The Weekly Watch
Fifty Years of Fiat

Since its founding in 1776, the United States has had a variety of monetary systems including bimetallic systems where the dollar was backed by both gold and silver (1792-1862), a fiat monetary system (1862-1879), a full gold standard (1879-1933), and a partial gold standard (1933-1971). From 1971 to present the United States has been on a fiat monetary standard.
This ground-breaking speech ("The Challenge of Peace") by US president Richard Nixon was the prelude to the end of the Bretton Woods System from 1944. Before the 'Nixon shock', foreign currencies were comfortably put into a defined relation to the USD. US Congress set $35 to one ounce of gold. By declaring executive order No. 11615, USA unilaterally cancelled this international agreement; the gold standard was nullified and hence the US dollar became a fiat currency ('paper money' or 'debt money').
By the way, this is unlawful. (United States Constitution, Article I, section 10, clause 1)
"No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility."
Of course, this clause is older than the Greenbacks which became legal tender by law in 1861 (when civil war started) and which were not backed by gold or silver but just the 'credibility' of the U.S. government.
In modern terms, a fiat currency is one that has no real value to back up its status except the word of the national government that tells us it is worth whatever they say... the Federal Reserve had been playing fast and loose with gold requirements ever since its formation in 1913 but, after this move by Nixon, there was no longer any necessity in keeping up a pretense. They’ve been driving down the value of the dollar with uncontrolled printing and simultaneously increasing inflation ever since.
It is often stated that French president Charles de Gaulle (Pres. from 1959-69) forced Nixon to end the gold standard when in 1965, he announced his intent to convert US-dollars owned by his country into gold. The IMF (international money fund) stated that in 1966, foreign countries owned about 14 billion USD meanwhile USA held gold valued about 13.6 billion bucks in total, and only 3.2 billion of them were designated to convert to foreign currencies.
Indeed, the French called the Bretton Woods System "America's exorbitant privilege" and after de Gaulle sent a battle ship over the Atlantic Ocean to pick up some gold, other countries followed...
While the Bretton Woods system was agreed upon in 1944 and the IMF was founded in 1945, the system truly became operational in 1958. At that point, the conversion of currency became tied to the U.S. dollar, with the exchange rate around the world based on the figure of $35 per ounce of gold.
War plays a big role in both the creation and weaponization of fiat dollars as the world currency standard. We all know that war is bipartisan and so was the creation of the fiat dollar. The US spent its wealth on Vietnam as well as (IMO, much justified) social spending. They no longer had sufficient gold to cover the international obligations.
The post-1965 increase in Federal Reserve Note liability (i.e., dollars) paralleled the rapid increases in both the U.S. federal budget and the U.S. Federal budget deficit associated with President Johnson’s “guns and butter” policies, otherwise known as the “Great Society” and the Vietnam War. LBJ’s focus on “guns and butter”, and his removal of the gold cover, ushered in a new paradigm in how the U.S. economy would be run. Free market capitalism was “out”; government controlled “creditism” was in … and has ruled us, and the rest of the world, ever since.
The country was overextended and tried some other approaches before leaving the Breton Woods agreement.

Paper currency has led to the collapse of almost every economy that has tried to institute a fiat currency to trade for goods and services. It’s not looking very well for the once mighty dollar, either.
...the United States did not have enough gold to cover the volume of dollars in worldwide circulation at the rate of $35 per ounce; as a result, the dollar was overvalued. Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson adopted a series of measures to support the dollar and sustain Bretton Woods: foreign investment disincentives; restrictions on foreign lending; efforts to stem the official outflow of dollars; international monetary reform; and cooperation with other countries. Nothing worked. Meanwhile, traders in foreign exchange markets, believing that the dollar’s overvaluation would one day compel the U.S. government to devalue it, proved increasingly inclined to sell dollars. This resulted in periodic runs on the dollar.
It was just such a run on the dollar, along with mounting evidence that the overvalued dollar was undermining the nation’s foreign trading position, which prompted President Richard M. Nixon to act. On August 13, 1971, Nixon convened a meeting of his top economic advisers... After two days of talks, on the evening of August 15, Nixon announced his New Economic Policy in an address to the nation on “The Challenge of Peace.” Asserting that progress in bringing an end to U.S. involvement in the war in Vietnam meant that it was time for Americans to turn their minds to the challenges of a post-Vietnam world, Nixon identified a three-fold task: “We must create more and better jobs; we must stop the rise in the cost of living; we must protect the dollar from the attacks of international money speculators.” To achieve the first two goals, he proposed tax cuts and a 90-day freeze on prices and wages; to achieve the third, Nixon directed the suspension of the dollar’s convertibility into gold. He also ordered that an extra 10 percent tariff be levied on all dutiable imports; like the suspension of the dollar’s gold convertibility, this measure was intended to induce the United States’ major trading partners to adjust the value of their currencies upward and the level of their trade barriers downward so as to allow for more imports from the United States.
