The Weekly Watch
The Sickness of the System
I had prepared another essay focused on the petrodollar, but after seeing the following presentation last night, I'm changing gears. Dr. Pierre Kory explains so well how the "for profit" sick care system is controlled by big pharma. I assure you this is a well spent hour. In this episode, Dr. Pierre Kory, Chief Medical Officer of the FLCCC Alliance, discusses the ways that public health organizations are manipulating scientific data on early COVID-19 therapeutics in order to sow uncertainty; and why they are doing it.
If you missed last week's interview with Dr. Kory, he provides more background and history of his journey through COVID treatment denial as he discusses the world health organization’s denial of Ivermectin: big science, disinformation and their Impacts on Human Rights.
I found both presentations to be excellent explanations of the corporate control of our medical system. He calls on all medical doctors to think for themselves and do what is best for their patients regardless of standard recommendations, because those official recommendations are made to maximize profit, not health. I found them stunning.
I'm not going to flood the rest of this with links because the two presentations above are so important. However, I did want to look at how the question of origin is being manipulated. Listen to how Sky News in Australia is spinning anti-China rhetoric over the origin question. (16 min)
Compare that to Sagaar's analysis (10 min)
Saagar Enjeti details the "lab leak hypothesis" and how demonstrates the way "the culture war in America corrupts basic facts."
Jimmy also has a good analysis...
Coronavirus "Most Likely Escaped From Lab" - Former CDC Director
Jimmy continues by calling out Dr. Falsie (30 min)
I learned about the suspicious cleavage site in Sars-CoV-2 months ago from Chris Martenson.
And good news, Chris is back and I'll give him the last link. (12 min)
After a 3 month grueling hiatus restructuring my business to ensure that I can continue to report on the topics that matter MOST to YOU, I’m elated to say I’m back to producing the content you want and not a moment too soon.
We’re living in one of the most extraordinary, and dangerous times in all of history. From the worsening Covid-19 pandemic, to the Colonial Pipeline cyberattack, ongoing civil unrest and growing wartime actions in the mid-east, there is no time to remain uninformed and without a plan to help prepare you, your loved ones, and your communities for whatever is coming.
So in conclusion, it really is no surprise that we are being misled about effective treatments and the question of the origin of COVID. I felt Dr Kory's presentation was so powerful it should be featured prominently. I hope you all have time to give it a listen. On a personal note, we went to another birthday party yesterday. It was so nice to see and hug old friends, play music together, and basically have a laugh festival. I hope you too are experiencing some release from the grip of COVID and are able to get out and about. Have a great Sunday!
The realities facing vaccine-injured
Hi, Lookout -
Thanks for highlighting the much-suppressed and maligned work of D. Kory and the FLCCC Alliance.
If anyone wants to get a graphic sense of whether COVID vaccine injury exists, and the reality facing those injured would do well to check out this interview by Del Bigtree of three veteran women healthcare workers who received COVID vaccinations in January and have suffered severe and continuing debilitating reactions.
None can now work. They all experienced refusal of the health care system to acknowledge that their conditions may be vaccine-related. Insurance companies have refused to cover treatment. Workman's compensation denied. Zero response from vaccine makers. Social media censored or restricted...
Consider this a subset of the more generalized problem that the corporate/governmental elites that exercise so much control of people's lives have no interest in solving people's problems *or even allowing them to be solved*. The financial system needs for you to be in debt, social media needs for you to be insecure, the medical /pharmaceutical establishment needs you unhealthy... and yet they want themselves to be who you turn to for help.
I really, really wish I could embed this... (JtC?) - what with rampant censorship on GoogleTube disappearing off-narrative content, alternative sites such as, BitChute, are about the only place where a lot of important work can be accessed and it would be nice if those were supported.
Anyhow, here is the link: Brighteon
I always urge people considering COVID issues to do their own research - most don't bother and more than a few get downright hostile if it's suggested.
