The Weekly Watch
Life and Death

Today is my Mom's 89th birthday. Her senior center wisely doesn't allow visitors. So I've rented a nearby picnic pavilion at a city park. The immediate family is gathering there for a brunch and party. I'll meet my 10 week old great nephew, Memphis, for the first time. So new life and old life in the turning of the is the way. Today I want to look at our ill health system and revisit our response to COVID, the disease that has turned society on its ear.
First for some perspective. Let's look at the causes of mortality in 2020 for the US.

I think in all three cases, we are victims of misinformation. Our sick care system is based on profit not prevention.
Cardiac specialist Aseem Malhotra speaks with functional doctor Mark Hyman (46 min)

So what are the issues with SAD (the standard American diet)? Too much sugar explains many of our problems (Along with the rise in highly processed GMO seed and vegetable oils).

Corporate food removed fats and replaced them with sugar which coincides with the obesity epidemic. Healthy fats are important... olive oil, nuts, coconut oil, and animal fats like grass fed butter, lard and tallow.

Diet also is a driver of cancer...(57 min)
“To say that we’re genetically programmed to become obese or to get cancer is absurd. It doesn’t fit the facts. It’s a hormonal metabolic disease.” – Dr. Jason Fung
Let me throw in one more major cause of death before we look at COVID
Is Alzheimer’s Reversible? Getting to the Root Causes (about an hour)
Alzheimer’s doesn’t just happen overnight; it’s the severe end of a spectrum, that comes after decades of changes have already been occurring in the brain. So why is it that we’ve grown accustomed to dreading this diagnosis, instead of doing what we can to proactively stop it in its tracks? For one, we’ve long been told that once the brain starts downsizing we can’t reverse the process. Now, we know that’s not the case. It’s possible to avoid brain degradation and actually even rebuild it.
I thought this was an excellent conversation about how to get to root causes of disease...from diet to heavy metals to molds and so on.
Big food and big pharma work hand in hand to get us sick and sell us snake oil for cures rather than educating people about a healthy diet. I've written several times about our poor dietary choices and outcomes with a focus on hyperinsulinemia (also called metabolic syndrome or insulin resistance) which is impacting 80% of Americans. 1 , 2 , 3.
Jason does a great job explaining how big pharma is creating health dilemmas.
The entire discussion is good but 15 minutes covers the primary ways big pharma is influencing doctors.
Now for the new kid on the block, COVID.
The US has slowed the growth in deaths with vaccination, but were holding pretty steady at about 1000 COVID deaths a day.
US prevention efforts have been laughable. If you look at countries which contained this virus they required a supervised two to three week quarantine for anyone flying into their country. There's a new virulent Indian variant, but there are still flights between our countries. I guess we can't impact the airlines more than they already have suffered.
Here's a real world story from Australia where despite the mandatory two week quarantine COVID got out in the community. They trace all contacts. You must have an app or sign in at every public site you visit. Interesting approach. (about 8 min)
State Lockdowns seem less effective. These graphs are total mortality data.
North Dakota was locked down but similar South dakota was not. Red is deaths over 65 and blue is those less than 65 YO.

California was locked down, but Texas wasn't.

NY was locked down, but FL (with an older population) wasn't.
Be sure to note the different range of deaths in the two graphs.

