The Weekly Watch

The Climate Cop Out

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COP26 has been engineered from the start to be an ineffective theatrical production of hollow promises and empty resolutions. First off if climate was the issue why isn't the meeting digital and inclusive? The global South has largely been prevented from attending because of vaccination requirements. No, COP26 is more like the Davos gathering with private jets, motorcades, and the elite telling the people what they must do. Why won't they even try? Because they can't allow capitalism to be impacted, and to prevent massive extinction requires a new economic system that values natural systems and various lifeforms. The purpose of the COP is really to protect capitalist profits of the elite and their corporations.

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This winter there will be large scale energy shortages and outrageous price gouging. How many western leaders will be talking about protecting the climate then? None of them. It will be drill baby drill. (23 min)

Since the beginning of oil production, energy & geopolitics have been intertwined! We recall the first oil shock linked to the embargo decreed by OPEC in 1973. Today, oil prices around the world are higher than ever. In this video, we answer the following questions:
1) Why are global oil pieces high?
2) What is the reason behind this increase in prices?
3) Is Supply/Demand or Geopolitics have anything to do with this price increase?
4) How this may impact you?

One thing is sure: Oil prices have crept higher in the US -- adding to inflationary pressures gripping the economy. What’s next is anyone’s guess!!!

Why Are Natural Gas Prices High? Because Fracking Isn’t Really Profitable:
Oil prices top $79 for the first time since 2014 after OPEC rejects calls for more output:

These guys suggest the US become energy self sufficient, which would require building refineries and ending US overseas fuel sales. I personally think we should nationalize US production like Norway did long ago. And let me add in, the US could withdraw all the troops guarding and stealing oil from other counties and reduce the footprint of one of the largest carbon sources on Earth.

If we look at actions and not listen to words the picture (and hypocrisy) becomes clear.

In an effort to curb rising gas prices Biden asked OPEC for more production...which they refused despite a $650 million arms sales deal to the Saudis for their immoral war in Yemen. But US hypocrisy doesn't end there. Already Biden is approving pipelines and additional drilling. BoJo is opening new coal mines, and Germany will probably sign on to long term supply of natural gas from Russia (if they're smart). So all these pledges and promises to curb emissions are bullshit to appease the environmentalists. Greta has their number..
She imitates them...blah, blah, blah (1.7 min).

The Australian Government made an ad for the COP26 UN Climate Summit, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative. (4 min)

France 24 reviews the hypocrisy of the COP26 agreements. (1st 3 min)

hot air in Glasgow.png

Why even conduct the theatrical performance? Because they need to pretend they are trying to do something. People are experiencing climate chaos all over the planet... (4 min)

So if it takes a new economic system what might that be?

Max and Stacy look at the high cost of the hot air coming out of COP26, where consensus is by decree, while, over in bitcoin land, we see true eco-geopolitical innovation.
In the second half, Max continues his conversation with Ben Aris of European business news platform They discuss the excessive money-printing that’s negating any grand plans for an energy transition away from carbon. They also chat about Ben’s recent trip to Uzbekistan and the booming economy he saw there on the ground. (27 min)
Max hopes bitcoin will revolutionize the way we operate. Others have different approaches.

Yanis Varoufakis suggests it isn't capitalism we're experiencing but Technofeudalism (13 min)

Big tech is big brother. They've seduced people in a multitude of ways.

Rick Wolff was asked:"It is my impression that all left wing economists including Marx agree that capitalism was an improvement over feudalism. Could you please elaborate in what ways capitalism was an improvement?" You need to click the link to see his new hat...

Lee Camp explains how people have been so easily brainwashed...

The capitalist system forces those living within it to absorb thousands of advertisements every day and it has a serious impact on how we view the world and ourselves. Lee Camp takes on the tireless parade of garbage that you might know better as consumerism. Marketing executives do their best to make the world safe for corporate, militarist, and fossil fuel interests. And they do it by lying to us about how things work, what the psychopaths in power have really done in history, and convincing us that toxic products are fine for us. Fortunately there are ways of fighting back.

Here's a couple of alternative concepts...

Famously the broadcaster and natural historian David Attenborough said that someone who believes in infinite growth is ‘either a madman or an economist’. One of the big problems we face today is that in our hunt for growth, mainstream economics has been taken over by madmen. But not everyone has fallen for it. We speak to writer and activist Christian Felber about how to build an Economy for the Common Good. (27 min)

Here's a similar approach.

