The Dose 1-16-22
Still laying down on the jab...

Watch as FLCCC Clinical advisor and pediatrician, Dr. Liz Mumper discusses how children have been affected by the pandemic, the risk factors they face, and the various vitamins and medicines they should be taking. Plus, Dr. Marik joins Dr. Mumper to answer pertinent questions as they relate to kids and omicron.
Good discussion by a pediatric functional doctor explaining the relatively low risks and appropriate treatments for kids.
The employer vaccine mandate was overturned this week, but hospital employees and the military are still required to take them. Like many hospital workers, this UK doctor plans to resign rather than submit to a shot. (37 min)
Dr Steve James is a critical care consultant at King’s College Hospital in London. When Health Secretary Sajid Javid visited last Friday, he asked the NHS staff about what they thought of the forthcoming mandates that will make Covid vaccination a condition of deployment for NHS staff. Dr James spoke out, saying why he was against the mandate and why he hadn’t taken the vaccine himself.
It made headlines across the UK media, in particular coming from a Cambridge-educated NHS frontline doctor. Dr James came in to the UnHerd studio to explain his position in more detail to Freddie Sayers.
The absurdity of mandates has been laid bare by omicron
Studies show vaccinated people more likely to catch COVID than the unvaccinated This is especially true if the vaccines are from months ago (like mine)
more here.

“Boosters begin to fail essentially immediately against Omicron, despite the massive (and potentially dangerous) increase in anti-spike-protein antibodies they produce,” journalist Alex Berenson commented. “Why are we encouraging people to get ‘vaccinated’ or ‘boosted’ with a ‘vaccine’ that within a few weeks probably increases their risk of becoming infected with the newly dominant variant of Sars-Cov-2?”
Worth the full read.
Vaccine Alternatives: Safe & effective Treatments that are "Cancelled" (1.5 hours)
plus one hour bonus...
MEDICAL TYRANNY: Hospital Cartels & CDC Cover Ups With Dr. Jane Orient & Dr. Brian Hooker
The floor is yours.

Just keep telling yourself lies!
Another one sings the Anti Vax Blues
too bad she wasn't given early treatments...
and saved. Vaccination isn't the only approach, but big pharma wants you to think it is.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Talk about ‘outing’ yourself and who you are. believe them when they tell(or show) you
I experience this in meatspace too often. It doesn’t excuse my displaying my ire here but it might explain it.
and I thought the rwnj’s were low
edit; Not a reply to lookout, misplaced reply
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
no problem...
How many died from this pandemic because they were not provided treatments, but sent home and turn blue and then return to the hospital and die with "rundeathisnear" and ventilation. Thousands and thousands....
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
@Lookout "How many died"- I
So sad to see the grave dancing. But for the American grave dancers, just know the citizens of Uttar Pradesh get to grave dance on 2400 more times as many graves as we do.
Oval's graph below
speaks to that quite well. COVID is a treatable disease, but that was not allowed to even be discussed. Should raise questions among thinking people.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Matt Taibbi nails it to a T
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
We don't dance on graves here...
I suggest you not do it again. That's pretty ghoulish, dude. Where have you been to pick up a bad habit like that? Childish.
Be sure to send your thoughts and prayers to her.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Whatever happened to Nicholas Wade
After his April 2021 publication of Origin of Covid — Following the Clues?
According to his current Wikileaks page
Wade’s original Medium piece concluded:
Having a retrospective view of almost nine months, I think a reread of this much castigated early exploration of the lab leak hypothesis and gain-of-function research, paid for with our tax dollars, deserves another read.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
There's much about the pandemic...
that needs another look. I find the HCQ and IVM story illustrative for example where tests were purposely engineered to fail.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Wellness Forever Medicare Pvt Ltd
Supplied the following throughout Uttar Pradesh, India. COVID cases plummeted.
Meanwhile, back in the USA we're still waiting for Big Pharma to conduct definitive double-blind RCT’s to demonstrate efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin against COVID, a result that would surely put an end to the mRNA vaccine EUA’s and their obscene profiteering with patent protected therapies and “vaccines”. As if that could EVER happen.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
I find it curious how being pro-treatment...
makes you anti-vax. This either or mentality illustrates the effectiveness of big pharmas propaganda machine. TPTB have done a great job getting the pawns to argue among themselves as they steal vast amounts of money and promote social programing.
Additionally no discussion of stratified risks and appropriate response.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Big Pharma's Propaganda Machine
How's this for starters?
pfizer owns the FDA, CDC, NIH...
big media and all the regulators. Might explain the poor pandemic results in the US.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Glenn Greenwald's Searing Rumble Chat
IDK if somebody has already posted this and I missed it.
