Name Luke Harding's Brand of 'Journalism' ; )
Just for the abject hilarity of it:
‘Kremlin papers appear to show Putin’s plot to put Trump in White House; Exclusive: Documents suggest Russia launched secret multi-agency effort to interfere in US democracy’, Luke Harding, Julian Borger and Dan Sabbagh, Thu 15 Jul 2021
“Vladimir Putin personally authorised a secret spy agency operation to support a “mentally unstable” Donald Trump in the 2016 US presidential election during a closed session of Russia’s national security council, according to what are assessed to be leaked Kremlin documents.
The key meeting took place on 22 January 2016, the papers suggest, with the Russian president, his spy chiefs and senior ministers all present.”” [...]
“Western intelligence agencies are understood to have been aware of the documents for some months and to have carefully examined them. The papers, seen by the Guardian, seem to represent a serious and highly unusual leak from within the Kremlin.
The Guardian has shown the documents to independent experts who say they appear to be genuine. Incidental details come across as accurate. The overall tone and thrust is said to be consistent with Kremlin security thinking.”
‘The person to ‘weaken’ America: what the Kremlin papers said about Trump; Documents appear to show how Russian intelligence worked to install their preferred candidate as president’, Luke Harding and Dan Sabbagh, also Thu 15 Jul 2021
Papers appear to show Putin’s plot to put Trump in White House
“That he was the Kremlin’s preferred candidate is not in doubt. What has been a source of endless conjecture is the lengths Russia was prepared to go to to help Trump win. The Guardian has spent months seeking to verify the authenticity of papers that may provide an answer to this question.” [...]
“By autumn, President Obama was convinced Putin had personally approved the hacking operation, which Clinton believes cost her the presidency. In October 2016, Obama remonstrated with his Russian counterpart in a phone call, telling Putin his election meddling was “an act of war”. The 2019 report by special counsel Robert Mueller called the Kremlin’s operation “sweeping and systematic”. In 2020, the bipartisan Senate intelligence committee said it was “aggressive and multi-faceted”.
The committee detailed multiple interactions between individuals linked to the Russian government and Trump’s inner circle. The GRU spy Konstantin Kilimnik held clandestine meetings with Trump’s campaign chairman, Paul Manafort. Manafort supplied Kilimnik with private polling and other data. The pair communicated using encrypted messages and shared email drafts.” [...]
“Putin has repeatedly denied claims he interferes in US politics. Western governments don’t believe him. According to US intelligence officials, Moscow sought to influence the 2020 election by spreading “misleading or unsubstantiated allegations” against Joe Biden. Last year, Russian state hackers penetrated numerous federal US institutions, in a massive cyber-attack.”
Support independent Guardian journalism
Related Stories: 'Russia may have nuclear arms in Crimea, hacked EU cables warn; Diplomatic messages describe annexed area of Ukraine as ‘hot zone’ and Trump as ‘bully’
(cross-posted from Café Babylon))

i should have, of course,
added in the zillion crazy lies and smears harding had fabricated on julian assange and wikileaks. remember: a floor plan for his escape from the ecuadorian embassy? mt with paul manafort?
'yellow journalism' comes close, but it's worse than that, imo, when one makes up stuff out of nothing but vitriolic hot air.
I love your bolding! And some not so bold.
what are assessed
seem to represent
appear to be genuine
appear to show
Clinton believes
Russia may have nuclear arms in Crimea
All bullshit.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Other than the Crimea thing
OFC I don't know! It's more what the psychiatrists call "projection".
"I wold do it so they must do it." The rest is suitable for dumping down an outhouse.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
may i ask why
"other than the crimea thing"?
i ♥ your extras!
may i suggest: #Bullshit Journalism? #Urinalism?
@Pricknick There is a huge former
There is a huge former seret USSR sub base in the Crimea, so ... I dont think they would let the Ukraine have that. You can see lots of photos of it and another one quite similar to it in the Russian Far East (ts not far from Alaska) on te English Russia web site. For exampleThere are at least two sub bases and lots more pictures on the site. Its incredible to see inside these places like this.
I am so glad the nuclear war never happened.
Russians can be really great people. They have saved the whole world - twice.
We are the ones who will probably blow it up.
Ha! I read that in the Guardian the other day.
I actually considered bringing it back here, and deconstructing it.
It's one of the most outrageous pieces of disinformation I have seen lately. Almost as competent as the fake news produced by the Macedonian teenagers.