But it's a pretty difficult task for those who are willing to try, due to the suppression of anything that doesn't amount to cheerleading COVID policy of WHO, Fauci, Bill Gates and the like by Big Tech.
Try this:
So, the above video appears on:
Title is: Vaccine-Injured Health-Care Workers Speak Out
The channel/uploader is: Redpill
Now, using the above, try and find it on Google or any other main search engine.
If you can, you're doing better than I could. Maybe worth considering who is protecting whom and from what by hiding such information - even when it is mainly people just talking about their *own experiences*.
I did (on Bing) find one article in local (Evansville, Indiana) news about the situation of one
of the women interviewed, Shawn Skelton:
Yet another doctor discussing vaccine related incidents in his own small community (where he has practiced for 28 years) told to sit down and shut up - courageously, he refuses (Northern B.C.):
Dr. Charles Hoffe Lytton, B.C.
The pandemic is being managed for profit
They pushed vaccines from the start as the sole solution. With all drugs there can be negative reactions. So it is not surprising that with the vaccines some people are expressing adverse effect. The idea that these occurrences are being suppressed should not come as a surprise to any of us. I wonder what the percentage really is for these adverse reactions.
In a quick search I turned up this link,
Which suggests about 1 out of 333 administered doses results in a variety of negative effects from eye sight issues to brain injuries.
This should be public knowledge so people can make their own risk benefit assessments, but as we know will not be made public for the same reason the information on ivermectin has been suppressed... big pharma profit.
I'll check out your links too. Thanks for the input.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Attempt to embed your video...
failed sorry.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good morning Lookout. Like everything
else, especially concerning covid, the article you linked to at foreignaffairsintelligencecouncil above is problematic in some regards. The biggest take away I got from it is that there is a seeming double standard, at least on the surface, between governments declaring deaths of those with covid and co-morbitities to be due to covid, but converseley declaring complications, reactions and deaths after vaccinations in those with co-morbities to be likely or possibly due to the co-morbidities. That is rightfully highly problematic, but I highly suspect that both positions, as blanket, simplistic positions, are erroneous to some extent.
As an empiricist, somewhat in the line of Divid Hume (we expect the sun to rise each day primarily because it always has in the past) So, as background, if one thinks about advertising for pharma products in the US, one can't help but take notice of the list of counterindications and the huge list of possible adverse effects for pretty much each and every product.
Ok 1 per 333 = 3 per 1,000 = 0.3%. Arguably some fraction of these could be people with hyperactive immune systems. How common are such immune systems? It turns out that Crohn's disease in the UK runs about 0.35% and, based on the ratio of UC to Crohn's elsewhere of 1.5 to 1, probably at least twice that for all cases of inflammatory bowel disease (as opposed to syndrome). Diabetes (both types, unfortunately, because quickie search = 6.3% in 2019 ( ) Prevalence of Rheumatoid Arthritis in Europe is between 0.29 and 0.57 percent ( These are just some samples of things indicative of conditions that could trigger adverse reactions, there are many more, so one must expect some adverse reactions to be because there is no blanket exclusion of people with such conditions.
That data is just noodling around with the question of just how unusual or out of expectation is that 0.3% number, compared to things like anaphylactic shock from tampons (remember that)? Part of what generated it was when the paper began looking into specific types of adverse effects and got down to miscarriages. miscarriages are common enough in the population that one should be surprised if absolutely none occurred within say 2 weeks of vaccinations = Miscarriage occurs in 8–15% of clinically recognized pregnancies and in ~30% of all pregnancies. If you gathered enough pregnant women in an arena for a week, at least one would miscarry during that period of time.
