is that they have not for whatever reason assimilated. While a bloody history in Russia, about 10,000 Chechen Muslims have volunteered to fight in the Ukraine. Sorta telling that Chechen fighters in Ukraine are yelling out "Allahu Akbar" while fighting for a country with majority Orthodox Christians. Not sure local immigrant groups in EU will feel the same.

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QMS's picture


while draining the resources of otherwise independent states is telling.
Generational ethnic wounds are very slow to heal, as you well stated in
reference to the Chechen Muslims' continued hate. Why doesn't the same
concept apply to the Nazi equation? Is it Germany or just muddled issues?
I don't get it. Instead of burying divisional differences, here we are inflaming
more of the same. Because of democracy? What is that but a vague ideal?

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security

lotlizard's picture

(toeing the official EU-NATO propaganda line) talks as if the “populist” AfD were Nazi-adjacent and fascist.

Yet it is the elite-led mainstream that is funding and arming actual Nazi-adjacent fascists in the Ukraine.

It is the elite-led mainstream that is now censoring and crushing dissent and demanding Gleichschaltung of opinion in the media and the arts (Documenta 15).

Every view the Powers That Be don’t like is now deemed to be dangerous / the equivalent of anti-Semitism / like denying or trivializing the Holocaust, et cetera.

Meanwhile the AfD is the only party in parliament that opposes arming Ukrainian Nazis and is calling for the lifting of sanctions on Russia, opening the Nordstream 2 gas pipeline, and ending German participation in NATO wars and occupations.

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QMS's picture

Meanwhile the AfD is the only party in parliament that opposes arming Ukrainian Nazis and is calling for the lifting of sanctions on Russia, opening the Nordstream 2 gas pipeline, and ending German participation in NATO wars and occupations.

Thanks for sharing this.

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truth is considered foreign influence, world peace is a threat to national security