Just in case you have not seen this, Glenn's thesis about Novak Djokovic's deportation is eye-opening. Djokovic claimed immunity because he had a positive test 3 weeks ago and now is negative. Therefore he did not need to get a vaccine and he was granted a Visa on this basis.
Glenn is upset at how happy the Australian public was to see Djokovic ousted.
His theory is that authoritarianism has gained strength in AU and that the public was behind this. He uses the word sadism. And says that Djokovic's ouster is because of some mildly critical statements made in April 2020 before there even were vaccines.
Of course, it is easy to draw parallels between joy at ousting a non-vaccinated individual and mid-20th century events.
The mood is ugly and dangerous.
Please provide the official stats on how the Covid
cases "plummeted". If that was true then why did the Health Ministry take the Ivermectin out of the kits? Also, old kits are being distributed and threatening people's health...
This quote appears to counter the claims made by proponents of Ivermectin etc.
"Pulmonologist Dr Ravindra Mehta of Apollo Hospitals and a member of the state’s Covid-19 expert committee explained that Ivermectin and Doxycycline were originally repurposed for Covid treatment in the first wave based on prior evidence of antiviral activity. “It was used on the presumption that they would have some effect. However, data from the last 1.5 years shows that they by and large do not have any effect or utility against Covid-19,” he said. “Doxycycline also causes severe gastric problems and vomiting. Liver functions are also affected,” added Dr Raghu J, an infectious disease expert at Sakra World Hospital."
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
A graph from a reliable source,
though I expect you will disagree on that.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Thank you for the graph, but it is missing the back up
explanation and stats that show directly cause and effect (between the Ivermectin and its usage and the Covid numbers).
I did find this analysis of the claims about Ivermectin usage in Uttar Pravesh, which had the same graph, but certainly comes to a different conclusion.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
There plenty of evidence out there to support whatever
position you want to have. Go for it!
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Makes me think of the Bible as a source of "truth"...
You can find whatever evidence you need in it to prop up whatever belief you want to have!
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Glad you said that.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I have seen it too.
True science does not allow itself to be "worshipped" as "gospel" because it knows the answers are always evolving as more information is gained. It doesn't allow for scientists to be viewed as gods either. If you have a situation where one side or the other in a scientific debate becomes immune to being questioned or having skepticism applied to what they are presenting, then you are not doing science or even representing it.
My biggest objection to our current situation is that an active self promoting group of people who are trying to discourage the practice of public health through vaccination have hooked up with right wing politics and some pseudoscience. They are snowing the public with unscientific claims. And when someone tries to apply skepticism to those claims or presents evidence that disproves their presentations, they are accused of censoring opinion, of trying to silence "truth". Also, the whole issue of science and response to how to deal with the pandemic has been folded into the world of conspiracy thinking. This is very much the way religious cults and other religious promoters operate.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Then again, there is a complete faith and confidence
This has caused many people to completely change their personalities and normal propensities.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
substitute belief or faith in
science or religion
it adds up to the same thing
just about. Science changes but
religion, not so much. For example ..
I have a religious conviction that Fauci
believes in science when it gets him to
whatever heaven he has applied to.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Remember stories of Muslims here in the US cheering 9/ 11 on? While most of that was hyped news, I can say for certain a Muslim family who own a convenience store locally did watch the havoc on tv with un-repressed glee. I have also had 3 (former) friends say they hoped every single unvaxxed person dies a horrible COVID death because they deserve it! I have nothing to do with those very close, long time friends. I will never forget what they said. I should mention, one of them died after his second jab. Nobody is saying if that was the cause of his massive organ failure. I am sure it was merely coincidence.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
The silence is deafening
Informed consent requires understanding risks and benefits. Still hasn't been discussed in the big world.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The 3 friends, oops, former friends,
I can say my reaction to the passing of one of them was very sad for me. If I had died from COVID, they might have broken out a bottle of champagne to celebrate. Do remember, I am following the advice of my doctors, given my history of some life-threatening adverse reactions to medicines, to steer clear of the jabs for now. If they ever return to tried and true trials and customary composition of a vaccine, I will re-consider my personal situation. My medical history, and my survival of the virus before it was declared to be pandemic, is not sneer-worthy. I did nothing wrong, and am doing nothing wrong. I have the right to take personal responsibility, as all responsible adults do. My opinions and decisions are my own. I am glad both I am my doctors did absorb all the information out there, and not just one side of the issue.
