Welcome to Saturday's Potluck

“Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.”
Pablo Picasso

Every year I seem surprised at how much time and energy it takes to irrigate, control weeds and do the general spring/summer work. About June is when I start dropping other obligations, which at time has included writing here. My diaries may be a bit short and not every comment responded to the same day, but I plan to slog through this summer and continue contributing.

Comment from Peachcreek wondering if some American Beer would be considered beer in Germany. This fits nicely with a comment by randtntx and the possibility of growing amaranth.

Colorado brewery Prost covers the differences between American and German beers.

Germany is known for Reinheitsgebot, a law that dates back to the early 1500s. This law governs the purity of beer, and, in its initial iteration, regulated the contents of beer to include water, barley, and hops solely. The law, which still sits in the German legal books, has been updated throughout the centuries to include yeast (which hadn’t been discovered when the law was first created) and some other natural ingredients.
Tradition vs. Innovation

When you have a current law that was already over 200 years old by the time America sought revolution, there’s a chance your beer leans towards the traditional end of the spectrum. Germany doesn’t have a craft beer market like America does, but it’s traditions for beer brewing have been perfected. After all, you don’t need to fix something that isn’t broken.

American beer, though, is experimental. Beers can contain almost any ingredient under the sun. Beers have been brewed with pizza crust, grilled bull testicles, and Jolly Ranchers. Now, whether you’ll readily drink those beers may be another discussion, but the fact that they’re available display the diversity of American beer culture.

It appears some American beers might not be considered a bier in Germany. Bissell Brothers Brewing in Maine brews a beer from amaranth with blueberries and cherries for additional flavor.

If you are a home brewer or grow amaranth might try How to Brew Beer with Amaranth. I have some amaranth seed packets that need planted.



What is on your mind today?

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enhydra lutris's picture

spring/summer work, and I don't have much more than a tiny, almost toy garden.

As to US beer, when I was visiting Australia ages ago, an Aussie that I became quasi-chums with told me that down there they called US beer "sex on the beach", pause, because it was "fuckin' near water". I generally concur, except for the nose pinching overhopped microbrews. Besst beer I ever had was Aussie, Swan's Extra Double Stout, but back then (way back then) it wasn't exported to this country.

speaking of chores, it's time to get going, so

be well and have a good one

11 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Lookout's picture

Was in Gimmewald Switzerland...The dark monk
dark monk.jpg

Sitting on a deck overlooking the local hostel and Alps...
IMG_2526 (2).jpg

Know what you mean about all the summer chores. Yesterday I trimmed back all the trees along the road except the entrance. I keep it where we have to squeeze in or out, and as a result people hardly know our road is there.

We're late getting in our sweet potatoes, but finally the slips are ready. Planting tomorrow.

Have a great weekend and thanks for the OT!

13 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

polkageist's picture


Theakston's Old Peculier is an Old Ale style beer brewed by T & R Theakston Ltd. in Masham Ripon Yorkshire, GB2, United Kingdom. I haven't had any for years but it used to be a staple in the Sun Pub in Lamb's Conduit, London years ago when I still drank. Fond memories.

9 users have voted.

-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962

earthling1's picture

With two gardens 76 miles apart, it's hard to find time for anything else.
Thank FSM for the Covid lockdown, /s
My suburban backyard garden is only 15' x 22' and has been in the making for 15 years (they're never completely done) and has gotten alot easier to manage. But the seed germination shed is here, so the growing season begins in late January.
I've enlarged the "Farm" garden to 7 rows of raised beds 50' long and 3' wide and begun the experiment of no till mulching via the Ruth Stout method, which IIRC you turned me onto.
Thank you, bye the way.
I have started with straw and will suppliment in the fall with garden refuge and fallen leaves.
Hopefully, it will keep the weeds down and demand much less watering, freeing up more time.
Still, it is incredibly gratifying to produce real food right out of the ground.
Thanks for the OT.

11 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

mimi's picture

and raised in his little garden his babies.. I didn't dare to ask how many babies he has fathered.

first real hot day here in Hamburg, Germany. Makes me feel miserable. Some bugs in my body having a party at my expense. One day they will pay for it. I try to get Ivermectin.

8 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

Salt Lake City hits earliest 100-degree mark in its history; multiple heat records broken across Utah

The thermometer at Salt Lake City International Airport reached 100 degrees late Friday afternoon as Salt Lake City officially broke its record of the earliest triple-digit temperature in the city's 147-year-old documented weather history.

The previous record for the earliest 100-degree day in Salt Lake City was set just last year on June 5, according to the National Weather Service. The agency added that Friday's temperature also broke the daily record for June 4, which was 98 degrees in 2012.

Ogden: 98 degrees (broke record of 95 degrees set in 1988)

I saw the enforcer on my street yesterday. I turned the front on for the 1st time and see one head that needs work. Luckily I had it off by the time he came by.

Ogden to issue fines for residents caught watering lawns during heat of the day

The order states that Pineview Reservoir, as of Tuesday, was just 56% full and that water from snowpack runoff needed to fill the reservoir is "not keeping pace with releases from the reservoir."

