Something Ain't Right
President Biden Receives a Letter from Congress
Expressing Concerns about his Mental State and Urging him to Undergo a Medical Evaluation as Soon as Possible
After months of media and opposition accusations suggesting that former President Donald Trump was mentally unfit to hold the office of President of the United States, President Trump finally agreed to submit to a cognitive test. In 2018, the White House Physician
administered the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA) to President Trump. He handily passed the test.
Now, the same demands are being made of President Joe Biden. in a letter written by Texas Rep. Dr. Ronny Jackson, and signed by 37 of his Republican colleagues in Congress, Jackson warns that, "President Biden's mental decline and forgetfulness have become more apparent over the past two years." He urges the 79-year-old President to take a cognitive aptitude test (just as former President Trump did).
"As a former physician to three Presidents of the United States, I know what it takes mentally and physically to execute the duties of Commander-in-Chief and Head of State. My colleagues and I are asking President Biden to immediately undergo a formal cognitive screening exam."
Dr. Ronny Jackson served as a White House doctor to former Presidents George W. Bush, Barack Obama and Donald Trump.
Yours truly has called for a brain evaluation of every president that has served since Ronald Reagan was elected. The US has had a steady stream of psychopaths in the Oval Office who have damaged the lives and wellbeing of the American people and inflicted random murder and mayhem around the globe. People used to be shocked at the idea of compelling the President to undergo a mental examination, as if this were a direct threat against the United States. But now people seem to realize that something "ain't right" in the Oval Office — and it hasn't been right for a very long time. These examinations probably won't stop the psychopath problem in the Federal government, but it will enable the people to consider the type of mental defective that they are voting into office.
In 2020, the toxic state of US politics left Americans with no choice but to elect a President who was clearly afflicted with senile dementia. This, in turn, empowered the embedded bureaucratic junta in the State Department to run the country to benefit the military industrial complex. Congress is already owned by the Citizens United cartel and have become unrepresentative of the people. The Office of the President is an independent branch of government. Were Americans to elect a sane President, theoretically he would have the power to lead the nation into a better, more peaceful and stable future, with better choices for all.
February 8, 2022
President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.
The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, D.C. 20500Dear President Biden,
We again write to you to express concern with your current cognitive state. We believe that, regardless of gender, age, or political party, all Presidents should follow the example set by former President Trump to document and demonstrate sound mental abilities. While you underwent your annual physical exam on November 19, 2021, you either did not have a cognitive test or those results were withheld from the public. White House Physician Kevin O’Connor, D.O., attested to you being “fit to successfully execute the duties of the Presidency” in a purely physical manner; however, we are worried about your cognitive and mental abilities.
As you may remember, several Members of Congress sent you a letter on this issue in June of last year, to which you have not replied. Since then, the American people have continuously lost faith in your ability to effectively and competently handle your duties as President of the United States. This is reflected by recent polling which shows that:
• 48% of voters disagree with the statement that you are mentally fit, with only 46% agreeing and representing a 19-point change from October 2020.
• Independents, by a margin of 23 points, do not believe you are mentally fit.
• 50% of voters disagree with the statement that you are “in good health,” which represents a 29-point shift since October 2020.
The Alzheimer’s Association lists “changes in mood and personality,” including being more “easily upset” as one of ten signs of mental decline. You displayed this type of mood change d uring a cabinet meeting on January 24, 2022, when you apparently did not know your microphone was on after finishing your opening remarks, and you called a White House reporter a “stupid son of a b****” in response to a question asked on inflation.
Further, in a December 16, 2021, press conference with the White House COVID-19 response team, you appeared to be unable to read the numbers in front of you. When attempting to announce the total number of the population who had received a booster shot, you said, “57… excuse me… 570… I don’t want to read it , I’m not sure I got the right number…” before being corrected by Dr. An thony Fauci with the right statistic of 57 million.
