During the FDA meeting: The Risks Far Outweigh The Benefits
BOMBSHELL Info During Todays FDA Vax Meeting
Dr Rose States Based on The VAERS Data... The Risks Far Outweigh The Benefits Especially For Children
Over A 1000% Increase In Adverse Events In 2021!
Questions If The Shots Are Driving The Variants
Clear Failure of These Products pic.twitter.com/ju7WV1Fk2j
— Covid-1984 (@NeverSleever) September 17, 2021

On vaccine hesitancy
Another clip from today’s discussion & there’s so much here. Here’s a doctor on vx hesitancy where he admits that his many in own nursing staff won’t take the shot bc he cannot prove their concerns to be untrue. https://t.co/pknUC2X00O pic.twitter.com/KnYuxhYjHl
— Aly Alexandra (@AlyAlexandraa) September 18, 2021
Biden/Harris drove vaccine hesitancy…small clip from full video ggersh posted.
@SpittinVenoms Here's the clip. pic.twitter.com/JjxlPAos5j
— Alex Knight#FreeAssange #FraudSquad (@AlexKnight_1991) September 17, 2021

You have me on the verge
of actually going to my Twitter account for the first time in 3 years.
Good stuff, very informative.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Where are the long term trials?
I’m seeing an increase in mono…
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Hi Snoopy,
has problems. I don't know the truth, but I don't think we will be any closer to realizing what is going on by listening to folks like him.
In case you aren't aware, Dr. Cole posted a video back in April with this claim and it...Also, I can't make out the audio in the FDA videos you posted without straining a lot, but I think that most think the VAERS database is so contaminated with anecdotal crap as to be virtually useless.
Hope you and the dawg are doing well. It looks like rain in the PNW is finally on its way. First time in months!
"the VAERS database" is for CDC to conduct safety trials
"I think that most think"
"the VAERS database is so contaminated with anecdotal crap as to be virtually useless"
because it inspired me to try and discover why the CDC would create a database of anecdotal crap. Why? shrug. Here's a quote from your factcheck linky describing the CDC's VAERS database:
and the very next paragraph is link-free, just a plain statement with no links to the actual RCTs. meh
So the actual CDC vaccine safety database is called the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD), but there is nothing there (yet) about COVID-19 or the mRNA vaccines.
I didn't listen to Idaho Doctor man, nor snoopydawg's posted vid yet. I have that Sting earworm again already...
too much information running through my brain
too much information driving me insane
--The Police
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUwd737mioM width:420]
Hi there
oh yeah, internetless life, those were the days, I could still think and read, long, long ago, and how little it was.
I hope you are well.
So, what do you think, is nuclear fission and radiation worse or less worse than the internet and its radiation?.
The question is what is it good for to be sane in an insane world? Imo, it is nothing good for, just causeng problems. So, I luckily die insane, right?
Have a good one, as the Americans say. What is the 'one' one has supposedly? A good day?
So, good day, for now.
liquid metal duct flows of a fusion blanket
But wait, there's more! I mean, how would we talk without this blog and the sekret PMs and such? I can't even read your hand writing from the cards you sent last year, my vision is so shot. Thanks you and Lookout I still have all of the c99 savings account, but also the broken molar plus gum disease and my mental health is in the toilet all the time. Whoosh, keep flushing!
There is so much money pouring in to California right now... millions upon millions for the homeless crisis so say the headlines. And yet I see the same people living along the river without services, filling it with garbage to go with the toxic blue algae water. PU. Newsom's Project RoomKey or HomeKey or whatever that phony temporary shit is titled, I call it Project BoulderDrop because that is all they did for the encampments nearby. Scraped up the trash, removed the portable toilets, and blocked access with tons and tons of huge boulders. Homeless PLONK! Tax dollars at work.
My nephew is now an egg head at UCLA, I would never know if not for researchgate thanks to our radioactive internets, la la la: Study of instabilities in a quasi-2D MHD duct flow with an inflectional velocity profile
Intelligence clearly skips a generation here. I can't even grok wtf the Abstract says. Yay future!