Max and Stacy have been warning about fiat currency as long as I've watched them.
The entire 25 min show is good.
Aftermath of the Nixon Shock:
The official end of the Bretton Woods System came in 1973 when countries decided to let their money freely float and the gold price suddenly started to sky rocket. After all, USA managed to keep their currency up and connect it to the most important natural resources like oil. In that sense, the currency is mainly covered by petroleum (and the pressure USA can put onto OPEC countries and others) - the petrodollar was born which so far, could preserve the supremacy of the Unites States. Also prices for oil and gas exploded.
Like all "temporary" measures government has taken, leaving the gold standard was in fact a permanent change.

Transition from Gold to Petrodollar
After the dollar was withdrawn from the gold standard, Washington made an arrangement with Riyadh to price oil solely in dollars. In return, the Saudis received protection and were granted a free hand in the region. This decision forced the rest of the world to hold a high amount of US dollars in their currency reserves, requiring the purchase of US treasuries. The relationship between the US dollar and oil breathed new life to this currency, placing it at the centre of the global financial and economic system. This privileged role enjoyed by the dollar allowed the United States to finance its economy through the simple process of printing its fiat currency, relying on its credibility and supported by the petrodollar that required other countries to store reserves of US treasuries in their basket of currencies.
as long as the US continues to maintain its dominance of the global financial and economic system, thanks to the dollar, its supremacy as a world superpower is hardly questioned. To maintain this influence on the currency markets and the special-drawing rights (SDR) basket, the pricing of oil in US dollars is crucial. This explains, at least partially, the impossibility of scaling down the relationship between Washington and Riyadh. Nobody should delude themselves into believing that this is the only reason why Saudi-US relations are important. Washington is swimming in the money showered by Saudi lobbies, and it is doubtful that those on the receiving end of such largesse will want to make the party stop.
With the unprecedented move in 2012 to remove Iran from the SWIFT international banking system, a dangerous precedent had been set that acted as a warning to the rest of the world. The United States revealed itself as willing to abuse its dominant position by wielding the dollar as a weapon against geopolitical adversaries.The consequences of that action continue to be felt today. Many within the Western elite have come to recognize this mistake and are regretting it. Russia and China understood that they were next on the chopping block and set about creating alternative payment systems like CIPS that would serve to act as a backup system in case Washington tried to exclude Moscow and Beijing from the SWIFT system.

The US has weaponized the use of the petrodollar as a world standard. We have more countries under sanctions than I can name. Literally killing civilians to collapse governments like Venezuela, Iran, and Cuba just to name a few. And we can't forget hot wars used to prop up US dollar dominance.
Attempts by Saddam Hussein (former president of Iraq) to exchange petroleum with 'petroeuro' or 'petroyen' failed like attempts by Muammar Gaddafi (Libya) to install a gold dinar system. In 2011, Russian president Putin declared in public that from now on, Russia and China will exclusively trade their goods in rubel and renminbi (aka yuan, which is its basic unit). Now they are the enemy.
Here's American economist Professor, Jeffrey Sachs exposing how America, its Western allies, the CIA and the defense industry have rigged the system to keep Africa from being prosperous. It is a stunning expose and rebuke to the present world order.
Despite the dominance there is a...
Weaknesses of the U.S. Dollar
The fundamental weakness of the U.S. dollar is that it is only valuable through government fiat. This weakness is shared by every other major national currency in the world and is perceived as normal in the modern age. However, as recently as the 1970s, it was considered a somewhat radical proposition. Without the discipline imposed by a commodity-based currency standard (such as gold), the worry is that governments might print too much money for political purposes or to conduct wars.
In fact, one reason the IMF was formed was to monitor the Federal Reserve and its commitment to Bretton Woods.12 Today, the IMF uses the other reserves as a discipline on Fed activity.10
If foreign governments or investors decided to switch away from the U.S. dollar en masse, the flood of short positions could significantly hurt anyone with assets denominated in dollars.
If the Federal Reserve creates money and the U.S. government assumes and monetizes debt faster than the U.S. economy grows, the future value of the currency could fall in absolute terms. Fortunately for the United States, virtually every alternative currency is backed by similar economic policies. Even if the dollar faltered in absolute terms, it may still be stronger globally, due to its strength relative to the alternatives.