The reason all of this occurred to me was that at some point the paper in question started assuming that 100% of the adverse effects were definitely "caused" by the vaccines which seems to me to be a clear case of post hoc ergo propter hoc. While it is extremely unlikely that none of them were caused by the vaccines, it is also extremely unlikely that 100% of them were; which is my main point and main take away. Right now there are probably at least 50 to 200 people having a heart attack in California - what are the odds that none has been vaccinated within the last week or two. More importantly, how about earlier duing the big rush to vaccinate the elderly.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
As I said it was a quick search
However their are very few people attempting to investigate adverse effects, or at least writing about it. Blue republic asked what a search would yield. That article is what I found.
All drugs have a risk benefit ratio.
My analysis led me to get vaccinated which has provided me with a sense of safety.
Have a good Sunday!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Understood, I was just commenting on the article
per se, not on your "selection" or posting of same in reply to BR
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Didn't take it that way...
Just trying to say there's not much adverse vaccine reaction info to be found, and that speaks loudly too.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
When I got my vaccine I was given a whole page of warnings about potential reactions and side effects, as well as a link to the government database to self-report any self-determined reactions and side effects. Which is openly searchable, despite being totally unverified data.
I’m not clear on how all of that somehow amounts to “suppression” of the widely known fact that these reactions and serious side effects of the vaccines do occasionally happen. It’s very rare and certainly much less of a risk than getting SARS-coV-2. Any idea how many healthcare workers can no longer work because they are dead from the virus? Some perspective is in order here.
Also most serious cases of adverse reactions like the blood clots are related to the J&J shot, which made huge headlines very recently including they actually paused distributing it. The risks of the vaccines are not very well “suppressed” it seems to me.
What some are pushing for however is they want these rarities to be used in a distorted manner to frighten people from getting it. Which would obviously be both counterproductive and counterfactual in any reality-based cost/benefit analysis.
I guess things are more lax here
because I received no warnings when I got either of my two doses. As I suggested earlier, all drugs have a risk benefit ratio. I came down on the side of vaccination. However it is important to understand the likelihood of adverse outcomes in order to evaluate the risks.
What I find interesting is that both J&J (which you mention) and the Oxford AZ vaccines have had periods when they were pulled due to side effects. These are both non-profit with J&J one dose at about $6 and AZ at about $2/dose x 2doses. Yet no mention of adverse effects with Pfizer nor Moderna at about $30 and $20/dose x 2.
I find it suspicious. Your mileage may vary and that's okay.
Have a good day.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks Lookout.
I think the data on what and how many adverse events have happened from the various different vaccines isn’t based on how much they cost. It is what it is. Perhaps more modern technology is actually better.
Now the “pauses” of those vaccines could be more questionable, and I was among those who thought it was a mistake to stop them, based on the statistics, extreme rare events compared to much higher risk of serious “adverse outcomes” of getting Covid.
Anyway. It’s all a sticky wicket. I’m frustrated with all of the emotionalism and misinformation. I do find it curious that a certain subset of people who sneered for a year at people “cowering under their bed” for their fears of Covid, are now trying to use scary stories of very rare situations and unproven connections to vaccines in order to cause fear and actively convince people to not get vaccinated. Strange days.
Anyway, I’m happy you can see friends and play music again! That’s awesome. We’re going to be doing the same very soon and I’m super excited.
"Pauses" intended to switch you to the high profit stuff
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
That’s what it looks like to me as well.
The importance of profit can not be overstated with regard to Big Pharma and Big Money. Dr.Kory’s video is loaded with examples that border on criminal behavior. Trust in institutional health dicta may actually be undermining the quality of patient care.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Oh, on the warnings, we also had to sign an acknowledgment
that we’d received the information. This was at the first appointment. On the second one we sailed right on through although I believe they again handed out the link to report any problems.
I'm in the third world state of Alabama
But I would be curious to hear from our fellow c99 members how many received and had to sign about warnings. Honestly I would have just signed it like I do all those contracts you are required to sign. Who reads the fine print? I don't. Mainly because like with the vaccine I did my homework. I felt confident.
And yes it is a relief to be well over 6 week from my last dose having no side effects other than a sore arm after the first jab. Now my partner had one bad day of flu like conditions after her second shot, but that's a helluva lot better than COVID.