After spending so much of his academic career systematically disproving the many myths peddled by mainstream economists, Professor Steve Keen has written a manifesto. He joins Ross Ashcroff to detail a blueprint that will allow us to reboot our relationship with the economy, each other and with the plundered planet on which we all entirely depend. (27 min)

Another reason TPTB want a COP meeting is to create conflict while promoting their own policies and disapproving others. Joementia provides an excellent example of how to spin climate cooperation into war. (1 min)

The United States and China continued to clash over plans to address the ongoing impacts of climate change on November 2, 2021, after Chinese President Xi Jinping skipped the COP26 conference in Glasgow, Scotland. China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs pushed back, accusing the US of flip-flopping on its own climate change policies while accusing others of inaction.

The story is far different and China is leading the US in climate.
How the Anti-China propaganda machine also uses climate to lie about China. (19 min)

So here is what the west presents

percent grow of fuel use.png

The slight of hand is the y-axis... the percent GROWTH of carbon emissions.
Let's look at the actual tons of emissions per person...

per person carbon.png

Paints a different picture with the SAME data set. It is all in the in trying to frame China. Additionally the carbon bill of the iPhone in your pocket and shoes on your feet goes to China where it was produced, not to the country where it was shipped and used. The game is rigged, and it is easy to see how the carbon credits being pushed will be used to control countries not mitigate climate chaos.

The Australian Government has made an ad about Carbon Capture and Storage, and it’s surprisingly honest and informative.

So what is to be done? The only course of action I see is to step outside the corrupt capitalist system. We, the people, need to organize our own communities that live in harmony with one another and the planet. There are many examples around the world...some call themselves eco-villages, eco-communities, land coops or communes. At any rate as I watch the massive COP26 protests (which to my mind will have no substantive impact) my thought was what if all those people used that energy to drop out of the system and work with one another and nature in a harmonious way. Remember the meme from our youth - what if they gave a war and nobody came? Yeah I know rainbows and unicorns...but there are people creating their own communities and coops. I think of our friend Ranting Rooster. Wish he would give us a update on his new community.

And a last bit of honesty from a couple of years ago which is still appropriate.

Edit to add today's Honest ad

Folks we're on our own. Treasure everyday!

17 users have voted.


Watching money destroy the planet is heart breaking. I like the idea of making the US
energy independent, but that would require killing the war machine. If policy is not in the
interest of Wall Street, it won't happen. Same with the military contractors.

Most people just want to see their neighborhoods improve -- relationships, education,
employment, healthcare, nutrition, housing & etc. An economy based on these basics
is the only sane solution I see.

Thanks for the weekly watch!
Hope your injury is on the mend.

10 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


Thanks, I'm much better...not 100%, but walking without pain at least short distances. I went backwards when I brought in our plants (which are 40+ years old and large) this week. Guess I reinjured myself. Muscles are pretty slow to heal evidently. This too will pass, and I'm glad to be on the mend and out of pain.

I think most of us do want the same things, but as the Princeton study revealed it doesn't matter what most of us is what the 1% want. Consider the current bill and what has been removed...

82 percent of registered voters support adding dental and vision benefits to Medicare — and this is voters’ “top priority” for Democrats’ social spending bill, according to survey data from Morning Consult. Conservative Democratic senators Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona have pushed to keep these benefits out of the bill, following an aggressive lobbying campaign by health insurers who enjoy massive profits from the privatized Medicare Advantage program.
Another top priority for voters is allowing Medicare to negotiate prescription drug prices, with 72 percent saying they support the idea, according to Morning Consult. Sinema and a few House Democrats backed by the pharmaceutical industry managed to block the party’s original drug pricing measure from being put into the reconciliation bill. On Tuesday, Democrats announced they had reached a deal on a drug pricing plan, which Politico described as “far weaker” than Democrats’ promised legislation. One industry analyst said the deal “seems designed to let legislators claim an achievement while granting pharma protection.”
The poll also found 70 percent of voters support including paid family and medical leave for new parents in Democrats’ spending bill. Manchin has demanded this item be cut — reportedly after he inexplicably asked about imposing work requirements on it, too.
After railing against the GOP’s 2017 tax law for years, Democrats have largely refused to raise taxes on the wealthy and corporations, and they are reportedly solidifying a deal to have the bill spend more on brand new tax breaks for the superrich than on the fight against climate change. This, even though Biden’s own pollsters found that raising taxing on the wealthy was “the most popular of more than 30 economic proposals” they tested during the 2020 presidential campaign.

