Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 3-12-2022

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”
Pablo Picasso
Winter is officially over - chickens have started laying. Fresh egg omelets are back on the menu. Crocuses are blooming. Tis the season for dreaming of bountiful harvests from the seeds being planted and warmer days.

Reality check. Uncertainty is in the air. Prices up, armed conflict in another part of the world, fuel disruptions, drought warnings. Is this a repeat of the 1970's which ended with 12 years of a Republican in the presidency. Spontaneous events or a push with propaganda?

Propaganda is normal during a state of war. Citizens need to be controlled. Since WWII the United States has been in a continual state of war - hot and old. How does one is recognizing reality or the current official narrative? Acknowledging and learning personal experience of differing realities is one way. The official narrative of WWII is continental America was not attacked and the war started with a Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor. For year I glossed over the family oral history. Santa Claus syndrome wanting to believe just a little longer, the presents will keep coming and do not have to recognize the adults were lying.
June of 1942 Japanese bombs landed in the rural community where one Great,Grandmother was raised and family still lived on the homestead. One week after the bombing my Grandfather signed up for the Army Air Force leaving a young wife and 2 month old daughter. He came back with damaged soul from participating in the carpet bombing of Japanese cities. When Korea conflict came along he signed up again, participated in bombing North Korea. I only have one memory of him laughing and smiling, hospital visiting hours the evening prior to being discharged home. He shot himself the next day within 30 minutes of arriving home. Another secret - not to be shared - keep with the official narrative.

Where a Japanese Sub Fired on Oregon: Battery Russell and Fort Stevens

A tad before midnight on June 21, 1942, the quiet of the north Oregon coast was torn apart by the thunderous cacophony of shells being fired onto the beach, a few miles south of the former British outpost of Astoria and a little more than ten miles north of the resort town of Seaside. Something in the dark started shooting at Battery Russell, a concrete battlement that had been recently revived to help guard the northwest coast after the United States' entry into World War II.
It turned out to be a Japanese submarine that had fired at Fort Stevens in the dead of night. That incident turned out to be of mammoth historical significance, ending up almost the only time the continental U.S. was fired upon by a foreign power since the War of 1812. Aside from the terror attacks of 9/11, it still holds that distinction (except for a small set of bombs dropped near Bly, Oregon a few months later).
No casualties occurred, no one was injured – just a handful of scared residents in what was then a much less populated area than it is now. There were a few close calls, however.

“One shell fell near the road leading from Delaura beach to the fort and made a five-foot crater in a swamp,” the newspaper reported. “Fragments were found in the area. One struck a tree and lopped it off.”

The paper said the Heffling family had shells fly about 100 yards over their house, which then struck 500 yards away.
Later, after the war, much more was revealed. The Japanese submarine was of the I-class long-range subs which briefly attacked a few targets around the west coast of the U.S. and Canada – most of them near-shore. I-25 and I-26 were dispatched to the Pacific Northwest to find and attack military installations and vessels.



Significant preplanning was done prior to United States entry into WWII.

A few months earlier near my Grandmother's hometown war planning was in progress. Farmers and ranchers would be forced from their land to build the second largest city in Oregon. Medford business owners would profit.

Camp White Military Museum

In May 1941 the War Department announced its decision that one of nine new training camps would be Camp White. In November of 1941 the planning was nearing completion. Three days after the engineering office finished the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, War was declared on December 7, 1941 and the camp would be needed. On January 7, 1942 the camp in Medford and another in Corvallis received the go ahead. Actual construction began on February 25, 1942 and the camp was completed on December 14, 1942.

The Camp White Story video (about 30 min)


What to do with China? As if we really have the right to determine their destiny.

US strategists double down on war with China Asia Times March 12, 2022

Review of various strategic opinions regarding China.

Prominent American strategists whom I have known for years and who previously displayed signs of rationality have gone mad at the prospect of American strategic decline.

China is the obvious winner in the present international crisis. It has the luxury of choosing between two outcomes that increase its power: to act as a friend of all the parties in the Ukraine dispute and mediate the conflict, or to gain the battered Russian Federation as an ally. It probably can do both.