I just looked at my printed "Manga Guide to Electricity" for an Ohm's Law refresher. ha ha! Wow, "fluctuating velocity field is reconstructed from the potential data" sounds a bit Flux Capacitor to me. Whee!
Peace and Love
Ohms law is useful for solving electrical problems
Seems the FDA and CDC are playing semantic games to prove their pet theories.
Boulders don't seem effective in solving homelessness tho.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
eyo, don't try, I barely understand half of what
you talk about and I am too sad about it and much more.I have given up. I can't stand myself for giving up, but it is what it is.
I know we can't talk without the internet, but I hate the internet for how it forces us to converse with each other
I don't believe humans are made to talk to anonymous nick name personas by nature.
I will wait and see.
So at least my mental health is in the toiled too, may be if we flush together, we will make it and kick our mental health in the ass.
Be well and peace and love always to you and all.
VSD Covid mRNA Vaccines
Source: Safety Surveillance of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Through the Vaccine Safety Datalink, September 3, 2021
Knowledge protected by JAMA paywall mafia. LOL
Reality-checking your fact-checker...
For example, this bit:
The 'fact check' in this instance is technically correct, yet highly misleading - because at the time of Ryan's statement, and until quite recently, the 'vaccines' being used in the US did not have full approval but were under EUA's - Emergency Use Authorizations - which, *by law* are only allowed to be granted if there are *no* alternative treatments available.
But, of course, there ARE effective treatments and prophylaxes, even though the government continues claim otherwise (and hospitals to deny patients access to them).
Similarly, the supposed fact check claims to debunk Cole's claim about the vaccines resulting in cancer by citing a scientist claiming the vaccines themselves are unlikely to be carcinogenic. That may be true, but is irrelevant to what Cole is suggesting.
What Cole says in the Twitter video is that he is seeing weakened adaptive immunity in people post-vax, *in particular* lowered CD-8 or Cytotoxic T-cells which are responsible for countering viruses and cancer. Which is not the same as the vax itself being directly carcinogenic but, if confirmed, a potentially devastating indirect effect of the vaccines.
"I don't think we will be any closer to realizing what is going on by listening to folks like him."
Well, to me he seems like *exactly* the sort of person we should be listening to...
CD8 T cells are a closely watched parameter
The functionality of CD8 cells are quite closely watched with any vaccine. Published studies show the opposite effect of the claim above:
Another thought about a dramatic rise in cancer testing by Dr Cole: For the majority of 2020, people avoided going to the doctor (or were explicitly told to stay away from in-person visits!) for fear of contracting COVID. They skipped screening checkups that would detect new cancers. This was recognized by oncologists:
Once vaccinated, people were comfortable to return to normal screening and the cancers that were undiagnosed over the past year now could look like a boom in new diagnosis.
That study
did show an increase in CD-8 among those unexposed to Covid - though none among the cohort who had had it and recovered.
The population studied was small and follow-up was limited (as far as I could tell) to 2nd vax + 7 days so pretty limited. It could be that the effect that Dr. Cole is describing is something certain people are at greater risk for and/or something is happening further out in the timeline post-vaccination.
I'd be interested to see whether/how the adaptive immunity issues were dealt with in evaluating the mRNA treatments.
Totally agree about how the deferred screening will show up in higher rates for cancer and a whole host of other issues - fallout from misguided lockdown policies.
BTW - you might want to fix that link - I had to copy and paste to get it to work...
Pfizer study
Look at figure 3 in the paper below. The CEF control is for common pathogen immune epitopes (CMV, EBV, FLu) presented to CD8 t cells via MHC Class I (Direct from viral infected cells to CD8 cells) and the CEFT control is for common pathogen epitopes (CMV, EBV, FLu, Tetanus) presented via MHC Class II (via CD4 T cells and dendritic cells) You will notice the increase in spike protein specific (RBD) response after vaccination but no change in either control for both CD8 and CD4 t cells.
