Russia has already defeated the sanctions
I saw this coming and have wrote about it repeatedly (see here and here), but even I didn't expect the Russian currency to bounce back so quickly.
Now contrast that to the story out of Washington just last week. Maybe the American people are getting fed a heaping pile of bullsh*t.
As a result of our unprecedented sanctions, the ruble was almost immediately reduced to rubble.
The Russian economy is on track to be cut in half.
It was ranked the 11th biggest economy in the world before this invasion — and soon, it will not even rank among the top 20.
— President Biden (@POTUS) March 26, 2022
Europe has no real sanctions.
Look at the exclusion list.
Oil, NG, food, fertilizer, all the metals it needs.
Hells bells, all French companies are still doing business in Russia.
With euros, Russia can buy US parts from China.
Who is the winner here?
— Mike "Mish" Shedlock (@MishGEA) March 30, 2022
Something I pointed out early is how India had absolutely no intention of honoring the sanctions. Well, even I underestimated how little respect India had for them. Not only is India planning on using a rupee-rouble exchange mechanism, but they even intend to use Russia's alternative to SWIFT.
Meanwhile, China is doubling down on their partnership with Russia. The U.S. won't sanction India, and can't cut off trade with China, and some in Europe won't honor the sanctions.
So where does that leave the U.S.?
WashPost has tried to sell us the idea that Asia backs the sanctions. But if you read the article they only list Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, none of which are a surprise because they rely on our military. In the article, only tiny Singapore is an exception. WashPost even includes Australia in this group, despite Australia not being part of Asia.

Need gas? Need wheat? Got Rubles or gold?
Putin signs decree
It's done
My only question is that since this was an own goal of epic
both the Europeans and us americans. anyone would an ounce of a brain
could've seen this coming from galaxies far far away.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Hopefully the press will call Biden out on his tweet
How are those sanctions looking now, Mr. President? I don’t do numbers, but is the ruple stronger than the dollar now? The ones who are paying the price for sanctions are people in the countries that used them. And how many people said that this would happen? BTW oil is $106 and yet we’re paying ridiculous prices for gas. The oil execs said that they think us lowly people should pay whatever they want us to so their shareholders can make more money. Congress is very silent on that.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
I don’t do numbers, but is the ruple stronger than the dollar now? It was something I read yesterday. Appreciate any answers.
BTW didn’t Biden admit to a war crime? Deliberately crashing a country’s economy is an act of war according to the UN.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
the ruble is increasing in value against the dollar
spot comparison today is 1 US$ = 81 rubles
that is about a 12% increase from yesterday
1 EU = 90.5 ruble
1 yuan = 12.9 ruble
1 rupee = 1 ruble
1 peso = 4 ruble
the graphs are showing an almost straight upward trend in value of the ruble
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Appreciate your response. And by making countries pay for gas with it will just strengthen it correct?
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Yes, the sanctions brought down the value of the ruble
for a little while on the international exchange but
Russia is doing the smart thing by requiring payment
in their currency, which will therefore increase its value.
I suspect tomorrow, once the deadline is reached, we will
see the value of the ruble increase even more. China and India
will not be affected. US and EU will.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Russia was never all that vulnerable
Russia has had both a trade surplus and a budget surplus for years.
Because of that their national debt and external debts are the lowest in the developed world.
Finally, they are one of the largest producers of oil and gas and uranium in the world, so you can't simply cut them off without throwing the global economy into chaos.
Thus the chances of these sanctions doing more than short-term damage is slim.
OTOH, by "turning off" Russia's currency reserves you are sending a clear message to China that they need to de-dollarize and quick.
So where does that leave the U.S.?
odd man out
if this were a poker game,
Biden's bluff has just been called
western greed mongers do not get the pot this round
the empire's attempt at a royal flush just got trumped
by the eastern straight ..
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
For the moment the US is OK
But this is the beginning of the end for our empire.
Bretton Woods II is on it's death bed.
Stagflation here we come.
[Bretton Woods was the monetary system where the US dollar was pegged to gold 1944-1971.
Bretton Woods II was essentially where everyone pretended that the US dollar was like gold 1971 - 2022]
I believe you are spot on with this
Please do not think I am snarking off in any way as I say you are not the only one to notice how ridiculous this "sanctions" strategy is. When you are right, you're right.
Even if the economic restrictions that our government and its "friends" are trying against Russia were far more effective than they are, the notion that the nation of Russia will fire its President and replace him with somebody that Joe Biden approves is Beyond Crazy. So ridiculous that I do not believe that is the real goal of this suicidal economic policy.
