The Dose - 10-8-21

An open thread for gentle discussions of all things Covid.


Hey! Good Morning!

All Our Problems Are Built On Us-Vs-Them Propaganda

Liberal pundit Keith Olbermann shared a video the other day where he ranted about people who don’t want to take the Covid vaccine with such emotional vitriol that spittle flew from his mouth and drool poured down his chin. I found it hard to watch, partly because it’s always uncomfortable to see someone come apart like that and partly because it made me realize that I’ve probably spent the last few years making fun of a media personality who has some actual diagnosable psychological disorders.

Rather than lay out what he thinks are the best arguments for taking the vaccine as most of his peers have been doing, Olbermann instead spouts vituperations about what “cowards” and “snowflakes” unvaccinated people are.

“They’re afraid!” Olbermann screams over and over again, as though being afraid of something makes you some sort of monster. As though we’re not all afraid of something, whether it be the vaccine or the virus or being alone or the fact that thawing arctic permafrost is pouring methane into the atmosphere. This commonality should draw us closer together, but here it’s being used for partisan us-vs-them theatrics which drive us further apart.

Us-vs-them frameworks are used constantly to manipulate people into espousing various narratives, and narrative manipulation is the underlying source of all of humanity’s problems.

Today’s world is dominated by a unipolar power structure loosely centralized around the United States government. It is comprised of many nations which are ostensibly independent, but, since they move in near-complete alignment with each other on all international issues of major importance, this power structure can effectively be called an empire. This empire sets the economic, environmental and military policies which are causing all the ecocide, war and nuclear brinkmanship we see driving humanity toward its destruction today.

The empire’s greatest weapon is not its military but its propaganda machine. There’s simply never been anything like the global narrative control provided by the western news media, Silicon Valley, and Hollywood. The military fights wars; the propaganda machine wins them long before they even start.

When you use the military to eliminate opposition, everyone knows it happened. When you use propaganda to eliminate opposition, people aren’t even aware you did it. They think it was their own idea to suddenly become super concerned about Saddam or Putin or Maduro or whomever or to go along with this or that power-serving agenda. Beyond the hard, concrete realities of war and militarism there’s a whole other war being fought on a far greater scale and of far greater consequence, and most people don’t even know it’s happening: the mass-scale psychological manipulation of the entire human species.

This is why human behavior looks so irrational when taken together. Why are we fighting all these wars, engaging in nuclear brinkmanship and destroying the biosphere when we know intellectually these are bad things? It’s not because humans are inherently destructive, it’s because a few destructive humans manipulate the rest of us into doing destructive things using propaganda.

A lucid and well-informed examination of the world’s problems will keep bringing you back to this one fundamental issue: that Earth’s inhabitants are being psychologically manipulated at mass scale into organizing themselves in ways that serve the powerful instead of the people.

Most propaganda is based on us-vs-them framing; support the oligarch-controlled Democratic Party because Republicans are bad, support the oligarch-controlled Republican Party because Democrats are bad, those evil Muslims/Russians/Chinese want to hurt us, that evil dictator over there is doing things which we good freedom-loving people cannot allow, etc. A tremendous amount of energy goes into feeding into these us-and-them frameworks to keep the propaganda engine running efficiently.

Manipulative narcissists, cult leaders and propagandists all do this, and they do it because it is effective. A video titled “The science behind ‘us vs. them’” by Big Think does a good job of breaking down how deeply hardwired the human brain is to think in terms of an “in” group who we like and an “out” group who we don’t like, citing numerous experiments which have shown this to be true around the world.

“What becomes clear when you look closely is it is virtually inevitable that we divide the world into ‘us’es and ‘them’s and don’t like ‘them’s very much and don’t treat them well,” explains neuroendocrinology researcher Robert Sapolsky. “But we are incredibly easily manipulated as to who counts as an ‘us’ and who counts as a ‘them’.”

“We could be manipulated by all sorts of ideologues out there as to deciding that people who seem just like us really aren’t, they’re really so different that they count as a them,” Sapolsky adds.

“We turn the world into ‘us’es and ‘them’s, and we don’t like the ‘them’s very much and are often really awful to them, and the ‘us’es we exaggerate how wonderful and how generous and how affiliative and how just like siblings they are to us,” says Sapolsky.

Can you see how easy it would be for someone who understands this aspect of our psychology to exploit it to seed propaganda in our minds? Set up a “them” side who we distrust and an ‘us’ side who we trust, and any information which comes from the “us” side will slide in unchecked by critical thinking.

If you can split the population into two sides and control the “us” narratives of both of them, you can easily insert propaganda narratives into most of the population. If Rachel Maddow is in your “us” team you’ll desire increased cold war aggressions against Russia, if Tucker Carlson is on your “us” team you’ll want more escalations against China, both of which happen to advance the interests of the aforementioned empire. As does the status quo both sides promote in their own ways.

