diet and health

The Weekly Watch

Life and Death

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Today is my Mom's 89th birthday. Her senior center wisely doesn't allow visitors. So I've rented a nearby picnic pavilion at a city park. The immediate family is gathering there for a brunch and party. I'll meet my 10 week old great nephew, Memphis, for the first time. So new life and old life in the turning of the is the way. Today I want to look at our ill health system and revisit our response to COVID, the disease that has turned society on its ear.

The Weekly Watch

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Wealth Not Health

The US health system operates for profit. As a result, the US COVID response has been an utter failure. The goal has been ever more profit, not preventing the spread of the virus and protecting people. From selling and exporting record amounts PPE last winter while telling citizens they don't need masks to insisting on developing our own test (for big pharmas sake) delaying testing in the US for months. By contrast Thailand ginned up their tests within hours, and now have a rapid test. US lockdowns were started too late to be really effective and the rapid re-opening once profits were impacted expanded the spread. However, what bothers me the most is the lack of simple preventative recommendations like taking vitamin D.

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The Weekly Watch

The Politics of Diet and Health

You are what you eat, digest, and absorb. Our bodies are an ecosystem...a condominium of critters on our skin and through our digestive tracts. We are like a doughnut covered with little denizens. What we eat determines what critters live within us. This is one of the reasons our health outcomes are so bad. We've been told to eat the wrong things. We grow those foods in the wrong way. Big ag, the medical industry and big Pharma all profit off our ill health. However, you can change that by improving your diet, modifying when you eat, and perhaps adding vitamin and mineral supplements. People are using diet to cure Type 2 diabetes, heart issues, and various inflammation diseases from arthritis to crones. You can use diet to radically reduce your likelihood of cancer, heart attacks, Alzheimer's, and strokes.

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