More from Nobel Prize winner Professor Michael Levitt of Stanford University here.
We called it a lockdown, but so called essential workers were asked to risk infection, people were traveling, and it was obviously a weak attempt to contain COVID.
Part of the devastation of COVID in the US is that our basic health isn't very good. In addition to wide spread obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and so on, most Americans have low Vitamin D, magnesium, zinc, and other immune system enhancers. MSM still hasn't cranked up the megaphone on the importance of Vitamin D especially for people of color. Sadly it is profit before prevention.
Perhaps what I find most frustrating about the US response to COVID is the refusal to promote Ivermectin. Here's well spent 8 minutes
These brave doctors are rising to the highest ideals of the Hippocratic Oath they took to save the lives of the patients who come into their care. These are the truest heroes of this ruthless pandemic. They have chosen to #followthescience and save lives—and have refused to be party to the corruption that is endemic among the world’s health authorities. There are more brave doctors out there.
Patients describe their experience with ivermectin. about 3 min each
Patti Gilliano's COVID-19 symptoms began in August, 2020. She had read about ivermectin's ability to treat the disease, so when she went to the hospital because she began to have breathing difficulties, she asked the doctor to prescribe ivermectin for her. The doctor refused and put her on other medicines. Patti's condition deteriorated further, and when she returned a second time to the ER, she was again refused ivermectin and sent home on oxygen. When her condition failed to improve over several weeks, she finally obtained a prescription for ivermectin from a doctor and within days, she began to recover.
Dr. Lionel Lee and his family came down with COVID-19 in the fall of 2020. Dr. Lee himself experienced the worst symptoms— and had debilitating shortness of breath. Then Dr. Lee remembered reading about ivermectin from materials he received in an email from FLCCC Alliance co-founder Dr. Paul Marik. He decided to try it and after his second dose, his symptoms eased significantly. He also gave ivermectin to his wife. Her symptoms subsided in just a few hours after her first dose. This is their true story.
Many more stories here.
So here we have an effective treatment which you must struggle to have prescribed. The information is being suppressed and you have to ask yourself why a safe, cheap, available treatment isn't allowed and is even suppressed. I suggest it is big pharma trolls. Recently Farcebook took down John Campbell's interview with the UK leading scientist which suggest ivermectin is an effective treatment. None the less, he continues reporting the data.
People need to sue to get an ivermectin prescription? So it seems. (5 min)
When Sue Dickinson, became critically ill with COVID-19, her daughters asked the intensive care doctor to try Ivermectin for their mom. They had conducted research on the medicine that was saving other critically ill patients from COVID-19. When the doctor refused, they contacted a lawyer to obtain a court order to compel the hospital to do so. What happened next was astounding.
The other thing I find very puzzling is the removal/suspension of the cheaper vaccines. Most recently in the US J&J use was suspended...the one dose $6 a pop. The even cheaper open sourced Oxford AZ vaccine still hasn't been approved for US use. Somehow the clotting problem which also occurs with the $20 Moderna and $30 Pfizer two dose vaccines isn't mentioned. In all cases, the risk of developing blood clots from COVID is exponentially higher than the risk of clots from the vaccines.
John explains here
John thinks it maybe due to poor vaccination technique
So I guess my theme this week is that we are poorly informed about our basic health and COVID. The sick care system is gamed to maximize profit, and prevention isn't profitable. It does appear the vaccines are helping to slow the pandemic, but our sole reliance on vaccination and avoidance of effective treatments is foolish to say the least... as another 1000 people in the US will die today.
How did we get in this mess. Here's a great 20 minute history lesson from Chris.
Well I'll close and leave the open thread for you to add your thoughts. I'll check in this evening after the birthday party to learn from you. Have a lovely Sunday!