All the best and hope you and yours are well and happy.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Agreed! I’d assumed everyone was getting the same paperwork
Like you, I did my homework and made my decision long before getting to the vaccine site, so we did basically just sign the form as another step in the process. I think I scanned it while waiting in the observation area afterwards. Apparently I threw it away once we got home, unfortunately, so I can’t say exactly what all it included. But my real point was that information on potential rare adverse events is not “suppressed” — it is available. It’s just not being flogged in the particular way some folks would like, I guess.
I can't find Dr John's video
Where he compares adverse effects of the various vaccines, and pfizer and moderna have as much or many as the suspended AZ and J&J. Hence my comment above.
Perhaps we can get others to chime in on what warnings they received. It would be interesting.
Good to see you this Sunday!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Maybe true overall, but “serious” events are not the same as
any adverse reaction. Which is why I said “ ... most serious cases of adverse reactions like the blood clots are related to the J&J shot, which made huge headlines very recently...”
I don’t follow dr John, but if he has presented data showing that same level of “serious” events from the mRNA vaccines, I’d like to know. Although again, those are exceptionally rare even with the other vaccines. Which is why I opposed the halt. It made no sense, given the much higher likelihood of a “serious adverse event” from getting Covid.
I appreciate you providing a space for a reasonable discussion about this. Much on my mind as I take in how the world is reacting as things change. Surprised at how so many are resistant and even greatly upset that we now know we can safely sing and play and dance and make merry with friends again. Personally I’m beyond ready! I’m well aware it’s a process to get over the conditioning to fear being “normal” again, I do get that and it affects people differently. But the strong hostility to the news coming from so many sides is ... unexpected.
you can read john's notes under the video
but it still isn't the clip where he compares the adverse effects of of all the vaccines which show they all have similar adverse effects. Yet it was the cheap open sources ones that were delayed or suspended?
So, sorry I can't provide the links. You might try to search to see why I said info is being suppressed.
Here's a couple of links I found
Big pharma is running the show and it is the expensive profitable vaccine getting the buy.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
This one?
I found this in 2 seconds by searching YouTube for “Dr John Campbell vaccine adverse events” — just FYI.
The notes under the one you posted I totally agree with. Serious reactions are exceptionally rare and far outweighed by the risks of Covid. Absolutely right!
No I saw that one...
it is more like the previous link in my comment above as well as the last link in the comment wit the quote.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
No signing
We had to sign
As far back as I remember we have always had to sign for any vaccination in Illinois.
Same form. same warnings. Flu shots, MMR, everything.
More legal butt covering. My doctor tells me to get it. She's smart and a highly regard doctor, so I get it.
Just like I do what my lawyer tells me. Also teachers, but teachers tell me to question. The good ones anyway.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
No suppression?
You do not know how rare these "rarities" are. And some fears are very rational. Speaking of the use of "scary stories of very rare situations and unproven connections" how does that not describe the tactics of pharma and the medical establishment in turning society upside down and getting the bulk of the population enrolled as test subjects for trials using irreversible and unproven medical therapeutics through an ongoing campaign of fear porn? For a disease with a 99.7% survival rate for which existing cheap, effective and safe therapeutics are now known to exist?
I'm all for people having access to information to allow them to make an *individual* choice basted on realistic risks and benefits. BUT...
Risks from COVID are extremely low for most people yet there is pressure for them to submit to vaccination anyway (admittedly, there are definite risks for certain demographics). The CDC, etc. continue to promote the debunked idea of asymptomatic spread and downplay the the role or desirability of natural acquired immunity, even though viral immunologists such as Dr. Byram Bridle say it offers better protection than current vaccines can provide.