Basically among all the fiat currencies the USD is the cleanest dirty shirt and continues as the world trading standard. However, the IMF is accelerating the creation of Special Drawing Rights (SDR's). I think they are preparing for the dollar to lose its domination.
The Board of Governors of the IMF has approved a general allocation of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) equivalent to US$650 billion (about SDR 456 billion) on August 2, 2021, to boost global liquidity. [1]
“This is a historic decision – the largest SDR allocation in the history of the IMF and a shot in the arm for the global economy at a time of unprecedented crisis. The SDR allocation will benefit all members, address the long-term global need for reserves, build confidence, and foster the resilience and stability of the global economy. It will particularly help our most vulnerable countries struggling to cope with the impact of the COVID-19 crisis,” IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva said.

So since we left a gold standard, how stable has the dollar been? Well, according to CPI figures, the dollar has lost over 80% of its value since the gold window was closed. And gold? It went from $35 an ounce to about $1800 an ounce today.
Daniela Cambone speaks with best-selling author Jim Rickards about the U.S. economy post the gold standard to answer the most important question: are we better off?
So as we discussed last week the Fed is creating currency (generating a profit for the banks which are the Fed), and "loan" those dollars (at essentially zero percent interest) to the central banks (like BlackRock) to purchase toxic debt and bonds which they in turn sell back to the Fed (at a profit). Additionally they are buying their own stock with their "free" money to boost stock value, CEO bonuses, and stockholder dividends.
What we keep seeing is the corporatization not just of the US, but the world... (17 min)
During the 2008 Meltdown when the government bailed out too-big-to-fail giants like Bear Stearns, AIG, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac - who did they hire to analyze and clean up the mess?
Another giant financial firm by the name of BlackRock, lead by a very well connected billionaire by the name of Larry Fink.
BlackRock was award these key government contracts to help with the meltdown with no competitive bidding while being enveloped in secrecy. Basically, Larry Fink was hired to be the manager of Washington’s bailout of Wall Street, even though BlackRock is one of the biggest shareholders in the same banks that they were helping to bail out.In 2020, who did the money printer of the US, the Federal Reserve, hire to manage their scheme to buy corporate bonds? (Basically, they were bailing out corporations that had too much debt or needed to borrow money) You guessed it, they went right back to BlackRock.
Again, the same corporations BlackRock was helping to bail out were the very corporations in which they were primary owners.And yet, despite all his considerable power, the general public has practically never heard of Larry Fink. With BlackRock barely coming into the public eye during the recent claims that they’re buying up single-family homes.
Today, BlackRock’s clients include the retirement accounts of average everyday people in the form of pension funds, they also have sovereign wealth funds as their clients, other central banks, college endowments, “Fortune 500 companies”, and millions of individual investors. They’re the one of the top shareholders of many of the biggest stocks like Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, and even other major banks like Wells Fargo and Chase
Some call Blackrock "the most influential financial institution in the world,"
The world's largest shadow bank. And perhaps… it is the company that owns the world.
As Max's guest in the earlier clip says, "You can't tapper a Ponzi", and sadly the US economic system is a Ponzi for big corporations and the oligarchs. So is economic collapse inevitable?
We have entered a period the likes of which we have never seen before. The collapse of the dollar and dollar assets is growing increasingly certain by the day. The money-printing of the dollar designed to inflate assets will end up destroying the dollar.
For paper currency, there is always a boom-bust cycle. It often begins with the healing of a country’s economic woes and promises of prosperity for all. To better illustrate how the boom-bust cycle works, one can draw reference to the . In the late nineties, US technology stocks formed a huge bubble mainly because of over leveraging of debt through low interest rates. Start-up technology companies with mediocre or even negative earnings were valued in the millions. After the crash, which coincided with the terrorist attack on New York, interest rates were lowered again to spur economic growth, forming another bubble in housing. When the housing bubble burst, it almost took down the whole world's banking system with credit facilities drying up, thus triggering the global financial crisis in 2008. With interest rates kept near zero, special measures in the form of money printing were needed to boost the economy and create jobs.
...There is strong possibility that the global monetary system may collapse in the near future due to a crisis of confidence in the paper money system. Individuals must realise that the current debt-based model for the monetary system is not sustainable and there will come a breaking point when the government debts become uncontrollable.
Are we about to experience an economic and social collapse? It is sad because we could do better. Rick Wolff explains...(10 min)
It isn't just economic collapse, but ecological collapse that we can see all around us...from heat waves and fires, to floods and hail storms, to species extinction, and more.
Are we headed into dystopia?
