Welcome to Saturday's Potluck

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”
Pablo Picasso

It is summertime in the Northern hemisphere. Hot summers days, outside activities and the potential for heat stress. Times change, climate changes and most importantly we change. What were once safe levels of physical activity and temperature might cause problems. It becomes important to recognize heat stress in ourselves, those around us and our communities.

Netherlands Live News suggests "Prevent heat stress and dehydration; turn your garden into a sponge"

‘Water management in the Netherlands is structurally confused. As the culprit, many people think of climate change first. This is partly justified with the summers getting warmer and drier, but we really should have enough water. The problem is that all that precipitation that falls throughout the year does not go into the soil, but is removed more quickly.’
Everything now goes to the sewer

According to Bruns, a large part of the groundwater shortages is due to how people work in agriculture, but we should not just point our finger at the farmers. ‘Many cities are too petrified and wherever there are stones, it is difficult for rainwater to enter the ground. We prefer to dispose of water that falls on our roofs and in our gardens through the sewer as soon as possible. Nicely cleaned up, get rid of it! But we would be doing nature and ourselves a much greater favor if we started collecting that water. And it’s not that difficult at all’, says Bruns.


There are a number of times I have asked someone if they were too hot assure me they were okay when showing signs of heat stress. A couple of issues. It is embarrassing for many people to be sick in public. "I don't want to make a fuss" or "I am fine" is a common response. More seriously, heat stress effects judgment and they may be unaware of a problem. If I think there is an issue I ask them to humor me by holding an iced drink or cold bottled water between their wrists. It is a quick way to start the body to cool without making a fuss. The other is an ice pack placed between the back of a chair and the small of the back.

Recognizing and minimizing the effects of heat stress is not a bad skill to acquire. Most of the sites I reviewed suggested taking someone to the emergency room or call 911. Those are not always an option. Certain over-the-counter and prescription medications can increase risk of heat stress or mask symptoms. This article has a simplified list.

Since our society uses animals to test medical treatments and effects various factors on health I included information on animal and plant models.



An example of technology making a positive difference.

Local Warm Springs Reservation has been without a reliable source of adequate potable water for several years. While the national political process is moving forward on repairing the water infrastructure the tribe continues other options to bring solutions for tribal members.

Source Hydropanels have been installed in community collection area and a few homes.

The Warm Springs Reservation has had long-term, stubborn water issues. This latest solution comes as a collaboration between the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs and SOURCE Global, a company that designs off-grid water systems throughout the world.

"Right now, this community has some pretty significant needs," says Jim Souers, chief executive officer of the Warm Springs Economic Development Corporation.

The project provides panels for 36 households who get the water piped right into their homes. May 22, they turned on an array of 200 panels that generates 150 gallons a day.


Canada has climate change issues and continues to support climate warming industries.

Canada tar sand companies plan to get serious about their contributions to climate change. I wish this was a snark, but they are serious - about not reducing production.

The northern Alberta oil sands spew three to five times the global average emissions per barrel of oil equivalent, according to Rystad Energy, because extracting crude from Alberta's gumbo-like deposits of oil, sand and clay requires additional energy.

Just one of the nation's five biggest oil companies, Suncor Energy Inc, has a plan to cut emissions outright. The producers say they need extensive government subsidies for carbon capture and other technologies such as small modular reactors (SMRs) to meet climate goals.
The oil sands' three big hopes are carbon capture facilities, steam-reduction technology, and deploying renewables to power the oil sands.


Thoughts on benefits of having one political party in the People's Republic of China as the Communist Party of China celebrates 100 years.

China’s economic, technological and strategic development is now unstoppable. It doesn’t matter if the regime is under the CPC or it changes to democracy.

However, if the CPC continues its reign and there is no need to hold periodic elections in China, there will be one certainty. No Chinese leader will become more aggressive so as to win election. Thus we can avoid future aggressive Chinese behavior in international politics.

Therefore, any attempts to change China’s political system could be counterproductive. So let China’s current political system remain the same. If the Chinese feel the need to change the regime, they will do it themselves.


