The Dose - 12-24-21
An open thread for gentle discussions of all things Covid.

Heh, getcher last dose before Xmas here.
Hey! Good Evening!
Worth a read. Here's a bit to get you started:
Led by Jeremy Corbyn, the British Left Opposes Vaccine Mandates as Anti-Worker and Repressive
The shorthand label “anti-vax” once had a clear and concise meaning: namely, those who reject the prevailing western scientific orthodoxy that vaccines are a safe and effective means of protecting humans against infectious diseases by training the immune system to combat a pathogen in advance. As vaccines become more prevalent against an increasingly wide range of diseases — measles, mumps, polio, chickenpox — a dissenting political and scientific movement has emerged which rejects the scientific premises of vaccines and attempts to persuade others not to vaccinate themselves or their children on the ground that they are ineffective, dangerous and/or motivated by corporate profit rather than legitimate concerns about public health.
But exactly as we have seen with so many other political labels — terrorist, racist, fascist, white nationalist, anti-Semite — this once-descriptive, precise and useful phrase has metamorphized far beyond its original meaning into something barely recognizable or cogent. That transformation has been deliberate, with a clear motive: to weaponize the term into a potent political insult designed to compel submission to decrees from institutions of authority and stigmatize dissenters, threatening them with reputation destruction. The rapid expansion of the term “anti-vax” into a coercive political weapon has been years in the making, but the COVID pandemic was the steroid it needed to blossom into one of the most reputation-crippling labels one can affix to a political target.
Just as is true of accusing people of being terrorists, white nationalists, fascists or anti-Semites not because one espouses views traditionally designated by those terms but as punishment for any sort of dissent, the destructive power of the COVID iteration of “anti-vax” resides precisely in its vagueness, its lack of precise contours, its emptiness and meaninglessness. A term that means nothing can, by definition and by design, encompass anyone and everyone depending solely on the needs of the moment.
The utter obliteration of any coherent definition is evidenced by the fact that one can now be labelled “anti-vax” even though one a) believes in the foundational science of vaccines, b) is themselves vaccinated for COVID and makes the decision that one's children will be as well, and c) states publicly that they have chosen to be vaccinated.
How is it possible to pull off such a seemingly inane and internally contradictory attack: namely, malign people who have taken the vaccine and publicized their choice to do so as “anti-vax"? This is accomplished by twisting and distorting the term “anti-vax” away from its scientific meaning (“one who rejects the efficacy of vaccines”) into a term of political disobedience. Thus, the operational definition of the term has become: one who questions any of the decrees of public health authorities on any matters or who believes that adult citizens should retain the choice to decide for themselves whether to be vaccinated. In other words, the term “anti-vax” now means nothing other than: one who questions any policies adopted by state officials in the name of fighting COVID.
Unfortunately for the liberal-left which has constructed this manipulative and coercive framework, this now requires that the term “anti-vax” be applied to one of the international left's most beloved political figures: former Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn. They must also now apply this term of shame to the most admired left-wing members of the British Parliament along with leading trade unions in the UK. That is because the British Left — not just Corbyn and leftist MPs but also leading labor unions — have united to emphatically oppose vaccine mandates and vaccines passports on the ground that 1) it is immoral and profoundly anti-worker to fire health care front-line workers and other workers for refusing a vaccine they have not been convinced is safe and effective, and 2) persuasion is a far more effective and ethical means of administering public health policy than coercion, dictate and punishment.
Biden announces half a billion free home Covid tests to fight Omicron
Half a billion at-home coronavirus tests will be sent free to the American public in the fight against Omicron, Joe Biden announced on Tuesday, while pushing back against resistance to vaccine mandates by saying they are intended “not to control your life, but to save your life”.
The move is part of a renewed White House effort that includes the Pentagon calling up 1,000 troops to deploy to hard-hit hospitals and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (Fema) working to expand medical capacity.
But as Covid-19 once again rages across America via the new Omicron variant, the president, speaking from the White House, did not discourage Christmas gatherings, impose vaccine mandates for domestic air travel or seek a new round of lockdowns.