This happens constantly, throughout the empire all around the world. Fake “us”es and “them”s are set up for us by powerful manipulators, and our receptiveness to the “us” side allows the manipulators who control it to continually feed narratives into our minds about what’s going on in the world.

Power is controlling what happens. Real power is controlling what people think about what happens.

I don’t know exactly what’s going on with this virus and the vaccines; sometimes it seems like I’m the only person on the internet who doesn’t. But what I do know is that the intensely heated polarization over this issue on both sides feeds into the us-vs-them dynamic where power-serving propaganda about any subject can easily flourish. This benefits someone, and it ain’t you.

Humanity’s problems are made possible by mass-scale manipulation, and mass-scale manipulation is made possible by us-vs-them beliefs. If people weren’t being aggressively manipulated into consenting to the status quo they would have used the power of their numbers to end the status quo a long time ago. Divide-and-conquer isn’t just useful because it prevents people from unifying against their oppressors, it also pours rocket fuel in the oppressors’ propaganda machine.

‘Tragic and completely avoidable’: US hits 700,000 Covid-19 deaths

The Covid-19 death toll in the US has now surpassed 700,000, despite the Covid-19 vaccines’ wide availability, in what one expert called a “tragic and completely avoidable milestone”.

Data from Johns Hopkins University shows that the US went just past 700,000 deaths on Friday; the US had previously reached 600,000 deaths in June. The country has had a total of 43.6m confirmed cases of Covid-19 since the start of the pandemic, according to Johns Hopkins.

Over the last few months, the overwhelming majority of people who died from Covid were unvaccinated. A study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published last month found that after the Delta variant became the most common variant in the US over the summer, unvaccinated Americans were 10 times more likely to be hospitalised and die because of the virus compared with vaccinated Americans. ...

With a slight majority of the population fully vaccinated, the Covid death rate has significantly decreased compared with the death rate during previous surges of the virus, when the vaccine was unavailable. Following the surge in cases seen last winter, 100,000 people died in a 34-day period between January and February. Comparatively, it took over three months for the US to see another 100,000 deaths this summer.

Matt Taibbi: MIRACLE COVID Drug Cut Death By 50%, Release STALLED 6 MONTHS To Avoid Culture War

Pfizer Covid jab ‘90% effective against hospitalisation for at least 6 months’

Two doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid vaccine are “highly effective” at preventing hospitalisations for at least six months, a large-scale study shows, but protection against infection nearly halves over the same period.

Effectiveness against all Covid infections fell from 88% within a month of having two doses to 47% after six months, according to the research. However, effectiveness against hospitalisations remained high at 90% overall – and crucially across all variants, including delta.

The findings, published in the Lancet, are consistent with preliminary reports from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Israel’s ministry of health that suggested protection against the virus fades within six months.

Fauci Has No Answer--Why Vaxx People With Natural Immunity?

‘Exhausted and underpaid’: teachers across the US are leaving their jobs in record numbers

Teachers around the United States are quitting or retiring early as schools have reopened for the new academic year and Covid-19 cases among children have surged in recent weeks in the face of some states banning mask mandates. There have been more than 200,000 reported weekly cases among children in the past five consecutive weeks, with most cases spreading in areas with no school mask mandates in place and low vaccination rates, as vaccines for children under age 12 are still pending federal approval. ...

A shortage of teachers in the US was already a growing problem before the Covid-19 pandemic, particularly in high poverty schools. The shortage has worsened during the pandemic. Some schools have closed when too many teaching positions could not be filled, while others grapple with higher than normal teacher vacancies, leaving remaining teachers overworked. In Florida, teacher vacancies this year increased by more than 67% compared with August 2020, and a 38.7% increase from August 2019. ...

Nearly 10% of teachers in Providence, Rhode Island, either quit or retired early from the city’s school district before the school year began. Public schools in Michigan saw a 44% increase in midyear teacher retirements this past school year over the 2019-2020 school year. In Fort Worth, Texas, the school district had 314 vacant teacher jobs at the beginning of this school year, compared with 71 at the 2019-2020 school year, before the pandemic. ...

At least 378 active teachers have died from Covid-19 since the beginning of the pandemic, along with hundreds of other school workers. Several surveys have shown teachers are more likely to leave the profession because of worsening stress and burnout during the pandemic, coupled with pre-existing issues such as a lack of resources and low pay.

OUTBREAK: 80% Vaccinated Singapore Has More Infections Than Ever

Brett Kavanaugh tests positive for Covid-19

Justice Brett Kavanaugh has tested positive for Covid-19, the supreme court announced on Friday, just three days before the court is set to begin a new term hearing oral arguments in key cases relating to religion, guns and abortion.

The court said Kavanaugh, 56, is showing no symptoms of the virus and has been fully vaccinated against Covid since January.