Moreover, people who have had and recovered from COVID are being urged to vaccinate even though studies suggest the previously-infected have acquired an equivalent level of protection (at least in the short term) to that provided by vaccination (Israel study based on Pfizer vax). What then is the basis for such people being pressured to accept vaccination? Reading through VAERS reports (about 600 of them) I found more than a few in which people reported that they experienced far more severe symptoms after vaccination than they did from COVID infection itself.
BTW - something being "searchable" - in the sense that yes, you can search for something - does not necessarily translate to things being *findable* if search engines are being manipulated to exclude certain information. Frankly, to maintaining that information suppression is not occurring on a massive scale is either disingenuous or delusional.
The video I linked to in my initial comment (which C99 does not allow me to embed) is a recent interview with three veteran health care workers discussing the severe and similar symptoms they experienced within days of being vaccinated in early January. They each had video of the uncontrolled shaking and convulsions which they experienced (all of them continue to suffer debilitating symptoms).
So, we are talking real people discussing their own experiences presenting video and other corroborating material, as did the interview linked to with the B.C. doctor who, when attempting to go through channels to report an unexpectedly high number of adverse events associated with vaccinating 900 or so patients, was told by provincial higher-ups to remain quiet. Finally getting no response to his concerns, he went public.
The official response then was that there was 'no objective evidence' to corroborate his claims. Of course, there was no investigation, either. This to a doctor who has worked in the same small community for almost three decades. In the real world he is more of an authority on what's going on there than someone in Victoria or Ottawa that's never been there.
First part of the interview with him is still up (for the moment) on Youtube but they have disappeared the second half - to view the whole thing you have to do so on Rumble.
Now, B.C. doctors have been put on notice that if they express personal or professional opinions unapproved by the establishment that they may be punished for doing so:
We should be OK with that?
So, as a challenge, I gave in my initial comment what should have been adequate information to input for a web search: the exact title of the video, name of the uploader and platform it is on and urged people to try finding the video on any search engine. Lookout was apparently the only one who tried, but failed.
Not surprising because it has been SUPPRESSED. The challenge/offer is still stands if anyone cares to give it a try.
Given the record of corporate and government lying on important matters - not to mention their evident disregard for the lives of the peasantry - healthy skepticism around COVID policy is called for. Ridiculing and claiming some sort of moral high ground over those choosing to exercise it is not.
Great Post
Sneering at skepticism as though it were some sort of mental illness is always the primary defense of the status quo. Unless the skepticism is directed at people questioning the status quo, in which case skepticism is nothing but common sense.
Verdict first. Then the trial.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
Legal backside covering
To mitigate lawsuits "We warned you in writing". Every one ignores them because EVERY medicine has them.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Another consideration
Possibly the whole part of "covid death rates are higher in the elderly and those with compromised immune systems?" Because old sick people die at higher rates than healthy young people always?
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
"At war for our health" sheesh
What are we not at war for? Outlook not so good. Thanks Lookout, Dr. Kory is a good talker but "March and riot"?! No no a thousand times no. Every time there's a march, the cops riot. Citizens are not equipped, despite all the semi-auto long guns and such being sold off the racks. Good luck.
"Is our children learning?" --George W. Bush
--- gear switching, or not
Here is the headline at TheTimesofIsrael:
Netanyahu: Gaza operation will take more time, but the US has our backLiveUpdated 1min ago
Netanyahu: Gaza operation will take more time, but the US has our back.
Monsters at work. Impeach 46.
How do men who do not want a vaccine feel about choice now, any different? I wonder.
Peace and Love
I'm with you on not rioting
My main take away was the depth of big pharma control in the system. I think that is the war he is suggesting. Add in big oil, the MIC, and wall street to the owners we should be protesting.
All we got left is to take care of our own health.
As to Gaza and the mess in Israel, Abby hit it about right. Nobody mentions this was started when a mosque older than Notre Dame was burned in Jerusalem as the Israelis cheered and called for the death of Palestinians. (15 min)
Hope all is well with you!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
"Fire Always Breaks out
Benjamin Netanyahu was a week or so away from being ousted from his throne of Israeli Prime Minister. Which he has been for 12 years. And he intends to occupy that throne permanently.