Though I don't share it, I like this young man's optimism. I do think he is correct in the notion that we need to create community no matter where we live. We are going to need each other as the degradation accelerates. I'll say again it might be a good idea to get to know your area farmers... just enter your location in these two sites to find local producers.
and state by state meat producers
Which dystopian novel best predicted our current condition? 7 min
Author Walter Kirn picks the dystopian novel that best predicted the world in 2021. And now the question is: how did these 20th century writers know how fucked up we would become?
I'm no economist but it is easy to see the currency system is being manipulated to funnel money upwards to the already extravagantly rich. This is ultimately unsustainable. How will it resolve? I don't know. Perhaps your crystal ball is better than mine and you can offer insights below. Many people are investing in gold and silver. Others are buying bitcoin as a hedge against the dollar. Me? I'm investing in my homestead...
Wealth means different things to different people. Most think money, but...
Real wealth is good health, friends and companions, and happiness amid the insanity of our end of empire times. This is the green I value...

I planted a bag of $1 black-eyed peas as a green manure crop and it worked great and now need cutting and laying down in the bed.

This bed of sweet potatoes is "money in the bank". They are the golden nugget variety.

But what happens when the green...

goes into the red?

You make tomato sauce and save a taste of summer for the winter to come.
Have a lovely fiat anniversary and a great Sunday. As always, I look forward to your comments below...

Good morning Lookout
Thank you for this lesson in our money situation. For some readers this will be a reminder and a summary, but for me it's a lesson becuase I'm trying to understand as much as I can.
How does this nugget of Truth from NYC fit into the general pattern of what we are being told daily? Here's some late-breaking news and see what c99 makes of it:
The NYC Census revealed that NYC has Grown and will retain its current amount of representation in Congress. NY State, otoh, has shrunk very slightly and will lose a Congressional Representative.
The Juicy part and the eyebrow-raising bit is this---The wealthiest areas of NYC, Downtown and the Upper East Side and parts of the Upper West Side have grown. Added population. And, contrary to national numbers, the white population has grown as well.
The poorer areas have shrunk dramatically. Probably Covid deaths and search for cheaper housing.
This upends all the media narratives about the flight from NYC by wealthy people to low-tax states.
It demonstrates that taxing the wealthy does not cause them to flee. That's a particular talking point of Neos who want tax cuts. Current reality argues for the scenario I've been speculating about for years, that the concentration of the wealthy and powerful has been underway for a very long time and gated areas of the City is what the future will look like.
In June, families with kids pitched tents and slept overnight in front of the bulldozers to stop Governor Cuomo from building another monument in Battery Park which is the neighborhood adjacent to my own Tribeca. The protest worked. The Governor backed down and proposed other sites. My community stopped him. We won the right of approval for anything the Governor proposed.
The wealthy stopping Cuomo was the canary in the coalmine.
NYC as a bastion for the 1%...
...isn't too surprising. And yes it does dispel the myth of wealthy fleeing the city and replaces it with the poor fleeing...what choice do they have considering rents in NYC?
Money is a weird concept...a piece of paper with value? As I insinuated it is bound closely with war. My fear is that a war with China is TPTB solution to the collapsing dollar. I'm not alone... at little long at about an hour but just the beginning is informative.
New Atrocity Consent Manufacturing Propaganda For America's Next/Post-Afghanistan War
excellent links below the clip
So ironically I hope for an economic collapse before we start WWIII.
Thanks for the visit and NYC update. Take care and have a good Sunday!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
The Coming War on China
Yes, it is an excellent film...
...and John is a voice of sanity ... including speaking out for Julian.
Thanks for including the film. Caity featured it for months at her site.
Is there any hope the march toward this disaster can be stopped? It would take something big like a general strike and corporate boycotts, but what hope is there that could happen with the propaganda machine directing behaviors in other directions...USA,USA,USA you know.
A climate collapse might direct energies in another direct, but I would prefer an economic collapse...but the war is designed to head that off at the pass.
Well thanks again for the link!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Either way, this is not going to end well for us.
My question is how much more money must we waste before we sucuumb to the inevitable.
Unfortunately you're correct
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I am watching it now.
Thanks for sharing the harsh truth with us.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
War With China
More likely we will see an EMP strike or another cyber devastation that will leave us paralyzed and China intact.
Or maybe, that's the plan.
Billionaires safe in bunkers. A very few wealthy survival areas. Those areas already have building wide air and water filtration systems and generators. Lots of those in the above mentioned Battery Park City.
Daniel Dumbrill produces
extremely astute and reasoned reporting.
I think so too...
I featured one his clips up thread too. Thanks for your clip which I have not seen.
