Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 3-26-2022

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”
Pablo Picasso
Identifying and keeping track of all the potential challenges to prepare for in the near future keeps getting more difficult. Rising prices, growing shortages, state medicaid programs can soon stating dropping people from their programs, homeless will not stay out of sight and rents keep rising.
So what are we going to do about the 4th of July? It is less than four months from now.
If sanctions on Russia are expanded to include China will both The 1812 Overture and fireworks be banned at 4th of July Celebrations?
How the 1812 Overture Became Music for the Fourth of July KUSC Sept 16, 2021
To get to the answer we have to think back to the mid 1970s. The country was gearing up for the bicentennial—for those of us who remember that it was a really really big deal. Two years before that in 1974, Arthur Fiedler who worked with the Boston Pops did a televised concert for the 4th of July and he was the person who did the 1812 Overture with cannons and with church bells. Naturally, everyone was watching this show and musical directors around the country thought “well I have to do something for the bicentennial” and immediately it was the right piece at the right now.
In 1976, we see symphonies all over the country programming the 1812 Overture, and it has become so popular and so standardized that it really has become the Independence Day piece for the United States.
Why now is no time for Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture The Guardian March 13, 2022
The cannon effects in Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture – a bombastic adornment to a piece of music written for the 70th anniversary, in 1882, of the Battle of Borodino – are sending a wrong message in the light of the tragedy now unfolding in Ukraine
Theodor Adorno may have had a point that ethnic nationalism in music poisons it both socially and aesthetically, and in that regard the Cardiff Philharmonic Orchestra was right to remove The 1812 Overture from its programme. As one of the pieces replacing it, John Williams’s The Cowboy Overture sends a wrong message of a different kind. The piece may be good as film music, but in a concert hall its cliches become too obvious and reveal it as being no more than an example of mass-produced consumer music.
The movement has spread to Japan
A World Where Music can be Performed With No Reservation Japan Forward March 25,2022
The Akashi Philharmonic Orchestra was scheduled to perform the piece at its regular concert on March 21, 2022, but it announced on its website and Twitter page that the performance had been canceled in light of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The orchestra admitted that some within the group believed that cancellation was unnecessary because “the music is not to blame,” while expressing hope for “the day when the piece can be performed unreservedly.”
The Chubu Philharmonic Orchestra decided to replace the 1812 Overture with Sibelius’ symphonic poem Finlandia for the finale of its special concert on March 26. Finlandia portrays the struggles of Finland as it attempted to gain freedom and independence from the oppressive rule of Imperial Russia.
At the same time, Chubu Philharmonic Orchestra has emphasized that it is not denying Russian music and culture altogether. For example, it added Trepak, a Russian dance from Tchaikovsky’s famous ballet The Nutcracker, to its program.
So how about a laser light display with The Cowboy Overture?
Definitely no lab grown meat. I just have the carrot sticks.
The Bloody Secret Behind Lab-Grown Meat Mother Jones March-April 2022
Once a staple only of science fiction, the stuff is poised to land on your dinner plate this year, at least according to boosters of the cultivated-meat industry (to use its preferred name). In Singapore—the only nation to approve lab meat for sale—you can already go to the JW Marriott South Beach hotel and order steamed chicken dumplings made with “real meat without slaughter” in the form of chicken cells grown by a US-based company called Eat Just. And other cell-meat startups vow to bring product to market in 2022, pending regulatory approval.
Yet several obstacles hold back a new era of widely available animal-free burgers, nuggets, and carnitas. The biggest involves something much less appetizing than chicken dumplings: the blood of unborn cow fetuses, extracted from their mothers after slaughter.
The use of fetal bovine serum (FBS) in labs isn’t new. Scientists have had the ability to biopsy animal cells and keep them alive outside the body since the 1950s. These test-tube cells need food to flourish, and researchers found that fetal bovine serum provided the special sauce—the right combination of hormones to make cells hum. In the 1980s, FBS technology gave rise to tissue engineering—growing cells in vitro to replace small amounts of damaged or diseased tissue in people. Extending the same techniques into a new realm, today’s cell-based meat companies have relied largely on FBS to develop their products.
But a substance that works great for medical purposes (it’s also widely used in vaccine development) creates two huge problems for an industry seeking to mass-produce slaughter-free meat.
