The Weekly Watch

Better to Question than Trust

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Remember the bumper sticker, "Question Authority"? I think that is a good idea. The notion of trust "the science" or the "experts" or "our leaders" is a mistake. All these authorities have been captured by the various corporations and industries whose goal is to generate profit from our resulting reactions to their advice. We must think for ourselves using the best evidence at hand...and that requires curating our sources of information.

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Neil Oliver discusses the myriad of ways in which we are being conned (10 min)

Neil Oliver: 'It's hard to tell yourself you've been taken for a fool but open your eyes' (11 min)

Caity wrote this week:

Robert Heinlein said, “Man is not a rational animal; he is a rationalizing animal.” And from all the facts in evidence currently available to us, that certainly does seem to be the case. We’re destroying our biosphere and moving beyond mere flirtation with nuclear war to full-blown courtship, all to facilitate a status quo that everyone hates and which benefits hardly anybody.
We’re on this path because we have systems in place which elevate viciousness. We’re on this path because of the profit motive, because of market forces, because of the kind of people that have been able to elevate themselves to positions of power at this point in spacetime. We’re on this path because media can be used to manipulate human psychology at mass scale using points of mental leverage like fear and tribalism that are evolutionary remnants from times when life was much different. We’re on this path because our species is in an awkward transition phase between the evolution of massive prefrontal cortices in our skulls and the adaptation of a conscious, wholesome relationship with our newfound capacity for abstract thought


What put me on this train of thought is a talk I heard this week from Nina Teicholz, investigative reporter and nutrition specialist. Perhaps no other branch of science is as full of misinformation as nutrition science where the combined interest of big ag/food (making us sick with processed foods) and big pharma (who profits from our illness) collude to misinform the public and mislead doctors. (53 min)

There's a mistaken notion that science is fact. I've even had a member of this community tell me so. If that was true, we would still have only four elements and the Earth would be the center of the universe. Science changes (albeit slowly) as new evidence emerges.

Aseem Malhotra also made a good presentation at the same conference.
Taking Action to Clean Up the Medical Misinformation Mess (1 hour)

However, Aseem's interview on GBNews this week was outstanding. (16 min)

'Everything we had to go on at the beginning was based upon that figure which was exaggerated in terms of its benefits... the information has evolved since then, considerably.' Dr Aseem Malhotra joins Mark Steyn to discuss why he's calling for greater vaccine data transparency.

Asseem is quite outspoken about the state of the medical field in the UK and around the world.
Evidence Based Medicine Has Been Hijacked - Dr Aseem Malhotra | PHC 2019 (40 min)
Too Much Medicine & The Great Statin Con - Dr Aseem Malhotra 2017 conference (46 min)
Eat Real Food, Protect The NHS & Save Lives by Dr Aseem Malhotra 2020 virtual conference (30 min)

Speaking of the UK's NHS, Russell interviewed a doctor about the privatization of this once excellent medical system. Private health care companies are scamming us. (10 min) "Today I'm joined by Dr Bob Gill who tells me all about the privatization of healthcare, how the pandemic response was about profit, big pharma's funding of the FDA and its biased medical research."

Aussie Politician Rages Against COVID Bureaucracy (8 min)

Australian Senator Alex Antic gave a speech recently that caught the Internet’s attention as he railed against the ongoing undermining of personal liberties in the form of COVID restrictions, the abandonment of the people by government and the growing bureaucracy that seeks to secure its own power and funding at the expense of the constituents its ostensibly supposed to serve.

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Our small scale food producers are being attacked for not following corporate guidelines...
TPTB are attacking farmers providing healthy real food for their independence. (2 min) | Tell the feds to leave the Amish farmers alone!
Amos Miller, the farm's owner, contends that he’s preparing food the way God intended — but the United States government doesn’t see things that way. More here.

The Davos minions are floating the myth that cattle are bad for the environment. It isn't the cows, it is the feed lot factory model which is the problem. In fact grazing mammals are being used to restore ecosystems. How Bison Are Saving America's Lost Prairie (8 min)

American prairies were once home to as many as 60 million bison. But when ranching and agriculture displaced elk and bison from the prairies, America’s grasslands all but disappeared. Now, the Nature Conservancy manages the largest remaining protected tract of tallgrass prairie in the entire world, the Joseph H. Williams Tallgrass Prairie Preserve in northeastern Oklahoma.

