Open Thread WE 4 AUG 21


Hola. Welcome to an open thread on this dynamite sight. Where nothing is off topic and is inhabited by mindful souls. Speak your peace here.
Today's essay, for starters, is some mental jig which came around from hearing a couple songs.
Wasn't the music so much as the titles. as in ..
Logical Drift
Liquid Mind
Got the brain winding toward: what are the borders betwixt an imaginary reality and that which is fed us in the guise of 'fake news' and how does one establish a meaningful truth when lies abound?
I hope some of you have found a way to see sanity beyond the noise. Still fixing it here.
What works for you?
Face it. Time to get going. Unhide and show 'em how you feel. It's still legal.
Credits ..
Quote from A Bridge Too Far, a non-fiction book by Cornelius Ryan on Operation Market Garden
Olivier Grossetête Architecture en Fête, Villeneuve lez Avignon, France (2015)

Bon Dia
"When life gives you SARS, you make sarsaparilla" -Joey "Accordion Guy" DeVilla
Is that like sassafras?
question everything
On this date in history
1944 - Anne Frank captured
On August 1, 1944, Anne made her last entry in her diary. Three days later, 25 months of seclusion ended with the arrival of the Nazi Gestapo. Anne and the others had been given away by an unknown informer, and they were arrested along with two of the Christians who had helped shelter them.
1997 - 185,000 Teamsters union United Parcel Service drivers walk off the job.
Olivier Grossetête
question everything
Good morning...
It is in the mid 60's this AM. Sure is nice for August. Hope we don't owe a karma debt for it. We have gone over a week without rain. I think that's a first for this summer. I've been trying to take advantage and get some mowing done. I leave the bulk of the fields unmowed for the fall wildflower show.
Time to get the fall seedlings in and direct seed some fall crops like lettuce, parsley, and so on. Tomatoes are coming in strong....Cherokee purples (my fave), Brandiwines, and hybrid better boys.
Off to play a little music with the old band today. Our gig was (wisely) canceled, so we're just playing for fun...the best kind of music. I enjoyed JtC's film rec, "The Wrecking Crew". They played the sounds around all the hits without being revealed ... another con really.
Hope your boats are afloat, and all is well!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Enjoy your band playing today
Do much bluegrass?
Tending the land today too.
A good overcast cooler day with rain on the way, later.
question everything
It is an old-time band...
playing music which predates bluegrass (though many mistake it for the more formulated Bill Monroe construct). Think fiddle music.
Here's several attempts at defining it.
I think of myself as a folk musician, and much broader and inclusive form.
we had a nice gathering and played several good ones!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Latest Victim--Just Like Trump
I put up a thread on this but will take it down because your thread can include my entry.
Cuomo has no allies and no friends.
snakes are tough to trap
great tune
question everything
Use a forked stick.
If there are no snakes around, you can use it to play shuffleboard or emulate a wizard.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Ahh, but will it catch a Cuomo?
The ruling class protects their own, usually.
What was that old saying about speaking with
a forked tongue?
question everything
Not this time
Who did he anger?
Her heinous is still venerated by the rulers despite evidence of incompetence, criminal graft, and possible murder.
So who did Cuomo p.o.? Made a play for the wrong woman?
Shafted the wrong person in a business deal?
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
You seen this?
Alt link:
Feel free to scroll down to Exhibit 2 (also have a barf bag ready.) Anyone who thought Cuomo was going to go quietly, is delusional. He may not have any friends, but I think he's issuing a warning shot to back off or he's willing to take as many others down with him as he can.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
He will not go quietly
Cuomo does know where all the bodies are buried, by which I mean, all the off-shore entities that contain the cash that's been funneled from the NYC taxpayers + The Federal Government.
He can bring the whole house of cards down with him.
Started yesterday and continues this morning. Every significant union in NY State has called for his resignation. There goes Cuomo's reliable Black vote as well.
The final domino would be Charlie Rangel, the former Harlem Congressman who has been fixing the votes for DNC Dems for decades.
Heh, know ye that "Reality is a Crutch".
The brain is thrumming along nicely on idle, reality is what I see here before and about me, meanwhile time's arrow belies Zeno. Damn, though I do anticipate a delivery later today which will help.
Yesterday's pesto didn't use all of the fresh basil in raised bed #2, so I have no real option but to make Margherita pizza tonight. The pear canning also left beaucoups ripe pears unprocessed, so a pear galette as well, I guess. That sounds suspiciously like 2 pie, which is, of course, tau, 6.28 ... and all that which is circles and cycles but time merely rhymes without repeating because spinning wheels not only got to go round, but, when unconstrained, must also precess.
I can almost pity the editor's built in spel-chek function except that it challenges far too many real, properly spelled words. So is that imaginary reality or fake news.
Somebody is faking AIS tracks and signals for everything from single ships to whole flotillas and fleets. That is a form of fake news, but the news thereof is something of concern for those who sail upon the seas, just in case anybody here knows anybody like that
Here's an article on the phantom ships and fleets generated by bogus AIS tracks:
So c'est l'heure? No, sp, sailor.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Pizza margherita
Also yum to the second Los Lobos tune on Caucus 99 in the past 2 days.
I recall when Los Lobos played on the WH lawn for a large party or official reception.
"days of innocence and wonder," as Paul Simon once said.
My starry-eyed wonder of BO. Yikes! I can scarcely recognize myself these days.
Can imagine a fouled up AIS signal
The automatic identification system (AIS) is useful in tight quarters, it shows other ship's course, speed, type and tonnage. Crossing the Atlantic, most vessels we passed had theirs shut off, although it is required on commercial craft, they ran silent. Pirates or shady operations?
The spell check is over-ridden as well. Imagination has fewer bounds when the alphabits have duplicitous meanings. Sorry 'bout that chief.
Your pear pies sound yummy. Nothing to fake there.
question everything
First aerosolized inhaled COVID-19 vaccine
This sounds promising
Innovation from China.
Nothing to snort at.
question everything
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Thanks for the info CB..
There was a good thread on twitter by David Wallace-Wells a few days ago that i saved that went into some of the details on why nasal vaccines might be the way forward:
I read this morning OT after work today!
Talk about late to the party!
I have a jury trial tomorrow. An eviction. I wonder how the locals view it?
Anyway, this is not landlord tenant in any traditional sense. A man gave a young woman free rent of a mobile home. He died. His wife, who lived elsewhere, didn't give permission. She can't use her real estate until this woman is evicted. I can't imagine what the prospective jury panel might think.
My chicken fajitas for dinner were wonderful, so all is good here.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I know what I think.
Sugar daddy is dead. Find a new one Honey, there are plenty more panting to line up.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
I referred to her as "mistriss"
Everybody is lucky I didn't call her "a 'ho".
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Hoe 19th Century!
Lots of women do it. They just demand a wedding ring as a surety bond.
I take it you represent the wife?
If I were a juror, you'd have to convince me that he wasn't just being kind to an unfortunate girl.
I have my own idea, stated above, but as a juror I am bound to consider only evidence and natural deduction.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
The jury ruled for the 'Ho.
I never thought I would live to see the day when my blood red, Bible thumpin' crowd would rule against a widow, in favor of the mistress.
A couple of the jurors gave me dirty looks. Well, they will come to me when they need an aggressive attorney, for sure. Or, when this happens to them.
Crazy day!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981