What is on your mind today? (Responses to Covid questions and dialog to be conducted at The Dose diary)

So everywhere I look, a big majority hates China and the Chinese
When it comes to who’s the most unpopular, Tom Lehrer seems to have been wrong.
Unfortunately Americans seem to have a pool
It is ironic the existence of the America's were discovered trying to find a route to China not already controlled by another European power. The two continent's aboriginal cultures destroyed, populations enslaved or killed, mass migration of Europeans aristocracy lessor born and peasants. Add the importation of labors (slaves) from Europe, Africa and Asia over a few hundred years and now migration north from Central and South America.
Hawaii, Guam and The Philippines were the right spacing across the Pacific to fuel the coal burning ships of the 1800's for travel to China. So they were added to the list to conquer and colonize.
China remains a target for conquering by the powers in military, diplomatic, corporate and religious ruling class. They thought China was in their grasp so many times in the past. In order to continue to spend the financial and human resource to conquer China hate or fear needs to be maintained or increased in the masses.
The bridges of tolerance, acceptance and appreciation of our similarities and differences seem to be breaking down. My sphere of influence as an individual is limited, but will keep working on maintaining and building the bridges. A little irony today, maybe some more education on another. Sorry I hit a nerve.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Oh no no, _you_ didn’t do or say anything to be sorry for
I’m trying not to succumb to the influence of the aggressive, paranoid ethno-cultural tribalism / chauvinism / jingoism suddenly flooding in all around us as the world switches to War Time, but it’s hard and I do have bad stretches when I fail.
Got it
Always appreciate your stopping by and contributing.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
FDA Approves First CRISPR Cows For Beef
Nothing. There is nothing left to be is on. Thank you, have a great weekend.
"to breed a cow, named Cosmo," sounds poetic. The FDA cracks me up, PU they stink!
March is ‘burning like it’s July’
Last week had two days over 90F on the deck, now nice 80s but so very dry a half inch rain disappears quick no help. Hopland is first podunk north from here, in Mendocino.
Grass fire in Hopland Tuesday was ‘burning like it’s July’
Yah. Speaking of fireworks, Cloverdale is last city council to ban the sale of, so they punted of course. Too divisive, so "All Glory to the Hypnotoad!" of course. LOL
Cloverdale council supports sending fireworks to the ballot
Twelve steppers call dysfunctional priorities "stinkin' thinkin'". Too bad wine cave leadership never ever points their Behaviorial Health cannons at their own fine colleagues, and themselves. Behavioral Health Selfies For All
Rockets red glare? Bombs bursting in air?
Fuck that shit, I have always hated The Star Spangled Banner song, war glorification.
Thanks, two minutes are up. Ding!
Enjoyed the two minutes
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Saturday fun
Thanks for the OT soe!
Always intriguing.
Ol' 55 Tom Waits
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
The US remains consistent in its campaign against
....basic Human Rights for the American people — adequate nutrition, freedom from hunger, affordable shelter, the right to stay alive, health care on demand, and a complete education that can produce earnings that are sufficient to purchase those human rights denied to the people by the US government.
But, just to put a fine point on the matter, the US has consistently voted against most of the international Human Rights proclamations and treaties that have been passed at the UN during the past half century — even if the US must "go it alone" to demonstrate to the world its core Christian values (with American characteristics).
If the American people had enough consciousness to become aware of the terrible contradictions that mock their well-being, heads might explode coast to coast ..... a potential improvement.
The Mormons have long possessed the prophetic knowledge that Jesus will come to the Earth to rule over humankind from a home they have built for him in Independence, Missouri. Jesus plans to arrive with his three wives, and the home has been built with sufficient rooms to accommodate the entire entourage. 'The three wives' was a nice touch — it lends the prophesy just enough banality to confer upon it, the ring of truth.
And, really, where else could they go?
American mysticism has been the driving force behind the US, all along.
American mysticism is a good description
Another group to watch is the Christian Dominion movement. First came to my attention when Sarah Palin ran for national office. Others using christian connections to rise to power Ted Cruz, Mike Pence and possibly Hillary Clinton (per Mother Jones 2007)
Add to the list potential Republican Candidate in 2024 Mike Pompeo.
Pompeo’s Ugly Christian Dominionist Dogma Infects Global Relations Strategic Culture Foundation Dec 17, 2020.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Good morning SOE and everybody else.