This 40,000-acre expanse is much more than grass. It is a biologically rich habitat that harbors a diverse collection of plant and animal species—more than 750 species of flora and 80 different mammals. This prairie is also a vital component in nature’s fight against climate change. The key to keeping the prairie healthy? Bison.

The Nature Conservancy reintroduced 300 bison to this prairie in 1993, and the herd has grown to more than 2,000 animals today. They graze on the majority of the preserve, playing an important part in enhancing the prairies. Combined with a method of land management known as patch burning—preserve managers torch about a third of the acreage every spring, summer, and fall, mimicking ancient seasons of fire—the tallgrass prairie is thriving.

There are many similar restoration stories.

"Desertification is a fancy word for land that is turning to desert," begins Allan Savory in this quietly powerful talk. And terrifyingly, it's happening to about two-thirds of the world's grasslands, accelerating climate change and causing traditional grazing societies to descend into social chaos. Savory has devoted his life to stopping it. He now believes -- and his work so far shows -- that a surprising factor, mob grazing, can protect grasslands and even reclaim degraded land that was once desert.

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To my mind it is US Foreign Policy which needs the most scrutiny. Our domestic problems are founded in part in the fact that we're using most of our resources for war and arms sales. It isn't just the economic cost, but the human suffering resulting on both sides of the many US global conflicts. (4.5 min)

Brandon Bryant is an ex-U.S. Air Force drone operator who enlisted in 2005. He flew thousands of drone strikes and surveillance missions in Afghanistan, Iraq and Africa. After being honorably discharged in 2011, his experiences caused him to suffer from severe mental health issues. In this episode, Bryant shares his experiences in the U.S. military, how he is enlisted, how he was trained at Creech Air Force Base and what happened during his first strike action.

Retired US Army Colonel on Ukraine, Taiwan & the state of the US Empire (39 min)

Lawrence Wilkerson, retired Army Colonel and former Chief of Staff to Colin Powell, about foreign policy with a focus on Taiwan and Ukraine. Lawrence Wilkerson served in the U.S. Army for 31 years and is now a distinguished professor of Government & Public Policy at William and Mary College.

A bit more from...
Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, chief-of-staff to US Secretary of State Colin Powell in the second Bush administration, gives his thoughts on Axios' recent reporting on Trump's plans (a biased report to my mind) to return to power and the threat to democracy he sees in the Republican Party. Col. Lawrence Wilkerson on the threat of Republican Fascism

Vijay Prashad is an Indian historian, editor and journalist. He is a writing fellow and chief correspondent at Globetrotter.

The Deepening Fragility of US Power (15 min)

"If we look history in the eye now, what we see is a depletion of economic power in particular and the United States substituting military force for economic power, and that is an extraordinary dangerous situation for most of the world." - Vijay Prashad

The news about the war in Ukraine is getting so fake that even an amateur can debunk it no time.
"The Myrotvorets, says the Washington Post, used "data" [that] "was obtained by Ukraine’s security services". Details published by it were then "confirmed by Ukrainian security officials". This was "corroborated by officials in Western governments" and "reviewed by The Washington Post". That still means that the only source of that alleged 'data' are "Ukraine’s security services" which, as the Washington Post notes, "have an interest in discrediting Russia’s spy agencies". That makes the whole story about the alleged FSB failure a garbage in-garbage out product based on a sole source, the fantasies created by the Ukrainian secret services. Which altogether tells you something about the 'quality' of Ukraine war reporting by the Washington Post."

Tulsi Gabbard discusses the idea of ‘permanent Washington’ (3.5 min). The concept is that politicians have created a permanent bureaucracy within the civil service system.

No wonder...

President Donald Trump unveiled an executive order on October 21, 2020 that threatens to undermine one of the most important aspects of American government: the professional civil service. The new directive instructs agencies to transfer “career employees in confidential policy-determining, policy‑making and policy-advocating” roles into at-will positions under a new Schedule F job classification. The shift will strip career workers of long-standing civil service protections and politicize the career workforce, allowing merit-based employees to be replaced with appointees selected for their political loyalties.

The deep state and dimwits were not happy.