All the best!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I'm so glad the community is awake the war on China and the lies that have bamboozled the American people once again. This may be the only community (the only one I know in the US) that is fully conscious of what is going on.
The threat is the BRI (Belt and Road Initiative). And really nothing else. The BRI is China's attempt to lift the entire world out of poverty, and now it has spread to the Global South — South America — giving access to global trade to poor regions that are resource rich. China's military is not involved, of course.
We have reached a time where pure evil is now an active force in our reality. It is a force greater than humanity, itself. We've crossed some sort of invisible line.
It is the Thucydides's Trap
Interesting that the Harvard link above wants to blame Trump.
I too appreciate our community here and the almost universal antiwar stance. As I stated several times, my hope is for a currency collapse or even a climate catastrophe to head off the coming war. I personally see no other way to avoid it. Do you have any notion of how this disaster could be avoided?
Thanks for your excellent analysis about this and many other issues.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
From your same source
Well that's a relief...
We just have a 75% chance of WWIII...
I want the 25% chance of avoiding it, but don't see how to hurdle over the corporate powers pulling the strings to maximize their wealth. Fate has curious ways though, so we'll see.
Thanks for the catch.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good morning LO and all
Your graphic of the loss in value of the dollar from 1970 to the present
is a very sobering reality. I know what my 70's dollars bought. The loss of
82% of purchasing power is probably correct. The real shocker will come
as the other nations create their own trading values outside of the petro buck.
Saw it when Venezuela devalued their currency. A neighbor in AZ handed me a 10,000
peso note back in the early 80's. Oh no, I can't take that I thought. He said it is only
worth about 5 cents.
Your idea of greens of value is great. Much of ours is turning to red as well. ('maters)
A shot of our 18 year old Sunday Peace Vigil this morning. It has morphed into more
eco issues since the beginning. A partial reading of Longfellow's "The building of the ship" was enjoyable to listen to with the background of church bells at the commons.
Enjoy your Sunday and many thanks for the WW!
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Sounds like a great way to spend Sunday AM
...and Longfellow is a favorite with his love and respect for nature.
Hope your 'maters are bountiful and tasty. I baked coconut buns this morning to make cheese, salmon, and thick sliced mater sandwiches today.
Have a good one!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I remember seeing a climate crisis PSA on TV that featured,
of all pairings, Al Sharpton and Pat Robertson together, urging Americans of whatever political stripe to bridge gaps and close ranks on climate issues, regardless of differences of opinion in other areas.
Good idea, I thought, that is what’s needed. But this was many years ago now, and it never caught on. On the contrary, wokeness and cancel culture took over, demonization of white people and whiteness took center stage, and climate receded into the background, with Americans becoming even more stratified, siloed, and polarized by demographic.
Good morning ...
[video: width:500 height:350]
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Fix It All the Time
Now just another piece of another conglomerate.
Fiat Chrysler Automobiles and Groupe PSA, the French maker of Peugeot and Citroën cars, expect their merger to be complete on January 16th, the companies announced Monday. The newly combined company will be called Stellantis. Fiat Chrysler (FCAU) produces the Chrysler, Dodge, Ram, Jeep, Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Maserati and Lancia auto brands. PSA, meanwhile, makes Peugeot, Citroën, DS, Opel and Vauxhall cars. CNN
So it goes...
Looks like y'all are getting rain every time I see national weather. We've just been getting showers but pretty regular. Looks like Fred is heading our way next week so better prepare for a deluge again here.
Take care and have a good one!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Si, mucha lluvia ...
Tucson passes average annual rainfall total
They're calling it "whiplash weather", from record heat and dry to record wet the next year.
We've got trouble in the schools too. With few mitigation measures, Tucson-area schools seeing 'uncontrolled spread' of COVID-19
We're one of those states where the governor has tried to forbid mask mandates in schools.
This hasn't happened here, yet: Amador County Parent Attacks Teacher Over School Mask Mandate
So glad to have neither spouse nor child in school anymore.
I thought this was worth a read, Jordan Chariton: Nina Turner's Defeat Wasn't Only About the Onslaught of Big Money Smears
Our two cars are a FIAT 500 and a Jeep Cherokee, both now part of the same conglomerate.
Obviously, I have nothing against FIATs but, to me, this thing is sacrilege, an abomination.
Jeeps should be made in the U.S.A. and have tube axles, 4-wheel drive and ground clearance.
(Old man grumbling.)
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Agreement on the Jeep evolution.
Still see a few Willys around. And Jeepsters too!
My Papa had a Fiat. It sported a canvas sliding roof.
We had a Great Dane at the time who could only ride
in the back with her head sticking out the roof.
This was way before the Marmaduke cartoon.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Jordan does make good points...