Apropo, maybe we could coin a new, vernacularized variant of et.al., like, perhaps, et y'all.
First up - Borodino & 1812. 1812 overture is great precisely because of Borodino. Petty runt quasi-diktator desires to unite: first - all Europe, then the entire world, under his banner. An obvious step, but serious overreach, was to go take on the Bear, a nation that owes much of its founding to the Rus, and winds up, in due time, neck deep in the dustbin of history. What could be more perfect for today and today's Uncle Stupid's behavior vis-a-vis NATO and suchwhat silliness?
Second: Cowboy overture has a certain scope and beauty and all, but speaks to the cowboy culture, history, mythos and genocide of the original population and many species of plants and animals. It is best left out of the picture and replaced by the following medley submitted as more appropriate to our time.
segue to
and then
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
I forgot -
A BIG problem with the Cowboys Overture is that there are too damn many cowboys in govt as it is, especially State & DoD.
be well & have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
et. y'all
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I figured that it would
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Expect "The Nutcracker"
to be disappeared by Christmas.
Ballerinas can skip Sleeping Beauty and Dying Swan while they are finding some music to accompany them.
What a stupid world!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
"Dying Swan" is French
It's by Saint-Saens (from "Carnival of the Animals") - and the original swans weren't dying, just gliding by on the water.
Anna Pavlova made a personal tour de force out of it, hence the name most people know it by. (She was born in St Petersburg, Russia, but moved to London permanently in 1912 - so don't blame her for anything.)
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Well, pianists who excel in their Rachmaninoff are gonna go down hard.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
We can svae dying swan by changing the music; it
has already been done:
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
You mean "Swan Lake"
As I pointed out above, "(Dying) Swan" isn't by Tchaikovsky at all.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Can www 3 be averted?
It depends on who gets to run the show. Biden and the pentagon are trying to keep NATO out of Ukraine. Congress and the deep state neocons are trying to make sure that they go in. Biden has come late to the party since it was his and Obama’s decision to regime change Ukraine and put in a friendly puppet government. Democrats have been doing all they can to make sure that there will be troops in Ukraine. Of course they are doing their donors bidding as have many republicans. More weapons sold, more kickbacks to congress.
Worth a full read. Links left out.
This is what I thought too when the Times confirmed that the Hunter story was true after all.
From the comments m
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
A late good morning to all...
Just when you think it can't get more absurd...it does.
Oligarchs want the blood plasma of the young to enable eternal life? Yeah right?
Russell explains...
Blood has become big business in the United States and there is no shortage of big pharma corporations ready to exploit America’s young and most vulnerable.
While TPTB are at it, may as well ban Tolstoy and all the Russian writers too. We want war and war...not War and Peace. Thanks for the OT!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Selling blood was an option some fellow
Such as MagnifyMoney's Plasma Page
the fine print
It has grown into a big international business market.
Some of the more common medical uses are listed at the Red Cross site.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Is it too far-fetched to think that we will have another ....
Dixie Chicks moment?
Could it eventually lead to the banning of this group?
Geroman sums it up succinctly.
Edited to add the following:
I wonder what the
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
a lesson learned when working with dementia patients
At one stage the filter to suppress the literal truth for socially acceptable phrases is not always functioning and eventually becomes non-existent. Not unusual for the family skeletons to be revealed and dismissed as confused babbling. In this case Biden is a person who spent most of his adult life involved in United States international policy and classified information. When his filters are not working he blurts out opinions and conversations held behind closed doors.
There are multiple coping mechanisms to avoid these situation and appear normal. But in various types of progressive dementia they eventually fail. The dementia may progress to the mixing of reality and fantasy eventually. His handlers still need him to perform in public places. They keep providing him with less complex sentences. Almost child like logic at times to keep him on message, but leave us the audience a bit bewildered. At the moment I think he is blurting out truths occasionally. Not sure how long it will be tolerated Biden not staying on script.
Physical changes in body movement are progressing at a similar rate. So I do not think it is an act or body double as suggested in some dialog on other sites.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Not sure if this has been mentioned previously but if it was it
is worth repeating.
Julian Assange marries former lawyer Stella Morris in UK prison
I don't have the answer but it seems like a real possibility.