So a war against a significantly weaker enemy is his response. Lives of Israelis and Palestinians do not figure into Bibi's equations. Nor Biden's, as far as I can tell right now. Bernie is objecting. But it is unlikely his objections will do anything except give an outlet for decent people to understand their concern.
This is Lookout's theory expanded into another area.
The (few) controlling interests in the world intend to expand their control. Never share it.
Health and medicine are managed by profit making entities. Human casualties are not their concern.
Governments are managed by profit making entities. Lives of citizens lies outside their area of concern.
We are fodder to fuel their dreams of power and obscene wealth.
You nailed it...
Good point about Nitwityahoo too.
Have a good one, and thanks for the mayoral updates you've provided.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Let me weigh in
Everything is either in bloom or has large sprouts. The large spouts are the 3 pots of sunflowers, so I am encouraged that they will also bloom. Which means next year I will be trying new things grown from seeds. The concerns about wind on a high floor balcony seem to have been answered.
Next year, morning glories in a large bucket with a trellis and a new giant upstanding horizontal planter for herbs.
I may be dreaming but that is preferable to current reality.
On the wider world than my balcony, Lower Manhattan is coming back to life. The duck pond in Battery Park has its resident Duck Couple back and producing! Mother Duck had her babies sheltered in one of the high grass islands in the pond but I could see 2 or possibly 3 tiny cuddly ducklings. Very exciting.
Less wonderful is that the Battery Park Authority or whoever is in charge has NOT turned on the water in the decorative bird water features around the area and consequently I heard very little singing. I will find out who to contact and register a complaint because this park usually has a wide variety of birds. Last year a snowy egret visited for a while and this giant gorgeous creature was calm and allowed people to come close and admire his/her beauty.
The recovery is happening but not as quickly as it could. Turn the water on in ALL City water facilities. What is the delay? Birds matter.
On the matter of the NYC election, it seems that few members of Caucus 99 are interested in the inner workings of NYC's Fight Against The Empire. They would rather criticize Yang which misses the point entirely. It means a lot to me that you mentioned this.
The Establishment walls are closing in and if I feel some renewed ability to describe the Election, and hopefully in ways readers can understand, I'll write another essay on the subject.
Have a better and brighter week and quoting from The Walking Dead, "Look at the flowers."
A quick taste of NYC Fight Against The Empire right now. The Establishment is desperately pushing Eric Adams on a City that does not want him. At all.
Thanks for the update...great news
about your gardening project too. Hope they crank up your fountains soon. Looking dry here for the next week or two.
I say dream on, and shape your own reality! All the best.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Today May 16th is the Al Nakba anniversary
Al Nakba: the history of Palestine since 1799
--- stfu bibi johnson biden macron
Front page of Jordan Times:
FM reaffirms Jordan’s support for Palestinians at emergency OIC session
Kalifornia Kop Kamala is losing her Torches of Freedom baby! HOPE
war criminals
go to jail
in my dreams
Whatta nightmare...
Sickening really.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
India's current COVID crisis has it roots in
foreign policy and predatory capitalism.
Articles are starting to appear focusing on Bill Gates as a major abuser of capitalism. The next narrative will probably be if Gates is removed the negative aspects of predatory/colonial capitalism will disappear automatically. No regulation changes will be necessary or investigation and purging of corrupt individuals. Gates is more likely part of a multigenerational, exploitative parasites composed of international power game players in involved in predatory capitalism. If an offering/sacrifice is made to the masses the parasites may be planning to continue their activities without scrutiny for a while.
Just a note for suggested reading. I have added to my daily reading check-in, sometimes just headline scanning. It keeps me a little ahead of information from aggregation sites and includes many non-US and British based writers to mix-up the viewpoints covered.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Thanks for the link...
and the asiatimes suggestion.