I thought this tweet relevant...

Thanks for all the other links too!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
It was
"Fix it again Tony" when I owned a mid-sized Fiat. What I really wanted was a Fiat Spyder but it was out of my price range.
I had an 850 Spider for awhile in college.
Piece of crap; reliability issues.
Coolest FIAT ever ? Dino Spider
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
@Azazello @Azazello @CB
Heh, gret minds run in the same track,
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Ha love the dog in the back seat.
Could ameriKKKa's collapse in Afghanistan
be the catalyst for the collapse of everything $$$$$$ denominated. Maybe the world will finally see capitalism/neoliberalism for what it truly is, a ponzi scheme enabled by a war machine enabled by a dollar that's worthless. Man the new money isn't even good for wiping one's ass.
Under the category of "you can't make this shit up". Ghani the Afghan PM who just fled Kabul

courtesy of
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Some mainstream media narratives just don’t age well, do they?
That’s why TPTB hate Aspies; we tend to remember long-term exactly what lies we have been told, and by whom.
But hey bin laden was fighting RUSSIA
...and everyone knows they and China are our existential enemies.
I continue to find it interesting how effective the transition of enemies from al-Qaeda to the Taliban in Afghan has been. Not to mention our complicity in the creation of Isis to allow for more ME death and destruction. It's what we're good at doing.
Thanks for the reminder!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Well according to Blinken, this is successful
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Any catalyst of collapse would be good IMO
Past time for the imperial US empire to expire.
Thanks for the moon of Alabama link...hadn't checked it out in a while. It is busy season here and difficult to juggle all the chores.
Hope your summer is going well and hot weather has moderated. We've been mild for Alabama, but it has been pretty steamy high 80's.
Be well!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Summer is great as long as it isn't snowing yet ;-)
all those gardens look awesome, I wish we had the land to do it up here.
Yes, the empire needs to die, the sooner the better.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
“No good deed goes unpunished” department
A priest in France — perhaps inspired to emulate the bishop who helps Jean Valjean turn his life around in Les Misérables — took in a Rwandan asylum seeker accused of having set fire to Nantes cathedral, wanting to give the man a second chance.
The man ended up clubbing the priest to death.
Strangely enough, the BBC only discloses the man’s name to Rwandan readers, concealing that bit of knowledge from its English readers.
Rwandan language article (in which a relative living in Belgium is quoted as saying some things being said about the man are untrue):
Hate to hear those stories of failed second chances...
...but usually the leopard doesn't change its spots. Most people can't escape their conditioning.
Hope you're well and happy across the pond, and have avoided the heat and floods of Europe. Most in the US are unaware of the Russian fires (since they are the enemy and no sympathy should be allowed.
Russian Wildfire Larger Than All Other Worldwide Fires Combined
Take care!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good morning Lookout. It is interesting that
Nixon's fiat gave us fiat currency. Rule by fiat has always been arbitrary and capricious and almost never in the interests of the hoi polloi, and we seem to be immersed deeper and deeper into that cesspool with each passing month, executive order and grant or extension of police, investigatory and surveillance/data collection powers. The power to rule by fiat is inherently corrupting. OTOH, not all fiats are bad. Since 1899, some fiats have been really cool, those from il Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino, for example:
For a while they made Lancia too, and, of course, trucks for hauling Ferraris around:
Some of those photos may lack currency, ahem, but what the heck.
Deep watering the apple, which is dropping fruit like crazy, and planning menus here, what else to do while watching the evil empire die, sudoku?
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
My young apples didn't set fruit this year...
...but I've been having fun working on the espalier.
Check out Azaello's Fiat car comments above for more car info.
Enjoy the fall of the empire. I suspect like most change it will be slow until it is sudden.
Have fun cooking and eating and have a good one!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
This didn't go according to plans!
The hand wringing about the Taliban take over...
...would be like lamenting the Vietcong taking over if it isn't their country?
The war mongers using the excuse of women's rights for remaining, never mention Saudi women's abuse, imprisonment, and subjugation. What hypocrites...
Saudi vs Taliban extremism is a pretty close call IMO.
At least we're pulling out troops (yet redeploying elsewhere).
Thanks for the tweets!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Adding another one. It makes one think about events.
Gordog's comments at MOA:
DoD 'intel' might want to consider firing its expensive and incompetent data collectors and analysts and return that budget to Treasury.
A chuckle from Yeah, Right:
Don't know the answer for design/construction contracts, but it wasn't a consideration in State Dept re-roofing contracts for two foreign embassies that I was privy to.