Biden Admin POURS 125 MILLION Into Lab Leak Style Research


The Cult of the Vaccine Neurotic

California deploys national guard to hospitals overwhelmed by Covid

The NYT's Partisan Tale about COVID and the Unvaccinated is Rife with Sloppy Data Analysis

Krystal Ball DISMANTLES Media's Anti-Vax SMEAR of Russell Brand

Kim Iversen: Workplace Mandates ELIMINATE Bodily Autonomy, FORCE Choice Btwn Employment & Vaccines

NEW POLL: HALF Of All Voters Name Coronavirus As The BIGGEST Issue Facing The Country

Twisted Hate Of Unvaxxed By Establishment Press

11 users have voted.


joe shikspack's picture

hopefully the scheduler will post this while i am sleeping comfortably. i'll check in later in the day.

have a great day!

8 users have voted.

@joe shikspack . Much appreciated. Get your sleep!!! This is not your shift Smile

8 users have voted.

@joe shikspack

time to reset the thinking subroutine.
Perhaps this is only the 8th, but the future is always near.
Thanks for posting!

5 users have voted.
joe shikspack's picture


heh, as jim morrison used to sing:

"The future is uncertain, and the end is always near"

5 users have voted.

@joe shikspack makes perfect sense.

Most of us are highly interested in every scrap of info and many of us including me, have found understanding our current staate to be an unrealized goal.

Thank you so much Joe for taking this on.

9 users have voted.


Lookout's picture

The empire’s greatest weapon is not its military but its propaganda machine. There’s simply never been anything like the global narrative control provided by the western news media, Silicon Valley, and Hollywood. The military fights wars; the propaganda machine wins them long before they even start.

I must admit I would have left the classroom in 2020 had I still been teaching. The demands on teachers to provide instruction on-line, in person, plus classroom COVID cleaning is simply unreasonable. All as the administrators (which are almost all past coaches in this part of the country) sit and sip coffee in the central office and issue more duties for teachers.

Hope you're all healthy and happy despite the now endemic virus. Thanks for the COVID OT joe.

The only new COVID news I've heard is COVID toes...
Covid toe, caused by the immune response to the virus, not the virus itself
Study reveals why some people get Covid toe condition

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

One the the stories was about a group of doctors (epidemiologist, virologists, etc.) who had gotten together on a voluntary basis to look closely at all the studies done on ivermectin, especially the ones that were used as a basis for justifying prescription of this drug for Covid 19. The report focused on a Dr. Kyle Sheldrick of the University of Wales.
The BBC story is here...

Being somewhat of a BBC skeptic, I looked up this Dr. Sheldrick. I found a link through his twitter feed that talks about the group involved with the studies sleuthing...

From the article..."That’s where the data detectives come in. The fabulous five – including three irreverent Aussies – do not hail from a single institution and have no formal collaboration. Three don’t even have a PhD yet. What unites them is their hobby of sleuthing startling papers. That’s how they all met on Twitter.

“We’re five inherently suspicious people,” explains Kyle Sheldrick – a medical doctor currently doing a PhD on back pain at the University of New South Wales, Australia, and the senior author of the paper.

The two that do have PhDs – Nick Brown, a Brit now based at Linnaeus University in Sweden; and Australian James Heathers, now chief scientific officer at a biotech company called Cipher Skin in Colorado – already enjoyed a reputation as “data thugs” for exposing fraud in psychology papers. One of their sleuthing successes resulted in the retraction of 15 papers.

The other three authors were galvanised by the pandemic: Jack Lawrence, a medical student at the University of London who also moonlights as a “journalist and disinformation researcher”; Gideon Meyerowitz-Katz, an experienced epidemiologist with a master’s degree in Public Health who is now carrying out a PhD in the use of electronic devices in diabetes at the University of Wollongong in Australia; and Sheldrick."

Following this information, I found a writer on Medium who is an epidemiologist. He took all this work by the group and summarized it in a 3 part series on the ivermectin studies. Here is his work...

These scientists spent months of their own time pouring over clinical studies and data on ivermectin. It's like a detective story.

As the saying goes, there are always two side of the story, and certainly I don't post this to "change minds". I post it because it is highly educational and demonstrates the complicated world of science research and how applying skepticism to anything we read is important.

3 users have voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

CB's picture

@Fishtroller 02
of the withdrawn Elgazzar study?

2 users have voted.

@CB if carefully or micro-scrutinized, beyond what the peer reviewers saw, possibly as many as 20% of published medical research articles may be flawed to various degrees, according to a July BMJ article.

So with that, also to consider is whether any other drugs with a similar strong clinical findings/trials backing have been as closely picked over to find fault as with IVM?

Interesting too that some seem so intent on denigrating a safe and cheap drug that even if it were somehow shown, despite the good evidence, to be short in Covid effectiveness, the end result would be no worse than taking a sugar pill, especially with the unsafe and ineffective vaccines as the alternative. Why are so many getting bent out of shape or spending hours of their day trying to debunk it?

