Not Another Dose?


Heads up! Record numbers of infections, and a new BA. 2.75 variant in India. Just a quick drive by update to let everyone know the situation, but let's start with a pretty funny summary of where we are.

7 min clip Full one hour show here.

So as Tim explains, the BA. 5 variant isn't as severe as earlier strains, but still can have long term consequences. None the less there are more cases than ever, and his app tracks symptomatic cases.

Here's Dr John on the new BA. 2.75 variant

His discussion yesterday focused on the widespread nature of both cases and excess deaths. He always has notes and sources under his YT clip.

So what to do? It appears enhancing our natural immune system is a better strategy than our antibody defense. As we discussed last Sunday in the WW it seems hot and cold extremes causes our natural immunity to improve. So after getting hot outside, consider a cold shower to build your immune system.

More at this link:

So almost no coverage when a year ago it would be wall to wall. Guess they have the Russian proxy war to keep everyone distracted these days. There's no way vaccine development can keep up with the viral evolution. The new booster is aimed at BA. 2 - two variants ago. I think like the MedCram video above a better strategy will be working on our personal health and immune systems.

So be aware. Stay safe, and be well!

For those who might want more...
Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr. Keith Berkowitz answer questions about BA.4 & BA.5 and FLCCC protocols. As Dr. Berkowitz wisely noted: “the foundation of medicine is science, but the application is an art.”

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bad news, per Dr Kory. Bad is that IVM seems to be slightly less effective taken prophylactically against the new variant(s); breakthrough infections being reported. Good is that as preventative, IVM usage can result in milder symptoms in the short or long term, as I understand Dr K.

Still taking it, still a clean slate after 2.5 yrs. But will need to go back to the previous social distancing, avoidance along with, probably, more mask wearing in public places. My main source (not FLCCC) still insists a good mask indoors in public is needed, and this source has been right about Covid from the beginning.

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Lookout's picture

Which should be taken with zinc.
Although some doctors are using high dose IVM

Too bad the studies on repurposed drugs are denigrated.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture

New Zealand doctors are insisting that the police investigate the jab deaths. It’s nice to see that the injuries from the jabs are getting more yadaing finally. VAERs is reporting 40,000 deaths from the mRNA shots and we know that they are severely undercounted. Doctors are told not to report injuries in many countries and our system to report them is very hard and time consuming. Funeral homes are saying that they are burying more kids than ever and ordering small caskets in bulk. During the Pfizer trial 58 kids had life threatening injuries and most did not recover, but there was no follow up.

Biden is getting ready to extend the emergency on Covid which the WHO did yesterday. Anyone who wears a mask should make sure that it’s fitted properly and they are one and done. Fauci is once again recommending that people wear them again. I find it interesting that if masks actually worked then they would be properly disposed of instead of filling garbage bins and lying in the streets and elsewhere.

And we are seeing lots of ADE in the jabbed which Pfizer and Fauci knew could happen. If they keep jabbing people this epidemic is never going to go away because it’s what is causing the virus to mutate which they also know. Weird how more people have died after the jabs were rolled out instead of what we’d expect would happen when given a true vaccine. Why aren’t more people questioning that?

Here’s more information on jab injuries and stuff related.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

and ventilation are essential. This virus is airborne. We've known that just about from the beginning. Why people who are in positions of authority behave as if a cloth mask or one of those surgical masks is O.K. is beyond me.

Make free effective masks available to everyone. Fix ventilation systems in public places. Use the money we waste on Ukraine to take care of the American people. If we did that perhaps we could prevent another million Americans from dying needlessly.

NC has been on this;

Edited to add this bit from the article:

...Biden’s “Preparedness Plan” has turned out to be “Let ‘Er Rip,” turning the United States into a global reservoir for SARS-CoV-2 infection. ... I believe that the Biden Administration’s guidance on both masking and ventilation is lethal

The article and comments are worth the read.

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snoopydawg's picture


It’s always been let it rip. Instead of using repurposed drugs when people got infected they were told to just go home and let it rip through their families and only go to hospital when you can’t breathe. China put infected people in hotels and kept them from spreading it to more people. But that would have cost too much money for the parasite class to do.

Gawd looking back at how this goes was handled from the gitgo it’s always been let it rip imo. Quality masks should have been the least government could have done, but they couldn’t even get crappy PPE to health care workers. Remember nurses wearing garbage bags instead of medical gowns? And had to wear the same masks for weeks? And government officials told people how to make cloth masks knowing damn well that they did nothing. Pelosi always had matching cloth masks to go with her outfits. Classy A?

Then they continued using the PCR test for over 6 months knowing that it didn’t work. The list of what they did that was only window dressing is very long.

Good essay. Thanks.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg .

Quality masks should have been the least government could have done, but they couldn’t even get crappy PPE to health care workers.

It is ridiculous to the point of being absurd that we didn't have PPE for health care workers. Everything about this is weird though.