Another Australian story...
TPTB down under don't want to encourage EVs
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks for the WW LO
Lots to ingest on the Covid front, or inject as the case may be.
Only recently there became available a home administered test
for identifying antibodies. My understanding is if you already have
antibodies to covid, taking the vaxx is not necessary. Any truth to this?
Hope the 89th B'day celebration goes well!
question everything
T cell tests would be gold standard...
Antibodies can be short lived, but the T cells can make more.
Why worry if you're vaccinated at this point is my thought.
I was with some non-vaxed folks today, but we were outside in the sun, I'm vaccinated, what's the worry? We didn't wear masks. It was great to have a normal family interaction.
Now the drive to B'ham was a trip. Lots of traffic and the interstate's road condition was emblematic of our current state...degraded.
Hope yours was a good one!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thank You so much, LO, it is a lot to digest and read,
and I hope I will get through it during the week. I really would like to take ivermectin, but have to find out how to get it here in Germany. Does a medical doctor have to prescribe it? I hope not.
Happy birthday festivities for your family. It sounds so hopeful. Enjoy every bit about it.
Have a wonderful Sunday.
In the US a script is required
..but in Latin America it is across the counter. Lots of countries promote its use. (30 min) (18 min)
I have a horse version from the farm center in our medicine cabinet in case we had a problem.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
morning lo
and y’all. Rained a bit last night.
This supermoon has a twist – expect flooding, but a lunar cycle is masking effects of sea level rise
Be bliss. Have a great day everyone!
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook
I think the full moon is Monday?
and it will be super...
We got 1.5" this weekend...and needed every drop!
Have a great night!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
How To Live In Wonder
An interesting piece by Caitlin
Re-introduce the fascination of new experience to help the mind expand into new awareness.
Embrace change. Peel the film of expectation from the mind's eye.
question everything
Caity is a treasure...
I featured a piece of hers last week which still resonates in my brain this week later.
To paraphrase...
The CIA used to have to infiltrate the MSM, now they are the MSM.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good Sunday morning, Lookout ~~
Just as a reminder, the covid is here to change society, which cannot be done unless it affects the entire planet. We are entering a renaissance. Raise your vibration and embrace the transformation we are experiencing.
Enjoy the day!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
It has indeed ...
I must admit I wonder about some of the long term behavioral effects from distancing to masking.
No doubt it brings change. Let's hope it is positive.
All the best!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good morning Lookout, thanks for the WW and enjoy
the party.
Yes, our diet and our food industry are killing us. Our sickness treatment industry is also killing us and, at a minimum, not of much help.
As you probably know, I've never been a big fan of comparisons between nations and even states regarding covid cases, fatalaties and policies. A lightly enforced minimalist lockdown (lots of essential services ok, lots of activities ok, masks required but not taken seriously by the population, etc.) in densely populated busy urban areas versus a tightly enforced, strict lockdown in someplace like Death Valley or the Mojave is an obvious example. There are numerous factors and variables that are ignored and unaccounted for in almost all these gross value comparisons and because the issue has been politicized, some real questions about measurements as well. (just what is the real data in Broward County?)
The main thing is that a lot more could've been done and it would've gone a lot better without the incessant and instinctive prioritization of profit. Government, at most levels, was absent as far as support for the populace was concerned, just as it always has been in "normal" times as well. Instead of stepping up to insure that the people has adequate financial backstops to permit them to continue to be properly fed, clothed, housed and given all necessary medicl care, government acted pretty much solely to insure ever increasing profits for the speculators, and large corporate ventures. Sadly, no lessons have been learned because we are in denial about the pernicious effect of our economic model.
So, I was sick all last week which was, theoretically my week to cook, so I'm going to be making up for a lot of lost time here, both as to my household duties and all the other shit one does with ones time. I hope to not spend too much of it making lists of shit I should be doing.
rain has been forecast, but no sign of any such thing yet.
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Rained here
Enoogh bout not enough. Glad u r better.
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook
A little bit is better than nada, I've heard it said.
thanks, good be be up and about
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Hope you're feeling better!
You're dead on with this:
I've gotten to the point I think we are a dysfunctional society, country, economy and so on. We no longer are capable. Sad to say, but just the way I see it.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
US Government pushed this as "healthy"
When I look at my old High school yearbook I'm amazed at how emaciated everyone looks. I was 130 pounds when I graduated, now twice that. Whenever I visited my grandsons' High school(s), I was stuck by how many kids are porkers. The school cafeteria sells pop and fast food! Ours tasted lousy but only had milk (too warm) and juice. You couldn't buy dessert (small piece of cake or pie) without buying a full meal (bricklike meat, overcooked vegetable and reconstuted potatoes) in my day. My best freind bought three milks (one quart, six cents) and nothing else. Almost everything was fried and people were mostly thin.
But in the '70s, USDA encouraged eschewing fried food and pushed "fat-free" and artificial sweeteners.
Oh, and don't know the numbers but I only knew one person with diabetes. Type I, I don't think Type II existed.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
When coca cola funds the heart assn and Cancer assn recs
They get what they pay for...and big pharma and big food (largely purchased by tobacco companies) are funding the health orgs.
We were fooled. Only recently diet aware and as healthy as ever. We really are what we eat.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
This is the way it is.
Treatment is profitable.
Testing---endless testing---is profitable.