As for state media BBC, it's the leader of the recent "Trusted News Initiative" group, aka The Ministry of Truth, which claims to have been started to combat election misinformation, but which got its start exactly around the time the Covid vaccines were being rolled out, mid-Dec 2020. Other official members, not including friends and other allies of a similar inclination to censor and slant on Covid: AP, AFP; BBC, CBC/Radio-Canada, European Broadcasting Union (EBU),Facebook, Financial Times, First Draft, Google/YouTube, The Hindu, Microsoft , Reuters, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, Twitter, The Washington Post.

7 users have voted.


were scrutinized...

The rise in numbers of people self medicating without a doctor involved has gone way up... enough that EMT's are being schooled on how to deal with it.

I know that what I linked has a lot to read in it, but it also answers your questions.

As to your list of sites that you feel are slanted.... this is exactly why I went beyond the BBC report to find the root of the information.

2 users have voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

CB's picture

@Fishtroller 02
so many people using ivermectin in the US.

Rapid Increase in Ivermectin Prescriptions and Reports of Severe Illness Associated with Use of Products Containing Ivermectin to Prevent or Treat COVID-19
A recent study examining trends in ivermectin dispensing from outpatient retail pharmacies in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic showed an increase from an average of 3,600 prescriptions per week at the pre-pandemic baseline (March 16, 2019–March 13, 2020) to a peak of 39,000 prescriptions in the week ending on January 8, 2021.1 Since early July 2021, outpatient ivermectin dispensing has again begun to rapidly increase, reaching more than 88,000 prescriptions in the week ending August 13, 2021.
This represents a 24-fold increase from the pre-pandemic baseline. (Figure)

Figure: Estimated number of outpatient ivermectin prescriptions dispensed from retail pharmacies — United States, March 16, 2019–August 13, 2021*

*Data are from the IQVIA National Prescription Audit Weekly (NPA Weekly) database. NPA Weekly collects data from a sample of approximately 48,900 U.S. retail pharmacies, representing 92% of all retail prescription activity. Ivermectin dispensed by mail order and long-term care pharmacies, prescriptions by veterinarians, and non-oral formulations were not included.

Could this be the cause of the recent downturn in deaths?

Covid vaccination - Deaths.png

6 users have voted.
Azazello's picture

Mornin' joe. You know I like Caitlin, she's got some good insights, but she tends to oversimplify sometimes, looking for a single, grand explanation.

... narrative manipulation is the underlying source of all of humanity’s problems.

I've known that Olbermann was a loon since 2016, when he did his Russiagate rant.
See you tonight.

7 users have voted.

We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

joe shikspack's picture


heh, what a lot of people are looking for is a simple, grand explanation. i guess you can't fault caity too much for trying her best to give them one, even if it isn't just exactly perfect. Smile

have a great day!

4 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

A group of doctors not only ask some very important questions, but they supply the answers to why the Covid agenda is built on total BS. They pretty much pick apart what the governments are trying to do. Too much info to expert.

Pay attention to the part on the PCR test. Hopefully they will get some answers, but I doubt they will.

9 users have voted.

Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

Voting is like driving with a toy steering wheel.

Lookout's picture


and valid questions. I bet they are ignored.

4 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

joe shikspack's picture


thanks for the article. they pose some excellent questions.

have a great day!

4 users have voted.

@snoopydawg I've only skimmed the article, but I did jump to the PCR part of as you suggested. I'm sorry, but the PCR part is imho fear mongering and a bit disingenuous. I think that almost all viral diagnostics these days are PCR based. While some of the early Covid tests might have been plain old RT-PCR (there is a Reverse Transcriptase step that first converts the viral RNA to DNA and then PCR takes over to amplify that DNA), all tests that I am aware of now use Real-time RT-PCR. This means that the signal that is being amplified is seen as it happens, and part of the report would include the cycle number where a signal is first seen. This really gives a semi-quantitative read out of how robust the signal is. Many, many companies have EUA for realtime RT-PCR detection of Covid. Some of these are multiplexed to simultaneously detect Covid, Flu etc. etc. The accuracy of these tests are known and are quite high. It has really helped doctors to have tests that differentiate e.g. bacterial from viral pneumonia. Antibiotic overuse is lessened when the tests shows the problem is viral.

So, anyway, as an example of the disingenous part, the article said:

Also, the U.S. Centre for Disease Control (CDC) has said that it will ask the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to withdraw its emergency use authorization (EUA) of the PCR test as of December 31, 2021.

As this clarification says, they are retiring a "panel" that they produced. I presume this was part of a kit that they gave out that contained reagents that labs could use to certify their assays. There are other better reagents now available, so they are just stopping supplying it.

Hope that helps. All the best.