I assure you that this a a very closely monitored parameter and if Dr Cole's assertions are correct I would think that we should have seen this in the data already. If he has more current data, he should present it with his talk. Sorry about the links and having to cut/paste. I'm not that good with computers
The two high level FDA administrators who recently resigned,
Krause and Gruber, joined a letter in the Lancet this week strongly warning against vaccine boosters (third jabs).
Link to quote source.
Link to Lancet.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Thanks for the link
It is rare (lol) for me to post an essay without commentary, but I did here and my tag is 'for what it is worth' so others can make up their minds on the post . Yes the quality of that video is poor, but I thought it was just my old crappy computer so sorry. Yes VAERS is an open website that anyone can post to, but it is only meant as a warning system of possible problem, but since the CDC doesn't follow up on the cases it is open for interpretation.
I haven't seen the cancer claim anywhere before either, but I have the increase in auto immune diseases and it is one of the contraindications that Pfizer posted on its website. I will look for that one later.
I did find this on auto immune again FWIW, but I have found some good info on the site.
I am seeing more states saying that they are going to have to triage patients even tho the number of people in hospitals are WAY DOWN from last year. So what happened? Hospitals closed and laid off staff because their profits weren't high enough. And remember
Government has placed Wall Street over We the People and it shows. We have the highest number of deaths and 'cases' in the world and every person in gov should hang their heads in shame. They won't tho.
Yes the dawg and I are doing well and getting ready to go camping again next week. Hopefully. I took the trailer in for a few upgrades and minor fixes and they kept calling with "Did you know this is broken, expired, needs replaced?" Hopefully it won't become a money pit. But it is a cherry trailer for a 2009 since they don't make that quality anymore. Sam gets my socks for me each morning and the last one is quite soggy since she likes to play with it first. She does just bring me my shoes.
Yay for the rain in your area. YeeGads what a long summer with the heat and the smoke for the west. There are indications of a La Nina this year and the jet stream is supposed to go north of us. I hope your area gets some good rain or snow. I am hoping for a very wet winter here cuz we need it. I posted pics of Echo dam a few months ago. Here is the current picture. That area USED to be under water.
Take care.
edit wording. Mornings...I am sure I am allergic to them.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Thank you Snoop...
Was intending to post the Dr. Cole clip myself.
I was wondering where the full interview might be found? I went to the
healthfreedomidaho.org site but couldn't find it there.
If the current 'vaccinations' are, in fact, impairing people's adaptive immune systems, as Dr. Cole suggests may be happening, and especially if they are lowering the count of Cytotoxic T-cells (or "CD-8" cells) which are a primary defense against viruses and cancer... then the results could be horrific.
I've heard the odd anecdotal report of highly aggressive cancers seemingly popping up out of nowhere - we just lost a member here in such a scenario. Obviously, it's something that should be researched further, but to assume from the get-go that such cases are extremely rare anomalies and unrelated to the vaccines could end up being very costly.
Just another 'anecdote', but you have to wonder how many are out there... and whether anyone in authority is interested in finding out whether such rare and isolated cases really *are*?
I had a biopsy last month
and it was melanoma, but they were hopeful that they got it all since I came in so early after I saw it. They did a larger excision a week ago and said that they got it all, but also sent in a deeper sample to pathology and called yesterday saying it was negative. So thankfully I am 'cancer free' but will need to be closely watched for while. I try not to think of the many who weren't able to have theirs checked during the shutdowns. Why weren't doctors considered ESSENTIAL workers too? How many people who were in chemo and other treatments are now over the line for treatments? Who made that boneheaded decision in the first place because if you are trying to save lives you save ALL lives, not just those who are infected with the current disease. This happened all over the world. Hard not to think that there was a nefarious reason behind that. Diabetics needing kidney dialysis? Were they told to wait?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I think you will find the full video
That is where it used to be. More censoring, I guess.
Try this link
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
That video finally helps to
make sense of the following graph:
Bangladesh and India have fewer vaccination rates but use ivermectin as a prophylaxis to help protect from serious and possibly fatal infection.