Prevention? Are you Mad? How much profit can be made from Vitamin D?
And Cure? I don't think any further cures will be allowed in my lifetime.
Look at Polio? Who is profiting from Polio? I rest my sad case.
I've had my vaccine...
...but I think it has been about driving us all to get the roughly 2 dose $40 Moderna course or $60 Pfizer, and as I suggested suppress the $6 J&J one jab and the 2 dose Oxford AZ. All as they suppress effective treatments. (18 min) (30 min)
These two conversations speak volumes about the insanity of our approach.
Thanks for the tweets (which I normally don't see)
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
No more racialism ... right on.
I love Tulsi...
I am so sad she wasn't allowed to run by both the DNC and the MSM. Other than Gravel she is the only peace candidate.
Gravel's institute has been doing some nice pieces like this one...
Hope life is good on your side of the pond!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
wished there were more think tanks around like his
thanks for introducing me to him.
Good evening all...
We had a lovely day and gathering. Hope yours was a good one too. Thanks for the comments everyone.
Saw the best interview with Dr Kory and Dr John. If you are interested in COVID it is well worth the listen...both parts.
30 min
and 18 mins
This is what we're up against and the point of this essay.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Agreed! This is a remarkable interview.
I can still remember clearly Dr. Kory’s first Congressional testimony last year, pleading for allowing doctors to administer cortical steroids as needed for those in inflammatory respiratory distress. Part one, which I have completed watching, is largely a recapitulation of his first testimony, where CDC treatment “protocols” excluded steroid treatments, tying physicians hands and arguable adding many unnecessary deaths.
I will finish part 2 tomorrow. It opens with a discussion of Ivermectin treatments. Dr. Kory’s YouTube video discussing Ivermectin was recently “removed” by TPTB at YouTube for some sort of infraction. This should be interesting...but first to bed. Night all!
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Part 2 is phenomenal, and very worrisome.
Do not skip either part 1 or 2! Dr Kory needs more eyes and ears. The capture of the practice of patient oriented and information based medicine is not just being suppressed, it is being attacked. The reasons behind this have little to do with evidence of efficacy, or lack thereof, and everything to do with MONEY and the capture of government by pharmaceutical profiteers.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
I listened to the first and to the second one first half
very interesting. Thanks.
I'm thinking of posting a stand alone essay...
So more eyes and ears can experience the frustration of this dedicated physician.
Thanks for watching and commenting!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good evening, LO!
It will take me a few days to wade through your collection of articles and videos, all of which look interesting and informative.
Hope your family and friends had a nice celebration.
This weekend has been spent trying to prepare for a week to 10 days away on vacation. We do not have much time tomorrow or Tuesday to finish packing, and I still have to find someone to feed my office cat on weekends, or at least one weekend, if we decide to come home early.
I finally got my accounting done, will send it to my tax preparer tomorrow. It was very difficult, since lots of documents were destroyed in my office fire. This is the best I could do, under the circumstances. Between COVID and the fire, my net income was down by $30,000.00. And the sudden increase in building materials assured the insurance coverage would not complete the reconstruction. I had to put in $30,000 toward completion out of pocket.
The net effect is my office is worth 4 times what it was before.
My friend who just returned to his country of Australia for good, after living in Canada and the US for over a decade, is in the goofiest quarantine hotel, being attended to by nurses daily, but he cannot get medical attention for his suddenly developed cyst under his arm. It is the size of a golf ball, is extremely painful, an he still has to wait. He has 2 more days before he can leave. It doesn't seem well planned to me. They will not allow the residents to use their stove in their kitchenette, and the residents/prisoners receive boxed sandwiches, frozen dinners, and some fruit and fruit juice. Every day, the same thing, and he is always hungry. Only Lyft can deliver him food, and the price is exorbitant. The cost for the 14 day quarantine/prison is $3,000.00. He said one quarantine hotel had a positive guy, and everyone in the rooms adjoining him got COVID as well. The ventilation system in that place must be awful and out of date.
Stay well, and that well wish I for everyone on the site.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Sorry for the extra expense...
That would sure pay for a nice trip or two! Enjoy your well earned vacation.
However it is a good thing to have your office back up and running and I would assume in better shape than well as an improved plumbing system.
After a fairly normal gathering yesterday I'm feeling like we're going in the right direction.
Again have a great trip!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
This just published study from Singapore may interest you
"Positive impact of oral hydroxychloroquine and povidone-iodine throat spray for COVID-19 prophylaxis: an open-label randomized trial"
(Ivermectin was included in the study.)
The Betadine-brand throat spray is now available on Amazon.
Here's the article:
S'pore researchers find that antiseptic throat spray can reduce Covid-19 spread in high-risk settings
The researchers said that the drugs would be able to complement other preventive measures in high-transmission settings, such as cruises ships and prisons.
I would think, combined with this nasal spray:
Which has successfully completed Covid-19 studies, prevention could approach 100 percent. It can also be used as an effective treatment and post-exposure first aid.
The nasal spray is available on Ebay.
I now realize that no preventive will see the light of day in the US — for the general public. Dentists and oral surgeons are forming their own drug underground to protect themselves.
The nasal spray should always be used when leaving home.
QMS suggested the iodine gargle and nasal spray months ago. Sadly I think you are correct there will be no prevention efforts in the US. In the Kory interview posted above (and I think I'll post in a stand alone piece) he says the ivermectin clinical trail is purposely designed to "prove" ivermectin is ineffective.
Profits before people you know.
Glad you added that preventative strategy to mix!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”