Open Thread WE 18 MAY ~ be 22

Essentially, the Chinese symbol for the verb “to listen” reads – “I give you my ears, my eyes, my undivided attention and my heart”
Welcome to today. This is a fun little excursion into perception awareness. On a solely
personal level we tend to perceive facial cues. Expressions, both verbal and facial, tell us
what is an attempt to get across an idea. This becomes difficult in this age of masking.
On a more media biased level, listening can give us clues as to the intent of the
talking heads. We see the images, hear the banter and protect the heart, as it
becomes fairly clear partial truths and symbolic logic leads to expected reactions.
It is not useful to give undivided attention in this respect. Use the smell test
Eyes, ears, nose and throat. The eyes and throat speak. Ears and nose are interpretive.
Something about Ukrainian lies, inabilities to accept the stifling of free speech,
supremely inept courts and the empire crushing the financial fantasy
are probably most on peoples minds. Therefore ..

On this date in history ..
1652 - Rhode Island enacts 1st law declaring slavery illegal
1852 - Massachusetts rules all school-age children must attend school
1896 - US Supreme court affirms legitimacy of racial separation (Plessy v Ferguson), a doctrine that came to be known as "separate but equal"
1917 - US Congress passes Selective Service Act, authorizing the federal government to raise a national army for the American entry into World War I through compulsory enlistment
1933 - Tennessee Valley Act (TVA) Act signed by FDR, to build dams
1952 - Professor WF Libby says Stonehenge dates back to 1848 BC
1967 - Silver hits record $1.60 an ounce in London
1980 - Mount St Helens erupts in Washington state, causing the largest landslide in history, killing 57 people and costing $1 billion in damage
1992 - US Supreme Court rules states could not force mentally unstable criminal defendants to take anti-psychotic drugs
1994 - Israel withdraws from the Gaza Strip
1998 - United States v. Microsoft: The United States Department of Justice and 20 U.S. states file an antitrust case against Microsoft.
2010 - Police officer James Crooker is asked to leave the Red and Black Café in Portland, Oregon after co-owner John Langley claimed Crooker's uniformed presence made him uncomfortable
question everything
Interesting historic tidbit:
Though purportedly overturned later on, see, for exxample Brown v Board of Education, it still survives. None less than "Constitutional Scholar" Obama proposed it for gay couples in the form of "domestic partnerships with all the legal rights of marriage" for our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Good morning...
Interesting character "to listen"
As to listening, seems Blinky et al don't listen to Putin or if they do, their mission is to distort his message. I've heard Blinky say/lie several times that Putin's goal is to take all of Ukraine. Putin has said repeatedly his goal is to de-militarize and de-nazify Ukraine. Perhaps the last of the Azov/NATO troops will emerge today in Mariupol. Many came out yesterday.
Slipping down to the garden to water this morning. We've been dry this month. Fortunately they're calling for rain this weekend.
Have a good one and thanks for the OT!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
It's what she would have wanted
Good morning QMS. Thanks for the OT.
Due to get up to 79 here today, so there is an incentive to get out early and get stuff done, some of which I've already been doing. Somehow, however, no matter how early I start, I never quite get done with what I'd planned, let along the other stuff that always comes up.
Meanwhile, we may have a new meteor shower in the offing from a comet that broke up in 1995, arriving, or not May 30-31. The radiant is supposed to be near Bootes (in Arcturus) and, per Earth-Sky, timing of peak is as follows:
So, time to get up and get moving again.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I make a living listening to clients and witnesses.
And a lot of them do get my heart.
I am thinking of going the raised bed route for some veggies. My Dear One can build anything, and I have accumulated treated lumber over the past few years, so about all we would need to buy is nails.
I can purchase a truck bed load of mushroom mulch from a facility an hour or so from here. We are making tentative plans.
I am having an EL day. Tons of things I wanted to get done today. I just couldn't climb that hill.
Oh well, I will get 'er done sooner or later.
Hope everyone is getting the rain or sun they need.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Consider not using treated wood, but concrete blocks,
Trex (or similar), or redwood/cedar. I thought about giving this advice yesterday, and see that it has popped up elsewhere today, so I second the motion.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Great idea!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
85 degF today and 89 degF tomorrow
in Denver, with a winter storm warning for 5"-10" of snow and lows in the 20s for Friday into Saturday. Ahh, spring in the Rockies. This is the branch-stripper we've been waiting for, because we just came out of the driest April in recorded history.
Glad that I no longer have any trees to worry about, since we were displaced by the fire. As far along as the trees are in blooming and leafing-out from the unseasonably warm weather, a lot of them are going to be coming down.