4 users have voted.

he was unhinged in many videos a few yrs ago re Russiagate, taking the neoconlib position that We are at War!! It was actually a few yrs earlier when he constantly had on his Msnbc show a pro-Warren Report propagandist of the type Langley might produce, to denounce any conspiracy thinking in that case as well as conspiracy thinking generally, that I began to have serious doubts about him. He's just like all the rest, only he likes to pretend he's the reincarnation of Edward R. Murrow, and he shouts more.

This piece opens up a discussion about LWA (Left-Wing Authoritarianism) being present alongside the more prevalent RWA. With the wide sweeping and increasingly draconian vaccine mandates, and the strident anti-IVM messaging in the MSM and on some lefty blogs, there is solid evidence of LWA in the land. Some findings:

Some differences emerged between left-wing and right-wing authoritarians; the former were more open to new experiences and more receptive to science than the latter, for example. Yet the new research documents a large overlap in authoritarian structure—a “shared psychological core,” as the authors put it—between high scorers on their new LWA index and Altemeyer’s original RWA scale, which they also administered. The authoritarian mentality, whether on the far left or far right, the authors conclude, exerts “powerful pressures to maintain discipline among members, advocate aggressive and censorious means of stifling opposition, [and] believe in top-down absolutist leadership.”

Perhaps the most compelling insight emerged from trying to separate subjects’ political ideology from authoritarianism. They found that your ideology—whether you’re a progressive or a Trumpist—is a secondary matter. Whether your values and beliefs are authoritarian or not is more fundamental. “Psychologically speaking, authoritarianism comes first,” Costello told me.

7 users have voted.

fast-tracked/soon-to-be-approved Molnupiravir not only damage taxpayer's pocketbooks (4000% markup on price, about $712/course) but also make the Covid situation worse?

9 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


From Dr John's comparison with IVM
(notes under clip)

Molnupiravir active metabolite (NHC-5’ Triphosphate), acts as a competitive alternative substrate for viral RNA

causing viral mutagenesis or mutations, which leads to viral error catastrophe and extinction of replication

There is some concern about the safety of NHC -nucleoside triphosphate, which is also mutagenic to mammalian cells

But this will be rushed to market as the extremely safe inexpensive IVM is suppressed.

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout too science-y in deep ways for this reporter, but yeah, it looks a bit on the Unsafe side. I will stick with IVM thank you. And save about $700 per course. And be much better protected as well.

4 users have voted.
CB's picture

I got ripped off. I only saved $688.

4 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

Can you say hypocrisy? I bet you can.

What type of treatments did Trump get way back when to save his life and then kept it quiet?

9 users have voted.

Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

Voting is like driving with a toy steering wheel.

Lookout's picture


Trump too got IVM.

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Raggedy Ann's picture

@snoopydawg . We the people are the expendable ones. Ivermectin for me and not thee. Not at all surprising.

8 users have voted.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

joe shikspack's picture


trump was treated with a cocktail of drugs including monoclonal antibodies. after taking the cocktail, trump said that within hours he felt completely recovered.

i'm pretty sure that i read that joe rogan was also treated with monoclonal antibodies along with his ivermectin treatement and he reported a similar, rapid recovery.

i would guess that most congressworms were treated by the office of the attending physician and would have been given the same cocktail that trump was.

7 users have voted.


thread are demanding he prove his sources. Also, how were these 100-200 members treated? After they got Covid? Before they got it? Were they also vaxxed? Lots of questions to this big charge. If Kory can't come up with answers, it just lays there as innuendo and doesn't help his cause.

1 user has voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

snoopydawg's picture

@Fishtroller 02

6 users have voted.

Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

Voting is like driving with a toy steering wheel.

Dawn's Meta's picture

@snoopydawg are all completely vaxxed. As are their staff. No information on families of course.

This was on NPR when Pelosi's staff got COVID awhile back.

2 users have voted.

A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.

Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.


It's a huge claim involving huge numbers of members of Congress. We are supposed to just believe him about the story AND the source because he says so?

The only thing he is fully standing by at this point is rumor.

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

CB's picture

@Fishtroller 02
100 to 200 congressional members including families and staff, is a relatively small number. I would estimate that there would be several times that number who don't talk about it. Fortunately for them, they DO NOT fall under the Fed's vaccination mandate.

1 user has voted.


represents fact.

0 users have voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

CB's picture

@Fishtroller 02

"It's a huge claim involving huge numbers of members of Congress."

100-200 people including family and staff is a relatively SMALL claim and quite believable.

0 users have voted.


or facts behind them, go ahead.

But if Kory turns out to be making this up, then his followers might want to reassess their loyalty.

0 users have voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

CB's picture

@Fishtroller 02
in the Federal government and their corporate pharmaceutical donors who are foisting a barely tested product upon every citizen from 12 years and up. (Soon to be 5 years followed by 6 month old babies). For your information, the stage three trials were NEVER completed when they discontinued the placebo group in early spring.

Dr. Pierre Kory M.P.A., M.D.

