Nazi insignia worn by U.S. military attache in Ukraine
Pentagon says it wants to eliminate extremist groups from our military. But Col. Brittany Stewart wearing a Nazi insignia in Ukraine is a sign of strength, I guess. Or a sign of solidarity with facists. Or a sign that fascists in our government want to see how much they can get away with.
U.S. Attaché’s ’Death’s Head’ Insult Fans Flames Threatening World War in Ukraine— Strategic Culture
Martin Sieff
April 17, 2021The irresponsible, tasteless and plain obscene action of U.S. Defense Attache to Kiev Colonel Brittany Stewart in publicly wearing a Ukrainian armed forces death’s head insignia in her visit to the Donbass war zone in a time of deadly escalating tensions on April 9 defies belief. Her action suggests that under President Joe Biden and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin the Pentagon has fallen into the hands of deadly dangerous sloppy idiots.
Ukraine’s Joint Forces Operation command said Stewart had traveled to Donbass to assess the situation on the ground. In photos taken during her visit, Stewart is seen wearing on her shoulder sleeve a “Ukraine or death” skull insignia, which is the patch of the 72nd Mechanized Infantry Brigade.
... What she was doing was unprecedented. No servicing U.S. armed services officer is ever permitted to wear the insignia of any other nation, however innocuous, without receiving the prior approval of the Departments of the Army, the Navy or the Air Force.
... Stewart not only openly displayed partiality for the crushing of the secessionist provinces, she did so in a way guaranteed to enrage all Russian and Ukrainians whose grandparents and great-grandparents fought — and all too often were mercilessly killed — by the Nazis and their collaborationist allies during World War II.
For the death’s head was the insignia of the SS, the most murderous, racist and infamous murder force of barbarians in recorded human history.
... The death’s head insignia adopted by the current armed forces of Ukraine therefore has truly horrific connotations of hatred, genocide and the merciless waging of a world war dedicated to the enslavement of the Slav peoples, including Ukrainians as well as Russians...
Capitol Riot Forces Pentagon to Root Out Extremists in US Military
... The Pentagon's internal watchdog on Thursday announced a probe into the effectiveness of the Department of Defense's policies and procedures for prohibiting active-duty troops from "active advocacy and active participation" in white supremacist or extremist groups.

Same in Germany
German elite military force fights far-right extremism in its ranks
To be expected.
She is so photogenic.
This raises my blood pressure
so high, I shouldn't comment at all.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Our attention, as it were.
She is dishonoring her country, and my WWII vet Dad.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Hey, she maybe a NAZI
But she's our NAZI right?
But if you criticize her, you will be sexist pig!
Firing squads in Central is not looking like such a bad option. (dark snark)
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
Hey if nazis and facists are good enough for John McCain.......
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Victoria Nuland
said, in her famous recorded phone call, that her chosen new prime minister for Ukraine, Yatsenyuk, should be talking with Tyahnybok 4 days a week. Tyahnybok is the leader of a Nazi political and military group we supported leading up to the coup. When our ambassador suggested the EU might question all of this, she responded, "fuck the EU."
Just IMAGINE if this happened a mere 6 months ago... this unfolds will be VERY telling.
This should, at the very least, lead to an irreparable attrition (better words are failing to come right now) of the current junta's precious political-clout supply. However much they have, however they came by it, they should walk away from this with palpably less.
This is worse than "Camp Niggerhead" or whatever it was called (I mean, there's nothing good about Rick Perry, but how is it fair to hold anyone "accountable" for where their parents took them camping as a kid???), or any number of other "politically incorrect" moments from politicians' personal lives that did their political careers more harm than any of their countless REAL crimes, BY FAR.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
At least she doesn't hide it. Let's face it, this is pretty
much what we have become so it is best that the whole world sees it and is apprised of it and knows what to expect from us. It's sort of like torture, sieges, political assassinations and other war crimes and crimes against humanity. Yep, that is the US, that is what we do, do some extent always have. Don't like it? Sit on this!
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
If this finally salts the brain-slugs, great. I'm sick and tired of losing.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Shocking but not surprising.
Time & again, a section of the US ruling class has always been comfy with the Nazis. They have always considered Commies the worst enemies. They will rather live with Nazis than Commies. They turned against Hitler only because he refused to share the spoils with the Allied West in the plan to conquer the world. He wanted it all for himself
This from 2020:
When they talk about dealing with right wing extremism in the army, I am scratching my head. Maybe most of the army will be gone?
@Funkygal Liberal darling
@Funkygal OK,found it here