“I know some Americans are wondering if you can safely celebrate the holidays with your family and friends – the answer is yes, you can, if you and those you celebrate with are vaccinated, particularly if you’ve gotten your booster shot,” Biden said.
The public should be “concerned” but not “panicked” about Omicron, he added. “This is not March of 2020. Two hundred million people are vaccinated. We’re prepared. We know more. We just have to stay focused.”
Omicron Symptoms Appear Shockingly Mild
Outgoing NIH director warns that Omicron variant means “a million cases a day” by February
The newly retired director of the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Francis Collins, warned in an interview with NPR on Sunday of the potential for “a million coronavirus cases a day” in the United States as the Omicron variant continues to spread across the country.
“We cannot afford to let down our guard,” Collins told NPR. “[T]he virus is not tired of us. It’s having a great old time changing its shape every couple of months, coming up with new variants and figuring out ways to be even more contagious.” He continued, commenting on Omicron’s 57 different mutations, that the emergence of the new variant is “almost like we’re starting over with a different virus than where we began.”
Three days before, a study was published by researchers from the University of Texas COVID-19 Modeling Consortium which echoed Collins’ warning. The report found that, assuming a sharp increase in cases similar to what has been happening in South Africa and the United Kingdom, there could soon be as many as 600,000 cases a day in the US.
Both Collins’ estimate and the modeling from the University of Texas are staggering figures. They are suggesting a winter surge about three times as large, in terms of daily cases, as last year. The UT research also estimates peak hospitalizations capping out at just under 40,000 a day, and deaths exceeding 4,500 every day. Both figures are well above the rates of hospitalizations and deaths from last January, the worst month of the pandemic up to now.
Such an oncoming storm of the Omicron variant in the United States has already begun. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that, as of December 11, 3 percent of cases in the United States were caused by the Omicron variant. The data implies that, as of a week ago, at least 3,500 of the 118,000 coronavirus cases in the US were caused by the Omicron variant, up from 580 out of 116,000 the previous week. This is a six-fold increase in only a week. ...
Moreover, the emergence of the new variant has not significantly slowed the spread of the old. The vast majority of the 122,000 daily cases and all of the nearly 1,200 deaths in the US have been caused by the Delta variant, which continues to rampage across the Northeast and Midwest as winter sets in.
As Omicron Spreads, 100+ Firms in Africa, Asia & Latin America Can Make mRNA Vaccine If Tech Shared
We're number one!!!
US passes 800,000 Covid deaths – highest in the world
The US death toll from Covid-19 has passed 800,000, a once-unimaginable figure seen as doubly tragic given that more than 200,000 of those lives were lost after vaccines became available last spring.
The figure represents the highest reported toll of any country in the world, and is likely even higher.
The US accounts for approximately 4% of the world’s population but about 15% of the 5.3 million known deaths from the coronavirus since the outbreak began in China two years ago. ...
The number of Covid deaths in the US, compiled and released by Johns Hopkins University on Tuesday, is about equal to the population of Atlanta and St Louis combined, or Minneapolis and Cleveland put together. It is roughly equivalent to how many Americans die each year from heart disease or stroke.
A closely watched forecasting model from the University of Washington projects a total of over 880,000 reported deaths in the US by 1 March.
Omicron found to grow 70 times faster than Delta in bronchial tissue
The Omicron Covid variant has been found to multiply about 70 times quicker than the original and Delta versions of coronavirus in tissue samples taken from the bronchus, the main tubes from the windpipe to the lungs, in laboratory experiments that could help explain its rapid transmission.
The study, by a team from the University of Hong Kong, also found that the new variant grew 10 times slower in lung tissue, which the authors said could be an indicator of lower disease severity.
Michael Chan Chi-wai, who led the work, said the result needed to be interpreted with caution because severe disease is determined not only by how quickly the virus replicates but also by a person’s immune response and, in particular, whether the immune system goes into overdrive, causing a so-called cytokine storm.