NC has been very informative over these past 18 months or so regarding mask and ventilation information. They've stayed on these issues and I go their frequently to get their scoop on new studies and ideas.

Thanks for all your links here (and all the others) I want to read them as I get the chance.

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snoopydawg's picture


Yves often highlighted IM doc's comments and I started following him on substack. I think he’s an ER doc who is seeing the inside scoop, but has to be careful about what he says so he doesn’t get canned.

One thing that has come from the inadequacies of Fauci and Walensky is that a ton of people have stepped up into the role of getting life saving information out. And it’s good to know how many people have put their careers on the line by trying to save lives. Kory, McCollough and Malone are being threatened to have their licenses being revoked. Or maybe it’s Maric.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Lookout's picture


being threatened by the board to revoke their license to practice. The lawyers say Kory, et al have the upper hand. I sure hope so. Why? Cause they were saving lives using unapproved other words practicing medicine. Additionally, they all have credentials from writing textbooks to being the most cited doctor in med lit. Can't have credible people crossing big pharma's profit.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture


Thanks. Yes everyone is outstanding in their fields and it’s beyond silly how many lay people think they know better than these guys or think that they are qualified to say they are wrong. What hubris.

For those who have been waiting for Novavaz here’s a discussion on it.

In the case of the Novavax shot, the viral antigen is a modified version of the spike protein of the original Wuhan strain of SARS-CoV-2, the host cells are derived from the immature ovaries of the pupae of fall armyworm moths (Spodoptera frugiperda), and the adjuvant is Matrix-M, which is a combination of two saponins (soap-like substances) derived from the sap of the soapbark tree (Quillaja saponaria) encased in cholesterol nanoparticles to reduce their toxicity to human cells. The spike proteins harvested from the moth cells are assembled onto synthetic lipid nanoparticles, each displaying up to 14 spike proteins.

As Kirsch says why take an unknown risk on a vaccine when COVID is easily treated? Alpha and Delta are long gone. Also if you read the last link in my previous comment it’s unknown how long people will be reproducing the spike protein.

Has anyone read that one yet? Would love to see some discussion on it.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture


Remember way back when 2 members of the FDA resigned in protest over the vote against boosters being overridden? Like I said so much information about this scam has been forgotten because there’s just so much of it. They voted 16-2 not to give boosters. They were given anyway.

The Rollout of COVID-19 Booster Vaccines is Associated With Rising Excess Mortality in New Zealand

"The ratio of vaccine risk to benefits likely has swung more towards risk than during the original randomised trials, due to dose-dependent adverse events and to fixation of immune responses on a variant no longer circulating.

“In light of an unsatisfactory risk-evidence situation, aggregate weekly data on excess mortality in New Zealand are used here to study the impacts of rolling out booster doses.

“The age groups most likely to use boosters had 7-10 percentage point rises in excess mortality rates as boosters were rolled out while the age group that is mostly too young for boosters saw no rise in excess mortality.”

Excess mortality is the number of deaths from all causes during a crisis above and beyond what we would have expected to see under “normal” conditions. In other words, Prof. Gibson found more people who had, likely, received a booster injection died than normally expected.

In September 2021 an advisory panel of experts outside of the US Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) voted 16-2 against the widespread use of Covid injection boosters due to a lack of safety data and doubts about the benefits of mass boosting over targeted approaches, Gibson noted.

After this vote was ignored and the FDA approved boosters for the general population, the top two officials in the FDA’s Office of Vaccines Research and Review resigned and criticised decision-making about the mass rollout of boosters.

This critique noted that if unnecessary boosting causes significant adverse reactions it may increase vaccine hesitancy more generally; a concern raised elsewhere that the potentially low benefits of Covid-19 vaccines relative to the costs borne by vaccinees (such as exposure to breakthrough infections and to vaccine adverse events) may undermine public confidence in other vaccination efforts (Godlee, 2020; Gibson, 2022a). Even the World Health Organisation argue that a vaccination strategy based on repeated booster doses of the original vaccine composition is unlikely to be appropriate or sustainable (WHO, 2022).

I for one am happy to see more vaccine hesitancy and especially for the increasing number of vaccines young people are now given. Since congress gave big pharma immunity for vax injuries in 1986 they have stopped testing to see if they are safe. And now any new twists on the Covid jabs being created do not have to go through any testing whatsoever. We can thank RFK Jr for opening people’s eyes to how bad they are, but he wasn’t the only one writing about them.

Biden’s mandatory jabs for the military is so idiotic because the jabs are based on earlier variants that we have long moved past. Besides even Fauci has admitted that they do not block transmission of the virus. It’s all risk and no reward! The military has put a gag order on how many pilots have been grounded because they cannot pass their health exams. It makes no GD sense.