No doubt Gates is basically a criminal on many levels. Wonder what percentage of the vaccine profits are going to Gates or his foundation?
“Pfizer Reaps Hundreds of Millions in Profits From Covid Vaccine.”
But he is certainly not the sole problem. The primary problem from my view is a health system based on profit. The incentive isn't health.
Good to "see" you this Sunday. Caught a nice generational regenerative ag story from CA this week that I enjoyed...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Unbiased coverage of the Gaza situation is hard to find.
I guess every outlet has its bias
Mine is to read outlets like
And the grayzone.
Thanks for coming by and dropping the tweet.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
WE all know
updated FLCCC protocol
They now recommend weekly prevention doses of ivermectin.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks for that.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Texas-centric answer
to your Ivermectin question here -
Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH (heart and kidney specialist, extensively-published Texas A&M med school prof) testimony before the Texas State Health and Human Services Committee
OTC there are Canadian pharmacies which will send it as a
Teledoctors for Ivermectin
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
Dr Kory is in TX
He often provides scripts for folks.
Just caught the weather this AM. Looks like y'all will be as wet as we are dry. Works well for our up coming trip to FL.
All the best!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Encouraging news?
Soooo upsetting, though, that we're reduced to relying on "right-wing" pledges to do anything about this; 30 years of hard-earned political karma, all for less than nothing.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
by the media giants is quite the problem isn't it?
I use RW sources for many areas because their coverage of the so called left.
For example is often full of it, and yet often provides info I don't see elsewhere.
I'm reading Taibbi's Hate Inc which looks at the silos we've created with our media outlets.
Hope all is well in your world, and you're not being canceled. Thanks for the clip.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
How would you respond to...
...someone who asked, whether with a closed or open mind to your response, 'well how do you know it isn't ALL full of it, and if not, how do you know what ISN'T?
People toss questions like that at me all the time (or maybe it's just my life-ruining chronic-jouska problem:, and I can't figure out an answer, hence my self-assuredness has all the fortitude of a dry sandcastle.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
My thought is relying on old and trusted sources.
But doubt is always healthy IMO. I try to run down the rabbit hole of best sources of evidence.
People have hard held beliefs which you cannot challenge from religion to politics to diet to ....
Ultimately it is the evidence that you value and mileage varies.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
"deleting ballot images"
With all due respect to those smarter than I, as soon as anyone says a technical topic is really "complicated" or "extremely complex" too hard to explain in plain English I CALL BULLSHIT! shouty mcshout face It's not that hard to count, is it? I mean only half of citizens vote, so WTF is going on? cui bono
Elvis Presley - Suspicious Minds (Aloha From Hawaii, Live in Honolulu, 1973)
[video: width:420]
Convo Couch has a stream recording that includes the same shenanigans in Maricopa County, wherever that is. South Kalifornia. There are screen shots of recovered drives showing the deleted image names, and dates. The ballots have been destroyed already I think, so where is the evidence? DELETED. The technology is just too complicated to explain how "shit happens", but yeah. NO. If it's proprietary (sekret) code owned by a corporation, then why is it used to count elections? (stink eye glances back to Iowa primary) PU! It seems Stalinesque to me, or just plain stupid. That stupid line of thought gets me in trouble, I'll never be genius. And Kalifornia will always be korrupt, as far as I can tell. Oh well.
Peace and Love
Edit: delete extra "on" word, and LOL because Elvis was funny! "I hope this suit don't tear up baby" as he does the splits. The beloved showman.
Maricopa County is
Phoenix, AZ.
They are hand-recounting paper ballot there as well as canvassing
physical addresses on voter rolls - trying to sort the electronic devices
and data trail - neither Dominion nor county officials are being cooperative.