Luke Harding has become an icon of the kind of filth we have to put up with in this terrible era of self-inflicted human annihilation.
Wot a pig.
On the other hand, it is too painful to critique the article because I know he and his ilk have won. The American people and Anglos around the world will embrace it, and the poodle nations of Europe are standing by, ready to assist in creating human carnage. It was my intention to live in a world where the human livestock had brains that could reason, but sentient life on this planet has been a sick joke.
You could say I'm a sore loser. But I say I got off the bus on the wrong planet.
When you find
the right planet to get off on, please send me a ticket ; ).
had you considered bringing it?
imo, the bolds sort of deconstructed it on their own. and remember luke's 'We know it's putin because he uses emojis?
It's not only outrageous's OLD, meaning he can't let go of it!
Unfortunately, it's been my experience
...that people don't know which things are absolutely preposterous until I, or others, point it out or mock it. The Mueller Report was a cringe-worthy embarrassment in the way it treated the more absurd allegations — as if they were worthy of an investigation. For example, those pre-teen masterbation jokes in Facebook, that a few hundred people may have seen, that were considered by Mueller's team as the smoking gun that stole the election from Hillary. But when the Russian ad agency showed up in the US court to defend themselves against the indictment, Mueller's prosecutors pulled a no-show, which angered the judge, and the case was dismissed. Mueller later dropped the charges, but the case is forever featured in his expensive, ineffective Report.
Speaking of time-wasting investigations, guess what's happening next week?
Although a whopping 67 percent of Americans are completely unaware of the John Durham probe into the Russia Hoax and White House spying — that report is finally supposed to drop this coming week. Drop down the memory hole, more likely.
The Durham investigation is entering its third year with little to show for it. Mr. Durham, the former U.S. attorney for Connecticut, has yet to issue any interim reports. He has only made one indictment, scoring a guilty plea from a former FBI lawyer who copped to altering an email to justify continued surveillance of Carter Page, a Trump campaign aide.
The announcement is tepid and ass-covering, at best. Durham has run the investigation since the spring of 2019, which means it has lasted longer than special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia collusion inquiry.
Speaking to Trump supporters on the Sara Carter Show podcast, last week, Nunes said: "I'm still positive, and I guess I have to be, that people are going to go to jail, and they are going to be prosecuted for the Russia grand fiasco and the Russia hoax."
not being as alert, nor having
the cognitive abilities you do any longer, i have to depend on my confirmation biased sources, and bring other people's work. what i do remember vividly sticks in my cranium as images that i try to decode into words.
your one durham link goes to 'page not found' at c99%, but i confess i'd given up bingling for any news from him some time ago. i may remember: bogged down, stalled, treading old ground...implying: sold out?
but i do recall that i'd hoped he'd turm up something important.
as a side not: the dept. of defense is claiming that all U troops will be leaving both iraq and syria immediately. (i'll believe that if it's ever truly confirmed by reliable sources.
another note: i'm a bit embarrassed that my responses to comments are more scattered than usual, but a cleaning service (known affectionately as 'Mr. wd) has been here most of the day, and i'd had to hide in our bedroom or goof around making more perfumes in the bathroom to avoid the dust from the beams, and the great cacophony and cord pony (crutch)-trippers of the animal vacuum ceaner. )
I fixed that Durham link. Sheesh.
I'm not sure it will remind you of the original intent or great hope of his investigation. It was very law and order oriented. The FISA warrants were not applied for until four months after the wiretapping took place. One might have though Durham would have noticed that, or noticed that several foreign intelligence agencies were involved in sabotaging the US Presidential election. The evidence for the FISA warrants, after all, came from the Dirty Dossier and nowhere else. Did they actually think they were going after real Russians? Or real communists? The Kremlin dwellers must spend half their time laughing like maniacs at the US Neocons.
I can't blame them for transforming Durham's investigation into a cover-up operation, which was necessary to prevent the Mueller Report from looking like the cover-up distraction that it clearly was. By now, everybody has forgotten everything — as planned. Stalling and secrecy has been Mueller's investigative MO since the beginning of his career. Meanwhile, new gaslights have been lit. People's brains are now filled with manufactured rage over the Wuhan Lab Leak.