And the infrastructure bill which pass sold us out as well...

Let’s say the infrastructure needed is a new toll road. The government enters into a contract with a private company to design, finance, construct, operate and maintain this new highway for a certain period of time. In exchange, the private company makes back its costs by collecting the revenues from the tolls.
Policy scholars have noted that these partnerships may not really save governments money. Other scholars have raised concerns that these arrangements cede too much public control of infrastructure to the private sector, which may look out more avidly for its own financial interests than those of the public.

We are on our own. Our government has been totally captured and works against us not for us.

16 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

The clips from Australia and the We are Fucked bits are sensational!

400 private jets carried their elite passengers to COP26. Tells us all we need to know. It is another Davos or TED shindig.

Another giant march by young people expressed their dismay. Concern Theater, always a popular feature.

There will be no improvement for anybody on Planet Earth except for the Owners.

So all we can do is to prepare ourselves individually and work locally if it is possible to do so to improve whatever time is left. This has been an ongoing theme of C99 for as long as I can remember.

The NY Times page has an essay asking, that since the Economy is so strong (??) why don't most American think so. I'm guessing it's because we are aware that the gov't admits to 500,000+ homeless people, which probably means the number of Unhoused individuals exceeds One Million.

Or because prices are going up and things we need are sometimes unavailable? Or because we are aware that one million Fewer people are working than before COVID? Or because we are worried as we watch Forced Vaccinations? (Good news, maybe, on this. Biden's mandates have been stalled by the Courts)

In any case, my favorite NY journalist Ross Barkan, tweeted yesterday that fretting about the Democrat Party and its descent into irrelevance is not what NYC should be doing. Ross says, Go Local.

The new Mayor is a lost cause. Dems will continue to lose nationally. Go Local. Work on the ground to improve your own community if you are able to. It is rational advice.

By the way, Ross' work appears regularly in NY Magazine, The Nation, The Guardian, the Village Voice, etc. His topic is NYC politics and his views mirror my own. He is a member of the DSA NYC chapter.

11 users have voted.


Lookout's picture


think global_0.jpg

I thought that was Bucky Fuller, but seems to be introduced in 1915 by the Scottish planner and conservationist, Patrick Geddes.

Sure is accurate. I wish I had hope for the state (at any level) but I'm left trusting in myself and my friends. Guess that is where we all are. At least your new mayor is open to bitcoin...might bring young open minded people into NYC?

Don't know if this market is easily accessible to you, but might be worth making some contacts with the producers there.

Starting to cool down here, but nice and sunny today headed to 60's. Hope your weather is nice too. Have a lovely Sunday!

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout @Lookout a farmer's market right down the block every Saturday and a smaller one on WEdnesday.

Not that they offer much between Thanksgiving and Spring.

My plants are all in from the balcony and the transplanting required of ones that have grown from their summer vacation has been completed. Petunias, et all, are pleasant memories.

Final cleanup and secure storage of garden parapharnelia against winter storms will be done in the next week or so.

And a final Autumn feed for the indoor plants will be done soon as well.

Battening down the hatches and checking my emergency supplies and supplementing whatever needs adding to will be done shortly as well.

What do you think are the odds that we can get through this winter without a major grid disturbance in many parts, if not all, of our country? It seems pretty slim to me.

7 users have voted.


Lookout's picture


Our power is from TVA nukes. Kinda difficult to flip that switch off, so I'm hoping our impact will be minimal.

I've still got to winterize my outdoor shower and cistern this week. Always something.

Be well!

4 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Dawn's Meta's picture

have. But down on the ground, so much is changing and very quickly. We used to think several hundred years, but now we are seeing things with our own eyes.

Inertia/momentum is all that is hanging things together.

I perseverate occasionally, well, often and lately I can't get plastic out of my mind. I hate the shrink wrapped stuff, especially food. And don't get me started on hardware/DIY items in the hard, cut you if it can hard plastic.

I had a French intern once a couple of decades ago. She commented on the difference in the amount of packaging we had in the US. We now the French have caught up. So sad.