That is why The Dose is important.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Ha! He and Collins are certainly a pair.
Collins thinks that if you just look at at waterfall, you'll see there is a God!
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Hi OTC, I would like to clarify a few things here.
Speaking only for myself, I don't have faith or confidence in any of the above. 30 years ago, I did have faith in the CDC--they were a well run public entity that did good work protecting the public, both at home and abroad; that seems to be no longer true at least at the leadership positions. It has been politicized and taken over. The rest, Pfizer, Fauci, Big Pharma, I think are capitalist tools that would do the unspeakable if profit or power is involved.
As a lawyer you probably encounter this all the time. Both the accused and the police/prosecutor can be unrepentant assholes. Both can be true.
However, just because I don't trust Fauci, the FDA etc. doesn't mean that in dealing with covid, I'm going to not look at the science and make my best guess as to the safest way forward for me and my family and friends. It can be true that Fauci is an asshole, and Pfizer is an evil corporation, and the best protection for the community in terms of lives lost and people harmed through long covid is through vaccination. As an example, yep, heart inflammation from the vaccine appears to be a risk. But it also seems that heart inflammation from Covid itself is a much higher risk (I think about 8X).
Our response has all been politicized and, as humans are wont to do, there is a perception of a split into two, *and only two*, "teams". For and against vaccination, masking, lock down, schools opening or not etc.
The problem I've had is that the two teams approach has lead, it seems to me anyway, to occasional hyperbolic claims about what is going on and a major pendulum swing toward bad science and even an anti-vaccine narrative. Some examples off the top of my head..the PCR test is completely bogus and can't differentiate between covid and the flu; the spike protein in the vaccine is toxic, the vaccine is "gene therapy", the rehabilitation of Andrew Wakefield etc.
In my opinion, these examples were either not true, or at best, weak arguments that undermine the narrative the writer is going for. Science arguments rarely benefit from a Gish gallop approach, which is what I felt these sometimes were. My attempts at gentle correction (my apologies to all if that was not the perception) were either shot down or ignored or disparaged.
So anyway, I hope this helps. I don't trust Fauci, but I also think that Malone's, Wakefield's etc. communications to the public might be influenced by their own egos and/or pocketbooks. What should the scientists on this site do? Should we ignore bad arguments and science? If so, I think The Dose will just become an echo chamber and I don't think that is in anyone's interest.
Gee, this sure feels familiar!
"In my opinion, these examples were either not true, or at best, weak arguments that undermine the narrative the writer is going for. Science arguments rarely benefit from a Gish gallop approach, which is what I felt these sometimes were. My attempts at gentle correction (my apologies to all if that was not the perception) were either shot down or ignored or disparaged."
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
I am all for scientists coming forward! Please continue!
I think drs. who fail to give treatment until crisis, when a government stipend is paid, is a tortious act. I believe listing COVID as cause of death on coroner's reports because they were mandated, is tortious. I believe the suppression of science and ideas that prohibit attempting to use existing medicines to keep the EUA for the vaccines is tortious. I do not know what to call the unlicensing of drs., removal of their privileges, and so on, other than very suspicious. I am just glad I am not a dr.
Drug companies distorting their trial results to show their new drug is wondrous is not new. Making enormous profits from poisonous wonder drugs is not new.
This is business as usual. Same this time as it was last time.
You have more knowledge and training to make your personal health decisions than I do. I had to deliver over the decision for myself to my drs.
I wish you all the best. Many kind people from both sides of the vax protocol are earnest and well-meaning. We all need to save our wrath for some other problem down the road.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Thanks OTC,
I really haven't met anyone personally who
admires or "worships" Fauci like people do with RFK Mr. or Robert Malone. Most people I know have mixed feelings about Fauci, or like me, think he's just a partisan hack and not very scientific. Most people seem to have retained their reservations about government and government agencies despite what the MSM tells us. The difference here between the vax and anti vax camps is that no one particularly knows or talks about the actual scientists behind the vaccine development and certainly know nothing about the people producing the vaccines on an every day basis.... they are not revered etc. But, on the anti vax side, the scientists and people with medical backgrounds are all over social media promoting their views. And this goes on and on despite the facts presented that they are in error about most of what they claim.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
@Fishtroller 02 If this is a
Dr John has done some great videos about take home kits in India. He has been pretty solid and reliable. The WHO did a report on take home kits in India as well. They touted the amazing success but oddly left out what was in those kits.
I hate getting suckered. I don't like to go down a rabbit hole and then later find out I have been fed misinformation. I have been quite skeptically following the cynics and skeptics. It really does appear irrefutable that IV is working amazingly well and could have saved MILLIONS of lives. There are at least 5 Meta analysis that support this. IVMETA is a great one to follow.