The intangible hope of savvy observers, of course, would have been the exposure of the greatest crime ever committed against America's democracy. Hundreds of people around the world — perhaps thousands — have some clarity about what took place in 2016, but it is a story that will never be told. Like most of the shocking events of the 20th century, this actually is a conspiracies among a large number of international authorities, operatives, and wannabes — all well paid. I certainly don't want to talk about the tedious Russian enemies anymore, so I can understand why they don't hype the narrative except to blame Russia for random cybercrimes in the US. Sometimes things are just too Big and endemic to think about, and are best forgotten. We are programmed to forget these things. It's not just you.
ta for fixing the link;
i'll need to read it later. i'll offer that i'm waaaay behind the curve on the mueller investigation debacle, prolly read emptywheel too often. ; )
but same shit, different day, and note the abundance of weasel words:
U.S. accuses China of abetting ransomware attack ,
Kevin Collier and Ken Dilanian 47 mins ago
and this very helpful visual aid comes with it:
but by now, it's clear that Fear of western enemies brings the 'necessary' Control.
we had terrifyingly epic winds last night; it was hard to not believe that one or other of the rooves wouldn't get sucked up into the maelstrom.
Having failed to provoke China into an attack
...that leads to war, the US has thrown down a new gauntlet.
I read that this morning at Politico. They have particularly detailed coverage for some reason. Probably taking dictation.
[I guess the White People mean business this time.]
All I could think about at first was how stricken CCP leaders are going to be. The accusation was enormously insulting for reasons the US will never understand, I could tell right off, the announcement contains the only "evidence" we are every going to see. So I focused mostly on the excerpt above because it had promising technical links. The link I followed, which is active in the excerpt, told me everything I needed to know. They are guessing. There is no direct evidence. There are no damages?
Of course it's altogether possible that young Chinese hackers are loitering in US cyberspace after school - just looking at stuff. But, China has ways to monitor that, just as the NSA does in the US. Frankly, it looks like Ukraine shenanigans, to me. Or, it could be a false flag.
First of all, I am not going to do the kind of research I did with CrowdStrike. They were obviously fucking lying. In this case — from the macro to the micro — there is no logic or motive. The CCP is not the Kremlin. I'm sure China already knows Microsoft's secrets. China is too busy for this nonsense. At the moment, China teleporting photons (particles) around the universe, and especially to Mars, where they have a device to receive them. Instantaneous communications and physical teleportation at vast distances is going to come in handy for China's space program. That's how everyone gets around in space these days, including the UFOs that visit our sorry planet. Thus, old-fashioned, 21st century science is not something the Chinese would waste their time on. And if they were hacking, no one would know it.
I'll let other people debunk it if they want to. It won't matter. On the first strike attack, NATO will nuke Russia, Israel will nuke Iran, and the US will nuke China. That's where we are at.
I'm in it for the laughs now.
I was going to go into what I found at the link. but I've run out of time. Suffice to say it looks like the complainers were socially engineered out of their passwords. And they clicked on a link in a piece of spam email. Never click anywhere on spam. It could start World War III.
More on this another time.
PS: I thought this made pretty good reading:
American Political & Military Leaders are Criminally Insane
Written by a white guy living in China and publishing in Russia.
reading/scanning the politico coverage
has used up most of my available online time for now. it's soooo long, with so many chuckle-worthy weasel words and speculations. 'hiding a photo of donald trump in a photo, a process called...'
why didn't the US report it all 4 months ago when microsoft reported it? collecting allies ya great idjits!
they're this advanced? seriously?
your order of nuclear attacks may or may not be correct, but again: Beware False Flags.
@Pluto's Republic "The poodle nations of
Priceless,, Thank you for a new phrase..
Is Jen Psaki now wanting Harding to be banned?
thanks for those tweeties.
guess We're Not Alone in our mockery, eh wot?
It’s nameless.
There’s no rational way to describe that, or other manipulative forms of journalism.
A lullaby for you ; )
bless all your ♥s for the lulz.
believe it or not, it took me hours to create at Premium WordPress café babylon (for the internal links). i almost gave up, but oh, my, i needed some har-hars. we even watched jeeves and wooster before dinner, there's only so much Imperial sturm and drang one can absorb and contend with over a few days/weeks/months. ; )
i also needed the lullaby, janis b.
I was much relieved by Humphrey's post above
....showing that Taibbi, Greenwald, and Aaron had weighed in on the Guardian propaganda. I see too much resignation on crap like this. There is rarely pushback before it becomes insidious — part of the national narrative.
So that's a bright spot.