If we could get rid of plastic, I think it would indicate that something good toward saving us all is arriving. Not holding my breath.

This makes me happy today:

What you all who have wood stoves do with your ashes? Now that we have two going in our two story stone house, we need a plan. Must not foul waterways or the garden. Wish they killed Dutch Broom, scourge of this latitude, apparently.

Tendons are some of the longest to heal parts of us. Went to a sports injury place when I hopped out of my car and wrenched an ankle badly. This was their comment to me, to keep me from getting too spunky too soon. Take care of yourself.

Edited to fix some things.

8 users have voted.

A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.

Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.

Lookout's picture

@Dawn's Meta

...and used to make lye for soap and such. Don't mess with them bare handed. They are so alkali they can burn your skin.

My homemade weedkiller is vinegar and a little salt mixed in water and applied to the foliage as a spray.

Music is a joy. My introduction to pictures was ELP

Yeah, I overdid it to soon in bring in the plants. I thought about using the handtrucks, but the plants are just too big to fit on it. Live and learn. I paid the price, so suspect I will remember to go easy the next couple of months.

Have a great Sunday!

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Azazello's picture

[video: width:500 height:300]

5 users have voted.

We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

Lookout's picture


They wag their tongues.

Lye soup? In the south, corn is soaked in lye to make hominy which is what is ground into grits.

Thanks for the humor. I wish my friend band "the fabulous fried pork skins" were on YT. They do a song about speaking in tongues that is pretty funny.

Have a great day.

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Azazello's picture

The famed "Breakfast of Champions" is made with nixtamal. The Mexican tradition is to drink all night with your pals and then get a batch of menudo afterwards. It's supposed to cure hangovers.

6 users have voted.

We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

Lookout's picture


Sounds better than bland grits I bet.

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

enhydra lutris's picture


that no boy bands were ever named pozole.

be well and have a good one

5 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

enhydra lutris's picture

to read that you've been injured and re-injured. Hope that it isn't too serious or painful and that you recover fully soon.

We are back. It turns out that we missed a lot of rain. One storm alone dumped 6" of water in Castro Valley. Before we left on 10/22 I set out 3- 5 gallon buckets. When we got back on the evening of 11/02 they were all over 3/4 full, pretty amazing by all but el niño standards.

We had allowed ourselves 2 days to recover, get squared away and get "back to "normal"" whatever that may be. Obviously, we've run over on that and are still dealing with a large and wide assortment of hassles and problems, issues and complications well beyond the usual everyday shit, plus all that too. However, one can only stay away so long.

I think we all knew that COP, like the infrastructure bill would be equal parts fraud and farce. The elites simply don't stand to reap huge short term benefits from doing anything else. Ah well ...

be well and have a good one

7 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Lookout's picture

@enhydra lutris

Welcome back. Hope the trip was fun and rewarding.

Good for the water collection, and there's always items on the to do list....never ending.

Yes, no surprise with COP nor the build back better (for the oligarchs) bills.

Have a good one!

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

10 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

In 2017 alone, the US military purchased about 269,230 barrels of oil a day and emitted more than 25,000 kt- CO2e by burning those fuels. In 2017 alone, the Air Force purchased $4.9 billion worth of fuel and the Navy $2.8 billion, followed by the Army at $947 million and Marines at $36 million.
If the US military were a country, it would nestle between Peru and Portugal in the global league table of fuel purchasing, when comparing 2014 World Bank country liquid fuel consumption with 2015 US military liquid fuel consumption.
For 2014, the scale of emissions is roughly equivalent to total -- not just fuel -- emissions from Romania. According to the DLA-E data obtained by the researchers, which includes GHG emissions from direct or stationary sources, indirect or mobile sources and electricity use, and other indirect, including upstream and downstream emissions.
The Air Force is by far the largest emitter of GHG at more than 13,000 kt CO2e, almost double that of the US Navy's 7,800 kt CO2e. In addition to using the most polluting types of fuel, the Air Force and Navy are also the largest purchasers of fuel.

But of course there's no talk of limiting the war machine because profit is the goal not climate.

Thanks for the tweet!