“What is it that happened to the US in the last 30 to 40 years such that both parties seem to enact the same policies on big things like militarism, Wall Street, or trade?” While there are considerable differences between the parties on cultural and identity issues, there is very little difference in the big money issues, which is what a certain class of people who run the country are really interested in and that is what I try to explain.
Most congresspeople just vote according to what their party leadership tells them. Membership in the deep state in Congress boils down to the leadership and a handful of Defense and Intelligence Committee members. The private part of the deep state is the military-industrial complex Eisenhower warned about in 1961. There is also Wall Street and its symbiotic relationship with the Treasury and its regulatory agencies, like the SEC [Security and Exchange Commission]. People like Hank Paulson, who worked for [George W.] Bush, or Tim Geithner, who worked for Obama, are essentially interchangeable: Their worldview is much the same despite being of different political parties.
There is a symbiotic relationship between the deep state and surface democracy. And the type of person who holds office does matter on the margins. Individual decisions do make a difference. The incentive structures for all concerned tend to be shared in a certain fashion because of careerist best interests. I’m not pointing to some massive conspiracy. All of this is going on in the light of day. Everyone knows who the Koch brothers are, General Dynamics etc. It’s just that most people do not see how it all works as a system and how we’ve been conditioned to look at it.

Alex advice to Russia, kill the EU with kindness, and boost EU tourism in Russia as well as spread a positive view of heir country. (35 min)

Finland begins Russian travel ban. Elensky travel ban. Canceling Bulgakov. Cheney gone.

...reports that both Russia's Putin and China's Xi will attend the G20 Bali summit in person have set off a firestorm of anxiety and angry reaction among Western leaders.

Needless to say, the presence of Xi and Putin at the meeting will set up a showdown with the deep state handlers who control Joe Biden's teleprompter and other, less senile "western" leaders, all of whom are set to meet in person for the first time since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The attack has left the G-20 divided over whether to place sanctions on Russia, because while a handful of G-20 countries are relatively self reliant, most are desperate for Russia's commodity exports, whose lack has sent European energy prices to... well, just look for yourselves.

Putin and Jokowi discussed preparations for the G-20 summit in Bali in a phone call Thursday, the Kremlin said in a statement that didn’t mention whether the Russian leader will attend. Putin’s attendance will also likely bring him face to face with Volodymyr Zelenskiy for the first time since Russia’s invasion because for some odd reason the Ukrainian president - who also doubles as a Vogue model - is also slated to be in Bali.

This meeting looks to be interesting. The US and its G7 bitches are out numbered by the other 13 members of the G20 so any action to call out Putin and/or Xi are doomed to fail.

Caity has a clever short play about how we're manipulated about the way we think of China.

John: I’m worried about China.
Jane: Oh yeah? What about it?
John: Well more I’m worried about the example they’re setting, and that western governments will start implementing their technocratic oppression style to turn us all into a bunch of brainwashed, homogeneous obedience machines.
Jane: What makes you think Chinese people are all brainwashed and homogeneous?
John: Oh my God, don’t you watch the news? Have you not heard of their social credit score system? The state censorship and propaganda those people are subjected to? The CCP literally doesn’t let them have access to western social media platforms because our free thought and democratic values might interfere with their conformity policing. How have you not heard about this? It’s in the news constantly.
Jane: Constantly?
John: Oh yeah, it’s like a major news story all the time. All across the political spectrum, too. Fox News, CNN, The Washington Post. Alternative media too like Infowars and The Epoch Times; even lefty YouTubers like Vaush talk all the time about how bad it is in China.
Jane: So because you’re being given the same message by all the western media you consume, you’re worried about the enforcement of thought conformity in… China?
John: Yeah. Of course.
Jane: And this is why you’re worried that, at some point in the future, that kind of brainwashing and homogeneity might someday be inflicted upon us by powerful people in the west?
John: I mean yeah, if the CCP doesn’t do it to us first. Did you know they’re trying to take over the world?
Jane: They are?
John: Oh yeah! The Chinese want to take over the world and give us all a social credit score so we’ll all think the same. How do you not know about this? Don’t you ever watch TV?
Jane: How do you know it’s true though?
John: That they want to conquer us and give us a social credit score? Come on! Open your eyes! Have you seen how they treat their own population? They’re genociding the Uyghurs as we speak! Millions and millions of them in Nazi-style extermination camps! Plus they deliberately released the Covid virus to hurt us after cooking it up in a lab, they’re taking over Hollywood and infiltrating our political and academic institutions, and they’ve colonized the entire continent of Africa! Of course the CCP wants to rule us! Don’t you ever watch Tucker Carlson? They’re truly, deeply evil, and we’ve got to do something to stop them.
Jane: Sounds like you’ve got this China thing all figured out. You’re right, that sounds really scary. I can’t imagine what it would be like, living in a thought-controlled dystopia where your rulers are brainwashing everyone into obedience and making sure everybody thinks the same way about stuff.
John: Yeah! Finally you get it! I’m glad you’ve come around. Honestly you’re the first person I know who didn’t already understand these things about China.
Jane: I’ll bet.
John: So do you think it will happen? Do you think our government will implement a social credit score system to make us all believe lies and propaganda, like the Chinese?
Jane: You know, I wouldn’t worry about it.