The United States put Ukraine on track for a violent confrontation with Russia by undermining the Russian-backed Minsk II agreement, which would have kept Ukraine out of NATO and allowed home rule for the Russophone provinces Donetsk and Luhansk within a sovereign Ukraine.
Military logic, though, has little to do with these outbursts. Cropsey, Colby and other old friends simply cannot wrap their minds around the miserable fact that American power is fading, the consequence of thirty years of grotesque blunders following the end of the Cold War. They cannot bear the idea that America might have to share power with a rising China, and in their heart of hearts, they prefer a war, even a losing one, to this sort of humiliation.
Other American strategists now argue that the United States should seek China’s help in dealing with the Ukraine crisis.
We can be committed in some ways to Taiwan but in a way that reassures China Why can’t we open up new cooperation on Afghanistan? North Korea’s getting into the business of testing missiles and, for all I know, nuclear weapons. We need an agenda. But right now, you have this bipartisan unity of bashing China, and this is not the time for it. Putin is the more immediate strategic adversary and threat to our interests. China is a longer-term challenge.

We have to sequence this. We have to prioritize. We have to figure out a way of getting China more distant from Mr. Putin.


What is on your mind today? (Responses to Covid questions and dialog to be conducted at The Dose diary)

13 users have voted.


Lookout's picture

we would promote cooperation and treat both Russia and China as partners (as well as other members of the global community). But we are sadly hell bent on hegemony.
From 1992...

So misguided!

Sorry to hear your Grandfather's story.

Veteran suicide is one of the greatest crises of our time. Since Sept. 11, 2001, just over 30,000 veterans have died by suicide — four times more than the number of U.S. military personnel who died in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. In 2019, the most recent year of data available from the Department of Veterans Affairs, 6,261 veterans in the United States took their own lives. That is a 7% decrease from the previous year, but, on average, 17 veterans still lost their lives to suicide every day. That’s a staggering number, particularly when compared to the suicide rate of non-veterans. The VA reports that former service members died by suicide at a rate twice as high as non-veterans, and veterans ages 18-34 died at a rate almost three times higher.

This is a direct consequence of our desire for world domination instead of cooperation.

It snowed last night...about an inch. Everything breezed through, but tonight it is supposed to hit the teens. WE did our best to cover the blueberries yesterday because they are in full bloom. Hopefully we'll save some of the crop. We also covered out beds with plants...most of which are pretty cold hardy. Given our current situation we feel lucky to produce a good bit of our food. Yesterday we bought a load of local grass finished beef and wood raised pork. We'll do the same next week.

We're at the anniversary of the blizzard of 1993. We had 4 foot drifts and 2 foot everywhere. We were without grid power for a week, and were lucky at that. Some folks were without for up to 3 weeks. Used the generator to pump well water for an hour or two everyday, and we cook and heat with propane (along with solar supplement).

The March 12-14 1993 North American blizzard impacted north Alabama and southern middle Tennessee produced heavy snowfall and extreme societal impacts across the Tennessee Valley. Several snowfall records were set across Alabama and Tennessee from this event. This blizzard was also referred to as the "Storm of the Century" and/or the "1993 Superstorm" due to its large scale and widespread record-breaking snowfall it produced from the Northern Gulf Coast of Alabama and Florida, the chain of the Appalachians Mountains, and into the Northeast and New England.

Thanks for the OT and take care on the homestead!

12 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

studentofearth's picture

@Lookout extended family Adults turn what appeared to be a supportive family with regular shared activities into vindictive individuals. Over the years turned into camps demanding complete acceptance of their interpretation of who and what was responsible.

Since suicide and homelessness of veteran is a reoccurring problem after violent conflicts there is no excuse for our current tragedy. The high incidence of PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) does keep families and communities so busy taking care of the wounded there is little excess energy left for participating in effective pushes for good governance.

Too bad about the blue berries. Last year's description was a bumper crop. Mine generally provide a few berries despite being frosted almost every year during bloom.

8 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

enhydra lutris's picture

this year almost nothing has suffered significant frost damage.The apple and apricot are both starting to bloom and leaf out while the orange continues to bloom while producing fruit somewhat continuously. We're passing on farmers' market today, have a lot on hand, and a lot of leftovers from this past week's cooking. Besides that, a large corned beef is in the offing ;-).

The yards are full of birds and blossoms, so we should be happy, but they are also full of weeds and we haven't planted anything yet this season and thus need to get going big time, but that's not on the firm agenda for this weekend.

What's not on my mind is world affairs, all the propaganda and circuses and diversions nor any faint hope for rationality from the owners and rulers, nor, sadly, most of their followers. I tend to sympathize instead with the following bit of wisdom:

be well and have a good one

7 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Best Short summary of what is Happening Now, that I have seen:


Essence is that the disaster of the War being waged now will be devastating to Europe.


"For all the western wailing, both the event and its consequences across the world were created in that same West. A decade of trying to cut Europe’s biggest country out of the picture in favor of American interests is resulting in an increasingly ugly situation for the western world. With all but fuel supplies cut off to Europe, Brussels is looking down the barrel of an economic gun with its own finger on the trigger.