Of course the actual government has walked back the full monte of Regime Change. But the Neo Con jerkoffs are flouncing around the internet with their Fantasy du Jour of doing to Russia what we did to Cuba with a decades long campaign of Stern Rhetoric and Sanctions. They do not mention how this effort will work any better. Good old Max Boot I believe weighed in with another war chant against the former Communist Empire on a recent Op Ed. He brazenly ignores the possibility that we might lose this trade war.
I repeat, nobody on the planet is that stupid. There is some other motivation for this absurdity.
If you want to replace the Nation State System, the first order of business is to destroy the American Empire. Best way to do that is to get us to commit economic suicide. For this to work, our population must be conned into believing that Hyper Inflation is a Noble Gesture and an acceptable price to pay for preventing a resurgence of Hitlerism.
One meme I have seen coming from the Sanctions Cheerleaders is the good old fashioned Bogus Rhetorical Question. If you do not support stopping Putin Now, when do you want to stop him? After he burns down the Reichstag and invades Poland?
Regarding how to stop this insanity -- as frustrating as it is, we must have clarity about what is happening before we can coalesce on anything.
Here are my suggestions for clarity.
Politicians do not run the world.
Since the end of Communism as a worldwide force, the capitalists of Planet Earth have more in common with each other than they do with their respective countrymen.
Global communications have become totally dominated by corporate interests and now coordinated bullshit is generated, simultaneously, all over the world.
We have no way of knowing how many people are believing the story and supporting the policy of economic war against Russia. The internet of course shows very little but Cheerleading for the insane policy of economic suicide -- and that discourages too many of us. Our goal is to make connection with anybody who is not crazy enough to support the Empire of Bullshit.
Great opening post.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
In the normal manner of domestic psyche-ops
the ptb-backed msm has gone full buffalo on *I heart Ukraine* without bothering to
differentiate between Neo-nazis and the Russian population of eastern Ukraine, which
has been being bombed by the Ukraine for 8 years already. Separatists they are called.
Here in the US, I see children being gathered in fields for a photo op with a U pattern to
show support for the slanted politics of another war generated by the US/NATO bloc.
Over the weekend, our 'Peace Vigil' decided to do some prayer thing and march around
the commons in support of the Ukes.
Neighbors are posting Ukrainian flags on their buildings, probably with no understanding
of what the anti-russian movement is all about. We will all suffer the consequences of this
next phase of empire dominance. It doesn't have to be this way ..
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
If that’s the goal
It’s been happening for some time. Who thought that offshoring 60,000 jobs and closing countless factories wouldn’t have any affect on a country’s future?
The amount of propaganda we are getting hammered with is incredible. All I see is that Putin had no ‘legitimate' reason to invade Ukraine and today I saw an article saying that reports of rape by Russian soldiers is increasing. That was the excuse Hillary gave us for why we had to destroy Libya and remove Gaddafi. He gave his troops boxes of viagra and sent them out to rape their citizens. They even found empty boxes of it on tanks that were still wet from rain, but the boxes were dry.
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Nice post! All the Empire has left is lie after lie!
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
This seems to be an easy to understand statement.
Fertilizer and potash
I have a feeling regime may happen in the West before Russia.
Jimmy Dore is returning to covering the news
On a lighter note.
Reserve currency
EU nations wanting to buy Russian natural gas will need to maintain reserve currency accounts in Gazprom Bank, in Rubles. Think about that! That has been the exclusive pervue of the US, and a huge economic advantage. Any nation that has tried anything close to that has been destroyed. That is not even close to possible in this situation.
April 1 is the deadline for payments in Rubles. Without gas Europe will fall into a severe recession/depression as industries shut down. If all of Europe goes out on the currency market to buy Rubles, then watch its value soar relative to the Dollar and the Euro. If they don't buy Rubles then they don't get gas. Fasten your seat belt, this is going to get really interesting really fast tomorrow. Will this be Black Friday for the EU?
In the long run to balance trade with Russia, the EU will have to sell goods to Russia denominated in Rubles. This will supply a constant stream of Rubles to pay for their gas. Russia will add other commodities to the Ruble requirement, oil, wheat, uranium, titanium, palladium, lumber, rocket engines etc. Got it? Now who has the Reserve Currency and the huge advantage? EU states will not be able to sanction Russia from buying EU products,because they desperately need Russian Rubles.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
Straight from the Bear's mouth!
Western Media Confirms Ukrainian War Crimes