Contributions to the Field of Medicine

Pierre Kory is the former Chief of the Critical Care Service and Medical Director of the Trauma and Life Support Center at the University of Wisconsin. He is considered one of the world pioneers in the use of ultrasound by physicians in the diagnosis and treatment of critically ill patients. He helped develop and run the first national courses in Critical Care Ultrasonography in the U.S., and served as a Director of these courses with the American College of Chest Physicians for several years. He is also the senior editor of the most popular textbook in the field titled “Point of Care Ultrasound,” a book that is now in its 2nd edition and that has been translated into 7 languages worldwide. He has led over 100 courses nationally and internationally teaching physicians this now-standard skill in his specialty.

Dr. Kory was also one of the pioneers in the United States in the research, development, and teaching of performing therapeutic hypothermia to treat post-cardiac arrest patients. In 2005, his hospital was the first in New York City to begin regularly treating patients with therapeutic hypothermia. He then served as an expert panel member for New York City’s Project Hypothermia, a collaborative project between the Fire Department of New York and Emergency Medical Services that created cooling protocols within a network of 44 regional hospitals along with a triage and transport system that directed patients to centers of excellence in hypothermia treatment, of which his hospital was one of the first.

Known as a Master Educator, Dr. Kory has won numerous departmental and divisional teaching awards in every hospital he has worked and has delivered hundreds of courses and invited lectures throughout his career.

In collaboration with Dr. Paul Marik, Dr. Kory pioneered the research and treatment of septic shock patients with high doses of intravenous ascorbic acid. His work was the first to identify the critical relationship between the time of initiation of therapy and survival in septic shock patients, an aspect of the therapy that led to understanding all the failed randomized controlled trials that employed delayed therapy.

Dr. Kory has led ICU’s in multiple COVID-19 hotspots throughout the pandemic, having led his old ICU in New York City during their initial surge in May for 5 straight weeks, he then travelled to other COVID-19 hotspots to run COVID ICU’s in Greenville, South Carolina and Milwaukee, WI during their surges. He has co-authored 5 influential papers on COVID-19 with the most impactful being a paper that was the first to support the diagnosis of early COVID-19 respiratory disease as an organizing pneumonia, thus explaining the critical response of the disease to corticosteroids.
Past Appointments/Positions

  • 1995–1997 Project Coordinator - Study of Incentives to Improve Medicaid Immunization Coverage Rates, NYC Dept. of Health andCenters for Disease Control
  • 1997–1998 Project Director - Study of Incentives to Improve Medicaid Immunization Coverage Rates, NYC Dept. of Health and Centers for Disease Control
  • 2008–2015 Attending Physician - MICU, Pulmonary Consultation Service, Faculty Practice Beth Israel Medical Center, NY, NY
  • 2008–2012 Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, NY
  • 2008–2015 Director of Simulation Training–Department of Medicine Beth Israel Medical Center, New York
  • 2012–2015 Program Director - Pulmonary Disease and Critical Care Medicine Fellowship - Mount Sinai Beth Israel, New York
  • 2013–2015 Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY
  • 2016–2020 Associate Professor of Medicine, Clinical Health Scientist Track University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health
  • 2015–2020 Critical Care Service Chief, Medical Director, Trauma and Life Support Center University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, Madison, WI
  • May 2020 COVID-19 Emergency Critical Care Attending Mount Sinai Beth Israel Medical Center, New York, NY
  • 8/20–10/20 Weatherby Health Care, Locums Critical Care Specialist Greenville Memorial Hospital, Greenville, SC
  • 10/20–12/20 Aurora St. Luke’s Medical Center, Milwaukee, WI Intensivist, Advocate Critical Care Service
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CB's picture

A bit dated but informative due to the source - The World Health Association

UTTAR PRADESH Going the last mile to stop COVID-19
7 May 2021
Government teams are moving across 97,941 villages in 75 districts over five days for this activity, which began on 5 May in India’s most populous state with a population of 230 million.

Each monitoring team has two members, who visit homes in villages and remote hamlets to test everyone with symptoms of COVID-19 using Rapid Antigen Tests (RAT) kits. Those who test positive are quickly isolated and given a medicine kit with advice on disease management. All the contacts of those who test positive are quarantined and tested using an RT-PCR at home by a rapid response team.

Care to guess what's in those "medicine kits"?

Govt. Declares Most Populated State Officially COVID Free After Widespread Use Of Controversial Drug
October 6, 2021
Uttar Pradesh has a population of over 230 million people, many of which live close together. The government there handed out almost that many doses of Ivermectin.
It’s cheap and easy to get. The pharmaceutical industry can’t profit from it. You aren’t seeing headlines screaming about hundreds or thousands of deaths from people using “horse dewormers” in Uttar Pradesh. In fact, it’s the reverse. The area has been declared “COVID free”.
For comparison, in Uttar Pradesh, only 5.8% of the population is completely vaccinated. Almost 60% of the American population is vaccinated. COVID positive people in India account for only 01%. Throughout the United States, it’s 7.6%. India’s current active case count is 199. Ours is an astonishing 130,000 since Sept. 30. In just the last week we had 112,000 cases. Money and politics are driving vaccinations. Doctors will lose their licenses for prescribing Ivermectin, a drug that can cure.