Should the situation deteriorate further, Russia could very well shut Nord Stream 1, putting an already desperate situation into a tailspin. For all the breadth of measures taken against Moscow, Russia has proved that it has an equally broad range of exports to offer in the international marketplace.

The fact that Washington’s game plays to Europe’s disadvantage almost as much as it does against Russia has not gone unnoticed by some, yet until the consequences of a multi-decade campaign hit European consumers hard, little change can be expected.

In the meantime however, the eastern sun that was already rising is really going to make hay in the sunshine, both the Chinese and Russian economies basking in the conditions of Washington’s making. Looking to Europe, it never rains but it pours; the storm of Washington’s making is today raining on Europe, western nations may stand shoulder to shoulder opposing Russia, but history will prove Europe to have rained on its own parade…"

8 users have voted.


QMS's picture


Another example of the weak tea the US uses as diplomacy.
The US 'allies' end up eating the dirt made by empire desires.
Why would the leaders of a nation screw their friends?
It rhymes with a selfish grab on resources, profit and power.
And the citizens of our countries get de-stabilizing mind warp.
The entire situation is f*cked beyond belief.

Otherwise, have a nice day. It is raining cats and dogs and goats here.

6 users have voted.

question everything

lotlizard's picture

The elites and the servile PMC (professional-managerial class) and media work only for the billionaires and the Atlanticist-globalist 1% working toward a European superstate. They scorn the common people rooted in their respective home countries as ignorant dimwits who must be duped into doing what’s good for them and whose heartfelt concerns and yearnings are reactionary and irrelevant.

In particular, yesterday’s Green and progressive dissenters and self-styled critical thinkers have overwhelmingly gone establishment. They now happily join in all the pile-ons tarring whistleblowers, muckrakers, and present-day dissenters as dangerous conspiracy theorists, and movement-building activity by outsiders — non-elite, non-globalist ordinary people — as somehow racist, neo-Nazi, tainted, and deserving of suppression by any means, fair or foul.

4 users have voted.

@lotlizard than what is going on here, lotlizard. I feel for ya. I feel for us all.

2 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture

My uncle posted that homoerotic video of Zelensky and said that he is a hero. I never want to hear him bitch about Fox News again. He was anti war his entire life, but is cheering for Russian deaths. Just read another life long anti war Quaker finding a way to excuse his throwing away his anti war creds. Biden has adopted the Hillary doctrine of blaming all his f-ups on Russia Russia. Inflation has gone up monthly since he became president, but people now believe that it’s Putin’s fault. America’s IQ went down during Russia Russia and then Covid, but it is plummeting because of Russia Russia and Putin Putin.

Anyone else watch Ukraine on Fire? The opening scenes showing war should be seen by all Americans because they have been shielded from its horrors for far too long. We get sanitized versions of to make us think that we are the good guys. One day the world is going to get even for all our crimes.

14 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

QMS's picture


excepting the ones that still can think for themselves.
Which seems like a minority, if one is to believe polls.
There are many of us that can see thru the BS.

9 users have voted.

question everything

snoopydawg's picture


I realize that we have been bombarded with propaganda the last 5 years about how Russia and Putin are our enemies and now it’s totally off the charts. Thanks Obama you POS for rescinding the Smith-Mundt act. It’s just sad to see how much he has changed in a short time. Caitlin has an essay on how calling for an anti war movement got people chanting for WW3.

9 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Cassiodorus's picture

Ukraine and the Empire of Capital for publication. Sure, the book is at least four years old -- but it provides an important background for understanding what's going on now.

What stands out in Yurchenko's history of Ukraine is Ukraine as an object of officially-sanctioned thievery. In the transition from the public ownership of the Soviet regime to the private ownership of hegemonic neoliberal rule, the various powers which have from time to time ruled Ukraine have regarded it as something to be stolen, and the public as a mass to be dispossessed (and to be slaughtered from time to time). Various multinational entities have entered the game, and have (surprise, surprise) adopted more or less the same attitude toward Ukraine.

Yurchenko is reluctant to say so in public but there are a lot of "sides" which need to be opposed outright if Ukraine (and for that matter the rest of the world) is to be saved. Nobody should be pretending at this point that any of this is new: the Russian invasion of Ukraine is an escalation of a war that has been going on since 2014, and a lot of new things will have to happen if the world is to stop empowering the thieves which currently control it -- because it's been bad for a long time.

Here's Yurchenko's recent interview with KPFA radio:


10 users have voted.

"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo

What is on your mind today?