The US and Israel offer no other remedies other than A VACCINE THAT DOES NOT VACCINATE. If someone contracts COVID-19 they have to remain isolated at home until they get better or sick enough to be admitted to hospital. There's is no other remedy. All the drugs authorized can only be given legally in a hospital setting. This policy is fucking nuts! Is it any wonder why the death rate is climbing?
The only thing going for the US and Israeli plan it is a fantastic money maker for the hospitals.
Interesting article
One thing I’ve read is that one’s immunity goes down after being injected and that could be why so many people are experiencing infections and other diseases. Without long term studies we can’t know what is true or not. Many normal test subjects were excluded from the trials and then there are the trial subjects that were given the vaccines before the trials ended. I’d like to see an explanation for why they did that.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
More from Dr. Ryan Cole on ivermectin
Actually can't find the words. So the CDC does know that ivermectin is effective yet the FDA is advising against it and telling us that we aren't horses and stupid if we take it? I hope the shitlibs see that info and start asking questions since they belittle and cheer at anyone's death if they weren't vaxxed. I think their using vaccines only and discouraging ivermectin and other drugs is a huge crime against humanity. Who was it here that said we needed more Nuremberg trials? Absolutely.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
For the record I’m not calling anyone here a shitlib
that is reserved for those who say heinous things when someone who they ‘think' was unvaxxed died. They think that anyone who doesn’t get vaccinated deserves to have whatever happens to them without realizing that many democrats and minorities haven’t been. They also don’t want anyone who hasn’t been vaccinated to be refused medical treatment and just so many other crappy things that I never would have believed they would say.
They are now for censorship and taking away our rights, have fallen in love with intelligence agencies and wants only vaxxed people to be able to be in society. Democrats pushing Orange Man bad and Russia Russia Russia broke their minds and now even when credible evidence comes out against the narrative they don’t believe it. John Durham's recent investigation that got an indictment on one of Hillary’s cronies has to be false because Trump/Barr appointed him.
This fits them to a T.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Hmm. [edited]
ivermectin and albendazole are both antiparasitics. Africa has major parasite problems. Those people are being treated for parasites, not Covid.
Cool the insults Ed.
And a side effect of that treatment,
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Thats correct.
But the FDA and MSM have been hyping it as a dangerous drug and constantly conflates the human with the animal form (flavoured paste) to debase the drug. In fact you personally have denigrated ivermectin as:
Ivermectin has been given safely to over 4 billion people worldwide. The fact that the federal government has given blanket approval for ALL refugees of ALL ages to be administered ivermectin should say something about it's safety profile. BTW, they don't normally require refugees to take ivermectin but they're doing so at the height of the pandemic. Plus they're also giving it to people that do not come from nations that have a problem that warrants giving them this drug in the first place. Maybe there is an ulterior motive???
Two nations that use ivermectin with fewer vaccinations have less deaths per capita than the two that banned ivermectin and relied on higher vaccinations.

I'm this old also
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
I do too
and I also remember that when I got the chickenpox as a wee child I didn't have to get vaxxed for it because I had lifelong immunity to it. I did get a rubella vax in my 20's for added protection, but I don't remember the science behind it. It was recommended for women IIRC.
I got the smallpox one to protect myself and if I was exposed to someone who hadn't I still had protection. Biden is saying that the unvaxxed need to get them to protect the vaxxed from the unvaxxed. Pretty sure they told us that once vaxxed people could ditch their masks because they were protected...but now not so much.
It is all the flip flops that are keeping people from believing what politicians are telling them. Fauxi's firing would go a long way to restoring trust. More people are aware how he refused to suggest Bactrim and other antibiotics during AIDS. As Jimmy stated, how many lives could have been saved if we had universal health care? And not just for the Rona.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
If I remember it correctly both my brother and sister
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Chickenpox parties
That was a thing back before the vaxxes because moms wanted their kids exposed to it so they weren't constantly taking care of sick kids. I vaguely remember how itchy the sores were and being told not to scratch them. BUT they itch!! I also had the measles and remember my fever dreams. One was a reoccurring one later in my life. 2 stick figures running towards each other and when they met they put their foreheads together and just stared angrily at each other. I guess I was one of them since I remember the eyes. Chickenpox for adults is dangerous. I remember a man in ICU with it and it went into his throat and lungs and after a valiant effort and long stay he died.