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It isn't just Trump that was invaded by the FBI...
FBI Raids African People’s Socialist Party and Uhuru Movement
FBI agents took aim at a Black liberation organization that has been a sharp critic of the U.S./NATO-backed war in Ukraine.
More here.

“On July 29th the FBI broke into the St. Louis home of African People’s Socialist Party Chairman Omali Yeshitela and his wife, Ona Zene Yeshitela, drug them into the street and forced them to sit for hours on the curb in handcuffs. They employed similar tactics at the St. Petersburg, Florida and St. Louis offices of the UHURU Movement. These illegal and fascistic attacks are not just an assault on the African People’s Socialist Party/UHURU Movement (APSP) but on the entire Black Liberation Movement.

“These attacks occur now because the U.S. is in the midst of a severe political economic crisis. Domestically, the living conditions, the quality of life of most people are deteriorating. Internationally, U.S. political and economic influence is waning,” stated spokesperson Roger Wareham.

This is typical government over reach.

"What's In The Documents Doesn't Matter" Officials Admit Real Reason They Raided Trump (17 min)

The hypothesis that the FBI was after spygate, Russiagate, Clinton/FBI collusion is floated.

Anti-Trump FBI Squad Put In Charge Of Mar-A-Lago Raid (16 min)

Theories abound regarding the real reason Donald Trump’s Florida home was raided by the FBI, who seized boxes and boxes of documents while searching Trump’s safe and even Melania’s quarters. But one indication might be that the same tactical unit that carried out the raid was also responsible for the Russiagate investigation that turned up bupkis on Trump, so now those same agents are back for another bite at the apple. Did they think they’d find the REAL Russiagate documents? Or maybe documents showing their malfeasance during Trump’s time in office?

Paul Sperry, the investigative journalist, recently reported that Federal agents, who have actively promoted the Russiagate investigation and hold a deep bias against Trump, are now members of the raid searching for classified documents that allegedly "compromised" national security.

Members of the FBI’s counterintelligence division, who ran the Russia "collusion" investigation against President Trump during 2016-2017, codenamed "Crossfire Hurricane," are being probed by Special Counsel John Durham and the bureau’s internal disciplinary arm, the Office of Professional Responsibility for "alleged abuses of power and political bias."

Besides, Supervisory Intelligence Analyst Brian Auten, whose alleged labeling of evidence against Hunter Biden as "disinformation" brought the investigation to a close, is considered a top expert on Russia and nuclear warfare. Republicans fear, and justifiably so, that Auten, a man so biased against Trump, may be allowed to participate in analyzing and determining if the documents seized from Mar-a-Lago have compromised national security. Senator Chuck Grassley, the ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, has written to FBI Director Christopher Wray to express his concerns.

Other noted members of the raid include Jay Bratt (DNC donor and top counterintelligence official in Justice's national security division) and Alan Kohler (FBI's counterintelligence division head). Bratt had visited Mar-a-Lago in June to inspect the storage facility personally and had taken documents then.

From this article.

Seems Trump was cooperating with an earlier subpoena...

On June 3, the FBI visited Mar-a-Lago to retrieve the requested documents in the subpoena, which Trump complied with, the source told Fox News.