Undiagnosed illness, that's what. I can't figure out what causes my brief episodes of puking and facial puffiness, and they are occuring more frequently. I always thought it was probably bad diet, or something obvious I've done to myself over the years. Like too much coffee since forever.

Or too much prescribed pHarma with all their lovely side affects that go with each new 'script. pHarma begets pHarma, that was my experience. Doing more harm than good is not right, it is wrong. That's the system. What else is there? nada

One day down in the dirt patch, Walking Man Joe said to me his friend with infected jaw problems also had kidney disease and that's what cost him thousands to repair (just his face). Since then it's been about a year, I have not forgotten it is stuck in my lint trap.

I don't even have a doctor, how would I go about getting a proper test? Like, which one? Blood? Urine? Every precious bodily fluid? I don't know and I can't afford any tests, much less shop around for better health providers. LOL that sounds funny to me now. Keeping it light.
Jury: Sutter Health did not abuse market power

A typical inpatient procedure in the northern part of the state might have cost $90,000 more than in Southern California, they said.

In the current lawsuit, the plaintiffs said Sutter used its dominance in seven mostly rural Northern California areas to lock in insurers in four other communities where it has more competition.

That, they claimed, let Sutter overcharge for its own services and in turn prompted hundreds of millions of dollars in insurance premium overcharges by Anthem Blue Cross, Blue Shield of California, Aetna, United Healthcare, and Health Net.

Sutter said it competes with an even larger health system, Kaiser Permanente, and argued that its deals with five of the largest U.S. insurance companies were not only legal but were intended to help Sutter patients and drive down the total cost of care.

Jurors, without comment, rejected the allegation that Sutter sold inpatient hospital services in competitive areas only if the insurer also purchased services in non-competitive areas.

If it were me, I'd utter these two words before every one listening, watching, or reading in courtroom; "Jury Nullification". Yes, if I am ever coerced on to another jury, I will immediately nullify the prosecution and their systems of injustice. Perhaps I am running slight fever too, forgive me.

10 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture


I got sick every day and once I was done I felt fine. Mostly, but I thought it was grief that I was stuffing. When I had another problem and went to the ER it wasn’t till my 3rd visit that they did a urine test and found that I was septic. I was admitted for 2 days and got antibiotics. And heparin but I didn’t understand why I did nor did I get informed consent about it. I was too sick to question it.

But I always thought I would have been peeing more if I had a UTI. It wasn’t notable and the thought crossed my mind but like I said I thought it’d be notable.

6 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg huh thanks for answering. I hope to never visit another ER as long as... well you know. heh What really bothers me is my squinty black eyes, which are normally kind of open and blue. They remind me of Joe Biden's squinty black eyes, which are the creepiest.

Edit: snipped a bunch of crazy talk, not all. It's always nice to get outside, see below.

It's a nice day and I am going to stumble three blocks down to the Russian River to take a subversive photo now. ta


The Russian River today, looking north from on top the Cloverdale Bridge

... which is just south of the Mendocino County line. I used to say I lived "on the cusp" of Mendocino, but now that means Texas to me, so yeah. cheers

11 users have voted.

@eyo if you have kidney disease.

If you manage to get a blood test and are confused or concerned about the numbers, I will be able to help you.

My grandmother, mother and uncle died from kidney disease, so I know a little bit about it.

Difficulty in peeing or too little urine coming from you are early clues.

7 users have voted.


@NYCVG thanks that is awesome to know if I end up with more questions. I don't want to list all my symptoms on here, I don't even want to think about them again. But I would appreciate any dietary advice besides "don't eat salt or sodium" I guess? Is there a best book on nutrition to slow kidney disease?

Salty chips are my best friend, so hearing they may be my worst enemy is not gonna sink in too fast. I need a blood test plus a good explainer. Snoopydawg has offered to help me with that, I can't believe how generous you all are. Thanks a lot!

6 users have voted.

@eyo @eyo @eyo I will be forwarding a link from a hospital in Ontario if i can find it.

My computer wiped out a lot of important links.


This one should get you started. So far I cannot find the more extensive one which listed about 100 vegetables that are good choices and another 100 that are not good choices. I had not heard of most of them.


This list is more compact.

The startling finding from the first listing was that Brown rice was not a good choice and Bagels!!! Yes, bagels were excellent. All that Brown rice and veggies of my hippie years appears to be on the wrong track for someone with my genetic tendencies.

5 users have voted.