Meanwhile, only Aaron and Matt Blumenthal and Ben Norton have risked doing the research and blowing the whistle on the US lies about China — the Hong Kong NED-fueled distortions, the Xinjiang genocide and slavery horseshit, and the Wuhan Lab Leak propaganda pushed by the US State Department. And for their trouble the truth-tellers are reviled by their fellow journalists, who are too cowardly to address the facts. This is why they feel free to go after Aaron Mate. They believe he has disqualified himself as a journalist because he exposed the US psyop against China.
Every journalist in the US has pushed the China lies, directly or indirectly. Every one of them has repeated them. But they are saying nothing now. They must have an inkling that the China lies are going to be exposed. Will they apologize to their readers? Explain they were too stupid or lazy to see the propaganda? Tell the world they are still mostly brainwashed by the US?
Or will they just play along because it appears that the Neocons running the Federal government plan to boldly double-down on the obvious China psyop until they get their war with China?
After all, the Empire stands in the crosshairs.
Luke Harding is guessing that Russia will be smashed in the process of the US attack on China, so he is doing his patriotic duty, ginning up more hatred for Russia in Europe.
, i agree that it's a bright spot, but as to greenwald, his tweet was about assange at the ecuadorian embassy. he and five other fearless investigative journalists at the Intercept (Pierre's Palace) lied about and smeared juian personally, not jut WikiLeaks.
from the beginning, he and snowden called themselves 'the good whistleblowers', assange 'the bad whistleblower', when of course he was just a publisher of leaks, and a journalist in his own right.
i'v long admired aaron, but norton (He wrote at the FDL readers diaries; meh) and blumenthal are seemingly evolving.
wish i knew who in the federal government aren't neocons, and i'm definitely including some of the "progressives" whose virtue often not how they votes.
War on China would sure as shit shuffle the deck, wouldn't it? those nations desiring a multipolar world are allying with one another now in so many ways, aren't they?
Most nations are merely pawns on the chessboard.
Just like the journalists mentioned above, independent foreign nations are keeping their heads down, hoping that the US doesn't notice them.
Inevitably, the US will grab them by the scruff of the neck and tell them what business they can, and cannot, do with China, anymore — in order to serve the larger Neocon goal of damaging China's economy as much as possible by crippling its scientific progress and damaging it's major industries and corporations.
Too bad they didn't stem that flow before China built the fastest super computers in the world and and leapt far into the future with quantum computing. .... Oh, BTW.... China designed and built their own chips for their super computers. (Because China blocked them from buying Intel chips.) This is not China's first rodeo. Their AI working at quantum speeds will design and build the world's most advanced chip machine for China before the end of the year.
Meanwhile, the US auto industry has been completely crippled for the first two quarters of 2021 because.... wait for it.... they can't find any computer chips for their cars.
In any event, the Biden Administration foreign policy is no more than a continuation of the Trump-Pompeo foreign policy — and a proving ground for the global hypothesis that "Everything the US touches turns to shit."
what i'd meant was actually:
WWIII on china would rearrange the deck chairs on the USSS titanic/ship of fools, and cause china's allies (iran, russia, VZ (?) to participate.
but yes, most nations are pawns, although...some EU nations are trying to do bidness w/ china and russia: because they must. but always in the western hegemonster's cross-hairs and sanctioned to death (or War by other means...) seems to have lost its luster, imo.
you know your china facts well, and as for your final paragraph:
I couldn't agree more, save to say that this boss may be worse, because so little pushback.
China was willing to buy chips on the open market
But when the US government decided to sanction them to hobble their ability to produce high tech products they literally forced the country to produce their own technology.
I would venture to say the Chinese will outpace western technology in chip manufacturing well before 2025. China graduates 4.7 million students in STEM compared to the US's 500,000. The US government is making it difficult for Chinese STEM students to study in the country and this will have a negative effect. Studies have shown that of the 15% of Chinese undergraduates entering in the STEM fields, approximately 55% of the students to graduate with a masters or doctorate were Chinese. Many of these students had opted to remain in the US and work for American firms in the past. This is going to cripple the US in the future.
The Chinese didn't start this fight but it will surely end it.
China-made 14nm chips expected to be mass produced next year
Chinese firm says its high-end etching equipment already used in customer's 5nm chip production line
Thank you wendy, for the intro to Jeeves and Wooster.
