I wonder what it's like ....
... to live in a place where people demand integrity from their elected representatives.
This is a short post. My first here. Checking things out.
I don't see anyone posting about the resignation of Iceland's Prime Minister. So, I thought I'd bring up the subject.
Iceland PM resigns over Panama Papers after protests
Gunnlaugsson, the first major casualty from the Panama Papers leak of more than 11 million documents that lay bare the tax-avoidance arrangements of the rich and famous around the world, will nonetheless remain leader of his Progressive party, Jóhannsson said.
I wonder what it's like to live in a place where people demand integrity from their representatives.
How can you claim to represent the people when you do all that you can to avoid contributing to the general welfare of those people?
The Guardian has been putting up a quite a few pieces to explain the significance of the Panama Papers. You can see all the related articles listed here.
If you'd like to go right to the source, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists has a blog where they discuss their findings.

Thanks Una
It's good to read you here. I hope you like c99% and stick around. Did you ever get the tiny house you dreamed of? I have missed reading you. The Guardian used to be my main source of daily news but lately they seem to have gone the way of all the global corporate 1% media. They really hate Corbyn and Bernie all lefties who are not pragmatic and keep trotting out the Blairite and Clinton loving moderates. I'm glad to have someplace else to read about this latest leak.
I'm hoping I get a new habit of coming here and participating. It can be hard for me to generate new habits. lol
We're still a few years away from our tiny house. Zuna is 16 and we will build it when she is feeling ready to move on to her own thing. (We have to save money, for one thing.)
We're currently in a rather tiny apartment, so we've begun the downsizing process, which is good. I'm using one room for AirBnB guests and that's the only reason I can afford rent. When Zuna's ready to build, we'll have to decide whether she wants the tiny house for herself or if we're going to continue to co-habitate. (She thinks she wants to stay with me, but I imagine she'll grow out of that!) If she decides to go out on her own, I'll have to consider whether I can raise the money to build a second tiny house, for me. I'll need to do something because I'll lose child support and I won't be able to afford to live where I am, any longer. So, we'll see.
I've also noticed the change at The Guardian. What happened to them? Aren't they financially independent due to a trust fund? Why are they selling out to the not-really-leftist way of thinking?
Running out of places to get news with integrity.
The Guardain's
trust fund timed out or something so they became a corporation. They got rid of their excellent long time editor and voted in an Ausie woman. I am a member and commented on their threads but I go there less and less. They seem to be really into inane lifestyles of corporate affluent yuppie hipsters with bad hairdo's. I like their visual art's section and movies and some articles but the blasts of establishment propaganda and fear are so blatant I just don't bother to read. They hired Richard Wolf (the plagiarist pundit that KO threw off his show) to 'report' on the US elections. I haven't yet found a good news source to replace them yet. It's hard to find a news source that's decent and not anti-left neoliberal/neocon garbage.
I loved the post you did of the tiny houses. My 85% Democratic city Portland OR is being demolished literally and rebuilt for the new upscale demographic who are coming to live in Portlandia. The once affordable livable neighborhood/district Hawthorne we live in is listed as the 5th fastest growing hot housing real estate market in the US. It's has no affordable housing. We bought our house in the 90's when this really was the people's neighborhood. If I sell my now valuable old house I would have to move to ??? as rent here is sky high. Sad as I love this city, but the city I love is being destroyed, trees and all, at a fast rate by our Dem 'progressive' city government, developers, realtors, and investors.
So I often think of a buying a tiny house on wheels that we could live in and move in order to keep one jump ahead of hoards of pillegers those who look at housing and land as a hot market investment.
Welcome Una!
I love tiny houses and think I could easily live in one. I have planned several in my mind and on paper, but it will never happen. My other half definitely is not someone who could live in a tiny house.
I am so glad to see you are here with us and I hope you will find this place a home for you.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Hi UnaSpenser, so nice to see you here, welcome,
I hope you may feel at home here very soon. I remember your many posts from a couple of years ago, (at least I think it's already that long) and then you seemed to have cut it back to breathe and take care of yourself to feel a bit better?
This place is going through growing pains (helps to read the Dreaded Meta diaries), though it seems to me most people here are very grown up.
So you fit in perfectly.
So nice to see some familiar "faces"!
Yes, I need to tend to myself. Mostly, though, I realized I wasn't a fit at DailyKos. I'm not one for institutionalized entities. So, I'm not a Party girl. Kos is all about The Party.
Also, I don't accept capitalism as the preferred mode of operation for a society. I dream of a world where generations have been practicing collectivist democracy without authoritarians.
When all the protests were going for Occupy and beyond, the profound difference between my worldview and so many at Dailykos was very evident. And every election, I just get so turned off by the content there. I know that people have different perspective, but the way it is expressed there is so offensive. And Kos .... well ... just look at the most recent front page piece where he calls the Sanders campaign delusional. Part of me hopes Sanders wins the nomination and that Kos becomes irrelevant because he's been such an establishmentarian. The better part of me hopes he learns and apologizes and grows. Either way, right now, I feel alienated there.
I have little areas where I still participate from time to time. But mostly, I just talk with my friends on FB, these days. Kind of limiting, but I haven't known where else to go. Hoping to find camaraderie here.
Glad to see you here, Una!
I find this place much less stressful than what is being called TOP (the other place) and GOS (which I presume you can translate).
Hoping you are feeling well. I think I'm focusing on neuro-inflammation to get my brain to behave better - will take awhile.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
oh, wow, hi!
So, this is where everybody went!
Yes, this is indeed where everybody went!
Still trying to get ZhenRen over here, though.
Overjoyed to see you here, however! The Anarchist contingent here is still quite small, and we need to work on that a bit as it's definitely Anarchist-friendlier here than at Kos.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Una, hi!
How nice to see your name! Myself, have been bi-locating for a while and coincidentally have just about sworn off TOP (The Other Place) as of this afternoon on account of the latest from the site owner. You'll see other familiar names! Hope we'll be happier here, at least for the time being.
Una -- As far as I can remember, we've never interacted at DK, but I followed your Lyme story with great interest (and empathy), since I, too, have been dealing with it long-term. Hope you're doing (relatively) well health-wise nowadays.
thank you
I'm doing better than I have in a long time. we don't expect a cure and I won't ever work again due to how it has impacted my memory, but I've been on IvIg for two years, now, and it has really made life far more manageable.
I even went to Ladies Rock Camp recently! (It took me weeks to recover, but for the first time in 11 years, I actually felt like I could manage it.) And I got a jumpstart on playing guitar which I'm continuing to pursue. Mostly, I've managed to put together a low stress life due to a lot of support from people around me. That seems to be the key.
How are you doing?
Sending you an invite on TOP as a place holder
We have a Lyme group over there... haven't done much with it for years, but might take it on the road at some point.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Aloha e, Una! Great to see you here!
I’ve often thought of you and wondered how it was going with you, since our efforts together doing “Eyes on Egypt and the Region” diaries 24/7.
Eyes on Egypt!
I think of that often. That was such a wonderful project. We burned ourselves out, but I feel like that kind of witnessing is still relevant.
I'm trying to pay attention to what is going in Venezuela and Rojava, for instance. I'd love to have a group of people "Witnessing Revolution" on an ongoing basis, tracking significant movements of resistance to colonial imperialism/capitalism.
How have you been?
hi una...
i wonder what it would be like to live somewhere that the powerful can be held accountable, too.
i'm hoping that we are near one of those historical tipping points where that sort of place can become possible.