David H. Gorski, MD, PhD, a vocal anti-ivermectin doctor thinks that these results are "hilarious":

"I also note that the American Journal of Therapeutics published a systemic review of ivermectin for COVID-19 about a month and a half ago that basically reminds me of the “clinical review” that I discussed first. Hilariously, at one point, the FLCCC systematic review tries to compare COVID-19 case counts and death rates with areas with and without ivermectin distribution programs in order to argue that fewer people dying in areas where ivermectin was used suggests that ivermectin works."

Here's the hilarious current case counts and fatality rates:
US - Pop 333 million - Cases 45,030,695 - Death Rate 2,190/million
India - Pop 1,353 million - Cases 33,933,932 - Death Rate 322/million

Maybe the true reason for this remarkable difference in case counts and death rates is India's excellent roti and biryani?

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CB's picture

Practical Reasons Why Vaccine Injuries Are Rarely Reported

Story at-a-glance

  • Deborah Conrad, a physician’s assistant, is blowing the whistle on COVID jab injuries, and the fact that these injuries are rarely reported to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) as required by law
  • The purpose of VAERS is to detect possible signals of adverse events associated with vaccines
  • Collecting data on side effects is particularly crucial when dealing with a never before used medical product such as mRNA and DNA-based COVID injections
  • Conrad saw a dramatic rise in several different health problems as the COVID jabs were rolled out. One of the most surprising problems has been a sudden rise in cancers among vaccinated patients whose cancer had gone into remission before the jab
  • Other conditions that have dramatically risen among vaccinated patients include heart attacks, strokes, blood clots, pneumonia, sepsis, gastrointestinal complaints and bleeds, appendicitis and pancreatitis

Also, vaccination status is NOT automatically recorded on admission to hospital if vaccination done by a third party so hospitalization cases and deaths for COVID will be recorded as non-vaccinated.

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@CB @CB have their vaccines administered at a hospital. It's such an important point and suggests another way TPTB in fed health agencies mislead with their numbers.

Re VAERS, the feds not only mislead (the undercount is severe, maybe only 10% of cases being reported) but then don't even want to tell the public about that 10%. Seems like a system designed so the agencies can officially be on the record as duly noting AEs, which they are probably legally charged with doing, while on the other hand they'd prefer the public not know about them.

Still waiting for Anderson or Sanjay or Rachel or either Chris to do even a 4-minute segment on VAERS reports to acknowledge that, by golly, sometimes even these Great Vaccines aren't perfect.

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snoopydawg's picture

No FDA-Approved COVID-19 Shots Available

There are currently no fully FDA-approved licensed COVID shots available. All COVID shots remain under federal Emergency Use Authorization, meaning individuals have the “option to accept or refuse” the product.

On September 22, 2021, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) sent a follow-up letter to the original approval to Pfizer pharmaceutical company that stated, “having concluded that revising this EUA is appropriate to protect the public health or safety under section 564(g)(2) of the Act, FDA is reissuing the August 23, 2021 letter of authorization in its entirety with revisions incorporated to authorize for emergency use the administration of a single booster dose of COMIRNATY.”

On page 6, footnote 12 of that letter the FDA clearly states, “Although COMIRNATY (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) is approved to prevent COVID-19 in individuals 16 years of age and older, there is not sufficient approved vaccine available for distribution to this population in its entirety at the time of reissuance of this EUA. Additionally, there are no products that are approved to prevent COVID-19 in individuals age 12 through 15, or to provide: an additional dose to the immunocompromised population, or a booster dose to the authorized population described in this EUA” (emphasis added).
The FDA did a bait and switch by announcing it approved its “first COVID-19 vaccine” in order to push the “vaccine” mandates and protect the Pfizer pharmaceutical company from legal liability. The Pfizer injection, on the other hand, is still considered experimental under U.S. law.

There is a legal difference between products approved under authorization of emergency use (EUA) compared with those the FDA has fully licensed. The FDA issued another letter for the existing Pfizer shots which confirms they are still under EUA, are not fully approved, and has a liability shield. That means people must be told the risks and benefits, and they have the “option to accept or refuse” the product. The federal Emergency Use Authorization law and the FDA, including the FDA Fact Sheet, state unequivocally that each person has the “option to accept or refuse” the shots.

4 In other words, there is currently NO FDA-approved COVID-19 injection available anywhere in the United States. Every COVID shot in America remains under the EUA law and thus people have the “option to accept or refuse” them; and

5 Even when an FDA-approved COVID shot becomes available, individuals are protected by federal law and many state laws from being forced to get these shots based on their sincere religious beliefs or conscience rights.