Did you ever get them or did you get the vax? Maybe you had been exposed, but your immune system fought it off?
Mumps, measles and chickenpox parties were in vogue back then. But how many decades did they work on making efficient vaccines? Years, decades not months.
The info coming out of Israel is a nightmare. We disregard it at our own expense.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I don't recall having either the Measles or Chickenpox
I did get the Shingles vaccine earlier this year though and had a little bit of a reaction
just under the top layer of my skin, it was weird.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Fauci is Untouchable
He knows where and into who's pockets the billions of NIAID government funding has gone since 1984. Fauci is the J Edgar Hoover of the US National Institutes of Health.
He likes to cover his ass:
I look forward to
Been at NIH since 1968, head of NIAID since 1984, nation's highest paid gov't official, more than El Presidente. I would imagine only 2% of the public is aware of his key, controversial role in the AIDS crisis of the 80s.
In 1984 he was finally in a position
to direct US gov't largess to his cronies.
TBTB have mounted damage control for Saint Fauci. (Take note of like/dislike)
That turned my stomach and look at how he made himself seem like the savior during the AIDS epidemic. "I finally put myself in their shoes and that is why I decided to say they could use Bactrim to save their lives after 8 years of dragging my feet on it."
I will stop here....cuz else wise.....
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
This ain't no dress rehearsal
neigh means neigh
fish head song
Jimmy Dore says he's in an Ivermectin trial now 'cause he got long covid symptoms after his second jab. BOOM! Go Jimmy go! Where was I? Oh yeah, The NIH (if you do not bring them a shrubbery they will say nih to you. Nih!):
Last Updated: July 19, 2021
Table 2c. Ivermectin: Selected Clinical Data
Whole lot of "no difference" "no significant difference" "did not improve" and by golly I think I am improving my skills how to spot a shite study. heh
Hi Snoop
I salute all of you who are reading and attempting to understand the science and nonsense that is driving the Covid Vaccine controversy.
I have given up on personally understanding most of this.
What I do know, is that the Booster intends to pump even more of what we already have endured into our systems and on that, I have drawn the line.
It seems that many voices in the community are speaking up now against rushing for boosters until more testing is done and for that I am grateful.
The best outcome is that Booster cheerleaders will never be able to mandate their usage. Could happen. not impossible. fingers crossed.
ditto for me
on your first two paragraphs.
may i add a bit of a non sequitur? recently there was a disagreement on covid stats in cuba,
and i couldn't find the popular resistance newsletter that had contained this from telesur english, FWIW:
Cuba To Receive 8.7 Million Syringes from Its Residents Abroad, sept. 13, 2021,
i'll also add canadian cory morningstar's pinned tweet:
Unfortunately for Cuba ivermectin
is on
UNUS sanctions listCubans cannot even get ivermectin for their horses.
Look at the difference ivermectin has played in the countries that use it compared to those that don't: COVID-19 vaccinations vs. new COVID-19 deaths, Dec 1, 2020 to Sep 17, 2021 IND~CUB~USA~BGD~ISR
Global ivermectin adoption for COVID-19: 36%
Ivermectin for COVID-19: real-time meta analysis of 64 studies - pdf
I find Dr. Chris Martensen,
at Peak Prosperity, bringing the best information to the public. Here is a great video to digest.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Ya think? s/
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
That's my fear,too
Soon to be required
vaccination requirements for housing and employment. You can bet that "booster" requirements are soon to follow. As the old Salsa commercial said "Get a Rope."
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
It appears
that so far, vaccination is not the solution that TPTB and the corporate media have so obnoxiously been pushing. It seems the health system is failing spectacularly and COVID is outpacing our pathetic efforts at every step. Since our efforts to rein this thing in have been laughably pathetic, this development is no surprise.