It didnt have to be this way. It really didnt.
Thanks for the tip... lots of information to digest..
In reviewing several of the articles, it still comes down to this..
Ivermectin just never rose to the level of confidence thatmost doctors need to prescribe it for Covid. Right now Uttar Pradesh has more cases and deaths than Delhi. You can't blame that on Ivermectin either because we just don't know how many people are taking it.
There is
still nothing that connects the covid numbers in Uttar Pravesh to the use of Ivermectin. It's all anecdotal, and there are too many other factors that could have caused the lowering of numbers during that May/June time. There are many doctors who have tried to keep an open mind about Ivermectin, but they end up complaining that the studies done are just not done in a rigorously scientific manner, or in a manner that would make them comfortable in prescribing it.
"We spoke with Dr. Lee Riley, a professor of infectious diseases at the University of California Berkeley, who said that there is no peer-reviewed randomized control study that shows that ivermectin is the reason why cases are going down in Uttar Pradesh. Any study would have to include a placebo group, and control for other measures, such as use of masks and social distancing, which Uttar Pradesh was using, he said.
Confirmed COVID cases are down in India, and in other places, Riley said, but he questioned how widely Uttar Pradesh is testing. If there are fewer tests, there will be fewer recorded cases.
Asked about claims that Uttar Pradesh’s low case numbers were due to ivermectin, Riley said said that there would be no biological reason why the drug would be effective at preventing the disease, but not in treating it, as studies have shown. No other place in the world has shown that ivermectin is effective at preventing COVID-19, Riley said.
Another medical doctor has researched claims of ivermectin’s success, both scientific and anecdotal, and found them lacking. "This is not even remotely the case," he said during a lecture with other doctors on Oct. 15. While there are claims that the state began using ivermectin in May 2021, during the height of India’s COVID-19 crisis, the government actually said it began giving the drug in August 2020.
"Not only did it not hasten the end of that alpha wave, but it didn’t prevent the delta wave," Mark said.
Mark cited research where scientists looked at data for all deaths in India, and found that certain populous districts in Uttar Pradesh had no reported deaths at all for several months.
"So either you have to believe that ivermectin prevents you from dying of everything — car crashes, cancer, homicide, suicide — or, that the data is just garbage and you can’t interpret it," he said."
More doubts expressed by researchers...
Lots of articles right now point to CBGA as a possible help with blocking Covid, but they will have to do the same kind of testing to confirm this that was needed for the vaccines or any other treatment.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
I wonder how humans ever managed
to survive as a species: finding the edible roots and avoiding the poisonous mushrooms, avoiding getting eaten by the crocodile/saber tooth tiger/piranha.., trampled by stampeding buffalo... etc., etc.
long enough to *invent* double-blind trials?
No doubt they can be extremely useful and have their place, but now somehow we can't make a decision without them? Putting two and two together and PAYING ATTENTION has a pretty solid several hundred thousand-year track record that people think we should just abandon?
Ya don't, as the the ancient Jewish philosopher put it, "need a weather man to know which way the wind blows..."
In that case we could consider the statement I read
recently by a man who was very hesitant to take Ivermectin because he saw the looks on his Llamas' faces when he gave it to them.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
you're using the "horse paste" insult again. Very subtle, not.
I thought it was a funny comment.
Wasn't even thinking of the horse paste issue.
Since when are Llamas horses?
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
I'll tell you what I'm going to do...
since I warned you in a PM just a few days ago about your insults and now you're right back at it, I'll give you a little vacation from c99. I will eventually lift it and then it will be up to you if you return or not.
A partial answer to my own question
also piece by Nicholas Wade worth reading for those interested in further investigation of the lab leak possibility:
New Routes to Making Covid-19 In The Lab
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
A lab leak has always made sense.
The question is, which lab would that be? If you follow the science, that will be revealed.
This investigative article below was released quite early, but it has since grown into a compendium. With the help of genetic virologists — a scientific timeline has been filled in, spanning hundreds of research papers and tens of thousands of virus samples from all over the world. It is simply something that is not talked about: Such is the world we live in.
China’s Coronavirus: A Shocking Update. Did The Virus Originate in the US?
A compendium of evidence and research in the seeding of SARS-CoV-2 around the world
more good omicron news...