Yes an Afghan regime will take over
Just not the one propped up by the US. So Biden is right, Afghani's will take over Afghanistan.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Did you know Qanon
is the military? I've got it on good authority.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Cue the soundtrack] from Apocalypse Now.
[video:Helos and terrifying war sounds. Jim Morrison and The Doors. Not to be confused with a sanitzed concert venue version.
I've been singing this one...
with my own modified lyrics.
Eve of Destruction
The Middle East it is explodin', drones a swarmin', bombers loadin'
All these war without any votin'
So we can sell all the guns they're a totin'
It's death and destruction we are promotin'
These wars are about more oil, it's the drug that's killin' us all
Climate collapses and empires fall
Species disappearin', can't you hear the call
Our own extinction is written on the wall.
Don't you understand what I'm tryin' to say
Can't you feel the fear I'm feeling today
If the button is pushed there's no runnin' away
An atomic disaster will be hell to pay
Say “Goodbye” then kneel and pray
I'm so mad my bloods coagulatin', sittin' here just contemplatin'
You can't twist the truth it knows no regulation, and a handful of senators can't pass legislation
Marches alone won't provide an education when human respect is disintegratin'
This whole crazy world is just too frustratin'
But you tell me over and over and over again my friend
You don't believe we're on the eve of destruction
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Kabul: looks like now the “Baghdad Bob” shoe is on the NATO foot
And German public TV channel ZDF has nothing better to do at this moment but run an interview amounting to a half-hour infomercial for the pro-business, laissez-faire splinter party FDP and its chairman Christian Lindner.
I assume they’re doing this (1) as a de facto endorsement of a government coalition including the FDP as the outcome of the upcoming election on September 26, and (2) because Lindner is willing to shill for unlimited German uptake of Afghanis fleeing their country as the Taliban takes over.
Blinken appears to be wearing "Bob's" shoes.
Tapper Presses Blinken
"Not Saigon" according to Tony, but ...
Good grief -- only need to change two words in that paragraph for it to be a description of S. Vietnam.
Does Biden have a teflon shield? The MSM acts that way.
He's been teflon since he ran...
Remember Glenn resigned his big bucks job because The Intercept, the publication he co-founded, wouldn't allow his article about Hunter Biden to be published prior to the election.
MSM/CIA controls the narrative and we better be aware of the nature of the press, as Julian is tortured while they are silent.
All the best!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
fixed it
He continued, “But, at the same time, we had invested, over four administrations, billions of dollars, along with the international community, in the Afghan security and defense forces. Building a modern military with sophisticated equipment, 300,000 forces strong, with an air force that the Taliban didn’t have. And the fact of the matter is, we have seen that that
forcefarce as been unable to defend the country. And that has happened more quickly than we anticipated.”Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
gg posted an appropriate picture up thread
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Happening Now
Right now. The Taliban has entered Kabul and the airport is in chaos.
And a word about a Pentagon Person talking about "Full Spectrum Dominance" or Nuclear Triad," is exactly the same as a stock salesperson talking his book. The Pentagon person is making a case for more and more money budgeted to fight the last war and the stock person is selling whatever merch the company wants presented as an "opportunity" for the day.
Nonsense marketed for profit making purposes.
As though the trillion $ budget isn't enough
these maniacs can never have enough war and destruction.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
My Comment on Thursday evening
"Second, prepare the helos. Saigon, 1975. Kabul, 2021. No. We will not change or learn. The current path yields billions of dollars for the Chosen and death to vast numbers of human fodder in countries we target and in our own country from neglect.
I had to smirk as I read the reports from Kabul. One said that Kabul will fall in 30 days and another said 90 days. I give it a week or two. Another American tragedy brought to you with our tax dollars and the corrupted assassin agencies which call themselves, hilariously, Intelligence Agencies."
Week or two was too generous. Fallen. Now.
This clip just posted...Happy anniversary!
nice recap of the cycle and history of money and ties to war. (7 min)
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
"whole countries fall
we will see.
People will suffer. The country may stagger along. no revolution. collapse, more likely.
Good Sunday afternoon, Lookout ~~
I taught personal finance at a small college. The students were angry they had never been taught about money until then. Now no one is teaching it there.
I was told, recently, that Qanon is the military and they intend to bring Herr Drumpf back. We'll see how that goes down.
Ready for your third shot? The "vaccine" has caused the Delta variant and "vaccines" will cause more variants until we decide to let the virus run it's course. Chris touches on it here:
Enjoy the day!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Not planning on the 3rd jab myself...
edit to add video (which is quite good)
To my Vit D, Zn, etc regime I've added an iodine gargle to my routine if exposed to others in crowds and so on. If symptoms appear I've got ivermectin which I will use.