9 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Azazello's picture

Bido emits greenhouse gases in Glasgow.
Daily Mail: Joe Biden or the new Mr Trump? Camilla 'hasn't stopped talking about' hearing the President 'break wind' during chat at Cop26 climate summit in Glasgow

An informed source has told The Mail on Sunday that Camilla was taken aback to hear Biden break wind as they made polite small talk at the global climate change gathering in Glasgow last week.
'It was long and loud and impossible to ignore,' the source said. 'Camilla hasn't stopped talking about it.'

7 users have voted.

We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.


7 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


nothing like fart humor. In Vonnegut's, Galapagos, humans have evolved into seal like creatures, and he writes the way you can tell they are related to humans is when one farts they all laugh.

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Lookout's picture


Exploding drone assassination attempt on Iraqi PM fails

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

mimi's picture

I saw lotlizard is online again. So glead, she is up. I am since over a week not able to evem hhold a laptop on my stomach ot type, so you might enjoy my silence

We are dafinitely on our own.

Hope you all have any frined partner or lovend one on your side.

Be all well And stick togeter.

peace and love.

7 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


and sending good thoughts too.

Nice to see you surface. Haven't spotted lottie but glad she's back too.

Be well!

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

enhydra lutris's picture


have a good one

6 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

occurrence. Guess again! It is SOP of the corrupt democratic party.

They did this to Bernie twice during recent primaries and to Keith Ellison for DNC chair.

Now this.

A war between Harry Reid’s political machine and pro-Bernie Sanders forces is dividing Democrats in a key swing state — and dragging in the Democratic National Committee on the eve of a critical midterm election year.

The Nevada feud, which erupted earlier this year when insurgent Sanders supporters took over the state party from allies of the former Senate majority leader, has spiraled into a flurry of resignations, embarrassing headlines and the creation of a fully operating shadow party.

The Reid machine insists the new state party has no clue how to win a general election. Its solution was to bypass the state party by running the coordinated campaign in the midterms out of the local party in Nevada’s second-biggest county. Progressives see the organization behind that effort in Reno’s Washoe County — known as Nevada Democratic Victory — as an anti-democratic attempt to circumvent a leadership slate that won fair and square.

There is much more of the sordid details at the provided link.

8 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


I also think back to the party's exclusion of H A Wallace as VP and insertion of machine yes man HST - who dropped the bomb and created the CIA. I doubt Wallace would.

In today's world the dims are they ought to be.

Ben is the only reporter with Sandinista leaning still allowed on social media from Nicaragua
Remember Russiagate claims of "Kremlin meddling"? Well, the US government is blatantly interfering in Nicaragua's elections.

Ben Norton and Max Blumenthal discuss how, mere days before Nicaragua's November 7 elections, Meta/Facebook/Instagram, Twitter, and Google/YouTube purged thousands of pro-Sandinista journalists, activists, and media outlets. Meanwhile, the US Congress voted for more crushing sanctions.

We address the gaping holes in Facebook's bogus report falsely claiming the Sandinistas it purged were "government-run troll accounts," which was written by former Pentagon-funded NATO press officer Ben Nimmo, a symbol of how social media corporations have effectively merged with the US government.

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

9 users have voted.

President Biden’s approval rating continued to sink in a new poll released on Sunday, following weeks of drama on Capitol Hill regarding his legislative agenda and the party’s losses in Virginia on Tuesday.

The poll was conducted by USA Today and Suffolk University between Wednesday and Friday of last week, just before Democrats passed an infrastructure bill and advanced a social spending package.

It found that Biden’s approval rating has fallen to 38 percent after it had been hovering in the low 40s in recent polls.

The latest USA Today-Suffolk University poll found that 46 percent of those surveyed believe Biden is doing a worse job as president than expected, including 16 percent who supported him at the ballot box last year. Forty-four percent of independents said he is performing worse, not better, than they had expected.

That disapproval is already shaping up to have an impact on Biden’s chances at reelection in 2024. According to the poll, 64 percent of respondents said they do not want the president to launch a bid for reelection, including 28 percent of Democrats.

Joe Biden: 38% approve, 59% disapprove (-21)

Kamala Harris: 28% approve, 51% disapprove (-23)

I don't think that he will last until 24 since he is likely to be impeached before then when the republicans take over congress in 22.

6 users have voted.
WoodsDweller's picture

@humphrey Very possible, though I doubt there is anything valid they could charge him with. Conviction? No. The Republicans won't pick up 18 Senate seats, or anything close to it. So if it happens at all it will just be political theater.