This is not just a recent trend, as your mental decline and forgetfulness have become more apparent over the past two years. On the campaign trail, you often forgot the names of states that you were in for campaign rallies. The Alzheimer’s Association points out “confusion with time or place” as another of the ten signs and symptoms of mental decline. In February 2021, you publicly forgot the purpose of your visit to survey the winter storm damage in Texas. In March 2021, you forgot the name of the Pentagon, the Department of Defense, and the Defense Secretary. Lastly, in May 2021, you told a story from your tenure as Vice President in which you stated that you regularly visited your sick mother via Amtrak in 2013, even though she passed away in 2010.
The American people should have absolute confidence in their President. They deserve to know that he or she can perform the duties of Head of State and Commander-in-Chief. They deserve full transparency on the mental capabilities of their highest elected leader. To achieve this, we urge you to submit to a cognitive test immediately. We implore you to then publish the test results, so the American people know the full mental and intellectual health of their President, and to follow the example set before you.
This is not an unprecedented request. Starting in 2018, political opponents and members of the media clamored for your predecessor, then-President Trump, to take a cognitive test. In response, the White House Physician conducted a Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA) for President Trump, at which he excelled.
According to Dr. Ziad Nasreddine, the neurologist who created the test, MOCA is a simple screening tool to identify early signs of mental impairment. Dr. Nasreddine said the test is best administered when a person or their loved ones “start noticing mental decline.” This particularly includes forgetfulness on ordinary tasks, which you have clearly exhibited throughout your tenure. We believe that a MOCA should be a routine part of any physical examination for every President going forward.
This is also not a partisan issue. As Democrat Representative Jamie Raskin previously pointed out, with many politicians and the population at- large growing older, “it's not hard to think that there will be futur e situations where the President's physical and mental state may create issues for us.” At the time of this quote, Representative Raskin introduced legislation to establish an independent commission that would examine a President’s fitness for office and determine “whether the President is mentally or physically unable to discharge the powers and duties of the office.”
We agree with these statements. As such, we encourage you to follow the example set by President Trump, by undergoing a cognitive test as soon as possible and immediately making the results available for the American people.
Thank you,
Ronny L. Jackson, M.D. Member of Congress
Kevin O’Connor, D.O., Physician to the President
Anthony Fauci, M.D., Chief Medical Advisor to the President
Where do you stand on examining the President's brain — as in the case of both Donald Trump and Joe Biden?
If I owned a gas station and Brandon applied for a job
pumping gas, I would deem him unfit for the position.
If I was staffing a grocery store, he might be suitable for bagging, provided he didn’t wander off too frequently.
No cognitive testing is required to recognize his substantial impairment, IMHO.
The fact that the Democratic Party apparently still stands behind him remaining in office does not inspire any confidence either.
“ …and when we destroy nature, we diminish our capacity to sense the divine,and understand who God is, and what our own potential is and duties are as human beings.- RFK jr. 8/26/2024
Acety-L-carnitine and choline help.
So does resveratrol so does pyroglutamic acid (the stuff that makes dried beer sticky) So does curcumin (the yellow stuff from turmeric) It helps a lot. It reduces inflammation. So does fish oil, we should take a lot of it. The brain is basically mostly DHA. so it needs n-3 fish oils. (DHA and EPA) Got me?
Also he should take n-acetyl cysteime. For glutathione.
Even though I would prefer that he step down I do want him to operate at the peak he can while he's there and certainly every little bit that helps, he should use it.
My advice is very conservative and all these interventions help older people.
As someone familiar with nootropics and anti-aging
....compounds, I'd would say that President Biden is as enhanced as he's going to get. Prior to the 2020 election, he was definitely circling the drain. We don't know what went on during the three months between the election and the inauguration, when he hid in his basement and gave no live interviews. Whatever his team pumped into him at that time resulted in significant improvements to his skin and brain. But he's been pushed to his limit.
He's been permitted to speak with world leaders, like Putin and XI, for example. The translators may buffer the rough patches, but it's an open secret that Biden is seriously impaired. These leaders know they are dealing with the Intelligence cartel at the State Department that are moving his lips. And when he goes off script, his impairment is even more shocking.
All the antioxidants in the world cannot fix this mess.
As to your advice, everyone who reads this should add NAC to their immune supplements. It's a very good call, all around.
It will turn into theater and then into an
annual bit of theatrics.