What is on your mind today?

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of some sort, hopefully at least solar powered. This will not in any way increase the amount of available water in the eco system, it is simply a water distribution tool. Moisture removed from the atmosphere in this way will not fall as rain.

Whenever water shortages become newsworthy events I think of the Dune series, with a planet’s human inhabitants living inside ‘still suits’ that recapture both respiratory water vapor and all other human waste products for later extraction and processing as reclaimed drinking water. Likewise water content of the bodies of the deceased are processed for drinking water. We’re not there yet, but it seems that it is very much a possibility on humanity’s distant horizon.

Reducing consumption and waste of resources, recognizing the limitations on the ecosystem and living within those limitations is, in the final analysis, the only path to true sustainability. Otherwise, we will need to move on and begin to strip some other distant planet’s ecosystem to continue to satisfy our rapacious compulsions.

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“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

studentofearth's picture

@ovals49 me. When one grows up in an area with 10 inches annual rain the value of water is very stark and struggle is constantly shaping life. Rural beats urban and corruption reappears after multiple generations.

The panels are solar and are rated to collect water down to 10% humidity. We are at 11% today. The reservation is in the driest parts of the original three tribes home range. Maybe in the future water is air currents will be allocated like surface water and ground water. Shudder!!

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Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

QMS's picture

An old railroad right of way has become a dividing line between 2 factions.


Thanks SOE!

8 users have voted.

question everything

studentofearth's picture

@QMS In 1991 is cultural lifetime ago. The farmers were leading the fight against the Land Use Laws limiting development. Now they realize it is the best tool against deep pocked developers overwhelming communities.

The project was first imagined in 1991. Locals supported it: As recently as June, an online petition in its favor had more than 3,200 signatures.

But the trail, like the railroad that preceded it, would cut through farmland. A group of more than two dozen farmers — some with property alongside the right of way, others from 20 miles away — say the trail would impact how they farm and what they can spray. It would encourage trespassers and maybe attract tent encampments for unhoused people. They say land-use laws mean farmers shouldn’t have to change, no matter what the community wants.

Read the article before going out and changing water, thinking about changes in the state. Last years fire season, continuing confrontational protests around the state and increasing plastic trash showing up on my place I would be on the side to stop the project. The intent was good, but times change. In the 1990's there were multiple projects around the state to improve opportunities for rural/urban cooperation. Too many destroyed the area and community the project was to benefit.

8 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

Lookout's picture

should be a no brainer. We started collecting our roof rainfall several years back. We have two 1000 gallon tanks buried and covered by a deck that gravity feeds to the garden.

Nothing like swimming in the spring fed water of Little River when we have excessive heat. Instant cooling. Another factor often overlooked is consuming adequate amounts of salt. Heavy sweating removes salt and minerals from the body that need to be replaced. I don't take salt tablets, I just salt my food liberally (especially in the hot summer).

We have had a mild summer thus far. Awoke to 62 with highs in the 70's today...in Alabama on the weekend of the 4th??? I'm sure we'll pay the cost in August or September, but I'm appreciating our current weather, and am wishing my western friends a little relief!

Have a good one!

12 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

studentofearth's picture

@Lookout temperatures or increased physical exertion. Low levels can increase the potential for severe heat stress problems. Some medications can alter absorption and excretion of electrolytes, do your research before indiscriminately adding supplements or sports drinks.

Our heat wave was proceeded by a few cool weeks. The first hay crop had been delayed by 3 weeks. Which actually made the timing closer to last century harvest schedule.

6 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

mhagle's picture

Thanks for the good information on this. Growing up in the upper Midwest 60 years ago, I didn't know what heat stress was. Gardening in Texas I have learned to stay out of the sun and wear hats and proper clothing if you must. We had a cloudy wet spring and my garden loved it. When the sun came out mid-June many plants succumbed. Not all though. The Chocolate Cherry tomatoes and the Costoluto Genovese Tomatoes don't seem to mind with the burlap shades. Cloud cover is our friend here. My husband built a water collection system from half the roof of his shop that holds 2700 gallons which we use for the garden, showers and laundry. It helps.