Those investigators toured the area of the Florida resort where some documents were stored, then briefly viewed and took custody of a small amount of potentially sensitive material. Separate sources told Fox News that federal investigators had spoken with at least one person who relayed the possibility of more sensitive national security material in that storage room and other areas of the property.

FBI officials, that day, asked to see a storage facility where the records were located. The FBI asked that staff put a lock on the storage room, which they later did.

This source said Trump and his staff were, and are, committed to being in compliance with the Presidential Records Act, which requires presidential administrations to preserve certain documents.

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There is much to question in these days of forever war, poor public health, attacks on farmers, climate chaos and environmental collapse... as media manipulation maintains the confusion and misunderstandings. None of us can get it right all the time. All we can do is use the best sources we can find to try to see our way through all the propaganda, omissions, and outright lies we are force fed in order to make us compliant to the desires of the elite.

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The floor is open to any and all questions, comments, observations, and ideas...

21 users have voted.


QMS's picture

Good morning all. Another humid cooker here today.
Thought this quote posted by gjohnsit in yesterday's potluck
was very good. Mexico's AMLO cut to the chase ..

“We have to convince the leaders of Canada and the United States … [to] change the policy of predominance that has been imposed, the policy of hegemony, of wanting to intervene in the internal affairs of other nations,” he said Thursday during a virtual meeting of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC).

“This obsolete policy – the interventionism, the coups – must be changed. [The United States and Canada] should respect the sovereignty of [other] countries [in the region] and … [realize] that we need each other,” López Obrador said. “[Together] we can become much stronger as a region in the world.”

Coupling this sentiment along with China's BRI and Russia's EAEU, there seems to be a growing
recognition of the benefits of mutual cooperation toward the improvement of international
trade and mutual development.

Meanwhile, the US and NATO only seem to encourage division and dissonance thru military actions.
Although this force is powerful, it lacks in basic humanitarian values. WEF and World Bank
policies are losing their exclusive grips on independent nations and regions of the world.
Dire consequences for the western bloc.

Thanks for the Watch!

13 users have voted.

question everything

Lookout's picture


AMLO has been so good of late, I'm afraid that deep state may target him.
Mexico's President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador announced that he will ask President Joe Biden to review the case of Julian Assange, the Australian journalist whom Washington wants to jail for revelations about US war crimes. in Guantánamo, Iraq, and Afghanistan.
“He has been very unfairly treated, worse than a criminal. The treatment he has received is a disgrace to the world,” Mexican president Lopez Obrador said.

AMLO announces new state-owned company will distribute LP gas ‘at fair prices’
The president said gas prices are 'unjustifiably' high. Private distributors of LP gas will face government competition.

You are correct, the path forward is cooperation not conflict.

Stay cool f you can. It has been 60's in the AM and 80's for highs. Very unusual in August for Alabama. Saw your harbor fire comment it just carelessness?

All the the closings and fires at food processing centers sure is odd...
Below is the list of America’s 98 plants that have been destroyed, damaged or impacted by “accidental fires,” disease, or general causes.

I think the food shortage is being engineered.

Thanks for the visit!

15 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture


Methinks the initial fire may have been an electrical fire. Vendors are pushing this new Lithium
technology into the boating market, which is unproven and dangerous. But I don't know. It could have been human error. The lawyers will drag it thru the courts for their respective insurance clients and
it may be awhile before any type of conclusion is made. The sad bit is all the workers now have no
jobs, since it pretty much destroyed the marina.

Perhaps more than coincidence about the food processing plants fires. Food insecurity is one of
the tools meant to control us. Sheesh.

10 users have voted.

question everything

Lookout's picture


...who always seem to pay the price. Glad you suffered no ill effects!

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Pluto's Republic's picture

8 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

@Pluto's Republic @Pluto's Republic

We must reach out to others. I find the trumpeteers are more antiwar than the shitlibs whose blind hatred of Putin and Russia due to Russiagate (and a lifetime of Russiahate) as well as TDS.

Your clip illustrates the confusion between communism and corporatism. The interviewer did well. It is like MSM calling Pelosi as a leftist.

Thanks for the tweet!
Edit to add...the idea of discussing policy and goals rather than party and identity (divisive) issues is the best strategy.

14 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture

Russia begins war games in Venezuela, sends alarm throughout Latin America

Snipers from Russia and other countries hostile to the United States are competing in war games being held this week in Venezuela in events described as Olympic games for soldiers that were organized not only to show that Moscow still has friends but also that some of them are in Latin America.

The international war games have been held yearly since 2015, following Russia’s annexation of Crimea, and Venezuela has participated from its beginning, but this year’s games are the first held in Latin America, and include participants from Cuba, Bolivia and Nicaragua.

Forces from Burma, Belarus, Abkhazia, Uzbekistan, China, India, Pakistan and Indonesia, among others, also participate in the competitions. These are nations that “daily condemn imperialist aggression against the peoples,” Venezuelan Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino López declared as he inaugurated the games on Monday.

I bet that news has got a few knickers in a twist in DC and elsewhere. I also read somewhere that Venezuela is cutting off oil to Europe because of their demands. A few years ago it was reported that 40,000 people in Venezuela had died because of our sanctions. How many more have died since then?

11 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Lookout's picture

2.5 min
From the somewhat biased HT (& very biased against China)
Hindustan Times

Snipers from Russia & other countries competing in war games in Venezuela. Putin's message for U.S & Europe - Russia still has friends, even in Latin America. The Int'l War Games have been held yearly; following Russia’s annexation of Crimea. The 2022 games are the first in Latin America; Cuba, Bolivia & Nicaragua participating. Venezuela’s relationship with Russia is already extensive & the games seek to expand it further. Concerns over potentially larger Russia-China-Iran presence in Latin America. The war games may also serve as a platform to promote Moscow's arms sales in the region.

Thanks for the story!

10 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Pluto's Republic's picture


Many in Asia believe that COVID-19 was started at the International Military Games that was he'd in Wuhan, China, in 2019. Chinese scientists continue to believe that this is the likely source of the infection in China. Athletes from several participating nations, including some of the French team, returned home with a mysterious disease, later diagnosed as COVID-19. That was a month before COVID-19 broke out in Wuhan and was identified and sequenced by the Chinese. They immediately warned the world. There was no delay. The US was busy impeaching Donald Trump and ignored Chins's warning.

Meanwhile, during that same month, November 2019, the FDA began taking tissue and blood samples from the American herd of White Tail Deer thought the US. This is done yearly to track the health of the herd, which are killed and eaten by human predators. White Tailed deer have a presence in every US state. One year later, after the pandemic hit the US, curious scientists tested the stored 2019-20 blood samples of the White Tail Deer herd. Almost the entire herd, from every corner of the country, was carrying antigens from COVID-1 infections. How long had the White Tail deer population been spreading the Covid-19 infection among themselves so that antibodies showed in their winter 2019 blood tests?

For this and a number of other reasons — including waste water samples from Italy and Spain collected in the summer of 2019 that showed the presence of Covid-19 infections — — led the Chinese to accuse the US of planting the virus in Wuhan during the Military Games. They have never wavered from this belief. The physical evidence naturally made the bio-lab at Fort Derrick in the US (which was hastily closed down in mid 2019) the second leg of the World Health Organization's investigation into the origins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, following the Wuhan lab investigation. This, and the fact that Dr. Anthony Fauci had coronavirus samples sent from US bio-labs on Russia's border to the bio-lab in Wuhan, China for further study, after level 4 bio-labs in the US were shut down by the Obama administration. But, the US refused to allow the W.H.O. Science Team to come to the US in order to continue its investigation.

What was never clear that the Coronavirus that the US sent to China for study was the same virus as the virus that caused the pandemic. But what is clear, is that the cave there the SARS-CoV-2 virus was harvested from bats is NOT located anywhere in China. After the pandemic had spread to the world, outbreaks of Covid-19 in China were traced to the packaging of imported seafood and other frozen imports.

It's probably a good idea to be sure one's speculations about the origins of COVID-19 in the future are run through this filter.

7 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture

about another week behind, but that's ok in that it reminds me to make much better use of my free time.

be well and have a good one

7 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Lookout's picture

@enhydra lutris

I like to think of the WW as a menu. Pick the info that interests you.

Thanks for coming by, and have a good week as August nears the end.

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

I am starting with the shorter vids, will get to the longer ones later this evening.
We are getting rain. Too late for most crops, but good news for cattle ranchers.
We are headed to the store to grab some necessities.
We are still mindful of getting first aid, and useful over the counter medical products. In a pinch, something is better than nothing.
I am pretty outraged by the attack on the Amish farmers. The "F" word comes to mind.
Wishing you and all others the best, and I am glad you are all here.

9 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Lookout's picture

@on the cusp

We've been getting lots...2.8" Friday, 0.5" yesterday, so far only 0.2" today. Been nice and comfortable for August.

Enjoy your outing.

The FDA/USDA hit on the Amish is all about control. Joel Salatin had similar encounters with his farm site slaughter and processing center. He had them do a study and his plant was much cleaner than the commercial operation, and he got the okay.
Perhaps the Amish folks will get the same sort of exception.

Good to "see" you and enjoy the rain!

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture

You put a lot of time and effort in your weekly watch and I appreciate you doing it so well.

9 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Lookout's picture


I very much appreciate all that you contribute here on the site too!

Hope you and Sam are doing well and some rain has come your way. Looked like maybe you're getting some of the monsoon rains.

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

13 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

@humphrey @humphrey

according to George...
He has connection and history in Pak.

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout @Lookout

A speech by the ex-PM was barred from TV over “threats” against political foes, while YouTube was blocked nationwide

Ousted former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has been charged with violating the country’s anti-terrorism laws for allegedly threatening a female judge and two senior police officials during a rally in Islamabad on Saturday night. Video reportedly shot at his home on Sunday evening shows police surrounding the residence hours after a police report was filed against him.

In his speech during Saturday’s rally, Khan threatened to file charges of his own against Judge Zeba Chaudhry, two police agencies, the Pakistani Election Commission, and other political opponents, warning they should prepare to face “consequences” over their abysmal treatment of his chief of staff, Shahbaz Gill. He had organized the rally in Islamabad’s F-9 Park in solidarity with Gill, who was arrested last week on sedition charges.

Later that night, the country’s digital media watchdog, called PEMRA, forbid satellite stations from airing the speech – or any future live addresses from the ex-prime minister – without a time-delay mechanism “to ensure effective monitoring and editorial control.”

8 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


The US puppet military government is not popular. They have over stepped, but as George emphasized they assassinated their presidents before.

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Pluto's Republic's picture


It's all the State Department has left.

7 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

@Pluto's Republic

they have nothing and are desperate. Assassinations including...

The Assassination of Alexander Dugin’s Daughter

My money is on Ukraine. TPTB keep saying Dugin was a Putin advisor, but in fact they have never even met. Typical misinformation from the MSM.

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Pluto's Republic's picture


...her assassination. Such a sad thing. I have heard that Putin listens to Dugan, I thought they might know each other. But I never looked into it; it didn't matter. I've read Dugan, but he is not particularly interesting to me, nor does he seem controversial. His views struck me as academic and backtracking.

Nevertheless, assassinations do change the course of history and erase ideas. There will be much of that coming from the US. Killing has been a large part of our history and our lives. As the world moves on from the US, the killing of visionaries and influencers will become common. thing. I don't know how the world will fight back. Assassinations are designed to cause crises, or to derail them and weaken their bonds, just as it did to the US, when the Kennedys were killed. We permanently lost our way.

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the JCPOA?

The Biden administration in recent days has been seeking to reassure Israel that it hasn’t agreed to new concessions with Iran and a nuclear deal isn’t imminent, U.S. and Israeli officials told Axios.

Yes, but: Israeli officials said they‘re not reassured.

State of play: Iran gave a formal response this week to a “final” proposal from the EU, which has been mediating between the U.S. and Iran.

That increased speculation that a deal could be close, and led to friction between the U.S. and Israel, which opposes a restoration of the 2015 nuclear deal.

The Israeli concerns were exacerbated by the fact that the country is currently in an election campaign.

If a nuclear deal is announced ahead of the November election, it could give political ammunition to opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu to use against Prime Minister Yair Lapid.
Driving the news: Over the last week, White House officials assured their Israeli counterparts that despite claims in the press, there have been no new concessions to Iran, U.S. officials said.

But last Thursday, senior Israeli officials briefed reporters that Lapid had told the White House that the EU draft goes beyond the 2015 deal and crosses the Biden administration’s own red lines.
Behind the scenes: The press reports surprised the White House, which on Thursday and Friday sought to reassure the Israelis once more that it wasn’t the Biden administration offering concessions but Iran, which dropped its demand the Revolutionary Guards be removed from a U.S. terror blacklist.