7 users have voted.

"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone

Lookout's picture

I don't think that he will last until 24 since he is likely to be impeached before then when the republicans take over congress in 22.

What goes around, comes around. At this point I'm not sure who is worse, dims or rethugs.

Thanks for the info and link.

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Lookout's picture

See you tomorrow...
I've Just Seen a Face by The Beatles cover by Reina del Cid and Toni Lindgren

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout @Lookout @Lookout comment while you were responding.
So, great stuff you bring us, as usual, and sorry to hear of your physical dings.

I have had a rash from hell. 5 drs. have given me their opinions, their medicines, and plenty of lecturing about my wicked lifestyle, which is dominated by stress. 4 were wrong, and the 5th couldn't argue with biopsy results. Biopsies said it was a rash. I am a medical genius, as I told each of them, "I have a rash." None of the pills worked, and all of them caused severe side effects, like, difficulty breathing. My goofy reactions continue. The topical salves and creams burned me. Ok. Another side effect.
This rash began shortly after a flu, then pneumonia, back in early 2019. It was likely COVID, since my antibodies test said I have antibodies, and nobody in the medical profession: allergists, dermatologists, rheumatologists, or internal medicine drs. will discuss COVID rash with me, although they all acknowledge it exists, and this could be the cause.
The allergist and 2 rheumatologists do not take COVID rash into consideration, nor do they put it in their notes. They do not even consider tailoring any treatment with my bout of COVID in mind.
They want vax history, not COVID history.
Wish I could bring my crew up to do your chores while you watched. They would love it, and so would you!

3 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Lookout's picture

@on the cusp

We've got a helper coming tomorrow to help dig the last bed and a half of sweet potatoes.

Sorry about your COVID rash. Have you seen this protocol?

Might solve your rash. There are compounding pharmacies in TX which can mail IVM to you in a couple of days if you have a doctor open minded enough to give you a script.

Wishing you the best!

2 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

zed2's picture

The new litany of efficiency basically says the wealthy can do anything they want, break any promise, especially, as long as it makes more money than what it replaces. That shift to the cult of Coase is a huge sea change that our people need to know about. ts basically a remaking of all society to facilitate a big grab.
The so called "Law and Economics Movement" needs to be seen in an honest light so people know whats coming.

Please post links to what ever you find on this thing here. So people wont continue in their ignorance to it.

3 users have voted.
zed2's picture

Itmust have been hard to find "Democrats" they were willing to nominate , all the others being against the kind of govcernment that Biden wants to enable, which is characterized by the neoliberal ideology, a form of right wing extremism which espouses new corporate rights. That essentially take over the world for corporations. .

What is progressive to it? It means one way privatization and corporatization. Privatization of everything public that cannot be reversed, nomatter what. So its all based on a big lie, that government spending on environmental infrastructure would create local jobs when the WTO prohibits that. Instead those jobs are earmarked for international trade, and the intent is to break the working class and unions by lowering the wages for infrastructure work with foreign labor.

If they work for cheaper, the foreign firms get the work.

Tradedeals like the USMCA are claimed to prohibit new regulation of cancer causing chemicals like Glyphosate

Check it out, a group of activists have created a new web site which brings to our attention many of the issues Ive been writing about too, (but not as articuately as I would like) So noiw you can see that the issues I'm writing about are all too real.. The neoliberal takeover of Earth represents an existential threat to democracy and humanity and life everywhere. Under Covid, privatization of water (is demanded by the rigid neoliberal ideology.)

Recently the IMF came out in favor of prepay water meters, even during COVID. Lots of people are hopelessly in debt so in the planned cashless societies, their access to water is blocked while they carry a negative balance. This is insanity, because clean water is not a luxury. But its what our ruling party snf foundations run by former Administrations support.

Water should be public property. To be useful it must be warmed to above 32 degrees with energy. Essential resources should not be deemed corporate property.

Water should be public. Its not the oil of the 21st century as some would like it to be.

Should natural gas thats taken from public lands be sold off "until its gone" as some say. . This winter energy prices may rise a lot. What will happen when people have too little to buy heat?

A Global Grab is ongoing its goal is to extract wealth for the rich..

6 users have voted.
The Liberal Moonbat's picture

3 users have voted.

In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

Lookout's picture

3 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”