I always enjoy reading about China too.

Hope everyone is in good spirits and looking on the bright side. I-m so happy

11 users have voted.


"Make dirt, not war." eyo

studentofearth's picture

@mhagle when viewing the pictures of heat stressed plants. It jumped from freezing nights to scorching hot days so quick my annuals need to be replanted. Hopefully some harvest before fall frost. The perennials have benefited from the additional straw mulch added the last couple of years. Saved the blueberry flowers from the frost, now half the berries are dehydrated from the heat. I think they are going to harvest every few years not annually.

6 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

Granma's picture

For an OT. I appreciate your suggestions for starting some body cooling. So often, we're told to get someone in to air an conditioned place and/or call 911. But to me, it makes sense to do what you can, on the spot. Even if calling 911, it seems foolish to do nothing while waiting for them. Your no fuss cool down suggestions are great.

I agree that we ought to leave China alone, let the Chinese people make their own decisions about their government. In many ways, the Chinese government takes better care of its people than the US does. China has raised the standard of living of its people under communism, the standard of everyone, not just a few.

10 users have voted.
studentofearth's picture

@Granma corrective actions are often simple, if left too long even dramatic efforts may fail. Heat stress is such a problem. Small efforts can assist the body temperature and heart rate to return to normal. Too much excitement can actually speed the crisis along.

Thanks for your thoughts, have a great 4th.

8 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

So says a report from https://www.climatecentral.org/news/2020-Heat-and-Seniors

Older people can get into serious danger, as heat and dehydration stress bodies already challenged by age and chronic medical conditions or made more vulnerable by certain medications. Physiological studies show that even healthy seniors are less able to sense heat or to sweat, and are less apt to feel thirst and seek fluids when dehydrated, compared to younger adults. Older bodies don’t regulate internal heat as well, and poor physical fitness or being overweight makes these problems worse.

Planning for excessive heat varies across the U.S., reflecting climate and community differences. Heat events can be deadliest in cities with lower average temperatures, where residents are less adapted to heat. Conditions can be especially bad in low-income areas where seniors are less able to afford air conditioning, the housing is of lower quality (absorbing and retaining more heat), and communities of color make up a disproportionate fraction of the population.

In my area the developers are scraping every bit of plant life off the face of the earth to build highways, apartments, etc. I live in Texas. It's already hot here for a good six months out of the year. It seems short-sighted to obliterate every bit of shade and hamper nature's ability to moderate the heat somewhat. Actually it's really stupid. But who could ever tell the smartest boys in the room anything.

Thanks for the OT soe. I'll check out your links later this evening.

12 users have voted.
mhagle's picture


But who could ever tell the smartest boys in the room anything.

Good one for Texas.

7 users have voted.


"Make dirt, not war." eyo

studentofearth's picture

@randtntx Bring in the heavy equipment, destroy the natural lay of the land and vegetation. Future problems of ground settling, drainage issues in relation to surrounding properties and suitability for enviornment is not their concern.

Good article on excessive heat. A general concern is the over reliance on air conditioners as the solution. If the problem of electricity interruption continues to increase in times of extreme weather there needs to be greater knowledge of methods to minimize danger to health without an electronic device.

7 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

enhydra lutris's picture

heat stress/impairment, heat stroke, and the like as well as appropriate first aid as a young child, with the lessons reinforced while still a child when my mom suffered heat stroke during one of our family's romps in the desert.

Water extraction/collection devices not using exotic materials should be relatively inexpensive, but, sadly, never will. An elevated, well insulated, low mass panel, angled about 30% to the horizontal and open to the sky should passively generate a certain amount on many nights. Arguably, if the panel were aluminum, one could use a small solar panel to charge a battery which would operate a timer circuit to fire up a peltier device attached to the panel for the hour or two when ambient is closest to the dew point and greatly enhance the panel's efficacy.

Interesting about China's political system being less likely to produce war mangers that ours.

be well and have a good one

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --