It's NOT Your Democratic Party, It's HER Democratic Party
I could explain Hillary Clinton's "money laundering" scheme to allow her billionaire donors to spend way above and beyond the legal limit on contributions to her campaign (all perfectly legal thanks to the Supreme Court) all in elaborate detail, but since Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks has already done all that work for me, I'll let him do the heavy lifting for me:
[video: width:640 height:360]
If you watched the video, I hope you caught the part where Cenk explains that this "agreement last August," long before you and I had any say in who the Democratic nominee, also netted Clinton the support of the super delegates in those 33 states, since they are all getting kickbacks under this, again, perfectly legal payola scheme. Clinton's Big Money supporters, in addition to what they can contribute to her various Super Pacs, can now funnel up to an additional $1,320,000 (per married couple - the individual limit was increased by only $660,000) to the DNC and Hillary's campaign by making additional contributions to those 33 state Democratic Party organizations.
Yes, it's an old story, now, but one we shouldn't forget. It explains how Clinton scared any other major establishment candidate from entering the race (cough - Joe Biden -cough) or mounting an insurgent campaign (cough - Elizabeth Warren - cough). By January 2014, Obama's largest Super Pac from 2012, Priorities USA Action, had already been transformed into Hillary's Super Pac. By August, 2015 nearly all the big donors and state parties (along with their super delegates) were effectively in her pocket. Last August, Bernie Sanders badly trailed Clinton in the national polls and most Democrats just assumed she was the only viable and electable candidate
By last August, essentially a majority of the Super Delegates had already been purchased by Hillary under this "deal" between the DNC, the "Clinton Victory Fund" and those 33 state parties. It explains everything you need to know as to why super delegates are vowing to support Hillary regardless of the outcome of their state's primary or caucus elections.
This arrangement whereby the fealty of powerful individuals to their sovereign could be bought through the payment of money, land or other "favors" used to be called Feudalism. But we don't have kings and queens in America, anymore, at least not by that name. What we have is a sham "democracy," i.e., a facade where the majority don't get to decide who runs for office, the rich and powerful do. The elections in the Soviet Union are the closest facsimile to our modern day political system.
It's one of the reasons that Bernie's campaign is a historic event in American history. Despite all the money and skullduggery and flat out corruption by the movers and shakers of the ironically named "Democratic Party" a virtually unknown, self-described Democratic Socialist, powered only by the enthusiasm of his supporters and their small, but far more numerous donations, has pushed, arguably, one of the most corrupt candidates in my lifetime to spend far more money, time and effort to secure the Dem nomination, which she no doubt once believed would be a stone cold lock the day after the results of the Iowa Caucuses were counted.
Well, as Cenk says, it may be "her party" but we have our candidate. May he continue to raise the spirit and the hopes and the dreams of all the Americans who feel shunted aside by our two party system with its pay to play immorality. May he continue to win victories in the upcoming primaries beginning tonight. May he prove all the high rollers who bet big on Ms. Clinton wrong.

Her party.
Our candidate.
She can have "her party". I'll take my candidate.
This needs to be spread out
This needs to be spread out more, people need to see just how bad this corruption is
So long, and thanks for all the fish
Is there any way, on this site
to bookmark this for further use? I can just bookmark it on my own computer, I guess.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
email it to yourself here. eom
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
A more palatable Richard Daley or Huey Long type of
operation. The parallels with mafiosi as well are hard to miss here and in the general behavior of the Clinton machine. And the Clinton cartel's family foundation arm.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Thank you, Steven.
I feel better now.
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
Thanks Steven
My blood pressure is usually under control. My mind is usually focused.
It's been a great day for the privileged. The red scare and the fear of change is well documented in all of media today. Little about the corruption of this nation. Even with the dump of worldwide figures hiding their wealth, but not their money, we sleep.
It is their money. And they will see the death of this planet before they will change. We, as in us, need to wake up.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Amen Brother!
If there is any justice she will be indicted. Did you hear Cenk's blast on her speeches? It is good too! Thanks for your work. I'm hopeful about WI. Sounds like large turn outs, and that should help us.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Wow, Cenk really did a good job on this
he just tells it like it is. It's preposterous!
I heart Cenk.
love your avatar
appropriate pic of shill with her phony smile on full display.
i bet none of her handlers has the balls to tell her how awful an image she projects when she affects this particular pose--& i hope they never do :-]
go bernie! on to the convention!!
People who insist on cheering for Clinton or the GOP
remind me of serfs waving the banner for whichever warring monarch. I'm sure these kings and queens are thrilled to have such loyal support from people who they'll thoroughly discard at the first expedient moment, sending them back to their thatch-roofed huts and their porridge. Too many of them won't reflect on this at all, will just come back waving the banner next time around, since the only thing that really matters to them is to pick a side.
So I guess I have to give Trump voters some credit, in a weird way. They may be voting for the human equivalent of an erupting toilet, but at least they've broken out of their pens. If they ever figure out a way to buck the establishment AND pick a good candidate they'll be dangerous.
"The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum." --Noam Chomsky
The whole 'my turn'
that seems to permeate Dem politics needs to be throttled back.
Here in Minnesota, we had a 'my turn' Dem candidate for governor a while back. Roger Moe. Suffice to say he sank without trace in November. He had the personality of lutefisk. All his time as a state legislator counted for nought.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Yes, and even though Bernie won Minnesota,
Franken and Klobuchar are in the tank for Clinton. Waiting for them to do the right thing as super delegates. Waiting. Waiting. Will go and do other things while I wait.
"Dark and difficult times lie ahead. Soon we must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy." --Albus Dumbledore
It hasn't been our party
since the time of the Reagan democrats which ultimately brought us the DLC/Thirdway democrats, ie Bill and Hill. "The party" has done nothing but become more and more centrists, without moving the overton window one inch to the left, except only after allowing for a huge right ward shift and then only a small step back towards the left, which would still be to the right of where the center actually was. So it's been a "incremental" sea change to the right, that has gone so far right, most democrats today don't have a clue of what it actually means to be a democrat. All they fucking know is DLC / Thirdway policies, that haven't changed a since 1992!
The party left the American people in exchange for power and control, period. The policies of today are very, very republican. Heck up to a million people are losing their S.N.A.P. benefits this year under a democratic president. Let that sink in. No one in the media is talking about it, certainly no Hillary, who is "fighting for us". (facepalm)
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
Her party
She can have it and the party can have her and in her own words we must bring these predators to heel! They will not get the Revolution!
it's her party
it's her party
and she'll lie if she wants to
lie if she wants to
lie if she wants to
you would lie to
look at all she's hiding!
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
To steal a line from the
To steal a line from the related Fark thread, "Le parti? C'est moi."
The Clintons assumed all along, since she made her bid for NY Senate, that she would end up in the White House. The arrogance is appalling. I'm so glad that Bernie didn't fundraise for the DNC, he knew about this all along, and he likely hoped to expose it. Unbelievable, really. This whole election has exposed so much corruption, graft, greed ... and then the Panama Papers come along, the FBI investigation ...
The Panama Papers is going to be our global spring, humanity's opportunity to finally rise up and take part in our own destiny, to embrace positive change, cooperation rather than competition, things like that. I would love to see humanity overcome the necessity for greed.
the clintons have been plotting hillary's prez run since bill's
re-election in 1996. first step was to gain a senate seat, & ny looked like an easy one, so they set up shop there, assuming that 2008 would be a cinch.
She should be in jail
Don't believe everything you think.
panama papers and clinton foundation
just randomly noticed top, you know markos is all about pushing hillary, a discussion over there was locked down in less than 1 hour, for having a new panama papers thread and pushed it into a more obscure forum, away from the general threads. not that i am following top but this is hitting her if only indirectly,
locked down in 1 hour, a record for suppression i'm sure. here are links that were verboten over there --
Here's another link
And just google Panama Papers Podesta and see the goodies that come up. Oopsie. Once again, HRC was a vocal cheerleader--full pom poms--for something that went sour. As Sanders once again presciently predicted. Judgment: priceless. Whatever Hillary has in lieu of judgment: something that clearly has its price.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Is Hillary's Democratic party broke again?
I received 2 phone calls yesterday. First, was the DNC asking for $150 to fight Trump. I told them I was supporting Bernie Sanders and asked them not to call me again. The second call was from the Hillary Victory Fund. Same message to them.
Whoa! 150 bucks?
I can't see them dinging you for that amount unless you've given them a donation of 150 in the past?
Otherwise, they're surely looking to bump that average back to
279960whateverthefucknumber she got it down to with all those dollar donations she pandered a few weeks agoI think the DNC was basing
I think the DNC was basing the $150 amount on past contributions to President Obama's presidential campaign. The Hillary Victory Fund solicitor first asked if I was supporting Hillary. When I told her no, she knew not to ask me for any amount, even $1.00.
Cenk did such a great job explaining this.
It took me 2 days to get the time to read and view the clip. So glad I did. Thank you for posting this. It is absolutely amazing.
Dem Party is such a Neoliberal waste land
Sad thing is if you don't read Internet blogs, you will never find any of this info. Does Cenk still get any airplay on teevee. I recall Olbermann used to have him on until the network knifed him in the back and dropped Countdown. Thanks for posting this Steve.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Darnit, Steven D! I stay away now unless people here or at the
reddit subthread ask for recs for specific diaries or call my attn to something that merits support at TOS. Otherwise, I spend my time elsewhere and feel ever so much more serene as a direct consequence of absence from That Place.
But I ventured back to T & R this in-their-faces effort. Well done.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Heartily agree. Stay away
Heartily agree. Stay away from those mindless cretins & the Clinton cult of personality. You will be happier. Show up, speak the truth & don't get attached to the results. It's becoming obvious that we are going to need a new Third Party. A new umbrella organization that includes Sander's supporters, the black lives matter people, the environmentalist Green Party members, the LGBTQ community, Democratic Socialists - basically the 90%, because it seems that even if Bernie garners the popular vote the super delegates have already been bought & paid for by the Clinton Party. No use calling it the Democratic Party anymore.