It looks to me, at this point anyway, that the children may pay a very high price for the sloppy and inept handling of this pandemic. We could have done a much better job. We still could work on trying to minimize this potential disaster but I don't see any signs that we will. I cannot understand why we insist on opening schools to full in-person instruction with no option for on-line instruction . Our schools pack the kids In like sardines. It's the most perfect environment to spread contagion of an aerosolized viral particle. The virus could not ask for a better place to grow and replicate. It's as if we are trying to infect the kids and, by extension, the community.
no lie! People think their kids will get athletic scholarships although only one in a million get them. Here in my district (in Cook County IL) school was abolished but sports continued! By abolished, i mean "on-line learning" that only 37% bothered to log in on but all the kids were advanced to the next grade. Too much knowledge in a slave isn't desirable anyway.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
School sports/athletic scholarships
From the article
Experimenting to see what works? Good lord. The world already saw that happen on a certain group of people and those who survived said Never Again and yet there they are doing it to their own kids.
Hey maybe try experimenting with ivermectin like one doctor there said has gotten good results. Just a thought. Beyond words here with that type of thinking that he said out loud.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Who is responsible for adverse health care here in the USA?
Maybe if people’s employer provided insurance is good enough they won’t be on the hook for future medical bills, but many others only have the over priced ACA which still leaves them paying thousands of their bills. I’ve seen some people saying that they will have their employer sign a letter stating that they will pay for any treatments they need, but will that stand up?
I just read a thread on how many people got adverse reactions after getting vaccinated and the stories are heartbreaking. Seeing an increase in car accidents too after getting them. People are scared about the unknowns and rightly so.
Mandating them is one step over the line that no one should be in favor of, because once they can make us inject something into our bodies what’s next? Mandatory bone marrows, organ donations, or whatever it’s a slippery slope that needs to be braked. IMO.
Thanks everyone for a good discussion.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Adverse effects medical bills
Biden has declared Covid a health emergency which means that he can legally give us universal health care like Obama did for Libby Montana. But of course he won’t go against his masters. But here is one more way that government sets us up to lose our homes because we can’t afford medical treatment bills.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Fauci wanted a trial for Bactrim
even though it had been a well established drug used to treat it since the 70's. He now wants one for ivermectin even though there has been numerous trials for it and he only needs to look at what happened in India when they started using it.
Worth a full read. How many deaths does Fauxi have on his conscience? Maybe the money he’s made can buy him out of his rightful place in hell. IMO.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Is there some sort of diagnostic
that could tell us definitively whether he *has* one?
I found it interesting India is suing the WHO
first few minutes gets the idea...
And please note the FLCCC has been forced to move to odysee because of censorship.
you will have to copy and paste the link to get to their weekly updates and commentaries. these clips are pretty powerful ... testimony from patients, doctors , and nurses.
WTF no discussion allowed about science from practitioners. Shows the depth to which we have fallen, and greed to which we've succumbed.
Good luck and good night!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks for that link.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I find it hilarious...
that the same people gnashing their teeth over highly effective Covid vaccines are vapidly eager to use unapproved horse dewormer to "treat" Covid. This is a true case of ROTFLMAO.
Apparently you haven’t been paying attention
to those talking about ivermectin here or you would know that ivermectin comes in pills designed for humans. Or that after towns in India started using it the numbers have fallen to almost zero. But ivermectin is not what this essay is about.
Interesting that your only comments in this essay are derisive and you have nothing to say about what we’ve been discussing or about the dangers of the vaccines. And they are NOT highly affective as you say as comments here and in the tweets have shown. Care to do it now? BTW why do you care what people use if you are vaccinated? Aren’t you safe from those who are not?
This site has one rule. DBAD. Remember?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
FYI on ivermectin in action
Anything to say about this?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I hope you didn't take the Pfizer jab
It doesn't appear to be that highly effective now. It looks like you'll have to get a 'booster' shot every 6 months.
When your "highly effective Covid vaccines" does not come up to standards maybe you can just redefine what you mean by "effective" and even your very definition of "vaccines". Apparently these 'vaccines' don't even confer immunity anymore.
Current US deaths/million 2,075 64% vaccinated w/o prophylaxis
Current India deaths/million 319 42% vaccinated w/ ivermectin
Great info
Easy look at the changing definitions here’s what the CDC changed on what vaccines are such to do for us.