And Fauci and his friends are going to open another horrible can of worms by jabbing people with the Monkeypox vaccine that might have deadly consequences. He’s been warned about doing it. Biden has 1 million vaccines ready to go. This madness has to stop.

Found one more.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Lookout's picture


FLCCC recommends 3x daily...I would add after exposure to others.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout , I think L. Strether at NC calls this the "Swiss cheese" method...layers of prevention and protection to decrease the risk of infection as much as possible.
Thanks for the Dose btw.

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snoopydawg's picture

This is the latest instalment of my ongoing investigation into the court-ordered release of Pfizer’s trove of documents, which the FDA relied on to grant emergency use authorisation for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, back in December 2020. A particular document that stood out to me in the latest July 1, Pfizer data dump, is the 3611-page document entitled, ‘C4591001-fa-interim-narrative-sensitive.’

It contains pertinent information on hundreds of Pfizer’s clinical trial subjects who whether due to death, serious adverse events, pregnancy, COVID-19 or just ‘no longer meeting eligible criteria,’ were withdrawn from the trial. The document also includes revealing narrative comments for subjects in both the placebo group and those administered either a single or two-dose BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine) during Pfizer’s pivotal C4591001 trial, conducted in multiple sites spanning, South Africa, Argentina and the US. The bulk of the 3000+ page document pertains to the placebo group; however, this investigative report focuses on the narrative comments for the vaccine recipients.

What’s interesting is that in every case where a SAE (serious adverse event) was possibly related to the vaccine in the trial investigator’s opinion, Pfizer ‘did not concur.’ (See screenshot below).

In the report 3 people died after being jabbed. 1 died 2 months later from a heart attack, 1 died 3 days later from a heart attack, and 1 died 1 month later from syncope and Pfizer said that none of them died from the jab even though none had an autopsy done on them. Fauci recommended that no autopsies were needed to confirm cause of death. Anyone who tested positive for Rona and died 28 days later were deemed to have died from it, but it’s weird how that doesn’t apply to people who were jabbed in the same time frame. If you don’t want to know the answer then don’t look for it. Brilliant.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Lookout's picture

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg

eliminating the controls early in the study making it invalid from the get go.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture

danger, danger will robinson
run from it (was some ineffective drug treatment)


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question everything

snoopydawg's picture

Has a huge outbreak of Covid. 1 in 20 in the UK is infected and most highly vaxxed countries are seeing big increases daily.

ETA this article that should be read before the brownstone one.

The Serious Adverse Events of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Trials

In December 2020, the US FDA authorised the Moderna and Pfizer mRNA covid-19 vaccines, claiming “the benefits outweighed the harms.”

Now, a group of international researchers has gone back to re-analyse the original trial data upon which that claim was made.

A valid claim?

A pre-print study (not yet peer-reviewed) by Fraiman and colleagues contradicts the FDA’s claim that the benefits outweigh the harms of the mRNA vaccines.

In fact, the authors conclude that the vaccines are associated with an “increased risk of serious adverse events” that surpass the “risk reduction for covid-19 hospitalisation” relative to the placebo group.

The conclusion is provocative. While some have criticised the study for fuelling ‘anti-vax’ sentiment, many have welcomed the independent scrutiny of the trial data.

Another study by the Brownstone on the mRNA shots.

Interesting study from Israel shows that the more vaxxed one is the longer it takes to recover from Covid.

This is a hard read, but I recommend doing it.

It was clear that the writer is well educated in biochemistry and molecular biology and understands very well the serious dangers associated with these infernal drugs. I would infer, also, that his or her anonymity was not preserved for protection from me but from, say, an employer or government agency. Reading between the lines, I could sense that this person is not telling as much as he or she knows.

The writing is aimed at readers with substantial bioscientific knowledge, but intelligent non-scientists could easily follow it to its logical, disturbing conclusions. I could be extremely fastidious and take issue with some of the minor details, but doing so would distract from the essential message. I have, therefore, isolated each paragraph (bold italic) and added brief explanatory notes where I thought they might be helpful.

Caution: Some readers might find the following upsetting ... but should read it anyway.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Regardless of whether from COVID or the Jab, this video goes into detail on how stimulating Autophagy can help your body clear lingering spike proteins from your body.

All About Autophagy and Clearing Spike Protein: FLCCC Weekly Update (July 13, 2022)

Dr. Mobeen Syed And Dr. Paul Marik are a remarkable duo. Don’t miss this FLCCC Weekly Webinar!

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“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

Lookout's picture


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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture

From what is happening to the kids and why to the deliberate poisoning of our environment this is a good read.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture


The vax passports have been shot down for now.

And a judge in NYC has declared that concentration camps for people infected with Covid is unconstitutional. Now if we can get the courts to declare mandatory jabs are unconstitutional too we’ll be getting somewhere. 100,000 military members are being told that unless they get jabbed immediately they will be out of the service. Many have asked for religious exemptions, but few have been granted.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.