“A deal might be closer than it was two weeks ago but the outcome remains uncertain as some gaps remain. In any case, it doesn’t seem to be imminent,” a U.S. official told Axios, describing the message that was given to the Israelis.

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Lookout's picture


We never hold up our end of the bargain.

Thanks for bringing the story.

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Lookout's picture

See you tomorrow.

Lovin' You // Dolly Parton cover by Reina del Cid

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture

Let’s not forget that Biden also told the Ukraine president that if he wanted the billion dollars that he better fire the prosecutor. Some say that he was going to look into Burisma's business deals which would have put the spotlight on Hunter and possibly Biden himself. But after Obama’s brutal coup in Ukraine Biden was the front man for overseeing what happened there. But also too many democrats were up to their eyeballs in weapons and other nefarious things. As were the witnesses who testified in Trump’s impeachment proceedings.

I reported last week that Trump had held on to some documents related to Russia Russia because he’s suing HerHeinous, but he declassified a lot of them and wanted them released to the public, but the intelligence agencies dragged their feet on it. Then Barr appointed Durham who dragged his feet for years and rarely charged anyone involved…because the swamp will always protect itself.

I wonder if republicans have seen this tweet yet? If they take power they will open lots of hearings on Biden’s businesses and then nothing will happen to him. Because the swamp protects itself…

9 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

snoopydawg's picture


What’s the statute of limitations for bribery or threatening or whatever that was? But orange man bad right?

6 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Lookout's picture


...and the FBI ignores it to go after Trump who embarrasses them. We live in a banana republic.

All that make our arrogance and superiority complex that much more ironic.

Thanks for the tweet, which adds more fuel to the fire.

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

5 users have voted.
dystopian's picture

Hi all, Hi LO! Hope all are well and ya had a great Sunday!

Great roundup of all the bad stuff LO... Thanks! Wink

5 users have voted.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

Lookout's picture


hope you're enjoying some rain. Saw that Dallas got too much and is flooding. From famine to feast s warmer air can hold more water vapor.

Take care my birding friend!

2 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Pluto's Republic's picture

....when the Republicans sewed their noses to Clinton's pee-pee.

Off went the TV's for years and years. It was an amazing time of personal growth.

I switched to geopolitics and rarely looked back. Even local politics in this twisted democracy harms the people and turns my stomach.

Now, in light of American brain damage in recent years, I believe it is unwise to remain in this country any longer. Critical thinking creates social discord, yet hiding it extinguishes the self.

I'm aware of too much. I've become Winston Smith living in Oceanana.

8 users have voted.
Creosote.'s picture

@Pluto's Republic

shake Snowden's hand for me.

5 users have voted.
Pluto's Republic's picture


Eventually, we will lose him, and Julian, and Chelsea, all three to the Deep Snakes.

Although, it should be obvious to all that by silencing the voice of conscious truth, they have also dug a grave for the nation.

Arming the people and militarizing the police will guarantee the success of their eugenics, and will thin the population down to the broken, the meek, and the fully compliant. Inadequate health care, unhealthy food, lack of housing, lengthy incarceration, and climate catastrophes will take care of those who fall through the net. There will be nowhere to hide on the American plantation. No way to communicate privately.

The US is now showing up on lists of the most dangerous countries. While Luxembourg and China are among the safes — although the average IQ in Asia is clearly higher than Europe. US brainpower trails at 98, and dropping. And that was before the pandemic.

One positive note about the US — the ruling elite are not trying to hide any of this from the world. They believe Christianity, capitalism, and 700+ foreign military bases trump any diplomatic resistance. Nor do the ruling elite bother to hide this from the American people. The People's lack of curiosity, sense of exceptionalism, and their cognitive dissonance keeps them shackled intellectually.

3 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

@Pluto's Republic in a 1984 world. I've been re-reading it after buying a nice used library copy with decent sized print.

Where might you move? If I were to relocate, I would consider the international community San Cristóbal de las Casas in Mexico.

However, at my age I don't have enough time to replicate my homestead elsewhere after my 35 years of work here in the third world state of Alabama.

Thanks for coming by and adding to the conversation!

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”