They also changed how we get to herd immunity. From being exposed to the virus and vaccines to just vaccines only. They also changed how long natural immunity lasts. From life time to just a few months. But sure Biden is following the science just as much as Trump did. Gah no wonder more people are finding it hard to trust the government.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Deep Throat said
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I'm putting my money on Pfizermectin.
It is supposed to be out in a month or so. You take one twice per day as an adjunct to the vaccine. It helps to keep you out of the hospital - a bargain at $9.99/pill.
I think it will cost
We are so screwed.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Been taking IVM
for three weeks now, according to the FLCCC prevention protocol:
No problems so far, for me or my SO.
Cost, incl. shipping to Japan from India, about $90-95 for 48 12mg tablets, so about 8 bucks a week for me, half that for a smaller person.
YMMV, of course.
I’m saving the little I’ve been able to get my hands on
against a future, symptomatic, infection. When I have been out and about, shopping or socializing, I use a 1% Povidone Iodine nasal spray 3x/day and gargle 3x/day with mouthwash containing Cetylpyridinium Chloride. Both are available over-the-counter and have demonstrated significant antiviral properties. The virus replicates primarily in the nasal-pharyngeal areas. Early prophylaxis is smart, waiting until you can’t breathe or putting complete trust in the protection afforded by imperfect vaccines is not.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Sounds good
Yes, if you only have a small amount, probably better to save it to use should you become symptomatic. Hadn't thought of the nasal spray and have been inconsistent with the gargling.
Getting better with that, though - in Japan most people do it as a matter of course, they teach and encourage it in elementary schools.
It sounds like if Covid doesn't make it past the nose/sinus/mouth/throat that the chances of it becoming serious are fairly small...
Are you taking it as a prophylatic or for Covid?
EDIT: I'm also getting it from India, once I receive them I'll be more than happy to put out the website link from where I got them.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
I'm taking it prophylactically
I started out with 12mg (Half dose for me) and moved up to 24mg twice a week the last two weeks.
That may be more than necessary but, barring problems, will stick with that for a while as it is possible that that will deal with underlying virus or fungi issues I'm not aware of and the safety profile appears to give a big margin before you would get into overdose territory.
A popular Japanese site here recommends the two doses spread out over three days initially and then a single dose once a week (for prophylaxis) others say every two weeks is enough. It's prescribed for dogs and cats around here for heart worm prevention, pretty sure that is just once a month.
Hope your shipment comes through OK - that sound like an appropriate price - going through Japanese sites we got dinged for a bit more. Distressing to hear that many people were having problems trying to get it through FLCCC. Hard to know if there is some sort of scam involved or they are just overwhelmed and under-organized.
FLCCC does not sell anything.
but they do provide contact info for Dr.s that will prescribe it and online pharmacies that will fill prescriptions. Their only “product” is information gleaned from their professional experience, and that information is free to all who care to read it. Their contribution button is for contributions, which provide no additional ‘perks’ to those who contribute.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
I don't know why it is an either/or argument...
Vax or IVM and treatments. The correct thought is we need both. Are we so divided that everything devolves to red pill, blue pill? All black and white but no gray?
I continue to hear from expert after expert that we will all catch this disease. Most vaxed folks will have no or mild symptoms (yet spread it as effectively as a non-vaxed individual). However some vaxed people will get ill, be hospitalized and some even die.
If these vax only, but NO treatment, people were in that boat...sick and going to the hospital...my bet is they would change their tune just as the hospitalized non-vaxed are asking for a vax now...obviously not understanding that it takes weeks after being vaxed to develop even weak immunity.
The speed of change (future shock) has broken our brains. So has the suppression of information about not only treatments but the number and severity of adverse vax reactions. Present the data and trust people to make the best decision for their particular situation.
As Jimmy said of TDS russiagaters, "they are using the lizard part of their brain."
Those in an either or camp are as well IMO.