Dr Kory just on his preventative protocol got COVID. He upped his dose and only had two days of illness. I went to find the vid but it isn't there - TPTB may have taken it down. I'll be damned. Science will not be allowed!
found it on odysee, but you'll have to copy the whole link and paste it in your browser.
I'm glad I knew how to manage money though there was a learning curve in my teens.
Take care and be well!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I am pleased to see
the I-MASK+ Protocol for COVID-19 is still suitable for the Delta variant.
I've been on this (w/o the ivermectin) since the beginning of May.
They have upped the dose
of ivermectin because of the delta variant from 0.2 to 0.4mg/kg of body weight and increased the dose to twice weekly as a preventative after exposure.
Also new to me is their gargling recommendation though we've talked about it here on C99 for quite a while thanks to QMS.
Three times daily gargle do not swallow antiseptic mouthwash with cetylpyridinium chloride (e.g. ScopeTM, ActTM, CrestTM), ListerineTM with essential oils, or povidone/iodine 1 % solution as alternative.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Hopefully this prediction does not become reality.
the US is gearing up for war with China
...and no need in wasting troops in the "graveyard of empires".
Check out the links and Pilger documentary up thread if you have not seen it.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Humphrey, or our other
I'll join in but do not have the background to lead this conversation.
Deja vu all over again
Meanwhile with no publicity this is happening.
That “license” dodge is getting old after 3 or 4 generations
Everybody knows they never grant a Palestinian family a license, like any Jewish Israeli can easily get, for anything.
All I have is disgust...
for the heartless violent greedy selfish bastards the Israelis have become.
not that the US is much better. We took land and subjugated first nations peoples in a similar violent manner.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
German officialdom all over TV news now: save our collaborators
All the Afghanis who worked for the occupation forces are now at risk of torture and death, say all the politicians and approved media mouthpieces, and Germany and the E.U. have the moral obligation to get them out and lavish upon them and their entire clan the trappings of a prosperous new life (like they didn’t do for the average Joe and Jane Schmoe in East Germany after communism fell, with all the plum jobs and economic arbitrage opportunities going to Wessi carpetbaggers streetwise in the wiles and ways of capitalism).
Like, they wait until the helos are being fired upon
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Canada will 'resettle' 20,000 Afghans
Ha ha, on TV, German establishment commentators across the board
just can’t wrap their heads around the idea that to many if not most Afghanis, the NATO puppet regime was just Vichy all over again, the Taliban is La Résistance / the Free French, and Kabul “has fallen” only in the sense Paris “fell” in 1945 — namely, whether it pleases the temporary occupiers or not, sovereignty is reverting back into the hands of people who are from the region and whose country it actually is.
the thoughtful way you you farm, your promotion of kindness, sharing, and sustainability is just a marvel. People who have not farmed, or had gardens, likely do not grasp the hard work involved.
You are amazing.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Aw, shucks...
Really at this point after 30 years of building fertility, the garden is much easier than it used to be. Plus we've learn little tricks. The fall flats which are growing. Timing is one trick to easy gardening. Mulch is another. During the height of the pandemic the garden was a refuge from the insanity.
As to kindness, it too is easier than aggression.
Thanks again for your kind complement.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Not new just an update.
The fires out west are bad...
but...Russian Wildfire Larger Than All Other Worldwide Fires Combined
Wildfires occur annually in the forested area known as the Taiga, but this year has been particularly severe due to extreme heat waves and record droughts. The Yakutia region is one of the most remote parts in all of Russia. Dozens of large fires are burning with little resistance from crews as the blazes are not threatening any communities or infrastructure. It has been reported that more than 8,600 emergency workers are involved in trying to contain the massive fires. Russian authorities estimate the fires have burned more than 62,000 square miles since the start of the year.
That doesn't take away from the terrible effect US fires are having on people, just interesting Russia's doesn't get press...don't even create the chance of sympathy for them.
Thanks for the update!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Getting away from it all
Me and mine are going to San Antone for a couple of nights.
Great food, Mariachi bands, The Alamo, The River Walk, maybe the zoo. I visited these places with my Dad when I was 4.
I have returned, but going through the Alamo with a combat veteran puts a stamp on the brain.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Have a wonderful trip!
We've never been, but it is on our bucket list.
We just booked a few days at Grayton Beach State Park on the FL gulf for the end of Sept just about where Fred is due to make landfall. Glad it is a relatively mild storm, and hope it doesn't cause any damage. It is due to track just to our east, but close by. Expecting plenty of rain tomorrow. We got 1.25" last night. Of course I would rather have rain than not!
Again, enjoy your trip.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”