The President's Brain

Something Ain't Right

President Biden Receives a Letter from Congress
Expressing Concerns about his Mental State and Urging him to Undergo a Medical Evaluation as Soon as Possible

After months of media and opposition accusations suggesting that former President Donald Trump was mentally unfit to hold the office of President of the United States, President Trump finally agreed to submit to a cognitive test. In 2018, the White House Physician
administered the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA) to President Trump. He handily passed the test.

Now, the same demands are being made of President Joe Biden. in a letter written by Texas Rep. Dr. Ronny Jackson, and signed by 37 of his Republican colleagues in Congress, Jackson warns that, "President Biden's mental decline and forgetfulness have become more apparent over the past two years." He urges the 79-year-old President to take a cognitive aptitude test (just as former President Trump did).