@NYCVG @NYCVG oh that is what I was filling my belly with the last two episodes, according to the journal. I started using the emacs diary thingy a few months ago, to jot notes every day on my computer. Ha ha. And now I will look in to printing some of those entries, and reading that PDF. Thanks again. cheers

Edit: Oh wow after reading the PDF it is pretty clear there is too much sodium in my diet lately. What I do with this information is not so clear, but it is a good start. Because it is short and simple eight pages not too much, spaces for taking notes, nice graphics, easily consumed. Smile I was eating cheapest junk meat to go with fresh sauerkraut, kielbasa from a local meat company. Yummy but omg the sodium is off the charts and I am too old to be just eating "whatever" now, apparently. Doh. Onward through the fog. ta

3 users have voted.
lotlizard's picture

Firewall set to reject access outside Canada and the U.S.?

Looks like we have already passed peak freedom when it comes to the Internet. It’s all increasingly draconian lockdowns, blackouts, and Big Brother patrolled walled gardens from here on in.

3 users have voted.

7 users have voted.

would be included. One can dream.

6 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

Here is one piece of evidence that can be used to counter the lie that the biowarfare labs in Ukraine are
"Russian disinformation".

Check out the notice posted by the General Services Administration in July 2017 notice on behalf of the US Air Force, advertising for Russian Caucasian Synovial tissue and RNA samples (Ukrainian samples not wanted).

The original file at the GSA is no longer online (I actually looked at it back in 2017), but a copy was fortunately posted online at this link

RT did a report on this in 2017,

Sorry, the US military was not doing this for humanitarian reasons. The standard argument for this type of research is that they need to work with these pathogens in order to create vaccines to 'protect the troops'. But to specify Russian Caucasians and not Ukrainian samples?? This was done to create offensive biological viral weapons, in violation of the Biological Weapons Convention.

And what better place to put such bioweapons than on the Russian border? How many of these deadly pathogens are native to Eurasia? Wouldn't it make a lot more sense, if doing real research, to build labs in Africa or places where the diseases are endemic? No, this was for military purposes, and the labs were funded/supported by the US Department of Defense.

As mentioned before, Victoria Nuland publicly admitted that the labs existed, see what Glen Greenwald had to say about it She understands what is going to be coming out.

And the Colin Powell waving around a vial of "antrax" at the UNSC, the US is desperate to cover its ass now that the Russians have proof they are taking to the UN. I hope they do a good job of presenting it.



Link to picture

Russia talked to the UN about this yesterday and apparently CNN business covered it. I haven’t looked for it yet. Psakiopath is still denying that they exist even though Vicky verified that they do. I don’t have a high opinion of Jen, but it’s much lower now. Straight out lying to us. No one from the press called her on it. Well except Tucker and Glenn. See my essay for them.

8 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

7 users have voted.

the least.

Have yet to verify this from other sources.

3 users have voted.


Multiple rockets have targeted Erbil in northern Iraq early on Sunday, the state news agency has reported quoting Erbil's governor.

More than three explosions were heard but the city airport was not believed to be the target, Deputy Minister Hiwa Afandi said.

Lawk Ghafuri, head of Kurdistan's Foreign Media Relations, also said more than three explosions were heard, He added that security forces are investigating the incident and updates will be available shortly.

As is consistent with previous attacks instigated by Iranian-backed militia, media channel Sabreen posted videos of the attack moments after its occurrence.

Irbil is in the Kurdish controlled area in Iraq and there has previously has been violence between the Kurds and Iran.

Edited to to add this info:

The Iranians said that they would retaliate against Israel for the recent killing of its troops in Syria by missile attack.

5 users have voted.
QMS's picture


(Rhetorical question).
The US has no business having a base in Iraq.
Being in bed with the Israelis is no shocker.

7 users have voted.

question everything


This is also interesting.

3 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

Russian UN Rep at Security Council Exposing US and Ukraine Biolabs


4 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

snoopydawg's picture

More humor

Check that..more insanity. I watched it with the sound off and watched her hands. She’s funny.

4 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

snoopydawg's picture

How will she walk that back? I just heard Biden slap his face. Giggle.

7 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@snoopydawg is a disqualification for higher office in the USA. Trump knew nothing. The new Mayor of NYC is another vacant tin can which rattles when its only pebble is shaken up..

We can bash Obama as much as he deserves, but he was well educated and well read. He could form not only complete sentences but complete paragraphs. Seems like a lost art in DC now.

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snoopydawg's picture


She makes exaggerated hand movements that are funny if you can’t hear her. But she also has problems with putting sentences together. It’s no wonder many people in congress are having trouble. They are very old. DiFi is truly senile according to her staff and yet democrats put her in charge of the Barret hearings knowing that she would do a bad job.

6 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.