I wish I had known earlier about the gadget made to attach to a golf club to help with the golfer's swing before my golf-fanatic dad passed. I’ll send the info to my golf-fanatic brother, who I know will appreciate it’s humour and possible advantage. Even after all these years here, my relationship with such Britishness needs refining ; ).
hadn't known about a J & W golf gadget,
but i'll toss one show up at random:
brilliant valet Wooster gets bertie the toff idjit outta more messes than imaginable. ; )
Thanks wendy,
for the comic and visual treat.
Who can forget this classic, from December of 2017 ?
Where's the 'Collusion'?
[video: width:500 height:300]
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
lord luv a duck,
unsurprisingly...i'd forgotten, lol!
thanks, azazello.
His work is littered with qualifiers.
If someone can not write (or speak) without a bucket full of caveats, they should not be trusted. Period.
The recent video with Aaron Mate was hilarious. Luke’s ‘technical difficulty’ arrived with perfect timing, didn’t it?
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
the plethora of weasel words
made it over-the-top laughable, didn't they?
no, i hadn't been aware of that video, not hard to believe it was grrrrrrrreat, though. i will offer that there are times when his columns could using some editing for length, though.
September 8, 2002
Dick Cheney on MTP:
Less than two years later, May 2004, mea culpas from the NYTimes for that article and subsequent Iraq War reporting that included Judith Miller's byline. That's what MSM news publishers do when their caught peddling big lies; "sorry" and firing an identifiable hack on their payroll. Protecting their "brand" becomes all important as they go through their process to brush aside the fact that their journalists and editors were captured by NatSec and assure their customers that procedures have been implemented to prevent it happening in the future. (More lies but let's set that aside for the moment.)
Two years ago, Luke Harding's journalistic reputation should have been as far down the toilet as Judith Miller's was in 2004. (Can anyone imagine a 2006 front page NYT's article by Judith Miller proclaiming that Iraq WMD have been found?) So, why is Harding still employed by The Guardian and why does The Guardian publish yet another laughable "Russiagate" article by Harding (and others)? Further, why didn't US "Russigate" media peddlers -- NYT, WaPo, CNN, MSNBC -- run with this before the ink dried on Harding's article?
One difference, Judith Miller (as with many US journalists) was captured (aka "embedded") by NatSec. She wasn't a creature out of NatSec. Unlike the secret Pentagon military analyst program
Harding is out of MI5/6 but gets to wear a journalist badge instead of military medals. Other UK main-stream media outlets are too captured to expose Harding and likely wouldn't refrain from employing such a creature. However, why stick Harding in a venue where he'd preach to the choir and where there was always a risk that an editor would nix his crap?
Implicit in Cheney's 'even the New York Times reports that ..' was that the NYTimes is liberal, fact-based, and does real journalism. Only has to be true somewhat more often than occasionally for an entity to hold onto its brand identity. Plus media brands get a lot of mileage out of getting a big story right. (WaPo has been living off Watergate for nearly fifty years.) That brand ID - liberal, etc. - was far more true of The Guardian (the DNA of its founder C P Snow) than the NYT. Today it looks more as if its controlled instead of captured by MI5/6. It was one of the leading proponents of "Corbyn is an anti-Semite." How cool is it that HMG and other media can report story after story that "even the leftist Guardian reports...? Ever since The Guardian had the audacity to report on the Snowden file leaks and complied by HMG's demand to destroy the hard drives?
whoa, nellie;
your report will take me several readings to absorb. i also apologize the are so many comments here i hadn't seen, but aren't marked as 'New'. my best guess is i leave my tab/s open so long they come in before i close them down.
iirc, post snowden publications, editor rusbridger 'pretended' to destroy the hard drives.
thank you for all this history. seeing judith miller's name again in print gave me the shivers...
Rusbridger claims that
(need to check out the Jimmy Dore clip before adding anything further)
this is the bottom line, and fun to boot:
side note: some peeps in the Twittersphere call it 'the Grauniad', due to the frequent misspellings in the articles. but hey, the bill and melinda gates foundation has its own tab there. do they pay for it? or is it a privilege to host their Control-the-World
horror shows?
Latest RussiaGate HOAX Hilariously Exposed!
Let's throw this into the mix
Have to disagree with Murray that it's too amateurish for MI-6. They pass the most amateurish stuff to the Integrity Initiative; the better disguise who is crafting this crap. Harding gets the better stuff, but not as good as what is filtered through Mark Urban. The most credible sounding bs is handed off to reporters at publications with the best reputations.
You can fool some of the people some of the time etc.
i can't risk watching videos any longer but i know others may enjoy it. dore kinda drives me nutz in any event. ; )