Biden’s mandate was both giving cover for business to mandate employees get vaccinated and a bluff thinking that the mandates were in affect. Forcing people to choose between getting vaccinated and keeping their jobs is illegal under countless laws in the US? The 1906 smallpox mandate was made before the Supreme Court passed the body autonomy laws therefore nullifying it.

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Which AIPAC/MIC/pharma/bank bought politician are you going to vote for? Don’t be surprised when nothing changes.

Voting is like driving with a toy steering wheel.

@snoopydawg a robust legal challenge to these mandates would at least include the two important points you cite above. Either might be the decisive factor.

The legal status of the Pfizer vaccine is a particularly complex matter, and likely deliberately obfuscated by Pfizer and the govt authorities. If the critics are right, and there continue to be no/few FDA-approved Comirnaty vaccine doses available, then it's unlawful to use EUA vaccines for the mandate laws. Also an issue there, in this bait-switch game, of recipients being adequately and accurately informed of which vaccine they are taking, the fully approved one or a look alike.

On bodily autonomy, as I understand how these things work, a later Scotus ruling doesn't always overrule a prior ruling unless it is directly in the legal gunsights (made a clear part of the pleadings) and is then explicitly overturned or declared null by clear language in the more recent ruling. So in effect the 1905 Scotus ruling allowing that local MA vaccine mandate is technically still on the books until overtly overturned.

The 1965 Griswold case that first enunciated a constitutionally protected right to privacy and the 1973 Roe v Wade case on privacy/bodily autonomy didn't directly overturn Jacobson but both later cases could be said to be in conflict or dissonant with Jacobson. My 2 cents fwiw.

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CB's picture

Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine you are covered by the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP). As an approved drug COMIRNATY falls under the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP).

There is a substantial difference for making a compensation claim between the two programs.

Comparison of Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) to the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP)

Pfizer-BioNTech can now claim approval for COMIRNATY which falls under the VICP while actually doing vaccinations with their COVID-19 Vaccine which falls under CICP. Neat bait and switch. They can have their cake and eat it too. And the feds save a tremendous amount of money if the proverbial hits the fan.

Getting compensation under the CICP is difficult (you can't use a lawyer). To date only 29 cases have been granted for a total of $6 million.

compensation under CICP

Aggregate Data as of September 1, 2021

The Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) provides compensation for covered serious injuries or deaths that, based on compelling, reliable, valid, medical and scientific evidence, are found to be directly caused by the administration or use of a covered countermeasure or are determined to meet the requirements of a countermeasure injury table. Temporal association between administration or use of the covered countermeasure and onset of the injury (i.e., the injury occurs a certain time after the administration or use) is not sufficient, by itself, to prove that an injury is the direct result of a covered countermeasure.

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CB's picture

Because that is the difference between the two vaccines.

"there is not sufficient approved vaccine available for distribution to this population in its entirety at the time of reissuance of this EUA."

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@CB switching labels like that on FDA approved drugs could be done legally. Maybe ok to do it with breakfast cereals, maybe.

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CB's picture

with lot numbers etc. The stuff has limited shelf life and must be kept at -60C. They have to manufacture it on a continuous basis. Just change the labels and you get a new vaccine.

Notice the slight of hand. Make your own judgment. Keep in mind the only difference is the allowed compensation claim for each "label".

Pfizer to Comirnaty

Why a vaccine got a new name

A few weeks ago, we talked about some of the changes to watch for with an FDA approval of a COVID-19 vaccine.

It turns out, one of the most noticeable changes can also be one of the least understood. After Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine was FDA approved, it took on a new name: Comirnaty. Even though the name changed, the vaccine remains the same.
Can I still use the old name? Are the instances where the manufacturer name will still be used?

Short answer, yes! Though here’s where things can get a little confusing. Comirnaty is the official name for Pfizer’s FDA approved vaccine. That two-dose vaccine is approved for people ages 16 and older. It’s not yet fully approved for people ages 12–15; or people receiving a third dose or booster.

For those instances, the vaccine is available under the EUA. If you remember from earlier, under an EUA the vaccine will go by the name of the company that developed it.

Here’s a few technicalities using Pfizer’s vaccine as an example:

  • If you’re an 18-year-old getting your first and second dose — you’re getting what’s known as Comirnaty. Your 15-year-old sibling getting a shot at the same time will be getting the Pfizer vaccine.
  • You’re an immunocompromised individual who’s eligible for a third shot. You’re getting the Pfizer vaccine.
  • You’re an adult over the age of 65 who’s now eligible for a booster. You’re getting the Pfizer vaccine.

Again, same vaccine — just different names depending on who’s receiving it.

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war by TPTB against medical heresy, Dr Kory tweets today that he's getting reports of lecture videos being disappeared by Twitter

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