We'll just huddle over a warm laptop in our little temporary apartment here, and watch the fun unfold: there is *zero* chance that either of us will venture out onto the streets for this one. Stay in if you can, if you are in this neck of the woods.... What was it that I said about "increasingly chaotic weather"? It seems to have slipped my mind, somehow.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
Climate chaos
Extremely weird. Spent the day in hospitals to fix a broken foot after a ladder fall
yesterday. The most painful part was the un-jamming of two toes. They separated
from their stalks. not enough drugs in the world to mask that pain. The fractured meta-
tarsal and sprained ankle are cake after that escapade. Least I can walk again.
Doing the ice bath now. First aid = RICE meaning rest (ha), ice (till it's numb),
compression (not there yet) and elevate. May be hobbling for awhile.
Oh woes are me. It really sucks getting old and brittle.
Good luck!
question everything
Been there, done that, except I
I skipped the R. I did ice. I did compress. I did elevate. 6 weeks, but that big toe still doesn't bend.
I don't give a shit.
I am so sorry friend. I absolutely feel your pain like it was yesterday.
How far did you fall?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Ouch, sorry to hear it. Good luck with that toe.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
So sorry to hear that you broke some toes. There sure are a lot of nerves in the feet that causes lots of pain. I hope that you heal quickly and well from it.
I broke my ankle a few years ago and the doc wanted to do surgery on it. Thankfully I told him I wasn’t sure of insurance so he just booted me and saw me back in 2 weeks and it was healing nicely. He said I needed screws and what Nots. Bull. I rarely have pain in the joint but probably would if there were screws in it.
How’d you break them?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Was on a ladder attaching hardware
on a boat in the shed. Reached a bit too far and kicked the ladder out from under me.
Was only about 6 feet up. Landed on the ladder. A few bloody scrapes on the asphalt.
The worst of it was dislocating 2 toes and fracturing a meta tarsal. The sprained ankle
isn't a big deal. Thought I was going to die when the DO popped the two toes back in place.
Today it is just swelling, some burning sensations and realizing the other injuries here and
there. Puts a big kibosh on the project, things not yet done. Very klutzy of me
Thanks for asking.
question everything
Arrgh. Most sorry to hear it. Be sure to take a ton of extra
time on the rest, healing and rehab, that shit takes way, way longer once one reaches a certain age. Be extra good to yourself. Extra good wishes and good luck.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Gawd, that sucks!
Broke the third metatarsal in my right foot 10 years ago or so, back when I was significantly more sprightly. Was out of the country at the time, so I got no medical attention for it until I got back 2 weeks later. Wrapped it up in an Ace bandage and just made do. Hurt like a *motherfucker*, but whaddaya gonna do? Got back in-country, and my primary care doc told me that it was just gout or something since I was still walking on it, and that I should suck it up and stop bring such a baby. Went to ortho specialist who x-rayed it, said "Yup, it's broke all to shit, but it's already callousing and too late to do much about it now...", gave me a boot, and told me to suck it up and stop being such a baby.
Can definitely feel this weekend's weather coming in. Never want to do that again, especially now that I'm more fragile and a whole lot less tolerant of pain. Definitely get those bones set properly, and do the PT for the best outcome! Foot bones are no joke, and the annoyance can be forever...
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
How lightly they always say "elevate"
"seven inches above the heart" as if most had ever done it.
But if you can find someone with the strength, try elevating the two "feet" of the bedstead at least four or five inches.
Piling bedding under bottom sheet may help then - or transfer strain to the back.
No options given for 30- to 45-minute wait for the bus!
Meanwhile, get as much protein on your plate as possible for replacement cells.
the Mt.St. Helens eruption - it was a beautiful early summer day in Portland - the wind was such (out of the west, the mountain is north and a bit east of Portland) that from elevated places like where I was living we had blue skies and a spectacular view.
Pretty starkly different from what was happening on the north and to the east.
Mt. Fuji is way overdue for an eruption so I'm holding off climbing it until it gets shorter.
Blessed is the Peacemaker (update)
"My grown children have known nothing but American war and intervention for naught."
Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ)
Do you have to be a child of the Cold War to appreciate how bad it is to have to go to Russian media to get actual news - even of your own country??
Via RT:
FWIW Gosar is one of the congress critters and state legislators target by the disastrously misnamed group "Free Speech for People" in lawsuits aimed at disqualifying them from holding office... Whoa, there goes the irony meter into the red zone again.
(Edit: update)
So, what comes in the e-mail just after I post the above?
Right. Freedom is slavery, war is peace and we defend democracy by...
“No matter how cynical you become, it’s never enough to keep up.”
“I always wondered why somebody doesn’t do something about that. Then I realized I was somebody.”
~ Lily Tomlin