I'm glad we can discuss what info we can find. The power of the MSM is strong and some among us are ensnared. Don't be mad at them. They too are victims. As Dr Kory said a few weeks ago..."I'm through arguing about IVM. It is a proven effective treatment for COVID". I'm following suit. Why has this become such an inflammatory topic? Kinda crazy, big pharma's control of group think.
Edit to add:
This makes it plain TPTB are trying to keep people scared. (8 min)
Some hospitals get up to $50,000 per COVID patient.
“Show me the incentive and I’ll show you the outcome”.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Hasn't Israel led the way in covid vaccinations
Some people call it interesting times, I call it insane times, for the response to Covid has been nothing short of total failure by tptb against ordinary people.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Vaccines appear to lessen symptoms...
...at least we have that.
John talked about when to contract COVID. He plans to wait till after his 3rd jab.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUoWSfN3xo8 (15 min)
from the notes under the clip...
Seem like I remember you got the J&J. Personally I'm not worrying with a third jab. However, EVERYONE needs to make their own decision. There is not universal answer...do what makes sense to you!
I think getting COVID while you have vaccine immunity would be wise. In fact if I was able I would be looking at low dose viral exposure for people. We know symptoms are dependent on initial viral load, so a low load infections seems likely to be non symptomatic....but no real money in that so I doubt it is an avenue of investigation.
All the best!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Disagree w/JCampbell
So I'd rather take my chances continuing to stay safe, building my innate immune system, taking the IVM prophylactically, etc. I'll make it very hard for this virus to get inside, recognizing however that nothing is 100%. If I get unlucky, then I 'll deal with it per FLCCC guidelines, and figure I should be okay.
No Covid vaccines for me either. I know enough now with how they were given rushed EUA, no long-term studies, and the troubling VAERS numbers, to make vaccines a dangerously High Risk proposition for me.
Clean slate on Covid so far, and always a clean slate against taking these dubious vaccines.
He is basing his decision on the idea we will all get COVID
now is that true? It is what most but not all experts are suggesting.
So there is disagreement.
Hey it's not like I'm trying to get COVID...I may have already had an asymptomatic case. That's kinda the dilemma. I know I'm through being overly cautious like I was at the beginning of the pandemic. And we are not attending large gatherings and events, but I intend to this spring if the situations goes as I suspect. So I'm still at a wait and see. None the less I found John's point of view of interest.
Stay well...sounds like you will.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Some might have immunity to cornaviruses already
since it is so prevalent and causes other diseases. I have seen some talk about that, but a study would be interesting if they could. It might be why some people only get a mild case of of it too, while others immune systems get overwhelmed. There is so much that they still don't know about this disease. It would help immensely if they quit lying to us about this and that and the other things. The vaccine only approach will look back on with a WTF?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I've wondered how a randomized study might work
to determine numbers of prior infections. Antibodies fade so that wouldn't be a good measure, however T-cell immunity is longer term, and might be a testing parameter.
Measuring COVID T Cell immunity
Sadly I think all we want to solve is how to maximize big pharma profits, not to understand this disease and its progression.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
That may not be such a good idea.
Malone has stated that with vaccinations “more is better” is not always the case. I believe he called it “High Zone Tolerance” ; where too much vaccine, or too frequent vaccinations can actually reduce a persons immune response. I do not recall his explanation of the exact mechanism, but it is apparently a well known potential problem. He pointed to some of the recent Israel data suggesting it may already be happening. Time will tell.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
There is no good approach...
to getting this virus. Accepting that we will get it is also difficult.
This is an interesting take...6 min
This is similar to my current view.
EDIT to add....
I'll be glad when we can get a T-cell test in order to determine if I've already had an infection.
Well there is a test available...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Kind of persuasive
And pols, including Biden and Newsom, appear to be listening only to the usual Fauci-type of narrow band of alleged health experts, and so we get vaccine mandates. Ineffective to stop the virus, as vaccines are likely only to exacerbate the problem, and politically unwise as the mandates tick off too many workers who would normally be in the D camp.
Even as I agree Sars-2 will become endemic, just the same I prefer not to just throw in the towel and accept the inevitable. My feisty nature I suppose.