Anti-abortion police state?
So we're not going to regulate carbon emissions either. Clarence Thomas' wife said so.
I already told you, however, that you weren't going to do anything about climate change while leaving everything else the same. (The password is AddletonAP2009 to open the PDF document.) And don't worry about changing anything when you vote for the Democrats -- the anti-abortionists will simply rebrand, and Nancy Pelosi will support them.
I suppose your best recourse at this point is a sort of lifestyle politics. So, as the world gets ever-hotter, figure out who your friends are. If their pitch is "donate $15 to our campaign so we can do nothing to save your loved ones," they're probably not your friends. And don't sweat the abortion thing: it's only the surveillance state:
We have entered an era not of unsafe abortion but of widespread state surveillance and criminalization—of pregnant women, certainly, but also of doctors and pharmacists and clinic staffers and volunteers and friends and family members, of anyone who comes into meaningful contact with a pregnancy that does not end in a healthy birth. Those who argue that this decision won’t actually change things much—an instinct you’ll find on both sides of the political divide—are blind to the ways in which state-level anti-abortion crusades have already turned pregnancy into punishment, and the ways in which the situation is poised to become much worse.
Remember when you took American history and the teacher discussed the antebellum South? Well, I don't know what they told you, but the antebellum South was a police state. It had to be -- the entire population had to be mobilized to keep nearly four million people in a state of slavery. Okay, now imagine what it would be like if they'd been able to keep slavery around to the present day, given that the present day has drone warfare and satellites that can spot your baseball cap from orbit.
Now, granted, the motives today will be different -- the whole of society will be called in to enforce the personhood of fetuses rather than the thinghood of people. But the same issues are involved: personhood and autonomy. Once again from the New Yorker:
Anyone who can get pregnant must now face the reality that half of the country is in the hands of legislators who believe that your personhood and autonomy are conditional—who believe that, if you are impregnated by another person, under any circumstance, you have a legal and moral duty to undergo pregnancy, delivery, and, in all likelihood, two decades or more of caregiving, no matter the permanent and potentially devastating consequences for your body, your heart, your mind, your family, your ability to put food on the table, your plans, your aspirations, your life.
This is what the enormous apparatus of surveillance and control will be motivated to enforce. And think carefully about who qualifies as "anyone who comes into meaningful contact with a pregnancy that does not end in a healthy birth."
Thanks for the link to the New Yorker article.
I sent it to a long list of friends and relatives. It is also going out to the other members of the board of directors at the Reproductive Rights For Kentucky (RRFKY). We are a PAC who raises $ for pro-choice candidates in KY and nationwide. Looks like our world has changed completely too.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Just remember --
“The loyal Left cannot act decisively. Their devotion to the system is a built-in kill switch limiting dissent.” - Richard Moser
I should say so!
A lifetime of promissory notes unfulfilled is enough for me. Pony up or take a hike!!
“ …and when we destroy nature, we diminish our capacity to sense the divine,and understand who God is, and what our own potential is and duties are as human beings.- RFK jr. 8/26/2024
The Demorat's lost me
a long time ago. Even the so called 'progressives' are useless. Everyday the so called news freaks me right out. Laying low and riding out seems the only option. Jeeze I hate Bill and Melinda Gates and his ilk. Foundation my ass. I'm lucky have no debt except a low mortgage payment. Couldn't afford current rent on a one bedroom apartment at this point. Will this insane BS continue?
At what point will people ordinary people have had enough? Divide and conquer worked well for the overloads. Can people stop this? They could if they were willing to take it on. Like me, most will hide out if their lucky and if they can't? Who cares that has the power to stop this? Certainly not the duopoly that owns and runs this nightmare. Chaos and violence is their friend. People crave normalcy and most refuse to look at what's going down. Can't blame them. Wish I could.
Meanwhile people in my peaceable neighborhood are shooting off fire works. It's independence day.Independence from what? Fuck Biden and the horse he rode in on. Fuck the Dems I have voted for them decades and years. Used to think we could primary them out. lol. Done with the whole freaking mess. Laying low is the only option I can see. Sad to watch what's happening to other humans not as fortunate as we are. Yeah blow off those fire crackers fools.