Deeper dive at Copper State News
Thanks for correction, and couch vid is up
DELETED! Maricopa County Deleted Files Right Before Handing Over Tabulation Machines
[video: width:420]
Peace and Love
You are absolutely correct eyo
It's completely ridiculous. The whole thing is a garbage fire built on a huge pile of bullshit. Being run by a bunch of Trumpian bootlickers who are still fighting the civil war ... er, I mean the 2020 election, on his behalf. No idea why. They must have nothing better to do, I suppose, than waste a ton of everyone's time and money on behalf of a lost old man who has clearly decompensated and is need of mental health treatment. That shitshow in Maricopa County is absurd and stupid on every level.
ETA: Maricopa County stated unequivocally that the database has -- obviously -- not been deleted. That claim came straight out of Donald Trumps feverish imagination.
Never have I been so correct
Pasta and fi and their "fam" seem about the same as me, ideologically speaking. Comrades. I've been questioning election integrity since The Supremes selected George the Lesser, and then four years later Ohio machines "won" him a second term. Rodeos abound. yippee kai yay Black Box Voting now Blacker than Black! woo hoo
"clearly decompensated and is need of mental health treatment" So, what do you do for work? Ha ha! Just kidding, I have a history of mental illness but it doesn't include any derangement syndrome diagnoses. Bush was bad, Obama/Biden, then Trump!... I just never want to hear his name again, so can't argue with censoring people I don't like. Oh wait, did I just talk myself in a circle again? Doh! But I am absolutely correct! Digging makes a hole deeper. Have fun!
Peace and Love
On the very small chance that you (or anyone here) might care
about what this whole clusterfuck scam is actually about, and the serious harm these scammers and liars are doing, to real people -- the waste, the lies, the sheer stupidity and viciousness of it all -- may I suggest that a better use of time than convo couch would be to watch the real life Maricopa County Board of Supervisors meeting from earlier today. It was live streamed. Action begins about 4 minutes into the video.
What these human beings have been and are being subjected to is really quite unbelievable. I don't even know the political bent of any of these individuals. I live in Pima, not Maricopa county and until this did not know or care about them either. But they all really impressed in this meeting. Good people doing their best in the face of a hideous political attack. And before anyone claims it's an "audit" and not an attack, just don't. Watch the video.
THIS is what Trump and his sycophants are STILL doing to us, the people, the taxpayers in this state, for no reason except Biden won this state. I am really glad they finally told these yahoos to Just Fuck Off. (paraphrased.)
Thanks, I care.
Peace and Love
The US pulls the strings and the puppets do as they are told.
Blinkin and Biden made me puke...
...with their "Israel has a right to defend itself". They just forgot to add the words with a genocide. Is it any different than our genocide of first nations peoples? Seems similar to me.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I shared this with my father
He's a scientist (experimental geophysics, so really as "hard" a scientist as you can possibly get), and is predisposed to trust the establishment and the mainline pandemic Narrative™ much more than I do (although I've been able to drag him a long way; he has told me that I deserve the title of "expert" where politics/history/psychology/the skullduggery haunting them all are concerned, and while I may not have a Ph.D. and receiving one at this point might be a tall order, I know enough to deserve one).
He was thoroughly impressed by this. Hopefully the article Dore cites can make some politics-resistant waves, and if it doesn't...well, Big Pharma/Big Telecom/Big Brother will finally have made enemies with the REAL "Big Science": My Fulbright-scholar dad and his peers.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
I hope he found it useful
...and in the spirit with which it was another data point in this pandemic.
All the best to you and your Dad.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Interesting bit of information. Click on the image to read.
Any excuse to justify genocide
Let's compare to China's treatment of Uyghurs.
Reminds me of we must protect women in Afghanistan and ignore Saudis treatment of women.
...and puff group human rights watch agrees
but they never make the comparison.
The US is so hypocritical.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
It is all
And obvious.
The majority of this country has been blinded and brainwashed into stupidity and submission.
'Nite, you all.
Tonights musical interlude
from Reina del Cid and Toni
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
"See you next week"
My pleasure...
I'll be in absentia next week, but I think I've got a fun topic most will enjoy in my absence next Sunday.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”