1) Results are medical, can't be released without his permission
2) Can't be used, even if released to shame him into quitting, he like almost all politicians has no shame
3) The 25th Amendment can be invoked without any such test, or not, it is all up to the political decisions and corruption of the appropriate officials, it changes nothing except to introduce more theater
4) Kamala
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
You're right. It doesn't solve the issue of
....of mentally defective Presidents and psychopaths in the White House.
However, the theater is welcome and needed on this issue. As I said in the essay, it may raise awareness and teach people to "consider the type of mental defective that they are voting into office."
I believe we have entered an era when only the insane and deeply compromised will be allowed to assume the Presidency. A sane President would now be a threat to national security. And, we don't want to see any more assassinations, do we? Or, god forbid, a suicide.
What a terrible choice
by demanding a test now the Republicans are taking a huge chance. Likely Biden will pass - there will be two big men in black suits and dark glasses to make sure of that. So much for Social Security and Medicare. Alternatively the test will be reported fairly and President Harris will get a year of fawning press to lessen the red wave in November, a la Mayor Feinstein, whose press following the assassination of Moscone turned her from the most hated politician in SF history into a 45 year career as the most corrupt. Harris could easily bungle into WW3, and only Trump will get a smile out of that.
On to Biden since 1973
This could just be timed to be an election shit show.
There is NO WAY IN HELL those congressmen/women give a damn that a president might be nuts. I bring your attention to Republican St. Ronny Reagan. How many years of his Presidency was he incompetent? 1 year? 5 years?
I do believe Biden was showing signs of mental deficiencies during the campaign, that his condition was NOT to be addressed. Well, things are different now, we are trying to start WWIII, so just maybe he will be taken out legally, Constitutionally, let Kamala smirk and giggle a year, then deal with the Republican President that the Democrats are guaranteeing will sweep to power.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
The media did address Biden’s mind early on
during the primary. CNN and MSDNC both had a few shows when they asked about it. But then when democrats decided that Biden would be the chosen one they were told to zip it. I think the video below is from Australia. They see that Biden has a very big problem.
Biden and Trump
Who cares what their so called mental 'scientific' testing has reveled. Their both products of unadulterated political nepotism. My turn say the lunatics who work for and own this country. At least these two did not promise change you can believe in. Who really runs this government on every level? Not Biden not Trump or any pathetic pol. My God their all psycho's. My Oregon governor is another psycho. Comes from a long line of political rich guys who have ancestral connections. Who would you have us vote for Pluto?
Primarying does not work. The political apparatus shoots them down. Be they Bernie or candidates in my state who dare to primary the powers that be.Face it anyone who gets elected at this point is unfit mentally to hold office. Seems stupid to wax on about their mental condition as they are all unfit and mentally unfit for office. Good God what kind of bs. test lets these assholes off the hook? Oh yeah the same bogus scientific tests that tell you the minutia of our situation is more important then looking at the larger truth. Who gives a shit about Trump or Biden's mental testing? How about using your lying eyes and figuring out they are all non compos mentis. Focusing on bs. testing is an insult to ones intelligence.
I recommend the Clean Congress Manifesto
Vote against the incumbent in every election, regardless of Party affiliation.
Never let anyone have a second term. That's where the corruption sets in.
We are on the brink of starting World War III. Whether or not Biden is cognitively functioning, that fact will not change because the puppeteers remain the same.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
It’s subtle but if you look closely…
Just kidding. It’s so obvious that other country’s news is covering it. How in the hell will Biden deliver the state of the union? I’ve heard that Pelosi is going to limit how many people can attend and hide behind Covid for it. Has that ever been done before? Exclude lots of congress members and the joint chiefs and scotus? Will they pre-record it like I thought they did the Bernie-Biden debate and edit all of Biden’s clubbing-ups? Or will they refuse to allow it to be recorded period? After watching this you can understand my questions.
running for president of Amerikkka
(shithole nation) should immediately disqualify one.
but LOL on these competing statements from ronnie:
ronald rayguns, of course, was in the throes of dementia while prez.
i like the way the swiss 'elect' presidents for one year from elected cabinet heads.