Chuckle...not keeping pace? Hell the runoff is over and has been for over a month. 56% is higher than most in the state. Southern UT is hurting big time and yet Utah's growth was one of the biggest out of the 50 states. Guv Cox asked people to pray for rain yesterday. What da ya know.... a sudden storm cropped up and spread rain from the Idaho border down to the Nevada state line yesterday. Hey don't mock it...there was none in the forecast. The timing was most excellent....giggle.

This went over as you can imagine:

Salt Lake City leaders announce sex reassignment surgeries will be covered for employees

9 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

No rain predicted until July 1.
In May went from a high of ~82 to a low of 30 in a few days. Apple trees were blooming fantastically as was the Apricot. No fruit on those particular trees. White peach has six peaches. Yellow peach has a few dozen.

I think the farmers are in worse shape than I am. look for corn and soybean prices to soar and meat with them. Not sure where our vegetables come from. Imperial Valley? Michigan?

FED printing money like it was toilet paper to prop up the stock market will not help.

6 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

@snoopydawg in the Houston area. Thunderstorms late afternoon, therefore, we are getting our grocery shopping done now.
We are in Week 2 of a 3 Week Rain. Crazy stuff!
So glad the garden starts next spring. I always make my garden too big, and then find myself with no time to give it proper attention.
Hope everyone gets their tasks accomplished this weekend.

6 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

mimi's picture

for this little fellow:
'Hero rat' Magawa retires after five years spent sniffing out landmines in Cambodia

I love those rats and the whole program. Just don't know if they are 'cool' or 'hot', but for sure they are magnificent.

7 users have voted.
QMS's picture

beer of choice has been Yuengling
from PA "oldest brewery in US"
best coldish, not sweet but easy on the bitters

can knock down a few cans over the weak

screw bud and miller, cheap and gacky

any port in a storm

thanks for the OT soe!

good luck with the herbals

4 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

Pluto's Republic's picture

I plan to slog through this summer and continue contributing.

Your topics are intriguing and a pleasure to read.

9 users have voted.

is in the Amaranthus species. Supposedly it grows everywhere and I probably have some around (but I'm not sure I've correctly identified it). In Southwest Foraging by John Slattery, it says that "tender young pigweed greens are highly nutritious...first appear in March...and can be harvested through early September." The seeds can be harvested in early autumn...the birds like them as well.

When the spikes of the seed clusters ripen, I think it may be easier to identify. Just to be on the safe side though, I have ordered some amaranth seeds and am looking forward to planting them as well.

We have had three weeks of rain as otc mentioned above and the weeds (pigweed maybe?) are growing like crazy. It is unusually tropical here. Everything is green and wet, and the plants are engulfing us. I am pleased to see I have some volunteer milkweed growing in several places. I hope it stops raining so the butterflies can enjoy the milkweed.

It just started raining again. My internet usually bugs out with the rain so hope I can finish this comment. Some serious thunder and lightening going on, sending this off.

How about beer made from stinging nettle? This guy says it's good.

3 users have voted.

my driveway. The contractors can't repair it until it dries. By the time it dries, I will haved to keep my car parked, do all traveling in my truck. This is crazy.

3 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

earthling1's picture

to take a paddle up the Tilton River when the temp got up over 90°.
Earthling2 steaming along up ahead.

7 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

I am looking at maps, trying to figure out a 2 week driving vacation this winter. I can drive in snow, but Dear 1 grew up in snowy winters, so he can take the wheel when it gets goofy.
There might be some trip that comes to mind in more southerly states, but they do not afford the particular scenery we have in mind.
We will come up with a plan.

3 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

By that, I mean they were all good. I do not recall a standout.
I do love Kilimanjaro, sold in Africa, and Imperial, found in Central and South America.
So, a former justice of the Peace here, basically disgraced for being caught on camera at a motel to have sex with a woman in return for dismissing her traffic ticket, (she got him videoed coming after her naked), so his nephew decided to run for JP to keep it in the family.
Well, uncle worked in Houston at the Budweiser plant. He would bring home cases of beer, stash them.
Now, nephew was the youngest JP ever elected in Texas. Rumors swirled. Seems if a person signed an absentee vote for him, they got a 6 pack of Budweiser Beer. I can't verify that rumor, but he holds the record, established back in the 80s, for having the most absentee votes ever. That IS verifiable.
He is still JP, and I appear in his court about once a year. He lives in a 5 million dollar home. He built it about 10 years ago. He never finished the interior walls of his 4 car garage. Because it is unfinished, he pays no property taxes.

5 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

And that Texas doesn't want it taught.
Not what I wanted to think about as I head for bed, but I am at least fortunate I got a fairly decent college education during the late 60s and early 70s.
I am getting the first blush reading that Republicans say slavery is bad, but has nothing to do with now.
Critical Race Theory was life and education with no name or label back when I was in the classroom, majoring in US History, an emphasis on Jamestown to civil War Reconstruction.
Texas is very ...strange.

3 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

edit: sorry all, posted in the wrong essay on the wrong day.

Here is recipe, it is probably wrong too. Get Fucken Used To It. LOL

A Cup of Joy
8 ozs nut milk (or cow milk)
1 tbsp cacao powder (or 100 percent cocoa powder)
dash of cinnamon
dash of cayenne

Heat until all mixed together, don't boil. No caffeine. cheers

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