“It is also noted that by infecting many more people, a very infectious virus may cause more severe disease and death even though the virus itself may be less pathogenic,” he said. “Therefore, taken together with our recent studies showing that the Omicron variant can partially escape immunity from vaccines and past infection, the overall threat from the Omicron variant is likely to be very significant.”
Twitter BLASTED For Anti-Science Censorship On Vaccines
Sailing away: superyacht industry booms during Covid pandemic
In an era of environmental awareness and conspicuous displays of sustainability, you might not expect a rise in the number of people with the means and appetite for a £50m floating fortress of solitude.
But, in part because of the coronavirus crisis, the superyacht industry is booming – and the number of vessels under construction or on order worldwide has hit a new record. According to figures revealed in the latest edition of Boat International’s Global Order Book, more than 1,200 superyachts are slated to be built – a rise of 25% on last year.
“The market’s never been busier,” said Will Christie, a superyacht broker. “And I’ve been in the industry 20 years. A lot of people say they appreciate the safety of being on a yacht during the pandemic. But it’s also because whereas in previous eras the people with enough money were too busy in the office to justify the purchase, these days they can work from anywhere.
“I had one client who sent his trading terminals by plane so he could use them onboard – he’d be kitesurfing in the afternoon and then go back to his desk.”
Christie said shipyard order books were typically full until 2025 – meaning clients are prepared to pay a premium to take over someone else’s slot if it can be delivered years earlier. He argued that the ability to transport a holiday home to a different location at a moment’s notice was deeply appealing.
Pfizer CEO Says FOURTH COVID SHOT May Be Needed
Also of interest:
US Gov Censorship FAIL Of YouTube Video
As US Covid Deaths Reach 800,000, Atlantic Essay Asks: Who Cares?

Why no tests?
Thanks for hosting Joe!
question everything
Those 1/2 billion kits
Not to mention that they are the minimally helpful PCR type.
Morning all
But maybe it shouldn't be. We know who they are at this loathsome network.
Which unfortunately is a perfect segway to this article
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Good morning...
A couple of clips of interest...
Dr. Alfred Johnson sits down with Dr. Peter McCullough one last time before we head into 2022! Here's all you need to know about Covid-19 and what to expect this holiday season, the new variant and how to handle it. (42 min)
They review how to put together a home COVID kit and what to do if you've been around people who are coughing or are ill.
And surprise, surprise... (28 min)
FDA Corruption Way Worse Than You Think
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
When FAIR calls for censorship of OPINION pieces in Any publication I’m calling
People have Truly lost their fucking minds: supporters of M4A advocating for denial of medical treatment if you’re not vaxxed, censorship if your Thoughts deviate from the Approved narrative, denial of participation in any life activities.
Truly Stupid fucking people. Smfh.
NOT anyone on This site, I’m sure
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Should be big news
Should be even bigger news
One brave nurse speaking up about what she is seeing in her hospital.
Watch the video in article. I can’t embed it.
It is the law that vaccine injuries must be reported to VAERS, but as many others have said too many medical personnel do not know what it is let alone that they are supposed to make a report to it. Add in how time consuming it is to make one or how often just as you are almost finished the system crashes and of course the FDA won’t update it to make it easier.
BUT from the information that has been submitted they can definitely see that it’s intention to warn that something is going wrong with the vaccines has been met. Add in the information from Europe and other countries and it’s beyond obvious that the vaccines are dangerous, are killing tens of thousands and injuring millions. The smoking gun is screaming its head off, but being ignored. This is criminal IMO and it looks like there’s a criminal conspiracy to cover up the damage. This alone should be enough to squash vaccine mandates and passports. Will we see the courts stand up for the rule of law or see that they too have been captured by big pharma? The Supremes are going to hear the case for Biden’s OSHA mandate in January.
Doctors and pathologists are seeing a huge uptick in cancers, heart attacks, strokes and other disorders and still no one at the top is paying attention or they have been told not to.
Nurses are risking their careers to speak up, but not enough doctors have been willing to risk theirs. It’s not up to me to judge that. But long ago in Greece doctors had to swear the Hippocratic Oath to First do No Harm BEFORE they entered medical school because it was known that with great knowledge comes great impulses to possibly do harm after gaining the knowledge. Doctors today still swear the oath.
If you want to see what nurses are saying click here. There are 4 must see videos in the article from nurses telling what they are seeing. And why they will get fired instead of getting jabbed. The last one is frightening if it’s true. And there are a million doctors here, but only around 500 willing to speak up.
Malone recently got libeled by Israel. He hits back here.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
@snoopydawg From the European Journal
a line that I have been wondering about for months:
Even though vaccinations offers protection to individuals against severe hospitalization and death, the CDC reported an increase from 0.01 to 9% and 0 to 15.1% (between January to May 2021) in the rates of hospitalizations and deaths, respectively, amongst the fully vaccinated [10].
yes, this is from the study that shows that levels of vaccination have no impact on levels of Covid. The study analyzed over 2600 counties in the USA and 68 countries. This is why the data shows a range- "0 to X%". Jimmy D gave it some coverage several months ago and I wanted to discuss this with a Dr friend of mine. He sent me a PDF to the study, sorry I cant link to it. But this little comment in the "interpretation" section caught my eye.
I kept asking myself, does that line mean what I think it means? My Dr friend didnt want to answer. A very smart grad student looked it over with me and she didn't want to believe that it is a true and accurate statement that means exactly what it says. But as more and more info comes out, I think that lines means EXACTLY what it says.
Found a link:
@wouldsman And to clarify why I
If I am reading this wrong, if you think I am mis interpreting this, please do explain.
Aye I’ve seen that before
From almost 4 months ago and now we are seeing it strikingly here. Most of the vaccinated NFL, NBA players tested positive as have 4 democrats and then of course the university’s 97% vaccinated that has closed down. And still the only thing Fauci is recommending is to get jabbed and boosted. He recently said that we should stay home for Xmas unless it’s to see someone who you haven’t seen in some time. I’m sure that the Rona will understand that it’s why you are visiting that person and so will not infect you or them…oye!
He also said that you can have no more than 30 people at your gathering and you should be safe. And wear your mask indoors unless you are eating or drinking because the Rona knows that is what you’re doing and it will look for others to infect while you are. It’s just following the science to a T don’t you know?
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
This Doctor figures 70% of people could've survived Covid
Brian Tyson: 70% of deaths could have been saved with early treatment. I have not lost a single patient (of over 6,000).
Dr. Brian Tyson, a medical doctor who has treated over 6,000 COVID patients in-person, was recently suspended from Twitter
"With early treatment, between day 1 and 7, I have not lost a single patient."
Twitter needs to stop silencing doctors. They are not the arbiters of truth.
— The Vigilant Fox (@VigilantFox) December 21, 2021
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Yes it is
McCollough thinks that even more could have been saved if early treatments were allowed. I found out in some video that it was congress that set the rules that hospitals had to follow. Politicians have no business regulating health decisions. Doctors should do that. Period, but they are told that they can not use early treatments and hospitals have fought them in the courts. Definitely a crime against humanity.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
It was the NIAID, NIS, CDC & FDA controlled by Fauci et al.
that were behind the decisions foisted upon the public by the lawmakers.
I have been pointing that out for months
here at C99% by looking at death rate compared to vaccination rate and finding that they had a positive correlation.
You can check this out for yourself by looking at various countries where they have high vaccination rates:
After a time the death rate eventually starts to go down. I believe that this is because the virus (vaccines??) culls those with co-morbidity as more and more gain quality natural immunity. It basically shows that the overall efficacy of the 'vaccines' is poor. Safety is unknown as deaths can always be attributed to the virus.
What we needed were the double blind placebo studies of the Pfizer which would have proved this. Unfortunately (for us NOT Pfizer) the 3 year Stage III study comprising 30,000 in the vaccination group and 30,000 in the placebo group that was scheduled to run until fall of 2023 was cancelled last spring after only a 90 day run. We will now never know just how well the vaccine performed.
Another problem is that Pfizer wants 75 years (2096) to release what information they have gained from their efficacy and safety studies. I have a suspicion they will bring in a garbage can while they are going thru their archived material.
@CB Yes, I have been
Another friend who is a nurse. She was a shamer of the non vax. She took every opportunity to cajole, shame and harass the non vax. She worked at the VA and apparently believed that being Vax meant that she would never get Covid. About a month ago she and her entire family got Covid. Due to her work she had to quarantine for 2 weeks. Her mother tells me that she is angry, confused and maybe even a little ashamed. Not sure how a nurse could have been so mis informed. I wasn't about to be the one to expose her to different views. Everything is such a hot button topic now.
I know it. Friends who I would like to keep are the ones I
won't talk to about it. I guess that they'll figure it out eventually then we can talk about it without it driving us apart.
People continue to insist that Malone wasn’t the creator of the
mRNA vaccines. His wife has the evidence showing that he was and why he isn’t given credit for it. He developed it back in the 80's when he was an undergrad at UCSD.
His wife kept notes during this time and I found this to be a fascinating read. It’s like a rerun of who actually discovered the HIV virus and how much money, prestige, power and corruption there is in scientific discoveries.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
Some nay-sayers rejected that report
because Malone's wife wrote it.
I countered that the CDC itself credits Malone as being the inventor of the technology that stands behind the current mRNA gene therapy that is being used to treat COVID-19.
Of course they do
I’m just flabbergasted at people who used to be open minded suddenly closing them just because it fits the agenda. My uncle has been involved with medicine his entire career, but has rejected things that before Trump he would have accepted. We talked about how long it would take to create a vaccine for Covid and how none have been successful before now, but he is now fully on board the Fauci train.
Malone tries to explain it:
But Mrs Malone has the notes to back up what she’s saying.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
The reason my defense of Malone is air-tight
is that I am using Fauci's OWN agencies to debunk the lies against Malone that have been used mainly by those who hold Fauci as a gawdlike figure who's voice is sacrosanct and cannot be rebuked when it comes to this plandemic.
BTW, these people cannot reason for themselves due to the FUD deliberately and knowingly created by TPTB and their sycophants.
“The systematic study of mass psychology revealed…the potentialities of invisible government of society by manipulation of the motives which actuate man in the group…[these studies] established that the group has mental characteristics distinct from those of the individual, and is motivated by impulses and emotions which cannot be explained on the basis of what we know of individual psychology. So the question naturally arose: If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, is it not possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing it?”
― Edward Bernays, Propaganda
Who are the people in charge during this plandemic?
I suggest many of the powerful corporate and political leaders making today's decisions are psychopaths. A significant number have a long term connection to the WEF.
Need a little Blood Pressure Spike?
Two minutes with a startling ending.
No blood pressure spike at this end
We're breaking down in laughter.
A PERFECT example of someone who has finally awakened from the mass psychosis surrounding COVID-13. He ended up futilely searching his lab coat for answers he thought he knew.
That poor pharmacologist. He will never be the same again.
Thank you! This made my day. It's a keeper.
He’s telling people that they are safe, but knows that they are not? And the insert for informed consent is blank? Totally inadequate as a pharmacist indeed. He’s following orders from his bosses. I’m trying hard not to judge him…I don’t know his circumstances.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
It's hard not to judge a person who insists
that you wear a mask in his place of business while wearing one that continually droops below his nose. Your nasal pharynx is very susceptible to infection and spread of SaRS-CoV-19 and should be covered at all times with the masks
The "evolutionary process" in that report is, if something smells bad, you shouldn't eat it.
I use the N95 masks that fit tighter like a sideways duck bill and make a half turn in the ear loops if it isn't tight enough. They don't have a gap on the sides plus the top also fits better so they don't fog up my glasses.
Makes sense CB
"The "evolutionary process" in that report is, if something smells bad, you shouldn't eat it."
Trust your nose ; ).
Check this out
It’s a Reddit sub for pharmacists and this is on the one who’s in the video.
One thing that’s happening is that every medical position in the country is under staffed and stressed out to the max. Nurses have more patients than it’s safe for them to have. Pharmacies are under staffed and many are closing making the situation worse. Hospitals have closed and who knows what else is happening while the country collapses?
Also check out this letter from the FDA lying about ivermectin.
Keep putting your name on things like this so we know who the criminals are that are trying to deny life saving medicine.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
Biden offers Xmas greeting "Let's go Brandon"
I’m chuckling bigly..let’s go Brandon indeed. Gotta watch again to see if Jill got it.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
Oh my…
Remember that country that amended its true number of Covid deaths when they differentiated between from and with. Huge decrease in the numbers of people who died from it. Think that our 800,000 are from it? I don’t.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
This ain’t following the science
It’s adhering to a plan made up in advance. Period. Especially when omicron looks like it can end this.
Bullshit! Pardon my French, but BS.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists.
~Hannah Arendt
Gotta run
I've people to do and things to see.
Have a Happy Xmas.
i know of several situations
i know of several situations like this. Scientists In 2020, we developed a very simple, one transistor graphene sensor that could do a covid test in around ten seconds for practically nothing. With no consumables or "lab" required. I still have not seen it anywhere. Given that we seem to have avoided many obvious aids to this COVID problem, yes, I said avoided, intentionally, the one thing they all have in common is being simple and affordable, I suspect that the governmental response to the Covid virus will be the US's Chernobyl. The tipping point event that convinces me - as much as the the bad trade deals do, that we here in the the developed nations have seriously lost our way.
Am I a scientist? Well, I know what science is better than a lot of people, and also what isnt science.
Ive done science, yes. Real science. Don't ever let anybody tell you you cant. What defines a scientist? Or an engineer? Its a way of thinking logically. I am not an engineer, but a lot of friends who are consider me to be their peer, and have even called me one, even though thats not true. I'm one of millions of technical people who taught their profession to themselves because nobody taught it at the time. They are the people the powers that be are conducting their huge global power grab to deprive of their jobs. .
Mea Culpa
Well, it appears that my prediction of the pandemic ending was too early. The last variant just shot that to Hell.
So, I was wrong. We all lost.
The good news is that the new variant, while spreading like wildfire, is not a killer. Based on that, most likely this will be the last significant outbreak. But now I have no credibility.
We all are guessing when it comes to the future.
There is no loss of credibility in an honest and optimistic prediction that doesn’t pan out. Yours was both, and appreciated by this reader. We all need some hope, and I am most certainly with you in hoping that Omicron might be an unexpected step in the direction of an end to the fear and uncertainty we’ve been living under these past two years.
“ …and when we destroy nature, we diminish our capacity to sense the divine,and understand who God is, and what our own potential is and duties are as human beings.- RFK jr. 8/26/2024
It's all the fault of the vaccines.
They caused the variants to mutate.
They are killing us.
If we just would stop getting vaccinated and took Vit D and Ivermectin, this whole thing would be over.
I don't know how you missed this!
Happy New Year!
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
They want a surveillance state.
All this stuff really has little to do with COVID as shown by their failure to behave rationally . Every expert I have spoken with and I've corresponded with many, has warned about the danger of overdoing booster shots - It will cause immune senescence, a using up of the immune system's capability.
The best approach to covid that I know of is using substances that modulate the SIRT system. Like resveratrol may work as that. Its a stilbene, An evolutionarily conserved viral restriction factor.
This approach may be what we end up at.
Credit where credit's due
Good to hear that the UK (real) left is stepping up to oppose vax mandates - maybe they can find some common cause with the rogue Tories and Brexiteers also in opposition.
In new-normal holiday spirit:
It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like...
(can't embed, so) View the video on Bitchute here
CB and Snoop
Glad you both appreciated this clip.
It says where we are in the looneyverse pretty well.