Specialists now agree on endemic ending (25 min)
A new Covid-era
Prof Julian Hiscox, Chair in Infection and Global Health, University of Liverpool
UK, New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group
We're almost there, it is now the beginning of the end, at least in the UK
I think life in 2022 will be almost back to before the pandemic
Should a new variant or old variant come along, for most of us, like any other common cold coronavirus, we'll get the sniffles and a bit of a headache and then we're OK
If you're willing to tolerate zero deaths from Covid, then we're facing a whole raft of restrictions and it's not game over in a bad flu season, 200-300 die a day over winter and nobody wears a mask or socially distances, that's perhaps a right line to draw in the sand.
Dr Elisabetta Groppelli, virologist, St George's, University of London
I am very optimistic. We'll soon be in a situation where the virus is circulating, we will take care of people at risk, but for anybody else we accept they will catch it – and your average person will be fine. We need to accept the fact that our flu season is also going to be a coronavirus season, and that is going to be a challenge for us. However, it is still uncertain how bad winters will be as the people who die from flu and Covid tend to be the same (You can't die twice).
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Also, closer to home, Mass General is sounding similar
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
They are trying to rush out a new...
omicron booster, but it will be a day late and dollar short.
Natural immunity is far superior.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
But they will still try to mandate it.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
I don't doubt it
but they are going to have a problem with me if so.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I’ll be interested to see
how this reporting impacts the doctor’s employee-employer relationship going forward. Though his predictions seem reasonable enough to me, and are also consistent with positions expressed on John Campbell’s video above in this thread, they will likely be represented as “AntiVax” and nonconforming with CDC “guidance” with regard to vaccine uptake goals. The penalties for such independent viewpoints can be severe.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Whatever happened to the emergency authorization
expiration date , believe it was yesterday?
Asking for a friend.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
While looking for that I found...
a mistake in my understanding...
From last summer...
How convenient.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Oink Oink
I was one of those guinea pigs, all the way back to 1991 and the Gulf War. We were all given an Anthrax vaccine that just happened to be the antidote for the exact strain of Anthrax that Saddam had in his stockpile...sold to him by none other than Donald Rumsfeld. Thankfully, I lived.
My fellow airmen were also called on to test some small white pills, called pyridostignine (a product of the G. D. Searles & Co., of which Rummy was CEO, at the time). We agreed to do so...and promptly flushed them down the toilet. A week later, we faithfully reported "No side effects". Fortunately, some guinea pigs braver than ourselves reported some severe problems, and I don't think that the drug was ever issued to the troops.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
I was wondering the same thing this morning.
Perhaps they (TBTB) are quietly ignoring the deadline, thinking no one will notice……..
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Yes, that would make sense
since disinformation is their tactic,
treaties and contracts utterly changeable
and media blackouts the new norm,
the new story line is whatever they deem necessary
at any given time.
And they wonder why we don't trust their anonymous
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Apparently, EUA’s are open ended. HHS decides when it’s over.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
But as coronavirus mutates all the time, it wont stay the same.
Wishful thinking above, I think.
Keep buying, kiddies! We know what's best for you, really!
We rule!
If you have natural immunity
you are less likely to catch a new variant and if you do, chances are it will be mild. Same deal with colds. In fact, after an initial infection, it will be like a cold in all likelihood.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
When "specialists" "Agree" (pontification)
are alleged to "agree" on anything, my red flags go up
First question, is always do they really agree? And you know what, many rarely do.
why do people obsess about knowing more and more about less and less until we know everything about nothing?
or is it knowing nothing about everything?
goggle it and strangulates your thinking abilities at the same time!
why carry the burden of critical thinking when AI can do it for you?
Silly notions ..
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Doxycycline doesnt commonly cause GI *problems* in me,see below
As antibiotics go. (seems to me) Maybe some feel they are but personally I think its good.
When they do its because they kill some bacteria in your gut, (never all of it) and sometimes it just sloghs off, retaining its colonic shape, in your poo. There is a very large amount of it in your gut and it isnt all beneficial bacteria.
Natural antibiotics like berberine(really good for this) and even coconut oil cause die offs of bacteria + fungi in your gut too sometimes. Thats a good thing, to me. The bad bacteria can sometimes cause major pain.
So the opportunity to get rid of it, I like it. Take probiotics! Also many polyphenols help.
And prebiotics, like inulin.
ML is a better term, machine learning.
People are trying to create automation frameworks to make the process of machine learning easier and faster to set up. But its a major challenge for beginners like me to use them.
What data do you use? How do you make it so only the right data is used (clean and preen the data)
What features of it do you focus on.
And so on..
Human labor is too expensive for the seekers of quick riches.
Its the history of capitalism, isnt it?
Indeed they do plan to force it via the WTO