Should there be a limit on how many times a candidate can run under pluralism? (the two party system)
Should there be limits on running the same candidates over and over?
Come to think of it, should there be term limits on Senators and Congresspeople, say two or three terms?
What about mandatory retirement ages? Peoples brains shrink as they age and this leads to mental changes.
65 is perhaps a bit early now, but 70 seems reasonable. As lifespans increase and medical advances expand lifespans, it could be raised. The retirement age should be tied to average lifespans in the lowest lifespan states. This would give the old men and women at the top a bit of an incentive to fix healthcare, or they would have to retire at 70.
Currently it seems like there is an age by which people almost always die, because of the Hayflick Limit on cell replication, perhaps somewhere around 120. But that may change in the near future. Making people demand better government, and better care be taken of the environment.
Pollution has a strong effect on peoples quality of life. For example, the high levels of elemental mercury in the environment in the Northeast from burning coal causes higher levels of many diseases. Some of it is transformed into methylmercury, a neurotoxin, in riparian environments.
When land is tilled the mercury becomes vaporized and people downwind from fields, in farming areas end up inhaling it. This causes birth defects, due to the FYN and cCbl problem. (Consuming supplemental n-acetyl cysteine (NAC) seems to prevent those irregularities in neonates when taken as a chemoprotectant by women in pregancy)
In any case, the mandatory retirement age should be tied in a meaningful way to Americans average healthy lifespans as they age.
I disagree entirely
If people want to vote for a super corrupt racist with Alzheimer's they should get what they deserve.
On to Biden since 1973
3x losers welcome
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
Well that calls my bluff.
On to Biden since 1973